Hearing the words that choke memories into flatlines (original) (raw)
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[12 Sep 2006|05:42pm]
yesterday was my bday.it was good.except for the casino... lost my money.oh well.im gettin my tattoo on Thursday.whoooooooooo.Emilie is suppose to do my hair tonite...I'm excited.!!k.<3
[ **mood** | awake ] Okay so I'm going to make this post public so everyone can do this! **So Please do it!!**Reply with an anonymous comment.1. One secret.2. One compliment to me.3. One random thing.4. One thing you disike about me.5. Lyrics to your favorite song.6. How old you are.7. How long we've been friends.8. And a hint to who you are....and pass it on.I might ask you for more clues..so yeah you better respond.=]k thanks bye! ♥PS,Join this: __hottwithtwots