Sirbu Ghenadie | State University of Moldova (original) (raw)
personal publictaions by Sirbu Ghenadie
Sprawozdania archeologiczne 73/2, 2021, 2021
Sîrbu Gh. and Król D. 2021. Dwellings and their nearest surroundings in the 4 th millennium BC in... more Sîrbu Gh. and Król D. 2021. Dwellings and their nearest surroundings in the 4 th millennium BC in the Eastern Carpathian area: a case study from the Gordineşti II-Stînca Goală settlement. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 73/2, 93-108. Investigation into the construction of dwellings, their spatial arrangements, and the nearest surroundings is highly relevant in studying the functioning of an archaeological phenomenon. During the recent years of excavation undertaken at the Gordineşti II-Stînca Goală site, we have revealed the remains of at least two dwellings and their economic surroundings that on the whole may be referred to as household clusters. In this paper, we would like to focus on one of them (House no. 1). Our main goal is to present not only the key attributes of the dwelling but also the results of the spatial analysis of features and artefacts found inside and outside of it. Based on those data, we can suggest that this dwelling consisted of two functionally varied rooms. This inference seems to be also relevant in the broader sense; it can expand the general knowledge related to issues relating to the household clusters usage in the Eastern Carpathian area at the end of the 4 th millennium BC.
Data systematization in the Neo-Eneolithic of Southeastern and Central Europe: Essays in honor of Sergej Ryzhov, 2021
Baltic-Pontic Studies, 2019
In this article we would like to point out some issues related to a series of ceramic materials f... more In this article we would like to point out some issues related to a series of ceramic materials found in sites attributed to the Late Enolithic groups of Brînzeni and Gordinești in the Dniester-Prut interfluve. In terms of technology and stylistics in the case of pottery from the Brînzeni type sites and stylistics in the case of pottery from the Gordinești type sites, we can see some analogies in the cultural environment of the central European area. For the Brînzeni group the clearest analogies tend to be seen in eastern, southern and south-eastern areas of the Funnel Beaker culture, whereas for the Gordinești group this seems to be visible within the Złota culture in the Sandomierz Upland, Middle Vistula region. Another issue of our study concerns the chronological frames of these two groups. Analyses of the radiocarbon data series obtained so far allow us to make some careful corrections in the chronological scheme of the Late Eneolithic for eastern Europe. Both mentioned issues fit into socio-cultural relations in the East Carpathian area in the context of the cultural transformations in the second half of the 4th millennium BC.
The aim of this article is to present the latest results of geophysical researches executed in Ap... more The aim of this article is to present the latest results of geophysical researches executed in April 2017 at the site Gordineşti II-Stînca goală in northern part of the Republic of Moldova. Based on very intriguing discoveries (i.e. remains of a dwelling, part of a clay platform and one pit) during the excavations carried out in 2016 and earlier, it was decided to investigate a larger area using non-invasive geophysical method. As a result, a few types of anomalies of different shapes were identified. It seems that these anomalies indicate the occurrence of remains of the dwellings as well as hypothetical main square between them in the centre of this fortified settlement.
The article describes a new archaeozological material from the Eneolithic settlement Gordinești I... more The article describes a new archaeozological material from the Eneolithic settlement Gordinești II-Stînca goală, collected during the archaeological excavations of the 2017 and 2018 field campaigns. The new material comes from sectors A and B of the excavated part of the archaeological site. In addition to the remains of cattle, domestic goat, horse, wild boar, fox, red deer, and roe deer, known on this monument according to the data from the previous excavation, the new archaeozological material indicates the presence of the domestic pig and sheep in the settlement. The dog remains are extremely few. It should also be noted the relatively large number of remains of red deer and roe deer, which make up about 21% of the total number of the determined archaeozoological material. The new findings of the horse are of particular interest, since the new material allows us to give a preliminary characterization of the Eneolithic form of the domestic horse from Moldova.
The article publishes the pottery kiln from Costeşti IX settlement, which was discovered in 1974 ... more The article publishes the pottery kiln from Costeşti IX settlement, which was discovered in 1974 by E. A. Rikman and V. I. Grosu, during rescue archaeological investigations in the area of construction of the accumulation lake from the village of Costeşti (Rîşcani district, Republic of Moldova). The kiln was well preserved, allowing to reconstruct its inner design.
After the analysis, it was determined that the installation mechanism for burning ceramics is part of the category of kilns with two overlaid chambers. The detailed study of its parameters and of the filler allowed attributing this pottery kiln to late Eneolithic communities of the Gordineşti type.
One of the important steps in the study of archaeological cultures is to establish of the limits ... more One of the important steps in the study of archaeological cultures is to establish of the limits of its chronological evolution. In especially, we can speak here about the last period of the Eneolithic, when the cultural complex Cucuteni -Tripolie, is substituted, in the East-Carpathian area, with a number of local groups, one of which is the group of Gordineşti type.
Have been made multiple attempts in chronological determination of the late Eneolithic groups, in the present study we try to approach this issue in the light of new technologies, in especially of the pottery kilns. I chose this issue because, in our opinion, refl ects a tendency in the processing of the ceramic materials in the well-established centers which ensured both local community and other tribes which is in the vicinity.
It is necessary to mentioned, that in these centers was made pottery decorated with incised ornament which imitated the painted elements, in other groups this ceramics is considered as import. Thanks to new interdisciplinary technology was possible to obtain for Gordineşti
type, some C14 data, one of which comes from pottery kiln no. 1 discovered in the settlement Hancauti I-La Frasin. The result obtained fi ts perfectly within the limits of the chronological evolution of the group in discussion.
The present paper describes an archaeozoological assemblage from Late Eneolithic settlement of Go... more The present paper describes an archaeozoological assemblage from Late Eneolithic settlement of Gordineşti II-Stînca goală. The studied osteological material is characterized by low number of remains of wild animals, the predominant position of cattle and small cattle (with apparent importance of Capra hircus among small cattle), sparce remains of horse and apparent absence of pig in this sample. Systematical structure of the archaeozoological material from Gordinești II-Stînca goală and specific post-mortem modifications of bone remains are similar to the animal remains complexes from the described earlier sites of the Cucuteni-Tripolie Culture Horodca X and Trinca-La Șanț.
The article represents information about the archaeological situations in the microzone of Trinca... more The article represents information about the archaeological situations in the microzone of Trinca, Edineţ district, Republic
of Moldova, where there have been discovered five sites with different materials, characteristic of the Middle and Late
Eneolithic. Excavations were conducted on two settlements (Izvorul lui Luca and La Şanţ), and resulted in unearthing dwelling,
manufacturing and utility complexes as well as some pottery. The other three were recorded during some saving excavations.
All sites rank high on both sides of the gorge formed by the river Draghişte.
Books (Edited) by Sirbu Ghenadie
Journals (Edited) by Sirbu Ghenadie
Sprawozdania archeologiczne 73/2, 2021, 2021
Sîrbu Gh. and Król D. 2021. Dwellings and their nearest surroundings in the 4 th millennium BC in... more Sîrbu Gh. and Król D. 2021. Dwellings and their nearest surroundings in the 4 th millennium BC in the Eastern Carpathian area: a case study from the Gordineşti II-Stînca Goală settlement. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 73/2, 93-108. Investigation into the construction of dwellings, their spatial arrangements, and the nearest surroundings is highly relevant in studying the functioning of an archaeological phenomenon. During the recent years of excavation undertaken at the Gordineşti II-Stînca Goală site, we have revealed the remains of at least two dwellings and their economic surroundings that on the whole may be referred to as household clusters. In this paper, we would like to focus on one of them (House no. 1). Our main goal is to present not only the key attributes of the dwelling but also the results of the spatial analysis of features and artefacts found inside and outside of it. Based on those data, we can suggest that this dwelling consisted of two functionally varied rooms. This inference seems to be also relevant in the broader sense; it can expand the general knowledge related to issues relating to the household clusters usage in the Eastern Carpathian area at the end of the 4 th millennium BC.
Data systematization in the Neo-Eneolithic of Southeastern and Central Europe: Essays in honor of Sergej Ryzhov, 2021
Baltic-Pontic Studies, 2019
In this article we would like to point out some issues related to a series of ceramic materials f... more In this article we would like to point out some issues related to a series of ceramic materials found in sites attributed to the Late Enolithic groups of Brînzeni and Gordinești in the Dniester-Prut interfluve. In terms of technology and stylistics in the case of pottery from the Brînzeni type sites and stylistics in the case of pottery from the Gordinești type sites, we can see some analogies in the cultural environment of the central European area. For the Brînzeni group the clearest analogies tend to be seen in eastern, southern and south-eastern areas of the Funnel Beaker culture, whereas for the Gordinești group this seems to be visible within the Złota culture in the Sandomierz Upland, Middle Vistula region. Another issue of our study concerns the chronological frames of these two groups. Analyses of the radiocarbon data series obtained so far allow us to make some careful corrections in the chronological scheme of the Late Eneolithic for eastern Europe. Both mentioned issues fit into socio-cultural relations in the East Carpathian area in the context of the cultural transformations in the second half of the 4th millennium BC.
The aim of this article is to present the latest results of geophysical researches executed in Ap... more The aim of this article is to present the latest results of geophysical researches executed in April 2017 at the site Gordineşti II-Stînca goală in northern part of the Republic of Moldova. Based on very intriguing discoveries (i.e. remains of a dwelling, part of a clay platform and one pit) during the excavations carried out in 2016 and earlier, it was decided to investigate a larger area using non-invasive geophysical method. As a result, a few types of anomalies of different shapes were identified. It seems that these anomalies indicate the occurrence of remains of the dwellings as well as hypothetical main square between them in the centre of this fortified settlement.
The article describes a new archaeozological material from the Eneolithic settlement Gordinești I... more The article describes a new archaeozological material from the Eneolithic settlement Gordinești II-Stînca goală, collected during the archaeological excavations of the 2017 and 2018 field campaigns. The new material comes from sectors A and B of the excavated part of the archaeological site. In addition to the remains of cattle, domestic goat, horse, wild boar, fox, red deer, and roe deer, known on this monument according to the data from the previous excavation, the new archaeozological material indicates the presence of the domestic pig and sheep in the settlement. The dog remains are extremely few. It should also be noted the relatively large number of remains of red deer and roe deer, which make up about 21% of the total number of the determined archaeozoological material. The new findings of the horse are of particular interest, since the new material allows us to give a preliminary characterization of the Eneolithic form of the domestic horse from Moldova.
The article publishes the pottery kiln from Costeşti IX settlement, which was discovered in 1974 ... more The article publishes the pottery kiln from Costeşti IX settlement, which was discovered in 1974 by E. A. Rikman and V. I. Grosu, during rescue archaeological investigations in the area of construction of the accumulation lake from the village of Costeşti (Rîşcani district, Republic of Moldova). The kiln was well preserved, allowing to reconstruct its inner design.
After the analysis, it was determined that the installation mechanism for burning ceramics is part of the category of kilns with two overlaid chambers. The detailed study of its parameters and of the filler allowed attributing this pottery kiln to late Eneolithic communities of the Gordineşti type.
One of the important steps in the study of archaeological cultures is to establish of the limits ... more One of the important steps in the study of archaeological cultures is to establish of the limits of its chronological evolution. In especially, we can speak here about the last period of the Eneolithic, when the cultural complex Cucuteni -Tripolie, is substituted, in the East-Carpathian area, with a number of local groups, one of which is the group of Gordineşti type.
Have been made multiple attempts in chronological determination of the late Eneolithic groups, in the present study we try to approach this issue in the light of new technologies, in especially of the pottery kilns. I chose this issue because, in our opinion, refl ects a tendency in the processing of the ceramic materials in the well-established centers which ensured both local community and other tribes which is in the vicinity.
It is necessary to mentioned, that in these centers was made pottery decorated with incised ornament which imitated the painted elements, in other groups this ceramics is considered as import. Thanks to new interdisciplinary technology was possible to obtain for Gordineşti
type, some C14 data, one of which comes from pottery kiln no. 1 discovered in the settlement Hancauti I-La Frasin. The result obtained fi ts perfectly within the limits of the chronological evolution of the group in discussion.
The present paper describes an archaeozoological assemblage from Late Eneolithic settlement of Go... more The present paper describes an archaeozoological assemblage from Late Eneolithic settlement of Gordineşti II-Stînca goală. The studied osteological material is characterized by low number of remains of wild animals, the predominant position of cattle and small cattle (with apparent importance of Capra hircus among small cattle), sparce remains of horse and apparent absence of pig in this sample. Systematical structure of the archaeozoological material from Gordinești II-Stînca goală and specific post-mortem modifications of bone remains are similar to the animal remains complexes from the described earlier sites of the Cucuteni-Tripolie Culture Horodca X and Trinca-La Șanț.
The article represents information about the archaeological situations in the microzone of Trinca... more The article represents information about the archaeological situations in the microzone of Trinca, Edineţ district, Republic
of Moldova, where there have been discovered five sites with different materials, characteristic of the Middle and Late
Eneolithic. Excavations were conducted on two settlements (Izvorul lui Luca and La Şanţ), and resulted in unearthing dwelling,
manufacturing and utility complexes as well as some pottery. The other three were recorded during some saving excavations.
All sites rank high on both sides of the gorge formed by the river Draghişte.
Revista Arheologica volumul VIII, nr. 1-2, 2012
The periodization of the Late Eneolithic of the Carpathian-Danube region still needs additional r... more The periodization of the Late Eneolithic of the Carpathian-Danube region still needs additional radiocarbon dating of samples taken from the contexts of the sites under investigation. Previously developed
schemes based on the 14C dates obtained for the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture (at all its three stages) encounter many problems, especially when correlating these data with other synchronous cultures.
At the final stage of the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture, for numerous reasons of a socio-economic nature, as well as the influence of the climatic factors, its division into several local variants is observed, similar to each other in a number of elements of material culture and, to a lesser extent, in the burial rite. Our interest is associated with one of the groups known as Gordineşti type.
In recent years, a series of 14 samples for radiocarbon analysis was selected allowing us to develop a new chronological scheme for the Late Eneolithic of the Prut-Dniester interfluve. For the analysis, animal bones and carbonized cereals from five settlements, as well as human teeth from two burial complexes were used.
After analyzing 14 samples, some of which clearly run contrary to the known dates for the Usatovo group, and their corrections (1σ and 2σ) using the OxCal v4.3.2 (IntCal 13 Northern Hemisphere curve) and CalPal v1.5 software (both on-line), the obtained Bayesian modeling shows that the dates are divided into two stable chronological phases, and a third one is illustrated conventionally.
Thus, the gained results allow us, on the one hand, to delineate the exact chronological framework of Gordineşti type monuments in the limit of 3360–2900 cal BC (Sîrbu 2019), and on the other, to make some adjustments regarding the chronological position of this type of sites in the overall periodization of the East Carpathian Eneolithic, while emphasizing synchronicity with other cultural groups such as
Usatove (late phase), Sofievka, Funnel Beaker culture (eastern group), culture of Globular Amphorae (Podolsk and Siret aspects) etc., of the end of the 4th — beginning of the 3rd millennium BC.
National Archaeological Commission (ed.) 2017. Archaeological investigations from the Republic of Moldova. 2016 campaign. Chișinău: 13-15.
Journal of Neolithic Archaeology, 2023
In the years 2022 and 2023, the Trypillia hilltop settlement of Trinca-La Șanț in northern Moldov... more In the years 2022 and 2023, the Trypillia hilltop settlement of Trinca-La Șanț in northern Moldova was investigated and excavated by the CRC1266 in collaboration with the State University of Moldova. As a result, we unveiled the basic structures of the 25 ha fortified settlement, which, adapted to the topography, combines the principles of linear and concentric rows of houses. Based on the 14 C data available to date, it can be assumed that the settlement dates from 3950 to 3650 BCE. Of the 320 houses discovered, up to 100 existed simultaneously, which corresponds to a maximum number of inhabitants of 250-1000 people. δ 13 C/δ 15 N isotope values of domestic animals indicate an extensive economy that corresponds to that of other, similarly large or mega-sites. Research questions As part of the CRC1266 investigations into transformation processes, we selected the northern Moldovan site of Trinca-La Șanț to investigate specific changes within the late Trypillian society. Several reasons prompted this decision, all of which tie back to three aspects.
Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 75/1, 2023
This study aims to provide information on cultural and environmental factors influencing the deve... more This study aims to provide information on cultural and environmental factors influencing the development and decline of the Late Trypillia settlement at Gordineşti II-Stînca goală. The discussion is based on the results of archaeological excavations, non-invasive surveys (magnetometric and GPR), as well as radiocarbon, macroremains, palynological, archaeozoological, and isotopic analyses. All data suggests that Gordineşti II-Stînca goală consisted of at least 15 lightweight constructed dwellings. It was a small settlement existing c. 3300-2950 BC. Its inhabitants were oriented to cereal cultivation and livestock husbandry, using available areas with fertile soils. The livestock were well-fed. However, the location of the settlement on a highly exposed outcrop probably did not facilitate the use of the flowing water of the nearby Racovăţ River. The rock underlying the site would have made digging the wells a very tough task. Hence, the water access problem may be one of the factors that made life inconvenient at the Gordineşti II-Stînca goală settlement.
Varia Archaeologica III, 2023
The center of our attention will be the fortification of Horodca Mica, district Hincesti, Republ... more The center of our attention will be the fortification of Horodca Mica, district Hincesti, Republic of Moldova. It has been explored during six archaeological campaigns. The vigorous defensive system and a part of
the intra‑mural space were investigated. The processing of the numerous archaeological materials raised many problems, but in the following we will focus only on the chronology of the site. The objective is determined by the fact that all efforts undertaken until recently have been limited to the presentation of a very broad chronological framework for the Getic fortifications, without any attempt to refine the relative and absolute chronology. Fortunately, the tools that have recently become available are likely to reduce the gaps and shortcomings that characterise this aspect of the evolution of the fortifications of the Second Iron Age. We aimed to carry out a Bayesian modelling of 14C radiocarbon data, combined with stratigraphic observations, taking into account the chronological landmarks of the artefacts that have the valence of chronological indicators.
Literary and archaeological sources have preserved a rich history of Southern Europe and West Asi... more Literary and archaeological sources have preserved a rich history of Southern Europe and West Asia since the Bronze Age that can be complemented by genetics. Mycenaean period elites in Greece did not differ from the general population and included both people with some steppe ancestry and others, like the Griffin Warrior, without it. Similarly, people in the central area of the Urartian Kingdom around Lake Van lacked the steppe ancestry characteristic of the kingdom’s northern provinces. Anatolia exhibited extraordinary continuity down to the Roman and Byzantine periods, with its people serving as the demographic core of much of the Roman Empire, including the city of Rome itself. During medieval times, migrations associated with Slavic and Turkic speakers profoundly affected the region.
Baltic-Pontic Studies, 2020
In this article we would like to point out some issues related to a series of ceramic materials f... more In this article we would like to point out some issues related to a series of ceramic materials found in sites attributed to the Late Enolithic groups of Brînzeni and Gordinești in the Dniester-Prut interfluve. In terms of technology and stylistics in the case of pottery from the Brînzeni type sites and stylistics in the case of pottery from the Gordinești type sites, we can see some analogies in the cultural environment of the central European area. For the Brînzeni group the clearest analogies tend to be seen in eastern, southern and south-eastern areas of the Funnel Beaker culture, whereas for the Gordinești group this seems to be visible within the Złota culture in the Sandomierz Upland, Middle Vistula region. Another issue of our study concerns the chronological frames of these two groups. Analyses of the radiocarbon data series obtained so far allow us to make some careful corrections in the chronological scheme of the Late Eneolithic for eastern Europe. Both mentioned issues ...
Revista Arheologică, 2017
The present paper describes an archaeozoological assemblage from Late Eneolithic settlement of Go... more The present paper describes an archaeozoological assemblage from Late Eneolithic settlement of Gordineşti II-Stînca goală. The studied osteological material is characterized by low number of remains of wild animals, the predominant position of cattle and small cattle (with apparent importance of Capra hircus among small cattle), sparce remains of horse and apparent absence of pig in this sample. Systematical structure of the archaeozoological material from Gordineșşti II-Stînca goală and specific post-mortem modifications of bone remains are similar to the animal remains complexes from the described earlier sites of the Cucuteni-Tripolie Culture Horodca X and Trinca-La Șanț.
Nature, 2021
Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare1. However, mode... more Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare1. However, modern domesticated breeds do not descend from the earliest domestic horse lineage associated with archaeological evidence of bridling, milking and corralling2–4 at Botai, Central Asia around 3500 bc3. Other longstanding candidate regions for horse domestication, such as Iberia5 and Anatolia6, have also recently been challenged. Thus, the genetic, geographic and temporal origins of modern domestic horses have remained unknown. Here we pinpoint the Western Eurasian steppes, especially the lower Volga-Don region, as the homeland of modern domestic horses. Furthermore, we map the population changes accompanying domestication from 273 ancient horse genomes. This reveals that modern domestic horses ultimately replaced almost all other local populations as they expanded rapidly across Eurasia from about 2000 bc, synchronously with equestrian material culture, including Sintashta spoke-wheeled char...
Connections, contacts and interactions between ancient cultures of Northern Eurasia and civilizations of the East during the Palaeometal period (IV–I mil. BC), 2019
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, 2017
Scientific Reports, 2020
The Cucuteni-Trypillia complex (CTC) flourished in eastern Europe for over two millennia (5100–28... more The Cucuteni-Trypillia complex (CTC) flourished in eastern Europe for over two millennia (5100–2800 BCE) from the end of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Its vast distribution area encompassed modern-day eastern Romania, Moldova and western/central Ukraine. Due to a lack of existing burials throughout most of this time, only little is known about the people associated with this complex and their genetic composition. Here, we present genome-wide data generated from the skeletal remains of four females that were excavated from two Late CTC sites in Moldova (3500–3100 BCE). All individuals carried a large Neolithic-derived ancestry component and were genetically more closely related to Linear Pottery than to Anatolian farmers. Three of the specimens also showed considerable amounts of steppe-related ancestry, suggesting influx into the CTC gene-pool from people affiliated with, for instance, the Ukraine Mesolithic. The latter scenario is supported by archaeological evidence. Take...
Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2021
Investigation into the construction of dwellings, their spatial arrangements, and the nearest sur... more Investigation into the construction of dwellings, their spatial arrangements, and the nearest surroundings is highly relevant in the field of study on functioning of archaeological phenomenona. During the recent years of excavation undertaken at the Gordineşti II-Stînca goală site, we revealed the remains of at least two dwellings and their economic surroundings that may be referred to on the whole as household clusters. In this paper, we would like to focus on one of them (dwelling no. 1). Our main goal is to present not only the key attributes of the dwelling, but also the results of the spatial analysis of features and artifacts found inside and outside of it. Based on that data, we can suggest that this dwelling consisted of two functionally-varied rooms. This inference seems to be also relevant in the broader sense; it can expand the general knowledge related to issues relating to the household clusters usage in the Eastern Carpathian area in the end of the 4th Millennium BC.
Baltic-Pontic Studies, 2020
Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of vari... more Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of various archaeological sites. Using one of the most popular of them, i.e. magnetometry, we carried out a survey of the area of the multi-phase Eneolithic site of Brînzeni IV (north-western Moldova) in 2019. As a result, the spatial arrangement of the site and its current state of preservation were preliminarily identified.
Baltic-Pontic Studies, 2020
Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of vari... more Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of various archaeological sites. Using one of the most popular of them, i.e. magnetometry, we carried out a survey of the area of the multi-phase Eneolithic site of Brînzeni IV (north-western Moldova) in 2019. As a result, the spatial arrangement of the site and its current state of preservation were preliminarily identified.
Nature, 2021
Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare. However, moder... more Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare. However, modern domesticated breeds do not descend from the earliest domestic horse lineage associated with archaeological evidence of bridling, milking and corralling at Botai, Central Asia around 3500 BC. Other longstanding candidate regions for horse domestication, such as Iberia and Anatolia, have also recently been challenged. Thus, the genetic, geographic and temporal origins of modern domestic horses have remained unknown. Here we pinpoint the Western Eurasian steppes, especially the lower Volga-Don region, as the homeland of modern domestic horses. Furthermore, we map the population changes accompanying domestication from 273 ancient horse genomes. This reveals that modern domestic horses ultimately replaced almost all other local populations as they expanded rapidly across Eurasia from about 2000 BC, synchronously with equestrian material culture, including Sintashta spoke-wheeled chariots. We find that equestrianism involved strong selection for critical locomotor and behavioural adaptations at the GSDMC and ZFPM1 genes. Our results reject the commonly held association between horseback riding and the massive expansion of Yamnaya steppe pastoralists into Europe around 3000 BC driving the spread of Indo-European languages. This contrasts with the scenario in Asia where Indo-Iranian languages, chariots and horses spread together, following the early second millennium bc Sintashta culture
Baltic-Pontic Studies, 2020
Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of vari... more Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of various archaeological sites. Using one of the most popular of them, i.e. magnetometry, we carried out a survey of the area of the multi-phase Eneolithic site of Brînzeni IV (north-western Moldova) in 2019. As a result, the spatial arrangement of the site and its current state of preservation were preliminarily identified.
Baltic-Pontic Studies , 2020
Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of vari... more Non-invasive geophysical methods are often very useful and efficient in the investigation of various archaeological sites. Using one of the most popular of them, i.e. magnetometry, we carried out a survey of the area of the multi-phase Eneolithic site of Brînzeni IV (north-western Moldova) in 2019. As a result, the spatial arrangement of the site and its current state of preservation were preliminarily identified.
Scientific Reports. Nature, 2020
Immel, A., Țerna, S., Simalcsik, A., Susat, J., Šarov, O., Sîrbu, G., Hofmann, R., Müller, J., Ne... more Immel, A., Țerna, S., Simalcsik, A., Susat, J., Šarov, O., Sîrbu, G., Hofmann, R., Müller, J., Nebel, A., Krause-Kyora, B., 2020. Gene-flow from steppe individuals into Cucuteni-Trypillia associated populations indicates longstanding contacts and gradual admixture, Scientific Reports. Nature. 10:4253 |, 1-8.
The Cucuteni-Trypillia complex (CTC) flourished in eastern Europe for over two millennia (5100-2800 BCE) from the end of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Its vast distribution area encompassed modern-day eastern Romania, Moldova and western/central Ukraine. Due to a lack of existing burials throughout most of this time, only little is known about the people associated with this complex and their genetic composition. Here, we present genome-wide data generated from the skeletal remains of four females that were excavated from two Late CTC sites in Moldova (3500-3100 BCE). All individuals carried a large Neolithic-derived ancestry component and were genetically more closely related to Linear Pottery than to Anatolian farmers. Three of the specimens also showed considerable amounts of steppe-related ancestry, suggesting influx into the CTC gene-pool from people affiliated with, for instance, the Ukraine Mesolithic. The latter scenario is supported by archaeological evidence. Taken together, our results confirm that the steppe component arrived in eastern Europe farming communities maybe as early as 3500 BCE. In addition, they are in agreement with the hypothesis of ongoing contacts and gradual admixture between incoming steppe and local western populations.
Nature Scientific Reports 10, 4253, 2020
The Cucuteni-Trypillia complex (CTC) flourished in eastern Europe for over two millennia (5100-28... more The Cucuteni-Trypillia complex (CTC) flourished in eastern Europe for over two millennia (5100-2800 BCE) from the end of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Its vast distribution area encompassed modern-day eastern Romania, Moldova and western/central Ukraine. Due to a lack of existing burials throughout most of this time, only little is known about the people associated with this complex and their genetic composition. Here, we present genome-wide data generated from the skeletal remains of four females that were excavated from two Late CTC sites in Moldova (3500-3100 BCE). All individuals carried a large Neolithic-derived ancestry component and were genetically more closely related to Linear Pottery than to Anatolian farmers. Three of the specimens also showed considerable amounts of steppe-related ancestry, suggesting influx into the CTC gene-pool from people affiliated with, for instance, the Ukraine Mesolithic. The latter scenario is supported by archaeological evidence. Taken together, our results confirm that the steppe component arrived in eastern Europe farming communities maybe as early as 3500 BCE. In addition, they are in agreement with the hypothesis of ongoing contacts and gradual admixture between incoming steppe and local western populations.
Collective monography , 2023
In the years 2019-2023 there was completed the NCN project Opus 15, no. 2018/29/B/ HS3/01166, “Go... more In the years 2019-2023 there was completed
the NCN project Opus 15, no. 2018/29/B/
HS3/01166, “Gordineşti II-Stînca goală as
a model example of development and decline
of fortified settlements of the Tripolye Culture
at the end of the 4th mill. BC”. The obtained results
are presented in the monographic work
entitled “Gordineşti II-Stînca goală site and
the settlement context in Western Ukraine at
the end of the 4th millennium BC”.