Jose Beltran | Universidad Politecnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo (original) (raw)
Papers by Jose Beltran
Fish & shellfish immunology, Jan 4, 2018
Origanum vulgare is a well-known medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times as an add... more Origanum vulgare is a well-known medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times as an additive in foods and cosmetic preparations. The possible application of O. vulgare extracts in fish was assessed by using gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) as a marine fish model due to its importance in aquaculture. The in vitro effects of aqueous and ethanolic leaf extracts of O. vulgare were tested in order to observe any immunostimulant, cytotoxic, bactericidal or antioxidant properties. The results showed that medium or high concentration of aqueous extracts and low concentrations of ethanolic extract, increased head kidney leucocyte activities as well as the number of SAF-1 cells. However, moderate to high concentrations of ethanolic extracts decreased both leucocyte activities and the number of viable SAF-1 cells, suggesting some possible toxic effect towards them. Only the highest concentration of the aqueous extract and medium to high concentrations of the ethanolic extracts showe...
BMC plant biology, Jan 25, 2018
Plants and insects have coexisted for million years and evolved a set of interactions which affec... more Plants and insects have coexisted for million years and evolved a set of interactions which affect both organisms at different levels. Plants have developed various morphological and biochemical adaptations to cope with herbivores attacks. However, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) has become the major pest threatening tomato crops worldwide and without the appropriated management it can cause production losses between 80 to 100%. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vivo effect of a serine proteinase inhibitor (BTI-CMe) and a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (Hv-CPI2) from barley on this insect and to examine the effect their expression has on tomato defensive responses. We found that larvae fed on tomato transgenic plants co-expressing both proteinase inhibitors showed a notable reduction in weight. Moreover, only 56% of these larvae reached the adult stage. The emerged adults showed wings deformities and reduced fertility. We also investigated the effect ...
RASE: Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación
La medida de la calidad educativa: acerca de los rankings universitarios 1 Resumen En el presente... more La medida de la calidad educativa: acerca de los rankings universitarios 1 Resumen En el presente texto se revisa desde una perspectiva crítica la construcción de sistemas transnacionales de evaluación de la calidad a través de los rankings internacionales. En la primera parte, reflexionamos sobre el concepto de calidad y presentamos diferentes tipos de rankings: los denominados League Tables (ARWU, THE, QS) y los centrados en resultados de investigación (SCImago Institutions Ranking). Una vez conocidas las características y posibles utilidades de los mismos, analizamos dialógicamente una serie de riesgos a tener en cuenta para acabar incidiendo de nuevo en el modelo de calidad que proponen y sus posibles efectos.
Proanthocyanidins (PAs), or condensed tannins, are powerful antioxidants that remove harmful free... more Proanthocyanidins (PAs), or condensed tannins, are powerful antioxidants that remove harmful free oxygen radicals from cells. To engineer the anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways to de novo produce PAs in two Nicotiana species, we incorporated four transgenes to the plant chassis. We opted to perform a simultaneous transformation of the genes linked in a multigenic construct rather than classical breeding or retransformation approaches. We generated a GoldenBraid 2.0 multigenic construct containing two Antirrhinum majus transcription factors (AmRosea1 and AmDelila) to upregulate the anthocyanin pathway in combination with two Medicago truncatula genes (MtLAR and MtANR) to produce the enzymes that will derivate the biosynthetic pathway to PAs production. Transient and stable transformation of Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum with the multigenic construct were respectively performed. Transient expression experiments in N. benthamiana showed the activation of the anthocyanin pathway producing a purple color in the agroinfiltrated leaves and also the effective production of 208.5 nmol (-) catechin/g FW and 228.5 nmol (-) epicatechin/g FW measured by the p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA) method. The integration capacity of the four transgenes, their respective expression levels and their heritability in the second generation were analyzed in stably transformed N. tabacum plants. DMACA and phoroglucinolysis/HPLC-MS analyses corroborated the activation of both pathways and the effective production of PAs in T0 and T1 transgenic tobacco plants up to a maximum of 3.48 mg/g DW. The possible biotechnological applications of the GB2.0 multigenic approach in forage legumes to produce "bloatsafe" plants and to improve the efficiency of conversion of plant protein into animal protein (ruminal protein bypass) are discussed.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Supra-nutritional vitamin E supplementation is a commonly used approach to delay lipid oxidation ... more Supra-nutritional vitamin E supplementation is a commonly used approach to delay lipid oxidation and colour deterioration in lamb and beef meat marketed under modified atmosphere packaging. However, these applications lack a precise calibration of dose for the desired effect and, in addition, limited information is available regarding the use of natural vitamin E for this purpose. Three hundred and sixty Rasa Aragonesa lambs were fed diets supplemented with all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg kg(-1) compound feed), RRR-α-tocopheryl acetate (125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg kg(-1) compound feed) and a basal diet without vitamin E supplementation for 14 days before slaughter at 25.8 ± 1.67 kg body weight. Vitamin E supplementation had no effect (P > 0.05) on average daily weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency. Display time had larger effects on lipid oxidation, colour stability, myoglobin forms and meat discolouration parameters compared to vitamin E supplementation. However, vitamin E source and dosage significantly extended meat shelf-life as indicated by lipid oxidation, redness, hue angle, metmyoglobin formation, deoxymyoglobin formation, A580-630 and ISO2 . The quantification of these effects demonstrated that the biological activity value of 1.36 used to distinguish both vitamin E sources is not appropriate for meat quality enhancing properties. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.
Microbial biotechnology, Nov 11, 2017
In this study, we show the proof of concept for the production of defined oligo-isoprenoids with ... more In this study, we show the proof of concept for the production of defined oligo-isoprenoids with terminal functional groups that can be used as starting materials for various purposes including the synthesis of isoprenoid-based plastics. To this end, we used three types of rubber oxygenases for the enzymatic cleavage of rubber [poly(cis-1,4-isoprene)]. Two enzymes, rubber oxygenase RoxAXsp and rubber oxygenase RoxBXsp , originate from Xanthomonas sp. 35Y; the third rubber oxygenase, latex-clearing protein (LcpK30 ), is derived from Gram-positive rubber degraders such as Streptomyces sp. K30. Emulsions of polyisoprene (latex) were treated with RoxAXsp , RoxBXsp , LcpK30 or with combinations of the three proteins. The cleavage products were purified by solvent extraction and FPLC separation. All products had the same general structure with terminal functions (CHO-CH2 - and -CH2 -COCH3 ) but differed in the number of intact isoprene units in between. The composition and m/z values of o...
Journal of food science and technology, 2016
Beef Longissimus lumborum (LL) was no aged (LL0), aged for 7 days (LL7) and 14 days (LL14) under ... more Beef Longissimus lumborum (LL) was no aged (LL0), aged for 7 days (LL7) and 14 days (LL14) under vacuum at 1 ± 1 °C. The obtained beefsteaks were packaged in high oxygen (Hi-O2) with active packaging (AP) during 13-21 days at 1 ± 1 °C. Redness (CIE a* values), metmyoglobin percentage (MetMb%), total flora (PCA), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBA-RS), instrumental tenderness (Warner-Bratzler shear force: WBSF), and sensory analyses were performed. The various variables differed amongst the ageing times and packaging systems (AP vs. control). Three and ten additional days of retail shelf life were observed for steaks from LL7 and LL14, respectively. AP increased efficiently the retail shelf life of beefsteaks, but did not affect meat tenderness. The extended ageing from 7 to 14 days also induced higher tenderness in beefsteaks and did not show any affect negative effect on other quality parameters. Innovative technology referring to ageing under vacuum combined with Hi-O2 M...
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2016
Liquid fructose associates with prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. Intervention ... more Liquid fructose associates with prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. Intervention studies suggest that metabolically unfit individuals are more responsive than healthy individuals to liquid fructose. We determined whether mice consuming an obesogenic Western diet were more responsive than chow-fed mice to the alterations induced by liquid fructose supplementation (LFS). C57BL/6N mice were fed chow or Western diet±ad libitum 15% fructose solution for 12 weeks. Food and liquid intake and body weight were monitored. Plasma analytes and liver lipids, histology and the expression of genes related to lipid handling, endoplasmic reticulum stress, inflammation and insulin signaling were analyzed. Western diet increased energy intake, visceral adipose tissue (vWAT), body weight, plasma and liver triglycerides and cholesterol, and inflammatory markers in vWAT vs. chow-fed mice. LFS did not change energy intake, vWAT or body weight. LFS significantly increased plasma and liver triglycerides and cholesterol levels only in Western-diet-fed mice. These changes associated with a potentiation of the increased liver expression of PPARγ and CD36 that was observed in Western-fed mice and related to the increased liver mTOR phosphorylation induced by LFS. Furthermore, LFS in Western-diet-fed mice induced the largest reduction in liver IRS2 protein and a significant decrease in whole-body insulin sensitivity. LFS in mice, in a background of an unhealthy diet that already induces fatty liver visceral fat accretion and obesity, increases liver lipid burden, hinders hepatic insulin signaling and diminishes whole-body insulin sensitivity without changing energy intake.
Patronos Promotores Mecenas Y Clientes Vii Ceha Murcia 1988 Actas Mesa I 1992 Isbn 84 7684 371 2 Pags 87 92, 1992
Revista De Literatura, Dec 30, 2009
Page 1. Revista de Literatura, 2009, julio-diciembre, vol. LXXI, n.o 142, págs. 497-524, ISSN: 00... more Page 1. Revista de Literatura, 2009, julio-diciembre, vol. LXXI, n.o 142, págs. 497-524, ISSN: 0034-849X «IDEA DEL SIGLO XVIII»: SOBRE LA ILUSTRACIÓN EN EL MEMORIAL LITERARIO (1801)* JOSÉ CHECA BELTRÁN CCHS/CSIC. Madrid ...
Revista Espanola De Orientacion Y Psicopedagogia, 2005
Fish & shellfish immunology, Jan 4, 2018
Origanum vulgare is a well-known medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times as an add... more Origanum vulgare is a well-known medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times as an additive in foods and cosmetic preparations. The possible application of O. vulgare extracts in fish was assessed by using gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) as a marine fish model due to its importance in aquaculture. The in vitro effects of aqueous and ethanolic leaf extracts of O. vulgare were tested in order to observe any immunostimulant, cytotoxic, bactericidal or antioxidant properties. The results showed that medium or high concentration of aqueous extracts and low concentrations of ethanolic extract, increased head kidney leucocyte activities as well as the number of SAF-1 cells. However, moderate to high concentrations of ethanolic extracts decreased both leucocyte activities and the number of viable SAF-1 cells, suggesting some possible toxic effect towards them. Only the highest concentration of the aqueous extract and medium to high concentrations of the ethanolic extracts showe...
BMC plant biology, Jan 25, 2018
Plants and insects have coexisted for million years and evolved a set of interactions which affec... more Plants and insects have coexisted for million years and evolved a set of interactions which affect both organisms at different levels. Plants have developed various morphological and biochemical adaptations to cope with herbivores attacks. However, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) has become the major pest threatening tomato crops worldwide and without the appropriated management it can cause production losses between 80 to 100%. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vivo effect of a serine proteinase inhibitor (BTI-CMe) and a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (Hv-CPI2) from barley on this insect and to examine the effect their expression has on tomato defensive responses. We found that larvae fed on tomato transgenic plants co-expressing both proteinase inhibitors showed a notable reduction in weight. Moreover, only 56% of these larvae reached the adult stage. The emerged adults showed wings deformities and reduced fertility. We also investigated the effect ...
RASE: Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación
La medida de la calidad educativa: acerca de los rankings universitarios 1 Resumen En el presente... more La medida de la calidad educativa: acerca de los rankings universitarios 1 Resumen En el presente texto se revisa desde una perspectiva crítica la construcción de sistemas transnacionales de evaluación de la calidad a través de los rankings internacionales. En la primera parte, reflexionamos sobre el concepto de calidad y presentamos diferentes tipos de rankings: los denominados League Tables (ARWU, THE, QS) y los centrados en resultados de investigación (SCImago Institutions Ranking). Una vez conocidas las características y posibles utilidades de los mismos, analizamos dialógicamente una serie de riesgos a tener en cuenta para acabar incidiendo de nuevo en el modelo de calidad que proponen y sus posibles efectos.
Proanthocyanidins (PAs), or condensed tannins, are powerful antioxidants that remove harmful free... more Proanthocyanidins (PAs), or condensed tannins, are powerful antioxidants that remove harmful free oxygen radicals from cells. To engineer the anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways to de novo produce PAs in two Nicotiana species, we incorporated four transgenes to the plant chassis. We opted to perform a simultaneous transformation of the genes linked in a multigenic construct rather than classical breeding or retransformation approaches. We generated a GoldenBraid 2.0 multigenic construct containing two Antirrhinum majus transcription factors (AmRosea1 and AmDelila) to upregulate the anthocyanin pathway in combination with two Medicago truncatula genes (MtLAR and MtANR) to produce the enzymes that will derivate the biosynthetic pathway to PAs production. Transient and stable transformation of Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum with the multigenic construct were respectively performed. Transient expression experiments in N. benthamiana showed the activation of the anthocyanin pathway producing a purple color in the agroinfiltrated leaves and also the effective production of 208.5 nmol (-) catechin/g FW and 228.5 nmol (-) epicatechin/g FW measured by the p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA) method. The integration capacity of the four transgenes, their respective expression levels and their heritability in the second generation were analyzed in stably transformed N. tabacum plants. DMACA and phoroglucinolysis/HPLC-MS analyses corroborated the activation of both pathways and the effective production of PAs in T0 and T1 transgenic tobacco plants up to a maximum of 3.48 mg/g DW. The possible biotechnological applications of the GB2.0 multigenic approach in forage legumes to produce "bloatsafe" plants and to improve the efficiency of conversion of plant protein into animal protein (ruminal protein bypass) are discussed.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Supra-nutritional vitamin E supplementation is a commonly used approach to delay lipid oxidation ... more Supra-nutritional vitamin E supplementation is a commonly used approach to delay lipid oxidation and colour deterioration in lamb and beef meat marketed under modified atmosphere packaging. However, these applications lack a precise calibration of dose for the desired effect and, in addition, limited information is available regarding the use of natural vitamin E for this purpose. Three hundred and sixty Rasa Aragonesa lambs were fed diets supplemented with all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg kg(-1) compound feed), RRR-α-tocopheryl acetate (125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg kg(-1) compound feed) and a basal diet without vitamin E supplementation for 14 days before slaughter at 25.8 ± 1.67 kg body weight. Vitamin E supplementation had no effect (P > 0.05) on average daily weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency. Display time had larger effects on lipid oxidation, colour stability, myoglobin forms and meat discolouration parameters compared to vitamin E supplementation. However, vitamin E source and dosage significantly extended meat shelf-life as indicated by lipid oxidation, redness, hue angle, metmyoglobin formation, deoxymyoglobin formation, A580-630 and ISO2 . The quantification of these effects demonstrated that the biological activity value of 1.36 used to distinguish both vitamin E sources is not appropriate for meat quality enhancing properties. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.
Microbial biotechnology, Nov 11, 2017
In this study, we show the proof of concept for the production of defined oligo-isoprenoids with ... more In this study, we show the proof of concept for the production of defined oligo-isoprenoids with terminal functional groups that can be used as starting materials for various purposes including the synthesis of isoprenoid-based plastics. To this end, we used three types of rubber oxygenases for the enzymatic cleavage of rubber [poly(cis-1,4-isoprene)]. Two enzymes, rubber oxygenase RoxAXsp and rubber oxygenase RoxBXsp , originate from Xanthomonas sp. 35Y; the third rubber oxygenase, latex-clearing protein (LcpK30 ), is derived from Gram-positive rubber degraders such as Streptomyces sp. K30. Emulsions of polyisoprene (latex) were treated with RoxAXsp , RoxBXsp , LcpK30 or with combinations of the three proteins. The cleavage products were purified by solvent extraction and FPLC separation. All products had the same general structure with terminal functions (CHO-CH2 - and -CH2 -COCH3 ) but differed in the number of intact isoprene units in between. The composition and m/z values of o...
Journal of food science and technology, 2016
Beef Longissimus lumborum (LL) was no aged (LL0), aged for 7 days (LL7) and 14 days (LL14) under ... more Beef Longissimus lumborum (LL) was no aged (LL0), aged for 7 days (LL7) and 14 days (LL14) under vacuum at 1 ± 1 °C. The obtained beefsteaks were packaged in high oxygen (Hi-O2) with active packaging (AP) during 13-21 days at 1 ± 1 °C. Redness (CIE a* values), metmyoglobin percentage (MetMb%), total flora (PCA), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBA-RS), instrumental tenderness (Warner-Bratzler shear force: WBSF), and sensory analyses were performed. The various variables differed amongst the ageing times and packaging systems (AP vs. control). Three and ten additional days of retail shelf life were observed for steaks from LL7 and LL14, respectively. AP increased efficiently the retail shelf life of beefsteaks, but did not affect meat tenderness. The extended ageing from 7 to 14 days also induced higher tenderness in beefsteaks and did not show any affect negative effect on other quality parameters. Innovative technology referring to ageing under vacuum combined with Hi-O2 M...
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2016
Liquid fructose associates with prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. Intervention ... more Liquid fructose associates with prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. Intervention studies suggest that metabolically unfit individuals are more responsive than healthy individuals to liquid fructose. We determined whether mice consuming an obesogenic Western diet were more responsive than chow-fed mice to the alterations induced by liquid fructose supplementation (LFS). C57BL/6N mice were fed chow or Western diet±ad libitum 15% fructose solution for 12 weeks. Food and liquid intake and body weight were monitored. Plasma analytes and liver lipids, histology and the expression of genes related to lipid handling, endoplasmic reticulum stress, inflammation and insulin signaling were analyzed. Western diet increased energy intake, visceral adipose tissue (vWAT), body weight, plasma and liver triglycerides and cholesterol, and inflammatory markers in vWAT vs. chow-fed mice. LFS did not change energy intake, vWAT or body weight. LFS significantly increased plasma and liver triglycerides and cholesterol levels only in Western-diet-fed mice. These changes associated with a potentiation of the increased liver expression of PPARγ and CD36 that was observed in Western-fed mice and related to the increased liver mTOR phosphorylation induced by LFS. Furthermore, LFS in Western-diet-fed mice induced the largest reduction in liver IRS2 protein and a significant decrease in whole-body insulin sensitivity. LFS in mice, in a background of an unhealthy diet that already induces fatty liver visceral fat accretion and obesity, increases liver lipid burden, hinders hepatic insulin signaling and diminishes whole-body insulin sensitivity without changing energy intake.
Patronos Promotores Mecenas Y Clientes Vii Ceha Murcia 1988 Actas Mesa I 1992 Isbn 84 7684 371 2 Pags 87 92, 1992
Revista De Literatura, Dec 30, 2009
Page 1. Revista de Literatura, 2009, julio-diciembre, vol. LXXI, n.o 142, págs. 497-524, ISSN: 00... more Page 1. Revista de Literatura, 2009, julio-diciembre, vol. LXXI, n.o 142, págs. 497-524, ISSN: 0034-849X «IDEA DEL SIGLO XVIII»: SOBRE LA ILUSTRACIÓN EN EL MEMORIAL LITERARIO (1801)* JOSÉ CHECA BELTRÁN CCHS/CSIC. Madrid ...
Revista Espanola De Orientacion Y Psicopedagogia, 2005