Retno Hendariningrum | Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
Conference Papers by Retno Hendariningrum
2 0 1 5 I n d o n e s i a I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C o mmu n i c a t i o... more 2 0 1 5 I n d o n e s i a I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C o mmu n i c a t i o n (I NDO I C C) F I S I P UI , De p o k C a mp us T hur s d a y-F r i d a y , 1 0-1 1 De c e mb e r 2 0 1 5 De p a r t me nt o f C o mmuni c a t i o ns F a c ul t y o f S o c i a l a nd P o l i t i c a l S c i e nc e s Uni v e r s i t y o f I nd o ne s i a
Papers by Retno Hendariningrum
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Print media advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media such as Karti... more Print media advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media such as Kartini Magazine has a function to convey the message and offer products or services from producers to consumers with targeted segmentation particularly female readers. In an advertisement has elements that include illustrations, text and colors or arranged in such a way in a composition layout. This study departs from the issue of the importance of creativity in the layout in an advertisement that the reader or consumer interested in the ads. The research problem is then formulated on how the layout of cosmetic ads in Kartini Magazine issue of August-December 2012. The goal is to enrich the wealth of Communication Studies, especially with regard to the creative aspects of advertising through print advertising layouts with the ad content analysis. Research on cosmetics ad layout on Kartini Magazine is using qualitative research methods, with a descriptive content analysis. After doing researc...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Jan 29, 2014
Berangkat dari kenyataan bahwa publikasi media massa selama ini masih dibingkai kuat oleh budaya ... more Berangkat dari kenyataan bahwa publikasi media massa selama ini masih dibingkai kuat oleh budaya yang mendiskriminasikan perempuan, sehingga berita yang disiarkan di media massa-pun menjadi bias gender. Hal ini membuat keinginan yang kuat untuk melakukan studi mengenai media massa dan gender. Media massa merupakan wahana strategis yang bisa menciptakan opini publik mengenai kesetaraan dan keadilan gender. Pemberitaan yang timpang mengenai kesetaraan dan keadilan gender pada media massa, melanggengkan budaya pendiskhminasian perempuan, sehingga perempuan hanya dijadikan sebagai obyek. Dalam publikasi media massa, wartawan memiliki posisi penting, karena ia bertugas mencari dan menulis berita untuk kemudian disiarkan di media massa. Pengetahuan wartawan tentang isu gender yang baik sangat penting, karena nantinya akan menghasilkan berita yang tidak bias gender (berita yang sensitif gender). Studi ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengetahuan wartawan tentang isu gender, dan implementasi penyerahan tersebut dalam tulisan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara focus group discussion (FGD) dan wawancara mendalam , serta beberapa tulisan wartawan: yang sudah disiarkan di media massa untuk mengetahui implementasi pengetahuan mereka tentang isu gender. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan wartawan tentang isu gender masih dibingkai oleh pemahaman isu tentang partisipasi perempuan dalam meningkatkan perannya di sektor publik. Padahal isu gender yang berkembang saat ini bukan lagi berkutat pada peningkatan peranan perempuan saja, tetapi sudah pada menciptakan iklim yang sederajad dengan laki-laki. Diketahui pula bahwa isu gender lebih diterima oleh wartawan perempuan. Wartawan laki-laki kurang tertarik dengan isu ini, karena dianggap sebagai isu yang kurang menarik dan kurang laku untuk menjadi 'komoditas' berita dibanding isu-isu lain seperti poiitik atau ekonomi. Temuan lain menunjukkan bahwa media belum serius untuk memunculkan isu gender di area publik, sehingga implementasi tulisan wartawan menunjukkan sensitif gender belum banyak dipakai dalam tulisan. Pertimbangan 'komoditas' berita yang laku dijual menjadi pertimbangan utama media. Namun beberapa tulisan wartawan perempuan, sudah menunjukkan sensitif gender, sehingga media massa bisa berperan sebagai pembentuk realitas kesetaraan dan keadilan gender.
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2013
Penelitian ini memberikan judul “Peran Humas Pemkab Kulon Progo (Dalam Kasus Penambangan Pasir Be... more Penelitian ini memberikan judul “Peran Humas Pemkab Kulon Progo (Dalam Kasus Penambangan Pasir Besi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo).” Saat ini, Kabupaten Kulon Progo masih menghadapi masalah pro dan kontra terkait penambangan pasir besi. Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dituntut untuk dapat membangun komunikasi dengan semua pihak dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan peran Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam menghadapi permasalahan kasus penambangan pasir besi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo serta kendala yang dihadapi pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam memberlakukan peran humas dalam menangani masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Kegiatan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dilakukan dengan memproses data yang diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa meskipun Humas telah melakukan perannya dalam rencana sosialisasi pena...
Health communication is a study focusing on how to use a communication strategy to spread health ... more Health communication is a study focusing on how to use a communication strategy to spread health information that influence individual and community so they can make a good decision about health management. Health communication studies are needed because health experts and social scientist realized that health and disease problems are not only caused by individual negligence but also caused by ignorance and misconception about health information. Government, especially BKKBN have an innovation on Keluarga Berencana program campaign for young generation. Generasi Berencana (GenRe) program is developed in line with necessity and because the government concerns about youth problems in Indonesia. The purpose of our research is to know health communication strategy on Generasi Berencana program especially on Information Center and Student Counseling (or PIK-M) at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Qualitative methodology is applied for this research. Data has been Gathered by interview,...
The study of organizational communication is the most relevant to display the role of individuals... more The study of organizational communication is the most relevant to display the role of individuals and groups. Leadership style of a leader of an organization can determine the success or failure of the overall organizational goals. This study aims to determine whether leadership style has a positive relationship and significant organizational culture; to determine if the organizational culture has a positive relationship with performance and significant employee relations leadership style has a positive and significant to the performance; and to determine whether leadership style have a positive relationship and significant with the employee's performance in which the organizational culture as a control variable. Survey method used for this research based on quantitative method. 207 of the employee of PT Adi Satria Abadi Yogyakarta as population. Probability sampling anda random sampling were used to take 62 respondent. Product moment and partial correlation using for data analy...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2014
Komunikasi kesehatan merupakan studi yang mempelajari bagaimana cara menggunakan strategi komunik... more Komunikasi kesehatan merupakan studi yang mempelajari bagaimana cara menggunakan strategi komunikasi untuk menyebarluaskan informasi kesehatan yang dapat mempengaruhi individu dan komunitas agar mereka dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat berkaitan dengan pengelolaan kesehatan. Remaja adalah masa penuh paradoks, secara biologis dapat menjadi ayah atau ibu tapi belum dewasa secara psikologis dan mental. Dalam konteks generasi berencana, besarnya arus globalisasi informasi yang tidak untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi kesehatan melalui pelaksanaan program Generasi Berencana (GenRe) di BKKBN Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian menggunakan dreskrpitif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Program generasi berencana (GenRe) merupakan suatu program yang sesuai untuk menyiapkan masa depan remaja. Tujuananya untuk terwujudnya Tegar Remaja, yaitu remaja yang berperilaku sehat, terhindar dari risiko napza dan penularan HIV/AIDS, menunda usia pernikahan, mempunyai perencanaa...
Fashion and lifestyle had already become part an integral from teenager life society today. Both—... more Fashion and lifestyle had already become part an integral from teenager life society today. Both—no longer essence, however, like packaging. Economy globalization and media industry globalization allegedly is the factor which format that condition. Capitalism is not only succeed embracing young teenage girl, but also the boy. This research aims for reveal the meaning of lifestyle and fashion in Yogyakarta teenager. This research use qualitative method. This research categorized into interpretive social research. Interpretive perspective associated with hermeneutics, that is—a theory about meaning. In method using semiology of communications analysis. Semiology used for pointed or saying the science of signs. Resource data obtained from observation, interview, and literature. The result of research pointed that the first, selfactualization is the first requirement of human. This is seen, when eating in the best restaurant isn’t survival, but consumed it for self-actualization is the ...
The method used was the CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) from the perspective of com- municative... more The method used was the CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) from the perspective of com- municative event. This research involved the analysis of the relationship between three dimensions: text, the practice of discourse (discourse practice, namely the process of production and consump- tion of text), and sociocultural practices (sociocultural practices, namely the level of society or culture). To dismantle the ideology behind the text, Van Dijk’s framing model was used. The results showed that candidates with high popularity did not necessarily marketable figure for the party. The result of this research confirms that the Brand that is sellable in a place may not be sellable else- where. It depends on who the customers (constituents) and what products to offer. Hence the logic of the market more effectively in the mechanism of political trading became a perspective in analysing celebrity politician phenomenon.
Rural area is an embryo for forming political and goverment in Indonesia. In the past, rural area... more Rural area is an embryo for forming political and goverment in Indonesia. In the past, rural area depended on the state. Now days, along with the changes of development policies, active participation of rural people in the process of development is invitable. House of Rural Representatives (BPD) formed as a consequency of implementation of The Local Goverment Act (UU No. 22/1999). It’s main role is to control the goverment at the rural level. This article analyzes the strategy of BPD as a political communication agency in rural area. Keywords : Badan Perwakilan Desa, Komunikasi politik
Linguistics and communication development in infant can best be understood by tracing the forms a... more Linguistics and communication development in infant can best be understood by tracing the forms and patterns of interaction between a child and other family members especially his/her parents. Father and mother are significant others for a child in developing communication and linguistic capacities. From interview with and observation on families in Poh Roboh, Condong Catur, Sleman Yogyakarta-Indonesia, this research found that the position of parents in the family is important not only for making the relationship better, but also for increasing children’s preparedness for entering the society. Children’s capacities and capabilites in communication make them emotionally better. There are three imporant positions of familiy in developing a child’s communication. First, parents can increase the capacities and capabilities in semantics, syntactics and pragmatics. These are linguistic dimensions that underlie child’s communication capabilities. Second, parents can be referent for a chi...
Kompetensi komunikasi bisnis lintas budaya sangat diperlukan di era global ini. Kompetensi komuni... more Kompetensi komunikasi bisnis lintas budaya sangat diperlukan di era global ini. Kompetensi komunikasi berkaitan erat dengan sudut pandang seseorang tentang sekelompok orang tertentu (stereotip). Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh stereotip antaretnik terhadap kompetensi komunikasi bisnis di antara para pengusaha perak Jawa dan Padang di Yogyakarta dan di Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif objektif dengan metode pengumpulan data kuantitatif, serta teknik analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM). Secara keseluruhan hasil penelitian ini memperkuat keberadaan Teori Etnosentrisme, Teori Komunikasi Antarbudaya Gudykuns dan Kim, serta Modell Kompetensi Komunikasi Antarbudaya Spitzberg. Para pengusaha perak Jawa dan Padang saling berkomunikasi dengan melibatkan budaya (nilai-nilai budaya), sosiobudaya (pengalaman antaretnik), dan psikobudaya (prasangka sosial). Model kompetensi komunikasi antarbudaya Spitzberg yang meliputi; motivasi, pengetahuan, dan keahlian berkomunikas...
Bencana gempa bumi di DIY pada 27 Mei 2006 masih meninggalkan berbagai konflik masyarakat. Peneli... more Bencana gempa bumi di DIY pada 27 Mei 2006 masih meninggalkan berbagai konflik masyarakat. Penelitian ini telah berhasil mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis dan penyebab konflik. mulai dari tangga darurat, rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi. Jenis konflik yang terjadi antara lain: konflik intrapersonal (dalam diri individu), antarpersonal (antarindividu), dalam kelompok (masyarakat, pemerintah, pendonor), dan antarkelompok masyarakat dengan pemerintah, pemerintah dengan pendonor, dll. Penyebab konflik secara umum antara lain ketidakjelasan informasi, sumber daya/dana terbatas, pelaksanaan tugas yang saling tergantung,penghalang komunikasi (jarak, teknologi), perbedaan watak atau persepsi individu. Penelitian ini mempunyai makna penting karena menemukan pola manajemen konflik berbasis nilai-nilai budaya lokal sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Pola kompromi adalah pola dominan dilakukan untuk mengatasi konflik berdasarkan nilai-nilai budaya lokal (Yogyakarta) sebag...
As a literature in the form of novel, Gadis Pantai actually has a hidden meaning which Pramoedya ... more As a literature in the form of novel, Gadis Pantai actually has a hidden meaning which Pramoedya wants to present as the author. The mistress practice is not only presented as a kind of discriminative behavior toward Javanese women, but also has a correlation with Pramoedya social background and ideology. This research methodology employed in this research is Sara Mills’ Critical Discourse Analysis model which focuses on feminism discourse. The nature of study using this model tends on political text writing related to author’s ideology and the extensive meaning that Gadis Pantai novel comprehensively expects to bring about. The results of this study show that Pramoedya Ananta Toer tends to explore injustice experienced by Javanese women represented by Gadis Pantai to criticize feudalism practices in Java. By presenting the injustice experienced by Gadis Pantai, Pramoedya Ananta Toer actually wants to awaken readers’ awareness and empathy towards what happened to Gadis Pantai. He al...
LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi
Culture is communication and communication is culture. Humans learn culture through communication... more Culture is communication and communication is culture. Humans learn culture through communication. At the same time communication is a reflection of human culture. Culture is a subjective and objective element created by humans that increased survival of life and resulted in the satisfaction of actors in ecological niches. Cultures are spread among those who can communicate with each other because they have the same language and live at the same time and place. Culture can be learned, passed down from generation to generation. Culture can be learned through fairy tales, legends and myths. It is similar in a view of Sundanese public health on the tradition of eating fresh vegetables. This study aims to describe the public health view of Sundanese in the tradition of eating fresh vegetables. The research method used qualitative approach. Technique of collecting data was done by interview process and literature study. This study was conducted in Sumedang area of West Java. The results ...
Journal Communication Spectrum
2 0 1 5 I n d o n e s i a I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C o mmu n i c a t i o... more 2 0 1 5 I n d o n e s i a I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C o mmu n i c a t i o n (I NDO I C C) F I S I P UI , De p o k C a mp us T hur s d a y-F r i d a y , 1 0-1 1 De c e mb e r 2 0 1 5 De p a r t me nt o f C o mmuni c a t i o ns F a c ul t y o f S o c i a l a nd P o l i t i c a l S c i e nc e s Uni v e r s i t y o f I nd o ne s i a
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Print media advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media such as Karti... more Print media advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media such as Kartini Magazine has a function to convey the message and offer products or services from producers to consumers with targeted segmentation particularly female readers. In an advertisement has elements that include illustrations, text and colors or arranged in such a way in a composition layout. This study departs from the issue of the importance of creativity in the layout in an advertisement that the reader or consumer interested in the ads. The research problem is then formulated on how the layout of cosmetic ads in Kartini Magazine issue of August-December 2012. The goal is to enrich the wealth of Communication Studies, especially with regard to the creative aspects of advertising through print advertising layouts with the ad content analysis. Research on cosmetics ad layout on Kartini Magazine is using qualitative research methods, with a descriptive content analysis. After doing researc...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Jan 29, 2014
Berangkat dari kenyataan bahwa publikasi media massa selama ini masih dibingkai kuat oleh budaya ... more Berangkat dari kenyataan bahwa publikasi media massa selama ini masih dibingkai kuat oleh budaya yang mendiskriminasikan perempuan, sehingga berita yang disiarkan di media massa-pun menjadi bias gender. Hal ini membuat keinginan yang kuat untuk melakukan studi mengenai media massa dan gender. Media massa merupakan wahana strategis yang bisa menciptakan opini publik mengenai kesetaraan dan keadilan gender. Pemberitaan yang timpang mengenai kesetaraan dan keadilan gender pada media massa, melanggengkan budaya pendiskhminasian perempuan, sehingga perempuan hanya dijadikan sebagai obyek. Dalam publikasi media massa, wartawan memiliki posisi penting, karena ia bertugas mencari dan menulis berita untuk kemudian disiarkan di media massa. Pengetahuan wartawan tentang isu gender yang baik sangat penting, karena nantinya akan menghasilkan berita yang tidak bias gender (berita yang sensitif gender). Studi ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengetahuan wartawan tentang isu gender, dan implementasi penyerahan tersebut dalam tulisan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara focus group discussion (FGD) dan wawancara mendalam , serta beberapa tulisan wartawan: yang sudah disiarkan di media massa untuk mengetahui implementasi pengetahuan mereka tentang isu gender. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan wartawan tentang isu gender masih dibingkai oleh pemahaman isu tentang partisipasi perempuan dalam meningkatkan perannya di sektor publik. Padahal isu gender yang berkembang saat ini bukan lagi berkutat pada peningkatan peranan perempuan saja, tetapi sudah pada menciptakan iklim yang sederajad dengan laki-laki. Diketahui pula bahwa isu gender lebih diterima oleh wartawan perempuan. Wartawan laki-laki kurang tertarik dengan isu ini, karena dianggap sebagai isu yang kurang menarik dan kurang laku untuk menjadi 'komoditas' berita dibanding isu-isu lain seperti poiitik atau ekonomi. Temuan lain menunjukkan bahwa media belum serius untuk memunculkan isu gender di area publik, sehingga implementasi tulisan wartawan menunjukkan sensitif gender belum banyak dipakai dalam tulisan. Pertimbangan 'komoditas' berita yang laku dijual menjadi pertimbangan utama media. Namun beberapa tulisan wartawan perempuan, sudah menunjukkan sensitif gender, sehingga media massa bisa berperan sebagai pembentuk realitas kesetaraan dan keadilan gender.
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2013
Penelitian ini memberikan judul “Peran Humas Pemkab Kulon Progo (Dalam Kasus Penambangan Pasir Be... more Penelitian ini memberikan judul “Peran Humas Pemkab Kulon Progo (Dalam Kasus Penambangan Pasir Besi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo).” Saat ini, Kabupaten Kulon Progo masih menghadapi masalah pro dan kontra terkait penambangan pasir besi. Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dituntut untuk dapat membangun komunikasi dengan semua pihak dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan peran Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam menghadapi permasalahan kasus penambangan pasir besi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo serta kendala yang dihadapi pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam memberlakukan peran humas dalam menangani masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Kegiatan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dilakukan dengan memproses data yang diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa meskipun Humas telah melakukan perannya dalam rencana sosialisasi pena...
Health communication is a study focusing on how to use a communication strategy to spread health ... more Health communication is a study focusing on how to use a communication strategy to spread health information that influence individual and community so they can make a good decision about health management. Health communication studies are needed because health experts and social scientist realized that health and disease problems are not only caused by individual negligence but also caused by ignorance and misconception about health information. Government, especially BKKBN have an innovation on Keluarga Berencana program campaign for young generation. Generasi Berencana (GenRe) program is developed in line with necessity and because the government concerns about youth problems in Indonesia. The purpose of our research is to know health communication strategy on Generasi Berencana program especially on Information Center and Student Counseling (or PIK-M) at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Qualitative methodology is applied for this research. Data has been Gathered by interview,...
The study of organizational communication is the most relevant to display the role of individuals... more The study of organizational communication is the most relevant to display the role of individuals and groups. Leadership style of a leader of an organization can determine the success or failure of the overall organizational goals. This study aims to determine whether leadership style has a positive relationship and significant organizational culture; to determine if the organizational culture has a positive relationship with performance and significant employee relations leadership style has a positive and significant to the performance; and to determine whether leadership style have a positive relationship and significant with the employee's performance in which the organizational culture as a control variable. Survey method used for this research based on quantitative method. 207 of the employee of PT Adi Satria Abadi Yogyakarta as population. Probability sampling anda random sampling were used to take 62 respondent. Product moment and partial correlation using for data analy...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2014
Komunikasi kesehatan merupakan studi yang mempelajari bagaimana cara menggunakan strategi komunik... more Komunikasi kesehatan merupakan studi yang mempelajari bagaimana cara menggunakan strategi komunikasi untuk menyebarluaskan informasi kesehatan yang dapat mempengaruhi individu dan komunitas agar mereka dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat berkaitan dengan pengelolaan kesehatan. Remaja adalah masa penuh paradoks, secara biologis dapat menjadi ayah atau ibu tapi belum dewasa secara psikologis dan mental. Dalam konteks generasi berencana, besarnya arus globalisasi informasi yang tidak untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi kesehatan melalui pelaksanaan program Generasi Berencana (GenRe) di BKKBN Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian menggunakan dreskrpitif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Program generasi berencana (GenRe) merupakan suatu program yang sesuai untuk menyiapkan masa depan remaja. Tujuananya untuk terwujudnya Tegar Remaja, yaitu remaja yang berperilaku sehat, terhindar dari risiko napza dan penularan HIV/AIDS, menunda usia pernikahan, mempunyai perencanaa...
Fashion and lifestyle had already become part an integral from teenager life society today. Both—... more Fashion and lifestyle had already become part an integral from teenager life society today. Both—no longer essence, however, like packaging. Economy globalization and media industry globalization allegedly is the factor which format that condition. Capitalism is not only succeed embracing young teenage girl, but also the boy. This research aims for reveal the meaning of lifestyle and fashion in Yogyakarta teenager. This research use qualitative method. This research categorized into interpretive social research. Interpretive perspective associated with hermeneutics, that is—a theory about meaning. In method using semiology of communications analysis. Semiology used for pointed or saying the science of signs. Resource data obtained from observation, interview, and literature. The result of research pointed that the first, selfactualization is the first requirement of human. This is seen, when eating in the best restaurant isn’t survival, but consumed it for self-actualization is the ...
The method used was the CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) from the perspective of com- municative... more The method used was the CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) from the perspective of com- municative event. This research involved the analysis of the relationship between three dimensions: text, the practice of discourse (discourse practice, namely the process of production and consump- tion of text), and sociocultural practices (sociocultural practices, namely the level of society or culture). To dismantle the ideology behind the text, Van Dijk’s framing model was used. The results showed that candidates with high popularity did not necessarily marketable figure for the party. The result of this research confirms that the Brand that is sellable in a place may not be sellable else- where. It depends on who the customers (constituents) and what products to offer. Hence the logic of the market more effectively in the mechanism of political trading became a perspective in analysing celebrity politician phenomenon.
Rural area is an embryo for forming political and goverment in Indonesia. In the past, rural area... more Rural area is an embryo for forming political and goverment in Indonesia. In the past, rural area depended on the state. Now days, along with the changes of development policies, active participation of rural people in the process of development is invitable. House of Rural Representatives (BPD) formed as a consequency of implementation of The Local Goverment Act (UU No. 22/1999). It’s main role is to control the goverment at the rural level. This article analyzes the strategy of BPD as a political communication agency in rural area. Keywords : Badan Perwakilan Desa, Komunikasi politik
Linguistics and communication development in infant can best be understood by tracing the forms a... more Linguistics and communication development in infant can best be understood by tracing the forms and patterns of interaction between a child and other family members especially his/her parents. Father and mother are significant others for a child in developing communication and linguistic capacities. From interview with and observation on families in Poh Roboh, Condong Catur, Sleman Yogyakarta-Indonesia, this research found that the position of parents in the family is important not only for making the relationship better, but also for increasing children’s preparedness for entering the society. Children’s capacities and capabilites in communication make them emotionally better. There are three imporant positions of familiy in developing a child’s communication. First, parents can increase the capacities and capabilities in semantics, syntactics and pragmatics. These are linguistic dimensions that underlie child’s communication capabilities. Second, parents can be referent for a chi...
Kompetensi komunikasi bisnis lintas budaya sangat diperlukan di era global ini. Kompetensi komuni... more Kompetensi komunikasi bisnis lintas budaya sangat diperlukan di era global ini. Kompetensi komunikasi berkaitan erat dengan sudut pandang seseorang tentang sekelompok orang tertentu (stereotip). Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh stereotip antaretnik terhadap kompetensi komunikasi bisnis di antara para pengusaha perak Jawa dan Padang di Yogyakarta dan di Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif objektif dengan metode pengumpulan data kuantitatif, serta teknik analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM). Secara keseluruhan hasil penelitian ini memperkuat keberadaan Teori Etnosentrisme, Teori Komunikasi Antarbudaya Gudykuns dan Kim, serta Modell Kompetensi Komunikasi Antarbudaya Spitzberg. Para pengusaha perak Jawa dan Padang saling berkomunikasi dengan melibatkan budaya (nilai-nilai budaya), sosiobudaya (pengalaman antaretnik), dan psikobudaya (prasangka sosial). Model kompetensi komunikasi antarbudaya Spitzberg yang meliputi; motivasi, pengetahuan, dan keahlian berkomunikas...
Bencana gempa bumi di DIY pada 27 Mei 2006 masih meninggalkan berbagai konflik masyarakat. Peneli... more Bencana gempa bumi di DIY pada 27 Mei 2006 masih meninggalkan berbagai konflik masyarakat. Penelitian ini telah berhasil mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis dan penyebab konflik. mulai dari tangga darurat, rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi. Jenis konflik yang terjadi antara lain: konflik intrapersonal (dalam diri individu), antarpersonal (antarindividu), dalam kelompok (masyarakat, pemerintah, pendonor), dan antarkelompok masyarakat dengan pemerintah, pemerintah dengan pendonor, dll. Penyebab konflik secara umum antara lain ketidakjelasan informasi, sumber daya/dana terbatas, pelaksanaan tugas yang saling tergantung,penghalang komunikasi (jarak, teknologi), perbedaan watak atau persepsi individu. Penelitian ini mempunyai makna penting karena menemukan pola manajemen konflik berbasis nilai-nilai budaya lokal sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Pola kompromi adalah pola dominan dilakukan untuk mengatasi konflik berdasarkan nilai-nilai budaya lokal (Yogyakarta) sebag...
As a literature in the form of novel, Gadis Pantai actually has a hidden meaning which Pramoedya ... more As a literature in the form of novel, Gadis Pantai actually has a hidden meaning which Pramoedya wants to present as the author. The mistress practice is not only presented as a kind of discriminative behavior toward Javanese women, but also has a correlation with Pramoedya social background and ideology. This research methodology employed in this research is Sara Mills’ Critical Discourse Analysis model which focuses on feminism discourse. The nature of study using this model tends on political text writing related to author’s ideology and the extensive meaning that Gadis Pantai novel comprehensively expects to bring about. The results of this study show that Pramoedya Ananta Toer tends to explore injustice experienced by Javanese women represented by Gadis Pantai to criticize feudalism practices in Java. By presenting the injustice experienced by Gadis Pantai, Pramoedya Ananta Toer actually wants to awaken readers’ awareness and empathy towards what happened to Gadis Pantai. He al...
LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi
Culture is communication and communication is culture. Humans learn culture through communication... more Culture is communication and communication is culture. Humans learn culture through communication. At the same time communication is a reflection of human culture. Culture is a subjective and objective element created by humans that increased survival of life and resulted in the satisfaction of actors in ecological niches. Cultures are spread among those who can communicate with each other because they have the same language and live at the same time and place. Culture can be learned, passed down from generation to generation. Culture can be learned through fairy tales, legends and myths. It is similar in a view of Sundanese public health on the tradition of eating fresh vegetables. This study aims to describe the public health view of Sundanese in the tradition of eating fresh vegetables. The research method used qualitative approach. Technique of collecting data was done by interview process and literature study. This study was conducted in Sumedang area of West Java. The results ...
Journal Communication Spectrum
Jurnal Humaniora, 2017
General Election 2014 in Indonesia principally was a gate to more democratic Indonesia. People we... more General Election 2014 in Indonesia principally was a gate to more democratic Indonesia. People were given rights to directly vote their preferred legislative representatives and president and vice president for the next five-year period. New political learning process was introduced as all presidential candidates must show their capabilities in all aspects to attract constituents. The role of mass media became important as each candidate worked hard to gain sympathy from people. This paper examines how Indonesian online news media critically reported the presidential candidates. Further, this paper analysed how the issue were represented in the online media and why it was represented in such ways.