Sabrina Oktoria Sihombing | Universitas Pelita Harapan (original) (raw)

Books by Sabrina Oktoria Sihombing

Research paper thumbnail of Dissertasi (Comparing Theory of Planned Behavior and Theory of Trying)

This research examined and compared two attitude theories (that is, the theory of planned behavio... more This research examined and compared two attitude theories (that is, the theory of planned behavior and the theory of trying) in understanding the relationship between attitude and behavior of choosing a brand. Theory of planned behavior (TPB) is an attitude theory that is applied in many different behavioral domains. On the other side, theory of trying (TT) is a newer attitude theory that has been applied in limited areas.

Papers by Sabrina Oktoria Sihombing

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Future Purchase Intentions In E-Commerce: An Empirical Study On Bukalapak

Jurnal Manajemen - Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, Oct 2, 2023

This research explores how consumers' familiarity with a brand and the quality of information the... more This research explores how consumers' familiarity with a brand and the quality of information they encounter impact their engagement with the brand's social media presence. Additionally, we investigate how this engagement influences consumers' attitudes toward the brand's social media and their intentions for future purchases. This study also delves into the mediating role of social media engagement in the relationship between brand familiarity, information quality, consumers' attitudes toward the brand's social media, and their intentions for future purchases. The research employed a quantitative methodology, specifically purposive sampling, a non-probability approach. Data were collected through online surveys, with 441 samples obtained. The data were analyzed using PLS-SEM with SmartPLS to test hypotheses and draw conclusions. Consequently, all ten hypotheses were validated.

[Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat Dan Orientasi Pemasaran Hubungan Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Dengan Keterlibatan Pelanggan Dan Kepercayaan Merek Sebagai Variabel Mediasi [The Influence of Public Relations Management and Relationship Marketing Orientation on Brand Loyalty with Customer Involve...](

DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, Sep 15, 2023

Kafe merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang cepat bertumbuh seiring dengan perubahan gaya hidup ma... more Kafe merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang cepat bertumbuh seiring dengan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat. Kafe tidak hanya menjadi tempat untuk menikmati makanan dan minuman, namun menjadi tempat percampuran budaya dan subkultur bagi komunitas sosial yang menjadi tempat untuk bersosialisasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh manajemen hubungan masyarakat dan orientasi pemasaran hubungan terhadap loyalitas merek dengan keterlibatan pelanggan dan kepercayaan merek sebagai mediator. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Google form dengan menggunakan metode sampling non probabilitas yaitu, sampling bertujuan. Sampel yang diambil untuk penelitian ini adalah 188 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan Structured Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan keterlibatan pelanggan, dan kepercayaan merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan keterlibatan pelanggan dan loyalitas merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif keterlibatan pelanggan dengan kepercayaan merek dan loyalitas merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif kepercayaan merek dengan loyalitas merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh keterlibatan pelanggan. Terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh kepercayaan merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif keterlibatan pelanggan dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh kepercayaan merek. Kemudian tidak terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan loyalitas merek. Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan kepercayaan merek. Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh keterlibatan pelanggan. Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh kepercayaan merek. Kata kunci : Loyalitas merek, kepercayaan merek, keterlibatan pelanggan, orientasi pemasaran hubungan.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Relationship Between Antecedents and Postcedent of Travel Desire: An Empirical Study of the Indonesian Context

Jurnal muara : ilmu ekonomi dan bisnis, Oct 31, 2023

Keinginan turis untuk berwisata merupakan sebuah faktor penting yang perlu dipelajari untuk memah... more Keinginan turis untuk berwisata merupakan sebuah faktor penting yang perlu dipelajari untuk memahami intensi mereka untuk berwisata. Meskipun demikian, belum terdapat penelitian yang komprehensif mengenai keinginan turis untuk berwisata, khususnya selama pandemi Covid-19. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini ingin mempelajari mengenai keinginan (desire) turis untuk berwisata dengan menggunakan model Goal-Directed Behaviour yang dikembangkan dengan mengidentifikasi variabel risk perception yang sangat relevan dengan kondisi pandemi. Penelitian ini mengkaji antecedents dan postcedent variabel desire. Antecedents tersebut berupa attitude, positive anticipated emotions, negative anticipated emotions, subjective norm, dan perceived behavioural control, sementara postcedent tersebut berupa intention to travel. Penelitian ini memperoleh data dari 438 responden yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa risk perception tidak dapat memprediksi attitude secara signifikan, attitude dan subjective norm tidak dapat memprediksi desire secara signifikan, positive anticipated emotions dan perceived behavioural control dapat memprediksi desire secara positif dan signifikan, negative anticipated emotions dapat memprediksi desire secara negatif dan signifikan, serta desire dapat memprediksi intention to travel secara positif dan signifikan. Selain itu, desire dapat memediasi secara signifikan prediksi positive anticipated emotions, negative anticipated emotions, dan perceived behavioural control terhadap intention to travel, tetapi desire tidak dapat memediasi secara signifikan prediksi attitude dan subjective norm terhadap intention to travel.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Indonesian Youth Acceptance of Corruption: Applying the Stimulus-Organism-Response Framework

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Mar 5, 2022

Corruption is one of the old problems facing the Indonesian government to date. The Covid-19 pand... more Corruption is one of the old problems facing the Indonesian government to date. The Covid-19 pandemic has not reduced corrupt behaviour in Indonesia. In fact, state officials in Indonesia were arrested for corruption in providing government social assistance to communities affected by this pandemic. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to predict corruption acceptance behaviour using a stimulus-organismresponse framework. The research focuses on youth because youth are future adults who will be active in business, politics, community activities, and others. A total of 246 youth was respondents in this study. Judgmental sampling was applied in this study and questionnaires were distributed online. The data was then analysed using structural equation modelling. The results of the analysis show that 4 of the 8 research hypotheses are supported. The four hypotheses supported are that antisocial media exposure has a negative relationship with personal values of materialism and materialism has a positive relationship with acceptance of corruption. The results of the analysis also show that pro social media exposure has a positive relationship with religious involvement. Furthermore, religious involvement has a negative relationship with acceptance of corruption. Limitations and suggestions for further research are also presented in this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan sikap dan perilaku memilih satu merek :: Komparasi antara theory of planned behavior dan theory of trying

Penelitian ini menguji dan memperbandingkan dua teori sikap, yaitu: theory of planned behavior (s... more Penelitian ini menguji dan memperbandingkan dua teori sikap, yaitu: theory of planned behavior (selanjutnya disebut TPB) dan theory of trying (selanjutnya disebut TT), untuk memahami fenomena memilih merek. TPB merupakan salah satu teori sikap yang banyak diaplikasikan dalam beragam perilaku. Di lain pihak, TT merupakan teori sikap yang lebih baru tetapi belum banyak diaplikasikan secara empiris. Walaupun kedua teori tersebut dikembangkan dari theory of reasoned action (selanjutnya disebut TRA), ada perbedaan-perbedaan dalam pemahaman akan perilaku, sikap, dan perilaku lampau pada kedua teori tersebut. Berdasarkan perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut, penelitian ini menghipotesiskan bahwa TT lebih fit dalam menjelaskan hubungan sikap dan perilaku memilih satu merek dibandingkan TPB. Penelitian ini memperluas TPB dengan menambah dua variabel baru, yaitu frekuensi dan resensi. Kedua variabel tersebut mencerminkan perilaku lampau. Penambahan variabel tersebut karena TRA dan TPB mendapat kritik khususnya berkenaan dengan adanya variabel yang relevan untuk menjelaskan niat dan perilaku tetapi tidak dimasukan dalam model, yaitu variabel perilaku lampau. Penelitian ini juga menghipotesiskan bahwa norma subyektif, dalam budaya kolektivism, merupakan prediktor yang memberikan pengaruh lebih besar terhadap niat dibandingkan prediktor lainnya baik dalam TPB maupun TT. Hal ini didasarkan pada budaya Indonesia yang kolektivism (Hofstede, 1994). Hasil penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya pada budaya individualism memperlihatkan pengaruh sikap yang lebih besar xvii terhadap niat dibandingkan pengaruh norma subyektif dan kontrol keperilakuan yang dirasakan (Ajzen 1988, 1991). Desain sampel pada penelitian ini adalah sampel bertujuan (purposive sample) dengan jumlah responden 321 mahasiswi. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pengukuran, yaitu pengukuran langsung dan pengukuran tidak langsung (belief-based measure) dalam mengukur konstruk sikap, norma subyektif, dan kontrol keperilakuan yang dirasakan. Kemudian, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan structural equation modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan metode estimasi maximum likelihood (ML). Dengan didasarkan pada hasil uji statistik, hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa TT lebih fit dalam menjelaskan hubungan sikap dan perilaku memilih satu merek dibandingkan TPB. Hasil penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa pengukuran langsung dan tidak langsung dapat memberikan hasil yang berbeda. Akan tetapi, posisi yang diambil penulis adalah menggunakan pengukuran langsung dalam pengujian hipotesis. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada pertimbangan keakuratan dan keandalan pengukuran tersebut dibandingkan dengan pengukuran tidak langsung. Hasil penelitian juga mendukung hipotesis penelitian bahwa perilaku lampau (yaitu, frekuensi) merupakan prediktor yang signifikan terhadap niat baik dalam TPB maupun TT. Hasil penelitian ini juga mendukung hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa sikap bukan sebagai prediktor yang dominan baik dalam TPB dan TT. Dengan kata lain, jika dibandingkan dengan penelitian-penelitian di negara barat, hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa budaya barat lebih menekankan sikap sebagai faktor penentu dalam proses pembelian sedangkan budaya timur lebih menekankan pada norma subyektif dibandingkan sikapnya sendiri. This research examined and compared two attitude theories (that is, the theory of planned behavior and the theory of trying) in understanding the relationship between attitude and behavior of choosing a brand. Theory of planned behavior (TPB) is an attitude theory that is applied in many different behavioral domains. On the other side, theory of trying (TT) is a newer attitude theory that has been applied in limited areas. Both theories were developed based on theory of reasoned action (TRA). Although those theories were based on TRA, both theories have different conceptualization on behavior, attitude, and past behavior. Based on those differences, it was hypothesized in this research that TT could fit better than TPB in explaining the relationship between attitude and behavior of choosing a brand better than TPB. This research also extended TPB by adding two variables: frequency and recency. Those two variables reflect past behavior. The adding of those two variables in TPB was to accommodate the critique to TRA and TPB as those two theories exclude past behavior as a significant predictor to understand behavior intention and behavior itself. This research hypothesized that subjective norm, in collectivism culture, was a dominant predictor to intention compared to other predictors in TPB and TT. This hypothesis was based on Indonesian culture, that is, collectivism culture (Hofstede, 1994). Previous research in the individualism culture showed attitude as a dominant predictor to intention compared with subjective norms and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1988, 1991). The design sample of this research was a purposive sample with 321 students who participated in a two-wave survey.…

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurial Orientation Impact On Social Entrepreneurial Intention Mediated Social Entrepreneurial Attitudes

Jurnal Manajemen - Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, Oct 3, 2022

Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the ... more Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the Indonesian state. The role of social entrepreneurs here is very important to be able to solve the problems of social inequality, poverty, and unemployment that occur in Indonesia. This study looks at how the dimensions or components of social entrepreneurial orientation (social vision, social proactiveness, innovation, and risk-taking motives) can influence or encourage a person's social entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. This study uses a quantitative approach and a data collection strategy with an electronic questionnaire, using a non-probability sampling strategy, namely purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study were 185 respondents. The data that has been obtained was then analyzed using the CB-Structural Equation Model with the SPSS AMOS version 26 analysis tool. This study found that there were 5 supported hypotheses and 4 unsupported hypotheses. This research also provides theoretical implications, managerial implications, and suggestions for further research.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurial Orientation Impact On Social Entrepreneurial Intention Mediated Social Entrepreneurial Attitudes

Jurnal Manajemen

Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the ... more Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the Indonesian state. The role of social entrepreneurs here is very important to be able to solve the problems of social inequality, poverty, and unemployment that occur in Indonesia. This study looks at how the dimensions or components of social entrepreneurial orientation (social vision, social proactiveness, innovation, and risk-taking motives) can influence or encourage a person's social entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. This study uses a quantitative approach and a data collection strategy with an electronic questionnaire, using a non-probability sampling strategy, namely purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study were 185 respondents. The data that has been obtained was then analyzed using the CB-Structural Equation Model with the SPSS AMOS version 26 analysis tool. This study found that there were 5 supported hypotheses and 4 unsupported hypotheses. This resea...

Research paper thumbnail of Contrasting reflective and formative model on airline e-service quality:an empirical study

In this competitive environment, businesses are in a condition where technology and information a... more In this competitive environment, businesses are in a condition where technology and information are rapidly developing. For instance, service businesses are competing to achieve high service quality to satisfy customers with any form of techniques. As the technology is emerging, marketers are shifting their businesses to the networks (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). Everyone could access business in networks. Internet users, whom have the chance to access the network, are increasing in numbers.

Research paper thumbnail of Community-Based Ecotourism in Sawarna Tourism Village

Enrichment : Journal of Management, Apr 20, 2023

This research is motivated by the importance of developing ecotourism in Sawarna tourism village ... more This research is motivated by the importance of developing ecotourism in Sawarna tourism village based on community empowerment to improve the community's economy. The research objective is to determine the development of ecotourism in Sawarna tourism village based on community empowerment. The research approach uses a qualitative approach. There were two participants whose information was investigated by researchers, namely the Chairperson of the Nusantara Tourism Village, Banten Province as Secretary of the Sawarna Tourism Village and the head of the Pokdarwis of the Sawarna Tourism Village. The MOA model is based on theoretical perspectives from a variety of fields, including advertising, consumer behavior, tourism, public participation, and, most recently, event studies. The MOA model's key strength is that it can be applied to destinations with the goal of enabling or facilitating community participation. The MOA model, an already established theoretical framework in the field of tourism, and a desire to understand and document the factors that influence inclusive engagement within local communities inspired this paper. A tourism village built with the concept of community-based tourism is a step for the community to develop their potential to be able to manage their own tourism and make their village an independent village.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation Between Nostalgic Value Resonance and Destination Brand Engagement in Rural Tourism

International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Feb 28, 2023

The purpose of this study was to examine Destination Brand Self Congruence, Destination Scenery, ... more The purpose of this study was to examine Destination Brand Self Congruence, Destination Scenery, Nostalgic Value Resonance and Destination Brand Engagement affecting revisitation intention, Recommend Intention. The population of this study are tourists who visit tourist villages in Indonesia. The sample in this study was 400 respondents. This research is quantitative research with a survey method. The data collection tool in this study used a questionnaire. Online questionnaires were distributed to domestic tourists who visited tourism village. Non Probability Sampling approach using purposive sampling with the criteria of namely selecting 400 local tourists who had experience visiting the Keranggan tourism village at least once a year. Data analysis using PLS-SEM. The results of the study show that there is a positive influence between all variables and is mediated by Destination Brand Engagement, so it can be concluded that all hypotheses are supported. This research is original in terms of conceptualization and empirical testing of the relationship between nostalgic value resonance and destination brand engagement in the context of rural tourism in Keranggan. This study is the first to examine the relationship between nostalgic value resonance and destination brand engagement in the rural tourism sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Kreasi Tteok Dengan Variasi Menu Sate Maranggi Dan Gulai Ayam

Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021

Jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong memiliki keinginan untuk mempelaja... more Jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong memiliki keinginan untuk mempelajari bagaimana cara membuat kreasi masakan Nusantara dengan bahan dasar tteok, tetapi jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong belum mengetahui bagaimana cara mengkreasikan masakan Nusantara dengan tteok. Maka dari itu, tim PkM yang diantaranya dosen dan mahasiswa mengadakan Pelatihan Pengolahan Tteok dengan Cita Rasa Khas Nusantara kepada jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong dalam bentuk Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan. Peningkatan keterampilan dan kapasitas akan diberikan oleh Tim PkM kepada para pelaku usaha serta pelatihan bagi masyarakat di kalangan usia yang memiliki ketertarikan di bidang kuliner dalam mengembangkan dan mengolah tteok dengan cita rasa khas Nusantara dengan variasi menu sate maranggi dan gulai ayam Tim PkM memberikan pelatihan kepada sekitar 30 peserta mengenai pembuatan kreasi masakan Nusantara dengan tteok sebagai bahan dasar utama. Pelatihan pendampingan dan keterampilan yang digunakan Tim PkM melalui metode daring (online) dengan peserta El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong. Kegiatan PkM ini diharapkan memiliki hasil peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan mengenai pengolahan tteok dengan cita rasa khas Nusantara.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the use of famous endorser and lay endorser in predicting consumer intention to buy

Consumers are live in hyper choice era nowadays. Many brands and products are available to be cho... more Consumers are live in hyper choice era nowadays. Many brands and products are available to be chosen in the market. Many options may improve the quality of human life. However, consumers have limitations especially time and cognitive limitations in processing a lot of information of brands and products available in a market. Marketing and consumer behavior research shows that consumers rely on memory about brand, advertising, opinions of others, and well-known brands in choosing a specific brand in a number of brand choices. The use of endorsers is one main way to increase advertising impacts. This research aims to compare the use of famous endorser and lay endorser in advertisements in predicting consumer intention in buying a consumer goods product. A total of 290 undergraduate students participated in this study. The data was then analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that the use of famous endorser in product advertisement is more effective than the use o...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Micro-Entrepreneurs' Perception toward Financial Training: a Support for Economic Empowerment

This study aims to identify the perceptions of micro-entrepreneurs on the benefits of simple fina... more This study aims to identify the perceptions of micro-entrepreneurs on the benefits of simple financial training provided by microfinance institutions. These perceptions can reflect economic empowerment that has been supplied by the microfinance institution through training. Two hundred and ninety-four questionnaires with open questions can be analyzed using descriptive statistics through frequency analysis. The results of the data analysis show four benefits perceived by microentrepreneurs. The four are the ability to distinguish between the needs and wants, the ability to manage daily finances, the motivation to keep saving, and the additional knowledge primarily related to financial records.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kepantasan Harga, Kepuasan Pelanggan DAN Loyalitas SERTA Harga yang Dapat Diterima

Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis (Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Sultan Agung), 2010

PEndahuluan Bisnis restoran merupakan sebuah bisnis yang menarik dan tidak akan berhenti sepanjan... more PEndahuluan Bisnis restoran merupakan sebuah bisnis yang menarik dan tidak akan berhenti sepanjang masa. Tiap hari, semakin banyak tawaran membuka bisnis ini, baik lewat waralaba ( Namun dengan banyaknya pelaku usaha di bisnis restoran waralaba menyebabkan ketatnya persaingan yang berujung pada penerapan strategi pemasaran yang beragam. Strategi yang diterapkan restoran tidak bisa lagi hanya mengandalkan kualitas makanan dan minuman, namun juga pelayanan dan kenyamanan suasana serta pembentukan identitas yang kuat dan bahkan harga yang semakin sensitif di era krisis global ini ( Umumnya, sebuah harga harus dapat diterima oleh segmen pasar yang dituju karena bila terlalu mahal, konsumen akan menjauh. Juga bila terlalu murah, selain mengurangi laba usaha juga bisa timbul kesan bahwa makanan tersebut adalah makanan yang tidak berkualitas (www. Menurut Peter dan Donnely (2007), harga dari sebuah barang dan jasa seringkali mempengaruhi apakah konsumen akan membeli atau tidak. Menurut Martin-Consuegra, Molina, dan Esteban (2007), fungsi utama dari harga dalam perilaku konsumen disamakan dengan keefektifan biaya yang dikeluarkan dianggap sebagai satu kriteria yang penting bagi konsumen dalam memilih sebuah produk. Akan tetapi, penelitian mengenai harga hanya menerima sedikit perhatian dalam menganalisa kepuasan pelanggan (Huber, Herrmann, dan Wricke, 2001; Hoffman dan Bateson, 2006) Lebih lanjut, penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Huber, Herrmann, dan Wricke (2001) berpendapat bahwa "harga yang dapat diterima" belum mendapat perhatian sebagai konsekuensi lain dari kepuasan pelanggan seperti layaknya loyalitas. Hal inilah yang menarik melakukan studi tentang hubungan harga, kepuasan pelanggan, dan loyalitas dengan mereplikasi

Research paper thumbnail of Antecedents Varıables of Intentıon to Use Servıce Innovatıon: An Empırıcal Study of E-Toll Card

APMBA (Asia Pacific Management and Business Application), Aug 30, 2013

Lack of consumer willingness to adopt electronic toll card in Jakarta triger the congestion at th... more Lack of consumer willingness to adopt electronic toll card in Jakarta triger the congestion at the toll gates. This congestion has been one of the critical factors that needs to be more focused by PT Jasa Marga as highway toll service company. The fact shows that only 5.88% of all the total transactions in the toll gates applied E-toll card facility. These facts provide evidence about the lack of consumer willingness to adopt E-Toll card. Therefore, the understanding of consumer behavior to adopt sevice innovation is necessary to solve these lack of consumer unwillingness. This study was developed by replicated the research of Lee (2012) that reveal the antecedents factors that affect the consumer intention to adopt service innovation. Respondents of this research were 217 students from a private university in Tangerang. Respondent were collected by using judgemental sampling based on their experience in using E-toll card. The survey instrument employed demographic background, consumer attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived price fairness, satisfaction with existing service, fashion consciousness, risk averseness and consumer intention to adopt service innovation. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to analyze the data. Result indicated that consumer attitude, perceived ease of use, satisfaction with existing service, risk averseness, and fashion consciousness are the predictors of consumer intention to adopt service innovation. This research also provides the theoretical implication, managerial implication, and suggestion for future research.

Research paper thumbnail of The Integration of Social Media to the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Case Study in Indonesia

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021

Leader and leadership are one of the important aspects in the life of a country. This study aims ... more Leader and leadership are one of the important aspects in the life of a country. This study aims to predict the intention of young voters to vote for state leader elections by expanding the theory of planned behavior to the Indonesian context. Apart from the importance of the presidential election, research rarely uses the theory of planned behavior, and to the best of researchers' knowledge, there are no studies that have applied the theory of planned behavior to predict the intention to vote for the president. Therefore, this study is an attempt to fill that gap. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed using non-probability purposive sampling. Data analysis was carried out using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results showed that attitude and behavior control were positively related to voters' intention to elect presidential candidates. Furthermore, information from social media also has a positive relationship with the attitude of choosing presidential candidates. However, the results also show that subjective norms do not have a significant relationship with voters' intention. This study contributes knowledge to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers about the factors that influence youth intention to vote in Indonesia, namely, attitudes, perceived behavior control, and information from social media.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Influence of Integrated Marketing Communication on Intention to Buy Organic Product: An Empirical Study

Humanities & social sciences reviews, Apr 2, 2019

Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to predict the effect of Integrated Marketing Commu... more Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to predict the effect of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) tools (advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and personal selling) on consumers' intention to purchase organic products in the specific supermarket in Indonesia. Methodology: The primary data was collected by using questionnaires that were given to consumers in a supermarket. Sample size involved 128 consumers. The data was assessed through reliability and validity analysis before hypothesis testing analysis. Result: The results showed only direct marketing have positive significant on intention to buy the organic product. Implications/Applications: Integrated Marketing Communication provides an information to the purchasing policy of organic product

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Indonesian Rural Tourism Destination Marketing Best Practices Using Social Media Applications

Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Business strategy typologies and the preference of earnings management practices: Evidence from Indonesian listed firms

Cogent Business & Management, Dec 28, 2022

We examine the relationship between business strategy typologies and managers’ involvement in acc... more We examine the relationship between business strategy typologies and managers’ involvement in accrual earnings management (AEM) and real activities manipulation (RAM). Furthermore, we investigate whether prospectors (defenders) show a lower (higher) preference for earnings management than defenders (prospectors), both for the AEM and the RAM concurrently. The study sample was selected from publicly held companies in Indonesia from 2012 to 2018. Following Miles and Snow’s (1978, 2003) framework, we use a comprehensive construct of business strategy to determine each firm’s typology of business strategy based on the score, and we employ multiple regression models to test our hypotheses and robustness checks. Our test results find that prospector-type business strategies have lower AEM and RAM than defender-type business strategies. Next, we find strong evidence that prospectors are less likely to have earnings management preferences than defenders. Our additional tests using the individual RAM level find some evidence that prospectors are less likely to engage in discretionary operating expenses, supporting our main results. Our findings have practical implications for investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders that prospector-type business strategies that focus on innovation and long-term performance achievements do not necessarily provide incentives for management to engage in earnings management, leading to lower earnings quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Dissertasi (Comparing Theory of Planned Behavior and Theory of Trying)

This research examined and compared two attitude theories (that is, the theory of planned behavio... more This research examined and compared two attitude theories (that is, the theory of planned behavior and the theory of trying) in understanding the relationship between attitude and behavior of choosing a brand. Theory of planned behavior (TPB) is an attitude theory that is applied in many different behavioral domains. On the other side, theory of trying (TT) is a newer attitude theory that has been applied in limited areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Future Purchase Intentions In E-Commerce: An Empirical Study On Bukalapak

Jurnal Manajemen - Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, Oct 2, 2023

This research explores how consumers' familiarity with a brand and the quality of information the... more This research explores how consumers' familiarity with a brand and the quality of information they encounter impact their engagement with the brand's social media presence. Additionally, we investigate how this engagement influences consumers' attitudes toward the brand's social media and their intentions for future purchases. This study also delves into the mediating role of social media engagement in the relationship between brand familiarity, information quality, consumers' attitudes toward the brand's social media, and their intentions for future purchases. The research employed a quantitative methodology, specifically purposive sampling, a non-probability approach. Data were collected through online surveys, with 441 samples obtained. The data were analyzed using PLS-SEM with SmartPLS to test hypotheses and draw conclusions. Consequently, all ten hypotheses were validated.

[Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat Dan Orientasi Pemasaran Hubungan Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Dengan Keterlibatan Pelanggan Dan Kepercayaan Merek Sebagai Variabel Mediasi [The Influence of Public Relations Management and Relationship Marketing Orientation on Brand Loyalty with Customer Involve...](

DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, Sep 15, 2023

Kafe merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang cepat bertumbuh seiring dengan perubahan gaya hidup ma... more Kafe merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang cepat bertumbuh seiring dengan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat. Kafe tidak hanya menjadi tempat untuk menikmati makanan dan minuman, namun menjadi tempat percampuran budaya dan subkultur bagi komunitas sosial yang menjadi tempat untuk bersosialisasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh manajemen hubungan masyarakat dan orientasi pemasaran hubungan terhadap loyalitas merek dengan keterlibatan pelanggan dan kepercayaan merek sebagai mediator. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Google form dengan menggunakan metode sampling non probabilitas yaitu, sampling bertujuan. Sampel yang diambil untuk penelitian ini adalah 188 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan Structured Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan keterlibatan pelanggan, dan kepercayaan merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan keterlibatan pelanggan dan loyalitas merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif keterlibatan pelanggan dengan kepercayaan merek dan loyalitas merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif kepercayaan merek dengan loyalitas merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh keterlibatan pelanggan. Terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh kepercayaan merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif keterlibatan pelanggan dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh kepercayaan merek. Kemudian tidak terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan loyalitas merek. Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif orientasi pemasaran hubungan dengan kepercayaan merek. Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh keterlibatan pelanggan. Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif manajemen hubungan masyarakat dengan loyalitas merek yang di mediasi oleh kepercayaan merek. Kata kunci : Loyalitas merek, kepercayaan merek, keterlibatan pelanggan, orientasi pemasaran hubungan.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Relationship Between Antecedents and Postcedent of Travel Desire: An Empirical Study of the Indonesian Context

Jurnal muara : ilmu ekonomi dan bisnis, Oct 31, 2023

Keinginan turis untuk berwisata merupakan sebuah faktor penting yang perlu dipelajari untuk memah... more Keinginan turis untuk berwisata merupakan sebuah faktor penting yang perlu dipelajari untuk memahami intensi mereka untuk berwisata. Meskipun demikian, belum terdapat penelitian yang komprehensif mengenai keinginan turis untuk berwisata, khususnya selama pandemi Covid-19. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini ingin mempelajari mengenai keinginan (desire) turis untuk berwisata dengan menggunakan model Goal-Directed Behaviour yang dikembangkan dengan mengidentifikasi variabel risk perception yang sangat relevan dengan kondisi pandemi. Penelitian ini mengkaji antecedents dan postcedent variabel desire. Antecedents tersebut berupa attitude, positive anticipated emotions, negative anticipated emotions, subjective norm, dan perceived behavioural control, sementara postcedent tersebut berupa intention to travel. Penelitian ini memperoleh data dari 438 responden yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa risk perception tidak dapat memprediksi attitude secara signifikan, attitude dan subjective norm tidak dapat memprediksi desire secara signifikan, positive anticipated emotions dan perceived behavioural control dapat memprediksi desire secara positif dan signifikan, negative anticipated emotions dapat memprediksi desire secara negatif dan signifikan, serta desire dapat memprediksi intention to travel secara positif dan signifikan. Selain itu, desire dapat memediasi secara signifikan prediksi positive anticipated emotions, negative anticipated emotions, dan perceived behavioural control terhadap intention to travel, tetapi desire tidak dapat memediasi secara signifikan prediksi attitude dan subjective norm terhadap intention to travel.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Indonesian Youth Acceptance of Corruption: Applying the Stimulus-Organism-Response Framework

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Mar 5, 2022

Corruption is one of the old problems facing the Indonesian government to date. The Covid-19 pand... more Corruption is one of the old problems facing the Indonesian government to date. The Covid-19 pandemic has not reduced corrupt behaviour in Indonesia. In fact, state officials in Indonesia were arrested for corruption in providing government social assistance to communities affected by this pandemic. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to predict corruption acceptance behaviour using a stimulus-organismresponse framework. The research focuses on youth because youth are future adults who will be active in business, politics, community activities, and others. A total of 246 youth was respondents in this study. Judgmental sampling was applied in this study and questionnaires were distributed online. The data was then analysed using structural equation modelling. The results of the analysis show that 4 of the 8 research hypotheses are supported. The four hypotheses supported are that antisocial media exposure has a negative relationship with personal values of materialism and materialism has a positive relationship with acceptance of corruption. The results of the analysis also show that pro social media exposure has a positive relationship with religious involvement. Furthermore, religious involvement has a negative relationship with acceptance of corruption. Limitations and suggestions for further research are also presented in this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan sikap dan perilaku memilih satu merek :: Komparasi antara theory of planned behavior dan theory of trying

Penelitian ini menguji dan memperbandingkan dua teori sikap, yaitu: theory of planned behavior (s... more Penelitian ini menguji dan memperbandingkan dua teori sikap, yaitu: theory of planned behavior (selanjutnya disebut TPB) dan theory of trying (selanjutnya disebut TT), untuk memahami fenomena memilih merek. TPB merupakan salah satu teori sikap yang banyak diaplikasikan dalam beragam perilaku. Di lain pihak, TT merupakan teori sikap yang lebih baru tetapi belum banyak diaplikasikan secara empiris. Walaupun kedua teori tersebut dikembangkan dari theory of reasoned action (selanjutnya disebut TRA), ada perbedaan-perbedaan dalam pemahaman akan perilaku, sikap, dan perilaku lampau pada kedua teori tersebut. Berdasarkan perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut, penelitian ini menghipotesiskan bahwa TT lebih fit dalam menjelaskan hubungan sikap dan perilaku memilih satu merek dibandingkan TPB. Penelitian ini memperluas TPB dengan menambah dua variabel baru, yaitu frekuensi dan resensi. Kedua variabel tersebut mencerminkan perilaku lampau. Penambahan variabel tersebut karena TRA dan TPB mendapat kritik khususnya berkenaan dengan adanya variabel yang relevan untuk menjelaskan niat dan perilaku tetapi tidak dimasukan dalam model, yaitu variabel perilaku lampau. Penelitian ini juga menghipotesiskan bahwa norma subyektif, dalam budaya kolektivism, merupakan prediktor yang memberikan pengaruh lebih besar terhadap niat dibandingkan prediktor lainnya baik dalam TPB maupun TT. Hal ini didasarkan pada budaya Indonesia yang kolektivism (Hofstede, 1994). Hasil penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya pada budaya individualism memperlihatkan pengaruh sikap yang lebih besar xvii terhadap niat dibandingkan pengaruh norma subyektif dan kontrol keperilakuan yang dirasakan (Ajzen 1988, 1991). Desain sampel pada penelitian ini adalah sampel bertujuan (purposive sample) dengan jumlah responden 321 mahasiswi. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pengukuran, yaitu pengukuran langsung dan pengukuran tidak langsung (belief-based measure) dalam mengukur konstruk sikap, norma subyektif, dan kontrol keperilakuan yang dirasakan. Kemudian, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan structural equation modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan metode estimasi maximum likelihood (ML). Dengan didasarkan pada hasil uji statistik, hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa TT lebih fit dalam menjelaskan hubungan sikap dan perilaku memilih satu merek dibandingkan TPB. Hasil penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa pengukuran langsung dan tidak langsung dapat memberikan hasil yang berbeda. Akan tetapi, posisi yang diambil penulis adalah menggunakan pengukuran langsung dalam pengujian hipotesis. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada pertimbangan keakuratan dan keandalan pengukuran tersebut dibandingkan dengan pengukuran tidak langsung. Hasil penelitian juga mendukung hipotesis penelitian bahwa perilaku lampau (yaitu, frekuensi) merupakan prediktor yang signifikan terhadap niat baik dalam TPB maupun TT. Hasil penelitian ini juga mendukung hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa sikap bukan sebagai prediktor yang dominan baik dalam TPB dan TT. Dengan kata lain, jika dibandingkan dengan penelitian-penelitian di negara barat, hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa budaya barat lebih menekankan sikap sebagai faktor penentu dalam proses pembelian sedangkan budaya timur lebih menekankan pada norma subyektif dibandingkan sikapnya sendiri. This research examined and compared two attitude theories (that is, the theory of planned behavior and the theory of trying) in understanding the relationship between attitude and behavior of choosing a brand. Theory of planned behavior (TPB) is an attitude theory that is applied in many different behavioral domains. On the other side, theory of trying (TT) is a newer attitude theory that has been applied in limited areas. Both theories were developed based on theory of reasoned action (TRA). Although those theories were based on TRA, both theories have different conceptualization on behavior, attitude, and past behavior. Based on those differences, it was hypothesized in this research that TT could fit better than TPB in explaining the relationship between attitude and behavior of choosing a brand better than TPB. This research also extended TPB by adding two variables: frequency and recency. Those two variables reflect past behavior. The adding of those two variables in TPB was to accommodate the critique to TRA and TPB as those two theories exclude past behavior as a significant predictor to understand behavior intention and behavior itself. This research hypothesized that subjective norm, in collectivism culture, was a dominant predictor to intention compared to other predictors in TPB and TT. This hypothesis was based on Indonesian culture, that is, collectivism culture (Hofstede, 1994). Previous research in the individualism culture showed attitude as a dominant predictor to intention compared with subjective norms and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1988, 1991). The design sample of this research was a purposive sample with 321 students who participated in a two-wave survey.…

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurial Orientation Impact On Social Entrepreneurial Intention Mediated Social Entrepreneurial Attitudes

Jurnal Manajemen - Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, Oct 3, 2022

Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the ... more Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the Indonesian state. The role of social entrepreneurs here is very important to be able to solve the problems of social inequality, poverty, and unemployment that occur in Indonesia. This study looks at how the dimensions or components of social entrepreneurial orientation (social vision, social proactiveness, innovation, and risk-taking motives) can influence or encourage a person's social entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. This study uses a quantitative approach and a data collection strategy with an electronic questionnaire, using a non-probability sampling strategy, namely purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study were 185 respondents. The data that has been obtained was then analyzed using the CB-Structural Equation Model with the SPSS AMOS version 26 analysis tool. This study found that there were 5 supported hypotheses and 4 unsupported hypotheses. This research also provides theoretical implications, managerial implications, and suggestions for further research.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurial Orientation Impact On Social Entrepreneurial Intention Mediated Social Entrepreneurial Attitudes

Jurnal Manajemen

Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the ... more Social inequality, poverty, and unemployment have now become serious problems experienced by the Indonesian state. The role of social entrepreneurs here is very important to be able to solve the problems of social inequality, poverty, and unemployment that occur in Indonesia. This study looks at how the dimensions or components of social entrepreneurial orientation (social vision, social proactiveness, innovation, and risk-taking motives) can influence or encourage a person's social entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. This study uses a quantitative approach and a data collection strategy with an electronic questionnaire, using a non-probability sampling strategy, namely purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study were 185 respondents. The data that has been obtained was then analyzed using the CB-Structural Equation Model with the SPSS AMOS version 26 analysis tool. This study found that there were 5 supported hypotheses and 4 unsupported hypotheses. This resea...

Research paper thumbnail of Contrasting reflective and formative model on airline e-service quality:an empirical study

In this competitive environment, businesses are in a condition where technology and information a... more In this competitive environment, businesses are in a condition where technology and information are rapidly developing. For instance, service businesses are competing to achieve high service quality to satisfy customers with any form of techniques. As the technology is emerging, marketers are shifting their businesses to the networks (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). Everyone could access business in networks. Internet users, whom have the chance to access the network, are increasing in numbers.

Research paper thumbnail of Community-Based Ecotourism in Sawarna Tourism Village

Enrichment : Journal of Management, Apr 20, 2023

This research is motivated by the importance of developing ecotourism in Sawarna tourism village ... more This research is motivated by the importance of developing ecotourism in Sawarna tourism village based on community empowerment to improve the community's economy. The research objective is to determine the development of ecotourism in Sawarna tourism village based on community empowerment. The research approach uses a qualitative approach. There were two participants whose information was investigated by researchers, namely the Chairperson of the Nusantara Tourism Village, Banten Province as Secretary of the Sawarna Tourism Village and the head of the Pokdarwis of the Sawarna Tourism Village. The MOA model is based on theoretical perspectives from a variety of fields, including advertising, consumer behavior, tourism, public participation, and, most recently, event studies. The MOA model's key strength is that it can be applied to destinations with the goal of enabling or facilitating community participation. The MOA model, an already established theoretical framework in the field of tourism, and a desire to understand and document the factors that influence inclusive engagement within local communities inspired this paper. A tourism village built with the concept of community-based tourism is a step for the community to develop their potential to be able to manage their own tourism and make their village an independent village.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation Between Nostalgic Value Resonance and Destination Brand Engagement in Rural Tourism

International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Feb 28, 2023

The purpose of this study was to examine Destination Brand Self Congruence, Destination Scenery, ... more The purpose of this study was to examine Destination Brand Self Congruence, Destination Scenery, Nostalgic Value Resonance and Destination Brand Engagement affecting revisitation intention, Recommend Intention. The population of this study are tourists who visit tourist villages in Indonesia. The sample in this study was 400 respondents. This research is quantitative research with a survey method. The data collection tool in this study used a questionnaire. Online questionnaires were distributed to domestic tourists who visited tourism village. Non Probability Sampling approach using purposive sampling with the criteria of namely selecting 400 local tourists who had experience visiting the Keranggan tourism village at least once a year. Data analysis using PLS-SEM. The results of the study show that there is a positive influence between all variables and is mediated by Destination Brand Engagement, so it can be concluded that all hypotheses are supported. This research is original in terms of conceptualization and empirical testing of the relationship between nostalgic value resonance and destination brand engagement in the context of rural tourism in Keranggan. This study is the first to examine the relationship between nostalgic value resonance and destination brand engagement in the rural tourism sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Kreasi Tteok Dengan Variasi Menu Sate Maranggi Dan Gulai Ayam

Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021

Jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong memiliki keinginan untuk mempelaja... more Jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong memiliki keinginan untuk mempelajari bagaimana cara membuat kreasi masakan Nusantara dengan bahan dasar tteok, tetapi jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong belum mengetahui bagaimana cara mengkreasikan masakan Nusantara dengan tteok. Maka dari itu, tim PkM yang diantaranya dosen dan mahasiswa mengadakan Pelatihan Pengolahan Tteok dengan Cita Rasa Khas Nusantara kepada jemaat persekutuan gereja El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong dalam bentuk Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan. Peningkatan keterampilan dan kapasitas akan diberikan oleh Tim PkM kepada para pelaku usaha serta pelatihan bagi masyarakat di kalangan usia yang memiliki ketertarikan di bidang kuliner dalam mengembangkan dan mengolah tteok dengan cita rasa khas Nusantara dengan variasi menu sate maranggi dan gulai ayam Tim PkM memberikan pelatihan kepada sekitar 30 peserta mengenai pembuatan kreasi masakan Nusantara dengan tteok sebagai bahan dasar utama. Pelatihan pendampingan dan keterampilan yang digunakan Tim PkM melalui metode daring (online) dengan peserta El Shaddai Fellowship Gading Serpong. Kegiatan PkM ini diharapkan memiliki hasil peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan mengenai pengolahan tteok dengan cita rasa khas Nusantara.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the use of famous endorser and lay endorser in predicting consumer intention to buy

Consumers are live in hyper choice era nowadays. Many brands and products are available to be cho... more Consumers are live in hyper choice era nowadays. Many brands and products are available to be chosen in the market. Many options may improve the quality of human life. However, consumers have limitations especially time and cognitive limitations in processing a lot of information of brands and products available in a market. Marketing and consumer behavior research shows that consumers rely on memory about brand, advertising, opinions of others, and well-known brands in choosing a specific brand in a number of brand choices. The use of endorsers is one main way to increase advertising impacts. This research aims to compare the use of famous endorser and lay endorser in advertisements in predicting consumer intention in buying a consumer goods product. A total of 290 undergraduate students participated in this study. The data was then analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that the use of famous endorser in product advertisement is more effective than the use o...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Micro-Entrepreneurs' Perception toward Financial Training: a Support for Economic Empowerment

This study aims to identify the perceptions of micro-entrepreneurs on the benefits of simple fina... more This study aims to identify the perceptions of micro-entrepreneurs on the benefits of simple financial training provided by microfinance institutions. These perceptions can reflect economic empowerment that has been supplied by the microfinance institution through training. Two hundred and ninety-four questionnaires with open questions can be analyzed using descriptive statistics through frequency analysis. The results of the data analysis show four benefits perceived by microentrepreneurs. The four are the ability to distinguish between the needs and wants, the ability to manage daily finances, the motivation to keep saving, and the additional knowledge primarily related to financial records.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kepantasan Harga, Kepuasan Pelanggan DAN Loyalitas SERTA Harga yang Dapat Diterima

Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis (Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Sultan Agung), 2010

PEndahuluan Bisnis restoran merupakan sebuah bisnis yang menarik dan tidak akan berhenti sepanjan... more PEndahuluan Bisnis restoran merupakan sebuah bisnis yang menarik dan tidak akan berhenti sepanjang masa. Tiap hari, semakin banyak tawaran membuka bisnis ini, baik lewat waralaba ( Namun dengan banyaknya pelaku usaha di bisnis restoran waralaba menyebabkan ketatnya persaingan yang berujung pada penerapan strategi pemasaran yang beragam. Strategi yang diterapkan restoran tidak bisa lagi hanya mengandalkan kualitas makanan dan minuman, namun juga pelayanan dan kenyamanan suasana serta pembentukan identitas yang kuat dan bahkan harga yang semakin sensitif di era krisis global ini ( Umumnya, sebuah harga harus dapat diterima oleh segmen pasar yang dituju karena bila terlalu mahal, konsumen akan menjauh. Juga bila terlalu murah, selain mengurangi laba usaha juga bisa timbul kesan bahwa makanan tersebut adalah makanan yang tidak berkualitas (www. Menurut Peter dan Donnely (2007), harga dari sebuah barang dan jasa seringkali mempengaruhi apakah konsumen akan membeli atau tidak. Menurut Martin-Consuegra, Molina, dan Esteban (2007), fungsi utama dari harga dalam perilaku konsumen disamakan dengan keefektifan biaya yang dikeluarkan dianggap sebagai satu kriteria yang penting bagi konsumen dalam memilih sebuah produk. Akan tetapi, penelitian mengenai harga hanya menerima sedikit perhatian dalam menganalisa kepuasan pelanggan (Huber, Herrmann, dan Wricke, 2001; Hoffman dan Bateson, 2006) Lebih lanjut, penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Huber, Herrmann, dan Wricke (2001) berpendapat bahwa "harga yang dapat diterima" belum mendapat perhatian sebagai konsekuensi lain dari kepuasan pelanggan seperti layaknya loyalitas. Hal inilah yang menarik melakukan studi tentang hubungan harga, kepuasan pelanggan, dan loyalitas dengan mereplikasi

Research paper thumbnail of Antecedents Varıables of Intentıon to Use Servıce Innovatıon: An Empırıcal Study of E-Toll Card

APMBA (Asia Pacific Management and Business Application), Aug 30, 2013

Lack of consumer willingness to adopt electronic toll card in Jakarta triger the congestion at th... more Lack of consumer willingness to adopt electronic toll card in Jakarta triger the congestion at the toll gates. This congestion has been one of the critical factors that needs to be more focused by PT Jasa Marga as highway toll service company. The fact shows that only 5.88% of all the total transactions in the toll gates applied E-toll card facility. These facts provide evidence about the lack of consumer willingness to adopt E-Toll card. Therefore, the understanding of consumer behavior to adopt sevice innovation is necessary to solve these lack of consumer unwillingness. This study was developed by replicated the research of Lee (2012) that reveal the antecedents factors that affect the consumer intention to adopt service innovation. Respondents of this research were 217 students from a private university in Tangerang. Respondent were collected by using judgemental sampling based on their experience in using E-toll card. The survey instrument employed demographic background, consumer attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived price fairness, satisfaction with existing service, fashion consciousness, risk averseness and consumer intention to adopt service innovation. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to analyze the data. Result indicated that consumer attitude, perceived ease of use, satisfaction with existing service, risk averseness, and fashion consciousness are the predictors of consumer intention to adopt service innovation. This research also provides the theoretical implication, managerial implication, and suggestion for future research.

Research paper thumbnail of The Integration of Social Media to the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Case Study in Indonesia

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021

Leader and leadership are one of the important aspects in the life of a country. This study aims ... more Leader and leadership are one of the important aspects in the life of a country. This study aims to predict the intention of young voters to vote for state leader elections by expanding the theory of planned behavior to the Indonesian context. Apart from the importance of the presidential election, research rarely uses the theory of planned behavior, and to the best of researchers' knowledge, there are no studies that have applied the theory of planned behavior to predict the intention to vote for the president. Therefore, this study is an attempt to fill that gap. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed using non-probability purposive sampling. Data analysis was carried out using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results showed that attitude and behavior control were positively related to voters' intention to elect presidential candidates. Furthermore, information from social media also has a positive relationship with the attitude of choosing presidential candidates. However, the results also show that subjective norms do not have a significant relationship with voters' intention. This study contributes knowledge to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers about the factors that influence youth intention to vote in Indonesia, namely, attitudes, perceived behavior control, and information from social media.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Influence of Integrated Marketing Communication on Intention to Buy Organic Product: An Empirical Study

Humanities & social sciences reviews, Apr 2, 2019

Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to predict the effect of Integrated Marketing Commu... more Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is to predict the effect of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) tools (advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and personal selling) on consumers' intention to purchase organic products in the specific supermarket in Indonesia. Methodology: The primary data was collected by using questionnaires that were given to consumers in a supermarket. Sample size involved 128 consumers. The data was assessed through reliability and validity analysis before hypothesis testing analysis. Result: The results showed only direct marketing have positive significant on intention to buy the organic product. Implications/Applications: Integrated Marketing Communication provides an information to the purchasing policy of organic product

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Indonesian Rural Tourism Destination Marketing Best Practices Using Social Media Applications

Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Business strategy typologies and the preference of earnings management practices: Evidence from Indonesian listed firms

Cogent Business & Management, Dec 28, 2022

We examine the relationship between business strategy typologies and managers’ involvement in acc... more We examine the relationship between business strategy typologies and managers’ involvement in accrual earnings management (AEM) and real activities manipulation (RAM). Furthermore, we investigate whether prospectors (defenders) show a lower (higher) preference for earnings management than defenders (prospectors), both for the AEM and the RAM concurrently. The study sample was selected from publicly held companies in Indonesia from 2012 to 2018. Following Miles and Snow’s (1978, 2003) framework, we use a comprehensive construct of business strategy to determine each firm’s typology of business strategy based on the score, and we employ multiple regression models to test our hypotheses and robustness checks. Our test results find that prospector-type business strategies have lower AEM and RAM than defender-type business strategies. Next, we find strong evidence that prospectors are less likely to have earnings management preferences than defenders. Our additional tests using the individual RAM level find some evidence that prospectors are less likely to engage in discretionary operating expenses, supporting our main results. Our findings have practical implications for investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders that prospector-type business strategies that focus on innovation and long-term performance achievements do not necessarily provide incentives for management to engage in earnings management, leading to lower earnings quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hubungan Teknologi Swalayan dan Layanan Personal terhadap Loyalitas

Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis (Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Sultan Agung), 2009

Many companies use self-service technology nowadays as a result of advances in technology. In the... more Many companies use self-service technology nowadays as a result of advances in technology. In the specific, those companies replace personal services with self-service technology facilities. For instance, a bank can use automatic teller machine (ATM) instead of a bank teller inside the bank. The use of self-service technologies is aimed to fulfill the variety of consumers' needs. However, not many research focus on the impact of self-service technology on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, the aim of this research is to test a model of the impact of self-service technology on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. This research replicated the model which was developed by �eatson et al. (����) and e�tend the model by adding a vari-�eatson et al. (����) and e�tend the model by adding a vari-(����) and e�tend the model by adding a variable called consumer loyalty. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents by the drop-off/ pickup method and a total of 372 completed questionnaires were used in the analysis. The data was then analyzed using structural equation modeling. All research hypotheses were supported this paper also provides the implications for theoretical and managerial and offers directions for future research.


Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper: Manajemen, Akuntansi dan Perbankan, 2018

ABSTRAK:Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana fenomena faktor eksternal dan internal memper... more ABSTRAK:Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana fenomena faktor eksternal dan internal mempertahankan keberlangsungan usaha dalam perspektif pelaku usaha mikro. Hal ini dikarenakan pelaku usaha mikro merupakan salah satu penunjang kondisi ekonomi nasional dan merupakan mayoritas dari pelaku usaha yang ada di Indonesia. Responden merupakan pelaku usaha mikro yang menjadi nasabah Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) XYZ yang tersebar di wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang dan telah mempunyai ketahanan usaha lebih dari satu tahun. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner tertutup pada 220 responden secara convenience. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan deskriptif dan menunjukkan hasil bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor internal dan faktor eksternal dalam keberlangsungan usaha mikro. Faktor internal meliputi modal pribadi, motivasi pribadi. Faktor eksternal meliputi pinjaman dari LKM, pelatiham, berkat Tuhan, kelompok pendamping, dorongan keluarga.Kontribusi riset ini dapat memberi masukan bagi pengelola LKM maupun penentu kebijakan dalam mendorong keberlangsungan usaha bagi pelaku usaha mikro. Kata Kunci: Keberlangsungan, Pelaku Usaha, UMKM ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to find out how the phenomenon of external and internal factors to maintain business sustainability in the perspective of micro business actors. This is because the micro business actor is one of supporting the national economic condition and is the majority of business actors in Indonesia. Respondents are micro business actors who become customers of XYZ Micro Financial Institutions (MFI) spread over Jakarta and Tangerang areas and have endurance business for more than one year. Data collection using questionnaires closed on 220 respondents in a convenience. Data processing is done by descriptive and show result that there are some internal factors and external factors in sustainability of micro effort. Internal factors include personal capital, personal motivation. External factors include loans from MFIs, counselors, God's blessings, escort groups, family encouragement. The contribution of this research can provide inputs to MFI managers and policy makers in promoting business continuity for micro business actors.


33th IBIMA, 2019

Information sharing has been easier as smartphone advances. However the problematic smartphone us... more Information sharing has been easier as smartphone advances. However the problematic smartphone usage or in this paper smartphone addiction and cyberloafing are considered as the drawbacks in the advancement itself. Personal traits are also involved in individual’s smartphone usage, decision to cyberloaf and lastly the possibility of becoming smartphone addict. The aim of this study is to find the implication of smartphone usage, self-regulation, general self-efficacy, and cyberloafing on smartphone addiction because this type of research is still limited. The purpose of this study is to find the implication between smartphone usage, self-regulation, general self-efficacy, and cyberloafing on smartphone addiction. The primary data was collected through questionnaire distribution and filled by 270 respondents who are active students in a private university. Data was analyzed by applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for hypothesis testing. On the result of the testing there are a number of findings of this research namely; there is a positive influence of smartphone usage to smartphone addiction; self-regulation and smartphone addiction. On the contrary, there are a few hypotheses in this research that are not supported due to the critical value and p-value insignificancy namely self-regulation to cyberloafing; general self-efficacy to cyberloafing; cyberloafing to smartphone addiction. Discussion, limitations and recommendation for future research are provided.


Entrepreneurs and especially young entrepreneurs are significant parts of society that can contri... more Entrepreneurs and especially young entrepreneurs are significant parts of society that can contribute in nation economic development. There is a great deal of research interest in understanding students' intention to be entrepreneurs. Specifically, extensive research on entrepreneurship have been conducted to explore and predict various factors that influence youth intention to become an entrepreneur. On the other hand, less attention has been given to understand youth intention to quit as entrepreneur, especially in Indonesian youth context. Youth entrepreneur may have intention to quit as entrepreneurs because of their lack experience, skill, and mentally not stable. Understanding this phenomena may contribute not only in entrepreneurship literature but also support Indone sian government, academicians, and entrepreneurs themselves in understanding and creating ways to make young entrepreneurs sustain in entrepreneurship. Thus, this research aims to predict the relationship between personal values and intention to quit as entrepreneur with attitude toward entrepreneurship as a mediating variable in the context of young entrepeneur in Indonesia. Three main research questions have been raised in this study: (1) is there a positive relationship between terminal values and attitu de toward entrepreneurship?, (2) is there a positive relationship between instrumental values and attitude toward entrepreneurship?, and (3) is there a negative relationship between attitude toward entrepreneurship and intention to quit as entrepreneur? Research method will be designed and discussed to address research questions.


Entrepreneurs and especially young entrepreneurs are significant parts of society that can contri... more Entrepreneurs and especially young entrepreneurs are significant parts of society that can contribute in nation economic development. There is a great deal of research interest in understanding students' intention to be entrepreneurs. Specifically, extensive research on entrepreneurship have been conducted to explore and predict various factors that influence youth intention to become an entrepreneur. On the other hand, less attention has been given to understand youth intention to quit as entrepreneur, especially in Indonesian youth context. Youth entrepreneur may have intention to quit as entrepreneurs because of their lack experience, skill, and mentally not stable. Understanding this phenomena may contribute not only in entrepreneurship literature but also support Indone sian government, academicians, and entrepreneurs themselves in understanding and creating ways to make young entrepreneurs sustain in entrepreneurship. Thus, this research aims to predict the relationship between personal values and intention to quit as entrepreneur with attitude toward entrepreneurship as a mediating variable in the context of young entrepeneur in Indonesia. Three main research questions have been raised in this study: (1) is there a positive relationship between terminal values and attitu de toward entrepreneurship?, (2) is there a positive relationship between instrumental values and attitude toward entrepreneurship?, and (3) is there a negative relationship between attitude toward entrepreneurship and intention to quit as entrepreneur? Research method will be designed and discussed to address research questions.