Kevin Alexander Echeverry B | Universitat Politècnica de València (original) (raw)

Papers by Kevin Alexander Echeverry B


Reconnecting Culture, Heritage, and Architectural Symbolism, 2023

This article documents the knowledge of the intangible cultural heritage of the Mesoamerican peop... more This article documents the knowledge of the intangible cultural heritage of the Mesoamerican peoples in Mexico as a theoretical reference. Part of the teaching-learning in the basic elaboration of the history class, with the
theme of the Teotihuacan Culture, where the axis Mundi was considered a symbol to connect the earth and the underworld, evidenced in the pyramids of the sun and the moon, which are oriented to the four points of the universe and keep a close relationship with water and fertility as a cosmogonic element and representative of life and death; of day and night, of the earth and the universe, of men and gods. This fact leads to the explanation that men are transformed into supreme beings (mythological and mysterious processes). It is explained from a constructivist approach, bibliographic elements are reviewed, and history and its learning as a construction process through learning situations, which allow ancestral recognition from the individual to the community and then make community and culture. The pedagogical method of the Reconnecting With Your Culture (RWYC America) program is implemented with the aim of developing new cognitive, communicative, and competencies according to experiential learning, promoting innovation and educational improvement. From the "listening, learning and corporal expression" the play entitled: "Place where men become gods" is created as a didactic resource framed in the social competencies that allow students to relate to the environment and their community.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting with your Culture. The school of the word: entrevista a Olimpia Niglio

Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y juventud , 2022

Olimpia Niglio es profesora de Restauración Arquitectónica en la Universidad de Pavia -Italia, y ... more Olimpia Niglio es profesora de Restauración Arquitectónica en la Universidad de Pavia -Italia, y profesora visitante permanente de Historia de la Arquitectura Comparada en la Hosei University, Tokio, donde es docente de grado y posgrado. Posdoctora del Ministerio de la Educación (MIUR) en Conservación de la Arquitectura y doctora de la Università di Napoli Federico II. Trabaja temas relativos a la restauración, el patrimonio y la cultura. En la actualidad se desempeña como investigadora principal del programa Italian Diaspora in the World. Dirige el Centro Internacional de Investigación Esempi di Architettura (EdA). Es vicepresidenta de
ICOMOS en el comité científico internacional Places of Religion and Ritual (Perico) y de Asian Cultural Landscape Association (Acla, Seúl, República de Corea). Los avances y reflexiones que Olimpia desarrolla en torno al patrimonio cultural, desde la perspectiva de las infancias y su relación con la escuela y el territorio, han permitido que la participación se extienda al mundo entero; cuenta con el apoyo de la Cátedra Unesco (Universidad y Patrimonio) y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Italia. El programa Reconnecting with your Culture (Rwyc) es miembro de la comisión europea New European Bauhaus y de la Charter - European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance.

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Research paper thumbnail of La construcción del futuro desde el conocimiento y valorización del Patrimonio Cultural The construction of the future from the knowledge and valorization of Cultural Heritage

EdA Esempi di Architettura, 2022

The project "Reconnecting with your Culture. Draw your heritage" born from a need that is transve... more The project "Reconnecting with your Culture. Draw your heritage" born from a need that is transversal in all countries of the world and is directly related to the lack of knowledge of cultural heritage. Especially since the second half of the twentieth century, this lack of knowledge has fostered a distance of the young generations from the knowledge of their own history and with it the consequent loss also of intergenerational relationships. This paper aims to propose a new pedagogical methodology that favors a reconnection between the past and the present in order to build a better world.

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El presente trabajo aborda un conjunto de reflexiones en torno al proyecto international “Reconne... more El presente trabajo aborda un conjunto de reflexiones en torno al proyecto international “Reconnecting
with your Culture” realizado con el propósito de poner al centro la importancia que tiene el Patrimonio
Cultural en el ámbito educacional de los niños y de las jóvenes generaciones, siendo el paisaje un
componente esencial del mismo. Reflexionando sobre la falta de programas educativos dedicados a
la historia y el patrimonio cultural, este proyecto internacional pretende analizar la situación en todo el
mundo y confrontar las diferentes realidades culturales para implementar nuevas metodologías de
conocimiento y valorización del respectivo patrimonio. La primera parte del texto introduce conceptos
e inquietudes que han sido fundamentales para implementar el mismo proyecto educativo; la segunda
parte está dedicada al desarollo de la propuesta educativa, por último, en las conclusiones se
proponen algunos logros que el proyecto se propone a perseguir, consciente del dinamismo del
proceso educativo y de las diferencias culturales con las que deberá generar un dialogo
constantemente. El proyecto internacional tiene como referencia básica el punto 4 de la Agenda 2030
de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas y desde este punto inicia todo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting with your Culture: La “Scuola del Mondo” verso una nuova ecologia educativa


Every historical era has seen moments of great socio-cultural change that have contributed to mod... more Every historical era has seen moments of great socio-cultural change that have contributed to modifying ideological systems and pragmatic processes. There is no doubt that we are facing a new era of change with which we must confront and be ready to better face the immediate future.

Certainly the events of 2020 have put back at the center the value of Education and Culture and have highlighted the great social discrepancies that mark the society worldwide. Investments aimed more at war than at peace have made us inherit a truly difficult world, whose remaining pieces must now be put back together in the best possible way.

One of the most important issues is the education of the younger generations, a topic that governments and international organizations have been discussing and debating for years, but without ever reaching truly concrete goals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting With Your Culture.

Incontri 49 # 5, 2020

RECONNECTING WITH YOU CULTURE. International project for children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting with Your Culture (Seminari ed Eventi)

Incontri 50 # 1, 2020

RECONNECTING WITH YOU CULTURE. International project for children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconéctate con tu Cultura.

ATULAA - Ministerio Cultura (Colombia), 2020

Analyzing the realities of the different countries of the world, from the Far East to the Far Wes... more Analyzing the realities of the different countries of the world, from the Far East to the Far West, we feel the need to activate a new "humanism" and for this reason, it is necessary that Culture participates in its totality in all the planning and projection of the new, of the innovation on which it is important to focus from now on.
However, to do all this, we have to start with the youngest generation and then plant seeds to obtain good fruit and with it, a good harvest in the near future. That is why we must be able to design educational programs that can build a better world.
On the basis of these premises, in June 2020 the international project RECONNECTING WITH YOUR CULTURE

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Research paper thumbnail of Bogotà, Museo degli Artisti Italiani

Incontri # 49-4 (maggio giugno), 2020

La Rubrica Diaspora Italiana nel Mondo "Storie d’Italia oltre l’Italia" della rivista “Incontri”.... more La Rubrica Diaspora Italiana nel Mondo "Storie d’Italia
oltre l’Italia" della rivista “Incontri”. Ogni numero
approfondisce un tema connesso al contributo della
cultura italiana nel mondo con uno sguardo particolare
all’America Latina. Questo articolo è dedicato agli
artisti italiani nella città di Bogotà e ringraziamo il
Maestro Kevin A. Echeverry per questo importante
contributo e per l’impegno che ogni giorno dedica alla
valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.

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Research paper thumbnail of EDA El claustro de San Agustí. pasado, presente y futuro.

El Claustro de San Agustín en Tunja. Pasado, presente y futuro., Apr 4, 2020

The cloister of San Agustín is one of the oldest buildings in the city and one of the most used b... more The cloister of San Agustín is one of the oldest buildings in the city and one of the most used by citizens, since it is a
space for culture thanks to the projects developed by the Banco de la República. A construction that has had multiple
functions from the religious, going to the service of society and even becoming a prison. But it is precisely this last
phase that has been tried to be omitted in the recent restoration processes, giving a new reading as a friendly space open
to all kinds of public, denying the vestiges of the prisoners, the drawings and writings they made on the walls. This text
recounts important historical events for the cloister, talking about its current situation and the next interventions to be

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Santiago de Cali y los VI Juegos Panamericanos de 1971, Jan 2020

Santiago de Cali is one of the most important cities for the sport in Colombia and South America.... more Santiago de Cali is one of the most important cities for the sport in Colombia and South America. In 1971 the city had an important cultural movement, it was an artistic and cinematography focus, there has been a strong relationship with the complicated political situation not just in Colombia, also related to the international situation. In that iconic and important year, Cali hosted of the Pan American games, the major sporting event in the Americas in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of summer sports competitions. That year was the first time that Colombia was selected to organize it. The event required an important infrastructure development not just about the stadiums and places for the sports, it represented the beginning of a new era for the local communities. These new changes to Santiago de Cali created a big social, economic and cultural division that could be understood as two completely different cities in one same territory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catedral Basílica de Manizales Nuestra Señora del Rosario construcción única en su género, Manizales Colombia

Catedral Basílica de Manziales Nuestra Señora del Rosario Construcción única en su género, Manizales, Colombia, Aug 6, 2019

Manizales is one of the most important cities in the growing area in Colombia. At the beginning o... more Manizales is one of the most important cities in the growing area in Colombia. At the beginning of the XX century, there were some fires that destroy the main part of the downtown, even the Cathedral made by the traditional wood technique. Thinking about the possibilities of a new fire or earthquake, the people decided to build a new cathedral using a technique that could resist those critical situations. The new ideas brought the eclectically style to the Colombia's architecture, then concepts like vertically and monumentality characterize the image of the urban presence. One of the most important facts is the material used to the Cathedral, this is one of the most important and one of the oldest buildings created by reinforced concrete in the Colombia's history. Also is important mention the stained-glass window brought from different countries and the sculptures intervention of Italian artist. This magnificent project is the result of hard Work and effort done by Manizales people and international collaboration to get construction materials, pieces of art and the architectural design. This temple has a great importance as Colombian cultural and architectural heritage, deserves to be studied, valued and preserved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bogotá D.C y Santiago de Tunja. Problemáticas centros históricos

Through the development of the semester, we find a problem to focus and solve it. This investigat... more Through the development of the semester, we find a problem to focus and solve it. This investigation had as main topic the historical center, studied since a point of view where the heritage was the most important idea. As well, this investigation is made by three parts. The first one is the historic context that the Candelaria neighborhood had had in the Bogota's center. I made a big focus in the apple that is between the streets 10th and 11th and the avenues 4th and 5th; nowadays there is La manzana cultural del Banco de la República. The second part is about the development of a hypothesis related with the cultural apple, it´s going to be work since the question How the Manzana Cultural de Banco de la República can show the Bogota's architecture identity and tradition? This part was about the seven ages of Colombia's architecture and creates a link between the main elements that can be particular of Bogotá D.C and the Manzana Cultural. The last part of the investigation concludes with a critical comparison about the Bogotá's Historic center in a contradistinction with the Santiago Tunja's Historical Center.

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Books by Kevin Alexander Echeverry B



Interesting international research on covered markets and the future of these places after Covid-... more Interesting international research on covered markets and the future of these places after Covid-19.

The covered markets have emerged as a central theme in the urban policies of many cities around the world. After decades of relative neglect, largely due to the increase in other commercial formats (self-service stores, supermarkets and now digital internet shopping), markets are re-emerging on the urban agenda of local governments and have become the focus of interest for various investors and international institutions, such as the UN Habitat program or the Inter-American Development Bank. The transformation, conversion, and even destruction of markets is not new. In the relatively recent past, several markets were relocated and destroyed (Les Halles in Paris in 1971) or reconverted into cultural and commercial centers in the 1980s (Convent Garden in London and El Abasto in Buenos Aires). This book presents the contemporary problems and challenges of markets, as well as the recent projects, policies, trends, and forms of management carried out to confront these challenges in various cities in Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Several chapters of the book discuss the visions of the end of a "natural" life cycle of markets and whether the only way to modernize them in order to confront the competition of supermarket chains and online commerce is their reconversion into gourmet gastronomic and cultural consumption centers for tourists. Through the contribution of different sciences and disciplines, the book analyses transversal themes such as cultural tourism, urban and architectural heritage, urban decline and revitalization, gentrification, memories, and collective identities, and the circulation of urban policies and paradigms.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mercados de Abasto Patrimonio Turismo Gentrificación

Mercados de abasto Patrimonio, Turismo, Gentrificación , 2020

Los mercados de abasto han emergido como un tema central en las políticas urbanas de muchas ciuda... more Los mercados de abasto han emergido como un tema central en las políticas urbanas de muchas ciudades del mundo. Después de décadas de relativo abandono, en gran parte debido al incremento de otros formatos comerciales (tiendas de autoservicio, supermercados y ahora compras digitales por internet), los mercados resurgen en la agenda urbana de gobiernos locales y se han convertido en el centro de interés para diversos inversionistas e instituciones internacionales, como el programa Hábitat de Naciones Unidas o el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. La transformación, reconversión e incluso la destrucción de mercados no es nueva. En el pasado relativamente reciente varios mercados fueron reubicados y destruidos (Les Halles en París en 1971) o reconvertidos en centros culturales y comerciales en la década de 1980 (Convent Garden en Londres y El Abasto en Buenos Aires). Este libro presenta las problemáticas y desafíos contemporáneos de los mercados, así como los recientes proyectos, políticas, tendencias y formas de gestión realizados para confrontar tales retos en diversas ciudades de Europa, América Latina y Medio Oriente. Varios capítulos del libro discuten las visiones del fin de un ciclo “natural” de vida de los mercados y si la única forma de modernizarlos para confrontar la competencia de cadenas de supermercados y el comercio en línea es su reconversión en centros gastronómicos gourmetizados y de consumo cultural para turistas. El libro a través del aporte de distintas ciencias y disciplinas analiza temas transversales como el turismo cultural, el patrimonio urbano y arquitectónico, el declive y la revitalización urbana, la gentrificación, las memorias y las identidades colectivas, la circulación de políticas y paradigmas urbanos.

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Reconnecting Culture, Heritage, and Architectural Symbolism, 2023

This article documents the knowledge of the intangible cultural heritage of the Mesoamerican peop... more This article documents the knowledge of the intangible cultural heritage of the Mesoamerican peoples in Mexico as a theoretical reference. Part of the teaching-learning in the basic elaboration of the history class, with the
theme of the Teotihuacan Culture, where the axis Mundi was considered a symbol to connect the earth and the underworld, evidenced in the pyramids of the sun and the moon, which are oriented to the four points of the universe and keep a close relationship with water and fertility as a cosmogonic element and representative of life and death; of day and night, of the earth and the universe, of men and gods. This fact leads to the explanation that men are transformed into supreme beings (mythological and mysterious processes). It is explained from a constructivist approach, bibliographic elements are reviewed, and history and its learning as a construction process through learning situations, which allow ancestral recognition from the individual to the community and then make community and culture. The pedagogical method of the Reconnecting With Your Culture (RWYC America) program is implemented with the aim of developing new cognitive, communicative, and competencies according to experiential learning, promoting innovation and educational improvement. From the "listening, learning and corporal expression" the play entitled: "Place where men become gods" is created as a didactic resource framed in the social competencies that allow students to relate to the environment and their community.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting with your Culture. The school of the word: entrevista a Olimpia Niglio

Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y juventud , 2022

Olimpia Niglio es profesora de Restauración Arquitectónica en la Universidad de Pavia -Italia, y ... more Olimpia Niglio es profesora de Restauración Arquitectónica en la Universidad de Pavia -Italia, y profesora visitante permanente de Historia de la Arquitectura Comparada en la Hosei University, Tokio, donde es docente de grado y posgrado. Posdoctora del Ministerio de la Educación (MIUR) en Conservación de la Arquitectura y doctora de la Università di Napoli Federico II. Trabaja temas relativos a la restauración, el patrimonio y la cultura. En la actualidad se desempeña como investigadora principal del programa Italian Diaspora in the World. Dirige el Centro Internacional de Investigación Esempi di Architettura (EdA). Es vicepresidenta de
ICOMOS en el comité científico internacional Places of Religion and Ritual (Perico) y de Asian Cultural Landscape Association (Acla, Seúl, República de Corea). Los avances y reflexiones que Olimpia desarrolla en torno al patrimonio cultural, desde la perspectiva de las infancias y su relación con la escuela y el territorio, han permitido que la participación se extienda al mundo entero; cuenta con el apoyo de la Cátedra Unesco (Universidad y Patrimonio) y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Italia. El programa Reconnecting with your Culture (Rwyc) es miembro de la comisión europea New European Bauhaus y de la Charter - European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance.

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Research paper thumbnail of La construcción del futuro desde el conocimiento y valorización del Patrimonio Cultural The construction of the future from the knowledge and valorization of Cultural Heritage

EdA Esempi di Architettura, 2022

The project "Reconnecting with your Culture. Draw your heritage" born from a need that is transve... more The project "Reconnecting with your Culture. Draw your heritage" born from a need that is transversal in all countries of the world and is directly related to the lack of knowledge of cultural heritage. Especially since the second half of the twentieth century, this lack of knowledge has fostered a distance of the young generations from the knowledge of their own history and with it the consequent loss also of intergenerational relationships. This paper aims to propose a new pedagogical methodology that favors a reconnection between the past and the present in order to build a better world.

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El presente trabajo aborda un conjunto de reflexiones en torno al proyecto international “Reconne... more El presente trabajo aborda un conjunto de reflexiones en torno al proyecto international “Reconnecting
with your Culture” realizado con el propósito de poner al centro la importancia que tiene el Patrimonio
Cultural en el ámbito educacional de los niños y de las jóvenes generaciones, siendo el paisaje un
componente esencial del mismo. Reflexionando sobre la falta de programas educativos dedicados a
la historia y el patrimonio cultural, este proyecto internacional pretende analizar la situación en todo el
mundo y confrontar las diferentes realidades culturales para implementar nuevas metodologías de
conocimiento y valorización del respectivo patrimonio. La primera parte del texto introduce conceptos
e inquietudes que han sido fundamentales para implementar el mismo proyecto educativo; la segunda
parte está dedicada al desarollo de la propuesta educativa, por último, en las conclusiones se
proponen algunos logros que el proyecto se propone a perseguir, consciente del dinamismo del
proceso educativo y de las diferencias culturales con las que deberá generar un dialogo
constantemente. El proyecto internacional tiene como referencia básica el punto 4 de la Agenda 2030
de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas y desde este punto inicia todo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting with your Culture: La “Scuola del Mondo” verso una nuova ecologia educativa


Every historical era has seen moments of great socio-cultural change that have contributed to mod... more Every historical era has seen moments of great socio-cultural change that have contributed to modifying ideological systems and pragmatic processes. There is no doubt that we are facing a new era of change with which we must confront and be ready to better face the immediate future.

Certainly the events of 2020 have put back at the center the value of Education and Culture and have highlighted the great social discrepancies that mark the society worldwide. Investments aimed more at war than at peace have made us inherit a truly difficult world, whose remaining pieces must now be put back together in the best possible way.

One of the most important issues is the education of the younger generations, a topic that governments and international organizations have been discussing and debating for years, but without ever reaching truly concrete goals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting With Your Culture.

Incontri 49 # 5, 2020

RECONNECTING WITH YOU CULTURE. International project for children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconnecting with Your Culture (Seminari ed Eventi)

Incontri 50 # 1, 2020

RECONNECTING WITH YOU CULTURE. International project for children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconéctate con tu Cultura.

ATULAA - Ministerio Cultura (Colombia), 2020

Analyzing the realities of the different countries of the world, from the Far East to the Far Wes... more Analyzing the realities of the different countries of the world, from the Far East to the Far West, we feel the need to activate a new "humanism" and for this reason, it is necessary that Culture participates in its totality in all the planning and projection of the new, of the innovation on which it is important to focus from now on.
However, to do all this, we have to start with the youngest generation and then plant seeds to obtain good fruit and with it, a good harvest in the near future. That is why we must be able to design educational programs that can build a better world.
On the basis of these premises, in June 2020 the international project RECONNECTING WITH YOUR CULTURE

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Research paper thumbnail of Bogotà, Museo degli Artisti Italiani

Incontri # 49-4 (maggio giugno), 2020

La Rubrica Diaspora Italiana nel Mondo "Storie d’Italia oltre l’Italia" della rivista “Incontri”.... more La Rubrica Diaspora Italiana nel Mondo "Storie d’Italia
oltre l’Italia" della rivista “Incontri”. Ogni numero
approfondisce un tema connesso al contributo della
cultura italiana nel mondo con uno sguardo particolare
all’America Latina. Questo articolo è dedicato agli
artisti italiani nella città di Bogotà e ringraziamo il
Maestro Kevin A. Echeverry per questo importante
contributo e per l’impegno che ogni giorno dedica alla
valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.

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Research paper thumbnail of EDA El claustro de San Agustí. pasado, presente y futuro.

El Claustro de San Agustín en Tunja. Pasado, presente y futuro., Apr 4, 2020

The cloister of San Agustín is one of the oldest buildings in the city and one of the most used b... more The cloister of San Agustín is one of the oldest buildings in the city and one of the most used by citizens, since it is a
space for culture thanks to the projects developed by the Banco de la República. A construction that has had multiple
functions from the religious, going to the service of society and even becoming a prison. But it is precisely this last
phase that has been tried to be omitted in the recent restoration processes, giving a new reading as a friendly space open
to all kinds of public, denying the vestiges of the prisoners, the drawings and writings they made on the walls. This text
recounts important historical events for the cloister, talking about its current situation and the next interventions to be

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Santiago de Cali y los VI Juegos Panamericanos de 1971, Jan 2020

Santiago de Cali is one of the most important cities for the sport in Colombia and South America.... more Santiago de Cali is one of the most important cities for the sport in Colombia and South America. In 1971 the city had an important cultural movement, it was an artistic and cinematography focus, there has been a strong relationship with the complicated political situation not just in Colombia, also related to the international situation. In that iconic and important year, Cali hosted of the Pan American games, the major sporting event in the Americas in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of summer sports competitions. That year was the first time that Colombia was selected to organize it. The event required an important infrastructure development not just about the stadiums and places for the sports, it represented the beginning of a new era for the local communities. These new changes to Santiago de Cali created a big social, economic and cultural division that could be understood as two completely different cities in one same territory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catedral Basílica de Manizales Nuestra Señora del Rosario construcción única en su género, Manizales Colombia

Catedral Basílica de Manziales Nuestra Señora del Rosario Construcción única en su género, Manizales, Colombia, Aug 6, 2019

Manizales is one of the most important cities in the growing area in Colombia. At the beginning o... more Manizales is one of the most important cities in the growing area in Colombia. At the beginning of the XX century, there were some fires that destroy the main part of the downtown, even the Cathedral made by the traditional wood technique. Thinking about the possibilities of a new fire or earthquake, the people decided to build a new cathedral using a technique that could resist those critical situations. The new ideas brought the eclectically style to the Colombia's architecture, then concepts like vertically and monumentality characterize the image of the urban presence. One of the most important facts is the material used to the Cathedral, this is one of the most important and one of the oldest buildings created by reinforced concrete in the Colombia's history. Also is important mention the stained-glass window brought from different countries and the sculptures intervention of Italian artist. This magnificent project is the result of hard Work and effort done by Manizales people and international collaboration to get construction materials, pieces of art and the architectural design. This temple has a great importance as Colombian cultural and architectural heritage, deserves to be studied, valued and preserved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bogotá D.C y Santiago de Tunja. Problemáticas centros históricos

Through the development of the semester, we find a problem to focus and solve it. This investigat... more Through the development of the semester, we find a problem to focus and solve it. This investigation had as main topic the historical center, studied since a point of view where the heritage was the most important idea. As well, this investigation is made by three parts. The first one is the historic context that the Candelaria neighborhood had had in the Bogota's center. I made a big focus in the apple that is between the streets 10th and 11th and the avenues 4th and 5th; nowadays there is La manzana cultural del Banco de la República. The second part is about the development of a hypothesis related with the cultural apple, it´s going to be work since the question How the Manzana Cultural de Banco de la República can show the Bogota's architecture identity and tradition? This part was about the seven ages of Colombia's architecture and creates a link between the main elements that can be particular of Bogotá D.C and the Manzana Cultural. The last part of the investigation concludes with a critical comparison about the Bogotá's Historic center in a contradistinction with the Santiago Tunja's Historical Center.

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Interesting international research on covered markets and the future of these places after Covid-... more Interesting international research on covered markets and the future of these places after Covid-19.

The covered markets have emerged as a central theme in the urban policies of many cities around the world. After decades of relative neglect, largely due to the increase in other commercial formats (self-service stores, supermarkets and now digital internet shopping), markets are re-emerging on the urban agenda of local governments and have become the focus of interest for various investors and international institutions, such as the UN Habitat program or the Inter-American Development Bank. The transformation, conversion, and even destruction of markets is not new. In the relatively recent past, several markets were relocated and destroyed (Les Halles in Paris in 1971) or reconverted into cultural and commercial centers in the 1980s (Convent Garden in London and El Abasto in Buenos Aires). This book presents the contemporary problems and challenges of markets, as well as the recent projects, policies, trends, and forms of management carried out to confront these challenges in various cities in Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Several chapters of the book discuss the visions of the end of a "natural" life cycle of markets and whether the only way to modernize them in order to confront the competition of supermarket chains and online commerce is their reconversion into gourmet gastronomic and cultural consumption centers for tourists. Through the contribution of different sciences and disciplines, the book analyses transversal themes such as cultural tourism, urban and architectural heritage, urban decline and revitalization, gentrification, memories, and collective identities, and the circulation of urban policies and paradigms.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mercados de Abasto Patrimonio Turismo Gentrificación

Mercados de abasto Patrimonio, Turismo, Gentrificación , 2020

Los mercados de abasto han emergido como un tema central en las políticas urbanas de muchas ciuda... more Los mercados de abasto han emergido como un tema central en las políticas urbanas de muchas ciudades del mundo. Después de décadas de relativo abandono, en gran parte debido al incremento de otros formatos comerciales (tiendas de autoservicio, supermercados y ahora compras digitales por internet), los mercados resurgen en la agenda urbana de gobiernos locales y se han convertido en el centro de interés para diversos inversionistas e instituciones internacionales, como el programa Hábitat de Naciones Unidas o el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. La transformación, reconversión e incluso la destrucción de mercados no es nueva. En el pasado relativamente reciente varios mercados fueron reubicados y destruidos (Les Halles en París en 1971) o reconvertidos en centros culturales y comerciales en la década de 1980 (Convent Garden en Londres y El Abasto en Buenos Aires). Este libro presenta las problemáticas y desafíos contemporáneos de los mercados, así como los recientes proyectos, políticas, tendencias y formas de gestión realizados para confrontar tales retos en diversas ciudades de Europa, América Latina y Medio Oriente. Varios capítulos del libro discuten las visiones del fin de un ciclo “natural” de vida de los mercados y si la única forma de modernizarlos para confrontar la competencia de cadenas de supermercados y el comercio en línea es su reconversión en centros gastronómicos gourmetizados y de consumo cultural para turistas. El libro a través del aporte de distintas ciencias y disciplinas analiza temas transversales como el turismo cultural, el patrimonio urbano y arquitectónico, el declive y la revitalización urbana, la gentrificación, las memorias y las identidades colectivas, la circulación de políticas y paradigmas urbanos.

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