Nicolas Carbonell | UPC - Barcelona (original) (raw)

Papers by Nicolas Carbonell

Research paper thumbnail of Short title: Strategies of necessity Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso

Advances in Consumer Research, 2024

Long title: Advances in Consumer Research Strategies for Resolving Critical Incidents in the Star... more Long title: Advances in Consumer Research Strategies for Resolving Critical Incidents in the Start-Up Phase: Perspectives from Necessity Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso
Abstract: From the actual start of activities to the crossing of the milestone, the entrepreneur of necessity encounters a multitude of problems of varying degrees of intensity that must be resolved so as not to jeopardize the sustainability efforts deployed until then. Our research work leads us towards a logical continuum seeking to understand over time, the behaviors adopted by the necessity entrepreneur to resolve critical incidents related to the start-up process. By incident is meant a difficulty that occurs during an entrepreneurial process and the consequences of which can be critical or serious if the entrepreneur does not resolve the incident. The critical (or serious) character here refers to what is not their routine. This means that the incident can slow down, slow down, induce or cause the abandonment of the process of starting the business of necessity. The empirical study is therefore part of an interpretive perspective and mobilizes a qualitative methodology known as the critical incident method. The analysis of research on entrepreneurial processes of necessity underscores the value of adopting a process perspective in the study of the phenomenon. Consequently, the research takes a longitudinal approach. We constituted a theoretical sample of twelve (12) necessity entrepreneurs from Burkina Faso, based in Ouagadougou who were followed through initial and in-depth interviews over a period of 15 months. The results indicate that, during the start-up process, entrepreneurs out of necessity leave with the means at their disposal (effect logic) rather than setting a predetermined goal (causal logic). At times, they mix between Causation and Effectuation according to planned or unforeseen events.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Class, Consumption and Conflicts: A Qualitative Research on Consumers in a West African Christian Context

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2021

The relationships between alcohol consumption and conflicts has been explored in several contexts... more The relationships between alcohol consumption and conflicts has been explored in several contexts. Little research has been conducted on the subject in Burkina Faso. The purpose of this research is to deeply investigate the relationship between social class and alcohol consumption on one hand, and alcohol consumption and household conflicts on the other in Burkina Faso where alcohol consumption is on the increase. This exploratory research is focused on the constructivist epistemological posture. A qualitative method research design is used to collect data from both primary and secondary sources for analysis. Semi-structured interview guide was used for data collection. The results show that social class moderates the relationship between alcohol consumption and conflicts, and a high relationship between alcohol consumption and household conflicts. The findings imply that there should be a rigorous segmentation and religious hyper-personalisation of the alcohol beverage market in or...

Research paper thumbnail of African Economic Paradox: Industrialization Creating Jobs and Added Value or Active Participation in Global Value Chains: What Solutions to Develop for the Less Advanced and Landlocked Countries Like Burkina Faso?

International journal of advanced economics, Jun 22, 2020

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementati... more The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementation of the Action Plan for Accelerated Industrial Development in Africa, and states that: "Industrialization is essential for African countries as a means of increasing income, creating jobs, developing value-added activities and diversifying economies". The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the African Development Bank (AFDB), and the Organization for Cooperation and Economics Development (OCED, 2014, p. 16) explain the benefits to African countries' participation in Global Value Chains (GVC) to industrialize without having to implement all stages of the chain. They add that the acquisition of new production capacities can allow countries and companies to move upmarket, which is to say to increase their share of value added in a GVC. But the opposite is the case, at least in some countries like Burkina Faso. We are witnessing a "specialization of primary products (cotton and non-monetary gold), to the detriment of manufacturing industry with high potential for multiplier effects on local economies" National Plan for Economic and Social Development of Burkina Faso (PNDES, 2017, p.12). Cusolito and al. (2016) mention that overcoming a series of obstacles (such as bad policies and governance, insufficient technology and skills) is the way to actively participate in GVCs. Yet it is these same obstacles that have always prevented the industrialization of Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa).

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship Education and Youth Unemployment Challenges in Africa: Ghana in Perspective

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research

Entrepreneurship education has the mandate to equip the youth with functional knowledge and skill... more Entrepreneurship education has the mandate to equip the youth with functional knowledge and skills to build up their character, attitude and vision. It has vital role in developing eco-system that promotes innovation and solving unemployment challenges of nations. Government of Ghana has initiated direct job creation interventions to address youth unemployment challenges. Examples include: Skill Training and Employment Placement (STEP) Programme (2002-2004), National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP), now Youth Employment Agency (YEA) in 2006, Youth Enterprise Support (YES), now National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan (NEIP) in 2014, and the recent Nation Builders Corps. Despite the above efforts, unemployment rates in Ghana instead of reducing, increased from 2.15% in 2015, 2.26% in 2016 to 2.36% in 2017; whilst youth unemployment rate increased from 4.51% in 2015, 4.72% in 2016 to 4.9% in 2017. Therefore, this study attempts to conceptualize the relevance of entrepreneuria...

Research paper thumbnail of Public Procurement as a Demand-Side Innovation Policy in Burkina Faso: The Necessity to Search for Failure Sources

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research

In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in ... more In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in innovation. But, governments of developing countries fail to do as much. However, since the size of the market in these countries is small, obtaining and carrying out large public contracts are opportunities that private companies must seize in order to innovate. This present research analyzes the effect of public procurement on the incentive of private companies to innovate. We use primary data collected from private companies participating in large public tenders in Burkina Faso. The results obtained from probit model with instrumental variables (IV probit) show that public procurement effectively exerts positive externalities on the incentive of private companies to innovate. However, to further increase the influence of public procurement on the private companies’ incentive to innovate, the government needs to ensure that the procurement process is free from imperfections such as cor...


International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2022

In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in ... more In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in innovation. But, governments of developing countries fail to do as much. However, since the size of the market in these countries is small, obtaining and carrying out large public contracts are opportunities that private companies must seize in order to innovate. This present research analyzes the effect of public procurement on the incentive of private companies to innovate. We use primary data collected from private companies participating in large public tenders in Burkina Faso. The results obtained from probit model with instrumental variables (IV probit) show that public procurement effectively exerts positive externalities on the incentive of private companies to innovate. However, to further increase the influence of public procurement on the

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneur leadership, adaptation to Africa, organisation efficiency, and strategic positioning: What dynamics could stimulate success?

International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021

The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context ... more The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context that can support companies to be successful. This research aims to categorize the key success factors among different factors such as adaptation, efficiency, leadership and strategic positioning by using data from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. The approach is quantitative and founded on the onion model. The results show that entrepreneur leadership and adaptation to the African context are the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context realities while promoting entrepreneur leadership skills for a better management and to improve their profit, performance, and thus gain a tremendous success.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking Recruitment Methods in Africa for A Better Management: An Evidence from Businesses in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Social Sciences Perspectives, 2020

Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this ... more Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this paper analyses the logic of recruitment preferences in Burkina Faso. The explanatory variables are the industrial sector and the level of billing. The main findings reveal that traditional forms of personnel recruitment are dominant in Burkina Faso, in particular in agribusiness and commerce, and in the small business segments, what does not make them very competitive. In addition, the findings put in light that the most modern forms of personnel recruitment are preferred in the construction sector or in large companies. It is found that, a greater technical complexity of the job leads to a greater need to imitate the criteria of the developed world, and that a lower technical complexity implies a greater importance of the worker's morality. It is recommended that the different companies should reconsider their recruitment methods by putting a priority on modern recruitments methods.


International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021

The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context ... more The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context that can support companies to be successful. This research aims to categorize the key success factors among different factors such as adaptation, efficiency, leadership and strategic positioning by using data from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. The approach is quantitative and founded on the onion model. The results show that entrepreneur leadership and adaptation to the African context are the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context realities while promoting entrepreneur leadership skills for a better management and to improve their profit, performance, and thus gain a tremendous success.


International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2022

This article looks for a Chi-square relationship between the educational level of the entrepreneu... more This article looks for a Chi-square relationship between the educational level of the entrepreneur and "business success" of the latter in Burkina Faso, according to their efficiency in financial and commercial matters, based on a survey conducted during Africallia 2016. The results indicate that the profile of entrepreneurs gone to university obtains better results in loan management while in case of the sales management; the findings are not conclusive due to sectorial difference.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Key Success Factors in Africa Based on 3 Aspects: Adaptation, Efficiency and Strategic Positioning from a Survey on Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Advanced Economics

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African busine... more The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African business context and in particular in the context of Burkina Faso, that can help companies to be successful. It is about the identification of the key successful factor among some main factors such as adaptation, efficiency and strategic positioning The data is from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso, who attended the Africallia business meeting in 2018. The results show that the adaptation to the context is one of the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context in order to improve their profit, performance and thus gain a tremendous success. Keywords: Success Factors, Business, Companies, Adaptation, Efficiency, Strategic Positioning, Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of Recruitment Methods and Performance: An Evidence from Businesses in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this ... more Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this article analyses the logic of recruitment preferences in Burkina Faso. The explanatory variables are the industrial sector and the level of billing. The main findings are that the more traditional forms of recruitment of personnel are dominant in Burkina Faso, in particular in agribusiness and commerce, and in the small business segments. In addition, the results put in light that the most modern forms are preferred in the Construction sector or in large companies. It is found that, a greater technical complexity of the job leads to a greater need to imitate the criteria of the developed world, and that a lower technical complexity implies a greater importance of the worker's morality.Keywords: Recruitment, African Traditional Methods, Modern Methods, Companies, Competitivity, Burkina Faso.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Key Success Factors in Africa Based on 3 Aspects: Adaptation, Efficiency and Strategic Positioning from a Survey on Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Advanced Economics, 2021

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African busine... more The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African business context and in particular in the context of Burkina Faso, that can help companies to be successful. It is about the identification of the key successful factor among some main factors such as adaptation, efficiency and strategic positioning The data is from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso, who attended the Africallia business meeting in 2018. The results show that the adaptation to the context is one of the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context in order to improve their profit, performance and thus gain a tremendous success. Keywords: Success Factors, Business, Companies, Adaptation, Efficiency, Strategic Positioning, Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of African Economic Paradox: Industrialization Creating Jobs and Added Value or Active Participation in Global Value Chains: What Solutions to Develop for the Less Advanced and Landlocked Countries Like Burkina Faso?

International Journal of Advanced Economics, 2020

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementati... more The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementation of the Action Plan for Accelerated Industrial Development in Africa, and states that: “Industrialization is essential for African countries as a means of increasing income, creating jobs, developing value-added activities and diversifying economies”. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the African Development Bank (AFDB), and the Organization for Cooperation and Economics Development (OCED, 2014, p. 16) explain the benefits to African countries’ participation in Global Value Chains (GVC) to industrialize without having to implement all stages of the chain. They add that the acquisition of new production capacities can allow countries and companies to move upmarket, which is to say to increase their share of value added in a GVC. But the opposite is the case, at least in some countries like Burkina Faso. We are witnessing a “specialization of primary products (cotton and non...

Research paper thumbnail of Religiosity and Consumer Behavior: A Study of Consumption Patterns for Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages Among Animist, Christian and Muslim Consumers in the Context of Ghana

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

Researchers' interest in consumer religiosity and behavior is explained by the fact that reli... more Researchers' interest in consumer religiosity and behavior is explained by the fact that religion influences not only the social behavior of individuals, but also their consumption behavior. Most of the studies on the subject come from Western and Asian countries with a few of such studies been conducted in Africa and particularly in Ghana. The aim of this paper is to explore the concepts of religiosity and consumer behavior in Ghana, in order to consider the role of culture in the management and marketing of industrial products. Ghana is a country where religion plays an important role in shaping lives and ensuring community cohesion. However, a determined part of the believers contributes to increasing the consumption of industrial beverages, and the obliviousness in the marketing sector also seems to be a barrier that slows the production and consumption of non-alcoholic industrial beverages. The research approach is exploratory and qualitative. The collection of qualitative ...

Research paper thumbnail of Recruitment Methods and Performance: An Evidence from Businesses in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this ... more Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this article analyses the logic of recruitment preferences in Burkina Faso. The explanatory variables are the industrial sector and the level of billing. The main findings are that the more traditional forms of recruitment of personnel are dominant in Burkina Faso, in particular in agribusiness and commerce, and in the small business segments. In addition, the results put in light that the most modern forms are preferred in the Construction sector or in large companies. It is found that, a greater technical complexity of the job leads to a greater need to imitate the criteria of the developed world, and that a lower technical complexity implies a greater importance of the worker's morality.Keywords: Recruitment, African Traditional Methods, Modern Methods, Companies, Competitivity, Burkina Faso.

Research paper thumbnail of Soft Drinks Consumption and Market Opportunities in West Africa: An Evidence from Burkina Faso in a Marketing Perspective

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

From a field study, part of which consists of consumer surveys of fruit juices "hand in hand... more From a field study, part of which consists of consumer surveys of fruit juices "hand in hand", we make an overview of the market of juices and sweets in Burkina Faso, its characteristics (to take into account by a newcomer), and in particular we build the consumer profile (characteristics, preferences, loyalty), in order to give tips to optimize any marketing strategy. We found that consumers in Burkina Faso say they prefer natural beverages to industrial drinks, while they buy them massively (because they are cheaper and more available). Particularly sweet food supplements, they cause certain health risks that the consumer neglects. As it is a very fast-growing market, it makes enormous opportunities for the manufacture and distribution of new products. But beware, the Burkinabe consumer is very loyal to his/her brands, and to succeed, the marketing mix should be adapted to the characteristics of Burkina Faso.


International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021

The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context ... more The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context that can support companies to be successful. This research aims to categorize the key success factors among different factors such as adaptation, efficiency, leadership and strategic positioning by using data from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. The approach is quantitative and founded on the onion model. The results show that entrepreneur leadership and adaptation to the African context are the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context realities while promoting entrepreneur leadership skills for a better management and to improve their profit, performance, and thus gain a tremendous success.



The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of t... more The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of the concept of equity and its diverse underpinning theories in a business to customer context. The design of this research is based on a remarkable documentary analysis and some observations in a developing country context. However, the findings show that equity is mainly understood as fairness, perfect practice, as well as distributive justice, in the business environment. This paper serves to remind manufacturers and managers that they should abide to fair and perfect practices in order to offer some good quality products or services as well as some very fair prices that are in line with the customer expectations in terms of norms, requirements, and needs. Nevertheless, recommendations show that there is a necessity for fair practices regarding tourism and hotels' sector. Thus, marketing practices in these sectors should be enhanced with the appropriate use of new technologies.


International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management, 2021

The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of t... more The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of the concept of equity and its diverse underpinning theories in a business to customer context. The design of this research is based on a remarkable documentary analysis and some observations in a developing country context. However, the findings show that equity is mainly understood as fairness, perfect practice, as well as distributive justice, in the business environment. This paper serves to remind manufacturers and managers that they should abide to fair and perfect practices in order to offer some good quality products or services as well as some very fair prices that are in line with the customer expectations in terms of norms, requirements, and needs. Nevertheless, recommendations show that there is a necessity for fair practices regarding tourism and hotels' sector. Thus, marketing practices in these sectors should be enhanced with the appropriate use of new technologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Short title: Strategies of necessity Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso

Advances in Consumer Research, 2024

Long title: Advances in Consumer Research Strategies for Resolving Critical Incidents in the Star... more Long title: Advances in Consumer Research Strategies for Resolving Critical Incidents in the Start-Up Phase: Perspectives from Necessity Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso
Abstract: From the actual start of activities to the crossing of the milestone, the entrepreneur of necessity encounters a multitude of problems of varying degrees of intensity that must be resolved so as not to jeopardize the sustainability efforts deployed until then. Our research work leads us towards a logical continuum seeking to understand over time, the behaviors adopted by the necessity entrepreneur to resolve critical incidents related to the start-up process. By incident is meant a difficulty that occurs during an entrepreneurial process and the consequences of which can be critical or serious if the entrepreneur does not resolve the incident. The critical (or serious) character here refers to what is not their routine. This means that the incident can slow down, slow down, induce or cause the abandonment of the process of starting the business of necessity. The empirical study is therefore part of an interpretive perspective and mobilizes a qualitative methodology known as the critical incident method. The analysis of research on entrepreneurial processes of necessity underscores the value of adopting a process perspective in the study of the phenomenon. Consequently, the research takes a longitudinal approach. We constituted a theoretical sample of twelve (12) necessity entrepreneurs from Burkina Faso, based in Ouagadougou who were followed through initial and in-depth interviews over a period of 15 months. The results indicate that, during the start-up process, entrepreneurs out of necessity leave with the means at their disposal (effect logic) rather than setting a predetermined goal (causal logic). At times, they mix between Causation and Effectuation according to planned or unforeseen events.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Class, Consumption and Conflicts: A Qualitative Research on Consumers in a West African Christian Context

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2021

The relationships between alcohol consumption and conflicts has been explored in several contexts... more The relationships between alcohol consumption and conflicts has been explored in several contexts. Little research has been conducted on the subject in Burkina Faso. The purpose of this research is to deeply investigate the relationship between social class and alcohol consumption on one hand, and alcohol consumption and household conflicts on the other in Burkina Faso where alcohol consumption is on the increase. This exploratory research is focused on the constructivist epistemological posture. A qualitative method research design is used to collect data from both primary and secondary sources for analysis. Semi-structured interview guide was used for data collection. The results show that social class moderates the relationship between alcohol consumption and conflicts, and a high relationship between alcohol consumption and household conflicts. The findings imply that there should be a rigorous segmentation and religious hyper-personalisation of the alcohol beverage market in or...

Research paper thumbnail of African Economic Paradox: Industrialization Creating Jobs and Added Value or Active Participation in Global Value Chains: What Solutions to Develop for the Less Advanced and Landlocked Countries Like Burkina Faso?

International journal of advanced economics, Jun 22, 2020

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementati... more The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementation of the Action Plan for Accelerated Industrial Development in Africa, and states that: "Industrialization is essential for African countries as a means of increasing income, creating jobs, developing value-added activities and diversifying economies". The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the African Development Bank (AFDB), and the Organization for Cooperation and Economics Development (OCED, 2014, p. 16) explain the benefits to African countries' participation in Global Value Chains (GVC) to industrialize without having to implement all stages of the chain. They add that the acquisition of new production capacities can allow countries and companies to move upmarket, which is to say to increase their share of value added in a GVC. But the opposite is the case, at least in some countries like Burkina Faso. We are witnessing a "specialization of primary products (cotton and non-monetary gold), to the detriment of manufacturing industry with high potential for multiplier effects on local economies" National Plan for Economic and Social Development of Burkina Faso (PNDES, 2017, p.12). Cusolito and al. (2016) mention that overcoming a series of obstacles (such as bad policies and governance, insufficient technology and skills) is the way to actively participate in GVCs. Yet it is these same obstacles that have always prevented the industrialization of Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa).

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship Education and Youth Unemployment Challenges in Africa: Ghana in Perspective

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research

Entrepreneurship education has the mandate to equip the youth with functional knowledge and skill... more Entrepreneurship education has the mandate to equip the youth with functional knowledge and skills to build up their character, attitude and vision. It has vital role in developing eco-system that promotes innovation and solving unemployment challenges of nations. Government of Ghana has initiated direct job creation interventions to address youth unemployment challenges. Examples include: Skill Training and Employment Placement (STEP) Programme (2002-2004), National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP), now Youth Employment Agency (YEA) in 2006, Youth Enterprise Support (YES), now National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan (NEIP) in 2014, and the recent Nation Builders Corps. Despite the above efforts, unemployment rates in Ghana instead of reducing, increased from 2.15% in 2015, 2.26% in 2016 to 2.36% in 2017; whilst youth unemployment rate increased from 4.51% in 2015, 4.72% in 2016 to 4.9% in 2017. Therefore, this study attempts to conceptualize the relevance of entrepreneuria...

Research paper thumbnail of Public Procurement as a Demand-Side Innovation Policy in Burkina Faso: The Necessity to Search for Failure Sources

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research

In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in ... more In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in innovation. But, governments of developing countries fail to do as much. However, since the size of the market in these countries is small, obtaining and carrying out large public contracts are opportunities that private companies must seize in order to innovate. This present research analyzes the effect of public procurement on the incentive of private companies to innovate. We use primary data collected from private companies participating in large public tenders in Burkina Faso. The results obtained from probit model with instrumental variables (IV probit) show that public procurement effectively exerts positive externalities on the incentive of private companies to innovate. However, to further increase the influence of public procurement on the private companies’ incentive to innovate, the government needs to ensure that the procurement process is free from imperfections such as cor...


International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2022

In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in ... more In developed countries, public procurement is used to incentivize private companies to invest in innovation. But, governments of developing countries fail to do as much. However, since the size of the market in these countries is small, obtaining and carrying out large public contracts are opportunities that private companies must seize in order to innovate. This present research analyzes the effect of public procurement on the incentive of private companies to innovate. We use primary data collected from private companies participating in large public tenders in Burkina Faso. The results obtained from probit model with instrumental variables (IV probit) show that public procurement effectively exerts positive externalities on the incentive of private companies to innovate. However, to further increase the influence of public procurement on the

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneur leadership, adaptation to Africa, organisation efficiency, and strategic positioning: What dynamics could stimulate success?

International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021

The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context ... more The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context that can support companies to be successful. This research aims to categorize the key success factors among different factors such as adaptation, efficiency, leadership and strategic positioning by using data from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. The approach is quantitative and founded on the onion model. The results show that entrepreneur leadership and adaptation to the African context are the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context realities while promoting entrepreneur leadership skills for a better management and to improve their profit, performance, and thus gain a tremendous success.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking Recruitment Methods in Africa for A Better Management: An Evidence from Businesses in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Social Sciences Perspectives, 2020

Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this ... more Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this paper analyses the logic of recruitment preferences in Burkina Faso. The explanatory variables are the industrial sector and the level of billing. The main findings reveal that traditional forms of personnel recruitment are dominant in Burkina Faso, in particular in agribusiness and commerce, and in the small business segments, what does not make them very competitive. In addition, the findings put in light that the most modern forms of personnel recruitment are preferred in the construction sector or in large companies. It is found that, a greater technical complexity of the job leads to a greater need to imitate the criteria of the developed world, and that a lower technical complexity implies a greater importance of the worker's morality. It is recommended that the different companies should reconsider their recruitment methods by putting a priority on modern recruitments methods.


International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021

The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context ... more The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context that can support companies to be successful. This research aims to categorize the key success factors among different factors such as adaptation, efficiency, leadership and strategic positioning by using data from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. The approach is quantitative and founded on the onion model. The results show that entrepreneur leadership and adaptation to the African context are the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context realities while promoting entrepreneur leadership skills for a better management and to improve their profit, performance, and thus gain a tremendous success.


International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2022

This article looks for a Chi-square relationship between the educational level of the entrepreneu... more This article looks for a Chi-square relationship between the educational level of the entrepreneur and "business success" of the latter in Burkina Faso, according to their efficiency in financial and commercial matters, based on a survey conducted during Africallia 2016. The results indicate that the profile of entrepreneurs gone to university obtains better results in loan management while in case of the sales management; the findings are not conclusive due to sectorial difference.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Key Success Factors in Africa Based on 3 Aspects: Adaptation, Efficiency and Strategic Positioning from a Survey on Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Advanced Economics

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African busine... more The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African business context and in particular in the context of Burkina Faso, that can help companies to be successful. It is about the identification of the key successful factor among some main factors such as adaptation, efficiency and strategic positioning The data is from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso, who attended the Africallia business meeting in 2018. The results show that the adaptation to the context is one of the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context in order to improve their profit, performance and thus gain a tremendous success. Keywords: Success Factors, Business, Companies, Adaptation, Efficiency, Strategic Positioning, Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of Recruitment Methods and Performance: An Evidence from Businesses in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this ... more Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this article analyses the logic of recruitment preferences in Burkina Faso. The explanatory variables are the industrial sector and the level of billing. The main findings are that the more traditional forms of recruitment of personnel are dominant in Burkina Faso, in particular in agribusiness and commerce, and in the small business segments. In addition, the results put in light that the most modern forms are preferred in the Construction sector or in large companies. It is found that, a greater technical complexity of the job leads to a greater need to imitate the criteria of the developed world, and that a lower technical complexity implies a greater importance of the worker's morality.Keywords: Recruitment, African Traditional Methods, Modern Methods, Companies, Competitivity, Burkina Faso.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Key Success Factors in Africa Based on 3 Aspects: Adaptation, Efficiency and Strategic Positioning from a Survey on Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Advanced Economics, 2021

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African busine... more The main purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of factors in the African business context and in particular in the context of Burkina Faso, that can help companies to be successful. It is about the identification of the key successful factor among some main factors such as adaptation, efficiency and strategic positioning The data is from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso, who attended the Africallia business meeting in 2018. The results show that the adaptation to the context is one of the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context in order to improve their profit, performance and thus gain a tremendous success. Keywords: Success Factors, Business, Companies, Adaptation, Efficiency, Strategic Positioning, Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of African Economic Paradox: Industrialization Creating Jobs and Added Value or Active Participation in Global Value Chains: What Solutions to Develop for the Less Advanced and Landlocked Countries Like Burkina Faso?

International Journal of Advanced Economics, 2020

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementati... more The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2016) calls for resources for the implementation of the Action Plan for Accelerated Industrial Development in Africa, and states that: “Industrialization is essential for African countries as a means of increasing income, creating jobs, developing value-added activities and diversifying economies”. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the African Development Bank (AFDB), and the Organization for Cooperation and Economics Development (OCED, 2014, p. 16) explain the benefits to African countries’ participation in Global Value Chains (GVC) to industrialize without having to implement all stages of the chain. They add that the acquisition of new production capacities can allow countries and companies to move upmarket, which is to say to increase their share of value added in a GVC. But the opposite is the case, at least in some countries like Burkina Faso. We are witnessing a “specialization of primary products (cotton and non...

Research paper thumbnail of Religiosity and Consumer Behavior: A Study of Consumption Patterns for Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages Among Animist, Christian and Muslim Consumers in the Context of Ghana

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

Researchers' interest in consumer religiosity and behavior is explained by the fact that reli... more Researchers' interest in consumer religiosity and behavior is explained by the fact that religion influences not only the social behavior of individuals, but also their consumption behavior. Most of the studies on the subject come from Western and Asian countries with a few of such studies been conducted in Africa and particularly in Ghana. The aim of this paper is to explore the concepts of religiosity and consumer behavior in Ghana, in order to consider the role of culture in the management and marketing of industrial products. Ghana is a country where religion plays an important role in shaping lives and ensuring community cohesion. However, a determined part of the believers contributes to increasing the consumption of industrial beverages, and the obliviousness in the marketing sector also seems to be a barrier that slows the production and consumption of non-alcoholic industrial beverages. The research approach is exploratory and qualitative. The collection of qualitative ...

Research paper thumbnail of Recruitment Methods and Performance: An Evidence from Businesses in Burkina Faso

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this ... more Starting from the premise that human resources are a critical success factor for companies, this article analyses the logic of recruitment preferences in Burkina Faso. The explanatory variables are the industrial sector and the level of billing. The main findings are that the more traditional forms of recruitment of personnel are dominant in Burkina Faso, in particular in agribusiness and commerce, and in the small business segments. In addition, the results put in light that the most modern forms are preferred in the Construction sector or in large companies. It is found that, a greater technical complexity of the job leads to a greater need to imitate the criteria of the developed world, and that a lower technical complexity implies a greater importance of the worker's morality.Keywords: Recruitment, African Traditional Methods, Modern Methods, Companies, Competitivity, Burkina Faso.

Research paper thumbnail of Soft Drinks Consumption and Market Opportunities in West Africa: An Evidence from Burkina Faso in a Marketing Perspective

International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2020

From a field study, part of which consists of consumer surveys of fruit juices "hand in hand... more From a field study, part of which consists of consumer surveys of fruit juices "hand in hand", we make an overview of the market of juices and sweets in Burkina Faso, its characteristics (to take into account by a newcomer), and in particular we build the consumer profile (characteristics, preferences, loyalty), in order to give tips to optimize any marketing strategy. We found that consumers in Burkina Faso say they prefer natural beverages to industrial drinks, while they buy them massively (because they are cheaper and more available). Particularly sweet food supplements, they cause certain health risks that the consumer neglects. As it is a very fast-growing market, it makes enormous opportunities for the manufacture and distribution of new products. But beware, the Burkinabe consumer is very loyal to his/her brands, and to succeed, the marketing mix should be adapted to the characteristics of Burkina Faso.


International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021

The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context ... more The purpose of this research is to determine the salient factors in the African business context that can support companies to be successful. This research aims to categorize the key success factors among different factors such as adaptation, efficiency, leadership and strategic positioning by using data from a survey on entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. The approach is quantitative and founded on the onion model. The results show that entrepreneur leadership and adaptation to the African context are the main factors for business success. Thus, the suggestion is that companies should adapt to the African context realities while promoting entrepreneur leadership skills for a better management and to improve their profit, performance, and thus gain a tremendous success.



The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of t... more The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of the concept of equity and its diverse underpinning theories in a business to customer context. The design of this research is based on a remarkable documentary analysis and some observations in a developing country context. However, the findings show that equity is mainly understood as fairness, perfect practice, as well as distributive justice, in the business environment. This paper serves to remind manufacturers and managers that they should abide to fair and perfect practices in order to offer some good quality products or services as well as some very fair prices that are in line with the customer expectations in terms of norms, requirements, and needs. Nevertheless, recommendations show that there is a necessity for fair practices regarding tourism and hotels' sector. Thus, marketing practices in these sectors should be enhanced with the appropriate use of new technologies.


International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management, 2021

The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of t... more The main purpose of this paper is to make a systematic review of the multiple understandings of the concept of equity and its diverse underpinning theories in a business to customer context. The design of this research is based on a remarkable documentary analysis and some observations in a developing country context. However, the findings show that equity is mainly understood as fairness, perfect practice, as well as distributive justice, in the business environment. This paper serves to remind manufacturers and managers that they should abide to fair and perfect practices in order to offer some good quality products or services as well as some very fair prices that are in line with the customer expectations in terms of norms, requirements, and needs. Nevertheless, recommendations show that there is a necessity for fair practices regarding tourism and hotels' sector. Thus, marketing practices in these sectors should be enhanced with the appropriate use of new technologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Business Plans - 6 sortes d'erreurs à éviter

Nicolas + 226 74005889 Business Plans : 6 sortes d'erreurs à év... more Nicolas + 226 74005889 Business Plans : 6 sortes d'erreurs à éviter pour obtenir un financement.

Research paper thumbnail of Gagner a Africallia

Gagner a Africallia, 2016

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