Miriama Filčáková-Svatová | Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika (original) (raw)
Papers by Miriama Filčáková-Svatová
Res Gestae
The socio-political events of 1945-1956 are characterised by several phenomena that significantly... more The socio-political events of 1945-1956 are characterised by several phenomena that significantly marked the formation of tertiary education in Slovakia and determined its subsequent development. In the first years after the end of the war, attempts at political, economic, or cultural contacts with Western countries could still be observed in several Central European countries for some time. Universities maintained their traditional internal academic structure, organisation of student enrolment, content of studies, etc. This situation was mainly fostered by the needs of the country's reconstruction, which at the same time masked the political pragmatism of the new, but not yet fully strengthened, people's democratic regimes. Gradually, they became a priority concern of the Communist Party, whose aim was to gain ideological control over them. Soviet influence in education was exercised in the spirit of communist ideology, centralized state planning, and a bureaucratically con...
Česko-slovenská historická ročenka
With the inevitable integration of digital technologies into education, the current approach to t... more With the inevitable integration of digital technologies into education, the current approach to teaching faces a new and difficult challenge. Life with the Internet and computing is here to stay. Education should now focus on the application of digital technologies, the development of constructivist and exploratory learning and contribute to students’ critical and analytical thinking. Mastering digital competences seems to be a key factor in the successful integration of digital technologies into the educational process, not only for students but especially for teachers. However, this process needs to be systematically and theoretically underpinned by, and continuously updated through, methodological procedures reflecting the ongoing digitisation and the implementation of these procedures in individual school subjects. The development of digital humanities and the ongoing digitisation of historical sources are transforming how history is taught at schools. In this regard, the Czech ...
Stretnutie mladých historikov XI. Poznanie, spoločnosť, dejiny, 2022
The aim of the paper is to record the decisive moments related to the establishment of the Pavel... more The aim of the paper is to record the decisive moments related to the establishment
of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, the reasons for its location in the East Slovak metropolis and the choice of its name. Using the example of a selected educational institution, analyse the most important changes in the post-war history of universities, a significant phenomenon of European culture, education, and science. Point out the most significant changes in tertiary education in Slovakia, which was transformed according to the Soviet model because of the new political situation. We consider it important to capture the history and development of this institution, determined by the political, cultural, and industrial circumstances at the time of its creation. Considering in research the historical and social context of the period after the Second World War, the ideological and political influence operating in the academic field, at the urban level and in specific areas of knowledge development.
Stretnutie mladých historikov XI. Poznanie, spoločnosť, dejiny, 2022
Zborník príspevkov z 11. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov, ktorú organizovala Katedra hist... more Zborník príspevkov z 11. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov, ktorú organizovala Katedra histórie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach spolu so Slovenskou historickou spoločnosťou pri SAV v dňoch 19. – 20. októbra 2021
V súčasnosti sú tieto dejiny často prezentované ako rozšírenie dejín vedy. História poznania nielen rozširuje hranice dejín vedy, ale skúma hranice medzi rôznymi formami poznania a nepoznania. Rovnako ako sa štúdie historickej pamäti rozšírili a doplnili svoj záujem o výskum zabúdania, dejiny vedomosti zahŕňajú štúdie nevedomosti. Upriamujú pozornosť na zmenu, ktorá prebehla v posledných desaťročiach: od sakralizácie vedy a úcty k odborným znalostiam, po vypovedanie vedy a neustále spochybňovanie odborných znalostí, na ktoré musí história znalostí rovnako reagovať. Poznatky ako produkt, tvoria základ ľudských interakcií a majú aj svoju minulosť. Aký bol význam vedomostí a poznania v rôznych historických obdobiach? Ako štátna moc ovplyvňovala rozvoj poznania a vedomostí? Čo možno v určitej historickej epoche alebo kultúre považovať za poznanie? Napokon, existuje nejaká ľudská činnosť, ktorú nemožno považovať za poznanie? V súčasnosti možno v oblasti dejín poznania pozorovať veľký rozmach výskumu, publikačnej činnosti, ako aj vznik nových inštitúcií. Príspevkom rozširujúcim spôsob nazerania na minulosť vedomostí a poznania bude venovaný v poradí jedenásty ročník doktorandskej konferencie–Stretnutie mladých historikov XI. organizovaný Katedrou histórieFFUPJŠvspoluprácisoSlovenskouhistorickouspoločnosťoupriSAV.Cieľom konferencie, určenej slovenským a zahraničným doktorandom, je poskytnúť priestor na prezentáciu najnovších výsledkov vedeckého výskumu, odbornú diskusiu, nadviazanie kontaktov, rozvíjanie spolupráce a vzájomnú výmenu skúseností širšej historickej komunity. Východiskom konferencie je recenzovaný zborník, ktorý pozostáva z publikačných výstupov aktívnych účastníkov.
Diploma thesis, 2019
The thesis examines the activities of Štefan Butkovič and the activities related to the establish... more The thesis examines the activities of Štefan Butkovič and the activities related to the establishment and operation of the Technical Museum in Košice in the context of the Czechoslovak socio-political conditions after World War II. It outlines the develop-ment of Slovak museums and the key phenomena relevant to each period in history since its creation in our territory. The aim of the thesis is to present the contribution and importance of the founder and first director of the Technical Museum, Štefan Butkovič, to the cultural life of the country and its twenty-year-long activity in this institute.
The work is divided into four chapters. The first part of the thesis characterizes histo-riography and sources for the history of museology, the Technical Museum and the personality of Štefan Butkovič. The second chapter provides a picture of the theoretical issues, focuses on the process of the emergence of museums in Slovakia until 1948, while providing information on the establishment of the first technical museum in Slo-vakia and its founder. The second chapter presents the core of the work and contains the most fertile period of Štefan Butkovič at the time of the Institute's leadership until his departure in 1973. The last chapter points to the life of Štefan Butkovič after leaving the museum, his research activities and work in the 1980s. At the same time, he de-monstrates in the individual chapters the socio-political, cultural and ideological con-text of the time influencing museology in Slovakia.
Hranice v priestore a čase. Stretnutie mladých historikov X., 2021
The year 1945 represents an important milestone in terms of political, cultural, and social Europ... more The year 1945 represents an important milestone in terms of political, cultural, and
social European history. The new order of Europe was most pronounced in the rivalry between the two world powers, which represented different power interests and spheres of influence. Bipolar division of the world was born and changes in state borders created new risks in the field of political and international relations. The paper analyses the way in which the system of territorial borders and selected power relations have influenced the area of tertiary education. The borders demarcating the territories of the states affected the area of social and cultural reality, bounded order and events in imaginary centres and peripheries, and influenced the most important changes in the post-war history of universities, a significant phenomenon of European culture, education, and science. The aim of the paper is to point out the barriers and changes that occurred in the management of higher education after the emergence of the bipolar international system in both its parts. It was the universities that became one of the key institutions, they represented the centres of national ideology and history, and at the same time they were strategic bodies for the regime in the process of educating new elites. Several new national laws concerning university education have been adopted in the Western and Eastern bloc countries. The article summarizes the most significant changes in education after the Second World War, which marked a split in the management of European universities. The aim of the paper is to point out the most significant changes in tertiary education in the Eastern
bloc countries, which were transformed according to the Soviet model due to the new political situation, through an asymmetric comparative approach, and to compare them with the situation in Western European countries where reforms were adopted gradually. identity of tertiary education.
Česko-slovenská historická ročenka, 2021
On the perspectives of history in school in a world of electronic media. With the inevitable int... more On the perspectives of history in school in a world of electronic media.
With the inevitable integration of digital technologies into education, the current approach to teaching faces a new and difficult challenge. Life with the Internet and computing is here to stay. Education should now focus on the application of digital technologies, the development of constructivist and exploratory learning and contribute to students' critical and analytical thinking. Mastering digital competences seems to be a key factor in the successful integration of digital technologies into the educational process, not only for students but especially for teachers. However, this process needs to be systematically and theoretically underpinned by, and continuously updated through, methodological procedures reflecting the ongoing digitisation and the implementation of these procedures in individual school subjects. The development of digital humanities and the ongoing digitisation of historical sources are transforming how history is taught at schools. In this regard, the Czech environment, in particular, is an inspiration for Slovakia. It shows us a way in which ongoing digitisation can be effectively wielded as a tool by constructivist education. We are attempting to cover all of the above challenges through our dejinovy.sk web project. The project is extremely challenging but also intensely rewarding, providing constant opportunities for self-improvement, especially in research in the digital humanities.
The City and History journal by Miriama Filčáková-Svatová
Mesto a dejiny, 2019
The Town and the Widow: The Journey of Elisabeth of Luxembourg to Pozsony Bielsko: The Education ... more The Town and the Widow: The Journey of Elisabeth of Luxembourg to Pozsony
Bielsko: The Education Centre for Industrial Production between Austrian Silesia and Galicia at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Planning through a Prism of Individual Interests: Historical Events Defining the Area of Bratislava’s Former Key Industrial Zone
City Symphonies: The Urban Culture of Expressionist Cinema in 1920s Berlin
The City and History, 2021
Sources and Ways of Wrocław’s Promotion in the Structures of the Bohemian Crown in the Luxembourg... more Sources and Ways of Wrocław’s Promotion in the Structures of the Bohemian Crown in the Luxembourg Era: Polemic Recapitulation
The Water-Use of Mining Towns and Their Villages in Medieval Hungary: The Example of Kremnica
Revolution in the Town Halls: The Formation of Czechoslovakia, the Battle for the Town Halls and Power Transition in the Municipal Authorities of Moravian Towns after 1918
Architecture of Consumption: Shopping Centres in Soviet Lithuania from the 1960s to 1980
NĚMEC, Richard. Die Ökonomisierung des Raums. Planen und Bauen in Mittel- und Osteuropa unter den Nationalsozialisten, 1938 bis 1945. Berlin: DOM publishers, 2020, 498 pp. ISBN 978-3-86922-168-7
Meeting of Young Historians XI: Knowledge, Society, History; Košice, 19 – 20 October 2021
Conference Presentations by Miriama Filčáková-Svatová
Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning, 2024
Research-oriented Teaching of History in a Digital Environment: Project Local History Košice 1944... more Research-oriented Teaching of History in a Digital Environment: Project Local History Košice 1944 – 1945
Res Gestae
The socio-political events of 1945-1956 are characterised by several phenomena that significantly... more The socio-political events of 1945-1956 are characterised by several phenomena that significantly marked the formation of tertiary education in Slovakia and determined its subsequent development. In the first years after the end of the war, attempts at political, economic, or cultural contacts with Western countries could still be observed in several Central European countries for some time. Universities maintained their traditional internal academic structure, organisation of student enrolment, content of studies, etc. This situation was mainly fostered by the needs of the country's reconstruction, which at the same time masked the political pragmatism of the new, but not yet fully strengthened, people's democratic regimes. Gradually, they became a priority concern of the Communist Party, whose aim was to gain ideological control over them. Soviet influence in education was exercised in the spirit of communist ideology, centralized state planning, and a bureaucratically con...
Česko-slovenská historická ročenka
With the inevitable integration of digital technologies into education, the current approach to t... more With the inevitable integration of digital technologies into education, the current approach to teaching faces a new and difficult challenge. Life with the Internet and computing is here to stay. Education should now focus on the application of digital technologies, the development of constructivist and exploratory learning and contribute to students’ critical and analytical thinking. Mastering digital competences seems to be a key factor in the successful integration of digital technologies into the educational process, not only for students but especially for teachers. However, this process needs to be systematically and theoretically underpinned by, and continuously updated through, methodological procedures reflecting the ongoing digitisation and the implementation of these procedures in individual school subjects. The development of digital humanities and the ongoing digitisation of historical sources are transforming how history is taught at schools. In this regard, the Czech ...
Stretnutie mladých historikov XI. Poznanie, spoločnosť, dejiny, 2022
The aim of the paper is to record the decisive moments related to the establishment of the Pavel... more The aim of the paper is to record the decisive moments related to the establishment
of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, the reasons for its location in the East Slovak metropolis and the choice of its name. Using the example of a selected educational institution, analyse the most important changes in the post-war history of universities, a significant phenomenon of European culture, education, and science. Point out the most significant changes in tertiary education in Slovakia, which was transformed according to the Soviet model because of the new political situation. We consider it important to capture the history and development of this institution, determined by the political, cultural, and industrial circumstances at the time of its creation. Considering in research the historical and social context of the period after the Second World War, the ideological and political influence operating in the academic field, at the urban level and in specific areas of knowledge development.
Stretnutie mladých historikov XI. Poznanie, spoločnosť, dejiny, 2022
Zborník príspevkov z 11. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov, ktorú organizovala Katedra hist... more Zborník príspevkov z 11. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov, ktorú organizovala Katedra histórie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach spolu so Slovenskou historickou spoločnosťou pri SAV v dňoch 19. – 20. októbra 2021
V súčasnosti sú tieto dejiny často prezentované ako rozšírenie dejín vedy. História poznania nielen rozširuje hranice dejín vedy, ale skúma hranice medzi rôznymi formami poznania a nepoznania. Rovnako ako sa štúdie historickej pamäti rozšírili a doplnili svoj záujem o výskum zabúdania, dejiny vedomosti zahŕňajú štúdie nevedomosti. Upriamujú pozornosť na zmenu, ktorá prebehla v posledných desaťročiach: od sakralizácie vedy a úcty k odborným znalostiam, po vypovedanie vedy a neustále spochybňovanie odborných znalostí, na ktoré musí história znalostí rovnako reagovať. Poznatky ako produkt, tvoria základ ľudských interakcií a majú aj svoju minulosť. Aký bol význam vedomostí a poznania v rôznych historických obdobiach? Ako štátna moc ovplyvňovala rozvoj poznania a vedomostí? Čo možno v určitej historickej epoche alebo kultúre považovať za poznanie? Napokon, existuje nejaká ľudská činnosť, ktorú nemožno považovať za poznanie? V súčasnosti možno v oblasti dejín poznania pozorovať veľký rozmach výskumu, publikačnej činnosti, ako aj vznik nových inštitúcií. Príspevkom rozširujúcim spôsob nazerania na minulosť vedomostí a poznania bude venovaný v poradí jedenásty ročník doktorandskej konferencie–Stretnutie mladých historikov XI. organizovaný Katedrou histórieFFUPJŠvspoluprácisoSlovenskouhistorickouspoločnosťoupriSAV.Cieľom konferencie, určenej slovenským a zahraničným doktorandom, je poskytnúť priestor na prezentáciu najnovších výsledkov vedeckého výskumu, odbornú diskusiu, nadviazanie kontaktov, rozvíjanie spolupráce a vzájomnú výmenu skúseností širšej historickej komunity. Východiskom konferencie je recenzovaný zborník, ktorý pozostáva z publikačných výstupov aktívnych účastníkov.
Diploma thesis, 2019
The thesis examines the activities of Štefan Butkovič and the activities related to the establish... more The thesis examines the activities of Štefan Butkovič and the activities related to the establishment and operation of the Technical Museum in Košice in the context of the Czechoslovak socio-political conditions after World War II. It outlines the develop-ment of Slovak museums and the key phenomena relevant to each period in history since its creation in our territory. The aim of the thesis is to present the contribution and importance of the founder and first director of the Technical Museum, Štefan Butkovič, to the cultural life of the country and its twenty-year-long activity in this institute.
The work is divided into four chapters. The first part of the thesis characterizes histo-riography and sources for the history of museology, the Technical Museum and the personality of Štefan Butkovič. The second chapter provides a picture of the theoretical issues, focuses on the process of the emergence of museums in Slovakia until 1948, while providing information on the establishment of the first technical museum in Slo-vakia and its founder. The second chapter presents the core of the work and contains the most fertile period of Štefan Butkovič at the time of the Institute's leadership until his departure in 1973. The last chapter points to the life of Štefan Butkovič after leaving the museum, his research activities and work in the 1980s. At the same time, he de-monstrates in the individual chapters the socio-political, cultural and ideological con-text of the time influencing museology in Slovakia.
Hranice v priestore a čase. Stretnutie mladých historikov X., 2021
The year 1945 represents an important milestone in terms of political, cultural, and social Europ... more The year 1945 represents an important milestone in terms of political, cultural, and
social European history. The new order of Europe was most pronounced in the rivalry between the two world powers, which represented different power interests and spheres of influence. Bipolar division of the world was born and changes in state borders created new risks in the field of political and international relations. The paper analyses the way in which the system of territorial borders and selected power relations have influenced the area of tertiary education. The borders demarcating the territories of the states affected the area of social and cultural reality, bounded order and events in imaginary centres and peripheries, and influenced the most important changes in the post-war history of universities, a significant phenomenon of European culture, education, and science. The aim of the paper is to point out the barriers and changes that occurred in the management of higher education after the emergence of the bipolar international system in both its parts. It was the universities that became one of the key institutions, they represented the centres of national ideology and history, and at the same time they were strategic bodies for the regime in the process of educating new elites. Several new national laws concerning university education have been adopted in the Western and Eastern bloc countries. The article summarizes the most significant changes in education after the Second World War, which marked a split in the management of European universities. The aim of the paper is to point out the most significant changes in tertiary education in the Eastern
bloc countries, which were transformed according to the Soviet model due to the new political situation, through an asymmetric comparative approach, and to compare them with the situation in Western European countries where reforms were adopted gradually. identity of tertiary education.
Česko-slovenská historická ročenka, 2021
On the perspectives of history in school in a world of electronic media. With the inevitable int... more On the perspectives of history in school in a world of electronic media.
With the inevitable integration of digital technologies into education, the current approach to teaching faces a new and difficult challenge. Life with the Internet and computing is here to stay. Education should now focus on the application of digital technologies, the development of constructivist and exploratory learning and contribute to students' critical and analytical thinking. Mastering digital competences seems to be a key factor in the successful integration of digital technologies into the educational process, not only for students but especially for teachers. However, this process needs to be systematically and theoretically underpinned by, and continuously updated through, methodological procedures reflecting the ongoing digitisation and the implementation of these procedures in individual school subjects. The development of digital humanities and the ongoing digitisation of historical sources are transforming how history is taught at schools. In this regard, the Czech environment, in particular, is an inspiration for Slovakia. It shows us a way in which ongoing digitisation can be effectively wielded as a tool by constructivist education. We are attempting to cover all of the above challenges through our dejinovy.sk web project. The project is extremely challenging but also intensely rewarding, providing constant opportunities for self-improvement, especially in research in the digital humanities.
Mesto a dejiny, 2019
The Town and the Widow: The Journey of Elisabeth of Luxembourg to Pozsony Bielsko: The Education ... more The Town and the Widow: The Journey of Elisabeth of Luxembourg to Pozsony
Bielsko: The Education Centre for Industrial Production between Austrian Silesia and Galicia at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Planning through a Prism of Individual Interests: Historical Events Defining the Area of Bratislava’s Former Key Industrial Zone
City Symphonies: The Urban Culture of Expressionist Cinema in 1920s Berlin
The City and History, 2021
Sources and Ways of Wrocław’s Promotion in the Structures of the Bohemian Crown in the Luxembourg... more Sources and Ways of Wrocław’s Promotion in the Structures of the Bohemian Crown in the Luxembourg Era: Polemic Recapitulation
The Water-Use of Mining Towns and Their Villages in Medieval Hungary: The Example of Kremnica
Revolution in the Town Halls: The Formation of Czechoslovakia, the Battle for the Town Halls and Power Transition in the Municipal Authorities of Moravian Towns after 1918
Architecture of Consumption: Shopping Centres in Soviet Lithuania from the 1960s to 1980
NĚMEC, Richard. Die Ökonomisierung des Raums. Planen und Bauen in Mittel- und Osteuropa unter den Nationalsozialisten, 1938 bis 1945. Berlin: DOM publishers, 2020, 498 pp. ISBN 978-3-86922-168-7
Meeting of Young Historians XI: Knowledge, Society, History; Košice, 19 – 20 October 2021
Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning, 2024
Research-oriented Teaching of History in a Digital Environment: Project Local History Košice 1944... more Research-oriented Teaching of History in a Digital Environment: Project Local History Košice 1944 – 1945