Pauliana V M Galvão | Universidade de Pernambuco - UPE (Brasil) (original) (raw)

Papers by Pauliana V M Galvão

Research paper thumbnail of Progression of gestational syphilis and economic implications of the lack of benzathine penicillin on the Brazilian market

Concilium, Nov 27, 2023

This study aimed to demonstrate the growth of gestational and congenital syphilis and the costs o... more This study aimed to demonstrate the growth of gestational and congenital syphilis and the costs of treatment in Brazil. For this analysis, incidence rates and estimated percentage change were calculated, as well as the costs of treatment with penicillins. It was concluded that the costs of dealing with the disease more than quadruple when there is no treatment in the primary phase, whether due to discontinuation of treatment, non-compliance with protocol, or failure to supply the drug.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of age, period, and birth cohort effects on suicide mortality in Brazil and the five major geographic regions

BMC Public Health, Jul 13, 2023

results from a complex biological, genetic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental in... more results from a complex biological, genetic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental interaction. It is difficult to explain why some people commit suicide while others, in a similar or worse situation, do not [4]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 703 thousand people die due to suicide per year and many more who attempt [5]. Even though the highest suicide rates are concentrated in countries in Asia and Europe, Brazil has one of the highest rates in absolute numbers worldwide [6, 7]. For years, Brazil reported lower suicide rates than other countries [8]. The background for this phenomenon is strongly influenced by the accelerated epidemiological transition process [9]. The Brazilian population underwent various changes starting in the latter half of the 20th century,

Research paper thumbnail of Análise De Dados Vitais Referentes Às Mães De Nascidos Vivos Entre 2010 e 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Correlação Entre Indicadores Sociodemográficos e Taxa De Gravidez Na Adolescência Na VI Geres De Pernambuco

Área temática: Epidemiologia INTRODUÇÃO: A gravidez na adolescência é um fenômeno social que pode... more Área temática: Epidemiologia INTRODUÇÃO: A gravidez na adolescência é um fenômeno social que pode impactar de maneira diversa as condições de vida dos jovens afetados, suas famílias e o sistema de saúde regional e municipal, responsável por planejar e instituir ações em saúde voltados para essa população. Nessa perspectiva, é fundamental a análise das características sociodemográficas regionais, como renda e educação, que possuam impacto no acometimento de gestações precoces não planejadas. OBJETIVO: Relacionar alguns dos principais indicadores de desenvolvimento social de cada município constituinte da VI Gerência Regional em Saúde (GERES) de Pernambuco e suas respectivas taxas de gravidez na adolescência. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico quantitativo, transversal, observacional e descritivo. Foram analisados os dados coletados pelo Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) entre os anos de 2010 a 2019. Dessa forma, a investigação incluiu todos os nascidos de mães com idade menor que 20 anos, residentes nos municípios que fazem parte da VI GERES de Pernambuco, sendo eles: Arcoverde,

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil Epidemiológico Dos Nascidos Vivos Prematuros Em Pernambuco Entre 2011 e 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil Epidemiológico Dos Nascidos Vivos Com Sífilis Congênita Em Pernambuco Entre 2011 e 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação Qualitativa Do Pré-Natal De Mães Adolescentes De Acordo Com a Faixa Etária

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the completeness of self-harm and suicide records in Pernambuco, Brazil, 2014–2016

BMC Public Health, Jun 9, 2022

Introduction: Suicides and suicide attempts are major public health problems, and coping strategi... more Introduction: Suicides and suicide attempts are major public health problems, and coping strategies are hampered by insufficient or inadequate notifications. Data accuracy influences the formulation of public and mental health policies and suicide prevention strategies. The objective of this study was to analyze the completeness of self-harm and suicide records in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2014-2016. Methods: This is an evaluative study with a descriptive design. The data were collected from suicide attempt records from the Notifiable Diseases Information System and suicide records from the Mortality Information System. Probabilistic linkage was used to relate these databases, and the degree of completeness of the variables was calculated. Completeness was classified into the following categories: good (≥ 75.1%), regular (50.1%-75.0%), low (25.1%-50.0%), and very low (≤ 25.0%). Results: In the analyzed period, 1,404 notifications of self-harm were studied, with an overall mean completeness of 86.2%. In addition, 1,050 suicide records were analyzed, with an overall mean completeness of 95.8%. Most variables referring to suicide attempts had good completeness, with the exception of the variables "occupation" and "education. " The completeness of all suicide-related variables was rated as good. After linkage, a significant improvement was observed in the degree of completeness of the variable "occupation". Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the completeness of self-harm and suicide variables improved from the first to the last year. The integration of data from different information systems provides an opportunity to improve suicide prevention programs and the quality of available information. Continuous efforts to increase the completeness and reliability of suicide surveillance systems are fundamental to describe the epidemiological profile and, consequently, plan preventive actions, in addition to contributing to the development and reformulation of strategies aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality related to suicidal behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolução Temporal Da Mortalidade Por Diarreia e Gastroenterite No Estado De Alagoas No Ano De 1996 a 2015

Research paper thumbnail of O impacto da COVID-19 no ciclo menstrual: uma perspectiva geral

Brazilian Journal of Health Review, May 5, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of A Relação Entre a Infecção Pelo SARS-COV-2 e a Incidência De Sofrimento Fetal: Uma Revisão Integrativa

Editora Científica Digital eBooks, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Análise Da Tendência Das Taxas De Mortalidade Entre 2000 e 2020 Em Pernambuco, Brasil

A Sociedade Brasileira de Epidemiologia (SBEP) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos com personalida... more A Sociedade Brasileira de Epidemiologia (SBEP) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos com personalidade jurídica própria. Esta sociedade científica tem entre suas finalidades cultivar e promover o estudo e melhor conhecimento da Epidemiologia, viabilizando os meios adequados para isso, favorecendo a divulgação dos conteúdos e metodologias. Contribuindo desta forma para a promoção da Saúde Pública. Nosso objetivo é criar mais um canal de divulgação de estudos e trabalhos na área de Epidemiologia, para popularizar e divulgar conteúdo científico ajudando na necessidade constante de atualização do conhecimento. Em 2013 o governo da então presidente Dilma Rousseff constatando que o Brasil tinha uma quantidade de médicos que eram insuficientes para atender as necessidades da população, promulgou a Lei 12.871/2013, conhecida como Lei do Mais Médicos, que tinha como objetivo aumentar a quantidade de médicos no nosso pais, e para isso criou ações de curto prazo, como a importação de profissionais de outros países, principalmente médicos cubanos, e para médio e longo prazo previa a abertura de mais vagas e cursos de medicina no Brasil, infelizmente esta lei não foi a frente, contestada na Justiça como a Ação Direta de Constitucionalidade 81 e da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade 7187, e negligenciada pelos governos seguintes, não chegou a surtir efeito. Seis anos depois chega ao mundo a epidemia do Covid-19 e nosso país não estava preparado, tínhamos menos médicos do que o necessário, isso nos levou a perder muito mais vidas do que poderíamos. Na Europa países como Alemanha e França, se perderam 4 vidas para cada 1000 casos, no Brasil perdemos quase 20 vidas para cada 1000 casos, enquanto a Argentina só perdeu 13,4 vidas para cada mil casos, mas lá temos 4 médicos para cada 1000 habitantes, aqui quase a metade disso, no Uruguai há 5 médicos para cada 1000 habitantes e lá apenas 7,6 mortes para cada 1000 casos de Covid-19. Se o Brasil tivesse uma quantidade de médicos igual a da Argentina, e um sistema de saúde semelhante, teríamos salvado mais de 200 mil vidas, se o nosso sistema de saúde e quantidade de médicos fosse igual ao do Uruguai, teríamos salvado mais de 400 mil pessoas. Este é apenas o resultado de um dos capítulos da presente obra. Buscamos com esta obra trazer informações cientificas confiáveis e relevantes para ajudar a salvar vidas, ajudando desta forma na compreensão de diferentes vertentes do processo saúde-doença, todos os capítulos buscam os fatores determinantes de enfermidades e tentam propor medidas de controle e prevenção.

Research paper thumbnail of Transtornos Psiquiátricos No Periparto

Research paper thumbnail of Análise temporal da mortalidade por suicídio: 1979 a 2015

Introduction: Suicide is a public health problem with a worldwide impact, however, for Brazil, fe... more Introduction: Suicide is a public health problem with a worldwide impact, however, for Brazil, few epidemiological studies have been carried out. And when the subject is the temporal distribution of suicide, much remains to be consolidated. Objective: to analyze the temporal distribution of suicide mortality in Brazil, using statistical models, and in the world, based on a systematic review. METHODS: A systematic review protocol was created de-creating the search strategy, the bases used, the terms used, without restriction of year or language of publication and the way of selection and analysis of the selected articles and was registered in PROSPERO, under number CRD42016038470. In view of the findings, two temporal trend models were proposed: the first one observed a annual evolution of mortality rates for the general population and by sex, proposing a national profile of the suicide victim a modeling that corrects the serial autocorrelation of the residues; and the second sought to analyze the ageperiod-cohort effect of suicide mortality for the Brazilian and Regions population and comparing this effect by sex and by the three main suicide methods. For the first approach, in addition to the descriptive statistics, a Prais-Winster regression model was used to identify annual trends, with the serial autocorrelation of the residues being tested by the Durbin-Watson test; for the second approach, the Poisson regression model, using estimable functions, was employed. Results: This study found 50 articles from 26 countries and evidenced that clear seasonal patterns were observed for day of week, month, season and age-period-cohort effects. The model for the Brazilian population showed an average growth of 4.7% per year. For modeling age-period-cohort, it was found that the model with the effects of the three components is the one that best explains the behavior of suicide rates and, subsequently, the cohort effect and then the period effect for the general population and by sex. Analyzing from the point of view of the main methods of suicide employed, this is also the reality found for the hanging. As for suicide by firearm and autointoxication, the period effect is the one that most influenced the behavior of suicide rates, for different reasons. Conclusion: Much remains to be learned about suicide, but this approach directs the formulation of policies and strategies to address this problem. This study does not close one point; it opens the way for us to try to deepen our understanding of the subject of suicide.

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil Das Vítimas Fatais Por Diarréia e Gastroenterite No Estado De Alagoas

SEMPESq - Semana de Pesquisa da Unit - Alagoas, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação do perfil epidemiológico de idosos com fraturas transtrocantéricas atendidos em hospital de média complexidade

Multidisciplinary Science Journal, Dec 24, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Fatal accidents involving motorcyclists in Recife and facial repercussions

Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial, Dec 1, 2013

Objetivo: analisar os aspectos relacionados aos acidentes fatais com motociclistas na cidade do R... more Objetivo: analisar os aspectos relacionados aos acidentes fatais com motociclistas na cidade do Recife e sua repercussão no Complexo Buco-Maxilo-Facial. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo que utilizou dados secundários das Instituições responsáveis pelos laudos de vítimas fatais de acidentes de trânsito-Institutos Médico-Legal e de Criminalística. A amostra foi constituída dos óbitos ocorridos no ano de 2010. Resultados: no período estudado, as fatalidades acometeram principalmente homens pardos e com idade entre 27 e 36 anos, ocorrendo geralmente nos dias da semana. A maior casuística foi detectada no segundo trimestre de 2010. A colisão ocorreu em 58% dos acidentes, sendo que a maioria envolveu motocicleta e veículo pesado em vias asfaltadas apresentando bom estado de conservação e com iluminação insuficiente em apenas 23.9% dos casos. As lesões mais prevalentes foram escoriações e feridas contusas com envolvimento mais marcante do terço inferior da face. Conclusões: os dados obtidos no presente estudo trouxeram conhecimento sobre a natureza e alguns fatores relacionados aos acidentes com motociclistas. Dentre outras informações, constatou-se que o envolvimento facial nos traumas físicos decorrentes das colisões é considerável, sugerindo a importância do cirurgião buco-maxilo-facial no apoio aos indivíduos que sobrevivem a esse tipo de trauma.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women

Contribuciones a las ciencias sociales, Jul 4, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a worldwide problem, causing considerable repercussions on the phy... more The COVID-19 pandemic has been a worldwide problem, causing considerable repercussions on the physical and mental health of many people. This impact has a significant prevalence on the mental health of pregnant women, especially women in early pregnancy and younger. In this context, this study sought to discuss the various impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women. This study is an integrative review that aims to answer the following guiding question "What is the latest information on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women?". The search was performed in the Medline, LILACS and SciELO databases, including complete clinical trials published in the last 5 years, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Eleven articles were selected, making up this review's final sample. As a result, it was noted that the mental health of pregnant women was significantly impaired during the pandemic phase, increasing the occurrence of mental suffering, fear, depression, anxiety and stress. All these conditions were related to direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic, such as difficulty in accessing prenatal care, insecurities about an unpredictable virus, possibility of vertical transmission, decline in professional status and reduced income. Furthermore, it was found that high-quality sleep, higher levels of resilience, low screen time and physical exercise acted as protective factors against symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is concluded, therefore, that the COVID-19 pandemic is related to an increase in the prevalence of anxiety, depression and worsening of previous mental disorders in pregnant women, showing the need for public intervention to improve perinatal mental health during the period affected by the new coronavirus.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Age, Period, and Birth Cohort Effects on Suicide Mortality in Brazil and the Five Major Geographic Regions

Research Square (Research Square), May 24, 2022

Objective: Estimate the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on suicide mortality in Brazil a... more Objective: Estimate the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on suicide mortality in Brazil and by major geographic region in the overall population and by sex. Methods: This was a time trend ecological study. National and regional suicide mortality data from 1981 to 2015 were analyzed for the overall population and by sex. Age, period, and cohort effects were calculated with a Poisson regression model, using estimable functions with the Epi package of the R statistical program, version 3.4.3. Results: Except for the North of Brazil and the female population in the Central-West region, the model that best ts the data was the complete model, following by the age-period model in most of the analyses. Conclusions: Suicide mortality rates have shown an upward trend with advancing age in the Brazilian population, in both men and women. However, the behavior of the period effect and cohort has depended on the population analyzed and regional distribution.

Research paper thumbnail of Sífilis Gestacional e Congênita Na XI Regional De Saúde, Pernambuco, Brasil, Entre 2012 e 2021

em reconhecimento do sertão como um espaço de fragilidade nas ofertas dos serviços de saúde. Méto... more em reconhecimento do sertão como um espaço de fragilidade nas ofertas dos serviços de saúde. Métodos: Os casos de sífilis gestacional e congênita da região e do período escolhidos para o estudo foram obtidos a partir do banco de dados do Sinan, e, em seguida,

Research paper thumbnail of Progression of gestational syphilis and economic implications of the lack of benzathine penicillin on the Brazilian market

Concilium, Nov 27, 2023

This study aimed to demonstrate the growth of gestational and congenital syphilis and the costs o... more This study aimed to demonstrate the growth of gestational and congenital syphilis and the costs of treatment in Brazil. For this analysis, incidence rates and estimated percentage change were calculated, as well as the costs of treatment with penicillins. It was concluded that the costs of dealing with the disease more than quadruple when there is no treatment in the primary phase, whether due to discontinuation of treatment, non-compliance with protocol, or failure to supply the drug.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of age, period, and birth cohort effects on suicide mortality in Brazil and the five major geographic regions

BMC Public Health, Jul 13, 2023

results from a complex biological, genetic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental in... more results from a complex biological, genetic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental interaction. It is difficult to explain why some people commit suicide while others, in a similar or worse situation, do not [4]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 703 thousand people die due to suicide per year and many more who attempt [5]. Even though the highest suicide rates are concentrated in countries in Asia and Europe, Brazil has one of the highest rates in absolute numbers worldwide [6, 7]. For years, Brazil reported lower suicide rates than other countries [8]. The background for this phenomenon is strongly influenced by the accelerated epidemiological transition process [9]. The Brazilian population underwent various changes starting in the latter half of the 20th century,

Research paper thumbnail of Análise De Dados Vitais Referentes Às Mães De Nascidos Vivos Entre 2010 e 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Correlação Entre Indicadores Sociodemográficos e Taxa De Gravidez Na Adolescência Na VI Geres De Pernambuco

Área temática: Epidemiologia INTRODUÇÃO: A gravidez na adolescência é um fenômeno social que pode... more Área temática: Epidemiologia INTRODUÇÃO: A gravidez na adolescência é um fenômeno social que pode impactar de maneira diversa as condições de vida dos jovens afetados, suas famílias e o sistema de saúde regional e municipal, responsável por planejar e instituir ações em saúde voltados para essa população. Nessa perspectiva, é fundamental a análise das características sociodemográficas regionais, como renda e educação, que possuam impacto no acometimento de gestações precoces não planejadas. OBJETIVO: Relacionar alguns dos principais indicadores de desenvolvimento social de cada município constituinte da VI Gerência Regional em Saúde (GERES) de Pernambuco e suas respectivas taxas de gravidez na adolescência. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico quantitativo, transversal, observacional e descritivo. Foram analisados os dados coletados pelo Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) entre os anos de 2010 a 2019. Dessa forma, a investigação incluiu todos os nascidos de mães com idade menor que 20 anos, residentes nos municípios que fazem parte da VI GERES de Pernambuco, sendo eles: Arcoverde,

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil Epidemiológico Dos Nascidos Vivos Prematuros Em Pernambuco Entre 2011 e 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil Epidemiológico Dos Nascidos Vivos Com Sífilis Congênita Em Pernambuco Entre 2011 e 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação Qualitativa Do Pré-Natal De Mães Adolescentes De Acordo Com a Faixa Etária

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the completeness of self-harm and suicide records in Pernambuco, Brazil, 2014–2016

BMC Public Health, Jun 9, 2022

Introduction: Suicides and suicide attempts are major public health problems, and coping strategi... more Introduction: Suicides and suicide attempts are major public health problems, and coping strategies are hampered by insufficient or inadequate notifications. Data accuracy influences the formulation of public and mental health policies and suicide prevention strategies. The objective of this study was to analyze the completeness of self-harm and suicide records in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2014-2016. Methods: This is an evaluative study with a descriptive design. The data were collected from suicide attempt records from the Notifiable Diseases Information System and suicide records from the Mortality Information System. Probabilistic linkage was used to relate these databases, and the degree of completeness of the variables was calculated. Completeness was classified into the following categories: good (≥ 75.1%), regular (50.1%-75.0%), low (25.1%-50.0%), and very low (≤ 25.0%). Results: In the analyzed period, 1,404 notifications of self-harm were studied, with an overall mean completeness of 86.2%. In addition, 1,050 suicide records were analyzed, with an overall mean completeness of 95.8%. Most variables referring to suicide attempts had good completeness, with the exception of the variables "occupation" and "education. " The completeness of all suicide-related variables was rated as good. After linkage, a significant improvement was observed in the degree of completeness of the variable "occupation". Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the completeness of self-harm and suicide variables improved from the first to the last year. The integration of data from different information systems provides an opportunity to improve suicide prevention programs and the quality of available information. Continuous efforts to increase the completeness and reliability of suicide surveillance systems are fundamental to describe the epidemiological profile and, consequently, plan preventive actions, in addition to contributing to the development and reformulation of strategies aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality related to suicidal behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolução Temporal Da Mortalidade Por Diarreia e Gastroenterite No Estado De Alagoas No Ano De 1996 a 2015

Research paper thumbnail of O impacto da COVID-19 no ciclo menstrual: uma perspectiva geral

Brazilian Journal of Health Review, May 5, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of A Relação Entre a Infecção Pelo SARS-COV-2 e a Incidência De Sofrimento Fetal: Uma Revisão Integrativa

Editora Científica Digital eBooks, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Análise Da Tendência Das Taxas De Mortalidade Entre 2000 e 2020 Em Pernambuco, Brasil

A Sociedade Brasileira de Epidemiologia (SBEP) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos com personalida... more A Sociedade Brasileira de Epidemiologia (SBEP) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos com personalidade jurídica própria. Esta sociedade científica tem entre suas finalidades cultivar e promover o estudo e melhor conhecimento da Epidemiologia, viabilizando os meios adequados para isso, favorecendo a divulgação dos conteúdos e metodologias. Contribuindo desta forma para a promoção da Saúde Pública. Nosso objetivo é criar mais um canal de divulgação de estudos e trabalhos na área de Epidemiologia, para popularizar e divulgar conteúdo científico ajudando na necessidade constante de atualização do conhecimento. Em 2013 o governo da então presidente Dilma Rousseff constatando que o Brasil tinha uma quantidade de médicos que eram insuficientes para atender as necessidades da população, promulgou a Lei 12.871/2013, conhecida como Lei do Mais Médicos, que tinha como objetivo aumentar a quantidade de médicos no nosso pais, e para isso criou ações de curto prazo, como a importação de profissionais de outros países, principalmente médicos cubanos, e para médio e longo prazo previa a abertura de mais vagas e cursos de medicina no Brasil, infelizmente esta lei não foi a frente, contestada na Justiça como a Ação Direta de Constitucionalidade 81 e da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade 7187, e negligenciada pelos governos seguintes, não chegou a surtir efeito. Seis anos depois chega ao mundo a epidemia do Covid-19 e nosso país não estava preparado, tínhamos menos médicos do que o necessário, isso nos levou a perder muito mais vidas do que poderíamos. Na Europa países como Alemanha e França, se perderam 4 vidas para cada 1000 casos, no Brasil perdemos quase 20 vidas para cada 1000 casos, enquanto a Argentina só perdeu 13,4 vidas para cada mil casos, mas lá temos 4 médicos para cada 1000 habitantes, aqui quase a metade disso, no Uruguai há 5 médicos para cada 1000 habitantes e lá apenas 7,6 mortes para cada 1000 casos de Covid-19. Se o Brasil tivesse uma quantidade de médicos igual a da Argentina, e um sistema de saúde semelhante, teríamos salvado mais de 200 mil vidas, se o nosso sistema de saúde e quantidade de médicos fosse igual ao do Uruguai, teríamos salvado mais de 400 mil pessoas. Este é apenas o resultado de um dos capítulos da presente obra. Buscamos com esta obra trazer informações cientificas confiáveis e relevantes para ajudar a salvar vidas, ajudando desta forma na compreensão de diferentes vertentes do processo saúde-doença, todos os capítulos buscam os fatores determinantes de enfermidades e tentam propor medidas de controle e prevenção.

Research paper thumbnail of Transtornos Psiquiátricos No Periparto

Research paper thumbnail of Análise temporal da mortalidade por suicídio: 1979 a 2015

Introduction: Suicide is a public health problem with a worldwide impact, however, for Brazil, fe... more Introduction: Suicide is a public health problem with a worldwide impact, however, for Brazil, few epidemiological studies have been carried out. And when the subject is the temporal distribution of suicide, much remains to be consolidated. Objective: to analyze the temporal distribution of suicide mortality in Brazil, using statistical models, and in the world, based on a systematic review. METHODS: A systematic review protocol was created de-creating the search strategy, the bases used, the terms used, without restriction of year or language of publication and the way of selection and analysis of the selected articles and was registered in PROSPERO, under number CRD42016038470. In view of the findings, two temporal trend models were proposed: the first one observed a annual evolution of mortality rates for the general population and by sex, proposing a national profile of the suicide victim a modeling that corrects the serial autocorrelation of the residues; and the second sought to analyze the ageperiod-cohort effect of suicide mortality for the Brazilian and Regions population and comparing this effect by sex and by the three main suicide methods. For the first approach, in addition to the descriptive statistics, a Prais-Winster regression model was used to identify annual trends, with the serial autocorrelation of the residues being tested by the Durbin-Watson test; for the second approach, the Poisson regression model, using estimable functions, was employed. Results: This study found 50 articles from 26 countries and evidenced that clear seasonal patterns were observed for day of week, month, season and age-period-cohort effects. The model for the Brazilian population showed an average growth of 4.7% per year. For modeling age-period-cohort, it was found that the model with the effects of the three components is the one that best explains the behavior of suicide rates and, subsequently, the cohort effect and then the period effect for the general population and by sex. Analyzing from the point of view of the main methods of suicide employed, this is also the reality found for the hanging. As for suicide by firearm and autointoxication, the period effect is the one that most influenced the behavior of suicide rates, for different reasons. Conclusion: Much remains to be learned about suicide, but this approach directs the formulation of policies and strategies to address this problem. This study does not close one point; it opens the way for us to try to deepen our understanding of the subject of suicide.

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil Das Vítimas Fatais Por Diarréia e Gastroenterite No Estado De Alagoas

SEMPESq - Semana de Pesquisa da Unit - Alagoas, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação do perfil epidemiológico de idosos com fraturas transtrocantéricas atendidos em hospital de média complexidade

Multidisciplinary Science Journal, Dec 24, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Fatal accidents involving motorcyclists in Recife and facial repercussions

Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial, Dec 1, 2013

Objetivo: analisar os aspectos relacionados aos acidentes fatais com motociclistas na cidade do R... more Objetivo: analisar os aspectos relacionados aos acidentes fatais com motociclistas na cidade do Recife e sua repercussão no Complexo Buco-Maxilo-Facial. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo que utilizou dados secundários das Instituições responsáveis pelos laudos de vítimas fatais de acidentes de trânsito-Institutos Médico-Legal e de Criminalística. A amostra foi constituída dos óbitos ocorridos no ano de 2010. Resultados: no período estudado, as fatalidades acometeram principalmente homens pardos e com idade entre 27 e 36 anos, ocorrendo geralmente nos dias da semana. A maior casuística foi detectada no segundo trimestre de 2010. A colisão ocorreu em 58% dos acidentes, sendo que a maioria envolveu motocicleta e veículo pesado em vias asfaltadas apresentando bom estado de conservação e com iluminação insuficiente em apenas 23.9% dos casos. As lesões mais prevalentes foram escoriações e feridas contusas com envolvimento mais marcante do terço inferior da face. Conclusões: os dados obtidos no presente estudo trouxeram conhecimento sobre a natureza e alguns fatores relacionados aos acidentes com motociclistas. Dentre outras informações, constatou-se que o envolvimento facial nos traumas físicos decorrentes das colisões é considerável, sugerindo a importância do cirurgião buco-maxilo-facial no apoio aos indivíduos que sobrevivem a esse tipo de trauma.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women

Contribuciones a las ciencias sociales, Jul 4, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a worldwide problem, causing considerable repercussions on the phy... more The COVID-19 pandemic has been a worldwide problem, causing considerable repercussions on the physical and mental health of many people. This impact has a significant prevalence on the mental health of pregnant women, especially women in early pregnancy and younger. In this context, this study sought to discuss the various impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women. This study is an integrative review that aims to answer the following guiding question "What is the latest information on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women?". The search was performed in the Medline, LILACS and SciELO databases, including complete clinical trials published in the last 5 years, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Eleven articles were selected, making up this review's final sample. As a result, it was noted that the mental health of pregnant women was significantly impaired during the pandemic phase, increasing the occurrence of mental suffering, fear, depression, anxiety and stress. All these conditions were related to direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic, such as difficulty in accessing prenatal care, insecurities about an unpredictable virus, possibility of vertical transmission, decline in professional status and reduced income. Furthermore, it was found that high-quality sleep, higher levels of resilience, low screen time and physical exercise acted as protective factors against symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is concluded, therefore, that the COVID-19 pandemic is related to an increase in the prevalence of anxiety, depression and worsening of previous mental disorders in pregnant women, showing the need for public intervention to improve perinatal mental health during the period affected by the new coronavirus.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Age, Period, and Birth Cohort Effects on Suicide Mortality in Brazil and the Five Major Geographic Regions

Research Square (Research Square), May 24, 2022

Objective: Estimate the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on suicide mortality in Brazil a... more Objective: Estimate the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on suicide mortality in Brazil and by major geographic region in the overall population and by sex. Methods: This was a time trend ecological study. National and regional suicide mortality data from 1981 to 2015 were analyzed for the overall population and by sex. Age, period, and cohort effects were calculated with a Poisson regression model, using estimable functions with the Epi package of the R statistical program, version 3.4.3. Results: Except for the North of Brazil and the female population in the Central-West region, the model that best ts the data was the complete model, following by the age-period model in most of the analyses. Conclusions: Suicide mortality rates have shown an upward trend with advancing age in the Brazilian population, in both men and women. However, the behavior of the period effect and cohort has depended on the population analyzed and regional distribution.

Research paper thumbnail of Sífilis Gestacional e Congênita Na XI Regional De Saúde, Pernambuco, Brasil, Entre 2012 e 2021

em reconhecimento do sertão como um espaço de fragilidade nas ofertas dos serviços de saúde. Méto... more em reconhecimento do sertão como um espaço de fragilidade nas ofertas dos serviços de saúde. Métodos: Os casos de sífilis gestacional e congênita da região e do período escolhidos para o estudo foram obtidos a partir do banco de dados do Sinan, e, em seguida,