Sergey Smirnov | Ural Federal University (original) (raw)
Papers by Sergey Smirnov
Историко-экономические исследования, Apr 5, 2019
Аннотация. В мае 1939 г. в результате целой серии японских провокаций в зоне маньчжуро-монгольско... more Аннотация. В мае 1939 г. в результате целой серии японских провокаций в зоне маньчжуро-монгольского разграничения в районе высоты Номонхан-Бурд-Обо начался крупный вооруженный конфликт между Японией и Советским Союзом, проходивший на территории Монгольской Народной республики и завершившийся победой советской стороны в сентябре того же года. В статье, основанной на уникальных архивных документах и материалах эмигрантской печати, представлена биография русского эмигранта, военнослужащего армии Маньчжоу-го М.А. Натарова, погибшего в боях на Халхин-Голе в июле 1939 г., и проанализировано становление культа борцов с Коминтерном в русской эмигрантской среде. Гибель М.А. Натарова была использована политическими кругами эмиграции при активной поддержке японских властей для формирования культа героев, павших в борьбе с Коминтерном, призванного объединить русскую эмиграцию на антисоветской основе. В силу короткого периода существования и слабого отклика со стороны эмигрантской общественности, культ не смог укорениться в сознании русской эмиграции в Маньчжоу-го. В основу данной статьи положены, материалы Государственного архива Хабаровского края. Ключевые слова. М.А. Натаров, Халхин-Гол, русская эмиграция, Маньчжоу-го, отряд Асано, культ борцов с Коминтерном. Информация о статье. Дата поступления 4 февраля 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 11 марта 2019 г.; дата онлайн-размещения 5 апреля 2019 г.
Ойкумена. Регионоведческие исследования
Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ)... more Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), руководящего органа эмигрантской колонии в Маньчжу-ди-го (1934–1945), построенная на сочетании национального воспитания молодёжи с воспитанием в духе идей антикоммунизма и строительства государства-содружества пяти наций, эволюционировала в сторону приоритета национального воспитания при формализации других направлений. Пика в своём развитии молодёжная "политика" БРЭМ достигла в первой половине 1940-х гг. в условиях усилившейся японизации социально-культурной среды Маньчжурской империи и советской Отечественной войны, способствуя культивированию в сознании русской молодёжи национально-культурной идентичности и развитию патриотизма, что подспудно вело к усилению симпатий к Советскому Союзу. Ключевые слова: Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), русская эмиграция; молодежная политика, Киовакай, Маньчжу-ди-го, Харбин
Ойкумена. Регионоведческие исследования, 2023
Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), руководя... more Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), руководящего органа эмигрантской колонии в Маньчжу-ди-го (1934-1945), построенная на сочетании национального воспитания молодёжи с воспитанием в духе идей антикоммунизма и строительства государства-содружества пяти наций, эволюционировала в сторону приоритета национального воспитания при формализации других направлений. Пика в своём развитии молодёжная "политика" БРЭМ достигла в первой половине 1940-х гг. в условиях усилившейся японизации социально-культурной среды Маньчжурской империи и советской Отечественной войны, способствуя культивированию в сознании русской молодёжи национально-культурной идентичности и развитию патриотизма, что подспудно вело к усилению симпатий к Советскому Союзу.
Восточные ветви российской диаспоры. Том 4. История и современность / отв. ред и сост. Д. С. Панарина, 2021
Tianjin was the third most important center of the Russian emigration youth movement in China aft... more Tianjin was the third most important center of the Russian emigration youth movement in China after Harbin and Shanghai. The appearance of the first youth organizations in the mid-1920s was caused by the activation of the social and political life of the emigrant colony and the fears of the older generation of emigrants of the internationalization of Russian youth. The Tianjin units of the National Organization of Russian Scouts and the society “Russian Sokol” were the most popular youth organizations of the Russian Tianjin in the second half of the 1920s-1930s. The Japanese occupation of Northern China and the concentration of the administration of the emigrant colony in the hands of pro-Japanese circles led to attempts to establish full control over youth organizations and unite them on a single anti-communist basis. This led to the decline of the emigrant youth movement, which finally disappeared during the Great East Asian War.
Quaestio Rossica
In imperial studies, the inclusion of diasporic groups, fragments of vanished empires, into newly... more In imperial studies, the inclusion of diasporic groups, fragments of vanished empires, into newly formed imperial spaces remain considerably underexplored. This article is devoted to the problem of the integration of the Russian emigrant colony into the multinational community of the quasi-sovereign state of Manchukuo (1932–1945), which was a product of Japanese pan-Asian imperial construction. The option of integrating emigrants with the status of a national-cultural autonomy into the society of early Manchukuo generally suited the emigrant community. This option of maximum integration corresponded with the special role of emigration as the heir of Russian colonisers of the Manchurian region and the bearer of the mission of preserving Russian culture in exile. Very quickly, the integration process ran into an insurmountable contradiction between the ideal model of organising Manchukuo on the principles of national-cultural federalism and the real imperial practice of governing the ...
Izvestia of the Ural federal university. Series 2. Humanities and Arts, 2018
Уральский федеральный университет екатеринбург, россия 10 известия урФу. серия 2. гуманитарные на... more Уральский федеральный университет екатеринбург, россия 10 известия урФу. серия 2. гуманитарные науки. 2018. т. 20. № 2 (175) далЬневостоЧныЙ веКтор советсКоЙ внеШнеЙ ПолитиКи К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а: советско-китайский конфликт 1929 г.; русская эмиграция; военная эмиграция; Китайская восточная железная дорога; Маньчжурия; русский обще-воинский союз; Братство русской Правды; белопартизанское движение. Ц и т и р о в а н и е: Смирнов С. В. советско-китайский конфликт 1929 г. и русская военная эмиграция // изв. урал. федер. ун-та. сер. 2 : гуманитар. науки. 2018. т. 20. № 2 (175). с. 9-22.
Izvestia of the Ural federal university. Series 2. Humanities and Arts, 2016
Проблемы Дальнего Востока, 2015
В статье представлена история Союза мушкетеров, одной из наиболее значимых молодежных организаций... more В статье представлена история Союза мушкетеров, одной из наиболее значимых молодежных организаций российской эмиграции в Северо-Восточном Китае (Маньчжурии). Опираясь на архивные документы, материалы эмигрантской периодики и воспоминания, автор анализирует становление, развитие и исчезновение Союза мушкетеров на фоне политических событий середины 1920-х-начала 1940-х гг. Особое внимание в статье уделено ключевым деятелям «мушкетерского» движения. Ключевые слова: российская эмиграция, Союз мушкетеров, Русская группа войск Шаньдунской армии, монархическое движение, Маньчжоу-го, Бюро российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи.
Reports of the Laboratory of Ancient Technologies , 2020
The article is devoted to émigré period in the life of the Preobrazhensky guards regiment’ Colon... more The article is devoted to émigré period in the life of the Preobrazhensky guards regiment’ Colonel Peter A. Vedenyapin, mainly his participation in the Shanghai division of the Russian All-Military Union during the Second World War. Having appeared in 1920 in emigration in China, the Colonel played a noticeable role in life of the Russian organizations of the former military in Tianjin and Shanghai. In the conditions of the Soviet-German and Pacific wars, which began in 1941, Vedenyapin
has become one of the main initiators of the resumption of the Shanghai branch of ROVS, which ceased its operations in 1940,
and the first chief of the revived organization. The impossibility of direct involvement in the armed struggle against the Soviet
power due to Japan's non-participation in the war with the Soviet Union reduced the activities of the General Military Union to
attempts to unite all Russian military and youth organizations in Shanghai under its leadership. The Union also sought to develop a unified ideological platform for anti-Soviet emigration, built on the foundations of Russian nationalism. The failure of the attempts and the growth of Pro-Soviet patriotism in the emigrant environment forced Vedenyapin to leave the post of the
chief of the Shanghai ROVS in 1943 and to withdraw from any political activity until his departure from China in 1949. The article uses insufficiently studied documents from the archives of the Hoover Institute (Stanford University) and the Museum of
Russian culture in San Francisco.
Гражданская война на востоке России: взгляд сквозь документальное исследование, 2019
В исследовании анализируются воспоминания бывшего белого офицера С.-Г. А.-Х. Саинова о Гражданско... more В исследовании анализируются воспоминания бывшего белого офицера С.-Г. А.-Х. Саинова о Гражданской войны в России. Мемуары эти были составлены во второй половине 1970-х – начале 1980-х гг. в Китае, изданы в 2017 г. Нами в данной публикации выделены две основные авторские смысловые характеристики войны: ее братоубийственный характер, выраженный в бессмысленной жестокости и всеобщем хаосе, и безыдейность Белого движения, обусловившая его слабость и, в конечном счете, поражение.
Вестник ЮУрГУ. Серия. Социально-гуманитарные науки, 2019
The mass emigration of the Russian White army, as a result of its defeat in the Civil war, led to... more The mass emigration of the Russian White army, as a result of its defeat in the Civil war, led to the formation of several large centers of Russian military émigrés in China. Unlike Harbin and Shanghai, the main military centers of Russian emigration in China, Mukden, the capital of Manchuria until the early 1930s and the fourth of the Chinese cities in terms of the number of Russian military who lived here, is still poorly understood. This article, based on the materials of the Russian and American archives, gives a description of the life and activities of the Russian military émigrés in Mukden throughout its existence from the early 1920s to 1945. Appearance of a large Russian military colony in Mukden was primarily associated with the activities of the Chinese administration of Manchuria to strengthen its own armed. The wide involvement of Russian emigrants in military service in the army of Marshal Zhang Zuolin to the end of the 1920s attracted to Mukden former Russian military and made it an important center of political activity of anti-Soviet emigration. The almost complete withdrawal of the Russians from the Mukden army at the turn of the 1920—1930s, the Japanese occupation of Manchuria and the loss of the status of the regional capital by Mukden led to the outflow of the Russian military to other cities of China. The establishment of the control of Japanese special services over the organizations of the former military contributed to the gradual degradation of military émigrés, which significantly accelerated during the Great East Asian war.
Izvestia Ural Fedral University Journal, 2018
This article analyses the nature and extent of the involvement of the Russian radical emigrants, ... more This article analyses the nature and extent of the involvement of the Russian radical emigrants, whose core comprised former officers and soldiers of the White army, in the Sino-Soviet conflict in 1929. The author demonstrates that despite the opinion persisting in Russian historiography about the joint participation of the Chinese army and the White émigré military units in the conflict, the Chinese government did not involve the White émigré organisations in their struggle against the Soviet Union until the last phase of the conflict. The “Nikolaevsky” emigrant associations prevailing in China expressed a negative attitude to the conflict, especially at its initial stage, convinced that the conflict would only lead to a deterioration of the situation of emigrants. Likewise, none of the powers, including Japan, supported the radical emigrants, being more interested in preserving their status quo in China. Seeking to use the conflict to instigate an anti-Soviet movement, some radical organisations (the Brotherhood of Russian Truth, Russian Far East Volunteer Corps, and the Union of Cossacks in the Far East, etc.) attempted to deploy a guerrilla movement in the border areas, but were defeated. The White partisans were the most active on the border with Soviet Primorye and in the district of Trekhrechie, bordering the Trans-Baikal region. The restoration and even strengthening of the USSR’s positions in Manchuria after the defeat at Mukden and a number of other reasons stimulated the consolidation process of radical emigration in China begun in the second half of 1920s, and ensured the growth of anti-Soviet armed resistance in exile.
Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal, 2016
The desire of the anti-Bolshevik forces of the Russian emigration to avenge for the civil war the... more The desire of the anti-Bolshevik forces of the Russian emigration to avenge for the civil war they lost to the Bolsheviks highlighted the issue of consolidation of the remains of the White Army as well as creation of a unified command centre. They failed to achieve this unity. As a result there emerged two largest organizations uniting the former Russian military, i.e. the Corps of the Imperial Army and Navy (Rus. KIAF) and the Russian All-Military Union (Rus. ROVS). The article is devoted to some understudied issues of the formation, development, organization, and operation of the KIAF units in China between the 1920s and the early 1940s. The study is based on a number of little-known documents from central and regional archives of the Russian Federation and émigré periodicals. An important emphasis is made on the confrontation of the KIAF and the ROVS caused by their desire to dominate in the anti-Soviet struggle of the military emigration, as well as the reasons behind the failure in the activity of the Chinese KIAF units. Summarizing the results of the KIAF activities in China, the author points out the main causes of failures, namely, strategic miscalculations (the fact that they expected a considerable part of the Soviet population to still stand by the monarchist views and perceive the Red Army as a successor to the Imperial Army), personal ambitions and imperial patriotic romanticism of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, leading to a split in the monarchist movement and Russian military emigration, which led, in its turn, to unhealthy competition among anti-Bolsheviks, the absence of appropriate financial resources and serious deficiencies in the management of the Chinese KIAF units.
Voenno-Istoricheskii zhurnal, 2019
The article is devoted to the split among the Russian officers of the General staff in Manchuria ... more The article is devoted to the split among the Russian officers of the General staff in Manchuria in the second half of 1920s, caused by the affair of General Andogskiy. The split led to the emergence of two Societies General staff offic-ers in Harbin and the long-term confrontation between the two groups of Gen-eral staff’s officers. This, in turn, negatively influences the process of consoli-dation of Russian military emigration in China.
Voenno-Istoricheskii zhurnal, 2017
Based on the documents from Russian and American archives and the materi-als of the émigré period... more Based on the documents from Russian and American archives and the materi-als of the émigré periodicals, the author examines the activities of associations of Russian military invalids in China that received the greatest development in Harbin and Shanghai. The author argued that associations of Russian military invalids and organizations rendering assistance for the disabled soldiers, en-sures the survival, adaptation to new life’s conditions and contributed to many maimed soldiers to lead a socially active life in émigré circles.
Альманах Казачество, 2018
The article is devoted to participation of Trans-Baikalian Cossacks-emigrants in the anti-Bolshev... more The article is devoted to participation of Trans-Baikalian Cossacks-emigrants in the anti-Bolshevik movement of the 1920-ies – early 40-ies, stationed in Manchuria. Based on the biog-raphy of one of the White guerrilla commanders, captain I. A. Peshkov, the author views out the stages of development of the anti-Bolshevik movement, their content and results. The anti-Bolshevik movement in the Cossack émigré circles of Manchuria, which was the result of the Civil war, reached its peak at the turn of the 1920-ies – 1930-ies. In the 1930-ies, the radical Cos-sack opposition was closely associated with the Japanese administration in Manchuria and suf-fered a complete collapse during the Second World War.
Военно-исторический журнал, 2015
В статье на основе архивных документов рассматриваются степень и характер участия русских эмигран... more В статье на основе архивных документов рассматриваются степень и характер участия русских эмигрантов из отряда Асано в военных действиях на Халхин-Голе в 1939 году.
Russia and ATR, 2016
The article is devoted to one of the youth organizations in Russian Manchuria. The Order of the C... more The article is devoted to one of the youth organizations in Russian Manchuria. The Order of the Crusaders, emerged in the mid1920s in Harbin during the period when emigrant youth resisted the spread of Soviet influence in the right of way of the Chinese Eastern railway, originally had the nature of a scout association with its own laws governing the life of the Crusader, symbols, and paraphernalia. Unlike other youth emigrant organizations, the Order of the Crusaders wasn’t committed to the fist method of discussion between the “white” and the “red” youth in the initial period of its existence. However, after the change of leadership, the organization announced itself as a monarchist organisation and stood for radical positions introducing many adult participants among the supporters of the White movement and collaborating with the leaders of the White guerrilla teams which acted in border areas. In the second half of the 1920s, the structural units of the crusaders appeared in some settlements in Manchuria and in Shanghai. The leadership of the Order of the Crusaders made attempts for participation in the SovietChinese conflict on the Chinese Eastern railway and welcomed the introduction of the Japanese troops in Manchuria in 1931. In the 1930s, the change of the situation in Manchuria led to the extinction of the Order as well as of a number of other emigrant organizations which didn’t coincide with the plans of Japanese supervisors of the Russian emigration to Manchukuo.
The Journal of Slavic Military Studies , 2015
The officer corps of the Manchukuo Army was formed on a multinational basis in accordance with the... more The officer corps of the Manchukuo Army was formed on a multinational basis in accordance with the fundamental state principle of the “common home” for the five Nations of Manchukuo. The formation of the Russian officer corps in the Manchukuo Army started with the organization of the Asano detachment in 1938. The Japanese commanders relied on émigré youth, not the Russian Imperial Army’s officers. The nucleus of the Russian officer corps was émigré activists of anti-Bolshevik organizations who considered the Asano detachment the basis of a “White Army.” However, the leadership of émigré units was in the hands of the Japanese secret services, and the training of Russian regulars was based on the ideas of Bushido. Despite all efforts of the Japanese commanders, Russian officers did not meet their expectations in the fight against the Soviet Army in August 1945.
Историко-экономические исследования, Apr 5, 2019
Аннотация. В мае 1939 г. в результате целой серии японских провокаций в зоне маньчжуро-монгольско... more Аннотация. В мае 1939 г. в результате целой серии японских провокаций в зоне маньчжуро-монгольского разграничения в районе высоты Номонхан-Бурд-Обо начался крупный вооруженный конфликт между Японией и Советским Союзом, проходивший на территории Монгольской Народной республики и завершившийся победой советской стороны в сентябре того же года. В статье, основанной на уникальных архивных документах и материалах эмигрантской печати, представлена биография русского эмигранта, военнослужащего армии Маньчжоу-го М.А. Натарова, погибшего в боях на Халхин-Голе в июле 1939 г., и проанализировано становление культа борцов с Коминтерном в русской эмигрантской среде. Гибель М.А. Натарова была использована политическими кругами эмиграции при активной поддержке японских властей для формирования культа героев, павших в борьбе с Коминтерном, призванного объединить русскую эмиграцию на антисоветской основе. В силу короткого периода существования и слабого отклика со стороны эмигрантской общественности, культ не смог укорениться в сознании русской эмиграции в Маньчжоу-го. В основу данной статьи положены, материалы Государственного архива Хабаровского края. Ключевые слова. М.А. Натаров, Халхин-Гол, русская эмиграция, Маньчжоу-го, отряд Асано, культ борцов с Коминтерном. Информация о статье. Дата поступления 4 февраля 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 11 марта 2019 г.; дата онлайн-размещения 5 апреля 2019 г.
Ойкумена. Регионоведческие исследования
Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ)... more Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), руководящего органа эмигрантской колонии в Маньчжу-ди-го (1934–1945), построенная на сочетании национального воспитания молодёжи с воспитанием в духе идей антикоммунизма и строительства государства-содружества пяти наций, эволюционировала в сторону приоритета национального воспитания при формализации других направлений. Пика в своём развитии молодёжная "политика" БРЭМ достигла в первой половине 1940-х гг. в условиях усилившейся японизации социально-культурной среды Маньчжурской империи и советской Отечественной войны, способствуя культивированию в сознании русской молодёжи национально-культурной идентичности и развитию патриотизма, что подспудно вело к усилению симпатий к Советскому Союзу. Ключевые слова: Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), русская эмиграция; молодежная политика, Киовакай, Маньчжу-ди-го, Харбин
Ойкумена. Регионоведческие исследования, 2023
Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), руководя... more Молодёжная "политика" Бюро по делам российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи (БРЭМ), руководящего органа эмигрантской колонии в Маньчжу-ди-го (1934-1945), построенная на сочетании национального воспитания молодёжи с воспитанием в духе идей антикоммунизма и строительства государства-содружества пяти наций, эволюционировала в сторону приоритета национального воспитания при формализации других направлений. Пика в своём развитии молодёжная "политика" БРЭМ достигла в первой половине 1940-х гг. в условиях усилившейся японизации социально-культурной среды Маньчжурской империи и советской Отечественной войны, способствуя культивированию в сознании русской молодёжи национально-культурной идентичности и развитию патриотизма, что подспудно вело к усилению симпатий к Советскому Союзу.
Восточные ветви российской диаспоры. Том 4. История и современность / отв. ред и сост. Д. С. Панарина, 2021
Tianjin was the third most important center of the Russian emigration youth movement in China aft... more Tianjin was the third most important center of the Russian emigration youth movement in China after Harbin and Shanghai. The appearance of the first youth organizations in the mid-1920s was caused by the activation of the social and political life of the emigrant colony and the fears of the older generation of emigrants of the internationalization of Russian youth. The Tianjin units of the National Organization of Russian Scouts and the society “Russian Sokol” were the most popular youth organizations of the Russian Tianjin in the second half of the 1920s-1930s. The Japanese occupation of Northern China and the concentration of the administration of the emigrant colony in the hands of pro-Japanese circles led to attempts to establish full control over youth organizations and unite them on a single anti-communist basis. This led to the decline of the emigrant youth movement, which finally disappeared during the Great East Asian War.
Quaestio Rossica
In imperial studies, the inclusion of diasporic groups, fragments of vanished empires, into newly... more In imperial studies, the inclusion of diasporic groups, fragments of vanished empires, into newly formed imperial spaces remain considerably underexplored. This article is devoted to the problem of the integration of the Russian emigrant colony into the multinational community of the quasi-sovereign state of Manchukuo (1932–1945), which was a product of Japanese pan-Asian imperial construction. The option of integrating emigrants with the status of a national-cultural autonomy into the society of early Manchukuo generally suited the emigrant community. This option of maximum integration corresponded with the special role of emigration as the heir of Russian colonisers of the Manchurian region and the bearer of the mission of preserving Russian culture in exile. Very quickly, the integration process ran into an insurmountable contradiction between the ideal model of organising Manchukuo on the principles of national-cultural federalism and the real imperial practice of governing the ...
Izvestia of the Ural federal university. Series 2. Humanities and Arts, 2018
Уральский федеральный университет екатеринбург, россия 10 известия урФу. серия 2. гуманитарные на... more Уральский федеральный университет екатеринбург, россия 10 известия урФу. серия 2. гуманитарные науки. 2018. т. 20. № 2 (175) далЬневостоЧныЙ веКтор советсКоЙ внеШнеЙ ПолитиКи К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а: советско-китайский конфликт 1929 г.; русская эмиграция; военная эмиграция; Китайская восточная железная дорога; Маньчжурия; русский обще-воинский союз; Братство русской Правды; белопартизанское движение. Ц и т и р о в а н и е: Смирнов С. В. советско-китайский конфликт 1929 г. и русская военная эмиграция // изв. урал. федер. ун-та. сер. 2 : гуманитар. науки. 2018. т. 20. № 2 (175). с. 9-22.
Izvestia of the Ural federal university. Series 2. Humanities and Arts, 2016
Проблемы Дальнего Востока, 2015
В статье представлена история Союза мушкетеров, одной из наиболее значимых молодежных организаций... more В статье представлена история Союза мушкетеров, одной из наиболее значимых молодежных организаций российской эмиграции в Северо-Восточном Китае (Маньчжурии). Опираясь на архивные документы, материалы эмигрантской периодики и воспоминания, автор анализирует становление, развитие и исчезновение Союза мушкетеров на фоне политических событий середины 1920-х-начала 1940-х гг. Особое внимание в статье уделено ключевым деятелям «мушкетерского» движения. Ключевые слова: российская эмиграция, Союз мушкетеров, Русская группа войск Шаньдунской армии, монархическое движение, Маньчжоу-го, Бюро российских эмигрантов в Маньчжурской империи.
Reports of the Laboratory of Ancient Technologies , 2020
The article is devoted to émigré period in the life of the Preobrazhensky guards regiment’ Colon... more The article is devoted to émigré period in the life of the Preobrazhensky guards regiment’ Colonel Peter A. Vedenyapin, mainly his participation in the Shanghai division of the Russian All-Military Union during the Second World War. Having appeared in 1920 in emigration in China, the Colonel played a noticeable role in life of the Russian organizations of the former military in Tianjin and Shanghai. In the conditions of the Soviet-German and Pacific wars, which began in 1941, Vedenyapin
has become one of the main initiators of the resumption of the Shanghai branch of ROVS, which ceased its operations in 1940,
and the first chief of the revived organization. The impossibility of direct involvement in the armed struggle against the Soviet
power due to Japan's non-participation in the war with the Soviet Union reduced the activities of the General Military Union to
attempts to unite all Russian military and youth organizations in Shanghai under its leadership. The Union also sought to develop a unified ideological platform for anti-Soviet emigration, built on the foundations of Russian nationalism. The failure of the attempts and the growth of Pro-Soviet patriotism in the emigrant environment forced Vedenyapin to leave the post of the
chief of the Shanghai ROVS in 1943 and to withdraw from any political activity until his departure from China in 1949. The article uses insufficiently studied documents from the archives of the Hoover Institute (Stanford University) and the Museum of
Russian culture in San Francisco.
Гражданская война на востоке России: взгляд сквозь документальное исследование, 2019
В исследовании анализируются воспоминания бывшего белого офицера С.-Г. А.-Х. Саинова о Гражданско... more В исследовании анализируются воспоминания бывшего белого офицера С.-Г. А.-Х. Саинова о Гражданской войны в России. Мемуары эти были составлены во второй половине 1970-х – начале 1980-х гг. в Китае, изданы в 2017 г. Нами в данной публикации выделены две основные авторские смысловые характеристики войны: ее братоубийственный характер, выраженный в бессмысленной жестокости и всеобщем хаосе, и безыдейность Белого движения, обусловившая его слабость и, в конечном счете, поражение.
Вестник ЮУрГУ. Серия. Социально-гуманитарные науки, 2019
The mass emigration of the Russian White army, as a result of its defeat in the Civil war, led to... more The mass emigration of the Russian White army, as a result of its defeat in the Civil war, led to the formation of several large centers of Russian military émigrés in China. Unlike Harbin and Shanghai, the main military centers of Russian emigration in China, Mukden, the capital of Manchuria until the early 1930s and the fourth of the Chinese cities in terms of the number of Russian military who lived here, is still poorly understood. This article, based on the materials of the Russian and American archives, gives a description of the life and activities of the Russian military émigrés in Mukden throughout its existence from the early 1920s to 1945. Appearance of a large Russian military colony in Mukden was primarily associated with the activities of the Chinese administration of Manchuria to strengthen its own armed. The wide involvement of Russian emigrants in military service in the army of Marshal Zhang Zuolin to the end of the 1920s attracted to Mukden former Russian military and made it an important center of political activity of anti-Soviet emigration. The almost complete withdrawal of the Russians from the Mukden army at the turn of the 1920—1930s, the Japanese occupation of Manchuria and the loss of the status of the regional capital by Mukden led to the outflow of the Russian military to other cities of China. The establishment of the control of Japanese special services over the organizations of the former military contributed to the gradual degradation of military émigrés, which significantly accelerated during the Great East Asian war.
Izvestia Ural Fedral University Journal, 2018
This article analyses the nature and extent of the involvement of the Russian radical emigrants, ... more This article analyses the nature and extent of the involvement of the Russian radical emigrants, whose core comprised former officers and soldiers of the White army, in the Sino-Soviet conflict in 1929. The author demonstrates that despite the opinion persisting in Russian historiography about the joint participation of the Chinese army and the White émigré military units in the conflict, the Chinese government did not involve the White émigré organisations in their struggle against the Soviet Union until the last phase of the conflict. The “Nikolaevsky” emigrant associations prevailing in China expressed a negative attitude to the conflict, especially at its initial stage, convinced that the conflict would only lead to a deterioration of the situation of emigrants. Likewise, none of the powers, including Japan, supported the radical emigrants, being more interested in preserving their status quo in China. Seeking to use the conflict to instigate an anti-Soviet movement, some radical organisations (the Brotherhood of Russian Truth, Russian Far East Volunteer Corps, and the Union of Cossacks in the Far East, etc.) attempted to deploy a guerrilla movement in the border areas, but were defeated. The White partisans were the most active on the border with Soviet Primorye and in the district of Trekhrechie, bordering the Trans-Baikal region. The restoration and even strengthening of the USSR’s positions in Manchuria after the defeat at Mukden and a number of other reasons stimulated the consolidation process of radical emigration in China begun in the second half of 1920s, and ensured the growth of anti-Soviet armed resistance in exile.
Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal, 2016
The desire of the anti-Bolshevik forces of the Russian emigration to avenge for the civil war the... more The desire of the anti-Bolshevik forces of the Russian emigration to avenge for the civil war they lost to the Bolsheviks highlighted the issue of consolidation of the remains of the White Army as well as creation of a unified command centre. They failed to achieve this unity. As a result there emerged two largest organizations uniting the former Russian military, i.e. the Corps of the Imperial Army and Navy (Rus. KIAF) and the Russian All-Military Union (Rus. ROVS). The article is devoted to some understudied issues of the formation, development, organization, and operation of the KIAF units in China between the 1920s and the early 1940s. The study is based on a number of little-known documents from central and regional archives of the Russian Federation and émigré periodicals. An important emphasis is made on the confrontation of the KIAF and the ROVS caused by their desire to dominate in the anti-Soviet struggle of the military emigration, as well as the reasons behind the failure in the activity of the Chinese KIAF units. Summarizing the results of the KIAF activities in China, the author points out the main causes of failures, namely, strategic miscalculations (the fact that they expected a considerable part of the Soviet population to still stand by the monarchist views and perceive the Red Army as a successor to the Imperial Army), personal ambitions and imperial patriotic romanticism of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, leading to a split in the monarchist movement and Russian military emigration, which led, in its turn, to unhealthy competition among anti-Bolsheviks, the absence of appropriate financial resources and serious deficiencies in the management of the Chinese KIAF units.
Voenno-Istoricheskii zhurnal, 2019
The article is devoted to the split among the Russian officers of the General staff in Manchuria ... more The article is devoted to the split among the Russian officers of the General staff in Manchuria in the second half of 1920s, caused by the affair of General Andogskiy. The split led to the emergence of two Societies General staff offic-ers in Harbin and the long-term confrontation between the two groups of Gen-eral staff’s officers. This, in turn, negatively influences the process of consoli-dation of Russian military emigration in China.
Voenno-Istoricheskii zhurnal, 2017
Based on the documents from Russian and American archives and the materi-als of the émigré period... more Based on the documents from Russian and American archives and the materi-als of the émigré periodicals, the author examines the activities of associations of Russian military invalids in China that received the greatest development in Harbin and Shanghai. The author argued that associations of Russian military invalids and organizations rendering assistance for the disabled soldiers, en-sures the survival, adaptation to new life’s conditions and contributed to many maimed soldiers to lead a socially active life in émigré circles.
Альманах Казачество, 2018
The article is devoted to participation of Trans-Baikalian Cossacks-emigrants in the anti-Bolshev... more The article is devoted to participation of Trans-Baikalian Cossacks-emigrants in the anti-Bolshevik movement of the 1920-ies – early 40-ies, stationed in Manchuria. Based on the biog-raphy of one of the White guerrilla commanders, captain I. A. Peshkov, the author views out the stages of development of the anti-Bolshevik movement, their content and results. The anti-Bolshevik movement in the Cossack émigré circles of Manchuria, which was the result of the Civil war, reached its peak at the turn of the 1920-ies – 1930-ies. In the 1930-ies, the radical Cos-sack opposition was closely associated with the Japanese administration in Manchuria and suf-fered a complete collapse during the Second World War.
Военно-исторический журнал, 2015
В статье на основе архивных документов рассматриваются степень и характер участия русских эмигран... more В статье на основе архивных документов рассматриваются степень и характер участия русских эмигрантов из отряда Асано в военных действиях на Халхин-Голе в 1939 году.
Russia and ATR, 2016
The article is devoted to one of the youth organizations in Russian Manchuria. The Order of the C... more The article is devoted to one of the youth organizations in Russian Manchuria. The Order of the Crusaders, emerged in the mid1920s in Harbin during the period when emigrant youth resisted the spread of Soviet influence in the right of way of the Chinese Eastern railway, originally had the nature of a scout association with its own laws governing the life of the Crusader, symbols, and paraphernalia. Unlike other youth emigrant organizations, the Order of the Crusaders wasn’t committed to the fist method of discussion between the “white” and the “red” youth in the initial period of its existence. However, after the change of leadership, the organization announced itself as a monarchist organisation and stood for radical positions introducing many adult participants among the supporters of the White movement and collaborating with the leaders of the White guerrilla teams which acted in border areas. In the second half of the 1920s, the structural units of the crusaders appeared in some settlements in Manchuria and in Shanghai. The leadership of the Order of the Crusaders made attempts for participation in the SovietChinese conflict on the Chinese Eastern railway and welcomed the introduction of the Japanese troops in Manchuria in 1931. In the 1930s, the change of the situation in Manchuria led to the extinction of the Order as well as of a number of other emigrant organizations which didn’t coincide with the plans of Japanese supervisors of the Russian emigration to Manchukuo.
The Journal of Slavic Military Studies , 2015
The officer corps of the Manchukuo Army was formed on a multinational basis in accordance with the... more The officer corps of the Manchukuo Army was formed on a multinational basis in accordance with the fundamental state principle of the “common home” for the five Nations of Manchukuo. The formation of the Russian officer corps in the Manchukuo Army started with the organization of the Asano detachment in 1938. The Japanese commanders relied on émigré youth, not the Russian Imperial Army’s officers. The nucleus of the Russian officer corps was émigré activists of anti-Bolshevik organizations who considered the Asano detachment the basis of a “White Army.” However, the leadership of émigré units was in the hands of the Japanese secret services, and the training of Russian regulars was based on the ideas of Bushido. Despite all efforts of the Japanese commanders, Russian officers did not meet their expectations in the fight against the Soviet Army in August 1945.