Jose E Dos Santos | Universidade de São Paulo (original) (raw)

Papers by Jose E Dos Santos

Research paper thumbnail of Casein, hydrolyzed casein, and amino acids that simulate casein produce the same extent of mucosal adaptation to massive bowel resection in adult rats

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between the nutritional efficacy of a rice and bean diet and energy intake in preschool children

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1979

Research paper thumbnail of Familial hypercholesterolemia in Brazil

Atherosclerosis Supplements, 2003

The Brazilian population has heterogeneous ethnic origins and is unevenly distributed in a countr... more The Brazilian population has heterogeneous ethnic origins and is unevenly distributed in a country of continental dimensions. In addition to the Portuguese colonists until the end of the World War II Brazil received almost 5 million immigrants who settled mainly in the south and southeast. This features of the Brazilian population have two important consequences for the inherited diseases that are associated with an ethnic background: their frequencies are different in various regions of the country reflecting a variety of ethnic origins and variable degrees of admixtures. There was no report about the molecular basis of hypercholesterolemia in Brazil until our report in 1996 that the Lebanese allele is the most common cause of the disease in our country: 10 out of the 30 families were of Arab origin, and the Lebanese allele was detected in 9 of the 10 unrelated families of Arab origin. In addition, the abnormal gene is associated with the same haplotype at the LDL-R locus in all but one family, suggesting single origin for this mutation. Recently we described seven mutations in exons 4, 7, 12 and 14 and a new mutation in exon 15. In another region of our state, eight mutation already described and seven new mutations were described and interesting no common mutations were find. We can conclude that the complex history and structure of the Brazilian population, which was formed by the contribution of a large number of ethnic components that are in a state of increasing miscegenation, is reflected in the frequency and regional distribution of the more common hereditary diseases.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Morbid obesity in women - eating style and quality of life]](

Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2001

Morbid obesity has been widely studied due to its high incidence and its bad consequences to heal... more Morbid obesity has been widely studied due to its high incidence and its bad consequences to health. Studies about obesity have been emphasized some important aspects such as eating styles and quality of life. This study aim to investigate the eating styles and the quality of life of women with morbid obesity, patients in treatment at the Ambulatory of Eating Disorders, University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo. Sixty women were assessed, 30 obese (Body Mass Index--BMI > or = 40 kg/m2) and 30 nonobese (BMI 20 to 25 kg/m2). A semi-structured interview, the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire and the Short-form Health Survey: Medical Outcomes Study were used for the assessment, after translate to portuguese and adapted. The data were rated and quantified and the groups were statistically analyzed through the Tests of Mann-Whitney. The groups differed significantly as for restrained (p < or = 0.001) and emotional eating (p < or ...

Research paper thumbnail of Alternatives in plasma gonadotropin and sex steroid levels in obese ovulatory and chronically anovulatory women

The Journal of reproductive medicine, 1995

To evaluate the alterations in plasma gonadotropin and sex steroid levels in obesity. A study was... more To evaluate the alterations in plasma gonadotropin and sex steroid levels in obesity. A study was conducted on 77 obese women, 30 with ovulatory menstrual cycles (group I) and 47 with chronic anovulation (group II), who were compared to 15 women of normal weight and with ovulatory cycles (group C). Obesity was determined on the basis of body mass index. Blood samples were obtained during the follicular phase of the cycle for measurement of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), testosterone (T), androstenedione (A), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2). Elevated LH, T, A and E1 levels were detected in group II when compared to group I and group C. A levels were also elevated (P < or = .05) in group I when compared to group C. There was no significant difference between the three groups in FSH, PRL, DHEAS or E2 levels. The elevated A levels in group I obese women show that even when ovulating, obese women a...

Research paper thumbnail of Obesity among schoolchildren of different socioeconomic levels in a developing country

International journal of obesity, 1982

Obesity, as malnutrition, is associated with an increased tendency to morbidity and mortality. It... more Obesity, as malnutrition, is associated with an increased tendency to morbidity and mortality. Its prevalence has been reported to be increasing. Studies carried out in developed countries have shown obesity to be directly correlated with low socioeconomic level. The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of obesity among 300 children aged 84 to 143 months who were attending three schools of different socioeconomic levels in the town of Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Weight, height, arm circumference and tricepital skinfold were measured. The prevalence of obesity in the sample was 16.7 per cent, distributed as follows: 38 per cent for high socioeconomic level, 12 per cent for middle socioeconomic level, and 4 per cent for low socioeconomic level. The prevalence of malnutrition was 8.3 per cent. The overall frequency of obesity reported here is as high as that found in developed countries, but, in contrast, obesity was directly correlated with so...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the production and nutritional value of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)]](

Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 1973

[Research paper thumbnail of [Anorexia nervosa: a clinical review of 12 cases]](

Revista paulista de medicina

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the toxic activity of anorectic diethylpropion in Chinese hamster ovary cells

Human & experimental toxicology, 2015

Diethylpropion has been available in the market for treating obesity for over 50 years. Refined s... more Diethylpropion has been available in the market for treating obesity for over 50 years. Refined studies are lacking to fully elucidate its action spectrum. The aim of our study was to evaluate possible toxic effects of anorectic diethylpropion in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Comet assay (detects breaks in the DNA strand), micronucleus test (detects clastogenic/aneugenic damage), and cell survival test (detects cytotoxic damage) were used to evaluate the toxic effects. In comet assay, we found that the damage scores with diethylpropion treatments at the concentrations of 20 and 40 μg/mL were more significant ( p < 0.05) than that of the negative control. When assessing the possible aneugenic and/or clastogenic damage caused by the drug in CHO cells, we found no difference ( p > 0.05) in the values of micronucleated cells when comparing different diethylpropion treatments and the negative control. Regarding the cell viability, for all the diethylpropion concentrations test...

Research paper thumbnail of THE X−X−/E+E+ genotype of the XbaI/EcoRI polymorphysm at the apo B gene is a marker of coronaray artey disease

Atherosclerosis, 2000

pmol/l; p = 0.01, resp.). The MTHFR 'lT mutation in MI-survivors showed twice tbe prevalence of t... more pmol/l; p = 0.01, resp.). The MTHFR 'lT mutation in MI-survivors showed twice tbe prevalence of that observed in their Spouses and Controls (12.1, 4.8, 5.8%, resp., ns). Neither the frequencies of apo-E alleles nor lipoprotein lipase gene mutations varied significantly among tbe groups. The findings of no differences in ~4 alleles between tbe MI-survivors and controls (10.1 vs 12.3%, resp.) may be responsible, at least in part, for no differences in cholesterol and LDL-C between men groups. Conclusions: Subjects with genetic predisposition for AS share a lifestyle that results in increased prevalence of Metabolic syndrome phenotype. However, individuals with no family history of AS, despite a similar lifestyle as that in the affected families had more favourable metabolic parameters including Hey.

Research paper thumbnail of Higher homocysteinemia and related B-vitamin levels in myocardial-infarction survivors

Research paper thumbnail of Social and dietary predictors of serum lipids: A Brazilian example

Social Science & Medicine, 1991

The importance of an unfavorable profile of serum hpids m the atherosclerotic process has been un... more The importance of an unfavorable profile of serum hpids m the atherosclerotic process has been uneqmvocally estabhshed, but the determmants of serum hplds remam a source of controversy Tius controversy includes both the Importance of diet as a precursor of an unfavorable hpld profile, and the potential Importance of social and psychological factors m determmmg hpid values These questions were addressed m a study of serum hplds m urban Brazil It was found that both dietary and soclal-psychologxal factors were associated with total serum cholesterol, high density hpoprotem cholesterol, and serum tnglycendes This exploratory study highhghts the importance of the careful measurement of dietary intake, and the mclusion of theoretlcally relevant social and psychological vanables, m any study of serum hplds

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative research in social epidemiology: measurement issues

Ethnicity & disease, 1991

The aim of comparative research in social epidemiology is to determine how risk factors for disea... more The aim of comparative research in social epidemiology is to determine how risk factors for disease may vary within and between sociocultural and ethnic groups and in relation to outcomes. This aim assumes that measurement equivalence within and between social groups can be established, an assumption usually left untested. A model is presented here for deriving cross-culturally valid measures that are also intraculturally sensitive. Measurements so derived can then be used to compare cross-cultural and intracultural effects in a single analytic model. This approach is illustrated by pooling data on social stressors, social supports, and blood pressure from three studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical nutrition: where do we stand? A view from Brazil

Human nutrition. Clinical nutrition, 1984

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of the relationship between diet and atherosclerosis

International journal for vitamin and nutrition research. Supplement = Internationale Zeitschrift für Vitamin- und Ernährungsforschung. Supplement, 1984

Research paper thumbnail of Influência do exercício físico aeróbico na prevenção da doença coronariana

Revista de Saúde Pública, 1984

A presente revisão enfatiza a função do EFA (Exercício Físico Aeróbico), moderado ou vigoroso, co... more A presente revisão enfatiza a função do EFA (Exercício Físico Aeróbico), moderado ou vigoroso, como um importante fator na profilaxia da AC (arteriosclerose coronariana), sobretudo quando associado a outras medidas profiláticas conhecidas. Esse efeito está provavelmente relacionado com o fato do EFA elevar a concentração de HDL-c. Esta, provavelmente, é a única medida a ser tomada naqueles casos onde não existe nenhum fator de risco associado, mas há forte história familiar de AC. Além do mais, o EFA regular tem importante papel no processo de reabilitação cardíaca nos pacientes portadores de DIM (doença isquêmica do miocárdio).

Research paper thumbnail of Soybean products for feeding infants, children and adults under nutritional stress

Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 1981


Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for an Intestinal Factor Stimulating Hepatic Cholesterogenesis

Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1982

Abstract External diversion of bile leads to an increase in hepatic cholesterol synthesis. To stu... more Abstract External diversion of bile leads to an increase in hepatic cholesterol synthesis. To study the role of the small intestine in this phenomenon we conducted a series of experiments in bile-diverted rats with and without surgical removal of most of the small intestine, its upper half or its lower half. The pancreas was preserved intact in all experiments. Hepatic cholesterol synthesis at the time of surgery and 24 hr later was measured in liver homogenates using [2-14C]acetate as substrate. Hepatic cholesterogenesis increased almost 4-fold 24 hr after biliary diversion in rats with intact intestine, and decreased to 64% of the baseline rate in bile-diverted rats with the jejunum-ileum removed, and to 58% in sham-operated animals. To investigate the possibility that the stimulation seen in the bile-diverted rats with intact intestine was due to a substance absorbed from the diet, the experiments were repeated with animals fed only 10% glucose in water 24 hr prior to surgery. Again the rats with intact small intestine showed an increase in hepatic cholesterogenesis (6.7-fold) while those with the jejunum-ileum removed and the sham operated showed a decrease to 60 and 70% of the baseline rate, respectively. These results support the hypothesis that the small intestine produces a factor(s) that stimulates hepatic cholesterol synthesis in response to a drop in the intraluminal content of bile. To narrow the site of production of the factor(s), the effect on hepatic cholesterogenesis of removal of the upper or lower half of the small intestine in bile diverted animals was studied by comparison to a group of bile-diverted intestine-intact controls. As before, the latter showed a 6-fold increase in hepatic cholesterogenesis. With the upper or lower half of the small intestine removed a similar degree (4- to 5-fold) of stimulation was still observed. These results suggest that the factor(s) is produced along the entire length of the jejunum-ileum.

Research paper thumbnail of Health in early adulthood: the contribution of the 1978/79 Ribeirão Preto birth cohort

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2006

The increase in non-communicable chronic diseases of adults is due to demographic changes and cha... more The increase in non-communicable chronic diseases of adults is due to demographic changes and changes in the risk factors related to physical activity, smoking habits and nutrition. We describe the methodology for the evaluation of persons at 23/25 years of age of a cohort of individuals born in Ribeirão Preto in 1978/79. We present their socioeconomic characteristics and the profile of some risk factors for chronic diseases. A total of 2063 participants were evaluated by means of blood collection, standardized questionnaires, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and methacholine bronchoprovocation tests. The sexes were compared by the chi-square test, with α = 0.05. Obesity was similar among men and women (12.8 and 11.1%); overweight was almost double in men (30.3 vs 17.7%). Weight deficit was higher among women than among men (8.6 and 2.6%). Women were more sedentary and consumed less alcohol and tobacco. Dietary fat consumption was similar between sexes, with 63% consuming large amounts (30 to 39.9 g/day). Metabolic syndrome was twice more frequent among men than women (10.7 vs 4.8%), hypertension was six times more frequent (40.9 vs 6.4%); altered triglyceride (16.1 vs 9.8%) and LDL proportions (5.4 vs 2.7%) were also higher in men, while women had a higher percentage of low HDL (44.7 vs 39.5%). Asthma and bronchial hyper-responsiveness were 1.7 and 1.5 times more frequent, respectively, among women. The high prevalence of some risk factors for chronic diseases among young adults supports the need for investments in their prevention.

Research paper thumbnail of The X-X-/E+E+ genotype of the XbaI/EcoRI polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein B gene as a marker of coronary artery disease in a Brazilian sample

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2003

Studies that consider polymorphisms within the apolipoprotein B (apo B) gene as risk factors for ... more Studies that consider polymorphisms within the apolipoprotein B (apo B) gene as risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) have reported conflicting results. The aim of the present study was to search for associations between two DNA RFLPs (XbaI and EcoRI) of the apo B gene and CAD diagnosed by angiography. In the present study we compared 116 Brazilian patients (92 men) with CAD (CAD+) to 78 control patients (26 men) without ischemia or arterial damage (CAD-). The allele frequencies at the XbaI (X) and EcoRI (E) sites did not differ between groups. The genotype distributions of CAD+ and CAD-patients were different (c 2 (1) = 6.27, P = 0.012) when assigned to two classes (X-X-/E+E+ and the remaining XbaI/EcoRI genotypes). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that individuals with the X-X-/E+E+ genotype presented a 6.1 higher chance of developing CAD than individuals with the other XbaI/EcoRI genotypes, independently of the other risk factors considered (sex, tobacco consumption, total cholesterol, hypertension, and triglycerides). We conclude that the X-X-/E+E genotype may be in linkage disequilibrium with an unknown variation in the apo B gene or with a variation in another gene that affects the risk of CAD.

Research paper thumbnail of Casein, hydrolyzed casein, and amino acids that simulate casein produce the same extent of mucosal adaptation to massive bowel resection in adult rats

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between the nutritional efficacy of a rice and bean diet and energy intake in preschool children

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1979

Research paper thumbnail of Familial hypercholesterolemia in Brazil

Atherosclerosis Supplements, 2003

The Brazilian population has heterogeneous ethnic origins and is unevenly distributed in a countr... more The Brazilian population has heterogeneous ethnic origins and is unevenly distributed in a country of continental dimensions. In addition to the Portuguese colonists until the end of the World War II Brazil received almost 5 million immigrants who settled mainly in the south and southeast. This features of the Brazilian population have two important consequences for the inherited diseases that are associated with an ethnic background: their frequencies are different in various regions of the country reflecting a variety of ethnic origins and variable degrees of admixtures. There was no report about the molecular basis of hypercholesterolemia in Brazil until our report in 1996 that the Lebanese allele is the most common cause of the disease in our country: 10 out of the 30 families were of Arab origin, and the Lebanese allele was detected in 9 of the 10 unrelated families of Arab origin. In addition, the abnormal gene is associated with the same haplotype at the LDL-R locus in all but one family, suggesting single origin for this mutation. Recently we described seven mutations in exons 4, 7, 12 and 14 and a new mutation in exon 15. In another region of our state, eight mutation already described and seven new mutations were described and interesting no common mutations were find. We can conclude that the complex history and structure of the Brazilian population, which was formed by the contribution of a large number of ethnic components that are in a state of increasing miscegenation, is reflected in the frequency and regional distribution of the more common hereditary diseases.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Morbid obesity in women - eating style and quality of life]](

Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2001

Morbid obesity has been widely studied due to its high incidence and its bad consequences to heal... more Morbid obesity has been widely studied due to its high incidence and its bad consequences to health. Studies about obesity have been emphasized some important aspects such as eating styles and quality of life. This study aim to investigate the eating styles and the quality of life of women with morbid obesity, patients in treatment at the Ambulatory of Eating Disorders, University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo. Sixty women were assessed, 30 obese (Body Mass Index--BMI > or = 40 kg/m2) and 30 nonobese (BMI 20 to 25 kg/m2). A semi-structured interview, the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire and the Short-form Health Survey: Medical Outcomes Study were used for the assessment, after translate to portuguese and adapted. The data were rated and quantified and the groups were statistically analyzed through the Tests of Mann-Whitney. The groups differed significantly as for restrained (p < or = 0.001) and emotional eating (p < or ...

Research paper thumbnail of Alternatives in plasma gonadotropin and sex steroid levels in obese ovulatory and chronically anovulatory women

The Journal of reproductive medicine, 1995

To evaluate the alterations in plasma gonadotropin and sex steroid levels in obesity. A study was... more To evaluate the alterations in plasma gonadotropin and sex steroid levels in obesity. A study was conducted on 77 obese women, 30 with ovulatory menstrual cycles (group I) and 47 with chronic anovulation (group II), who were compared to 15 women of normal weight and with ovulatory cycles (group C). Obesity was determined on the basis of body mass index. Blood samples were obtained during the follicular phase of the cycle for measurement of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), testosterone (T), androstenedione (A), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2). Elevated LH, T, A and E1 levels were detected in group II when compared to group I and group C. A levels were also elevated (P < or = .05) in group I when compared to group C. There was no significant difference between the three groups in FSH, PRL, DHEAS or E2 levels. The elevated A levels in group I obese women show that even when ovulating, obese women a...

Research paper thumbnail of Obesity among schoolchildren of different socioeconomic levels in a developing country

International journal of obesity, 1982

Obesity, as malnutrition, is associated with an increased tendency to morbidity and mortality. It... more Obesity, as malnutrition, is associated with an increased tendency to morbidity and mortality. Its prevalence has been reported to be increasing. Studies carried out in developed countries have shown obesity to be directly correlated with low socioeconomic level. The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of obesity among 300 children aged 84 to 143 months who were attending three schools of different socioeconomic levels in the town of Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Weight, height, arm circumference and tricepital skinfold were measured. The prevalence of obesity in the sample was 16.7 per cent, distributed as follows: 38 per cent for high socioeconomic level, 12 per cent for middle socioeconomic level, and 4 per cent for low socioeconomic level. The prevalence of malnutrition was 8.3 per cent. The overall frequency of obesity reported here is as high as that found in developed countries, but, in contrast, obesity was directly correlated with so...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the production and nutritional value of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)]](

Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 1973

[Research paper thumbnail of [Anorexia nervosa: a clinical review of 12 cases]](

Revista paulista de medicina

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the toxic activity of anorectic diethylpropion in Chinese hamster ovary cells

Human & experimental toxicology, 2015

Diethylpropion has been available in the market for treating obesity for over 50 years. Refined s... more Diethylpropion has been available in the market for treating obesity for over 50 years. Refined studies are lacking to fully elucidate its action spectrum. The aim of our study was to evaluate possible toxic effects of anorectic diethylpropion in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Comet assay (detects breaks in the DNA strand), micronucleus test (detects clastogenic/aneugenic damage), and cell survival test (detects cytotoxic damage) were used to evaluate the toxic effects. In comet assay, we found that the damage scores with diethylpropion treatments at the concentrations of 20 and 40 μg/mL were more significant ( p < 0.05) than that of the negative control. When assessing the possible aneugenic and/or clastogenic damage caused by the drug in CHO cells, we found no difference ( p > 0.05) in the values of micronucleated cells when comparing different diethylpropion treatments and the negative control. Regarding the cell viability, for all the diethylpropion concentrations test...

Research paper thumbnail of THE X−X−/E+E+ genotype of the XbaI/EcoRI polymorphysm at the apo B gene is a marker of coronaray artey disease

Atherosclerosis, 2000

pmol/l; p = 0.01, resp.). The MTHFR 'lT mutation in MI-survivors showed twice tbe prevalence of t... more pmol/l; p = 0.01, resp.). The MTHFR 'lT mutation in MI-survivors showed twice tbe prevalence of that observed in their Spouses and Controls (12.1, 4.8, 5.8%, resp., ns). Neither the frequencies of apo-E alleles nor lipoprotein lipase gene mutations varied significantly among tbe groups. The findings of no differences in ~4 alleles between tbe MI-survivors and controls (10.1 vs 12.3%, resp.) may be responsible, at least in part, for no differences in cholesterol and LDL-C between men groups. Conclusions: Subjects with genetic predisposition for AS share a lifestyle that results in increased prevalence of Metabolic syndrome phenotype. However, individuals with no family history of AS, despite a similar lifestyle as that in the affected families had more favourable metabolic parameters including Hey.

Research paper thumbnail of Higher homocysteinemia and related B-vitamin levels in myocardial-infarction survivors

Research paper thumbnail of Social and dietary predictors of serum lipids: A Brazilian example

Social Science & Medicine, 1991

The importance of an unfavorable profile of serum hpids m the atherosclerotic process has been un... more The importance of an unfavorable profile of serum hpids m the atherosclerotic process has been uneqmvocally estabhshed, but the determmants of serum hplds remam a source of controversy Tius controversy includes both the Importance of diet as a precursor of an unfavorable hpld profile, and the potential Importance of social and psychological factors m determmmg hpid values These questions were addressed m a study of serum hplds m urban Brazil It was found that both dietary and soclal-psychologxal factors were associated with total serum cholesterol, high density hpoprotem cholesterol, and serum tnglycendes This exploratory study highhghts the importance of the careful measurement of dietary intake, and the mclusion of theoretlcally relevant social and psychological vanables, m any study of serum hplds

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative research in social epidemiology: measurement issues

Ethnicity & disease, 1991

The aim of comparative research in social epidemiology is to determine how risk factors for disea... more The aim of comparative research in social epidemiology is to determine how risk factors for disease may vary within and between sociocultural and ethnic groups and in relation to outcomes. This aim assumes that measurement equivalence within and between social groups can be established, an assumption usually left untested. A model is presented here for deriving cross-culturally valid measures that are also intraculturally sensitive. Measurements so derived can then be used to compare cross-cultural and intracultural effects in a single analytic model. This approach is illustrated by pooling data on social stressors, social supports, and blood pressure from three studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical nutrition: where do we stand? A view from Brazil

Human nutrition. Clinical nutrition, 1984

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of the relationship between diet and atherosclerosis

International journal for vitamin and nutrition research. Supplement = Internationale Zeitschrift für Vitamin- und Ernährungsforschung. Supplement, 1984

Research paper thumbnail of Influência do exercício físico aeróbico na prevenção da doença coronariana

Revista de Saúde Pública, 1984

A presente revisão enfatiza a função do EFA (Exercício Físico Aeróbico), moderado ou vigoroso, co... more A presente revisão enfatiza a função do EFA (Exercício Físico Aeróbico), moderado ou vigoroso, como um importante fator na profilaxia da AC (arteriosclerose coronariana), sobretudo quando associado a outras medidas profiláticas conhecidas. Esse efeito está provavelmente relacionado com o fato do EFA elevar a concentração de HDL-c. Esta, provavelmente, é a única medida a ser tomada naqueles casos onde não existe nenhum fator de risco associado, mas há forte história familiar de AC. Além do mais, o EFA regular tem importante papel no processo de reabilitação cardíaca nos pacientes portadores de DIM (doença isquêmica do miocárdio).

Research paper thumbnail of Soybean products for feeding infants, children and adults under nutritional stress

Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 1981


Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for an Intestinal Factor Stimulating Hepatic Cholesterogenesis

Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1982

Abstract External diversion of bile leads to an increase in hepatic cholesterol synthesis. To stu... more Abstract External diversion of bile leads to an increase in hepatic cholesterol synthesis. To study the role of the small intestine in this phenomenon we conducted a series of experiments in bile-diverted rats with and without surgical removal of most of the small intestine, its upper half or its lower half. The pancreas was preserved intact in all experiments. Hepatic cholesterol synthesis at the time of surgery and 24 hr later was measured in liver homogenates using [2-14C]acetate as substrate. Hepatic cholesterogenesis increased almost 4-fold 24 hr after biliary diversion in rats with intact intestine, and decreased to 64% of the baseline rate in bile-diverted rats with the jejunum-ileum removed, and to 58% in sham-operated animals. To investigate the possibility that the stimulation seen in the bile-diverted rats with intact intestine was due to a substance absorbed from the diet, the experiments were repeated with animals fed only 10% glucose in water 24 hr prior to surgery. Again the rats with intact small intestine showed an increase in hepatic cholesterogenesis (6.7-fold) while those with the jejunum-ileum removed and the sham operated showed a decrease to 60 and 70% of the baseline rate, respectively. These results support the hypothesis that the small intestine produces a factor(s) that stimulates hepatic cholesterol synthesis in response to a drop in the intraluminal content of bile. To narrow the site of production of the factor(s), the effect on hepatic cholesterogenesis of removal of the upper or lower half of the small intestine in bile diverted animals was studied by comparison to a group of bile-diverted intestine-intact controls. As before, the latter showed a 6-fold increase in hepatic cholesterogenesis. With the upper or lower half of the small intestine removed a similar degree (4- to 5-fold) of stimulation was still observed. These results suggest that the factor(s) is produced along the entire length of the jejunum-ileum.

Research paper thumbnail of Health in early adulthood: the contribution of the 1978/79 Ribeirão Preto birth cohort

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2006

The increase in non-communicable chronic diseases of adults is due to demographic changes and cha... more The increase in non-communicable chronic diseases of adults is due to demographic changes and changes in the risk factors related to physical activity, smoking habits and nutrition. We describe the methodology for the evaluation of persons at 23/25 years of age of a cohort of individuals born in Ribeirão Preto in 1978/79. We present their socioeconomic characteristics and the profile of some risk factors for chronic diseases. A total of 2063 participants were evaluated by means of blood collection, standardized questionnaires, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and methacholine bronchoprovocation tests. The sexes were compared by the chi-square test, with α = 0.05. Obesity was similar among men and women (12.8 and 11.1%); overweight was almost double in men (30.3 vs 17.7%). Weight deficit was higher among women than among men (8.6 and 2.6%). Women were more sedentary and consumed less alcohol and tobacco. Dietary fat consumption was similar between sexes, with 63% consuming large amounts (30 to 39.9 g/day). Metabolic syndrome was twice more frequent among men than women (10.7 vs 4.8%), hypertension was six times more frequent (40.9 vs 6.4%); altered triglyceride (16.1 vs 9.8%) and LDL proportions (5.4 vs 2.7%) were also higher in men, while women had a higher percentage of low HDL (44.7 vs 39.5%). Asthma and bronchial hyper-responsiveness were 1.7 and 1.5 times more frequent, respectively, among women. The high prevalence of some risk factors for chronic diseases among young adults supports the need for investments in their prevention.

Research paper thumbnail of The X-X-/E+E+ genotype of the XbaI/EcoRI polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein B gene as a marker of coronary artery disease in a Brazilian sample

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2003

Studies that consider polymorphisms within the apolipoprotein B (apo B) gene as risk factors for ... more Studies that consider polymorphisms within the apolipoprotein B (apo B) gene as risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) have reported conflicting results. The aim of the present study was to search for associations between two DNA RFLPs (XbaI and EcoRI) of the apo B gene and CAD diagnosed by angiography. In the present study we compared 116 Brazilian patients (92 men) with CAD (CAD+) to 78 control patients (26 men) without ischemia or arterial damage (CAD-). The allele frequencies at the XbaI (X) and EcoRI (E) sites did not differ between groups. The genotype distributions of CAD+ and CAD-patients were different (c 2 (1) = 6.27, P = 0.012) when assigned to two classes (X-X-/E+E+ and the remaining XbaI/EcoRI genotypes). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that individuals with the X-X-/E+E+ genotype presented a 6.1 higher chance of developing CAD than individuals with the other XbaI/EcoRI genotypes, independently of the other risk factors considered (sex, tobacco consumption, total cholesterol, hypertension, and triglycerides). We conclude that the X-X-/E+E genotype may be in linkage disequilibrium with an unknown variation in the apo B gene or with a variation in another gene that affects the risk of CAD.