Alberto Bitonti | Universita' della Svizzera Italiana (original) (raw)

Books by Alberto Bitonti

Research paper thumbnail of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Perfeccionamientos a la Ley del Lobby

Perfeccionamientos a la Ley de Lobby , 2019

El presente libro Perfeccionamientos a la Ley del Lobby es basado en un taller con representantes... more El presente libro Perfeccionamientos a la Ley del Lobby es basado en un taller con representantes del sector público, privados dedicados a la actividad de lobby y expertos del mundo académico, la publicación constituye una reflexión sobre la actual legislación chilena y los espacios de mejora hacia el futuro, tomando como referencia mejores prácticas de otros países.

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying in Europe. Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries

This book provides a clear, systematic and up-to-date picture of the vast and dynamic industry of... more This book provides a clear, systematic and up-to-date picture of the vast and dynamic industry of lobbying and Public Affairs in Europe, not only at EU level, but specifically in each of the 28 EU Member States. Using contributions from political scientists and lobbyists from each country, the volume offers a comprehensive review of the European lobbying industry, tackling elements such as the institutional framework and the political culture of each country, the perception of lobbyists by public opinion and politicians, the professionalization and the numbers of the industry in each country, the regulation of the sector (through dedicated laws, self-imposed ethical codes, etc.). This is a benchmark publication for all those studying or working in the field of Lobbying, Public Affairs, Communication and Business and Politics in or with EU countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Classe dirigente. Il profilo del potere in Italia

Studio socio-politologico sulla classe dirigente italiana, in collaborazione con Who's Who Italia.

Book Chapters by Alberto Bitonti

Research paper thumbnail of Junk Science

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2021

The expression "junk science" is used in public affairs and policy debates as a pejorative, denig... more The expression "junk science" is used in public affairs and policy debates as a pejorative, denigrating label referring to some kind of scientific evidence (or to what is presented as such, typically in support of some political/ethical position) considered fraudulent, inconsistent, or at least methodologically questionable from some point of view. Other labels are also sometimes used on similar occasions, such as "sham science," "fringe science," "pseudoscience," or "advocacy statistics." However, in many cases, these terms refer to different things, and the same expression "junk science" is quite problematic and controversial, and often used improperly. Indeed, the general reference to junk science recalls complex epistemological and methodological issues that should be properly understood and assessed. The fact that often this is not the case leads to a situation of haziness and misunderstandings, where paradoxically the expression can be instrumentally used even against "sound" science, thus increasing the confusion around the concept. In this entry, we briefly illustrate a variety of different cases, advancing some considerations of philosophy of science, methodology, and communication that should permit a more granular understanding of the various situations where the label of junk science may be found.

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying Regulation

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2021

Lobbying regulation refers to the set of rules, norms, and practical frameworks that aim to shape... more Lobbying regulation refers to the set of rules, norms, and practical frameworks that aim to shape how lobbying is done in a specific political system. Rules include pieces of legislation and regulatory provisions such as laws or ministerial decrees; norms include codes of conduct or ethical standards enforced more or less thoroughly in the various contexts; practical frameworks refer to actual models or platforms (governmental or private) designed and used to enable lobbying and participation, for instance in consultation processes. Such sets of rules, norms and frameworks regard a wide range of topics and domains, relative to policymakers on the one hand and to interest groups and lobbyists on the other. These include lobbying registers (of lobbyists and stakeholders), revolving doors (between public and private offices) and conflicts of interest, political financing, public procurement and anti-corruption, the disclosure of meetings between public officials and representatives of interest groups, the transparency and the general openness of the policymaking processes, and the accountability of policymakers. In this entry, we provide an overview of the above-mentioned areas of lobbying regulation, with a special focus on lobbying registers (the object of most scholars' attention in this field). We set out the reasons that have generally been put forward for the adoption of dedicated lobbying laws and discuss the indexes and the methodological aspects related to comparative research on different lobbying regulations.

Research paper thumbnail of Interest

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Public Interest

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Rhetoric

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Identità nazionale europea: progetto, chimera o nonsense?

Alessandro CAMPI, Stefano DE LUCA e Francesco TUCCARI (a cura di), Nazione e nazionalismi. teorie, interpretazioni, sfide attuali, Historica Edizioni, Cesena, 2018

Women's Mouvement: Women under Immigration, Nationality and Refugee Law, Trentham Books, Stoke-on... more Women's Mouvement: Women under Immigration, Nationality and Refugee Law, Trentham Books, Stoke-on-Trent. Bonfiglioli, C. (2012), Razzismo, sessismo, nazionalismo: dibattiti femministi e critica post-coloniale nel contesto italiano, in Curcio, A. e Mellino, M. (a cura di), La "razza" al lavoro, Manifestolibri, Roma. Brah, A. e Phoenix, A. (2004), Ain't I A Woman? Revisiting Intersectionality, in «Journal of International Women's Studies», V, 3. Busoni, M. (2005), Politiche della cultura e del corpo sessuato, in Busoni, M. e Laurenzi, E. (a cura di), Il corpo dei simboli. Nodi teorici e politici di un dibattito sulle mutilazioni genitali femminili, Seid, Firenze.

Research paper thumbnail of La rivoluzione della visione Open Lobby: open government e democrazia collaborativa

Italia Decide (a cura di), Rapporto 2019. Democrazia degli interessi e interessi della democrazia. Migliorare la qualità della decisione pubblica, il Mulino, Bologna, 2019

[contributo pubblicato in ITALIA DECIDE, Rapporto 2019. Democrazia degli interessi e interessi de... more [contributo pubblicato in ITALIA DECIDE, Rapporto 2019. Democrazia degli interessi e interessi della democrazia. Migliorare la qualità della decisione pubblica, il Mulino, Bologna, pp.387-391] Il lobbying è un fatto. Basterebbe questa semplice considerazione per comprendere che, con o senza regolamentazioni, l'attività di persuasione e influenza verso i decisori pubblici è connaturata all'esistenza stessa del potere, lo è sempre stata e continuerà ad esserlo. Nel parlare di regolamentazione del lobbying, quindi, un valido punto di partenza non consiste nel dibattere se i lobbisti debbano esistere oppure no, o se il lobbying sia legittimo oppure no, quanto piuttosto nel chiedersi: in che modo è possibile provare a stabilire una relazione sana, aperta, corretta e proficua (per la collettività), tra decisori pubblici e i vari soggetti della società civile (associazioni, aziende, organizzazioni e stakeholders vari) che hanno interesse a entrare in contatto con quei decisori? In che modo è possibile "incanalare" le attività di lobbying verso i decisori pubblici in modo da arginarne le possibili criticità e valorizzarne le potenzialità positive? Cambiamo prospettiva. È a partire da queste domande che si può intuire perché è arrivato il momento di cambiare completamente prospettiva sul "problema" della regolamentazione del lobbying, abbandonando l'inutile (ed evidentemente improduttiva e ingiustificata) attenzione dedicata ai professionisti del lobbying (i lobbisti consulenti di terze parti, sui quali pur si concentrano diverse legislazioni del mondo non a caso non molto efficaci), per focalizzarsi sui veri protagonisti e sul vero centro focale della questione: i decisori pubblici e il design dei processi decisionali. È questa la proposta al centro dell'approccio che possiamo definire "Open Lobby". È questa la visione che anima l'idea della democrazia collaborativa. Il contesto. La maggior parte delle democrazie avanzate si trova ad affrontare oggi lo stress di una crisi di fiducia e di legittimazione sostanziale che, in alcuni casi, porta a metterne in discussione la stessa sopravvivenza come democrazie liberali. Da una parte si assiste alla frammentazione della rappresentanza, con una disarticolazione politica e sociale e una fluidificazione delle identità che colpisce non solo i tradizionali attori politici, ma anche le organizzazioni sociali, professionali, valoriali, non più in grado di rappresentare pezzi di società allo stesso modo del passato. Dall'altra appare consolidarsi un calo di fiducia verso le istituzioni politiche stesse, causa ed effetto di diversi fattori di crisi delle democrazie contemporanee. Rigenerare la fiducia. È proprio a partire da questo quadro che, se si vuole combattere tale crisi, è necessario ripensare i processi decisionali stessi, innovando il rapporto tra la democrazia stessa e i suoi attori, i suoi canali, i suoi strumenti, le sue regole, non vagheggiando impossibili quanto non auspicabili forme di democrazia diretta digitale, quando migliorando (anche a partire dalle immense possibilità che la rivoluzione digitale ci porta in dote) il funzionamento della democrazia

Research paper thumbnail of Public Affairs in Europe

The SAGE Handbook of International Corporate and Public Affairs, 2017

In order to gain a picture of public affairs in Europe, we have decided to look at four major cou... more In order to gain a picture of public affairs in Europe, we have decided to look at four major countries belonging to the EU, one from the west (the UK), one from the south (Italy), one from the east (Bulgaria) and one from the north (Sweden).

Research paper thumbnail of Expanding the Boundaries: Public Affairs and its Relationship with Other Key Disciplines: Public Affairs and Political Philosophy

The SAGE Handbook of International Corporate and Public Affairs, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Una nuova nozione della certezza tra questione gnoseologica, epistemologica e politica

A. Oliverio (a cura di), Rischi, paure e ricerca di certezze nella società contemporanea. Un punto di vista interdisciplinare , 2014

Rischi, paure e ricerca di certezze nella società contemporanea a cura di Albertina Oliverio Rubb... more Rischi, paure e ricerca di certezze nella società contemporanea a cura di Albertina Oliverio RubbettinoUniversità I contributi presenti in questo volume offrono uno sguardo interdisciplinare al tema del rischio, delle paure ad esso associate e della spesso conseguente ricerca di certezze rispetto ad esso. L'analisi di tali aspetti è utile sia a proporre alcuni spunti di riflessione di natura epistemologica che a stimolare un proficuo confronto nell'ambito della ricerca sociale anche al fine di fornire alcune chiavi di lettura della crisi contemporanea. I saggi qui raccolti sollevano diverse problematiche: da quella dell'importanza di rischiare nella ricerca scientifica, al ruolo della previsione nella scienza, a quella della prevenzione effettiva rispetto ai diversi rischi, all'illusione della previsione alla luce della rapidità degli sviluppi tecnologici, alle contraddizioni della società contemporanea alla luce dei nuovi rischi prodotti dall'uomo.

Research paper thumbnail of Un’analisi semantica e teoretica del concetto di interesse

A. CAMPI & S. DE LUCA (a cura di), Il realismo politico. Figure, concetti, prospettive di ricerca, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Informal Media Education in Europe: an Analysis of the Best Pratices

Stocchetti, Matteo: Media and Education in the Digital Age: Concepts, Assessments, Subversions , 2014

This book is an invitation to informed and critical participation in the current debate on the ro... more This book is an invitation to informed and critical participation in the current debate on the role of digital technology in education and a comprehensive introduction to the most relevant issues in this debate. After an early wave of enthusiasm about the emancipative opportunities of the digital 'revolution' in education, recent contributions invite caution, if not scepticism. This collection rejects extreme interpretations and establishes a conceptual framework for the critical questioning of this role in terms of concepts, assessments and subversions. This book offers conceptual tools, ideas and insights for further research. It also provides motivation and information to foster active participation in debates and politics and encourages teachers, parents and learners to take part in the making of the future of our societies.

Research paper thumbnail of Comunicazione politica on line: i partiti su Internet

Rapporto Italia 2014, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of L’insostenibile fondatezza del dubbio

Rapporto Italia 2013, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Donne al potere: un club un po' troppo esclusivo

Rapporto Italia 2013, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Tra le rughe della classe dirigente

Rapporto Italia 2013, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Perfeccionamientos a la Ley del Lobby

Perfeccionamientos a la Ley de Lobby , 2019

El presente libro Perfeccionamientos a la Ley del Lobby es basado en un taller con representantes... more El presente libro Perfeccionamientos a la Ley del Lobby es basado en un taller con representantes del sector público, privados dedicados a la actividad de lobby y expertos del mundo académico, la publicación constituye una reflexión sobre la actual legislación chilena y los espacios de mejora hacia el futuro, tomando como referencia mejores prácticas de otros países.

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying in Europe. Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries

This book provides a clear, systematic and up-to-date picture of the vast and dynamic industry of... more This book provides a clear, systematic and up-to-date picture of the vast and dynamic industry of lobbying and Public Affairs in Europe, not only at EU level, but specifically in each of the 28 EU Member States. Using contributions from political scientists and lobbyists from each country, the volume offers a comprehensive review of the European lobbying industry, tackling elements such as the institutional framework and the political culture of each country, the perception of lobbyists by public opinion and politicians, the professionalization and the numbers of the industry in each country, the regulation of the sector (through dedicated laws, self-imposed ethical codes, etc.). This is a benchmark publication for all those studying or working in the field of Lobbying, Public Affairs, Communication and Business and Politics in or with EU countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Classe dirigente. Il profilo del potere in Italia

Studio socio-politologico sulla classe dirigente italiana, in collaborazione con Who's Who Italia.

Research paper thumbnail of Junk Science

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2021

The expression "junk science" is used in public affairs and policy debates as a pejorative, denig... more The expression "junk science" is used in public affairs and policy debates as a pejorative, denigrating label referring to some kind of scientific evidence (or to what is presented as such, typically in support of some political/ethical position) considered fraudulent, inconsistent, or at least methodologically questionable from some point of view. Other labels are also sometimes used on similar occasions, such as "sham science," "fringe science," "pseudoscience," or "advocacy statistics." However, in many cases, these terms refer to different things, and the same expression "junk science" is quite problematic and controversial, and often used improperly. Indeed, the general reference to junk science recalls complex epistemological and methodological issues that should be properly understood and assessed. The fact that often this is not the case leads to a situation of haziness and misunderstandings, where paradoxically the expression can be instrumentally used even against "sound" science, thus increasing the confusion around the concept. In this entry, we briefly illustrate a variety of different cases, advancing some considerations of philosophy of science, methodology, and communication that should permit a more granular understanding of the various situations where the label of junk science may be found.

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying Regulation

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2021

Lobbying regulation refers to the set of rules, norms, and practical frameworks that aim to shape... more Lobbying regulation refers to the set of rules, norms, and practical frameworks that aim to shape how lobbying is done in a specific political system. Rules include pieces of legislation and regulatory provisions such as laws or ministerial decrees; norms include codes of conduct or ethical standards enforced more or less thoroughly in the various contexts; practical frameworks refer to actual models or platforms (governmental or private) designed and used to enable lobbying and participation, for instance in consultation processes. Such sets of rules, norms and frameworks regard a wide range of topics and domains, relative to policymakers on the one hand and to interest groups and lobbyists on the other. These include lobbying registers (of lobbyists and stakeholders), revolving doors (between public and private offices) and conflicts of interest, political financing, public procurement and anti-corruption, the disclosure of meetings between public officials and representatives of interest groups, the transparency and the general openness of the policymaking processes, and the accountability of policymakers. In this entry, we provide an overview of the above-mentioned areas of lobbying regulation, with a special focus on lobbying registers (the object of most scholars' attention in this field). We set out the reasons that have generally been put forward for the adoption of dedicated lobbying laws and discuss the indexes and the methodological aspects related to comparative research on different lobbying regulations.

Research paper thumbnail of Interest

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Public Interest

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Rhetoric

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Identità nazionale europea: progetto, chimera o nonsense?

Alessandro CAMPI, Stefano DE LUCA e Francesco TUCCARI (a cura di), Nazione e nazionalismi. teorie, interpretazioni, sfide attuali, Historica Edizioni, Cesena, 2018

Women's Mouvement: Women under Immigration, Nationality and Refugee Law, Trentham Books, Stoke-on... more Women's Mouvement: Women under Immigration, Nationality and Refugee Law, Trentham Books, Stoke-on-Trent. Bonfiglioli, C. (2012), Razzismo, sessismo, nazionalismo: dibattiti femministi e critica post-coloniale nel contesto italiano, in Curcio, A. e Mellino, M. (a cura di), La "razza" al lavoro, Manifestolibri, Roma. Brah, A. e Phoenix, A. (2004), Ain't I A Woman? Revisiting Intersectionality, in «Journal of International Women's Studies», V, 3. Busoni, M. (2005), Politiche della cultura e del corpo sessuato, in Busoni, M. e Laurenzi, E. (a cura di), Il corpo dei simboli. Nodi teorici e politici di un dibattito sulle mutilazioni genitali femminili, Seid, Firenze.

Research paper thumbnail of La rivoluzione della visione Open Lobby: open government e democrazia collaborativa

Italia Decide (a cura di), Rapporto 2019. Democrazia degli interessi e interessi della democrazia. Migliorare la qualità della decisione pubblica, il Mulino, Bologna, 2019

[contributo pubblicato in ITALIA DECIDE, Rapporto 2019. Democrazia degli interessi e interessi de... more [contributo pubblicato in ITALIA DECIDE, Rapporto 2019. Democrazia degli interessi e interessi della democrazia. Migliorare la qualità della decisione pubblica, il Mulino, Bologna, pp.387-391] Il lobbying è un fatto. Basterebbe questa semplice considerazione per comprendere che, con o senza regolamentazioni, l'attività di persuasione e influenza verso i decisori pubblici è connaturata all'esistenza stessa del potere, lo è sempre stata e continuerà ad esserlo. Nel parlare di regolamentazione del lobbying, quindi, un valido punto di partenza non consiste nel dibattere se i lobbisti debbano esistere oppure no, o se il lobbying sia legittimo oppure no, quanto piuttosto nel chiedersi: in che modo è possibile provare a stabilire una relazione sana, aperta, corretta e proficua (per la collettività), tra decisori pubblici e i vari soggetti della società civile (associazioni, aziende, organizzazioni e stakeholders vari) che hanno interesse a entrare in contatto con quei decisori? In che modo è possibile "incanalare" le attività di lobbying verso i decisori pubblici in modo da arginarne le possibili criticità e valorizzarne le potenzialità positive? Cambiamo prospettiva. È a partire da queste domande che si può intuire perché è arrivato il momento di cambiare completamente prospettiva sul "problema" della regolamentazione del lobbying, abbandonando l'inutile (ed evidentemente improduttiva e ingiustificata) attenzione dedicata ai professionisti del lobbying (i lobbisti consulenti di terze parti, sui quali pur si concentrano diverse legislazioni del mondo non a caso non molto efficaci), per focalizzarsi sui veri protagonisti e sul vero centro focale della questione: i decisori pubblici e il design dei processi decisionali. È questa la proposta al centro dell'approccio che possiamo definire "Open Lobby". È questa la visione che anima l'idea della democrazia collaborativa. Il contesto. La maggior parte delle democrazie avanzate si trova ad affrontare oggi lo stress di una crisi di fiducia e di legittimazione sostanziale che, in alcuni casi, porta a metterne in discussione la stessa sopravvivenza come democrazie liberali. Da una parte si assiste alla frammentazione della rappresentanza, con una disarticolazione politica e sociale e una fluidificazione delle identità che colpisce non solo i tradizionali attori politici, ma anche le organizzazioni sociali, professionali, valoriali, non più in grado di rappresentare pezzi di società allo stesso modo del passato. Dall'altra appare consolidarsi un calo di fiducia verso le istituzioni politiche stesse, causa ed effetto di diversi fattori di crisi delle democrazie contemporanee. Rigenerare la fiducia. È proprio a partire da questo quadro che, se si vuole combattere tale crisi, è necessario ripensare i processi decisionali stessi, innovando il rapporto tra la democrazia stessa e i suoi attori, i suoi canali, i suoi strumenti, le sue regole, non vagheggiando impossibili quanto non auspicabili forme di democrazia diretta digitale, quando migliorando (anche a partire dalle immense possibilità che la rivoluzione digitale ci porta in dote) il funzionamento della democrazia

Research paper thumbnail of Public Affairs in Europe

The SAGE Handbook of International Corporate and Public Affairs, 2017

In order to gain a picture of public affairs in Europe, we have decided to look at four major cou... more In order to gain a picture of public affairs in Europe, we have decided to look at four major countries belonging to the EU, one from the west (the UK), one from the south (Italy), one from the east (Bulgaria) and one from the north (Sweden).

Research paper thumbnail of Expanding the Boundaries: Public Affairs and its Relationship with Other Key Disciplines: Public Affairs and Political Philosophy

The SAGE Handbook of International Corporate and Public Affairs, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Una nuova nozione della certezza tra questione gnoseologica, epistemologica e politica

A. Oliverio (a cura di), Rischi, paure e ricerca di certezze nella società contemporanea. Un punto di vista interdisciplinare , 2014

Rischi, paure e ricerca di certezze nella società contemporanea a cura di Albertina Oliverio Rubb... more Rischi, paure e ricerca di certezze nella società contemporanea a cura di Albertina Oliverio RubbettinoUniversità I contributi presenti in questo volume offrono uno sguardo interdisciplinare al tema del rischio, delle paure ad esso associate e della spesso conseguente ricerca di certezze rispetto ad esso. L'analisi di tali aspetti è utile sia a proporre alcuni spunti di riflessione di natura epistemologica che a stimolare un proficuo confronto nell'ambito della ricerca sociale anche al fine di fornire alcune chiavi di lettura della crisi contemporanea. I saggi qui raccolti sollevano diverse problematiche: da quella dell'importanza di rischiare nella ricerca scientifica, al ruolo della previsione nella scienza, a quella della prevenzione effettiva rispetto ai diversi rischi, all'illusione della previsione alla luce della rapidità degli sviluppi tecnologici, alle contraddizioni della società contemporanea alla luce dei nuovi rischi prodotti dall'uomo.

Research paper thumbnail of Un’analisi semantica e teoretica del concetto di interesse

A. CAMPI & S. DE LUCA (a cura di), Il realismo politico. Figure, concetti, prospettive di ricerca, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Informal Media Education in Europe: an Analysis of the Best Pratices

Stocchetti, Matteo: Media and Education in the Digital Age: Concepts, Assessments, Subversions , 2014

This book is an invitation to informed and critical participation in the current debate on the ro... more This book is an invitation to informed and critical participation in the current debate on the role of digital technology in education and a comprehensive introduction to the most relevant issues in this debate. After an early wave of enthusiasm about the emancipative opportunities of the digital 'revolution' in education, recent contributions invite caution, if not scepticism. This collection rejects extreme interpretations and establishes a conceptual framework for the critical questioning of this role in terms of concepts, assessments and subversions. This book offers conceptual tools, ideas and insights for further research. It also provides motivation and information to foster active participation in debates and politics and encourages teachers, parents and learners to take part in the making of the future of our societies.

Research paper thumbnail of Comunicazione politica on line: i partiti su Internet

Rapporto Italia 2014, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of L’insostenibile fondatezza del dubbio

Rapporto Italia 2013, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Donne al potere: un club un po' troppo esclusivo

Rapporto Italia 2013, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Tra le rughe della classe dirigente

Rapporto Italia 2013, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Scenari di riferimento sulle paure

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying in Europe. Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries A Bitonti and P Harris (eds) Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 400 pp. £109.99; Hardcover

European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Regulation of lobbying: comparative state of the art and developments

Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, May 21, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Interest

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying

Research paper thumbnail of Interest groups and the implementation of electronic health records in the Italian NRRP, between policy and politics

Contemporary Italian Politics, Dec 3, 2023

One of the main goals of the Italian National Resilience and Recovery Plan (NRRP) is to modernize... more One of the main goals of the Italian National Resilience and Recovery Plan (NRRP) is to modernize the economy and the public sector, including the digitalization of public services. Among the many interventions aimed at achieving this goal, the implementation of a national system of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is both an ambitious and yet overdue objective, having been envisioned for over a decade. Despite the existence of broad agreement on this policy measure, its implementation has turned out to be more challenging than expected, this for constitutional, political and technical reasons. Adopting an interest groups perspective, the aim of this article is to map the positions of the various actors involved in the realization of EHRs in Italy, focusing on the implementation phase of the NRRP, and comparing the two sub-phases corresponding to the different governments in office, namely, the Draghi government (May 2021 – September 2022) and the Meloni government (since October 2022). Having developed a processtracing analysis, we find that political claims and factors became more salient in the second phase, especially as regards the role of ICT companies in charge of implementing EHRs, despite substantial continuity in terms of policy content.

Research paper thumbnail of An Introduction to Lobbying and Public Affairs in Europe

Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2017

For those studying or working in the field of lobbying and public affairs, in the broad area that... more For those studying or working in the field of lobbying and public affairs, in the broad area that connects politics, law, business and communication, Europe represents a fascinating, varied, multi-faceted challenge. A global environment and a composite multi-level political arena make the European Union (EU) a crucial object of interest today, both for researchers and practitioners. This chapter presents the scope and the outline of the volume, describing the main features of the research, remarkable for the number of countries analysed (all the 28 EU Member States plus a chapter on central EU institutions), the depth of analysis for each country (with a presentation of each political system, its political actors, lobbying regulatory framework, professional development and overview of the industry of public affairs and lobbying) and the direct involvement of experts from each country, authoring the national chapters.

Research paper thumbnail of Rhetoric

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Lobbying in Modern Democracy: A Theoretical Framework

Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2017

This chapter presents a theoretical framework through which we can look at lobbying in modern dem... more This chapter presents a theoretical framework through which we can look at lobbying in modern democratic systems, drawing some methodological remarks as concerns the appropriate tools of analysis and designing the foundations for a suitable “philosophy of lobbying”. When dealing with democracy and lobbying, it is important to remember whether we are doing this as political analysts, trying to understand and study how things actually work, or as political philosophers, trying to imagine how things should work; the epistemological difference is commented in the first part of the chapter. In the second part, a typology of five different conceptions of the Public Interest is developed, and put in relation to the various (negative or positive) possible approaches towards the role of lobbying in democracy. In the third part, some philosophical principles of lobbying regulation are drawn from one of the five conceptions, the liberal–aggregative one: accountability, transparency, openness and fairness.

Research paper thumbnail of Interest

Research paper thumbnail of Public Affairs and Political Philosophy

SAGE Publications Ltd eBooks, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying Regulation

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying in Europe

Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2017

Lobbying in Europe 'Professors Bitonti and Harris have produced a timely, relevant work for anyon... more Lobbying in Europe 'Professors Bitonti and Harris have produced a timely, relevant work for anyone interested in the actual practice and effectiveness of lobbying in Europe. As Europe moves ever so gradually toward Brussels and the EU as the center of policy and regulations, so to must corporations and other interests learn to simultaneously carry out lobbying in the home country and in Brussels. It is a balancing act that requires skill and timing-and this work delivers on both.'

Research paper thumbnail of Tools of digital innovation in public affairs management: A practice‐oriented analysis

Journal of Public Affairs

While the literature on digital transformation is growing in several fields, research on the effe... more While the literature on digital transformation is growing in several fields, research on the effects of digital innovation in the practice of public affairs is still scattered and unsystematic, mostly focusing on interest groups' social media strategies. However, digital innovation has begun to change the practice of public affairs management in many areas, especially in the form of datafication, AI analytics, and cloud‐based knowledge management platforms. Growing possibilities in the use of data science and evidence‐informed strategic decision‐making have arisen in domains traditionally shaped by intuitions and non‐codified professional experience. Based on desk research of case studies and hands‐on analyses of three increasingly popular public affairs management software platforms (FiscalNote, Quorum, KMIND), this article develops a practice‐oriented analysis of various digital tools and functionalities available to public affairs practitioners today, tackling a gap in the li...

Research paper thumbnail of Did COVID-19 change the political communication of polarizing leaders? The case of Salvini's campaigning before and after the pandemic

European Journal of Communication

In recent years, political polarization saw a significant rise in many political systems. This re... more In recent years, political polarization saw a significant rise in many political systems. This revamped a scientific debate sparked decades ago, with different schools of thought debating on dynamics, factors, and causes of polarization itself. By looking at political elites’ polarizing strategy—one of the factors on which various theories seem to converge—this article tackles the question concerning the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of political communication. More specifically, we look at the case of a highly polarizing leader in Italy—Matteo Salvini, leader of Lega—in two campaigns held in 2020 before and after the first wave of the pandemic. By analyzing his messages on Facebook and Twitter, we build on the literature on the causes of affective polarization to study Salvini's use of partisan identity and divisive issues, also considering other crucial elements, such as the attacks against others, and followers’ engagement. The results highlight some changes betwee...

Research paper thumbnail of Public Interest

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying Regulation

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Junk Science

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Nimby

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Interest

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Research paper thumbnail of Claudia Mariotti, Le Storie. Indagine sui valori della classe parlamentare di Forza Italia, reviewed by Alberto Bitonti

Party Politics, 2013

principles of floor proceedings, and proceeds to examine the above suppositions by conducting bot... more principles of floor proceedings, and proceeds to examine the above suppositions by conducting both macro-level (i.e. Congress-level) and micro-level (i.e. issue-specific) analyses. While the results are short of conclusive, Taylor finds reasonably strong support for the notion that floor proceedings are of higher quality in the Senate than the House. However, with the exception of one issue area (trade policy), there is little evidence to corroborate the claim that floor proceedings in both chambers have declined over time.

Research paper thumbnail of The age of collaborative democracy. Collective intelligence, open government and a paradigm shift in policymaking and lobbying

SISP Annual Meeting, 2018

Various factors affect the health and the functionality of modern representative democracy. The c... more Various factors affect the health and the functionality of modern representative democracy. The changing conditions of political representation, of lobbying and interest representation, the rising fragmentation of society, the crisis of the traditional players of mass democracy, ineffective public policies, a growing distrust towards political institutions and the rise of populism and fast politics are all elements to take into account when discussing the crisis of liberal democracy. Aim of this paper is to attempt to think in terms of solutions, discussing the concept of collaborative democracy. Focusing on the epistemic conditions of policymaking, on the potential of digital revolution and on the values of the open government philosophy, the concept of collaborative democracy will be presented as a paradigm shift in the way policymaking and lobbying are conceived, fostering better methods, channels and results for traditional representative democracy.

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying and Public Affairs in Europe: Some Comparative Remarks

Lobbying in Europe: Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries, 2017

The public affairs and lobbying industry represents an extremely relevant and fascinating field o... more The public affairs and lobbying industry represents an extremely relevant and fascinating field of observation to political analysts and to everyone engaged in the comprehension of complex political and economic environments such as the European one. To analyse how the influence of power works and what role interest groups and the various actors of a political system play in public decision-making processes is extremely useful to understand those processes and how the system operates. That is why, in collecting the data and all the points of view provided in the various chapters of this volume, we hope to have laid down the basis for a new and more complete perspective on what European democracy is today. The intellectual datum here is that understanding interest group systems remains crucial to understanding the functioning of advanced democracies, especially in an era when these democracies are becoming increasingly embedded in supranational policy networks. (Beyers, Eising and Maloney 2008, 1104) The main aim of this volume is to fertilize the ground for further research and for the development of new and stronger theories, able to explain what are the conditions and the factors affecting the development of public affairs in a country, the regulation of lobbying, the relationship between interest groups and traditional political actors, the weight of institutional frameworks, the influence of the European integration process on national developments, etc. The widest part of scientific literature on lobbying and interest groups seems to focus on the theoretical and historical analysis of interest groups and their role in democratic systems (Bentley