Ottar Ness | Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge / University of South-Eastern Norway (original) (raw)

Papers by Ottar Ness

Research paper thumbnail of Positioning Self and Dialogue: Review of Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and Counter-Positioning in a Globalizing Society By Hubert Hermans and Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 392 pages, $99.00 (hardcover)

Research paper thumbnail of Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery: a literature review of first-person perspectives

Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Learning New Ideas and Practices Together

... George, and Mary Gergen who has facilitated stimulating workshops, conferences and telephone ... more ... George, and Mary Gergen who has facilitated stimulating workshops, conferences and telephone conversations, and fellow Taos-Tilburg program candidates added great fun, camaraderie and support – special thanks to Aileen Tierney, Janice DeFehr, Vikki Reynolds ...

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Board EOV

Research paper thumbnail of Steg for steg, Blåkors Øst 2011: en forskningsbasert evaluering

Hovedmålsettingen i Steg for Steg (SFS) er å tilby brukerdrevne fritidsaktiviteter for å skape ne... more Hovedmålsettingen i Steg for Steg (SFS) er å tilby brukerdrevne fritidsaktiviteter for å skape nettverk, aktivitet og mestring. Slik SFS stod frem i 2010 representerer det et rusfritt fritidstilbud utviklet av og for Blå Kors Øst sine brukere. Brukerne er personer som har et rusproblem og samtidig får et tilbud om behandling/rehabilitering i regi av Blå Kors Øst. SFS er et tilbud som skal skape arenaer for aktivitet, mestring og fellesskap i en trygg, rusfri sone. SFS er "fritid som gir overskudd". Tilbudet tar utgangspunkt i en forståelse av at det viktigste tiltaket for å redusere fattigdommen i Norge er å senke terskelen for aktiv deltakelse i samfunn og arbeidsliv. SFSmodellen er en metode som har som målsetting både å bidra til menneskelig aktivitet og til å benytte fritidsaktiviteter som målrettete utviklingsarenaer. Evalueringsoppdraget er finansiert av Helsedirektoratet og utført av Institutt for forskning innen psykisk helse og rus, Høgskolen i Buskerud.

Research paper thumbnail of Springbrett og anerkjennelse i en oppgavebasert tilnærming: en forskningsbasert evaluering av Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon Drammens aktiviteter relatert til Nyby'n Aktivitetskafé

Research paper thumbnail of Therapists in continuous education: A collaborative approach

Research paper thumbnail of «Å delta med det du kan»: Betydningen av meningsfulle aktiviteter i recoveryprosesser

Research paper thumbnail of Helsearbeidernes erfaringer med hvordan krav om modelltrofasthet virker inn på brukermedvirkning i ACT-team

Sammendrag I denne artikkelen belyser vi hvordan helsearbeidere i Assertive Community Treatment-t... more Sammendrag I denne artikkelen belyser vi hvordan helsearbeidere i Assertive Community Treatment-team (ACT-team) erfarer at modelltrofasthet virker inn på brukermedvirkningen i deres arbeid. Modelltrofasthet handler om at ACT er en modell hvor praksis bør leveres i tråd med 46 faste elementer, med et helsepolitisk krav om troskap til modellen. Grad av modelltrofasthet evalueres ved årlige fidelity-målinger. Bakgrunnen for denne studien er de siste 15 årenes helsepolitiske fokus på brukermedvirkning og kunnskapsbasert praksis, samt en evaluering av opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse som avdekker at brukerne tidvis ikke opplever reell brukermedvirkning. Studien er gjennomført ved hjelp av kvalitativ metode med et fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk vitenskapsteoretisk perspektiv. Grunnlaget for studien er fem individuelle dybdeintervjuer av helsearbeidere i ACT-team. Funnene viser at helsearbeiderne opplever at deres modellbaserte praksisrammer førte til en human, holistisk og dynamisk arbeidspraksis, med stor vekt på brukermedvirkning. Disse funnene kan relateres til helsearbeidernes modelltrofasthet. Avslutningsvis diskuteres funnene naermere i lys av praksisrammers betingelser for brukermedvirkning og oppsøkende virksomheters dilemmaer. Nøkkelord: Assertive Community Treatment, brukermedvirkning, kunnskapsbasert praksis Hege Stokmo, Ottar Ness, Marit Borg og Mona Sommer 14 TIDSSKRIFT FOR PSYKISK HELSEARBEID · Volum 11 · Nr. 1 · 2014 · © Universitetsforlaget Summary Health care workers' experiences with the requirement of model fidelity and user involvement in the Assertive Community Treatment team

Research paper thumbnail of SEPREP Bergen 2012-2014: en forskningsbasert evaluering

Dette forskningsprosjektet har vaert et samarbeid mellom Senter for psykisk helse og rus (SFPR) v... more Dette forskningsprosjektet har vaert et samarbeid mellom Senter for psykisk helse og rus (SFPR) ved Høgskolen i Buskerud og Vestfold og Stiftelsen SEPREP. Prosjektet er finansiert av Stiftelsen SEPREP.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduksjonskurs i kognitiv miljøterapi: en forskningsbasert evaluering

Research paper thumbnail of Medvandrer og hverdagshjelper–Fagpersoners erfaringer med å bidra til styrking av brukeres medborgerskap

Artikkelen handler om hvordan fagpersoner i et ACT-team arbeider for å styrke brukernes medborger... more Artikkelen handler om hvordan fagpersoner i et ACT-team arbeider for å styrke brukernes medborgerskap. Dette ble undersøkt gjennom flerstegs fokusgruppeintervju med ansatte i et ACT-team. Intervjuene ble analysert gjennomen fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk metode, inspirert av Ricoeur. Analysen identifiserte tre hovedfunn: (a) å fortjene tillit, (b) å ha samtaler om livet, og (c) å jobbe sammen med. Fagpersonene beskriver hvordan de aktivt arbeidet med å utvikle en trygg relasjon og ha mangfoldige og åpne samtaler, samt tilstrebet et likeverdig samarbeid på personenes arena. De opplevde at dette bidro til å styrke brukernes medborgerskap. Handlingene og samvaersformene som fagpersonene forteller om, er hverdagsnaere og lar seg vanskelig måle eller manualisere. Fagpersonenes rolle i dette arbeidet kan beskrives som medvandrere og hverdagshjelpere, noe som peker på behovet for samarbeidsbaserte perspektiver og praksiser.

Research paper thumbnail of Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery: a literature review of first-person perspectives

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a model for collaborative practice in community mental health care

In this article, we present a new model that provides a framework to develop and test practice gu... more In this article, we present a new model that provides a framework to develop and test practice guidelines for community mental health care, write Ottar Ness and colleagues.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning new ideas and practices together: A cooperative inquiry

This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues ... more This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues from the Trondheim Family Therapy Center in Norway in learning to use challenging new conversational practices in their work with couples. These therapists undertook their learning together, adapting John Heron's Co-operative Inquiry to also make sense of the learning process itself. Through reading and viewing videotaped demonstrations, through team discussion and practice, from personal reflections, and through feedback from clients, these therapists learned to use Johnella Bird's relational language-making approach. Data from these different aspects of the learning process were mapped using Adele Clarke's Situational Analysis to depict the complexities of that process. The results are discussed with respect to the challenges faced by therapist teams wanting to learn and use new ideas and practices in a practice setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning New Ideas and Practices Together: A Co-operative Inquiry Into Learning to Use Johnella Bird's Relational Language-making Approach in Couples Therapy

This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues ... more This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues from the Trondheim Family Therapy Center in Norway in learning to use challenging new conversational practices in their work with couples. These therapists undertook their learning together, adapting John Heron's Co-operative Inquiry to also make sense of the learning process itself. Through reading and viewing videotaped demonstrations, through team discussion and practice, from personal reflections, and through feedback from clients, these therapists learned to use Johnella Bird's relational language-making approach. Data from these different aspects of the learning process were mapped using Adele Clarke's Situational Analysis to depict the complexities of that process. The results are discussed with respect to the challenges faced by therapist teams wanting to learn and use new ideas and practices in a practice setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Barns fornemmelse for brudd: Erfaringer med å vokse opp med skilte foreldre

Children sensing their parents' divorce: Experiences from growing up with divorced parents. A... more Children sensing their parents' divorce: Experiences from growing up with divorced parents. According to Statistics Norway (SSB), it is estimated that 10 000 children un-der 18 years lived through their parents' divorce in 2012. About twice as many children experience separation when cohabiting parents who split up are included. An increasing group of children are growing up with parents who do not live together. In their childhood these children's relationship with their parents depends on the parent's collaboration, such as visitation agreements. The aim of the study was to describe the phenomenology of growing up as a child of divorced parents. The study was conducted using a qualitative method within a phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective. The basis of the study was ten individual in-depth interviews with adults who reflected on their childhood with divorced parents. The findings show how they describe what they did as children, (1) sensing the atmospheres an...

Research paper thumbnail of Preferred positionings in supervision: Reflective practices for conflict transformation

In this paper, we present how three different ways of understanding supervision – (1) supervisors... more In this paper, we present how three different ways of understanding supervision – (1) supervisors as trainers, (2) as gatekeepers, and (3) as guardians of clients’ wellbeing – may conflict in practice. We explore how, as a consequence, supervisors’ multiple relationships (e.g., with professional boards, with clients, and above all with supervisees) may be affected negatively. Next, we articulate a discursive approach to clinical supervision that may be useful to better navigate such dilemmatic space. The approach stems from the authors’ (discursive) interpretation of the tasks and functions of supervision, as described in the Systems Approach to Supervision model (Holloway, 1995). The main insight in our approach is to conceptualize supervisors’ multiple roles as discursive positions. These discursive positions (as opposed to roles) are intrinsically interactional and therefore dynamic. The discursive approach invites supervisors to take positions at three different moments in the s...

Research paper thumbnail of Family Therapists Develop Therapeutic Practices Together With Clients

Research paper thumbnail of Hope and recovery: a scoping review

Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 2014

Purpose -Hope is regarded as central to recovery processes. The phenomenon along with its implica... more Purpose -Hope is regarded as central to recovery processes. The phenomenon along with its implications for research and practice has, however, gained limited attention within the fields of mental health and substance use. The purpose of this paper is to explore how hope, and what may inspire it, is described within the literature by persons experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance use problems. Design/methodology/approach -The method chosen when conducting this literature review was a scoping study. This allows for a broad approach, aiming to examine research activity and identifying potential gaps within existing literature. Searches were conducted in EMBASE Ovid, PsychINFO Ovid, MEDLINE Ovid, CINAHL Ebsco, SveMed þ and Brithish Nursing Index. Findings -The authors included five articles and one book. None of these presented first-hand experiences of hope and there appears to be a gap in the literature. All included material underlined the importance of the phenomenon to those experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance use problems. Originality/value -Hope seems as important to people experiencing co-occurring problems as to anyone else. There appears to be a need for further research on how persons experiencing co-occurring problems perceive hope and what may inspire it. Hope and what people hope for take many forms and can arise unexpectedly. Practitioners need to take in account the diversity of the phenomenon and find ways of inspiring hope in collaboration with those in need of support.

Research paper thumbnail of Positioning Self and Dialogue: Review of Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and Counter-Positioning in a Globalizing Society By Hubert Hermans and Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 392 pages, $99.00 (hardcover)

Research paper thumbnail of Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery: a literature review of first-person perspectives

Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Learning New Ideas and Practices Together

... George, and Mary Gergen who has facilitated stimulating workshops, conferences and telephone ... more ... George, and Mary Gergen who has facilitated stimulating workshops, conferences and telephone conversations, and fellow Taos-Tilburg program candidates added great fun, camaraderie and support – special thanks to Aileen Tierney, Janice DeFehr, Vikki Reynolds ...

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Board EOV

Research paper thumbnail of Steg for steg, Blåkors Øst 2011: en forskningsbasert evaluering

Hovedmålsettingen i Steg for Steg (SFS) er å tilby brukerdrevne fritidsaktiviteter for å skape ne... more Hovedmålsettingen i Steg for Steg (SFS) er å tilby brukerdrevne fritidsaktiviteter for å skape nettverk, aktivitet og mestring. Slik SFS stod frem i 2010 representerer det et rusfritt fritidstilbud utviklet av og for Blå Kors Øst sine brukere. Brukerne er personer som har et rusproblem og samtidig får et tilbud om behandling/rehabilitering i regi av Blå Kors Øst. SFS er et tilbud som skal skape arenaer for aktivitet, mestring og fellesskap i en trygg, rusfri sone. SFS er "fritid som gir overskudd". Tilbudet tar utgangspunkt i en forståelse av at det viktigste tiltaket for å redusere fattigdommen i Norge er å senke terskelen for aktiv deltakelse i samfunn og arbeidsliv. SFSmodellen er en metode som har som målsetting både å bidra til menneskelig aktivitet og til å benytte fritidsaktiviteter som målrettete utviklingsarenaer. Evalueringsoppdraget er finansiert av Helsedirektoratet og utført av Institutt for forskning innen psykisk helse og rus, Høgskolen i Buskerud.

Research paper thumbnail of Springbrett og anerkjennelse i en oppgavebasert tilnærming: en forskningsbasert evaluering av Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon Drammens aktiviteter relatert til Nyby'n Aktivitetskafé

Research paper thumbnail of Therapists in continuous education: A collaborative approach

Research paper thumbnail of «Å delta med det du kan»: Betydningen av meningsfulle aktiviteter i recoveryprosesser

Research paper thumbnail of Helsearbeidernes erfaringer med hvordan krav om modelltrofasthet virker inn på brukermedvirkning i ACT-team

Sammendrag I denne artikkelen belyser vi hvordan helsearbeidere i Assertive Community Treatment-t... more Sammendrag I denne artikkelen belyser vi hvordan helsearbeidere i Assertive Community Treatment-team (ACT-team) erfarer at modelltrofasthet virker inn på brukermedvirkningen i deres arbeid. Modelltrofasthet handler om at ACT er en modell hvor praksis bør leveres i tråd med 46 faste elementer, med et helsepolitisk krav om troskap til modellen. Grad av modelltrofasthet evalueres ved årlige fidelity-målinger. Bakgrunnen for denne studien er de siste 15 årenes helsepolitiske fokus på brukermedvirkning og kunnskapsbasert praksis, samt en evaluering av opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse som avdekker at brukerne tidvis ikke opplever reell brukermedvirkning. Studien er gjennomført ved hjelp av kvalitativ metode med et fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk vitenskapsteoretisk perspektiv. Grunnlaget for studien er fem individuelle dybdeintervjuer av helsearbeidere i ACT-team. Funnene viser at helsearbeiderne opplever at deres modellbaserte praksisrammer førte til en human, holistisk og dynamisk arbeidspraksis, med stor vekt på brukermedvirkning. Disse funnene kan relateres til helsearbeidernes modelltrofasthet. Avslutningsvis diskuteres funnene naermere i lys av praksisrammers betingelser for brukermedvirkning og oppsøkende virksomheters dilemmaer. Nøkkelord: Assertive Community Treatment, brukermedvirkning, kunnskapsbasert praksis Hege Stokmo, Ottar Ness, Marit Borg og Mona Sommer 14 TIDSSKRIFT FOR PSYKISK HELSEARBEID · Volum 11 · Nr. 1 · 2014 · © Universitetsforlaget Summary Health care workers' experiences with the requirement of model fidelity and user involvement in the Assertive Community Treatment team

Research paper thumbnail of SEPREP Bergen 2012-2014: en forskningsbasert evaluering

Dette forskningsprosjektet har vaert et samarbeid mellom Senter for psykisk helse og rus (SFPR) v... more Dette forskningsprosjektet har vaert et samarbeid mellom Senter for psykisk helse og rus (SFPR) ved Høgskolen i Buskerud og Vestfold og Stiftelsen SEPREP. Prosjektet er finansiert av Stiftelsen SEPREP.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduksjonskurs i kognitiv miljøterapi: en forskningsbasert evaluering

Research paper thumbnail of Medvandrer og hverdagshjelper–Fagpersoners erfaringer med å bidra til styrking av brukeres medborgerskap

Artikkelen handler om hvordan fagpersoner i et ACT-team arbeider for å styrke brukernes medborger... more Artikkelen handler om hvordan fagpersoner i et ACT-team arbeider for å styrke brukernes medborgerskap. Dette ble undersøkt gjennom flerstegs fokusgruppeintervju med ansatte i et ACT-team. Intervjuene ble analysert gjennomen fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk metode, inspirert av Ricoeur. Analysen identifiserte tre hovedfunn: (a) å fortjene tillit, (b) å ha samtaler om livet, og (c) å jobbe sammen med. Fagpersonene beskriver hvordan de aktivt arbeidet med å utvikle en trygg relasjon og ha mangfoldige og åpne samtaler, samt tilstrebet et likeverdig samarbeid på personenes arena. De opplevde at dette bidro til å styrke brukernes medborgerskap. Handlingene og samvaersformene som fagpersonene forteller om, er hverdagsnaere og lar seg vanskelig måle eller manualisere. Fagpersonenes rolle i dette arbeidet kan beskrives som medvandrere og hverdagshjelpere, noe som peker på behovet for samarbeidsbaserte perspektiver og praksiser.

Research paper thumbnail of Facilitators and barriers in dual recovery: a literature review of first-person perspectives

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a model for collaborative practice in community mental health care

In this article, we present a new model that provides a framework to develop and test practice gu... more In this article, we present a new model that provides a framework to develop and test practice guidelines for community mental health care, write Ottar Ness and colleagues.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning new ideas and practices together: A cooperative inquiry

This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues ... more This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues from the Trondheim Family Therapy Center in Norway in learning to use challenging new conversational practices in their work with couples. These therapists undertook their learning together, adapting John Heron's Co-operative Inquiry to also make sense of the learning process itself. Through reading and viewing videotaped demonstrations, through team discussion and practice, from personal reflections, and through feedback from clients, these therapists learned to use Johnella Bird's relational language-making approach. Data from these different aspects of the learning process were mapped using Adele Clarke's Situational Analysis to depict the complexities of that process. The results are discussed with respect to the challenges faced by therapist teams wanting to learn and use new ideas and practices in a practice setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning New Ideas and Practices Together: A Co-operative Inquiry Into Learning to Use Johnella Bird's Relational Language-making Approach in Couples Therapy

This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues ... more This article recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues from the Trondheim Family Therapy Center in Norway in learning to use challenging new conversational practices in their work with couples. These therapists undertook their learning together, adapting John Heron's Co-operative Inquiry to also make sense of the learning process itself. Through reading and viewing videotaped demonstrations, through team discussion and practice, from personal reflections, and through feedback from clients, these therapists learned to use Johnella Bird's relational language-making approach. Data from these different aspects of the learning process were mapped using Adele Clarke's Situational Analysis to depict the complexities of that process. The results are discussed with respect to the challenges faced by therapist teams wanting to learn and use new ideas and practices in a practice setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Barns fornemmelse for brudd: Erfaringer med å vokse opp med skilte foreldre

Children sensing their parents' divorce: Experiences from growing up with divorced parents. A... more Children sensing their parents' divorce: Experiences from growing up with divorced parents. According to Statistics Norway (SSB), it is estimated that 10 000 children un-der 18 years lived through their parents' divorce in 2012. About twice as many children experience separation when cohabiting parents who split up are included. An increasing group of children are growing up with parents who do not live together. In their childhood these children's relationship with their parents depends on the parent's collaboration, such as visitation agreements. The aim of the study was to describe the phenomenology of growing up as a child of divorced parents. The study was conducted using a qualitative method within a phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective. The basis of the study was ten individual in-depth interviews with adults who reflected on their childhood with divorced parents. The findings show how they describe what they did as children, (1) sensing the atmospheres an...

Research paper thumbnail of Preferred positionings in supervision: Reflective practices for conflict transformation

In this paper, we present how three different ways of understanding supervision – (1) supervisors... more In this paper, we present how three different ways of understanding supervision – (1) supervisors as trainers, (2) as gatekeepers, and (3) as guardians of clients’ wellbeing – may conflict in practice. We explore how, as a consequence, supervisors’ multiple relationships (e.g., with professional boards, with clients, and above all with supervisees) may be affected negatively. Next, we articulate a discursive approach to clinical supervision that may be useful to better navigate such dilemmatic space. The approach stems from the authors’ (discursive) interpretation of the tasks and functions of supervision, as described in the Systems Approach to Supervision model (Holloway, 1995). The main insight in our approach is to conceptualize supervisors’ multiple roles as discursive positions. These discursive positions (as opposed to roles) are intrinsically interactional and therefore dynamic. The discursive approach invites supervisors to take positions at three different moments in the s...

Research paper thumbnail of Family Therapists Develop Therapeutic Practices Together With Clients

Research paper thumbnail of Hope and recovery: a scoping review

Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 2014

Purpose -Hope is regarded as central to recovery processes. The phenomenon along with its implica... more Purpose -Hope is regarded as central to recovery processes. The phenomenon along with its implications for research and practice has, however, gained limited attention within the fields of mental health and substance use. The purpose of this paper is to explore how hope, and what may inspire it, is described within the literature by persons experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance use problems. Design/methodology/approach -The method chosen when conducting this literature review was a scoping study. This allows for a broad approach, aiming to examine research activity and identifying potential gaps within existing literature. Searches were conducted in EMBASE Ovid, PsychINFO Ovid, MEDLINE Ovid, CINAHL Ebsco, SveMed þ and Brithish Nursing Index. Findings -The authors included five articles and one book. None of these presented first-hand experiences of hope and there appears to be a gap in the literature. All included material underlined the importance of the phenomenon to those experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance use problems. Originality/value -Hope seems as important to people experiencing co-occurring problems as to anyone else. There appears to be a need for further research on how persons experiencing co-occurring problems perceive hope and what may inspire it. Hope and what people hope for take many forms and can arise unexpectedly. Practitioners need to take in account the diversity of the phenomenon and find ways of inspiring hope in collaboration with those in need of support.