Asep Sudarsyah | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung (original) (raw)

Papers by Asep Sudarsyah

Research paper thumbnail of Menjadikan Sekolah Sebagai Learning Organization

Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan, Apr 30, 2003

Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan p... more Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah mencerminkan kehendak "mengembalikan sekolah kepada masyarakat", sebagai hasrat yang muncul bersamaan dengan otonomi daerah termasuk di dalamnya "kemauan" daerah (kabupaten/kota) mengelola pendidikan secara mandiri. Kemudian daerah menyerahkan kepada mayarakat sekolah, guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas, orang tua dan pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan (stakeholder). Pengelolaan pedidikan diserahkan pada sekolah dan masyarakat dengan gagasan manajemen berbasis sekolah (school based management), agar tidak ketinggalan upaya peningkatan mutunya maka diberi label peningkatan mutu berbasis sekolah {school based quality improvement), agar belajar menjadi fungsional dengan kehidupan maka ada kurikulum berbasis kompetensi {competence based curriculum), guru lebih berperan dalam evaluasi berbasis kelas {classroom based evaluation), evaluasi berbasis siswa {student based evaluation), dan label-label perubahan yang lain akan terus berlanjut didesakkan pada sebuah ruang yang disebut "sekolah Apakah komunitas sekolah menpunyai basis kemampuan menginisiasi perubahan itu?

Research paper thumbnail of Penyehatan Manajemen Sekolah untuk Mengoptimalkan Pencapaian Mutu SMP di Kabupaten Purwakarta

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sep 30, 2021

The results of the study revealed that the concept of school management health as the readiness o... more The results of the study revealed that the concept of school management health as the readiness of all school organizational functions to carry out all the principals, solve problems faced, face various challenges and take advantage of existing opportunities. The diagnosis of school management disease is carried out through the identification of school community behavior on school management health indicators seen from their functioning, adequacy, and suitability. Efforts made to overcome the problem of school management diseases, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia has established a partnership with the Education Office of Purwakarta Regency, through the implementation of Community Service activities in schools. The form of activity offered to schools is the School Management Health Diagnostic Workshop. The formulation of the workshop is based on the problems faced and is relevant to the expertise of the implementers of the activities. This workshop aims to develop the competence of participants in improving the quality of schools, building the independence of the target audience in diagnosing the health of their schools using available instruments. This activity was carried out for five months from July to November 2020, with 143 schools participating. The results of the evaluation show that the Principal is aware of the indicators that characterize Healthy Schools, is able to complete and conduct self-evaluations through workshops and mentoring made for the purposes of his school diagnosis.

Research paper thumbnail of KERANGKA ANALISIS DATA FENOMENOLOGI (Contoh Analisis Teks Sebuah Catatan Harian)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Aug 23, 2016

Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada pene... more Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada penelitian interpretatif, realitas itu intersubyektif yang merupakan konsepsi perilaku dan dikonstruksi dari kenyataan sosial. Konsepsi perilaku dalam kenyataan sosial dipahami sebagai ekspresi-ekspresi yang disuling menjadi makna. Makna itu merupakan kesadaran subyek (intensionalitas) terhadap realitas pengalaman hidupnya. Pemahaman terhadap makna dalam kajian fenomenologi dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan, melakukan reduksi, dan menemukan esensi-esensi. Ekspresi-ekspresi pengalaman hidup harus diperlakukan secara sama (horizonalization), peneliti menunda prasangka-prasangkanya (bracketing), dan menemukan struktur esensial makna dalam wujud tekstur sebagaimana adanya. Implikasi dari pikiran fundamental fenomenologi tersebut adalah interpretasi merupakan modus operasi analisis data. Data adalah ekspresi pengalaman hidup seseorang dimana peneliti berusaha menunda prasangka dan kerangka analisisnya. Akhir analisis data ditandai dengan ditemukannya tekstur pengalaman hidup atau peristiwa dari suatu entitas sosial budaya.

Research paper thumbnail of Menjadikan Sekolah Sebagai Learning Organization

Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan

Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan p... more Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah mencerminkan kehendak “mengembalikan sekolah kepada masyarakat”, sebagai hasrat yang muncul bersamaan dengan otonomi daerah termasuk di dalamnya “kemauan” daerah (kabupaten/kota) mengelola pendidikan secara mandiri. Kemudian daerah menyerahkan kepada mayarakat sekolah, guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas, orang tua dan pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan (stakeholder). Pengelolaan pedidikan diserahkan pada sekolah dan masyarakat dengan gagasan manajemen berbasis sekolah (school based management), agar tidak ketinggalan upaya peningkatan mutunya maka diberi label peningkatan mutu berbasis sekolah {school based quality improvement), agar belajar menjadi fungsional dengan kehidupan maka ada kurikulum berbasis kompetensi {competence based curriculum), guru lebih berperan dalam evaluasi berbasis kelas {classroom based evaluation), evaluasi berbasis siswa {student based evalua...

Research paper thumbnail of Supervisi Berbasis Sekolah: Dalam Membangun Komunitas Belajar

Research paper thumbnail of PROGRAM PENELITIAN INOVASI PEMBELAJARAN Pembangunan “Knowledge Center” Manajemen Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Profesi Mahasiswa Kependidikan

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 2016

Masalah kualitas hasil belajar (perkuliahan) pada mata kuliah Pengelolaan Pendidikan (KD304) yang... more Masalah kualitas hasil belajar (perkuliahan) pada mata kuliah Pengelolaan Pendidikan (KD304) yang teridentifikasi dalam bentuk rendahnya penguasaan mahasiswa dalam kompetensi yang disyaratkan pada mata kuliah tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan kurang termotivasinya mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik untuk menjalani profesinya sebagai pendidik karena pemahaman mengenai bagaimana pendidikan harus dikelola tidak dipahami secara utuh (teori dan praktik), seolah-olah apa yang dipelajari tidak berkaitan dengan praktiknya di lembaga/instansi/satuan pendidikan. Analisis terhadap sebab permasalahan ini memunculkan pemahaman bahwa perkuliahan yang tidak memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk memahami konsep secara utuh dan bagaimana implementasinya di lapangan mengakibatkan mahasiswa tidak menguasai secara utuh kompetensi mata kuliah Pengelolaan Pendidikan.Hal ini coba dipecahkan melalui pengembangan knowledge center manajemen pendidikanuk website yang berisi sejumlah pengetahuan teoritik dan praktik mengena...

Research paper thumbnail of Penyehatan Manajemen Sekolah untuk Mengoptimalkan Pencapaian Mutu SMP di Kabupaten Purwakarta

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Hasil kajian mengungkapkan bahwa konsep kesehatan manajemen sekolah sebagai kesiapan semua fungsi... more Hasil kajian mengungkapkan bahwa konsep kesehatan manajemen sekolah sebagai kesiapan semua fungsi organisasi sekolah untuk dapat menjalankan semua tugas pokoknya, memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi, mampu menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan memanfaatkan peluang yang ada. Diagnosa penyakit manajemen sekolah dilakukan melalui identifikasi perilaku warga sekolah pada indikator-indikator kesehatan manajemen sekolah dilihat dari keberfungsian, kecukupan, dan kesesuaian. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan penyakit manejemen sekolah, pihak Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia menjalin kemitraan dengan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Purwakarta, melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di sekolah. Bentuk kegiatan yang ditawarkan kepada sekolah ialah Workshop Diagnonis Kesehatan Manajemen Sekolah. Perumusan workshop tersebut didasarkan pada permasalahan yang dihadapi dan relevan dengan kepakaran para pelaksana kegiatan. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi...

Research paper thumbnail of KERANGKA ANALISIS DATA FENOMENOLOGI (Contoh Analisis Teks Sebuah Catatan Harian)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 2016

Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada pene... more Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada penelitian interpretatif, realitas itu intersubyektif yang merupakan konsepsi perilaku dan dikonstruksi dari kenyataan sosial. Konsepsi perilaku dalam kenyataan sosial dipahami sebagai ekspresi-ekspresi yang disuling menjadi makna. Makna itu merupakan kesadaran subyek (intensionalitas) terhadap realitas pengalaman hidupnya. Pemahaman terhadap makna dalam kajian fenomenologi dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan, melakukan reduksi, dan menemukan esensi-esensi. Ekspresi-ekspresi pengalaman hidup harus diperlakukan secara sama (horizonalization), peneliti menunda prasangka-prasangkanya (bracketing), dan menemukan struktur esensial makna dalam wujud tekstur sebagaimana adanya. Implikasi dari pikiran fundamental fenomenologi tersebut adalah interpretasi merupakan modus operasi analisis data. Data adalah ekspresi pengalaman hidup seseorang dimana peneliti berusaha menunda prasangka dan kerangka an...

Research paper thumbnail of MENGELOLA PERUBAHAN ORGANISASI (Sebuah Prespektif Perilaku)

Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Assurance of Transformational Leadership in Education

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2020), 2021

This research is to describe and analyze the quality assurance of transformational leadership of ... more This research is to describe and analyze the quality assurance of transformational leadership of Head of Teachers and Educators Development Division (P3TK) to the subordinates in an education organization at meso-(middle) dimension amid the occurring Covid-19. The method applied is that of qualitative-descriptive approach with research instruments of observation, interview and documentation. The research shows that quality assurance of transformation leadership is crucial to be implemented at meso-dimension of education world to improve service delivery by education staff to education personnel operating in the field so as to maximize harmonious personal interaction during Covid-19 pandemic that has been taking place for a relatively long time.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Internal Quality Assurance and Quality Culture on Performance of Higher Education Institution

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2018)

The aims of this study are, to evaluate the influence of the University's internal quality assura... more The aims of this study are, to evaluate the influence of the University's internal quality assurance on the culture of quality and organizational performance. The study was conducted at five State Universities in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. Survey design is used in data collection by using questionnaire instruments. The data analysis uses regression analysis and factor analysis (SEM/Structural Equation Modeling). The results showed that, the internal quality assurance of Higher Education had a positive and significant effect on Quality Culture and organizational performance. The quality culture has a negative effect on its performance of Higher Education organizations. This means that, to develop a quality culture and organizational performance, the universities need to improve their internal quality assurance.

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan autentik : riset implementasi manajemen perubahan

Research paper thumbnail of Transformational Leadership for Improving Teacher’s Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2020)

This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership for improving teacher's perf... more This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership for improving teacher's performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a sequential explanatory study using a combination research method (mixed methods) starting with the quantitative research stage and continuing with qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by observation, questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was tested using a Likert scale with regression techniques to 50 private teachers in Bandung. The results showed that transformational leadership improving teacher performance by 44%. The higher implications of transformational leadership, the higher teacher's performance improving. The research evidence more clearly shows that transformational leadership can move followers to exceed expected performance. Transformational leadership gives rise to greater effort, commitment, and satisfaction of his subordinates. Improving teacher's teaching performance can be optimized by developing the capacity of the teacher (capacity building) itself. Capacity building is the process of improving the ability of knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and behavior of teachers in educational organizations. In this process it can certainly be done in various ways, both through competency-based education and training, clear career pattern development, all of which are to improve the performance of teachers in carrying out their duties. Therefore, capacity building is closely related to teacher's abilities, institutional capabilities, and organizational system capabilities. With improving teacher's performance, it is expected that educational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pengembangan Profesiguru Melalui Professional Learning Community DI Sekolah Menengah

ABTRAKS T ujuan studi ini adalah mengembangkan model PLC dengan cara menemu kenali tipologi penge... more ABTRAKS T ujuan studi ini adalah mengembangkan model PLC dengan cara menemu kenali tipologi pengembangan profesi ditinjau dari kepemimpinan, iklim dan sistempendukung organisasi. Pengalaman belajar masa lampau baik yang diperoleh dalam pre-service training maupun in-service training menyebabkan guru tumbuh dan berkembang dalam profesi. Tetapi pengalaman belajar tersebut sering bersifat one short training dan terlepas dari kebutuhannya sehingga kinerja dikelas cenderung tidak berubah, business asusual . Keadaan ini mengarah pada upaya untuk menemukenali tipologi pengembangan profesi guru disekolah dan mengarahkan pada pertanyaan penelitian “ bagaimana pengembangan profesi guru melalui Professional Learning Community (PLC) dikembangkan di sekolah menengah pertama ”. Ur geni penelitian ini memberikan arah kebijakan dalam pengembangan profesi guru berbasis PLC untuk memastikan keberlansungan dan keberlanjutan pengembangan profesi guru ditataran sekolah serta memperbaiki kelemahan peng...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Commitment, Motivation, Climate and Authentic Leadership on The Performance of Madrasah Teachers

Proceedings of the 1st Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2017), 2017

The objective of this research is to verify that commitment and motivation as personal factors al... more The objective of this research is to verify that commitment and motivation as personal factors along authentic leadership and school climate as environmental factors affect teacher performance. Respondents of this research are teachers of Madrasah Aliyah in Tasikmalaya District. Correlational research method with Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL (Linerar Structural RELationship). Research findings show that commitment, Achievement of motivation, and school climate have direct effects on teacher performance, while authentic leadership has an indirect effect through school climate.

Research paper thumbnail of The Fulfillment of Infrastructure in Determining the Quality of Education in Purwakarta District

Aims of this research to determine the quality of education through the fulfillment of infrastruc... more Aims of this research to determine the quality of education through the fulfillment of infrastructure in Purwakarta District. The research method used is a qualitative method through a case study in Purwakarta. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation study. Data analysis techniques through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification and confirmation of conclusions. Checking and data validity using triangulation methods. The results showed that implemented under one roof to facilitate students especially in rural areas. However, the obstacles are uneven teaching staff and absorption the budget is too focused on output education. Therefore, the fulfilment of infrastructure is very urgent.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Public Relation Management Javadharna in Enhancing Parental Involvement

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2018), 2019

Many research have proven the significance of parental involvement in children's education. Howev... more Many research have proven the significance of parental involvement in children's education. However, it brings a realization that in current condition, no matter how important it is, inviting parents to get involve is not an easy task. Due to this fact, the research conducted in informal educational organization Sukamaju 7 is aimed to analyze public relation management program "Javadharna" in enhancing parental involvement. The research was conducted guided by qualitative approach through the utilization of interview to the main and secondary subject; parents as a customer and the owner of the organization, respectively. The data were collected from 57 parents of 82 students. As parents describes the activities to be beneficial to keep them updated and involve in their children's learning. The result further shows that all of the activities in the very are able to meet specified purposes and functions as well as gaining approval from the public. However, the process of actualizing knowledge and comprehension into implementation is not an easy feat as revealed by result which mostly only reach indicator of cognitive level. Consequently, result found that for the activities to work for both parent and organization, more time and encouragement are needed. In addition, another factor is identified to be owner's own proactive policies and tendency causing the insufficient time for activities to be materialized by parents.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Quality Leadership and Quality Commitment to Performance of Higher Education Institution

International Journal of Management Excellence

The aim of this study is, to reveal the influence of quality leadership and quality commitment on... more The aim of this study is, to reveal the influence of quality leadership and quality commitment on the performance of higher education organizations. The sample in this study consisted of academic community (educators and education staff) from 44 study programs in 5 state higher education institutions in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. The results showed that, there was a positive significant influence on quality leadership on organizational performance. In addition, there is a positive significant influence too on staff quality commitment to organizational performance through quality leadership. So as improving organizational performance, the elements of higher education leadership must be more quality oriented and also need to be supported by academics whose are committed to quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Study of Knowledge Improvement for Professional Practice through Collaborative-Reflective Supervision

Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015), 2016

The aim of this qualitative study is to explore school conditions and the needs of teacher's prof... more The aim of this qualitative study is to explore school conditions and the needs of teacher's professional knowledge in practice through Collaborative-Reflective Supervision (CRS) at one elementary school under the guidance of the Indonesian University of Education. This research, a preliminary study, looked for the empirical evidence about school conditions in general and needs of teacher's professional development which was suitable with the CRS model. The result of a study is constructed as scaffolding for a component of the CRS. The data were gathered based on in-depth interview and participative observation with one of the principal and school members. The problem of teacher professional development is used to be implemented in perspective, directive, and short tornadoes. Consequently, it must be changed to become more collaborative, constructive, school-based and collegial in their relationship. In this model, the activity of the supervisors (principal and master teacher) is facilitating teachers to learn together in improving professional, practical knowledge by rethinking their experience in order to design better instruction in future. Reflection process is started by responding particular problems which arose in the classroom and expanding more knowledge and apply in professional practice situation. The CRS should see a collaborative, constructive, school-based and collegial relationship. The results of the study indicate that the school has the features available for condition to implement the CRS and fulfill the needs of teacher professional development. All of the results can be constructed as the components of the CRS model which consist of reflection process, distributed function of supervision, structural leadership of the principal and collegial relationship.

Research paper thumbnail of Menjadikan Sekolah Sebagai Learning Organization

Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan, Apr 30, 2003

Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan p... more Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah mencerminkan kehendak "mengembalikan sekolah kepada masyarakat", sebagai hasrat yang muncul bersamaan dengan otonomi daerah termasuk di dalamnya "kemauan" daerah (kabupaten/kota) mengelola pendidikan secara mandiri. Kemudian daerah menyerahkan kepada mayarakat sekolah, guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas, orang tua dan pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan (stakeholder). Pengelolaan pedidikan diserahkan pada sekolah dan masyarakat dengan gagasan manajemen berbasis sekolah (school based management), agar tidak ketinggalan upaya peningkatan mutunya maka diberi label peningkatan mutu berbasis sekolah {school based quality improvement), agar belajar menjadi fungsional dengan kehidupan maka ada kurikulum berbasis kompetensi {competence based curriculum), guru lebih berperan dalam evaluasi berbasis kelas {classroom based evaluation), evaluasi berbasis siswa {student based evaluation), dan label-label perubahan yang lain akan terus berlanjut didesakkan pada sebuah ruang yang disebut "sekolah Apakah komunitas sekolah menpunyai basis kemampuan menginisiasi perubahan itu?

Research paper thumbnail of Penyehatan Manajemen Sekolah untuk Mengoptimalkan Pencapaian Mutu SMP di Kabupaten Purwakarta

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sep 30, 2021

The results of the study revealed that the concept of school management health as the readiness o... more The results of the study revealed that the concept of school management health as the readiness of all school organizational functions to carry out all the principals, solve problems faced, face various challenges and take advantage of existing opportunities. The diagnosis of school management disease is carried out through the identification of school community behavior on school management health indicators seen from their functioning, adequacy, and suitability. Efforts made to overcome the problem of school management diseases, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia has established a partnership with the Education Office of Purwakarta Regency, through the implementation of Community Service activities in schools. The form of activity offered to schools is the School Management Health Diagnostic Workshop. The formulation of the workshop is based on the problems faced and is relevant to the expertise of the implementers of the activities. This workshop aims to develop the competence of participants in improving the quality of schools, building the independence of the target audience in diagnosing the health of their schools using available instruments. This activity was carried out for five months from July to November 2020, with 143 schools participating. The results of the evaluation show that the Principal is aware of the indicators that characterize Healthy Schools, is able to complete and conduct self-evaluations through workshops and mentoring made for the purposes of his school diagnosis.

Research paper thumbnail of KERANGKA ANALISIS DATA FENOMENOLOGI (Contoh Analisis Teks Sebuah Catatan Harian)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Aug 23, 2016

Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada pene... more Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada penelitian interpretatif, realitas itu intersubyektif yang merupakan konsepsi perilaku dan dikonstruksi dari kenyataan sosial. Konsepsi perilaku dalam kenyataan sosial dipahami sebagai ekspresi-ekspresi yang disuling menjadi makna. Makna itu merupakan kesadaran subyek (intensionalitas) terhadap realitas pengalaman hidupnya. Pemahaman terhadap makna dalam kajian fenomenologi dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan, melakukan reduksi, dan menemukan esensi-esensi. Ekspresi-ekspresi pengalaman hidup harus diperlakukan secara sama (horizonalization), peneliti menunda prasangka-prasangkanya (bracketing), dan menemukan struktur esensial makna dalam wujud tekstur sebagaimana adanya. Implikasi dari pikiran fundamental fenomenologi tersebut adalah interpretasi merupakan modus operasi analisis data. Data adalah ekspresi pengalaman hidup seseorang dimana peneliti berusaha menunda prasangka dan kerangka analisisnya. Akhir analisis data ditandai dengan ditemukannya tekstur pengalaman hidup atau peristiwa dari suatu entitas sosial budaya.

Research paper thumbnail of Menjadikan Sekolah Sebagai Learning Organization

Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan

Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan p... more Pada saat ini perubahan-perubahan (setidaknya dalam gagasan) yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah mencerminkan kehendak “mengembalikan sekolah kepada masyarakat”, sebagai hasrat yang muncul bersamaan dengan otonomi daerah termasuk di dalamnya “kemauan” daerah (kabupaten/kota) mengelola pendidikan secara mandiri. Kemudian daerah menyerahkan kepada mayarakat sekolah, guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas, orang tua dan pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan (stakeholder). Pengelolaan pedidikan diserahkan pada sekolah dan masyarakat dengan gagasan manajemen berbasis sekolah (school based management), agar tidak ketinggalan upaya peningkatan mutunya maka diberi label peningkatan mutu berbasis sekolah {school based quality improvement), agar belajar menjadi fungsional dengan kehidupan maka ada kurikulum berbasis kompetensi {competence based curriculum), guru lebih berperan dalam evaluasi berbasis kelas {classroom based evaluation), evaluasi berbasis siswa {student based evalua...

Research paper thumbnail of Supervisi Berbasis Sekolah: Dalam Membangun Komunitas Belajar

Research paper thumbnail of PROGRAM PENELITIAN INOVASI PEMBELAJARAN Pembangunan “Knowledge Center” Manajemen Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Profesi Mahasiswa Kependidikan

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 2016

Masalah kualitas hasil belajar (perkuliahan) pada mata kuliah Pengelolaan Pendidikan (KD304) yang... more Masalah kualitas hasil belajar (perkuliahan) pada mata kuliah Pengelolaan Pendidikan (KD304) yang teridentifikasi dalam bentuk rendahnya penguasaan mahasiswa dalam kompetensi yang disyaratkan pada mata kuliah tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan kurang termotivasinya mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik untuk menjalani profesinya sebagai pendidik karena pemahaman mengenai bagaimana pendidikan harus dikelola tidak dipahami secara utuh (teori dan praktik), seolah-olah apa yang dipelajari tidak berkaitan dengan praktiknya di lembaga/instansi/satuan pendidikan. Analisis terhadap sebab permasalahan ini memunculkan pemahaman bahwa perkuliahan yang tidak memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk memahami konsep secara utuh dan bagaimana implementasinya di lapangan mengakibatkan mahasiswa tidak menguasai secara utuh kompetensi mata kuliah Pengelolaan Pendidikan.Hal ini coba dipecahkan melalui pengembangan knowledge center manajemen pendidikanuk website yang berisi sejumlah pengetahuan teoritik dan praktik mengena...

Research paper thumbnail of Penyehatan Manajemen Sekolah untuk Mengoptimalkan Pencapaian Mutu SMP di Kabupaten Purwakarta

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Hasil kajian mengungkapkan bahwa konsep kesehatan manajemen sekolah sebagai kesiapan semua fungsi... more Hasil kajian mengungkapkan bahwa konsep kesehatan manajemen sekolah sebagai kesiapan semua fungsi organisasi sekolah untuk dapat menjalankan semua tugas pokoknya, memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi, mampu menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan memanfaatkan peluang yang ada. Diagnosa penyakit manajemen sekolah dilakukan melalui identifikasi perilaku warga sekolah pada indikator-indikator kesehatan manajemen sekolah dilihat dari keberfungsian, kecukupan, dan kesesuaian. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan penyakit manejemen sekolah, pihak Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia menjalin kemitraan dengan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Purwakarta, melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di sekolah. Bentuk kegiatan yang ditawarkan kepada sekolah ialah Workshop Diagnonis Kesehatan Manajemen Sekolah. Perumusan workshop tersebut didasarkan pada permasalahan yang dihadapi dan relevan dengan kepakaran para pelaksana kegiatan. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi...

Research paper thumbnail of KERANGKA ANALISIS DATA FENOMENOLOGI (Contoh Analisis Teks Sebuah Catatan Harian)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 2016

Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada pene... more Setiap upaya penelitian senantiasa berangkat dari pikiran fundamental tentang realitas. Pada penelitian interpretatif, realitas itu intersubyektif yang merupakan konsepsi perilaku dan dikonstruksi dari kenyataan sosial. Konsepsi perilaku dalam kenyataan sosial dipahami sebagai ekspresi-ekspresi yang disuling menjadi makna. Makna itu merupakan kesadaran subyek (intensionalitas) terhadap realitas pengalaman hidupnya. Pemahaman terhadap makna dalam kajian fenomenologi dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan, melakukan reduksi, dan menemukan esensi-esensi. Ekspresi-ekspresi pengalaman hidup harus diperlakukan secara sama (horizonalization), peneliti menunda prasangka-prasangkanya (bracketing), dan menemukan struktur esensial makna dalam wujud tekstur sebagaimana adanya. Implikasi dari pikiran fundamental fenomenologi tersebut adalah interpretasi merupakan modus operasi analisis data. Data adalah ekspresi pengalaman hidup seseorang dimana peneliti berusaha menunda prasangka dan kerangka an...

Research paper thumbnail of MENGELOLA PERUBAHAN ORGANISASI (Sebuah Prespektif Perilaku)

Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Assurance of Transformational Leadership in Education

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2020), 2021

This research is to describe and analyze the quality assurance of transformational leadership of ... more This research is to describe and analyze the quality assurance of transformational leadership of Head of Teachers and Educators Development Division (P3TK) to the subordinates in an education organization at meso-(middle) dimension amid the occurring Covid-19. The method applied is that of qualitative-descriptive approach with research instruments of observation, interview and documentation. The research shows that quality assurance of transformation leadership is crucial to be implemented at meso-dimension of education world to improve service delivery by education staff to education personnel operating in the field so as to maximize harmonious personal interaction during Covid-19 pandemic that has been taking place for a relatively long time.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Internal Quality Assurance and Quality Culture on Performance of Higher Education Institution

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2018)

The aims of this study are, to evaluate the influence of the University's internal quality assura... more The aims of this study are, to evaluate the influence of the University's internal quality assurance on the culture of quality and organizational performance. The study was conducted at five State Universities in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. Survey design is used in data collection by using questionnaire instruments. The data analysis uses regression analysis and factor analysis (SEM/Structural Equation Modeling). The results showed that, the internal quality assurance of Higher Education had a positive and significant effect on Quality Culture and organizational performance. The quality culture has a negative effect on its performance of Higher Education organizations. This means that, to develop a quality culture and organizational performance, the universities need to improve their internal quality assurance.

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan autentik : riset implementasi manajemen perubahan

Research paper thumbnail of Transformational Leadership for Improving Teacher’s Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2020)

This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership for improving teacher's perf... more This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership for improving teacher's performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a sequential explanatory study using a combination research method (mixed methods) starting with the quantitative research stage and continuing with qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by observation, questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was tested using a Likert scale with regression techniques to 50 private teachers in Bandung. The results showed that transformational leadership improving teacher performance by 44%. The higher implications of transformational leadership, the higher teacher's performance improving. The research evidence more clearly shows that transformational leadership can move followers to exceed expected performance. Transformational leadership gives rise to greater effort, commitment, and satisfaction of his subordinates. Improving teacher's teaching performance can be optimized by developing the capacity of the teacher (capacity building) itself. Capacity building is the process of improving the ability of knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and behavior of teachers in educational organizations. In this process it can certainly be done in various ways, both through competency-based education and training, clear career pattern development, all of which are to improve the performance of teachers in carrying out their duties. Therefore, capacity building is closely related to teacher's abilities, institutional capabilities, and organizational system capabilities. With improving teacher's performance, it is expected that educational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pengembangan Profesiguru Melalui Professional Learning Community DI Sekolah Menengah

ABTRAKS T ujuan studi ini adalah mengembangkan model PLC dengan cara menemu kenali tipologi penge... more ABTRAKS T ujuan studi ini adalah mengembangkan model PLC dengan cara menemu kenali tipologi pengembangan profesi ditinjau dari kepemimpinan, iklim dan sistempendukung organisasi. Pengalaman belajar masa lampau baik yang diperoleh dalam pre-service training maupun in-service training menyebabkan guru tumbuh dan berkembang dalam profesi. Tetapi pengalaman belajar tersebut sering bersifat one short training dan terlepas dari kebutuhannya sehingga kinerja dikelas cenderung tidak berubah, business asusual . Keadaan ini mengarah pada upaya untuk menemukenali tipologi pengembangan profesi guru disekolah dan mengarahkan pada pertanyaan penelitian “ bagaimana pengembangan profesi guru melalui Professional Learning Community (PLC) dikembangkan di sekolah menengah pertama ”. Ur geni penelitian ini memberikan arah kebijakan dalam pengembangan profesi guru berbasis PLC untuk memastikan keberlansungan dan keberlanjutan pengembangan profesi guru ditataran sekolah serta memperbaiki kelemahan peng...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Commitment, Motivation, Climate and Authentic Leadership on The Performance of Madrasah Teachers

Proceedings of the 1st Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2017), 2017

The objective of this research is to verify that commitment and motivation as personal factors al... more The objective of this research is to verify that commitment and motivation as personal factors along authentic leadership and school climate as environmental factors affect teacher performance. Respondents of this research are teachers of Madrasah Aliyah in Tasikmalaya District. Correlational research method with Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL (Linerar Structural RELationship). Research findings show that commitment, Achievement of motivation, and school climate have direct effects on teacher performance, while authentic leadership has an indirect effect through school climate.

Research paper thumbnail of The Fulfillment of Infrastructure in Determining the Quality of Education in Purwakarta District

Aims of this research to determine the quality of education through the fulfillment of infrastruc... more Aims of this research to determine the quality of education through the fulfillment of infrastructure in Purwakarta District. The research method used is a qualitative method through a case study in Purwakarta. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation study. Data analysis techniques through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification and confirmation of conclusions. Checking and data validity using triangulation methods. The results showed that implemented under one roof to facilitate students especially in rural areas. However, the obstacles are uneven teaching staff and absorption the budget is too focused on output education. Therefore, the fulfilment of infrastructure is very urgent.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Public Relation Management Javadharna in Enhancing Parental Involvement

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2018), 2019

Many research have proven the significance of parental involvement in children's education. Howev... more Many research have proven the significance of parental involvement in children's education. However, it brings a realization that in current condition, no matter how important it is, inviting parents to get involve is not an easy task. Due to this fact, the research conducted in informal educational organization Sukamaju 7 is aimed to analyze public relation management program "Javadharna" in enhancing parental involvement. The research was conducted guided by qualitative approach through the utilization of interview to the main and secondary subject; parents as a customer and the owner of the organization, respectively. The data were collected from 57 parents of 82 students. As parents describes the activities to be beneficial to keep them updated and involve in their children's learning. The result further shows that all of the activities in the very are able to meet specified purposes and functions as well as gaining approval from the public. However, the process of actualizing knowledge and comprehension into implementation is not an easy feat as revealed by result which mostly only reach indicator of cognitive level. Consequently, result found that for the activities to work for both parent and organization, more time and encouragement are needed. In addition, another factor is identified to be owner's own proactive policies and tendency causing the insufficient time for activities to be materialized by parents.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Quality Leadership and Quality Commitment to Performance of Higher Education Institution

International Journal of Management Excellence

The aim of this study is, to reveal the influence of quality leadership and quality commitment on... more The aim of this study is, to reveal the influence of quality leadership and quality commitment on the performance of higher education organizations. The sample in this study consisted of academic community (educators and education staff) from 44 study programs in 5 state higher education institutions in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. The results showed that, there was a positive significant influence on quality leadership on organizational performance. In addition, there is a positive significant influence too on staff quality commitment to organizational performance through quality leadership. So as improving organizational performance, the elements of higher education leadership must be more quality oriented and also need to be supported by academics whose are committed to quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Study of Knowledge Improvement for Professional Practice through Collaborative-Reflective Supervision

Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015), 2016

The aim of this qualitative study is to explore school conditions and the needs of teacher's prof... more The aim of this qualitative study is to explore school conditions and the needs of teacher's professional knowledge in practice through Collaborative-Reflective Supervision (CRS) at one elementary school under the guidance of the Indonesian University of Education. This research, a preliminary study, looked for the empirical evidence about school conditions in general and needs of teacher's professional development which was suitable with the CRS model. The result of a study is constructed as scaffolding for a component of the CRS. The data were gathered based on in-depth interview and participative observation with one of the principal and school members. The problem of teacher professional development is used to be implemented in perspective, directive, and short tornadoes. Consequently, it must be changed to become more collaborative, constructive, school-based and collegial in their relationship. In this model, the activity of the supervisors (principal and master teacher) is facilitating teachers to learn together in improving professional, practical knowledge by rethinking their experience in order to design better instruction in future. Reflection process is started by responding particular problems which arose in the classroom and expanding more knowledge and apply in professional practice situation. The CRS should see a collaborative, constructive, school-based and collegial relationship. The results of the study indicate that the school has the features available for condition to implement the CRS and fulfill the needs of teacher professional development. All of the results can be constructed as the components of the CRS model which consist of reflection process, distributed function of supervision, structural leadership of the principal and collegial relationship.