Jessica Astridt Delgadillo Alvarado | Universidad Politécnica de Gómez Palacio (original) (raw)

Papers by Jessica Astridt Delgadillo Alvarado

Research paper thumbnail of La Universidad Pública del Siglo XXI, formando ciudadanos del mundo


In this article the approach the university teaching requires the student to capture the necessar... more In this article the approach the university teaching requires the student to capture the necessary skills that the current working environment calls for a new graduate is evident.
Teacher training in CBE is fundamental to the mission of most universities and in particular for the Universidad Politécnica de Gómez Palacio also gives the teacher the essential tools for teaching their subject, and encourage a meaningful learning in students; also it generates professional skills that help you perform effectively in the workplace.

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Research paper thumbnail of La Universidad Publica del Siglo XXI, formando ciudadanos el mundo


A particular concern for universities is the lack of vision of their own students as they fail in... more A particular concern for universities is the lack of vision of their own students as they fail in the attempt to find the practical value in classes they don ́t like. This research raises the problems in Higher Education, especially in Arts and Graphic related careers such as Graphic Design, interior & fashion design, and more recently the Engineering in Animation and Visual Effects, where certain teaching subjects invariably are “stigmatized” as of no use by the own students, therefore leveled as disconnected from the formal curriculum and obviously unrelated to the productive sector, one of them being the acquisition of second languages. Through the proposed Role Playing Game use as strategy & teaching methods to improve meaningful learning outcomes in such courses, using in turn ICTs as an integral part of such effort. Setting in this way the skills development schemes -skills, knowledge, and attitude- that employers are willing to pay for.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revista Ciencias de la Educación V2 N

Aplicación de proyectos transdisciplinarios como estrategia de evaluación, 2018

Currently, most of the companies request from the universities graduated students who have partic... more Currently, most of the companies request from the universities graduated students who have particular knowledge in the specialty area, such as any of the processes or procedures that they will apply for their activities, they consider it of paramount importance that when they graduate, they also count with social competences, such as basic social skills, receptive and expressive communication, among others (Bisquerra, and Pérez, 2007), this in order to have an assertive social interaction in the company, both with their counterparts, holders, and with the subordinates. One of the concepts considered in this project is transdisciplinarity, which is based on carrying out integral projects together with several specialties, whose culmination is a complete and functional product, with solid technical and administrative bases. For all the above, a work proposal was made for entrepreneurship students of the Polytechnic University of Gómez Palacio, which consists of implementing transdisciplinary projects, whose contribution is the creation of innovative objects, which have a creative sense, that give back financially. To its creators and be promoters of new knowledge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revista de Gestión Universitaria V3 N

Propuesta de creación de un centro de transferencia de tecnología en la Universidad Politécnica de Gómez Palacio, 2019

Currently, most of the students of the different Institutions of Higher Education have a social c... more Currently, most of the students of the different Institutions of Higher Education have a social commitment, which is to develop new technologies that contribute improvements in the daily life of the people. The main objective of this proposal is to create an interface that measures the needs of the company and translates them into areas of opportunity and development for universities and to implement projects in the classroom aimed at industries and thereby bring innovations to processes, products, among others. Currently, at the Polytechnic University of Gómez Palacio, students from five different specialties are being worked on, which innovate in the creation of new products, which can be patented or implemented in the industry. Another important feature to highlight is the fact that currently there is no way to protect the authorship of students, in addition to the fact that when delivering completed projects completely, the use that will be given to these products is unknown. It is for this reason that the creation of a technology transfer center is proposed; with it, it would be promoting the innovation of projects and active participation of companies, with the support of the institution.

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Conference Presentations by Jessica Astridt Delgadillo Alvarado

Research paper thumbnail of Congreso de Investigación CIESLAG 2018

Producción multimedia en 3D: formación de un yacimiento mineral, 2018

En la actualidad existen gran variedad de materiales didácticos que se emplean para el aprendizaj... more En la actualidad existen gran variedad de materiales didácticos que se emplean para el aprendizaje de las ciencias de la tierra como lo indica (Guisasola, Azcona, Etxaniz, Mujika, & Morentin, 2005) en la revista Eureka, en donde nos menciona que los museos suelen ofrecer una amplia variación de métodos de aprendizaje como: expositores tridimensionales, videos, módulos interactivos, módulos multimedia, experiencias reales manipulables, conferencias de expertos, exposiciones temáticas y talleres. Dichos materiales también pueden ser utilizados en los centros escolares, bibliotecas públicas y planetarios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Congreso de Investigación CIESLAG 2015

La educación basada en competencias como estrategia de capacitación docente en la carrera de Ingeniería en Animación y Efectos Visuales, 2015

El objetivo de este estudio es implementar estrategias de capacitación a docentes en educación ba... more El objetivo de este estudio es implementar estrategias de capacitación a docentes en educación basada en competencias, que favorezcan la generación de competencias profesionales en los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Animación y Efectos Visuales.
La capacitación docente en educación basada en competencias, es fundamental para la misión de la Universidad Politécnica de Gómez Palacio, además le proporciona al docente las herramientas indispensables para la enseñanza de su asignatura, y a favorecer un aprendizaje significativo en el alumno; asimismo genera las competencias profesionales que le ayuden a desempeñarse de manera eficiente en el campo laboral.

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Drafts by Jessica Astridt Delgadillo Alvarado

Research paper thumbnail of PROYECTO MUSEO METALES


En el museo de los metales, se cuenta con un espacio didáctico que se limita a videos antiguos. E... more En el museo de los metales, se cuenta con un espacio didáctico que se limita a videos antiguos. En la actualidad existen procesos diferentes a los explicados en dichos videos.
El proceso que se necesita presentar a los visitantes es complejo de explicar sin ayuda didáctica, la utilización de nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de presentación, creara un mayor interés en los visitantes de este museo.

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Research paper thumbnail of INFORME PROTEM UA DE C

ProTEM, Diagnóstico Pretest Multimedia, 2016

La multimedia de entretenimiento es la más común de todas, dentro de este grupo se enmarcan los v... more La multimedia de entretenimiento es la más común de todas, dentro de este grupo se enmarcan los videojuegos, la música interactiva, las aplicaciones móviles de entretenimiento; cualquier actividad que entretiene o divierte podría llamarse jue- go.
En la actualidad gran parte del ocio y el tiempo libre de las personas se ocupa de manera digital en redes sociales y juegos en línea.
La ingeniería en Animación y Efectos Visuales, se especializa en modelar, animar, desarrollar y crear contenidos multimedia para la industria. A veces la multi- media de entretenimiento necesita nuevos elementos para que la multimedia no se estanque o quede inactiva. Unos ejemplos serían en la industria del cine; el uso del 3D estereoscópico, en el ámbito de los videojuegos; la implementación de VR (Reali- dad virtual).

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Research paper thumbnail of INFORME PLANETARIUM DE TORREON


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Research paper thumbnail of La Universidad Pública del Siglo XXI, formando ciudadanos del mundo


In this article the approach the university teaching requires the student to capture the necessar... more In this article the approach the university teaching requires the student to capture the necessary skills that the current working environment calls for a new graduate is evident.
Teacher training in CBE is fundamental to the mission of most universities and in particular for the Universidad Politécnica de Gómez Palacio also gives the teacher the essential tools for teaching their subject, and encourage a meaningful learning in students; also it generates professional skills that help you perform effectively in the workplace.

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Research paper thumbnail of La Universidad Publica del Siglo XXI, formando ciudadanos el mundo


A particular concern for universities is the lack of vision of their own students as they fail in... more A particular concern for universities is the lack of vision of their own students as they fail in the attempt to find the practical value in classes they don ́t like. This research raises the problems in Higher Education, especially in Arts and Graphic related careers such as Graphic Design, interior & fashion design, and more recently the Engineering in Animation and Visual Effects, where certain teaching subjects invariably are “stigmatized” as of no use by the own students, therefore leveled as disconnected from the formal curriculum and obviously unrelated to the productive sector, one of them being the acquisition of second languages. Through the proposed Role Playing Game use as strategy & teaching methods to improve meaningful learning outcomes in such courses, using in turn ICTs as an integral part of such effort. Setting in this way the skills development schemes -skills, knowledge, and attitude- that employers are willing to pay for.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revista Ciencias de la Educación V2 N

Aplicación de proyectos transdisciplinarios como estrategia de evaluación, 2018

Currently, most of the companies request from the universities graduated students who have partic... more Currently, most of the companies request from the universities graduated students who have particular knowledge in the specialty area, such as any of the processes or procedures that they will apply for their activities, they consider it of paramount importance that when they graduate, they also count with social competences, such as basic social skills, receptive and expressive communication, among others (Bisquerra, and Pérez, 2007), this in order to have an assertive social interaction in the company, both with their counterparts, holders, and with the subordinates. One of the concepts considered in this project is transdisciplinarity, which is based on carrying out integral projects together with several specialties, whose culmination is a complete and functional product, with solid technical and administrative bases. For all the above, a work proposal was made for entrepreneurship students of the Polytechnic University of Gómez Palacio, which consists of implementing transdisciplinary projects, whose contribution is the creation of innovative objects, which have a creative sense, that give back financially. To its creators and be promoters of new knowledge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revista de Gestión Universitaria V3 N

Propuesta de creación de un centro de transferencia de tecnología en la Universidad Politécnica de Gómez Palacio, 2019

Currently, most of the students of the different Institutions of Higher Education have a social c... more Currently, most of the students of the different Institutions of Higher Education have a social commitment, which is to develop new technologies that contribute improvements in the daily life of the people. The main objective of this proposal is to create an interface that measures the needs of the company and translates them into areas of opportunity and development for universities and to implement projects in the classroom aimed at industries and thereby bring innovations to processes, products, among others. Currently, at the Polytechnic University of Gómez Palacio, students from five different specialties are being worked on, which innovate in the creation of new products, which can be patented or implemented in the industry. Another important feature to highlight is the fact that currently there is no way to protect the authorship of students, in addition to the fact that when delivering completed projects completely, the use that will be given to these products is unknown. It is for this reason that the creation of a technology transfer center is proposed; with it, it would be promoting the innovation of projects and active participation of companies, with the support of the institution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Congreso de Investigación CIESLAG 2018

Producción multimedia en 3D: formación de un yacimiento mineral, 2018

En la actualidad existen gran variedad de materiales didácticos que se emplean para el aprendizaj... more En la actualidad existen gran variedad de materiales didácticos que se emplean para el aprendizaje de las ciencias de la tierra como lo indica (Guisasola, Azcona, Etxaniz, Mujika, & Morentin, 2005) en la revista Eureka, en donde nos menciona que los museos suelen ofrecer una amplia variación de métodos de aprendizaje como: expositores tridimensionales, videos, módulos interactivos, módulos multimedia, experiencias reales manipulables, conferencias de expertos, exposiciones temáticas y talleres. Dichos materiales también pueden ser utilizados en los centros escolares, bibliotecas públicas y planetarios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Congreso de Investigación CIESLAG 2015

La educación basada en competencias como estrategia de capacitación docente en la carrera de Ingeniería en Animación y Efectos Visuales, 2015

El objetivo de este estudio es implementar estrategias de capacitación a docentes en educación ba... more El objetivo de este estudio es implementar estrategias de capacitación a docentes en educación basada en competencias, que favorezcan la generación de competencias profesionales en los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Animación y Efectos Visuales.
La capacitación docente en educación basada en competencias, es fundamental para la misión de la Universidad Politécnica de Gómez Palacio, además le proporciona al docente las herramientas indispensables para la enseñanza de su asignatura, y a favorecer un aprendizaje significativo en el alumno; asimismo genera las competencias profesionales que le ayuden a desempeñarse de manera eficiente en el campo laboral.

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Research paper thumbnail of PROYECTO MUSEO METALES


En el museo de los metales, se cuenta con un espacio didáctico que se limita a videos antiguos. E... more En el museo de los metales, se cuenta con un espacio didáctico que se limita a videos antiguos. En la actualidad existen procesos diferentes a los explicados en dichos videos.
El proceso que se necesita presentar a los visitantes es complejo de explicar sin ayuda didáctica, la utilización de nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de presentación, creara un mayor interés en los visitantes de este museo.

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Research paper thumbnail of INFORME PROTEM UA DE C

ProTEM, Diagnóstico Pretest Multimedia, 2016

La multimedia de entretenimiento es la más común de todas, dentro de este grupo se enmarcan los v... more La multimedia de entretenimiento es la más común de todas, dentro de este grupo se enmarcan los videojuegos, la música interactiva, las aplicaciones móviles de entretenimiento; cualquier actividad que entretiene o divierte podría llamarse jue- go.
En la actualidad gran parte del ocio y el tiempo libre de las personas se ocupa de manera digital en redes sociales y juegos en línea.
La ingeniería en Animación y Efectos Visuales, se especializa en modelar, animar, desarrollar y crear contenidos multimedia para la industria. A veces la multi- media de entretenimiento necesita nuevos elementos para que la multimedia no se estanque o quede inactiva. Unos ejemplos serían en la industria del cine; el uso del 3D estereoscópico, en el ámbito de los videojuegos; la implementación de VR (Reali- dad virtual).

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Research paper thumbnail of INFORME PLANETARIUM DE TORREON


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