Usainuの日記 (original) (raw)

China has introduced temporary anti-dumping measures /on brandy imports from the EU, especially affecting famous French brands like Hennessy and Remy Martin.

This comes after the EU voted to impose tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs).
According to China’s commerce ministry, EU brandy imports have harmed Chinas domestic industry.
France criticized the move, calling it unfair and against free trade principles, and plans to work with the European Commission to challenge it at the World Trade Organization.

Additionally, China announced it is reviewing potential tariff increases on large-engine vehicles, which would heavily impact German manufacturers.

These actions are seen as part of growing trade tensions between China and the EU, particularly targeting France, which has supported the new EV tariffs.

Difficult words: anti-dumping (preventing cheap foreign goods from harming local businesses), challenge (to call to prove or justify something), tariff (a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports).








難しい単語: アンチダンピング(安価な外国製品が地元企業に損害を与えるのを防ぐ)、チャレンジ(何かを証明または正当化するよう求める)、関税(特定の種類の輸入または輸出に対して支払われる税金または義務)。

Hi julie.
Preparations are going well for the museum's special exhibit starting next week.
I just got an e-mail from the Convingdate Gallery about the painting they're loaning us-delivery has been scheduled for three p.m today .
As for the second project, we continue to take inventory of our collection using the new software.
I know the inventory was scheduled to be complited this month, but as we've discussed before, the software's very complex.
I 'll keep you informed on progress as we go on.

コンビンデート ギャラリーから、貸し出し中の絵画についてのメールが届きました。配達は本日午後 3 時に予定されています/スケジュールされています。
2 番目のプロジェクトについては、新しいソフトウェアを使用してコレクションの在庫管理を続けています。

Switzerland held a referendum about increasing funding to protect biodiversity.
The plan would have encouraged farmers to set aside land for nature and boosted the total area of untouched green spaces.

It also aimed to prevent new construction in protected areas, such as dry meadows.

However, the proposal was rejected by 66.6% of voters, with only 33.4% in favor.
The government and many rural voters opposed the plan, saying it would cost too much.
Currently, Switzerland spends 630 million euros annually on biodiversity protection, and opponents fear further spending would hurt economic development and make construction projects more expensive.

Switzerland is famous for its natural beauty, but it faces serious threats to its wildlife.
Environmentalists argued that increasing protected spaces is vital to protecting the country’s biodiversity, which is critical for tourism, air quality, and water supplies.
They pointed out that one-third of the country’s plant and animal species are either endangered or already gone.

Difficult words: biodiversity (the variety of plant and animal life), in favor (supporting an idea or plan), vital (necessary, very important).





難しい単語: biodiversity (植物や動物の多様性/生物多様性)、in favor (アイデアや計画を支持する/賛成)、vital (必要な、非常に重要な)。

To: Troy Diallo<>

From:Margery Petersen

Date:September 27

Subject:Springford Marketer

Dear Mr. Diallo,

Per your request, I have completed my evaluation of the Springford Marketer application.

In my opinion, this would be a useful purchase for the marketing department.

It centralizes all aspects of the production process in one online location.

This enables the marketing team leader to adjust the team's workflow on a day-to-day basis.
I was particularly impressed by the fact that Springford Marketer can be used on phones as well as laptops.

The cost is perhaps a little high.
However, I am a confident that the program would ultimately save us time and prove to be cost-effective.

Margery Petersen

宛先: Troy Diallo<>

差出人: Margery Petersen

日付: 9 月 27 日

件名: Springford Marketer

Diallo 様、

ご要望に応じて、Springford Marketer アプリケーションの評価を完了しました。


このアプリケーションは、生産プロセス/過程のすべての側面を 1 つのオンライン場所に集約します。

これにより、マーケティング チームのリーダーは、チームのワークフロー/仕事のながれを日々単位で調整することを可能にします。

Springford Marketer がラップトップだけでなく携帯電話でも使用できることに特に感銘を受けました。


Margery Petersen

trivial ありふれた

portable 持ち運べる

memorable 忘れられない

remind 思い出させる

expel 追い出す/吐き出す/排出する/取り除く remove

decline (自動詞)~を断る/辞退する/拒否する/下向きに曲げる

(他動詞)減る/減少する 下がる/下落する/低下する 断る/辞退する

Prove to be~ ~であることが分かる/~と判明する

Whether for business or relaxation, traveling can take you all over the globe.

While this can be exciting , long flights, for example from new yourk city to beijing, can often result in a phenomenon known as jet lag.

That is, you may feel extremely tired, due to both the duration of the flight and the fact that you crossed multiple time zones.

There are a few ways to fight jet lag so that you can enjoy your trip.

First, drink plenty of water.

Hydration is key to feeling good.

Also, skip naps.

Napping during the day makes it even more difficult to fall asleep at the correct time of night.

Finally, get some physical exercise, preferably outdoors.

It allows you to adjust more quickly to your new enviroment.











Scherwin-Lloyd Ltd. employees are advise will be conducted starting on 11 July.
It is expected to conclude on 14 July.
The work will take place only on the second and third floors of the building and may cause disruptions to staff in the proximity.

Those with offices on these floors may request temporary office relocation.

Workers with offices on the fourth and higher could be minimally affected by the process but should still plan for possible minor interruptions to their schedules.
Please also note that staff will not have basement access during this maintenance process, since that space will be used for storage of materials.

Please contact the building supervisor at 01495285 with any questions or concerns.

Scherwin-Lloyd 社の従業員には、7 月 11 日から作業が開始される予定であると通知されています。

7 月 14 日に終了する予定です。

作業は建物の 2 階と 3 階でのみ行われ、近隣のスタッフに支障をきたす可能性があります。


4 階以上にオフィスがある従業員は、このプロセス/進行による影響は最小限に抑えられる可能性がありますが、スケジュールに多少の支障が生じる可能性を考慮してください。

また、このメンテナンス 進行中は、地下室は資材の保管場所として使用されるため、スタッフは地下室にアクセスできません。

質問や懸念事項がある場合は、建物管理者 (01495285) にお問い合わせください。

disruption 支障 障害 混乱

proximity 近いこと 近辺

relocation 移転

minor interruptions 多少の支障

decide upon 取り決め

minimum (n) 最小限

minimally (ad)最小限に



June 28

Hello, Chelsea Writers board.
My name is Thea Fitzerald.
I am a leaving my position in one month to take a job in another city, and my team is looking for a candidate to replace me.
The opening is for a full-time technology reporter.
The reporter would work in -house at one of two locations.
The main headquarters is here in New York city, and the satellite office is in Washington, D. C.
The team is most interested in candidates who can begin on August 1.

I have worked at Omnitech Review for nearly three years and highly recommend it to writers looking for career growth.

This entry-level journalism position is a wonderful way to start your career; It is as rewarding as it is challenging.

I am including a hyperlink to the official job announcement with instructions for applying.
Feel free to e-mail me directly with any questions.
Though I am a not in charge of hiring, I am happy to pass along to my supervisor any applications that stand out.
Please act soon the application deadlin is July 15

Thea Fitzgerald,

6 月 28 日

チェルシー ライターズ ボードの皆さん、こんにちは。

私の名前は Thea Fitzerald です。
私は 1 か月後に現在の職を離れ、別の都市で仕事に就く予定です。

記者は 2 つの場所のいずれか/2つのうちどちらか/2つのうち1つで社内勤務します。
本社はここニューヨーク市にあり、サテライト オフィス/出張所はワシントン D.C. にあります。
チームは 8 月 1 日から勤務を開始できる候補者を最も求めています。

私は Omnitech Review で 3 年近く働いており、キャリアアップを目指すライターに強くお勧めします。


応募締め切りは 7 月 15 日ですので、お早めにご応募ください。

Thea Fitzgerald、

Hello, Ms.Fitzgerald,

Thanak you for your June 28 post.
I am a the moderator for this board and a few others.
I noticed that the link you mention is actually not included in the post.
Would you please edit your post to include the link so readers can access the job announcement?

Also, would it help you if I cross posted this to our hiring board based in Washingtion. D.C?
Additionally, I am affiliated with the popular Five Boroughs Jobs board and can assist you if you would like to use that board.
But unlike with most boards, you need to pay a fee to post a job opening there.
If you are interested, let me know.


SO Jin Lim

こんにちは、Fitzgerald さん、

6 月 28 日の投稿ありがとうございます。




また、ワシントン D.C. にある当社の採用掲示板にこの投稿をクロスポストしてもよろしいでしょうか。

また、私は人気の Five Boroughs Jobs 掲示板に所属しており、その掲示板をご利用になりたい場合はお手伝いできます。




SO Jin Lim

Technology Reporter(entry-level)

The technology reporter will be responsible for writing at least two breaking news stories each day.

The reporter will also be expected to write additional, longer-form features once a month.

These articles will cover broad trends and topics in the industry.

For this reason, the reporter will need to be skilled in both research and interviewing.

The reporter will join a growing team responsible for telling bold and original stories that help an audienve of technology professionals stay current with industry news and function efficiently and creatively.

Expertise in cutting-edge technology is not required; Omnitech Review will train the right person.

University degree prferred.

Competitive salary is commensurate with experience, and generous benefits are included.

E-mail a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references(include contact information) to Mr. Kent Xi at k.xi@

テクノロジー レポーター /科学技術記者(エントリーレベル/初心者レベル)

科学技術記者は、毎日少なくとも 2 件の速報記事/最新ニュースを書く責任があります。

レポーターは、月に 1 回、追加の長文特集記事を書くことも求められます。



レポーターは、テクノロジー プロフェッショナルの聴衆が業界のニュースを常に把握し、効率的かつ創造的に機能するのに役立つ大胆で独創的な記事を語る責任を担う成長中のチームに参加します。

最先端のテクノロジーに関する専門知識は必要ありません。Omnitech Review が適切な人材をトレーニングします。



カバー レター、履歴書、および 3 人の推薦者の名前 (連絡先情報を含む) を、Kent Xi 氏 (k.xi@) に電子メールで送信してください。