Alia Vázquez Martínez | University of Santiago de Compostela (original) (raw)

Books by Alia Vázquez Martínez

Research paper thumbnail of Rock Art Research in the Digital Era. Case Studies from the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018, Valcamonica (Italy)

Rock Art Research in the Digital Era Case Studies from the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018, Valcamonica (Italy), 2022

Rock Art Research in the Digital Era covers the research presented at the 20th International Rock... more Rock Art Research in the Digital Era covers the research presented at the 20th International Rock Art Congress (IFRAO) held in Darfo Boario Terme, Valcamonica (Italy), from 29 August - 2 September 2018. With a broad understanding of digital archaeology, a diverse range of specialists demonstrate how digital technologies can benefit the study of rock art in a variety of contexts. Digital methods and 3D modelling are significantly changing the field of rock art documentation and interpretation, with new approaches that allow us to make eroded rock art panels more visible, especially in cases where the human eye or a raking light is ineffective. Using numerous case studies, this book illustrates how cutting-edge methodologies are integrated within 3D modelling workflows, and how these can manage and disseminate the results to the public in an interactive way.

Research paper thumbnail of (RE) Escribindo a historia: achegas dos novos investigadores en arqueoloxía e ciencias da antigüidade

Book Chapters by Alia Vázquez Martínez

Research paper thumbnail of El arte postpaleolítico de Galicia: nuevas realidades y perspectivas

Actas del I Encuentro Nacional de Arte Rupestre, 2022

A state-of-the-art regarding the Holocene open-air rock art in Galicia, basically comprising seve... more A state-of-the-art regarding the Holocene open-air rock art in Galicia, basically comprising several thousands of carvings on granitic exposures plus the recent discovery of painted rock-shelters in the Iberian Schematic tradition.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos metodológicos para el estudio de un petroglifo descontextualizado combinando métodos etnográficos y virtuales

Este trabajo analiza el caso particular de un nuevo petroglifo, no documentado hasta el momento, ... more Este trabajo analiza el caso particular de un nuevo petroglifo, no documentado hasta el momento,
localizado en Cangas do Morrazo (Galicia, noroeste de la península ibérica), que hemos decidido denominar
Forno de Anguieiro debido a su particular historia. A pesar de que este petroglifo fue
descubierto recientemente, su existencia es dilatada en el tiempo. De hecho, este panel con grabados se
constituye como un ejemplo de arte rupestre móvil. Sabemos, gracias a la información proporcionada por
fuentes orales, que estuvo localizado anteriormente en una panadería tradicional como parte de un horno
de leña debido a obras de cantería, para tiempo después volver a ser trasladado a su emplazamiento actual
en una finca rural (Anguieiro). En el presente trabajo analizamos y documentamos la historia de este petroglifo
utilizando entrevistas semiestructuradas con varios informantes orales, junto con el uso de técnicas
3D para documentar arte rupestre utilizando el filtro shader radiance scaling (disponible en el software
Meshlab), el cual permite estudiar los detalles de la roca y resaltar los surcos grabados; con ello proponemos
un calco virtual del petroglifo

Research paper thumbnail of Galician petroglyphs: distribution patterns in the province of A Coruña (north-west Spain)

Recorded Places, Experienced Places. The Holocene rock art of the Iberian Atlantic north-west, 2017

Traditionally, the province of A Coruña has not been a particular focus of interest in Galician r... more Traditionally, the province of A Coruña has not been a particular focus of interest in Galician rock art studies, the main research efforts being devoted to Pontevedra. While not starting from scratch when approaching the subject, it is important to keep in mind that the first considerations about the spatial distribution of the petroglyphs were not made until 1979, precisely in the province of Pontevedra.
The first analysis of the rock art sites listed on the Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural's catalogue for the province of A Coruña (a total of 781 petroglyphs) has shown that the census is much larger than that handled by former quantitative approaches, including sites located in areas with no previous records of inscultures. However, despite the new findings, the weight of coastal rock art (pointed out by almost every work about this phenomenon) is still evident.
The proximity to the sea does not only result in a larger number of rock art sites but also in their greater complexity and diversity of the motifs displayed. Thus, the catalogue of A Coruña shows how the naturalistic motifs (animals, weapons, etc...) are closely related to the south-western coast of the province, while way inland they are virtually non-existent. For their part, geometric figures -albeit with a much wider distribution- show a much higher complexity near the coastline.
Regarding the general coexistence of different types of motifs on the same rock, a first quantitative glimpse on this matter suggests that there are some trends pointing to the existence of a certain correlation between the most common geometrical motifs. As for the naturalistic images, animals show a bigger tendency to coming along with geometric motifs (mainly circular combinations) although they also appear in isolation a significant number of times.

Research paper thumbnail of Making Visible the Invisible: Low Cost Methodologies for the Study of Ancient Carvings

In Mayoral Herrera, V., Parcero Oubiña, C., Fábrega Álvarez, P. Archaeology and Geomatics Harvesting the benefits of 10 years of training in the Iberian Peninsula (2006-2015). Sidestone Press, 2017

3D modelling has become in recent years one of the main branches in the archaeological research. ... more 3D modelling has become in recent years one of the main branches in the archaeological research. Some authors even regard it as the most important innovation in data acquisition and interpretation since GIS. From this perspective, many different works have been carried out focusing on the development of several techniques to implement a better visualization of 3D archaeological models. In this context, in the present work we used dense photogrammetry techniques to build virtual models of ancient inscriptions, in order to create a virtual tracing of them. This technique is based on a passive sensor that allows the acquisition, processing and photographic treatment of images to create three dimensional models.
The research on this topic has evolved to apply certain filters that enhance the image details and to use visual filters, plugins or shaders which have only been applied most recently, such as the Radiance Scaling. Here we propose a new methodology that improves the results of this shader, allowing a better visualisation of the details in a 3D model.

[Research paper thumbnail of [GAL] Revisitando Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra). Resultados preliminares dun proxecto de investigación para o estudo dos cérvidos na arte rupestre. [ENG] Revisiting Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra). Preliminary results of a research project for the study of deer motifs in the open air rock art](

[GAL] Neste artigo preséntanse os resultados do proxecto de investigación desenrolado no ano 2015... more [GAL] Neste artigo preséntanse os resultados do proxecto de investigación desenrolado no ano 2015, para a revisión e documentación dun motivo concreto da arte rupestre galega, como son os cérvidos. Co obxectivo de realizar o levantamento planimétrico dos diferentes paneis (calco), púxose en práctica unha metodoloxía concretada no uso das últimas tecnoloxías de rexistro en 3D para documentar superficies. O marco territorial do proxecto foi o concello de Campo Lameiro, que, lonxe de ser unha zona escollida ó azar, presenta na actualidade un número elevado de estacións rupestres con este tipo de zoomorfo.
[ENG] Hereafter are presented the results of a research project for the revision of a particular motive from Galician Bronze Age rock art, such as the deer. In order to get a planimetric mapping of the different panels (tracing), a methodological approach centred on the use of the latest 3D technologies for recording and documenting surfaces was used. The territorial framework of the project was the council of Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra), which was selected not through a random process, but because it contains a great number of rock art panels with this type of zoomorphic motifs.

Research paper thumbnail of Redescubrindo a arte rupestre ao aire libre do Rosal (Pontevedra, Galicia) // Rediscovering the rock art open-air in O Rosal (Pontevedra, Galicia)

A través da recollida de datos na Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural da Xunta de Galicia (DXP... more A través da recollida de datos na Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural da Xunta de Galicia (DXPC) e de prospeccións arqueolóxicas realizadas con pos- terioridade, achegarémonos a coñecer a arte rupestre ao aire libre no concello de O Rosal. A primeira exploración dos datos extraídos na DXPC indican un censo baixo de efectivos; sen embargo, os resultados finais despois de realizar as prospeccións amosan un aumento do catálogo que trouxo consigo unha expansión na distribución dos petróglifos ate agora inédita en dito concello. Por outra banda, o traballo de campo realizado permitiunos saber cal é o estado actual de conservación no que se atopan este tipo de manifestacións.

Research paper thumbnail of Going by the numbers, a quantitative approach to the Galician prehistoric petroglyphs

Public Images, Private Readings: Multi-Perspective Approaches to the Post-Palaeolithic Rock Art. Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain) Volume 5 / Session A11e. edited by Ramón Fábregas Valcarce and Carlos Rodríguez-Rellán , 2016

Today, despite the notable progress on the knowledge about Galician carvings, we still lack an up... more Today, despite the notable progress on the knowledge about Galician carvings, we still lack an updated census of these and, as a result, we do not have adequate information about the precise number or the geographical distribution of the main groups of motifs that make up this artistic phenomenon. In order to tackle this problem, we have gone through the Xunta de Galicia’s Catalogue of the Archaeological Heritage, obtaining a database of 3361 petroglyphs.

Research paper thumbnail of O poboamento na comarca do Baixo Miño e a súa evolución na Prehistoria e na Antigüidade // The settlement in the region of Baixo Miño and its evolution along Prehistoric and Ancient times

A comarca do Baixo Miño foi intensamente prospectada e estudada ata a actualidade. A cantidade de... more A comarca do Baixo Miño foi intensamente prospectada e estudada ata a actualidade. A cantidade de datos da que dispoñemos posibilita o desenvolvemento de novas aproximacións á súa realidade arqueolóxica. A partir das intervencións realizadas, dos materias atopados e dos xacementos inventariados podemos establecer a existencia dunha gran riqueza arqueolóxica na zona e formularnos o estudo do seu poboamento antigo. Creemos que a desembocadura do Río miño e a proximidade da costa, fan da zona un lugar estratéxico para o paso e o aproveitamento de recursos tanto para os seres humanos como para os animais. Co presente traballo búscase analizar os datos dispoñibles sobre a ocupación da comarca do Baixo Miño dende a Prehistoria ata a Idade Antiga, a través dunha perspectiva diacrónica e multidisciplinar. A partir da utilización de Sistemas de Información Xeográfica combinados cos datos arqueolóxicos e cronolóxicos dos xacementos e os orográficos da zona, identificamos patróns diferenciais na ubicación destes grupos humanos por períodos de ocupación.

Papers by Alia Vázquez Martínez

Research paper thumbnail of New techniques for Rock Art recording: Comparative Analysis of Radiance Scaling and Virtual RTI

The aim of this paper is to compare the tracing made at the Bronze Age petroglyph of “Barreira” i... more The aim of this paper is to compare the tracing made at the Bronze Age petroglyph of “Barreira” in Verdoejo (Portugal) (Novoa and Costas 2004) with two different and new methodologies based on photogrammetry. This technique is oriented to reduce the different problems of subjectivity that are present in the old systems of registry, and furthermore it allows studying the rock surface without touching it. These techniques are: • The Virtual RTI proposed as an alternative to normal RTI method, which is a combination of reflectance transformation techniques with photogrammetry and non-contact digitising. It uses animated virtual domes, leading to a sequence of renderings of the 3D model, processed using the same methods as normal RTIs. The virtual RTI provides an advanced level of interaction with the 3D model and enhanced visualization of the surface topography (Earl, Beale, Martinez and Pagi 2010). • Radiance Scaling is a shader applied to 3D models, which adjusts reflected light intensities in a way dependent on both surface curvature and material characteristics. As a result, diffuse shading or highlight variations become correlated to surface feature variations, enhancing surface concavities and convexities (Vergne, Pacanowski, Barla, Granier and Schilck 2010).

Research paper thumbnail of Do planalto ás terras baixas: novas achegas á ocupación da península do Barbanza dende a Prehistoria ata o Medievo

Gallaecia: revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con cruciformes en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph, format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con motivos varios de cronología prehistórica en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph, format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con laberintos en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph, format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con zoomorfos en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con armas en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con combinaciones circulares en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con cazoletas en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

Plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Rock Art Research in the Digital Era. Case Studies from the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018, Valcamonica (Italy)

Rock Art Research in the Digital Era Case Studies from the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018, Valcamonica (Italy), 2022

Rock Art Research in the Digital Era covers the research presented at the 20th International Rock... more Rock Art Research in the Digital Era covers the research presented at the 20th International Rock Art Congress (IFRAO) held in Darfo Boario Terme, Valcamonica (Italy), from 29 August - 2 September 2018. With a broad understanding of digital archaeology, a diverse range of specialists demonstrate how digital technologies can benefit the study of rock art in a variety of contexts. Digital methods and 3D modelling are significantly changing the field of rock art documentation and interpretation, with new approaches that allow us to make eroded rock art panels more visible, especially in cases where the human eye or a raking light is ineffective. Using numerous case studies, this book illustrates how cutting-edge methodologies are integrated within 3D modelling workflows, and how these can manage and disseminate the results to the public in an interactive way.

Research paper thumbnail of (RE) Escribindo a historia: achegas dos novos investigadores en arqueoloxía e ciencias da antigüidade

Research paper thumbnail of El arte postpaleolítico de Galicia: nuevas realidades y perspectivas

Actas del I Encuentro Nacional de Arte Rupestre, 2022

A state-of-the-art regarding the Holocene open-air rock art in Galicia, basically comprising seve... more A state-of-the-art regarding the Holocene open-air rock art in Galicia, basically comprising several thousands of carvings on granitic exposures plus the recent discovery of painted rock-shelters in the Iberian Schematic tradition.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos metodológicos para el estudio de un petroglifo descontextualizado combinando métodos etnográficos y virtuales

Este trabajo analiza el caso particular de un nuevo petroglifo, no documentado hasta el momento, ... more Este trabajo analiza el caso particular de un nuevo petroglifo, no documentado hasta el momento,
localizado en Cangas do Morrazo (Galicia, noroeste de la península ibérica), que hemos decidido denominar
Forno de Anguieiro debido a su particular historia. A pesar de que este petroglifo fue
descubierto recientemente, su existencia es dilatada en el tiempo. De hecho, este panel con grabados se
constituye como un ejemplo de arte rupestre móvil. Sabemos, gracias a la información proporcionada por
fuentes orales, que estuvo localizado anteriormente en una panadería tradicional como parte de un horno
de leña debido a obras de cantería, para tiempo después volver a ser trasladado a su emplazamiento actual
en una finca rural (Anguieiro). En el presente trabajo analizamos y documentamos la historia de este petroglifo
utilizando entrevistas semiestructuradas con varios informantes orales, junto con el uso de técnicas
3D para documentar arte rupestre utilizando el filtro shader radiance scaling (disponible en el software
Meshlab), el cual permite estudiar los detalles de la roca y resaltar los surcos grabados; con ello proponemos
un calco virtual del petroglifo

Research paper thumbnail of Galician petroglyphs: distribution patterns in the province of A Coruña (north-west Spain)

Recorded Places, Experienced Places. The Holocene rock art of the Iberian Atlantic north-west, 2017

Traditionally, the province of A Coruña has not been a particular focus of interest in Galician r... more Traditionally, the province of A Coruña has not been a particular focus of interest in Galician rock art studies, the main research efforts being devoted to Pontevedra. While not starting from scratch when approaching the subject, it is important to keep in mind that the first considerations about the spatial distribution of the petroglyphs were not made until 1979, precisely in the province of Pontevedra.
The first analysis of the rock art sites listed on the Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural's catalogue for the province of A Coruña (a total of 781 petroglyphs) has shown that the census is much larger than that handled by former quantitative approaches, including sites located in areas with no previous records of inscultures. However, despite the new findings, the weight of coastal rock art (pointed out by almost every work about this phenomenon) is still evident.
The proximity to the sea does not only result in a larger number of rock art sites but also in their greater complexity and diversity of the motifs displayed. Thus, the catalogue of A Coruña shows how the naturalistic motifs (animals, weapons, etc...) are closely related to the south-western coast of the province, while way inland they are virtually non-existent. For their part, geometric figures -albeit with a much wider distribution- show a much higher complexity near the coastline.
Regarding the general coexistence of different types of motifs on the same rock, a first quantitative glimpse on this matter suggests that there are some trends pointing to the existence of a certain correlation between the most common geometrical motifs. As for the naturalistic images, animals show a bigger tendency to coming along with geometric motifs (mainly circular combinations) although they also appear in isolation a significant number of times.

Research paper thumbnail of Making Visible the Invisible: Low Cost Methodologies for the Study of Ancient Carvings

In Mayoral Herrera, V., Parcero Oubiña, C., Fábrega Álvarez, P. Archaeology and Geomatics Harvesting the benefits of 10 years of training in the Iberian Peninsula (2006-2015). Sidestone Press, 2017

3D modelling has become in recent years one of the main branches in the archaeological research. ... more 3D modelling has become in recent years one of the main branches in the archaeological research. Some authors even regard it as the most important innovation in data acquisition and interpretation since GIS. From this perspective, many different works have been carried out focusing on the development of several techniques to implement a better visualization of 3D archaeological models. In this context, in the present work we used dense photogrammetry techniques to build virtual models of ancient inscriptions, in order to create a virtual tracing of them. This technique is based on a passive sensor that allows the acquisition, processing and photographic treatment of images to create three dimensional models.
The research on this topic has evolved to apply certain filters that enhance the image details and to use visual filters, plugins or shaders which have only been applied most recently, such as the Radiance Scaling. Here we propose a new methodology that improves the results of this shader, allowing a better visualisation of the details in a 3D model.

[Research paper thumbnail of [GAL] Revisitando Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra). Resultados preliminares dun proxecto de investigación para o estudo dos cérvidos na arte rupestre. [ENG] Revisiting Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra). Preliminary results of a research project for the study of deer motifs in the open air rock art](

[GAL] Neste artigo preséntanse os resultados do proxecto de investigación desenrolado no ano 2015... more [GAL] Neste artigo preséntanse os resultados do proxecto de investigación desenrolado no ano 2015, para a revisión e documentación dun motivo concreto da arte rupestre galega, como son os cérvidos. Co obxectivo de realizar o levantamento planimétrico dos diferentes paneis (calco), púxose en práctica unha metodoloxía concretada no uso das últimas tecnoloxías de rexistro en 3D para documentar superficies. O marco territorial do proxecto foi o concello de Campo Lameiro, que, lonxe de ser unha zona escollida ó azar, presenta na actualidade un número elevado de estacións rupestres con este tipo de zoomorfo.
[ENG] Hereafter are presented the results of a research project for the revision of a particular motive from Galician Bronze Age rock art, such as the deer. In order to get a planimetric mapping of the different panels (tracing), a methodological approach centred on the use of the latest 3D technologies for recording and documenting surfaces was used. The territorial framework of the project was the council of Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra), which was selected not through a random process, but because it contains a great number of rock art panels with this type of zoomorphic motifs.

Research paper thumbnail of Redescubrindo a arte rupestre ao aire libre do Rosal (Pontevedra, Galicia) // Rediscovering the rock art open-air in O Rosal (Pontevedra, Galicia)

A través da recollida de datos na Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural da Xunta de Galicia (DXP... more A través da recollida de datos na Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural da Xunta de Galicia (DXPC) e de prospeccións arqueolóxicas realizadas con pos- terioridade, achegarémonos a coñecer a arte rupestre ao aire libre no concello de O Rosal. A primeira exploración dos datos extraídos na DXPC indican un censo baixo de efectivos; sen embargo, os resultados finais despois de realizar as prospeccións amosan un aumento do catálogo que trouxo consigo unha expansión na distribución dos petróglifos ate agora inédita en dito concello. Por outra banda, o traballo de campo realizado permitiunos saber cal é o estado actual de conservación no que se atopan este tipo de manifestacións.

Research paper thumbnail of Going by the numbers, a quantitative approach to the Galician prehistoric petroglyphs

Public Images, Private Readings: Multi-Perspective Approaches to the Post-Palaeolithic Rock Art. Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain) Volume 5 / Session A11e. edited by Ramón Fábregas Valcarce and Carlos Rodríguez-Rellán , 2016

Today, despite the notable progress on the knowledge about Galician carvings, we still lack an up... more Today, despite the notable progress on the knowledge about Galician carvings, we still lack an updated census of these and, as a result, we do not have adequate information about the precise number or the geographical distribution of the main groups of motifs that make up this artistic phenomenon. In order to tackle this problem, we have gone through the Xunta de Galicia’s Catalogue of the Archaeological Heritage, obtaining a database of 3361 petroglyphs.

Research paper thumbnail of O poboamento na comarca do Baixo Miño e a súa evolución na Prehistoria e na Antigüidade // The settlement in the region of Baixo Miño and its evolution along Prehistoric and Ancient times

A comarca do Baixo Miño foi intensamente prospectada e estudada ata a actualidade. A cantidade de... more A comarca do Baixo Miño foi intensamente prospectada e estudada ata a actualidade. A cantidade de datos da que dispoñemos posibilita o desenvolvemento de novas aproximacións á súa realidade arqueolóxica. A partir das intervencións realizadas, dos materias atopados e dos xacementos inventariados podemos establecer a existencia dunha gran riqueza arqueolóxica na zona e formularnos o estudo do seu poboamento antigo. Creemos que a desembocadura do Río miño e a proximidade da costa, fan da zona un lugar estratéxico para o paso e o aproveitamento de recursos tanto para os seres humanos como para os animais. Co presente traballo búscase analizar os datos dispoñibles sobre a ocupación da comarca do Baixo Miño dende a Prehistoria ata a Idade Antiga, a través dunha perspectiva diacrónica e multidisciplinar. A partir da utilización de Sistemas de Información Xeográfica combinados cos datos arqueolóxicos e cronolóxicos dos xacementos e os orográficos da zona, identificamos patróns diferenciais na ubicación destes grupos humanos por períodos de ocupación.

Research paper thumbnail of New techniques for Rock Art recording: Comparative Analysis of Radiance Scaling and Virtual RTI

The aim of this paper is to compare the tracing made at the Bronze Age petroglyph of “Barreira” i... more The aim of this paper is to compare the tracing made at the Bronze Age petroglyph of “Barreira” in Verdoejo (Portugal) (Novoa and Costas 2004) with two different and new methodologies based on photogrammetry. This technique is oriented to reduce the different problems of subjectivity that are present in the old systems of registry, and furthermore it allows studying the rock surface without touching it. These techniques are: • The Virtual RTI proposed as an alternative to normal RTI method, which is a combination of reflectance transformation techniques with photogrammetry and non-contact digitising. It uses animated virtual domes, leading to a sequence of renderings of the 3D model, processed using the same methods as normal RTIs. The virtual RTI provides an advanced level of interaction with the 3D model and enhanced visualization of the surface topography (Earl, Beale, Martinez and Pagi 2010). • Radiance Scaling is a shader applied to 3D models, which adjusts reflected light intensities in a way dependent on both surface curvature and material characteristics. As a result, diffuse shading or highlight variations become correlated to surface feature variations, enhancing surface concavities and convexities (Vergne, Pacanowski, Barla, Granier and Schilck 2010).

Research paper thumbnail of Do planalto ás terras baixas: novas achegas á ocupación da península do Barbanza dende a Prehistoria ata o Medievo

Gallaecia: revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con cruciformes en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph, format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con motivos varios de cronología prehistórica en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph, format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con laberintos en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph, format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con zoomorfos en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con armas en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con combinaciones circulares en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres con cazoletas en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Densidad de estaciones rupestres en función de su progresión hacia el Norte y el Este del territorio gallego (en km)

Plotly graph. Format: html

Research paper thumbnail of Sobre as técnicas de reprodución dos gravados rupestres galaicos ao aire libre

galegoNo presente traballo realizase un repaso das principais tecnicas empregadas polos investiga... more galegoNo presente traballo realizase un repaso das principais tecnicas empregadas polos investigadores para a reproducion dos gravados rupestres galaicos. Os metodos tradicionais de documentacion sempre estiveron condicionados -na sua maior parte- pola accion directa sobre o soporte, supondo nalgun caso dano para os petroglifos. Con estes precedentes, compre salientar o uso das novas tecnoloxias como a fotogrametria, tecnica de reproducion efectiva e non intrusiva nas rochas. EnglishIt is done at this work a review of the main techniques used by researchers in order to render Galician open-air rock art. Traditional documentation methods were always conditioned -mostly- by the direct action upon the support causing sometimes some damage to the petroglyphs. With these precedents, it is necessary to emphasize the use of new technologies, such as photogrammetry, an effective and unobtrusive reproduction technique.

Research paper thumbnail of Computer Tools for Depicting Shape and Detail in 3D Archaeological Models

Archaeology has been long characterized by the interdisciplinarity and the transversality of thei... more Archaeology has been long characterized by the interdisciplinarity and the transversality of their approaches and methodologies. In this context, we strongly believe that a proposal of a session that considers the use of the New Technologies (NNTT) on the fields that deal with computer tools for depict shape and detail in 3D archaeological models, and their application in archaeology is necessary. At the same time, we might see the impact that other sciences could have into Archaeology and how it is seen through them. In the field of archaeological research, the use of the NNTT are widely spread due to their technical profits, as quicker methodologies to obtain archaeological data or carrying out some analysis that will be impossible to conduct manually. We should not forget that the use of these techniques allow us to get greater objectification of the archaeological record. From this perspective, the possibilities of the application of the NNTT to Archaeology are almost unlimited....

Research paper thumbnail of Going by the numbers, a quantitative approach to the Galician prehistoric petroglyphs

Today, despite the notable progress on the knowledge about Galician carvings, we still lack an up... more Today, despite the notable progress on the knowledge about Galician carvings, we still lack an updated census of these and, as a result, we do not have adequate information about the precise number or the geographical distribution of the main groups of motifs that make up this artistic phenomenon. In order to tackle this problem, we have gone through the Xunta de Galicia’s Catalogue of the Archaeological Heritage, obtaining a database of 3361 petroglyphs.

Research paper thumbnail of A Methodological Approach to the Study of Prehistoric Cave Engravings : the Case of Cova Eirós ( Galicia , Spain ) 1

Cova Eirós is located in the province of Lugo, north-western Iberia. The cave site contains a num... more Cova Eirós is located in the province of Lugo, north-western Iberia. The cave site contains a number of Palaeolithic engravings—narrow and shallow grooves—that are dispersed on the walls of the cave. As direct contact with the panel would be extremely harmful for the rock surface, we have decided to use 3D methods to record the motifs. Thus, we applied different techniques based on dense photogrammetry, for example the Radiance Scaling, in order to accomplish a better visualization of the motifs, removing part of the subjectivity that the previous recording methods presented and avoiding direct contact with the panel.

Research paper thumbnail of S 06 Computer tools for depicting shape and detail in 3 D archaeological models

Archaeology has been long characterized by the interdisciplinarity and the transversality of thei... more Archaeology has been long characterized by the interdisciplinarity and the transversality of their approaches and methodologies. In this context, we strongly believe that a proposal of a session that considers the use of the New Technologies (NNTT) on the fields that deal with computer tools for depict shape and detail in 3D archaeological models, and their application in archaeology is necessary. At the same time, we might see the impact that other sciences could have into Archaeology and how it is seen through them. In the field of archaeological research, the use of the NNTT are widely spread due to their technical profits, as quicker methodologies to obtain archaeological data or carrying out some analysis that will be impossible to conduct manually. We should not forget that the use of these techniques allow us to get greater objectification of the archaeological record. From this perspective, the possibilities of the application of the NNTT to Archaeology are almost unlimited. In this sense, since its beginning, Processual and Post-processual Archaeology has been joining the benefits of the computer science advancements. Therefore, we are able to consider a strong consolidated research field. Since the beginning of Informatics' Era, different branches of archaeological research have been arisen. One of them has been the representation and study of archaeological elements by their virtual reconstruction (3D). From this view, different approaches have appeared, especially since the turn of the century, which put the attention on the development of visual techniques to implement archaeological 3D models. That is particularly the case regarding the Polynomial Texture Mapping technique, from RTI methodology-Reflection Transformation Imaging-(Malzbender et al., 2001). Or its counterpart, the virtual RTI, which combines reflection transformation techniques with photogrammetry and no intrusive digitalization, in order to create an advanced level of interaction with the 3D model, and to enhance the topographic surface (Earl, Beale, Martinez, Pagi, 2010). Moreover, the Morphological Residual Model (MRM), a recent technique (currently inaccessible) which also enables a better visualization of 3D model details has to be denoted (

Research paper thumbnail of Do planalto ás terras baixas: novas achegas á ocupación da península do Barbanza dende a Prehistoria ata o Medievo

Gallaecia, 2018

From the sierra to the lowlands: new data on the settlement of the Barbanza Peninsula from Prehis... more From the sierra to the lowlands: new data on the settlement of the Barbanza Peninsula from Prehistoric to Medieval times.
We review the survey works carried through in the district of Barbanza, now extended to the parishes of Macenda and Bealo in search of livestock / pastoral settlements. In the course of these explorations a Copper Age site was discovered and, nearby, a previously unknown hillfort. An account is given of the results of the digging in two sites: one related to husbandry tasks, that presents a structural and chronological palimpsest (Rio Barbanza); and another, related to territorial control systems (Outeiro da Torre).

Research paper thumbnail of Petroglifos gallegos, una perspectiva desde el siglo XXI

Revista Cuadernos de Arte Prehistórico, 2018

Throughout the decades different views about the Galician petroglyphs has been put forward by the... more Throughout the decades different views about the Galician petroglyphs has been put forward by the researchers in regard to the context and significance of this artistic phenomenon. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the corpus of carved sites and different topics have been addressed, from spatial analysis to the application of new technologies, as well as new approaches to the controversial issue of chronology. Therefore, it is presented in a synthetic way a general perspective about the current knowledge of open-air rock art in the whole Galician territory.

Research paper thumbnail of Cifras e imágenes: una aproximación cuantitativa a los petroglifos gallegos / Figures and images: a quantitative approach to the petroglyphs of Galicia

Trabajos de Prehistoria, 2018

With the aim of offering a first approach to issues of such importance as the number of sites tha... more With the aim of offering a first approach to issues of such importance as the number of sites that make up the Galician rock art, their iconographic variability or geographical distribution, we have analysed the official archaeological inventory of the Galician autonomous government (Servizo de Arqueoloxía da la Dirección Xeral do Patrimonio Cultural de la Xunta de Galicia). The database obtained was subsequently analyzed by using Geographic Information System and statistical software. The results show how, nowadays, there is a total of 3,374 known petroglyphs unevenly distributed across the Galician territory. Our analysis shows an absolute predominance of geometric motifs over the naturalists, but it also hints at the existence of a remarkable heterogeneity, which becomes patent not only in the density of petroglyphs, but also in the relative frequency of motifs and their tendency to appear -or not to- together on the same panels or with respect to the location of rock art sites on the landscape.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital imaging techniques for recording and analysing prehistoric rock art panels in Galicia (NW Iberia)

Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2018

Several works have highlighted the relevance of 3D modelling techniques for the study of rock art... more Several works have highlighted the relevance of 3D modelling techniques for the study of rock art, especially in case of deteriorated state of preservation. This paper presents a methodological approach to accurate document two Bronze Age rock art panels in Galicia (Spain), using photogrammetry SfM. The main aim is to show the application of digital enhancement techniques which have allowed the accurate depiction of the motifs and the correction of previous calques, focusing on the application of the exaggerated shading as a novel analytical method.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas tecnologías para la investigación de los grabados rupestres al aire libre en Galicia

La documentación de los grabados rupestres al aire libre en Galicia ha sido un tema prioritario d... more La documentación de los grabados rupestres al aire libre en Galicia ha sido un tema prioritario desde los inicios de la investigación arqueológica en esta comunidad. Desde entonces, se han empleado diferentes metodologías con el fin de conseguir un registro exhaustivo de los paneles grabados, priorizando siempre aquellos métodos de reproducción que implican contacto con la superficie grabada. Entre las diversas técnicas utilizadas tradicionalmente por los investigadores, resaltamos aquellas que todavía se siguen usando a día de hoy, como el calco mediante plástico o el frottage. A partir de estos precedentes, en los últimos años se ha multiplicado en Galicia el uso de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al registro y estudio de los petroglifos. Esto es debido a las ventajas que ofrece su empleo, ya que no existe contacto directo sobre el panel y se consigue eliminar parte de la subjetividad que los métodos tradicionales suelen presentar.


We present the AsTrend, a new methodology for enhance and depict details of the 3D models. It is ... more We present the AsTrend, a new methodology for enhance and depict details of the 3D models. It is based on the extraction of las points from a tridimensional model, which are processed with the most common lidar techniques.

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Photogrammetric Techniques for Recording the Rock Art Carving at Campo Lameiro (Galicia, Northern Spain)

Research paper thumbnail of "Arte rupestre galega": A small Shiny and Leaflet web app

This is simple web app displaying the inventory of rock art sites in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)... more This is simple web app displaying the inventory of rock art sites in Galicia (Northwestern Spain). The app was made using the R Shiny, Leaflet and ggplot2 packages. The inventory was collected from the "Preinventario de Bens Arqueolóxicos da Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural" (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria. Xunta de Galicia) during 2013.

The geographical distribution of the main types of motifs (cupmarks, circular combinations, zoomorphs, etc... ) can be displayed on the map. A bar plot shows the rock art catalog in the different Galician counties.

Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPERS! Session: #32 Rock art and megalithic monuments as key elements to understand the Late Prehistory landscapes Organisers

Research paper thumbnail of EAA 2023 - Session 366. Megaliths and Graphical Markers in Landscape: New Techniques of Documentation

Megalithism is a long-lasting architectural phenomenon that has characterised Late Prehistory lan... more Megalithism is a long-lasting architectural phenomenon that has characterised Late Prehistory landscapes. The classical view of its expansion was limited to Europe and more specifically to the Atlantic façade. However, megalithic architecture has a much wider distribution, ranging from south-western Europe to Melanesia, the Near East and the Indian subcontinent.
Traditional historiography has studied megaliths from a perspective focused on architectural typology and their archaeological remains. Nowadays, efforts are concentrated on C14 chronologies, DNA and stable isotopes of the human bones located in them. Besides, the introduction of new documentation and data processing techniques has been a novelty in the study of megaliths and graphical markers (as, for example, rock art), giving a prominent role to the landscape in which they are integrated.
This session aims to gather young researchers specialised in Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods, beyond the classical European borders. We welcome papers exploring any aspect of megalithic landscapes, theoretical and practical approaches, documentation and data collection, graphical markers codification and distribution dynamics. The application of new methodologies provides an essential line of research for the study of occupation dynamics, transformation and recognition of the territory in which they are inserted.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers. IFRAO 2018. - Made for being visible. Developing 3D methodologies for the study of rock art carvings. Managing suitability in sites with rock art.

Doubtless, the expansion of computer research throughout archaeological science had contributed t... more Doubtless, the expansion of computer research throughout archaeological science had contributed to the growth of new different approaches in archaeological research, and one of them had been the representation and study of archaeological sites and objects by their virtual reconstruction (3D). This is particularly clear in rock art studies where 3D modelling had been one of the most important revolution, in which corresponds to documentation methods and evaluation of the rocks. However, there is a clear lack of standards concerning which are the best methods to use or which is the basic workflow to ensure the most accurate reproduction.
The purpose of this session will be to present different case-studies, centred on the application of 3D modelling and post processing techniques in relation to the study of rock art carvings. It seeks for examples where the use of different virtual documentation methods had implied a better understanding and knowledge in rock art panels.
In this sense, the aim of the meeting will be to learn from those heterogeneous experiences, and show how the use of 3D techniques might help to a better documentation in rock art studies, a main step in which it corresponds to interpretation. Four lines of interest are proposed, such as:
- Current methods for rock art recording. From traditional (hand-made) methodologies to the use of New Technologies (Laser scanner, photogrammetry).
- Constructing the mesh. The first (main?) part of the workflow?
- Post processing techniques. Artificial lights, automatic ways to enhance the motifs.
- Going over the 3D model. Generate virtual tracings of rock art panels.
Communications and posters will be welcome. Especially those that deal with new computer approaches to study rock art 3D models. Demonstrations of software or 3D analysis are also welcome in this session, in order to get a more practical meeting rather than a traditional one.

Research paper thumbnail of IFRAO 2018. Made for being visible. Developing 3D methodologies for the study of rock art carvings. Managing suitability in sites with Rock Art

Doubtless, the expansion of computer research throughout archaeological science had contributed t... more Doubtless, the expansion of computer research throughout archaeological science had contributed to the growth of new different approaches in archaeological research, and one of them had been the representation and study of archaeological sites and objects by their virtual reconstruction (3D). This is particularly clear in rock art studies where 3D modelling had been one of the most important revolution, in which corresponds to documentation methods and evaluation of the rocks. However, there is a clear lack of standards concerning which reproduction. The purpose of this session will be to present different case-studies, centred on the application of 3D modelling and post processing techniques in relation to the study of rock art carvings. It seeks for examples where the use of different virtual documentation methods had implied a better understanding and knowledge in rock art panels. In this sense, the aim of the meeting will be to learn from those heterogeneous experiences, and show how the use of 3D techniques might help to a better documentation in rock art studies, a main step in which it corresponds to interpretation. Four lines of interest are proposed , such as:-Current methods for rock art recording. From traditional (handmade) methodologies to the use of New Technologies (Laser scanner, photogrammetry).-Going over the 3D model. Generate virtual tracings of rock art panels. Communications and posters will be welcome. Especially those that deal with new computer approaches to study rock art 3D models. Demonstrations of software or 3D analysis are also welcome in this session, in order to get a more practical meeting rather than a traditional one.

Research paper thumbnail of CAA 2016 (Oslo): Session 6. Computer tools for depicting shape and details in 3D Archaeological models

Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods Applied to Archaeology, 2016: Exploring oceans of ... more Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods Applied to Archaeology, 2016: Exploring oceans of data. Oslo, 29 March-2 April.
Session 6. Computer tools for depicting shape and details in 3D Archaeological models.

Research paper thumbnail of JIA 2015- Sesión 4.- Non-stop revolution! Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la Arqueología

VIII JORNADAS DE JOVENS EM INVESTIGAÇÃO ARQUEOLÓGICA. Entre ciência e cultura: da interdisciplina... more VIII JORNADAS DE JOVENS EM INVESTIGAÇÃO ARQUEOLÓGICA. Entre ciência e cultura: da interdisciplinaridade à transversalidade da arqueologia

Research paper thumbnail of New techniques for Rock Art recording: Comparative Analysis of Radiance Scaling and Virtual RTI

The aim of this paper is to compare the tracing made at the Bronze Age petroglyph of “Barreira” i... more The aim of this paper is to compare the tracing made at the Bronze Age petroglyph of “Barreira” in Verdoejo (Portugal) (Novoa and Costas 2004) with two different and new methodologies based on photogrammetry. This technique is oriented to reduce the different problems of subjectivity that are present in the old systems of registry, and furthermore it allows studying the rock surface without touching it.
These techniques are:
• The Virtual RTI proposed as an alternative to normal RTI method, which is a combination of reflectance transformation techniques with photogrammetry and non-contact digitising. It uses animated virtual domes, leading to a sequence of renderings of the 3D model, processed using the same methods as normal RTIs. The virtual RTI provides an advanced level of interaction with the 3D model and enhanced visualization of the surface topography (Earl, Beale, Martinez and Pagi 2010).
• Radiance Scaling is a shader applied to 3D models, which adjusts reflected light intensities in a way dependent on both surface curvature and material characteristics. As a result, diffuse shading or highlight variations become correlated to surface feature variations, enhancing surface concavities and convexities (Vergne, Pacanowski, Barla, Granier and Schilck 2010).

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Photogrammetric Techniques for Recording the Rock Art Carving at Campo lameiro (Galicia, Northern Spain).

There exists so many different methodologies to record the open-air rock art carving. In Galicia ... more There exists so many different methodologies to record the open-air rock art carving. In Galicia researches have used traditionally systems of registry such as night lighting or frottage to try to reproduce the rock art-carving present at the stones, methods that although being very effective are subject to a great subjectivity (Seoane Veiga Yolanda 2005).
We propose photogrammetry as a method and technique that allow us to manipulate the pictures taken at the field to create a 3D model that allow us to study the rock art carving as it has contrasted in other places (Diaz Andreu Margarita, 2013). This technique is oriented to reduce the different problems of subjectivity that are present in the old systems of registry, and furthermore this technique allows studying the rock surface without touching it.

A preliminary advance about the use of photogrammetry over the Galician petroglyphs with the use of Radiance Scaling filter (Granier Xavier et al. 2012) confirms the effective use of this technique. In fact, this technique has allowed us to see different motifs that were practically invisible with precedent methodologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Arte rupestre na Comarca do Baixo Miño: unha aportación cuantitativa e iconográfica

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns of distribution of Galician petroglyphs: A Coruña province

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio del poblamiento histórico de la cuenca baja del río Miño (Póster)

El presente estudio se centra en la relación que existe entre los asentamientos humanos y los cau... more El presente estudio se centra en la relación que existe entre los asentamientos humanos y los cauces hídricos en la Comarca O Baixo Miño, a través de un trabajo interdisciplinar que abarca desde el paleolítico hasta época romana.

Research paper thumbnail of O Santiago descoñecido. A divulgación do patrimonio rural de Compostela

Research paper thumbnail of Non Stop Revolution! Las Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a Arqueología

Punto Coelho, I., Bento Torres, J., Serrão Gil, L., Ramos, T. 2016. Entre ciência e cultura: da interdisciplinaridade à transversalidade da arqueologia, Actas das VIII Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica, 2016

Introduction to SESSION 4 (b) | Non Stop Revolution! New technologies applied to Archaeology. VI... more Introduction to SESSION 4 (b) | Non Stop Revolution! New technologies applied to Archaeology.
VIII Young Researchers in Archaeology Conference. Between Science and Culture: from interdisciplinarity to the transversality of archaeology (21-24 October, Lisbon, 2015).

Research paper thumbnail of El Poblamiento en la Comarca del Baixo Miño y su evolución en la Prehistoria y la Antigüedad

La comarca del Baixo Miño ha sido intensamente prospectada y estudiada hasta la actualidad. La ca... more La comarca del Baixo Miño ha sido intensamente prospectada y estudiada hasta la actualidad. La cantidad de datos de la que disponemos posibilita el desarrollo de nuevas aproximaciones a su realidad arqueológica. A partir de las intervenciones realizadas, de los materiales encontrados y los yacimientos inventariados podemos establecer que hay una gran riqueza arqueológica en la zona y plantearnos el estudio de su poblamiento antiguo. El gran número de yacimientos nos permite confirmar la existencia continuada de una fuerte ocupación durante la Prehistoria, la Protohistoria y la Edad Antigua. La desembocadura del actual Río Miño y la proximidad de la costa, creemos que hacen de la zona un emplazamiento estratégico para el paso y el aprovechamiento de recursos tanto para los seres humanos como para los animales. A partir de la utilización de Sistemas de Información Geográfica combinado con los datos arqueológicos y cronológicos de los yacimientos y los orográficos de la zona, creemos posible identificar patrones diferenciales en el emplazamiento de estos grupos humanos según el período de ocupación. Nuestra hipótesis de partida se centra en que creemos que se ha llevado a cabo una fuerte ocupación de las zonas de cota baja y litoral en la Prehistoria Antigua. Frente a ello y probablemente para tener un buen control visual, encontramos yacimientos en altitudes superiores durante la Prehistoria Reciente. Sin embargo, tanto en la Protohistoria como en la época Antigua los grupos humanos se situarían en cotas intermedias donde primaba el aprovechamiento agrícola, ganadero y de otros recursos naturales. Con el presente trabajo se busca aportar nuevos datos sobre la ocupación de la comarca del Baixo Miño en la Prehistoria, la Protohistoria y la Edad Antigua desde un planteamiento diacrónico y multidisciplinar. Esto nos permite hacernos una idea de la distribución del paisaje para poder acercarnos a la manera de vivir y de concebir el espacio de los seres humanos que habitaron la zona.

Research paper thumbnail of A Methodological Approach to the Study of Prehistoric Cave Engravings: the Case of Cova Eirós (Galicia, Spain)

E. Uleberg (Ed.) Exploring Oceans of Data. Proceedings of the 44th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference

Cova Eirós is located in the province of Lugo, northwestern Iberia. The cave site contains a numb... more Cova Eirós is located in the province of Lugo, northwestern Iberia. The cave site contains a number of Palaeolithic engravings—narrow and shallow grooves—that are dispersed on the walls of the cave. As direct contact with the panel would be extremely harmful for the rock surface, we have decided to use 3D methods to record the motifs. Thus, we applied different techniques based on dense photogrammetry, for example the Radiance Scaling, in order to accomplish a better visualization of the motifs, removing part of the subjectivity that the previous recording methods presented and avoiding direct contact with the panel.

Research paper thumbnail of Rock Art Research in the Digital Era

Rock Art Research in the Digital Era, 2022

The book covers a range of interesting rock art case studies from around the world. • Includes de... more The book covers a range of interesting rock art case studies from around the world. • Includes detailed descriptions of the digital methods used. • Offers a richly overview of current techniques in digital archaeology applied to rock art. Rock Art Research in the Digital Era covers the research presented at the 20th International Rock Art Congress (IFRAO) held in Darfo Boario Terme, Valcamonica (Italy), from 29 August-2 September 2018. With a broad understanding of digital archaeology, a diverse range of specialists demonstrate how digital technologies can benefit the study of rock art in a variety of contexts. Digital methods and 3D modelling are significantly changing the field of rock art documentation and interpretation, with new approaches that allow us to make eroded rock art panels more visible, especially in cases where the human eye or a raking light is ineffective. Using numerous case studies, this book illustrates how cutting-edge methodologies are integrated within 3D modelling workflows, and how these can manage and disseminate the results to the public in an interactive way.