PESCARU MARIA | University of Pitesti (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of International Migraton of Youth from Romania

International journal of scientific research, Jun 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of the Socialization Process for the Integration of the Child in the Society

Socialization is an interactive communication process that involves both individual development a... more Socialization is an interactive communication process that involves both individual development and personal influences, namely the personal reception and interpretation of all social messages, but also the dynamics and content of social influences. Thus, socialization is a complex process that is based on the theory of social learning, learning which a fundamental mechanism of assimilation of social experience is. Although retaining certain autonomy, man and society form an indissoluble unity, and society is generated by the relationship between its members. The socialization term is expressed in the literature by social learning, culture, etc. All these terms have the meaning of a process through which the little child is humanized by acquiring human behaviors. In order for the socialization process to prove its efficiency, it must develop the individual’s ability to self-educate, to manage himself to discern between good and evil, to know how to choose between the moral attitud...

Research paper thumbnail of Family Education - Guidelines and Actual Practice in Romania

Sociology and Anthropology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The role of the school manager in developing the culture of educational organization in Romania

The organization can also be seen as an instrument that managers have at their disposal to ensure... more The organization can also be seen as an instrument that managers have at their disposal to ensure the achievement of some goals. History is full of examples of managers who have failed in their attempt to change the organization to meet the demands of the existing situation. The present article aims at a study on the management of the educational organization, the role of the manager within the school organization, as well as on the defining elements of the organizational school culture. The importance of this theme is all the more important as effective educational management is absolutely necessary in educational relations, in the formation of personalities, both for pupils and for teachers. Educational management differs from general management through specific reporting to the ends of education, content, human resources, information-driven activities, communication and participation through specific educational strategies, behavior of actors involved (motivation, responsibility, cooperation, logic, affectivity).

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Juvenile Delinquency Phenomenon and Re-Socialization of Delinquent Minors in Romania

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 2019

The degree of danger ratio of juvenile crimes in other countries, as well as in Romania, is a pro... more The degree of danger ratio of juvenile crimes in other countries, as well as in Romania, is a problem that concerns the educational and social control factors. In our country, the offences have increased due to malfunctions, anomie and social pathology aspects, problems of education and adaptation, malfunctions regarding the promotion of young people that determine phenomena of maladjustment, frustration, alienation and delinquency. At macro-social level, we are confronting cope with the accelerated development of the big cities, massive displacing of population, emerging of heterogeneous social communities, unemployment, inflation, economic instability, lesser community social control, social tolerance, new customs and habits etc. At a micro-social level there appear malfunctions in the activity of the main groups having an important role in socialization processes and social control (family, school, working colleagues, group of friends, associations and youth clubs). From an ind...

Research paper thumbnail of Romanian educational policies for the implementation of the community in school activity

2017 9th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2017

We are currently witnessing a multitude of educational initiatives. We might think that this is a... more We are currently witnessing a multitude of educational initiatives. We might think that this is an extension of the responsibility of the state education, alongside more varied and ambitious local educational actions than in the past, but which remain strictly dependent on the political guidelines and nationally defined regulations. It is possible to find ourselves in the face of a considerable transformation of the role of the local ones, in relation to the emergence of genuine policies, coherent assemblies of educational actions elaborated in a concentrated and relatively autonomous manner by different municipal teams. In fact, the local communities and the political power that they associate with have played a decisive role in the development of schooling. This is why our article aims to address the issue of structured educational policies at school level and the community in which it integrates.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social - Economic and Cultural Characteristics of the Romanian - Belgian Relationships

Belgium may be, for some of the Romanians, an experience outside the home country borders. The ad... more Belgium may be, for some of the Romanians, an experience outside the home country borders. The adaptation is done in time, for each one, it matters very much how you got in the destination country. The circumstances and knowledge of the host country language are essential for adaptation. It's very important to be recommended both to the individuals and to those working in institutions, associations etc.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role Of School Education In Preventing Deviant Behaviors In Children

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research paper thumbnail of Caiet de Practică Pedagogica

Practica de specialitate în instituțiile școlare cuprinde activităţi de management educațional st... more Practica de specialitate în instituțiile școlare cuprinde activităţi de management educațional structurate astfel: An I-MASTER MANAGEMENT EDUCAȚIONAL  Caracterizarea grupei de preșcolari sau a clasei de elevi -microgrupuri sociale în climat educațional  Rolurile și stilurile manageriale ale cadrului didactic în grupa de preșcolari/clasa de elevi  Managementul problemelor disciplinare în grupa preșcolară/clasa de elevi  Managementul comunicării cu preșcolarii/elevii și părinții  Managementul grupei de preșcolari/Managementul democraticparticipativ al elevilor în clasa de elevi  Managementul participativ al părinților în clasa de elevi  Managementul educației inclusive  Managementul activităților educaționale la grupa de preșcolari și al învățării în clasa de elevi 3 Competențe specifice vizate: An I-MASTER MANAGEMENT EDUCAȚIONAL Competențe profesionale: C1 Analiza, explicarea şi interpretarea contextului socio-educaţional utilizând cunoaşterea specifică managementului organizaţiei şcolare şi a grupului/clasei de elevi C2 Integrarea noilor abordări teoretice şi metodologice din management în elaborarea şi derularea programelor de studii şi proiectelor educaţionale C3 Utilizarea dezvoltărilor recente şi a cunoştinţelor avansate privind învăţarea individuală şi organizaţională în proiectarea, realizarea şi evaluarea activităţii didactice. C4 Interpretarea şi explicarea diferitelor situaţii şi contexte educaţionale utilizând paradigma comunicaţională şi interacţională C5 Identificarea, analiza şi utilizarea adecvată a teoriilor, tipurilor, modelelor, etapelor, metodelor, tehnicilor şi instrumentelor specifice cercetării educaţionale C6 Identificarea şi adecvarea la rolurile, funcţiile, responsabilităţile şi caracteristicile procesului de dezvoltare profesională la nivel personal şi instituţional.Competenţe transversaletransversale Competențe transversale:

Research paper thumbnail of LUMEN_Proceedings_Template_theoretical-article_Maria   Pescaru.docx

The sociological structure of Romanians emigrating abroad has changed over time. At first, the gr... more The sociological structure of Romanians emigrating abroad has changed over time. At first, the graduated, the highly qualified or specialists from urban areas emigrated. Currently, most of the emigrants are young, poor or insufficiently qualified, coming from rural areas. Even if there have been periods of increasing the domestic demand for labor, lately, many Romanians want to go abroad to work. After 1989, the political reflection was unanimous in recognizing the issue of emigration and asylum in Europe from a new perspective, stemming from the process of political developments in the Central and Eastern Europe. The vertiginous emigration from the East to the West has engendered a complex of representations, political mentalities and pragmatic reactions. The first representations on emigration were the significance of the victory of the humanist precepts and the liberal philosophy of human rights. As the phenomenon of emigration evolved in the East-West direction and there were dysfunctions of the exercise of the right to free movement -illegal migration, involuntary migration, foreign citizens in illegal situation, unjustified asylum requeststhis phenomenon constituted a source of analysis. Emigration can also be analyzed as a crucial and necessary social act, absolutely mandatory for certain social categories, thus acquiring major community significance. In Romania, we are witnessing a situation of this kind, due to the persistence of youth emigration, the mood of young people to emigrate. The perception of the profile of the Romanian emigrant, together with the study and understanding of the multiple implications of emigration, should be a reference point in the elaboration of Romania's national policies on migration.

Research paper thumbnail of Pescaru Maria-Startegies for Achieving   Moral-Civic Education in Primary Education.doc

In the context of game, lessons and extracurricular activities, where interpersonal and group rel... more In the context of game, lessons and extracurricular activities, where interpersonal and group relationships are the main relationship ways, the first characteristic features that will become condensed into the small school's behavior begin to form. The requirements expressed by the adult educator must be in accordance with the way the child can meet these requirements: the contradiction between the child's wishes and broad aspirations and the limited possibilities of satisfying them could lead either to positive characteristics and to a civilized behavior or disorderly conduct to negative characterizing features. If it is desired to involve pupils in the realization of moral and aesthetic values then it is necessary to organize the lessons the civic education/ personal development, using appropriate methods and means, especially the explanatory reading method.

Research paper thumbnail of The Crisis of Culture in the Post-Communism Transition The theoretical framework of the problem

After 1989, there was a reform in the Romanian society that caused significant tension both at th... more After 1989, there was a reform in the Romanian society that caused significant tension both at the political level and in the economic and cultural system. The characteristic transformations for the cultural phenomenon are: the aspiration for the restoration of authentic values and the regaining of the creation freedom. Changes in cultural space are closely related to those in the political space. Within the cultural environment, in the transition period, the communist regime and cultural reconstruction projects prevail.

Research paper thumbnail of culegere de texte-didactica domeniului.docx

6 adolescenţei creşte rolul elevului în dobândirea cunoştinţelor, acesta devenind din ce în ce ma... more 6 adolescenţei creşte rolul elevului în dobândirea cunoştinţelor, acesta devenind din ce în ce mai mult din obiect în subiect al educaţiei. Dar trecerea de la calitatea de obiect al educaţiei la cea de subiect nu depinde doar de vârsta elevilor ci şi de particularităţile lor individuale, de nivelul intelectual, de maturitatea afectiva, de gradul de dezvoltare a intereselor şi aspiraţiilor. Mediul educaţional mai larg, de familie, grup de prieteni, societate se constituie în influenţe externe ale procesului de învăţământ care accentuează sau inhibă auto-educaţia.

Research paper thumbnail of Didactica Om și societate-note de curs.docx

Ştiinţă umanistă vie, integrativă a educaţiei, pedagogia, se modelează permanent, fiind marcată d... more Ştiinţă umanistă vie, integrativă a educaţiei, pedagogia, se modelează permanent, fiind marcată de abordări epistemice, în plan tematic, conceptual, metodologic, normativ. 1 Provocările fundamentale ale începutului de mileniu al treilea din istoria umanităţii aduc pedagogia în faţa unui asalt de metamorfoze epistemice care-i conturează pregnant obiectul de studiu, tot mai complex şi adaptat strategic cerinţelor sociale: democratizarea relaţiilor interumane, schimbările de moravuri, creşterea demografică galopantă, informatizarea generalizată în cvasimajoritatea sectoarelor de activitate, revoluţia tehnologică, interdependenţele şi interacţiunile socio-culturale, economice, politice, globalizarea societăţii omeneşti 2 etc. Sunt argumente şi cerinţe care întregesc problematica lumii contemporane (P.L.C.) 3 şi care conturează teza celerităţii diversificării panopliei de oferte educaţionale, ca arme ale dezvoltării durabile, viabile a societăţii umane actuale.

Research paper thumbnail of REVIEW constantin schifirnet

Without presenting a new phenomenon, the modernity in present times manifests as an essential com... more Without presenting a new phenomenon, the modernity in present times manifests as an essential communicative condition and as one of synchronization, making local and national effects, determined by the causes, especially, the historical ones. So, the out of phase people in development can suddenly join the civilized ones, following the way of imitation the occidental forms, and then the way of blending the ethnical specific of a nation. In a climate characterized by confusion and improvisation, the book Tendential Modernity -Reflections on the evolution of modern society, and also the other books published by mister Constantin Schifirnet, is remarked by the originality of its scientific approaches, by using with accuracy the scientific terms and, also by the accuracy of the scientific explanations. The author is one of the best, and as a prove stand his own published studies, in the last years, about the idea of tendentious modernity: Tendentious modernity and innovation,2008; The mass media and the tendentious modernity in the transition process from national society to European Community, 2009; Tendentious modernity, 2009; Tendential modernity, 2012; Mass-media, tendential modernity and Europeanization in an internet era, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Family education -Guidelines and actual practice


The intercultural education aims at developing an education for all in the spirit of recognizing ... more The intercultural education aims at developing an education for all in the spirit of recognizing the differences that exist within the same society.

Research paper thumbnail of THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Research paper thumbnail of THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Research paper thumbnail of THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Even after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the issue of incorporation of EU law into the law o... more Even after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the issue of incorporation of EU law into the law of the Member States remains an important issue. Adequate incorporation and application of EU law by the respective legislative, administrative and judicial organs are a precondition for the good functioning of the EU legal system. In this context, various principles of EU law converge, especially the principle of the rule of law and the principle of subsidiarity. To live up to these principles is a challenge for EU institutions as well as for Member States.

Research paper thumbnail of International Migraton of Youth from Romania

International journal of scientific research, Jun 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of the Socialization Process for the Integration of the Child in the Society

Socialization is an interactive communication process that involves both individual development a... more Socialization is an interactive communication process that involves both individual development and personal influences, namely the personal reception and interpretation of all social messages, but also the dynamics and content of social influences. Thus, socialization is a complex process that is based on the theory of social learning, learning which a fundamental mechanism of assimilation of social experience is. Although retaining certain autonomy, man and society form an indissoluble unity, and society is generated by the relationship between its members. The socialization term is expressed in the literature by social learning, culture, etc. All these terms have the meaning of a process through which the little child is humanized by acquiring human behaviors. In order for the socialization process to prove its efficiency, it must develop the individual’s ability to self-educate, to manage himself to discern between good and evil, to know how to choose between the moral attitud...

Research paper thumbnail of Family Education - Guidelines and Actual Practice in Romania

Sociology and Anthropology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The role of the school manager in developing the culture of educational organization in Romania

The organization can also be seen as an instrument that managers have at their disposal to ensure... more The organization can also be seen as an instrument that managers have at their disposal to ensure the achievement of some goals. History is full of examples of managers who have failed in their attempt to change the organization to meet the demands of the existing situation. The present article aims at a study on the management of the educational organization, the role of the manager within the school organization, as well as on the defining elements of the organizational school culture. The importance of this theme is all the more important as effective educational management is absolutely necessary in educational relations, in the formation of personalities, both for pupils and for teachers. Educational management differs from general management through specific reporting to the ends of education, content, human resources, information-driven activities, communication and participation through specific educational strategies, behavior of actors involved (motivation, responsibility, cooperation, logic, affectivity).

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Juvenile Delinquency Phenomenon and Re-Socialization of Delinquent Minors in Romania

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 2019

The degree of danger ratio of juvenile crimes in other countries, as well as in Romania, is a pro... more The degree of danger ratio of juvenile crimes in other countries, as well as in Romania, is a problem that concerns the educational and social control factors. In our country, the offences have increased due to malfunctions, anomie and social pathology aspects, problems of education and adaptation, malfunctions regarding the promotion of young people that determine phenomena of maladjustment, frustration, alienation and delinquency. At macro-social level, we are confronting cope with the accelerated development of the big cities, massive displacing of population, emerging of heterogeneous social communities, unemployment, inflation, economic instability, lesser community social control, social tolerance, new customs and habits etc. At a micro-social level there appear malfunctions in the activity of the main groups having an important role in socialization processes and social control (family, school, working colleagues, group of friends, associations and youth clubs). From an ind...

Research paper thumbnail of Romanian educational policies for the implementation of the community in school activity

2017 9th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2017

We are currently witnessing a multitude of educational initiatives. We might think that this is a... more We are currently witnessing a multitude of educational initiatives. We might think that this is an extension of the responsibility of the state education, alongside more varied and ambitious local educational actions than in the past, but which remain strictly dependent on the political guidelines and nationally defined regulations. It is possible to find ourselves in the face of a considerable transformation of the role of the local ones, in relation to the emergence of genuine policies, coherent assemblies of educational actions elaborated in a concentrated and relatively autonomous manner by different municipal teams. In fact, the local communities and the political power that they associate with have played a decisive role in the development of schooling. This is why our article aims to address the issue of structured educational policies at school level and the community in which it integrates.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social - Economic and Cultural Characteristics of the Romanian - Belgian Relationships

Belgium may be, for some of the Romanians, an experience outside the home country borders. The ad... more Belgium may be, for some of the Romanians, an experience outside the home country borders. The adaptation is done in time, for each one, it matters very much how you got in the destination country. The circumstances and knowledge of the host country language are essential for adaptation. It's very important to be recommended both to the individuals and to those working in institutions, associations etc.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role Of School Education In Preventing Deviant Behaviors In Children

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research paper thumbnail of Caiet de Practică Pedagogica

Practica de specialitate în instituțiile școlare cuprinde activităţi de management educațional st... more Practica de specialitate în instituțiile școlare cuprinde activităţi de management educațional structurate astfel: An I-MASTER MANAGEMENT EDUCAȚIONAL  Caracterizarea grupei de preșcolari sau a clasei de elevi -microgrupuri sociale în climat educațional  Rolurile și stilurile manageriale ale cadrului didactic în grupa de preșcolari/clasa de elevi  Managementul problemelor disciplinare în grupa preșcolară/clasa de elevi  Managementul comunicării cu preșcolarii/elevii și părinții  Managementul grupei de preșcolari/Managementul democraticparticipativ al elevilor în clasa de elevi  Managementul participativ al părinților în clasa de elevi  Managementul educației inclusive  Managementul activităților educaționale la grupa de preșcolari și al învățării în clasa de elevi 3 Competențe specifice vizate: An I-MASTER MANAGEMENT EDUCAȚIONAL Competențe profesionale: C1 Analiza, explicarea şi interpretarea contextului socio-educaţional utilizând cunoaşterea specifică managementului organizaţiei şcolare şi a grupului/clasei de elevi C2 Integrarea noilor abordări teoretice şi metodologice din management în elaborarea şi derularea programelor de studii şi proiectelor educaţionale C3 Utilizarea dezvoltărilor recente şi a cunoştinţelor avansate privind învăţarea individuală şi organizaţională în proiectarea, realizarea şi evaluarea activităţii didactice. C4 Interpretarea şi explicarea diferitelor situaţii şi contexte educaţionale utilizând paradigma comunicaţională şi interacţională C5 Identificarea, analiza şi utilizarea adecvată a teoriilor, tipurilor, modelelor, etapelor, metodelor, tehnicilor şi instrumentelor specifice cercetării educaţionale C6 Identificarea şi adecvarea la rolurile, funcţiile, responsabilităţile şi caracteristicile procesului de dezvoltare profesională la nivel personal şi instituţional.Competenţe transversaletransversale Competențe transversale:

Research paper thumbnail of LUMEN_Proceedings_Template_theoretical-article_Maria   Pescaru.docx

The sociological structure of Romanians emigrating abroad has changed over time. At first, the gr... more The sociological structure of Romanians emigrating abroad has changed over time. At first, the graduated, the highly qualified or specialists from urban areas emigrated. Currently, most of the emigrants are young, poor or insufficiently qualified, coming from rural areas. Even if there have been periods of increasing the domestic demand for labor, lately, many Romanians want to go abroad to work. After 1989, the political reflection was unanimous in recognizing the issue of emigration and asylum in Europe from a new perspective, stemming from the process of political developments in the Central and Eastern Europe. The vertiginous emigration from the East to the West has engendered a complex of representations, political mentalities and pragmatic reactions. The first representations on emigration were the significance of the victory of the humanist precepts and the liberal philosophy of human rights. As the phenomenon of emigration evolved in the East-West direction and there were dysfunctions of the exercise of the right to free movement -illegal migration, involuntary migration, foreign citizens in illegal situation, unjustified asylum requeststhis phenomenon constituted a source of analysis. Emigration can also be analyzed as a crucial and necessary social act, absolutely mandatory for certain social categories, thus acquiring major community significance. In Romania, we are witnessing a situation of this kind, due to the persistence of youth emigration, the mood of young people to emigrate. The perception of the profile of the Romanian emigrant, together with the study and understanding of the multiple implications of emigration, should be a reference point in the elaboration of Romania's national policies on migration.

Research paper thumbnail of Pescaru Maria-Startegies for Achieving   Moral-Civic Education in Primary Education.doc

In the context of game, lessons and extracurricular activities, where interpersonal and group rel... more In the context of game, lessons and extracurricular activities, where interpersonal and group relationships are the main relationship ways, the first characteristic features that will become condensed into the small school's behavior begin to form. The requirements expressed by the adult educator must be in accordance with the way the child can meet these requirements: the contradiction between the child's wishes and broad aspirations and the limited possibilities of satisfying them could lead either to positive characteristics and to a civilized behavior or disorderly conduct to negative characterizing features. If it is desired to involve pupils in the realization of moral and aesthetic values then it is necessary to organize the lessons the civic education/ personal development, using appropriate methods and means, especially the explanatory reading method.

Research paper thumbnail of The Crisis of Culture in the Post-Communism Transition The theoretical framework of the problem

After 1989, there was a reform in the Romanian society that caused significant tension both at th... more After 1989, there was a reform in the Romanian society that caused significant tension both at the political level and in the economic and cultural system. The characteristic transformations for the cultural phenomenon are: the aspiration for the restoration of authentic values and the regaining of the creation freedom. Changes in cultural space are closely related to those in the political space. Within the cultural environment, in the transition period, the communist regime and cultural reconstruction projects prevail.

Research paper thumbnail of culegere de texte-didactica domeniului.docx

6 adolescenţei creşte rolul elevului în dobândirea cunoştinţelor, acesta devenind din ce în ce ma... more 6 adolescenţei creşte rolul elevului în dobândirea cunoştinţelor, acesta devenind din ce în ce mai mult din obiect în subiect al educaţiei. Dar trecerea de la calitatea de obiect al educaţiei la cea de subiect nu depinde doar de vârsta elevilor ci şi de particularităţile lor individuale, de nivelul intelectual, de maturitatea afectiva, de gradul de dezvoltare a intereselor şi aspiraţiilor. Mediul educaţional mai larg, de familie, grup de prieteni, societate se constituie în influenţe externe ale procesului de învăţământ care accentuează sau inhibă auto-educaţia.

Research paper thumbnail of Didactica Om și societate-note de curs.docx

Ştiinţă umanistă vie, integrativă a educaţiei, pedagogia, se modelează permanent, fiind marcată d... more Ştiinţă umanistă vie, integrativă a educaţiei, pedagogia, se modelează permanent, fiind marcată de abordări epistemice, în plan tematic, conceptual, metodologic, normativ. 1 Provocările fundamentale ale începutului de mileniu al treilea din istoria umanităţii aduc pedagogia în faţa unui asalt de metamorfoze epistemice care-i conturează pregnant obiectul de studiu, tot mai complex şi adaptat strategic cerinţelor sociale: democratizarea relaţiilor interumane, schimbările de moravuri, creşterea demografică galopantă, informatizarea generalizată în cvasimajoritatea sectoarelor de activitate, revoluţia tehnologică, interdependenţele şi interacţiunile socio-culturale, economice, politice, globalizarea societăţii omeneşti 2 etc. Sunt argumente şi cerinţe care întregesc problematica lumii contemporane (P.L.C.) 3 şi care conturează teza celerităţii diversificării panopliei de oferte educaţionale, ca arme ale dezvoltării durabile, viabile a societăţii umane actuale.

Research paper thumbnail of REVIEW constantin schifirnet

Without presenting a new phenomenon, the modernity in present times manifests as an essential com... more Without presenting a new phenomenon, the modernity in present times manifests as an essential communicative condition and as one of synchronization, making local and national effects, determined by the causes, especially, the historical ones. So, the out of phase people in development can suddenly join the civilized ones, following the way of imitation the occidental forms, and then the way of blending the ethnical specific of a nation. In a climate characterized by confusion and improvisation, the book Tendential Modernity -Reflections on the evolution of modern society, and also the other books published by mister Constantin Schifirnet, is remarked by the originality of its scientific approaches, by using with accuracy the scientific terms and, also by the accuracy of the scientific explanations. The author is one of the best, and as a prove stand his own published studies, in the last years, about the idea of tendentious modernity: Tendentious modernity and innovation,2008; The mass media and the tendentious modernity in the transition process from national society to European Community, 2009; Tendentious modernity, 2009; Tendential modernity, 2012; Mass-media, tendential modernity and Europeanization in an internet era, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Family education -Guidelines and actual practice


The intercultural education aims at developing an education for all in the spirit of recognizing ... more The intercultural education aims at developing an education for all in the spirit of recognizing the differences that exist within the same society.

Research paper thumbnail of THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Research paper thumbnail of THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Research paper thumbnail of THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Even after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the issue of incorporation of EU law into the law o... more Even after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the issue of incorporation of EU law into the law of the Member States remains an important issue. Adequate incorporation and application of EU law by the respective legislative, administrative and judicial organs are a precondition for the good functioning of the EU legal system. In this context, various principles of EU law converge, especially the principle of the rule of law and the principle of subsidiarity. To live up to these principles is a challenge for EU institutions as well as for Member States.