Jesús Acero | Universidad de Sevilla (original) (raw)
Books by Jesús Acero
Zephyrus, 2021
This work focuses on a hardly analysed issue in Roman urbanism studies, namely the drainage of ru... more This work focuses on a hardly analysed issue in Roman urbanism studies, namely the drainage of runoff water from streets and public areas. We present the cases of two cities located in the province of Lusitania, Augusta Emerita and Mirobriga, each one representative of two different urban layouts, which are here compared. The first case, the provincial capital, was a Roman colony founded ex novo which had an underground sewer network designed along with the orthogonal city plan. The second, Mirobriga, developed from a pre-Roman oppidum, was a secondary town that did not have a proper drainage infrastructure, that resulted in both rain and wastewater flowing through the paved streets. While the first case study offered a wide range of drains to carry the runoff to the sewers, the second case produced different waterproofing structures designed to protect the buildings from the excess of water flowing on the surface.
Arqueología romana en la Península Ibérica, 2019
This work examines the waste disposal systems used in the Roman city of Augusta Emerita, capital ... more This work examines the waste disposal systems used in the Roman city of Augusta Emerita, capital of Lusitania province, from its foundation to 7th century AD. The analysis is organized in three main points of research concerning the basic categories of waste to eliminate: liquids, physiological and solids. The first one is focused on the public sewer network and the water drainage mechanisms both in public and private places, while the second is dedicated to the study of latrines, analyzing aspects such as their location, architectonic design and hydraulic infrastructure. For the solid trash, it was investigated the process of its elimination in dumps, paying attention to three main issues: the location of the landfill sites in the urban context, the specific types of containers and the eliminated rubbish nature. The analysis of these aspects as a whole shows that there was a concern in moving garbage away from the urban center during the Roman period. Nevertheless, from 5th century AD onwards a considerable change occurs in the waste management strategies, fact that is reflected mainly on the gradual disuse of the sewer system, the abandonment of latrines and the spread of dumps inside the city. These transformations are the result of a new urban model developed from political, socioeconomic and ideological changes that make their mark on the material reality of the cities during Late Antiquity.
Papers by Jesús Acero
Dykinson, 2019
Bu yazıda ağrıya neden olan mekanizmalar ve ağrılı hastaya hemşirelik yaklaşımları özetlenmiştir.
Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 2021-22 (Tome 54-55)
This work aims to present, through a selection of case studies, an overview of public sanitation ... more This work aims to present, through a selection of case studies, an overview of public sanitation networks in the cities of Lusitania, the westernmost province of Hispania. In most cases the existing knowledge on this subject is rather fragmentary, except for the provincial capital, Augusta Emerita, one of the most important and best known cities of Roman Hispania. The analysis of the preserved remains reveals an interest in installing sanitation networks in most cities. Nevertheless, there are differences depending on several variables, such as the urban and architectural development, the legal status, the geographical conditions and the local building materials and techniques.
In Roman times, the use of lead had spread to many facets of industry, trade and daily life. Howe... more In Roman times, the use of lead had spread to many facets of industry, trade and daily life. However, among all the metals used in Classical times, lead is one which has received little attention by historians and archaeologists. Without any doubt, its low material value and its unattractive external aspect, which mean it is little used for artistic creations, have contributed to this. This paper aims to vindicate the role played by lead in the heart of Roman culture. For this reason we have drawn up a general view of the most common applications of this metal, taking as frame of reference a city in constant study as Augusta Emerita, capital of the old province of Lusitania. PALABRAS CLAVE: Ambito domestico. Ambito funerario. Ingenieria hidraulica. Mineria. Plomo.
Resumo Em época romana a cultura da água constituiu um elemento essencial do modo de vida urbano.... more Resumo Em época romana a cultura da água constituiu um elemento essencial do modo de vida urbano. De facto, o desenvolvimento da engenharia hidráulica permitiu a melhoria dos abastecimentos urbanos e a disponibilidade de água em abundância para os mais diversos fins. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um panorama geral do ciclo da água nas cidades romanas do actual território português, assunto pouco investigado pela arqueologia lusa. A análise é articulada nas cinco etapas básicas que integram o ciclo urbano da água: captação, condução, distribuição, utilização e escoamento, expondo para cada uma delas os casos mais representativos. Embora o conhecimento sobre este tema se afigure fragmentário na maior parte das cidades do Portugal romano, uma aproximação global mostra que neste território as inovações técnicas conhecidas na época foram amplamente utilizadas.
Información del artículo La gestión de los residuos líquidos en "Augusta Emerita": fuen... more Información del artículo La gestión de los residuos líquidos en "Augusta Emerita": fuentes documentales y bibliográficas para su estudio.
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
espanolEste trabajo examina los mecanismos de eliminacion de residuos establecidos en la ciudad r... more espanolEste trabajo examina los mecanismos de eliminacion de residuos establecidos en la ciudad romana de "Augusta Emerita", capital de la provincia Lusitania, desde su fundacion hasta el siglo VII d.C. El analisis se concreta en tres bloques de investigacion, dedicados a cada una de las categorias basicas de desechos a eliminar: liquidos, fisiologicos y solidos. En el primero la atencion se centra en la red publica de alcantarillado y en los mecanismos de evacuacion implantados tanto en los espacios publicos como privados, mientras que en el segundo se privilegia el estudio de las letrinas, analizando los principales aspectos referidos a su localizacion, diseno arquitectonico y equipamiento hidraulico. Para los residuos solidos la investigacion se focaliza en su eliminacion en vertederos, poniendo el enfasis en tres cuestiones principales: la ubicacion de las zonas de deposicion en el contexto urbano, los tipos especificos de contenedores y la naturaleza de los desechos e...
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Información del artículo Hallazgo e interpretación de una inscripción romana reecontrada en Cáceres.
Zephyrus, 2021
This work focuses on a hardly analysed issue in Roman urbanism studies, namely the drainage of ru... more This work focuses on a hardly analysed issue in Roman urbanism studies, namely the drainage of runoff water from streets and public areas. We present the cases of two cities located in the province of Lusitania, Augusta Emerita and Mirobriga, each one representative of two different urban layouts, which are here compared. The first case, the provincial capital, was a Roman colony founded ex novo which had an underground sewer network designed along with the orthogonal city plan. The second, Mirobriga, developed from a pre-Roman oppidum, was a secondary town that did not have a proper drainage infrastructure, that resulted in both rain and wastewater flowing through the paved streets. While the first case study offered a wide range of drains to carry the runoff to the sewers, the second case produced different waterproofing structures designed to protect the buildings from the excess of water flowing on the surface.
Arqueología romana en la Península Ibérica, 2019
This work examines the waste disposal systems used in the Roman city of Augusta Emerita, capital ... more This work examines the waste disposal systems used in the Roman city of Augusta Emerita, capital of Lusitania province, from its foundation to 7th century AD. The analysis is organized in three main points of research concerning the basic categories of waste to eliminate: liquids, physiological and solids. The first one is focused on the public sewer network and the water drainage mechanisms both in public and private places, while the second is dedicated to the study of latrines, analyzing aspects such as their location, architectonic design and hydraulic infrastructure. For the solid trash, it was investigated the process of its elimination in dumps, paying attention to three main issues: the location of the landfill sites in the urban context, the specific types of containers and the eliminated rubbish nature. The analysis of these aspects as a whole shows that there was a concern in moving garbage away from the urban center during the Roman period. Nevertheless, from 5th century AD onwards a considerable change occurs in the waste management strategies, fact that is reflected mainly on the gradual disuse of the sewer system, the abandonment of latrines and the spread of dumps inside the city. These transformations are the result of a new urban model developed from political, socioeconomic and ideological changes that make their mark on the material reality of the cities during Late Antiquity.
Dykinson, 2019
Bu yazıda ağrıya neden olan mekanizmalar ve ağrılı hastaya hemşirelik yaklaşımları özetlenmiştir.
Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 2021-22 (Tome 54-55)
This work aims to present, through a selection of case studies, an overview of public sanitation ... more This work aims to present, through a selection of case studies, an overview of public sanitation networks in the cities of Lusitania, the westernmost province of Hispania. In most cases the existing knowledge on this subject is rather fragmentary, except for the provincial capital, Augusta Emerita, one of the most important and best known cities of Roman Hispania. The analysis of the preserved remains reveals an interest in installing sanitation networks in most cities. Nevertheless, there are differences depending on several variables, such as the urban and architectural development, the legal status, the geographical conditions and the local building materials and techniques.
In Roman times, the use of lead had spread to many facets of industry, trade and daily life. Howe... more In Roman times, the use of lead had spread to many facets of industry, trade and daily life. However, among all the metals used in Classical times, lead is one which has received little attention by historians and archaeologists. Without any doubt, its low material value and its unattractive external aspect, which mean it is little used for artistic creations, have contributed to this. This paper aims to vindicate the role played by lead in the heart of Roman culture. For this reason we have drawn up a general view of the most common applications of this metal, taking as frame of reference a city in constant study as Augusta Emerita, capital of the old province of Lusitania. PALABRAS CLAVE: Ambito domestico. Ambito funerario. Ingenieria hidraulica. Mineria. Plomo.
Resumo Em época romana a cultura da água constituiu um elemento essencial do modo de vida urbano.... more Resumo Em época romana a cultura da água constituiu um elemento essencial do modo de vida urbano. De facto, o desenvolvimento da engenharia hidráulica permitiu a melhoria dos abastecimentos urbanos e a disponibilidade de água em abundância para os mais diversos fins. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um panorama geral do ciclo da água nas cidades romanas do actual território português, assunto pouco investigado pela arqueologia lusa. A análise é articulada nas cinco etapas básicas que integram o ciclo urbano da água: captação, condução, distribuição, utilização e escoamento, expondo para cada uma delas os casos mais representativos. Embora o conhecimento sobre este tema se afigure fragmentário na maior parte das cidades do Portugal romano, uma aproximação global mostra que neste território as inovações técnicas conhecidas na época foram amplamente utilizadas.
Información del artículo La gestión de los residuos líquidos en "Augusta Emerita": fuen... more Información del artículo La gestión de los residuos líquidos en "Augusta Emerita": fuentes documentales y bibliográficas para su estudio.
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
espanolEste trabajo examina los mecanismos de eliminacion de residuos establecidos en la ciudad r... more espanolEste trabajo examina los mecanismos de eliminacion de residuos establecidos en la ciudad romana de "Augusta Emerita", capital de la provincia Lusitania, desde su fundacion hasta el siglo VII d.C. El analisis se concreta en tres bloques de investigacion, dedicados a cada una de las categorias basicas de desechos a eliminar: liquidos, fisiologicos y solidos. En el primero la atencion se centra en la red publica de alcantarillado y en los mecanismos de evacuacion implantados tanto en los espacios publicos como privados, mientras que en el segundo se privilegia el estudio de las letrinas, analizando los principales aspectos referidos a su localizacion, diseno arquitectonico y equipamiento hidraulico. Para los residuos solidos la investigacion se focaliza en su eliminacion en vertederos, poniendo el enfasis en tres cuestiones principales: la ubicacion de las zonas de deposicion en el contexto urbano, los tipos especificos de contenedores y la naturaleza de los desechos e...
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Información del artículo Hallazgo e interpretación de una inscripción romana reecontrada en Cáceres.
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Trabajo presentado al XI Coloquio Internacional de Arte Romano Provincial, celebrado en Merida (E... more Trabajo presentado al XI Coloquio Internacional de Arte Romano Provincial, celebrado en Merida (Espana) del 18 al 21 de mayo de 2009.
Información del artículo Los puentes históricos en Extremadura: Conservación, restauración y prop... more Información del artículo Los puentes históricos en Extremadura: Conservación, restauración y propuestas de promoción.
Ophiussa. Revista do Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2019
Lisboa Romana, vol. III: A morfologia urbana, 2020
Lisboa Romana, vol. III: A morfologia Urbana, 2020
Reutilización y reciclaje. Reflexiones desde la Arqueología, 2020
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra... more Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra sólo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley.
Termas públicas de Hispania (SPAL MONOGRAFÍAS ARQUEOLOGÍA, XXXIII) , 2020
Although water is the element that gives meaning to thermal architecture, its management is still... more Although water is the element that gives meaning to thermal architecture, its management is still a poorly analysed aspect in the literature on Roman baths. Based on the published documentation, this paper presents a general overview of the use of water in the public baths of Hispania, according to four basic stages: supply, storage/distribution, utilisation and evacuation. For each of them, the most representative cases are analysed. This approach shows a rational use of water, despite being a variable dependent on the available flow and degree of luxury intended for each building.
Perspectivas del Agua. Modelos de captación de la Prehistoria al Medievo. S. Reboreda Morillo; S. González Soutelo; I. Souto Castro; J. Silvares de Dios (Coords.), 2019
En la intervención arqueológica número 5036 del área funeraria romana situada en la zona sur/Los ... more En la intervención arqueológica número 5036 del área funeraria romana situada en la zona sur/Los Bodegones de la ciudad de Mérida (España) fueron excavados 50 enterramientos, de inhumación y de cremación, datados en los siglos I-IV d.C. y localizados junto a una vía de acceso a la colonia de Augusta Emerita, capital de la provincia de Lusitania. Una de las inhumaciones, en decúbito dorsal, datada en el siglo II d.C., corresponde a un adulto de posible Ancestralidad africana, masculino (5036/A31/U.E.334), bien preservado, con una edad de muerte estimada entre los 30-40 años, presentando marcas de actividad física intensa y alteraciones patológicas.
Del análisis macroscópico y radiológico destacan la ausencia de caries en los 31 dientes in situ (tercer molar izquierdo perdido ante mortem), hipoplasias del esmalte en 14 dientes, cóndilos mandibulares con osteocondritis disecante, fusión posterior de las vértebras T4-T5, nódulos de Schmorl en, por lo menos, 9 vértebras torácicas y lumbares, y no fusión de la crista sacralis de la primera vértebra. También se observan fracturas bien remodeladas en huesos del pie izquierdo, lesión en el os trigonum y alteraciones degenerativas articulares, más intensas en el miembro inferior derecho. Las clavículas y los húmeros son bastante robustos, concretamente en las áreas de inserción de entesis. Asimismo, en la superficie endocraneal de la pars basilares ossis occipitalis, existe crecimiento óseo cuyo origen no ha sido posible concretar.
El análisis conjunto del perfil biológico y de las alteraciones señaladas será discutida a la luz de la estratificación social coetánea revelada por las fuentes documentales y arqueológicas.
P. MATEOS y C.J. MORÁN (eds.) Exemplum et Spolia. La reutilización arquitectónica en la transformación del paisaje urbano de las ciudades históricas, Mytra, nº7, vol. I. , 2020
Entre las transformaciones que definen la evolución de la urbe clásica a la ciudad tardoantigua s... more Entre las transformaciones que definen la evolución de la urbe clásica a la ciudad tardoantigua se encuentra la desarticulación del callejero ortogonal típicamente romano. En el presente estudio pretendemos ofrecer una visión sucinta de los cambios que afectaron a la trama urbana de las tres capitales provinciales de la Hispania altoimperial, abarcando en este análisis un amplio marco temporal que va desde el siglo I al VI d.C., aunque haciendo hincapié en la Antigüedad Tardía. Fenómenos como la ocupación de pórticos y calzadas, la desaparición de las pavimentaciones pétreas bajo nuevos pisos de tierra, la inutilización progresiva de la red de cloacas y el empleo de spolia, marcan una transformación común, aunque variable, que afectará en tiempos y modos diferentes al callejero de estas tres ciudades./////////Among the transformations that define the evolution of the classical city to the late-antique town, it can be highlighted the abandonment of the typically Roman grid plan. The aim of this work is to provide a concise vision of the changes in the urban fabric of the three provincial capitals of Hispania in the Early Roman period. Despite the broad timeframe studied, from the 1st to the 6th centuries A. D., we paid special attention to the Late Antiquity. Several phenomena such as the occupation of porticoes and roads, the replacement of stone pavements with earthen ones, the slow but progressive neglect of the sewerage system and the use of spolia, mark a common, but variable, transformation process which affected in different ways and times the street plan of these three cities.
During Antiquity, urban Mediterranean societies spread and developed diverse town models to addre... more During Antiquity, urban Mediterranean societies spread and developed diverse town models to address the challenges associated with communal living, adopting a variety of solutions. One significant challenge was the daily, massive generation of solid, liquid, and physiological urban waste. While there has been some attention in recent decades towards urban sanitation infrastructure, such as aqueducts, sewerage networks, middens, and latrines, our understanding of the nature and composition of organic and inorganic waste, the temporal evolution of waste disposal areas, and the impact of refuse management practices on urban evolution remains limited.
A city is not a city without its streets. In ancient Roman towns they were the key element that t... more A city is not a city without its streets. In ancient Roman towns they were the key element that transformed a collection of individual buildings and spaces into a city, connecting them and giving a whole meaning to the cityscape. Since its first approaches as a tool to reconstruct the grid plan of ancient cities, streets have been paramount to explore the definition of urban space, even if, until recently, they had mostly an instrumental role within scholarly research on Roman urban studies. However, over the last years, the approach on streets have shifted, highlighting its significance as built environments in constant evolution and as one of the main arenas of social interaction in the Roman town.
Water is a resource of vital importance for humans, requiring efficient management and planning s... more Water is a resource of vital importance for humans, requiring efficient management and planning strategies for its use and control. Therefore, in Antiquity, hydraulic constructions were built to collect water from various sources (groundwater, rainwater or surface water) or to divert its flow. Likewise, although aqueducts, particularly in Roman times, allowed a greater supply in terms of water quality and quantity, it did not eliminate the practice of water catchment, which continued to be employed for a complementary use or with a storage strategy (to accumulate surplus or to avoid water shortages). We are referring to wells, cisterns, reservoirs, water channelling. These archaeological structures survived over time and were frequently reused, making certain dating difficult. In some cases, the typology of these structures is the result of the cultural influences of each community and its adaptation to the natural environment, otherwise a choice influenced by water law.
In this session we emphasize the importance of hydraulic infrastructures in the ancient world, with a particular focus on Europe and the Mediterranean region from Iron Age to Late Antiquity, both as exclusive or complementary means of water supply for human settlements, and also as a method of draining and evacuating water. Papers can present topographic, structural or volumetric analyses of these facilities, as well as their hydrogeological and environmental contextualisation. Contributions addressing methodological aspects focused on the research and archaeological record of these structures are also welcome, including remote sensing techniques for their detection, and GIS analysis. We also accept studies related to the historical background of these hydraulic constructions and their relationship to the cultural evolution of the ancient communities, as well as their role in water planning strategies.