Alek Andika | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung (original) (raw)

Papers by Alek Andika

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Youtube-Based Learning Videos in Madrasah Aliyah

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Meet Apps to Improve Student Achievement during the Pandemic

World Psychology, Mar 19, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Realizing Pancasila Student Profiles in the School Environment through the Internalization of Character Education

Widya Accarya, Apr 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Managemen Surat Berbasis Web DI Badan Pusat Statistik Jepara

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jepara (BPS) merupakan instansi permrintahan yang berfungsi untuk... more Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jepara (BPS) merupakan instansi permrintahan yang berfungsi untuk Pengkajian, penyusunan dan perumusan kebijakan dibidang statistic di Jepara. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dari tahun ke tahun selalu mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi modern ini kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi semakin besar. Sehingga diperlukan media informasi yang cepat, tepat dan akurat dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan akan informasi tersebut. Teknologi-teknologi baru di bidang telekomunikasi dan jaringan komputer terus bermunculan dengan konsep-konsep baru. untuk mencapai satu tujuan yaitu mempermudah dan mempercepatan dalam menyampaikan informasi, khususnya dalam mempermudah pertukaran data dan informasi serta penyebarannya yang tak terbatas lagi pada ruang dan waktu. kemajuan teknologi informasi harus terus diupayakan dan ditingkatkan kualitas dan kuantitasnya di Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jepara (BPS), terdapat beberapa masalah ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the anthropology of love and tourism

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Translating Text for the English Major Students at Umnu Kebumen

English Education and Literature Journal (E-Jou)

English Plays Important Role To Communicate In This Globalization Era. Unfortunately, Our Young G... more English Plays Important Role To Communicate In This Globalization Era. Unfortunately, Our Young Generation Still Need Many Improvements In English Mastering. One Of The Biggest Problems Is Because They Cannot Understand The Language. Therefore, This Research Aimed To Identified The Students’ Difficulties In Translating Text Both From English To Indonesian Or The Contrary. This Research Applied Qualitative Approach With Descriptive Method. The Sample Was Taken By Using Purposive Sampling Technique And It Was Decided That There Were Eleven (11) Students Who Fulfilled The Criteria. The Researcher Used Three (3) Kind Of Instruments; Objective Test, Questionnaire, And Interview. From The Identification Result, The Researcher Found That There Were Three (3) Dominant Difficulties Encountered By The Students; (1) Idioms, (2) Unsystematic Mind Plot, And (3) Equivalent Word. Furthermore, The Researcher Concluded That To Overcome Those Difficulties, The Students Should; Do More Reading Activit...

Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Responses to the Use of Informationtechnology(It) in the Englishteaching-Learning Atsmk Ma’Arif 5 Gombong

Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam, Apr 5, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Net Play on Forearm Passing Ability on Junior High School Level Inclusion Schools

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences

This study aims to determine the influence of net play on forearm passing ability in inclusion sc... more This study aims to determine the influence of net play on forearm passing ability in inclusion school students at the junior high school level. The design of this study is a Group Pretest-posttest design. The participants of this study were obtained using a random sampling technique, namely male students who took part in volleyball extracurricular in an inclusion school totaling 25 students. The instrument used is the forearm passing ability test. Data analyses used descriptive statistics and t-tests. The results showed that the t-count value of 5.047 versus t of table 2,060 (df = 25) at a significance level of 5% because t count is greater than the t-table, there is a significant difference. Judging from the average value, the average pretest value = 30.12 and the posttest average value = 34.87, then the effect of increasing the Forearm passing ability through the net game practice method is = 4. 75 or 1 5.77%. The contribution of this research is to the next researcher so that in researching can pay attention to the things that are within the limitations of this study and develop net game methods and other methods to improve the ability to pass down.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kebijakan Sertifikasi Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Membentuk Habituasi Karakter Profesional

CERMIN: Jurnal Penelitian

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebijakan sertifikasi guru bahasa inggris dalam membentuk k... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebijakan sertifikasi guru bahasa inggris dalam membentuk karakter professional di sekolah-sekolah lingkungan Pimpinan Cabang Lembaga Pendidikan (PCLP) Ma’arif Kebumen. Tujuan sertifikasi guru itu sendiri adalah untuk menentukan kelayakan guru dan mewujudkan tujuan Pendidikan Nasional, meningkatkan proses dan mutu hasil pendidikan, meningkatkan martabat guru, dan meningkatkan profesionalitas guru. Jenis penelitiannya adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pelaksanaan metode penelitian ini tidak hanya terbatas pada pengumpulan dan penyusunan data saja, akan tetapi sangat komplek dan luas yaitu meliputi analisis dan interpretasi tentang data tersebut, selanjutnya data yang dikumpulkan memungkinkan menjadi kunci atau jawaban terhadap apa yang diteliti. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan sertifikasi dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme guru Bahasa Inggris dilingkungan PCLP Ma’arif Kebumen. Kebijakan sertifikasi guru hampir sepenuhnya te...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating English Training Program for the Local People of Kampung NG Inggris Kebumen Based on Cipp

Cakrawala: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dan studi sosial, Mar 28, 2019

Evaluating a program is an important process by which program administrators can see the program ... more Evaluating a program is an important process by which program administrators can see the program effectiveness and make right decision about the program. This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the English training program for the local people of KampungInggrisKebumen (KIK) at Jatijajar village, Ayah, Kebumen. The evaluation was conducted qualitatively by using CIPP evaluation model which focused on evaluating contexts, inputs, processes, and products of the program. The research involved the students, the tutors, and the chief of the program. Data were obtained through observation, in depth interview, and analysis of the documents gained. The data were analyzed through four steps, namely: 1) Data collecting, 2) Data reducing, 3) Data serving; and, 4) Concluding or verifying. Data sources triangulation was used for data validating. The research discovered that the program was ineffective due to four main factors. First, the context of teaching-learning was less supportive to the program success. Second, the inputs were in lack of quality. Third, the teachinglearning process did not show good teaching practices. Fourth, the course products did not reflect the program goals.This proves Dunkin's and Biddle's theory (1974) that context, presage, process, and product variables are interrelated to affect the success of teaching-learning for a course program.

Research paper thumbnail of SAP (SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN) Mata Kuliah : ISBD Kode MK : MKWK03 Alokasi waktu : 3 X 50 menit Pertemuan : 10 Tujuan

Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi e... more Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi etis yang keliru dalam melihat hubungan antara manusia, alam, teknologi. Tujuan materi ini adalah menumbuhkan kepekaan kepada mahasiswa akan pentingnya etika ekosentrisme dan deep ecology dalam melihat relasi eksistensial antar manusia, alam, dan lingkungan.

Research paper thumbnail of SAP (SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN) Mata Kuliah : ISBD Kode MK : MKWK03 Alokasi waktu : 3 X 50 menit Pertemuan : 10 Tujuan

Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi e... more Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi etis yang keliru dalam melihat hubungan antara manusia, alam, teknologi. Tujuan materi ini adalah menumbuhkan kepekaan kepada mahasiswa akan pentingnya etika ekosentrisme dan deep ecology dalam melihat relasi eksistensial antar manusia, alam, dan lingkungan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Learning Listening Difficulties Toward English Education Study Program Students at University of Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen in the Academic Year 2019/2020

English Education and Literature Journal (E-jou), 2021

Abstrak Listening adalah salah satu keterampilan yang harus dikuasai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris... more Abstrak Listening adalah salah satu keterampilan yang harus dikuasai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Bagaimanapun, belajar Listening sangat penting karena dapat membantu membangun pondasi untuk belajar keterampilan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kesulitan belajar Listening yang paling sering dihadapi mahasiswa di Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen. Tipe penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam bentuk gambar dan kata. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang telah mendapatkan pelajaran Listening dan terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan di Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: terdapat lima permasalahan yang menyebabkan mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar dan melakukan Listening. (1) Speakers berbicara terlalu cep...

Research paper thumbnail of Motivasi Guru-Guru Paud Dalam Melanjutkan Belajar/Perkuliahan Pada S1 Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Paud DI Kabupaten Kebumen

CERMIN: Jurnal Penelitian, Jul 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Needs and Problems in English for Hospitality Industries: A Case Study of the Hotel Employees at Meotel Hotel Kebumen

Hospitality industry is one of the important sectors to play roles in the economic and tourism gr... more Hospitality industry is one of the important sectors to play roles in the economic and tourism growth in Kebumen. Therefore, keeping this industry to be competitive in the future seems to be urgent. Hotel owners need to improve the quality of human resources, mainly the English communication skills. This research describes and analyzes needs and problems of English for hospitality industry at Meotel Hotel Kebumen. It involved 20 experienced hotel employees at the research site as the participants. Questionnaires were used in the data collection. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings proved that the skills needed from the most required to the least one are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The three most dominant language uses are to give services, to give information, and to give help. Problems in using English encountered included guessing unknown words due to limited vocabulary, lacking of grammar knowledge, inability ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of “Think-Talk-Write (Ttw)” In Writing Descriptive Text of Seventh Grade Smp Islam Ulil Albab In Academic Year 2019/2020

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kemampuan penulisan teks deskriptif siswa d... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kemampuan penulisan teks deskriptif siswa dengan menggunakan metode Think-Talk-Write (TTW), (2) mencari perbedeaan antara siswa yang menggunkan metode Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dan siswa yang tidak menggunakan menggunkan metode Think-Talk-Write. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttest dengan melakukan 2 kali pertemuan untuk treatment, 2 x 40 menit untuk setiap pertemuan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Islam Ulil Albab Kebumen yang berjumlah 28 siswa. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan simple random ialah semua siswa kelas VII. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen tes yaitu pretest dan posttest. Setelah dilakukan uji-t terlihat bahwa selisih rata-rata menunjukan perbedaan signifikan antara hasil dari pretest dan posttest. Hasil rata-rata pada posttest ialah 70,42 lebih besar dari pada nilai score pretets yaitu 51,82. Oleh karena itu dapat disimp...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Variety of Learning Difficulties in Indonesian Language Education Students on English Language Courses at University of Ma'arif Nu Kebumen

ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal)

Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a membe... more Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a member of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) should properly prepare for this challenge by preparing a capable and skilled generation of the nation. English is an international language that is very important for communication and connecting people with the world in various aspects including education. The government shows its seriousness in improving English language skills to the nation's generation, namely by requiring English at the educational level. In reality, there are various difficulties faced by students when learning English, especially in learners / students who are not from the English department called ESP (English for Specific Purposes) Learners. This study aims to explore deeper into the variety of difficulties faced by students in learning English in students of Indonesian Language Education Study Program at FKIP University of Ma'arif NU Kebumen. This study uses a qu...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Using Role-Play to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Tenth Grade Students of State Senior High School1 Pejagoan, Kebumen 2015/2016 Academic Year

ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal)

The research was pointed to progress the students’ speaking abilities of the tenth of SMA Negeri... more The research was pointed to progress the students’ speaking abilities of the tenth of SMA Negeri 1 Pejagoan by actualizing the role-play technique. It was carried out based on the strategy that had been arranged some time recently. The observation was action research. It was conducted in three cycles with one assembly in the to begin with cycle and 2 gatherings in the moment and third cycle. The subjects of this inquire about were 32 students of lesson tenth grade at SMA Negeri 1 Pejagoan. The subjective information were collected by watching the educating and learning handle, and meeting the students, the instructor and the collaborators. The information were in the shape of field notes, meet transcripts, and photos. In the interim, the quantitative information were collected through evaluating the students’ speaking execution by comparing the implies of the pretest and post test. The information were the students’ speaking ability. The strategy of the inquire about comprised of s...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Variety of Learning Difficulties to Indonesian Language Education Students On English Language Courses at University of Ma'arif NU Kebumen

Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series

Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a membe... more Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a member of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) should properly prepare for this challenge by preparing a capable and skilled generation of the nation. English is an international language that is very important for communication and connecting people with the world in various aspects including education. The government shows its seriousness in improving English language skills to the nation's generation, namely by requiring English at the educational level. In reality, there are various difficulties faced by students when learning English, especially in learners / students who are not from the English department called ESP (English for Specific Purposes) Learners. This study aims to dig deeper into the variety of difficulties faced by students in learning English in students of Indonesian Language Education Study Program at FKIP Ma'arif University NU Kebumen. This study uses a qualitati...

Research paper thumbnail of ELT Management

1. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang ELT manajemen? Uraikan, serta apa tujuan anda mempelajarinya.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Youtube-Based Learning Videos in Madrasah Aliyah

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Meet Apps to Improve Student Achievement during the Pandemic

World Psychology, Mar 19, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Realizing Pancasila Student Profiles in the School Environment through the Internalization of Character Education

Widya Accarya, Apr 28, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Managemen Surat Berbasis Web DI Badan Pusat Statistik Jepara

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jepara (BPS) merupakan instansi permrintahan yang berfungsi untuk... more Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jepara (BPS) merupakan instansi permrintahan yang berfungsi untuk Pengkajian, penyusunan dan perumusan kebijakan dibidang statistic di Jepara. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dari tahun ke tahun selalu mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi modern ini kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi semakin besar. Sehingga diperlukan media informasi yang cepat, tepat dan akurat dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan akan informasi tersebut. Teknologi-teknologi baru di bidang telekomunikasi dan jaringan komputer terus bermunculan dengan konsep-konsep baru. untuk mencapai satu tujuan yaitu mempermudah dan mempercepatan dalam menyampaikan informasi, khususnya dalam mempermudah pertukaran data dan informasi serta penyebarannya yang tak terbatas lagi pada ruang dan waktu. kemajuan teknologi informasi harus terus diupayakan dan ditingkatkan kualitas dan kuantitasnya di Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jepara (BPS), terdapat beberapa masalah ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the anthropology of love and tourism

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Translating Text for the English Major Students at Umnu Kebumen

English Education and Literature Journal (E-Jou)

English Plays Important Role To Communicate In This Globalization Era. Unfortunately, Our Young G... more English Plays Important Role To Communicate In This Globalization Era. Unfortunately, Our Young Generation Still Need Many Improvements In English Mastering. One Of The Biggest Problems Is Because They Cannot Understand The Language. Therefore, This Research Aimed To Identified The Students’ Difficulties In Translating Text Both From English To Indonesian Or The Contrary. This Research Applied Qualitative Approach With Descriptive Method. The Sample Was Taken By Using Purposive Sampling Technique And It Was Decided That There Were Eleven (11) Students Who Fulfilled The Criteria. The Researcher Used Three (3) Kind Of Instruments; Objective Test, Questionnaire, And Interview. From The Identification Result, The Researcher Found That There Were Three (3) Dominant Difficulties Encountered By The Students; (1) Idioms, (2) Unsystematic Mind Plot, And (3) Equivalent Word. Furthermore, The Researcher Concluded That To Overcome Those Difficulties, The Students Should; Do More Reading Activit...

Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Responses to the Use of Informationtechnology(It) in the Englishteaching-Learning Atsmk Ma’Arif 5 Gombong

Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam, Apr 5, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Net Play on Forearm Passing Ability on Junior High School Level Inclusion Schools

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences

This study aims to determine the influence of net play on forearm passing ability in inclusion sc... more This study aims to determine the influence of net play on forearm passing ability in inclusion school students at the junior high school level. The design of this study is a Group Pretest-posttest design. The participants of this study were obtained using a random sampling technique, namely male students who took part in volleyball extracurricular in an inclusion school totaling 25 students. The instrument used is the forearm passing ability test. Data analyses used descriptive statistics and t-tests. The results showed that the t-count value of 5.047 versus t of table 2,060 (df = 25) at a significance level of 5% because t count is greater than the t-table, there is a significant difference. Judging from the average value, the average pretest value = 30.12 and the posttest average value = 34.87, then the effect of increasing the Forearm passing ability through the net game practice method is = 4. 75 or 1 5.77%. The contribution of this research is to the next researcher so that in researching can pay attention to the things that are within the limitations of this study and develop net game methods and other methods to improve the ability to pass down.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kebijakan Sertifikasi Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Membentuk Habituasi Karakter Profesional

CERMIN: Jurnal Penelitian

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebijakan sertifikasi guru bahasa inggris dalam membentuk k... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebijakan sertifikasi guru bahasa inggris dalam membentuk karakter professional di sekolah-sekolah lingkungan Pimpinan Cabang Lembaga Pendidikan (PCLP) Ma’arif Kebumen. Tujuan sertifikasi guru itu sendiri adalah untuk menentukan kelayakan guru dan mewujudkan tujuan Pendidikan Nasional, meningkatkan proses dan mutu hasil pendidikan, meningkatkan martabat guru, dan meningkatkan profesionalitas guru. Jenis penelitiannya adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pelaksanaan metode penelitian ini tidak hanya terbatas pada pengumpulan dan penyusunan data saja, akan tetapi sangat komplek dan luas yaitu meliputi analisis dan interpretasi tentang data tersebut, selanjutnya data yang dikumpulkan memungkinkan menjadi kunci atau jawaban terhadap apa yang diteliti. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan sertifikasi dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme guru Bahasa Inggris dilingkungan PCLP Ma’arif Kebumen. Kebijakan sertifikasi guru hampir sepenuhnya te...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating English Training Program for the Local People of Kampung NG Inggris Kebumen Based on Cipp

Cakrawala: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dan studi sosial, Mar 28, 2019

Evaluating a program is an important process by which program administrators can see the program ... more Evaluating a program is an important process by which program administrators can see the program effectiveness and make right decision about the program. This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the English training program for the local people of KampungInggrisKebumen (KIK) at Jatijajar village, Ayah, Kebumen. The evaluation was conducted qualitatively by using CIPP evaluation model which focused on evaluating contexts, inputs, processes, and products of the program. The research involved the students, the tutors, and the chief of the program. Data were obtained through observation, in depth interview, and analysis of the documents gained. The data were analyzed through four steps, namely: 1) Data collecting, 2) Data reducing, 3) Data serving; and, 4) Concluding or verifying. Data sources triangulation was used for data validating. The research discovered that the program was ineffective due to four main factors. First, the context of teaching-learning was less supportive to the program success. Second, the inputs were in lack of quality. Third, the teachinglearning process did not show good teaching practices. Fourth, the course products did not reflect the program goals.This proves Dunkin's and Biddle's theory (1974) that context, presage, process, and product variables are interrelated to affect the success of teaching-learning for a course program.

Research paper thumbnail of SAP (SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN) Mata Kuliah : ISBD Kode MK : MKWK03 Alokasi waktu : 3 X 50 menit Pertemuan : 10 Tujuan

Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi e... more Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi etis yang keliru dalam melihat hubungan antara manusia, alam, teknologi. Tujuan materi ini adalah menumbuhkan kepekaan kepada mahasiswa akan pentingnya etika ekosentrisme dan deep ecology dalam melihat relasi eksistensial antar manusia, alam, dan lingkungan.

Research paper thumbnail of SAP (SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN) Mata Kuliah : ISBD Kode MK : MKWK03 Alokasi waktu : 3 X 50 menit Pertemuan : 10 Tujuan

Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi e... more Materi ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bahwa akar krisis lingkungan dimulai dari visi etis yang keliru dalam melihat hubungan antara manusia, alam, teknologi. Tujuan materi ini adalah menumbuhkan kepekaan kepada mahasiswa akan pentingnya etika ekosentrisme dan deep ecology dalam melihat relasi eksistensial antar manusia, alam, dan lingkungan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Learning Listening Difficulties Toward English Education Study Program Students at University of Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen in the Academic Year 2019/2020

English Education and Literature Journal (E-jou), 2021

Abstrak Listening adalah salah satu keterampilan yang harus dikuasai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris... more Abstrak Listening adalah salah satu keterampilan yang harus dikuasai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Bagaimanapun, belajar Listening sangat penting karena dapat membantu membangun pondasi untuk belajar keterampilan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kesulitan belajar Listening yang paling sering dihadapi mahasiswa di Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen. Tipe penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam bentuk gambar dan kata. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang telah mendapatkan pelajaran Listening dan terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan di Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: terdapat lima permasalahan yang menyebabkan mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar dan melakukan Listening. (1) Speakers berbicara terlalu cep...

Research paper thumbnail of Motivasi Guru-Guru Paud Dalam Melanjutkan Belajar/Perkuliahan Pada S1 Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Paud DI Kabupaten Kebumen

CERMIN: Jurnal Penelitian, Jul 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Needs and Problems in English for Hospitality Industries: A Case Study of the Hotel Employees at Meotel Hotel Kebumen

Hospitality industry is one of the important sectors to play roles in the economic and tourism gr... more Hospitality industry is one of the important sectors to play roles in the economic and tourism growth in Kebumen. Therefore, keeping this industry to be competitive in the future seems to be urgent. Hotel owners need to improve the quality of human resources, mainly the English communication skills. This research describes and analyzes needs and problems of English for hospitality industry at Meotel Hotel Kebumen. It involved 20 experienced hotel employees at the research site as the participants. Questionnaires were used in the data collection. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings proved that the skills needed from the most required to the least one are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The three most dominant language uses are to give services, to give information, and to give help. Problems in using English encountered included guessing unknown words due to limited vocabulary, lacking of grammar knowledge, inability ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of “Think-Talk-Write (Ttw)” In Writing Descriptive Text of Seventh Grade Smp Islam Ulil Albab In Academic Year 2019/2020

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kemampuan penulisan teks deskriptif siswa d... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kemampuan penulisan teks deskriptif siswa dengan menggunakan metode Think-Talk-Write (TTW), (2) mencari perbedeaan antara siswa yang menggunkan metode Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dan siswa yang tidak menggunakan menggunkan metode Think-Talk-Write. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttest dengan melakukan 2 kali pertemuan untuk treatment, 2 x 40 menit untuk setiap pertemuan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Islam Ulil Albab Kebumen yang berjumlah 28 siswa. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan simple random ialah semua siswa kelas VII. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen tes yaitu pretest dan posttest. Setelah dilakukan uji-t terlihat bahwa selisih rata-rata menunjukan perbedaan signifikan antara hasil dari pretest dan posttest. Hasil rata-rata pada posttest ialah 70,42 lebih besar dari pada nilai score pretets yaitu 51,82. Oleh karena itu dapat disimp...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Variety of Learning Difficulties in Indonesian Language Education Students on English Language Courses at University of Ma'arif Nu Kebumen

ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal)

Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a membe... more Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a member of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) should properly prepare for this challenge by preparing a capable and skilled generation of the nation. English is an international language that is very important for communication and connecting people with the world in various aspects including education. The government shows its seriousness in improving English language skills to the nation's generation, namely by requiring English at the educational level. In reality, there are various difficulties faced by students when learning English, especially in learners / students who are not from the English department called ESP (English for Specific Purposes) Learners. This study aims to explore deeper into the variety of difficulties faced by students in learning English in students of Indonesian Language Education Study Program at FKIP University of Ma'arif NU Kebumen. This study uses a qu...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Using Role-Play to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Tenth Grade Students of State Senior High School1 Pejagoan, Kebumen 2015/2016 Academic Year

ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal)

The research was pointed to progress the students’ speaking abilities of the tenth of SMA Negeri... more The research was pointed to progress the students’ speaking abilities of the tenth of SMA Negeri 1 Pejagoan by actualizing the role-play technique. It was carried out based on the strategy that had been arranged some time recently. The observation was action research. It was conducted in three cycles with one assembly in the to begin with cycle and 2 gatherings in the moment and third cycle. The subjects of this inquire about were 32 students of lesson tenth grade at SMA Negeri 1 Pejagoan. The subjective information were collected by watching the educating and learning handle, and meeting the students, the instructor and the collaborators. The information were in the shape of field notes, meet transcripts, and photos. In the interim, the quantitative information were collected through evaluating the students’ speaking execution by comparing the implies of the pretest and post test. The information were the students’ speaking ability. The strategy of the inquire about comprised of s...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Variety of Learning Difficulties to Indonesian Language Education Students On English Language Courses at University of Ma'arif NU Kebumen

Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series

Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a membe... more Mastery of English as an international language is a necessity at this time. Indonesia as a member of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) should properly prepare for this challenge by preparing a capable and skilled generation of the nation. English is an international language that is very important for communication and connecting people with the world in various aspects including education. The government shows its seriousness in improving English language skills to the nation's generation, namely by requiring English at the educational level. In reality, there are various difficulties faced by students when learning English, especially in learners / students who are not from the English department called ESP (English for Specific Purposes) Learners. This study aims to dig deeper into the variety of difficulties faced by students in learning English in students of Indonesian Language Education Study Program at FKIP Ma'arif University NU Kebumen. This study uses a qualitati...

Research paper thumbnail of ELT Management

1. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang ELT manajemen? Uraikan, serta apa tujuan anda mempelajarinya.