Miriam Palomo Nieto | Palacky University, Olomouc (original) (raw)
Papers by Miriam Palomo Nieto
The present study examined whether visual feedback can have a moderating effect on the relation b... more The present study examined whether visual feedback can have a moderating effect on the relation between attentional focus instructions and the learning of a target movement skill. Participants (N: 100, mean age: 21.0 years, SD: 2.1) were randomly assigned into visual feedback versus non-visual feedback groups. Each group was split into five subgroups: control, internal focus on the arm, and three external focus groups including focus on the dart, on the flight of the dart, and on the bull’s-eye. Participants in each subgroup were asked to throw the darts at the dartboard using their specified focus instructions with either full-visual or nonvisual information on results. The accuracy scores of throws were analyzed in 2 (visual groups) x 5 (focus subgroups) x 6 (trial blocks) analysis of variance with repeated measures on the last factor in acquisition, and 2 (visual groups) x 5 (focus subgroups) analysis of variance in retention and transfer. While the attentional focus instructions...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Sciences, 2015
This study examines the relationships between multiple intelligences, academic achievement and mo... more This study examines the relationships between multiple intelligences, academic achievement and motor performance in a group of secondary school children. Four hundred and eighty schoolchildren participated in this study (171 female and 309 male) with an average age of 13.33 years (SD: 1.41). The Revised self-efficacy Inventory for Multiple Intelligences (IAIM-R) and the motor test Sportcomp were applied, and the average results of the academic year they had made were obtained. The analysis of the results showed how female scored significantly higher on the Linguistic, Spatial and Interpersonal intelligences, and older pupils scored significantly higher on the linguistic and naturalistic intelligences. It was the logical-mathematical intelligence which showed significant relationships with academic performance and it was the intelligence that better predicted this achievement. It was the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence that was significantly related to motor competence and the best i...
Východiska: Vývojová porucha pohybové koordinace (DCD) u dětí je často spojena se zhoršeným zprac... more Východiska: Vývojová porucha pohybové koordinace (DCD) u dětí je často spojena se zhoršeným zpracováním vizuálně prostorových informací. Cíle: Cílem této studie bylo prozkoumat účinek vidění při řízení chůze u dětí s normálním vývojem motoriky (NM) a dětí s rizikem DCD (DCDR). Metodika: 16 dětí s NM (věk 9,1 ± 1,0 roků) a 16 dětí s DCDR (8,7 ± 0,8 roků) provedli chůzi v přímém směru v délce 10 metrů. Zařízením Optojump byly měřeny časové, rychlostní a vzdálenostní charakteristiky vzorce chůze při plném vidění (PV) a bez vidění (BV). Výsledky byly zpracovány dvoufaktorovou analýzou rozptylu 2 × 2 ANOVA se smíšenými efekty (2 skupiny – NM vs. DCDR × 2 zrakové podmínky – PV vs. BV) s opakovaným měřením (α = ,05). Výsledky: Výsledky odhalily, že chůze dětí s DCDR se vyznačovala kratšími a pomalejšími kroky než chůze dětí s NM. Vyloučení zraku také ovlivnilo parametry krokového cyklu včetně stojné fáze, jednooporové fáze, fáze zatěžování a předšvihové fáze bez ohledu na úroveň motorické ...
En el presente estudio se analizo la autopercepcion de competencia decisional y la inteligencia c... more En el presente estudio se analizo la autopercepcion de competencia decisional y la inteligencia contextual de jugadores de futbol de diferente nivel de pericia. Ademas, se exploraron las relaciones existentes entre las autopercepciones de competencia para decidir y de inteligencia contextual en jugadores de futbol, para lo cual participaron voluntariamente 467 jugadores (M = 20,26, DT = 4,83). El nivel de pericia de los participantes se establecio en tres diferentes: Autonomico (N = 141), nacional (N = 253) e internacional (N = 73), de un total de 46 clubes espanoles asi como de varias selecciones nacionales. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos en forma de cuestionarios. El primero fue el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Contextual Percibida en el Deporte (ICD) y el segundo el de Estilos de Toma de Decision en el Deporte (CETD). Los resultados mostraron que la competencia decisional y la inteligencia contextual estan relacionadas y mejoran segun aumenta el nivel deportivo. ----------ABSTRACT...
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 2018
espanolLa investigacion ha mostrado como los ninos con problemas de coordinacion motriz se apoyan... more espanolLa investigacion ha mostrado como los ninos con problemas de coordinacion motriz se apoyan mas en la informacion visual para llevar a cabo destrezas motrices respectde sus iguales (TD). El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar el procesamiento de la informacion a traves de una tarea relacionada con la marcha en la que se restringe la informacion visual entre ninos con un desarrollo motor normal y aquellos conriesgo de tener problemas evolutivos de coordinacion motriz (DCDR). A treinta y dos ninos (edad: 8.9 ± 0.9 anos) se les pidio que caminaran por un pasillo de 10 metros a la velocidad que quisieran en 4 condiciones: vision-completa, recibiendo informacion 150ms y 100ms cada dos segundos, y no-vision. Los resultados mostraton que los ninos TD andaban mas rapido y con pasos y zancadas mas largos respecto de los DCDR, sin tener en cuenta la condicion visual. Ademas, la velocidad de la marcha y la longitude de los pasos y zancadas disminuia significativamente a medida q...
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 2015
This study presents the development and validation of a motor test for school children 8 to 12 ye... more This study presents the development and validation of a motor test for school children 8 to 12 years. A panel of experts was responsible for the selection of the tasks that formed the initial composition of the test, which was applied to a sample of 1360 school children aged between 7 and 12 years, of whom 709 were boys and 651 girls. The second version of the test was composed of 8 tests. It was applied to another sample of 1664 school children 8 to 12 years, of whom 864 were boys and 800 girls. The data obtained were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), results showed a model with a single component and 6 indicators, so the final test was consisted of 6 tasks. Reliability by calculating the internal consistency and test-retest reliability was very satisfactory, both above .80. The criteria validity through its relationship with a scale of osbervacion of motor competence was very satisfying relationships.
One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presenc... more One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presence of low skilled students who are not able to learn satisfactorily the skills of their programs. The study of motor clumsiness has been confined to the therapeutic field. Thus, physical education teachers have accepted that problems of low motor competence were a matter of lack of motivation. This study presents the memories of adults who were low skilled in physical education classes when they were schoolchildren. The study included ten adults aged 25 to 56 who openly declared themselves as clumsy in the PE classes. They responded voluntarily to an interview related to their experiences, feelings and cognitions in these classes. The results showed that for these adults PE&S classes were experienced negatively, generating feelings of humiliation, indifference or rejection. Their teachers and classmates did not help to solve this problem, on the contrary they were part of the problem bein...
Kronos: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis, 2014
espanolEl presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las intenciones de ser activos en el futur... more espanolEl presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las intenciones de ser activos en el futuro de un grupo de escolares adolescentes asi como que variables podrian predecir mejor esta. Participaron 480 escolares de 11 a 16 anos (M= 13.33 anos; DT= 1.41) de los cuales 309 fueron varones y 171 mujeres de centros de la Comunidad de Madrid y Castilla La Mancha. Todos ellos cumplimentaron el Inventario de Conductas Saludables HBSC en la version espanola de Castillo et al. (1997), referido a aspectos personales, sociales y ambientales de la practica de actividades fisicas y deportivas. Los resultados mostraron que la tasa de participacion y de practica en actividades deportivas esta descendiendo en general y de forma particular en las chicas. La comparacion con el estudio de 1997 asi lo atestigua. Para los participantes las variables que mejor predicen su intencion de practicar en el futuro fueron las autopercepciones de competencia deportiva, de forma fisica y de salud, a las cuales ...
European Journal of Human Movement, 2011
The aim of the study was to examine the role played by mothers in the development of their young ... more The aim of the study was to examine the role played by mothers in the development of their young sons and daughters. Participants were four Spanish young athletes competing at international level and their mothers. The athletes were interviewed and the interviews were analysed following the guidelines of the Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). This approach revealed how participants perceived the role played by their mothers in their athlete career. According to these perceptions, athletes considered that their mothers' role was heavily centred on their unconditional support. This unconditional support was later itemized into a series of additional aspects. Our results concerning the factors with an impact on the development of sports excellence are coincidental with those of other authors. Sadly, there is very little literature on the issue and, consequently, our findings are difficult to check against other surveys. Our results, nevertheless, reveal the enormous influe...
One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presenc... more One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presence of low skilled students who are not able to learn satisfactorily the skills of their programs. The study of motor clumsiness has been confined to the therapeutic field. Thus, physical education teachers have accepted that problems of low motor competence were a matter of lack of motivation. This study presents the memories of adults who were low skilled in physical education classes when they were schoolchildren. The study included ten adults aged 25 to 56 who openly declared themselves as clumsy in the PE classes. They responded voluntarily to an interview related to their experiences, feelings and cognitions in these classes. The results showed that for these adults PE&S classes were experienced negatively, generating feelings of humiliation, indifference or rejection. Their teachers and classmates did not help to solve this problem, on the contrary they were part of the problem bein...
espanolEn el presente estudio se analizaron las relaciones existentes entre la coordinacion motri... more espanolEn el presente estudio se analizaron las relaciones existentes entre la coordinacion motriz global y el rendimiento escolar en un grupo de adolescentes de educacion secundaria obligatoria. Para ello se aplico a 480 estudiantes (171 mujeres y 309 varones), con una edad media de 13.33 anos (DE: 1.41), un test de coordinacion motriz y se obtuvieron las resultados promedio de todas las materias cursadas en el curso academico. Los resultados mostraron que existian bajas, pero consistentes, relaciones positivas entre el rendimiento academico y el rendimiento coordinativo. Los escolares con mayor rendimiento academico mostraron progresivamente un mayor rendimiento coordinativo. Estos resultados se unen a los obtenidos en estudios anteriores en los que se reconocen relaciones ligeras entre el rendimiento academico y motor principalmente cuando se trata de tareas de coordinacion motriz. EnglishThe aim of this study was to analyse the relationships between motor co-ordination and acade...
Decir que los padres influyen en el deporte no es nada nuevo puesto que la Psicologia y Sociologi... more Decir que los padres influyen en el deporte no es nada nuevo puesto que la Psicologia y Sociologia del Deporte lo vienen explorando desde hace muchas decadas. Los papeles y roles que los padres desarrollan en el deporte de los hijos tanto a nivel recreativo como en el camino al alto nivel son variados. Sin embargo, es muy escasa la literatura que hace distincion entre los papeles de ambos, padre y madre, y nula si tratamos de buscar diferencias en los roles de sus padres entre aquellos que han alcanzado la excelencia. Esta Tesis Doctoral ha pretendido, por tanto, contribuir en ese esfuerzo por conocer a los mejores, estudiando y analizando el papel de las madres en ese desarrollo deportivo. Definir los roles que las madres llevan a cabo o conocer mejor como se ven influenciadas por prestar esa ayuda, son aspectos tratados por los deportistas pero inexplorados desde una perspectiva cientifica. Para ello se entrevisto a 20 deportistas de alto nivel y 17 de sus madres, empleando para e...
El objetivo de este estudio fue el desarrollo y evaluacion metrica del Test Motor SportComp, inst... more El objetivo de este estudio fue el desarrollo y evaluacion metrica del Test Motor SportComp, instrumento disenado para ayudar a los profesores de educacion fisica en la evaluacion de la coordinacion motriz global de sus alumnos de Educacion Secundaria. En la actualidad no existen tests que evaluen la coordinacion motriz de forma valida y fiable y que puedan ser empleados por el profesorado de educacion fisica en el contexto de sus clases de manera rapida y economica. El presente test se construyo a partir de una revision de la literatura cientifica sobre medicion motriz entre los 12 y 17 anos. La validez de contenido de las pruebas empleadas fue evaluada por expertos y las pruebas seleccionadas fueron aplicadas a 5732 escolares de estas edades. Se analizaron los resultados mediante la tecnica de componentes principales que permitio la extraccion de un solo factor formado por 5 tareas motrices relacionadas con la coordinacion motriz global. El Coeficiente de Correlacion Intraclase (C...
Advanced Learning and Teaching Environments - Innovation, Contents and Methods, Jul 18, 2018
One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develo... more One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develop motor competence in children. While many schoolchildren practice sports, there is a group of children that does not receive the educational opportunities to be competent. These children show low motor competence and poor motor coordination. International agencies have called this condition as developmental coordination disorders (DCD) and its definition in short is "poor motor performance in daily activities that is not consistent with the child's age and intelligence, and is not due to medical condition." Physical education and sport teachers are the first interventionist with these children. They have the first opportunity of providing primary care to these children. In this chapter, motor coordination problems in school, its prevalence, how these children learn, how physical education and sport teachers can detect them, and why physical education and sport pedagogy must be concerned with this problem, will be analyzed.
RICYDE. Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte
The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults w... more The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults with low skills and the relationships between their memories and their physical education teachers during their school time. Ten adults (7 women and three men) participated in this study, aged between 25 and 56 years that declared to be low skilled during their school days. In order to carry out this study, a semi-strutured interview was conducted focusing the attention on obtaining memories of participants in their PE classes during their schoolage, and mainly their perceptions and feelings about their Primary and Secondary PE teachers. Results showed that the memories of behaviors and personality of their PE teachers were more important for participants than the learning from activities that their PE teachers taught. The feelings and emotions about his/her PE teachers were mostly negative, characterized by humiliation, abandonment, lack of help or indifference towards them. For these participants, their PE teachers did not live up to their needs. Knowing these memories had permitted the researchers to know a hidden part of the PE subject that is referred to a sector of the school population that shows low motor competence.
RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 2020
The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults w... more The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults with low skills and the relationships between their memories and their physical education teachers during their school time. Ten adults (7 women and three men) participated in this study, aged between 25 and 56 years that declared to be low skilled during their school days. In order to carry out this study, a semi-strutured interview was conducted focusing the attention on obtaining memories of participants in their PE classes during their schoolage, and mainly their perceptions and feelings about their Primary and Secondary PE teachers. Results showed that the memories of behaviors and personality of their PE teachers were more important for participants than the learning from activities that their PE teachers taught. The feelings and emotions about his/her PE teachers were mostly negative, characterized by humiliation, abandon-ment, lack of help or indifference towards them. For these p...
Advanced Learning and Teaching Environments - Innovation, Contents and Methods. IntechOpen publisher, 2018
One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develo... more One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develop motor competence in children. While many schoolchildren practice sports, there is a group of children that does not receive the educational opportunities to be competent. These children show low motor competence and poor motor coordination. International agencies have called this condition as developmental coordination disorders (DCD) and its definition in short is " poor motor performance in daily activities that is not consistent with the child's age and intelligence, and is not due to medical condition. " Physical education and sport teachers are the first interventionist with these children. They have the first opportunity of providing primary care to these children. In this chapter, motor coordination problems in school, its prevalence, how these children learn, how physical education and sport teachers can detect them, and why physical education and sport pedagogy m...
RICYDE. Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte
The purpose of this study was the development and metric evaluation of the SportComp Motor Test, ... more The purpose of this study was the development and metric evaluation of the SportComp Motor Test, an instrument designed to aid physical education teachers in the assessment of gross motor coordination of adolescents. There are currently no valid tools to assess motor coordination in physical education classes useful for teachers. Many instruments are very expensive, time consuming and difficult to apply in P.E. contexts. The SportComp test was developed based in a review of motor tests for children 12 to 17 years old, Content validity was evaluated by experts and motor tasks selected was applied to 5732 students of this age range. Principal components analysis yielded one component relating to gross motor function. Findings suggested satisfactory criterial validity with the MABC-2 Test and test-retest reliability (ICC 0,91) [95% CI 0,88-0,94]. Psychometric properties of this test were good and its possibilities to be applied in P.E. context high cause its low cost, low time consuming, norms and its possibilities to detect students with low motor coordination. This motor test has the potential to aid P.E. teachers in their assessment of student's motor coordination and therefore contribute to improved P.E. programs.
The present study examined whether visual feedback can have a moderating effect on the relation b... more The present study examined whether visual feedback can have a moderating effect on the relation between attentional focus instructions and the learning of a target movement skill. Participants (N: 100, mean age: 21.0 years, SD: 2.1) were randomly assigned into visual feedback versus non-visual feedback groups. Each group was split into five subgroups: control, internal focus on the arm, and three external focus groups including focus on the dart, on the flight of the dart, and on the bull’s-eye. Participants in each subgroup were asked to throw the darts at the dartboard using their specified focus instructions with either full-visual or nonvisual information on results. The accuracy scores of throws were analyzed in 2 (visual groups) x 5 (focus subgroups) x 6 (trial blocks) analysis of variance with repeated measures on the last factor in acquisition, and 2 (visual groups) x 5 (focus subgroups) analysis of variance in retention and transfer. While the attentional focus instructions...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Sciences, 2015
This study examines the relationships between multiple intelligences, academic achievement and mo... more This study examines the relationships between multiple intelligences, academic achievement and motor performance in a group of secondary school children. Four hundred and eighty schoolchildren participated in this study (171 female and 309 male) with an average age of 13.33 years (SD: 1.41). The Revised self-efficacy Inventory for Multiple Intelligences (IAIM-R) and the motor test Sportcomp were applied, and the average results of the academic year they had made were obtained. The analysis of the results showed how female scored significantly higher on the Linguistic, Spatial and Interpersonal intelligences, and older pupils scored significantly higher on the linguistic and naturalistic intelligences. It was the logical-mathematical intelligence which showed significant relationships with academic performance and it was the intelligence that better predicted this achievement. It was the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence that was significantly related to motor competence and the best i...
Východiska: Vývojová porucha pohybové koordinace (DCD) u dětí je často spojena se zhoršeným zprac... more Východiska: Vývojová porucha pohybové koordinace (DCD) u dětí je často spojena se zhoršeným zpracováním vizuálně prostorových informací. Cíle: Cílem této studie bylo prozkoumat účinek vidění při řízení chůze u dětí s normálním vývojem motoriky (NM) a dětí s rizikem DCD (DCDR). Metodika: 16 dětí s NM (věk 9,1 ± 1,0 roků) a 16 dětí s DCDR (8,7 ± 0,8 roků) provedli chůzi v přímém směru v délce 10 metrů. Zařízením Optojump byly měřeny časové, rychlostní a vzdálenostní charakteristiky vzorce chůze při plném vidění (PV) a bez vidění (BV). Výsledky byly zpracovány dvoufaktorovou analýzou rozptylu 2 × 2 ANOVA se smíšenými efekty (2 skupiny – NM vs. DCDR × 2 zrakové podmínky – PV vs. BV) s opakovaným měřením (α = ,05). Výsledky: Výsledky odhalily, že chůze dětí s DCDR se vyznačovala kratšími a pomalejšími kroky než chůze dětí s NM. Vyloučení zraku také ovlivnilo parametry krokového cyklu včetně stojné fáze, jednooporové fáze, fáze zatěžování a předšvihové fáze bez ohledu na úroveň motorické ...
En el presente estudio se analizo la autopercepcion de competencia decisional y la inteligencia c... more En el presente estudio se analizo la autopercepcion de competencia decisional y la inteligencia contextual de jugadores de futbol de diferente nivel de pericia. Ademas, se exploraron las relaciones existentes entre las autopercepciones de competencia para decidir y de inteligencia contextual en jugadores de futbol, para lo cual participaron voluntariamente 467 jugadores (M = 20,26, DT = 4,83). El nivel de pericia de los participantes se establecio en tres diferentes: Autonomico (N = 141), nacional (N = 253) e internacional (N = 73), de un total de 46 clubes espanoles asi como de varias selecciones nacionales. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos en forma de cuestionarios. El primero fue el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Contextual Percibida en el Deporte (ICD) y el segundo el de Estilos de Toma de Decision en el Deporte (CETD). Los resultados mostraron que la competencia decisional y la inteligencia contextual estan relacionadas y mejoran segun aumenta el nivel deportivo. ----------ABSTRACT...
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 2018
espanolLa investigacion ha mostrado como los ninos con problemas de coordinacion motriz se apoyan... more espanolLa investigacion ha mostrado como los ninos con problemas de coordinacion motriz se apoyan mas en la informacion visual para llevar a cabo destrezas motrices respectde sus iguales (TD). El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar el procesamiento de la informacion a traves de una tarea relacionada con la marcha en la que se restringe la informacion visual entre ninos con un desarrollo motor normal y aquellos conriesgo de tener problemas evolutivos de coordinacion motriz (DCDR). A treinta y dos ninos (edad: 8.9 ± 0.9 anos) se les pidio que caminaran por un pasillo de 10 metros a la velocidad que quisieran en 4 condiciones: vision-completa, recibiendo informacion 150ms y 100ms cada dos segundos, y no-vision. Los resultados mostraton que los ninos TD andaban mas rapido y con pasos y zancadas mas largos respecto de los DCDR, sin tener en cuenta la condicion visual. Ademas, la velocidad de la marcha y la longitude de los pasos y zancadas disminuia significativamente a medida q...
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 2015
This study presents the development and validation of a motor test for school children 8 to 12 ye... more This study presents the development and validation of a motor test for school children 8 to 12 years. A panel of experts was responsible for the selection of the tasks that formed the initial composition of the test, which was applied to a sample of 1360 school children aged between 7 and 12 years, of whom 709 were boys and 651 girls. The second version of the test was composed of 8 tests. It was applied to another sample of 1664 school children 8 to 12 years, of whom 864 were boys and 800 girls. The data obtained were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), results showed a model with a single component and 6 indicators, so the final test was consisted of 6 tasks. Reliability by calculating the internal consistency and test-retest reliability was very satisfactory, both above .80. The criteria validity through its relationship with a scale of osbervacion of motor competence was very satisfying relationships.
One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presenc... more One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presence of low skilled students who are not able to learn satisfactorily the skills of their programs. The study of motor clumsiness has been confined to the therapeutic field. Thus, physical education teachers have accepted that problems of low motor competence were a matter of lack of motivation. This study presents the memories of adults who were low skilled in physical education classes when they were schoolchildren. The study included ten adults aged 25 to 56 who openly declared themselves as clumsy in the PE classes. They responded voluntarily to an interview related to their experiences, feelings and cognitions in these classes. The results showed that for these adults PE&S classes were experienced negatively, generating feelings of humiliation, indifference or rejection. Their teachers and classmates did not help to solve this problem, on the contrary they were part of the problem bein...
Kronos: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis, 2014
espanolEl presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las intenciones de ser activos en el futur... more espanolEl presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las intenciones de ser activos en el futuro de un grupo de escolares adolescentes asi como que variables podrian predecir mejor esta. Participaron 480 escolares de 11 a 16 anos (M= 13.33 anos; DT= 1.41) de los cuales 309 fueron varones y 171 mujeres de centros de la Comunidad de Madrid y Castilla La Mancha. Todos ellos cumplimentaron el Inventario de Conductas Saludables HBSC en la version espanola de Castillo et al. (1997), referido a aspectos personales, sociales y ambientales de la practica de actividades fisicas y deportivas. Los resultados mostraron que la tasa de participacion y de practica en actividades deportivas esta descendiendo en general y de forma particular en las chicas. La comparacion con el estudio de 1997 asi lo atestigua. Para los participantes las variables que mejor predicen su intencion de practicar en el futuro fueron las autopercepciones de competencia deportiva, de forma fisica y de salud, a las cuales ...
European Journal of Human Movement, 2011
The aim of the study was to examine the role played by mothers in the development of their young ... more The aim of the study was to examine the role played by mothers in the development of their young sons and daughters. Participants were four Spanish young athletes competing at international level and their mothers. The athletes were interviewed and the interviews were analysed following the guidelines of the Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). This approach revealed how participants perceived the role played by their mothers in their athlete career. According to these perceptions, athletes considered that their mothers' role was heavily centred on their unconditional support. This unconditional support was later itemized into a series of additional aspects. Our results concerning the factors with an impact on the development of sports excellence are coincidental with those of other authors. Sadly, there is very little literature on the issue and, consequently, our findings are difficult to check against other surveys. Our results, nevertheless, reveal the enormous influe...
One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presenc... more One of the least commented and hidden aspect in Physical Education and Sport (PE&S)is the presence of low skilled students who are not able to learn satisfactorily the skills of their programs. The study of motor clumsiness has been confined to the therapeutic field. Thus, physical education teachers have accepted that problems of low motor competence were a matter of lack of motivation. This study presents the memories of adults who were low skilled in physical education classes when they were schoolchildren. The study included ten adults aged 25 to 56 who openly declared themselves as clumsy in the PE classes. They responded voluntarily to an interview related to their experiences, feelings and cognitions in these classes. The results showed that for these adults PE&S classes were experienced negatively, generating feelings of humiliation, indifference or rejection. Their teachers and classmates did not help to solve this problem, on the contrary they were part of the problem bein...
espanolEn el presente estudio se analizaron las relaciones existentes entre la coordinacion motri... more espanolEn el presente estudio se analizaron las relaciones existentes entre la coordinacion motriz global y el rendimiento escolar en un grupo de adolescentes de educacion secundaria obligatoria. Para ello se aplico a 480 estudiantes (171 mujeres y 309 varones), con una edad media de 13.33 anos (DE: 1.41), un test de coordinacion motriz y se obtuvieron las resultados promedio de todas las materias cursadas en el curso academico. Los resultados mostraron que existian bajas, pero consistentes, relaciones positivas entre el rendimiento academico y el rendimiento coordinativo. Los escolares con mayor rendimiento academico mostraron progresivamente un mayor rendimiento coordinativo. Estos resultados se unen a los obtenidos en estudios anteriores en los que se reconocen relaciones ligeras entre el rendimiento academico y motor principalmente cuando se trata de tareas de coordinacion motriz. EnglishThe aim of this study was to analyse the relationships between motor co-ordination and acade...
Decir que los padres influyen en el deporte no es nada nuevo puesto que la Psicologia y Sociologi... more Decir que los padres influyen en el deporte no es nada nuevo puesto que la Psicologia y Sociologia del Deporte lo vienen explorando desde hace muchas decadas. Los papeles y roles que los padres desarrollan en el deporte de los hijos tanto a nivel recreativo como en el camino al alto nivel son variados. Sin embargo, es muy escasa la literatura que hace distincion entre los papeles de ambos, padre y madre, y nula si tratamos de buscar diferencias en los roles de sus padres entre aquellos que han alcanzado la excelencia. Esta Tesis Doctoral ha pretendido, por tanto, contribuir en ese esfuerzo por conocer a los mejores, estudiando y analizando el papel de las madres en ese desarrollo deportivo. Definir los roles que las madres llevan a cabo o conocer mejor como se ven influenciadas por prestar esa ayuda, son aspectos tratados por los deportistas pero inexplorados desde una perspectiva cientifica. Para ello se entrevisto a 20 deportistas de alto nivel y 17 de sus madres, empleando para e...
El objetivo de este estudio fue el desarrollo y evaluacion metrica del Test Motor SportComp, inst... more El objetivo de este estudio fue el desarrollo y evaluacion metrica del Test Motor SportComp, instrumento disenado para ayudar a los profesores de educacion fisica en la evaluacion de la coordinacion motriz global de sus alumnos de Educacion Secundaria. En la actualidad no existen tests que evaluen la coordinacion motriz de forma valida y fiable y que puedan ser empleados por el profesorado de educacion fisica en el contexto de sus clases de manera rapida y economica. El presente test se construyo a partir de una revision de la literatura cientifica sobre medicion motriz entre los 12 y 17 anos. La validez de contenido de las pruebas empleadas fue evaluada por expertos y las pruebas seleccionadas fueron aplicadas a 5732 escolares de estas edades. Se analizaron los resultados mediante la tecnica de componentes principales que permitio la extraccion de un solo factor formado por 5 tareas motrices relacionadas con la coordinacion motriz global. El Coeficiente de Correlacion Intraclase (C...
Advanced Learning and Teaching Environments - Innovation, Contents and Methods, Jul 18, 2018
One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develo... more One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develop motor competence in children. While many schoolchildren practice sports, there is a group of children that does not receive the educational opportunities to be competent. These children show low motor competence and poor motor coordination. International agencies have called this condition as developmental coordination disorders (DCD) and its definition in short is "poor motor performance in daily activities that is not consistent with the child's age and intelligence, and is not due to medical condition." Physical education and sport teachers are the first interventionist with these children. They have the first opportunity of providing primary care to these children. In this chapter, motor coordination problems in school, its prevalence, how these children learn, how physical education and sport teachers can detect them, and why physical education and sport pedagogy must be concerned with this problem, will be analyzed.
RICYDE. Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte
The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults w... more The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults with low skills and the relationships between their memories and their physical education teachers during their school time. Ten adults (7 women and three men) participated in this study, aged between 25 and 56 years that declared to be low skilled during their school days. In order to carry out this study, a semi-strutured interview was conducted focusing the attention on obtaining memories of participants in their PE classes during their schoolage, and mainly their perceptions and feelings about their Primary and Secondary PE teachers. Results showed that the memories of behaviors and personality of their PE teachers were more important for participants than the learning from activities that their PE teachers taught. The feelings and emotions about his/her PE teachers were mostly negative, characterized by humiliation, abandonment, lack of help or indifference towards them. For these participants, their PE teachers did not live up to their needs. Knowing these memories had permitted the researchers to know a hidden part of the PE subject that is referred to a sector of the school population that shows low motor competence.
RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 2020
The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults w... more The main purpose of this study was to analyze retrospectively the memories of a group of adults with low skills and the relationships between their memories and their physical education teachers during their school time. Ten adults (7 women and three men) participated in this study, aged between 25 and 56 years that declared to be low skilled during their school days. In order to carry out this study, a semi-strutured interview was conducted focusing the attention on obtaining memories of participants in their PE classes during their schoolage, and mainly their perceptions and feelings about their Primary and Secondary PE teachers. Results showed that the memories of behaviors and personality of their PE teachers were more important for participants than the learning from activities that their PE teachers taught. The feelings and emotions about his/her PE teachers were mostly negative, characterized by humiliation, abandon-ment, lack of help or indifference towards them. For these p...
Advanced Learning and Teaching Environments - Innovation, Contents and Methods. IntechOpen publisher, 2018
One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develo... more One of the main objectives of physical education and sport (PES) pedagogy in schools is to develop motor competence in children. While many schoolchildren practice sports, there is a group of children that does not receive the educational opportunities to be competent. These children show low motor competence and poor motor coordination. International agencies have called this condition as developmental coordination disorders (DCD) and its definition in short is " poor motor performance in daily activities that is not consistent with the child's age and intelligence, and is not due to medical condition. " Physical education and sport teachers are the first interventionist with these children. They have the first opportunity of providing primary care to these children. In this chapter, motor coordination problems in school, its prevalence, how these children learn, how physical education and sport teachers can detect them, and why physical education and sport pedagogy m...
RICYDE. Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte
The purpose of this study was the development and metric evaluation of the SportComp Motor Test, ... more The purpose of this study was the development and metric evaluation of the SportComp Motor Test, an instrument designed to aid physical education teachers in the assessment of gross motor coordination of adolescents. There are currently no valid tools to assess motor coordination in physical education classes useful for teachers. Many instruments are very expensive, time consuming and difficult to apply in P.E. contexts. The SportComp test was developed based in a review of motor tests for children 12 to 17 years old, Content validity was evaluated by experts and motor tasks selected was applied to 5732 students of this age range. Principal components analysis yielded one component relating to gross motor function. Findings suggested satisfactory criterial validity with the MABC-2 Test and test-retest reliability (ICC 0,91) [95% CI 0,88-0,94]. Psychometric properties of this test were good and its possibilities to be applied in P.E. context high cause its low cost, low time consuming, norms and its possibilities to detect students with low motor coordination. This motor test has the potential to aid P.E. teachers in their assessment of student's motor coordination and therefore contribute to improved P.E. programs.