Ariyanti Dewi | The University of Queensland, Australia (original) (raw)

Papers by Ariyanti Dewi

Research paper thumbnail of Oxygenated Diterpenes from the Indo-Pacific Nudibranchs Goniobranchus splendidus and Ardeadoris egretta

Natural Product Communications, 2016

Five new diterpenes (1-5), each with a highly oxygenated spongian framework, were characterized f... more Five new diterpenes (1-5), each with a highly oxygenated spongian framework, were characterized from an organic extract of a specimen of the nudibranch Goniobranchus splendidus collected from Eastern Australia. The new diterpene 7α-hydroxydendrillol-3 (6) was identified from specimens of Ardeodoris egretta. The structures and relative configurations of the six new metabolites have been elucidated by analysis of their spectroscopic data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chromolactol, an Oxygenated Diterpene from the Indo-Pacific Nudibranch Goniobranchus coi: Spectroscopic and Computational Studies

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2018

A rearranged spongian diterpene chromolactol was obtained from the mantle extract of the Indo-Pac... more A rearranged spongian diterpene chromolactol was obtained from the mantle extract of the Indo-Pacific nudibranch Goniobranchus coi. The structure of chromolactol, either 1a or 1b, which was investigated by extensive NMR experiments and by data comparison as well as by molecular modelling studies and density functional calculations, has a different relative configuration of the 2,8-dioxabicyclo-[3.3.0]-octane ring compared with the co-metabolite norrisolide (2). A biosynthetic pathway leading to the preferred diastereomer of chromolactol (1a) is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Distribution of Defensive Metabolites in Nudibranch Molluscs

Journal of chemical ecology, Jan 19, 2018

Many plants and animals store toxic or unpalatable compounds in tissues that are easily encounter... more Many plants and animals store toxic or unpalatable compounds in tissues that are easily encountered by predators during attack. Defensive compounds can be produced de novo, or obtained from dietary sources and stored directly without selection or modification, or can be selectively sequestered or biotransformed. Storage strategies should be optimized to produce effective defence mechanisms but also prevent autotoxicity of the host. Nudibranch molluscs utilize a diverse range of chemical defences, and we investigated the accumulation and distribution of defensive secondary metabolites in body tissues of 19 species of Chromodorididae nudibranchs. We report different patterns of distribution across tissues, where: 1) the mantle had more or different (but structurally related) compounds than the viscera; 2) all compounds in the mantle were also in the viscera; and 3) the mantle had fewer compounds than the viscera. We found no further examples of species that selectively store a single ...

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Research paper thumbnail of ISOLASI SENYAWA SITOTOKSIK DARI SPONS Crella papilata

Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2009

Penelitian isolasi senyawa sitotoksik dari spons Crella papilata telah dilakukan. Spons Crella pa... more Penelitian isolasi senyawa sitotoksik dari spons Crella papilata telah dilakukan. Spons Crella papilata diambil dari Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu. Ekstraksi senyawa sitotoksik dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan metanol dan ekstrak kasar yang dihasilkan difraksinasi dengan kromatografi kolom fase balik. Pemisahan lebih lanjut dilakukan dengan kromatografi kolom fase normal dengan eluen campuran n-heksana/EtOAc (etil asetat) dan EtOAc/MeOH (etil asetat/metanol) secara gradien. Fraksi yang paling aktif diisolasi dengan kromatografi lapis tipis preparatif dan diidentifikasi dengan ¹H NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) dan LCMS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometry). Interpretasi terhadap data spektra yang dihasilkan memperlihatkan bahwa senyawa bioaktif tersebut merupakan golongan tiol yang mengandung cincin aromatik serta alkil sebagai gugus samping dengan berat molekul sebesar 291. Uji MTT [3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromida)] menunjukkan b...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biomedical benefits of algal glycoproteins

Marine Glycobiology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospective Utilization of Fishery By-products in Indonesia

Seafood Processing By-Products, 2013

Fisheries industry activities generate by-products which have economic potential and can be utili... more Fisheries industry activities generate by-products which have economic potential and can be utilized as a raw material to produce various value-added products. Fisheries by-products can be as follows: (a) by-products from the utilization of fisheries resources, (b) by-products from processing industries, (c) by-products as secondary products in addition to the main products, (d) by-products from surplus during the fishing season, (e) by-products as the remainder of distribution or marketing. By-products from the utilization of fisheries resources can be processed into minced fish, surimi and surimi-based products, food-grade fish flour, fish meal, fish silage, and several traditional products. By-products from shrimp processing industries have been explored to produce sticky shrimp extract, fermented shrimp paste, shrimp crackers, protein hydrolysate, shrimp meal, shrimp silage, chitin, chitosan, chitooligosaccharide, and flavoring agent. Meanwhile, by-products from fish processing, such as canned fish, tuna loin, red snapper fillet, frog legs, and some processed freshwater fish, have the potential to be processed into fish meal, flavoring agent, tanned fish skin, gelatin, fish balls, fish sausage, and fermented products. By-products as secondary products, such as fish oil, can be utilized for pharmaceutical, food, feed, and non-food purposes. Some processing technologies have been developed for the utilization of underutilized fish, especially sharks and rays.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sequestration of Oxy-Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in the Nudibranchs Miamira magnifica and Miamira miamirana

Marine Drugs, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Figure 3 from: Nursid M, Patantis G, Dewi AS, Achmad MJ, Sembodo PM, Estuningsih S (2021) Immunnostimulatory activity of Holothuria atra sea cucumber. Pharmacia 68(1): 121-127.

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Research paper thumbnail of Immunnostimulatory activity of Holothuria atra sea cucumber

Immunostimulant is a substance that can stimulate the immune system against pathogenic microbes. ... more Immunostimulant is a substance that can stimulate the immune system against pathogenic microbes. Natural products produced by sea cucumbers have the potential to be developed as immunostimulants. This study was aimed to evaluate the imunostimulatory activity of Holothuria atra extract using the phagocytocyte assay of macrophage cells and the differentiation of leukocyte in rats. The samples of H. atra were taken from Halmahera waters, North Maluku, Indonesia. Extraction was carried out with 96% ethanol. Phagocytocyte activity assay was carried out using macrophage cells isolated from Balb/c mice (Mus musculus) using a series of doses 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 4.0; 8.0; 16.0 and 32.0 mg/kg body weight. Leukocyte differentiation test in vivo was conducted using Rattus norvegicus rat treated with H. atra extract for 90 days with the following series of doses: 0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight. The results showed that the highest phagocytosis activity was reached at a concentration of 4.0 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of When East meets West: the chemistry of Indonesian sponges and Australian nudibranchs

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Natural Products: Prospects and Impacts on the Sustainable Development in Indonesia

Indonesia is worldwide recognized as being the richest in the world in term of diversity and numb... more Indonesia is worldwide recognized as being the richest in the world in term of diversity and number of marine organisms. These resources are massive supplies for food and medicine. A large variety of biologically active compounds with great biomedical interest such as anticancer, antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-AIDS, anti-TBC and anti-Alzheimer have recently been discovered from Indonesian marine invertebrates including microorganisms associated with them. However, drug development from the sea is often hampered by the difficulty of obtaining sufficient supply. In the other hand, long term exploitation in coastal and coastal and marine resources has caused severe environmental degradation. Hence, maintaining a sustainable capacity for the ecosystem is an urgency need. Integrating efforts on sustainable utilization of marine natural products, diversity conservation and economic development as well as strengthening relationship among government, public and stakeholders into one program ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Molekuler, Analisis Profil Asam Amino, dan Asam Lemak dari Beberapa Teripang Asal Perairan Indonesia

Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Drug Discovery Dari Bahan Alami Laut Untuk Imunoterapi Kanker

Penyakit kanker adalah permasalahan kesehatan global yang mengancam setiap individu baik di negar... more Penyakit kanker adalah permasalahan kesehatan global yang mengancam setiap individu baik di negara maju maupun di negara berkembang. Penanganan kanker sejauh ini dilakukan berdasarkan metode konvensional yang cenderung menurunkan kualitas hidup para penderitanya. Pendekatan imunoterapi kanker adalah suatu metode pengobatan kanker dengan cara menstimulasi sistem kekebalan hidup pasien untuk melawan tumor melalui regulasi enzim-enzim yang berperan penting pada jalur molekuler tertentu dengan tujuan untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya efek samping yang tidak diinginkan yang umumnya terjadi pada terapi konvensional. Beberapa target molekuler telah dikembangkan saat ini, diantaranya adalah penghambatan enzim Indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) dan pengaktifan enzim SHIP (SH2-containing-inositol-5-phosphatase). Senyawa-senyawa bioaktif dari bahan alam laut yang telah dilaporkan sebagai regulator kedua enzim di atas akan dijabarkan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Beche-de-mers from Indonesia by molecular approach

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, Feb 17, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitory Activities of Protein Hydrolysates from Indonesian Sea Cucumbers

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

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Research paper thumbnail of Stress response in sponges and their potential applications to biomonitor stressors in coral reef ecosystem

Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, Jan 12, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of docking method to assess the activity of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB) from marine origin in bioremediation process

Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, Jan 8, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Biologically active secondary metabolites from tropical marine invertebrates

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospective Utilization of Fishery By-products in Indonesia

Seafood Processing By-Products, 2013

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Jurnal Pascapanen Dan Bioteknologi Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Jun 12, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Oxygenated Diterpenes from the Indo-Pacific Nudibranchs Goniobranchus splendidus and Ardeadoris egretta

Natural Product Communications, 2016

Five new diterpenes (1-5), each with a highly oxygenated spongian framework, were characterized f... more Five new diterpenes (1-5), each with a highly oxygenated spongian framework, were characterized from an organic extract of a specimen of the nudibranch Goniobranchus splendidus collected from Eastern Australia. The new diterpene 7α-hydroxydendrillol-3 (6) was identified from specimens of Ardeodoris egretta. The structures and relative configurations of the six new metabolites have been elucidated by analysis of their spectroscopic data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chromolactol, an Oxygenated Diterpene from the Indo-Pacific Nudibranch Goniobranchus coi: Spectroscopic and Computational Studies

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2018

A rearranged spongian diterpene chromolactol was obtained from the mantle extract of the Indo-Pac... more A rearranged spongian diterpene chromolactol was obtained from the mantle extract of the Indo-Pacific nudibranch Goniobranchus coi. The structure of chromolactol, either 1a or 1b, which was investigated by extensive NMR experiments and by data comparison as well as by molecular modelling studies and density functional calculations, has a different relative configuration of the 2,8-dioxabicyclo-[3.3.0]-octane ring compared with the co-metabolite norrisolide (2). A biosynthetic pathway leading to the preferred diastereomer of chromolactol (1a) is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Distribution of Defensive Metabolites in Nudibranch Molluscs

Journal of chemical ecology, Jan 19, 2018

Many plants and animals store toxic or unpalatable compounds in tissues that are easily encounter... more Many plants and animals store toxic or unpalatable compounds in tissues that are easily encountered by predators during attack. Defensive compounds can be produced de novo, or obtained from dietary sources and stored directly without selection or modification, or can be selectively sequestered or biotransformed. Storage strategies should be optimized to produce effective defence mechanisms but also prevent autotoxicity of the host. Nudibranch molluscs utilize a diverse range of chemical defences, and we investigated the accumulation and distribution of defensive secondary metabolites in body tissues of 19 species of Chromodorididae nudibranchs. We report different patterns of distribution across tissues, where: 1) the mantle had more or different (but structurally related) compounds than the viscera; 2) all compounds in the mantle were also in the viscera; and 3) the mantle had fewer compounds than the viscera. We found no further examples of species that selectively store a single ...

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Research paper thumbnail of ISOLASI SENYAWA SITOTOKSIK DARI SPONS Crella papilata

Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2009

Penelitian isolasi senyawa sitotoksik dari spons Crella papilata telah dilakukan. Spons Crella pa... more Penelitian isolasi senyawa sitotoksik dari spons Crella papilata telah dilakukan. Spons Crella papilata diambil dari Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu. Ekstraksi senyawa sitotoksik dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan metanol dan ekstrak kasar yang dihasilkan difraksinasi dengan kromatografi kolom fase balik. Pemisahan lebih lanjut dilakukan dengan kromatografi kolom fase normal dengan eluen campuran n-heksana/EtOAc (etil asetat) dan EtOAc/MeOH (etil asetat/metanol) secara gradien. Fraksi yang paling aktif diisolasi dengan kromatografi lapis tipis preparatif dan diidentifikasi dengan ¹H NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) dan LCMS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometry). Interpretasi terhadap data spektra yang dihasilkan memperlihatkan bahwa senyawa bioaktif tersebut merupakan golongan tiol yang mengandung cincin aromatik serta alkil sebagai gugus samping dengan berat molekul sebesar 291. Uji MTT [3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromida)] menunjukkan b...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biomedical benefits of algal glycoproteins

Marine Glycobiology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospective Utilization of Fishery By-products in Indonesia

Seafood Processing By-Products, 2013

Fisheries industry activities generate by-products which have economic potential and can be utili... more Fisheries industry activities generate by-products which have economic potential and can be utilized as a raw material to produce various value-added products. Fisheries by-products can be as follows: (a) by-products from the utilization of fisheries resources, (b) by-products from processing industries, (c) by-products as secondary products in addition to the main products, (d) by-products from surplus during the fishing season, (e) by-products as the remainder of distribution or marketing. By-products from the utilization of fisheries resources can be processed into minced fish, surimi and surimi-based products, food-grade fish flour, fish meal, fish silage, and several traditional products. By-products from shrimp processing industries have been explored to produce sticky shrimp extract, fermented shrimp paste, shrimp crackers, protein hydrolysate, shrimp meal, shrimp silage, chitin, chitosan, chitooligosaccharide, and flavoring agent. Meanwhile, by-products from fish processing, such as canned fish, tuna loin, red snapper fillet, frog legs, and some processed freshwater fish, have the potential to be processed into fish meal, flavoring agent, tanned fish skin, gelatin, fish balls, fish sausage, and fermented products. By-products as secondary products, such as fish oil, can be utilized for pharmaceutical, food, feed, and non-food purposes. Some processing technologies have been developed for the utilization of underutilized fish, especially sharks and rays.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sequestration of Oxy-Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in the Nudibranchs Miamira magnifica and Miamira miamirana

Marine Drugs, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Figure 3 from: Nursid M, Patantis G, Dewi AS, Achmad MJ, Sembodo PM, Estuningsih S (2021) Immunnostimulatory activity of Holothuria atra sea cucumber. Pharmacia 68(1): 121-127.

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Research paper thumbnail of Immunnostimulatory activity of Holothuria atra sea cucumber

Immunostimulant is a substance that can stimulate the immune system against pathogenic microbes. ... more Immunostimulant is a substance that can stimulate the immune system against pathogenic microbes. Natural products produced by sea cucumbers have the potential to be developed as immunostimulants. This study was aimed to evaluate the imunostimulatory activity of Holothuria atra extract using the phagocytocyte assay of macrophage cells and the differentiation of leukocyte in rats. The samples of H. atra were taken from Halmahera waters, North Maluku, Indonesia. Extraction was carried out with 96% ethanol. Phagocytocyte activity assay was carried out using macrophage cells isolated from Balb/c mice (Mus musculus) using a series of doses 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 4.0; 8.0; 16.0 and 32.0 mg/kg body weight. Leukocyte differentiation test in vivo was conducted using Rattus norvegicus rat treated with H. atra extract for 90 days with the following series of doses: 0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight. The results showed that the highest phagocytosis activity was reached at a concentration of 4.0 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of When East meets West: the chemistry of Indonesian sponges and Australian nudibranchs

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Natural Products: Prospects and Impacts on the Sustainable Development in Indonesia

Indonesia is worldwide recognized as being the richest in the world in term of diversity and numb... more Indonesia is worldwide recognized as being the richest in the world in term of diversity and number of marine organisms. These resources are massive supplies for food and medicine. A large variety of biologically active compounds with great biomedical interest such as anticancer, antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-AIDS, anti-TBC and anti-Alzheimer have recently been discovered from Indonesian marine invertebrates including microorganisms associated with them. However, drug development from the sea is often hampered by the difficulty of obtaining sufficient supply. In the other hand, long term exploitation in coastal and coastal and marine resources has caused severe environmental degradation. Hence, maintaining a sustainable capacity for the ecosystem is an urgency need. Integrating efforts on sustainable utilization of marine natural products, diversity conservation and economic development as well as strengthening relationship among government, public and stakeholders into one program ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Molekuler, Analisis Profil Asam Amino, dan Asam Lemak dari Beberapa Teripang Asal Perairan Indonesia

Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Drug Discovery Dari Bahan Alami Laut Untuk Imunoterapi Kanker

Penyakit kanker adalah permasalahan kesehatan global yang mengancam setiap individu baik di negar... more Penyakit kanker adalah permasalahan kesehatan global yang mengancam setiap individu baik di negara maju maupun di negara berkembang. Penanganan kanker sejauh ini dilakukan berdasarkan metode konvensional yang cenderung menurunkan kualitas hidup para penderitanya. Pendekatan imunoterapi kanker adalah suatu metode pengobatan kanker dengan cara menstimulasi sistem kekebalan hidup pasien untuk melawan tumor melalui regulasi enzim-enzim yang berperan penting pada jalur molekuler tertentu dengan tujuan untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya efek samping yang tidak diinginkan yang umumnya terjadi pada terapi konvensional. Beberapa target molekuler telah dikembangkan saat ini, diantaranya adalah penghambatan enzim Indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) dan pengaktifan enzim SHIP (SH2-containing-inositol-5-phosphatase). Senyawa-senyawa bioaktif dari bahan alam laut yang telah dilaporkan sebagai regulator kedua enzim di atas akan dijabarkan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Beche-de-mers from Indonesia by molecular approach

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, Feb 17, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitory Activities of Protein Hydrolysates from Indonesian Sea Cucumbers

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

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Research paper thumbnail of Stress response in sponges and their potential applications to biomonitor stressors in coral reef ecosystem

Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, Jan 12, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of docking method to assess the activity of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB) from marine origin in bioremediation process

Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology, Jan 8, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Biologically active secondary metabolites from tropical marine invertebrates

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospective Utilization of Fishery By-products in Indonesia

Seafood Processing By-Products, 2013

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Jurnal Pascapanen Dan Bioteknologi Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Jun 12, 2012

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