Marco Scanavino | Universidade de São Paulo (original) (raw)


Papers by Marco Scanavino

Research paper thumbnail of Symptoms of depression (not anxiety) mediate the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and compulsive sexual behaviors in men

Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, Nov 15, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cinco casos de dependência de sexo em tratamento com Psicoterapia Psicodinâmica em Grupo e de Tempo Limitado

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual Compulsivity Scale, Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory, and Hypersexual Disorder Screening Inventory: Translation, Adaptation, and Validation for Use in Brazil

Research paper thumbnail of Five cases of sexual addiction under Short-term Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy

Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Female Sexual Function of Overweight Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – A Cross-Sectional Study

Research paper thumbnail of OCD and transvestism: is there a relationship?

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2001

There have been reports of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients with comorbid paraphilias... more There have been reports of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients with comorbid paraphilias. In this paper, two cases of comorbidity between OCD and transvestism are reported with the aim of discussing possible explanations for this association. Longitudinal case studies of two patients with OCD and tranvestism according to the DSM-IV were assessed using semi-structured interviews. Both patients presented with OCD and comorbid transvestism with different clinical features and treatment response. The case whose cross-dressing was more egodystonic responded better to treatment. It is possible that some cases of transvestism are OCD-related while others are more related to a gender identity disorder. A dimensional approach focusing on common phenomenological and neurobiological substrates is suggested as particularly useful for clinical management and future research of both disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual compulsivity, anxiety, depression, and sexual risk behavior among treatment-seeking men in São Paulo, Brazil

Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999), Jan 11, 2018

There is a lack of studies on negative mood states and sexual risk behavior in men of all sexual ... more There is a lack of studies on negative mood states and sexual risk behavior in men of all sexual orientations who seek treatment for excessive sexual behavior (ESB). We aim to examine sexual compulsivity (SC), anxiety, depression, and sexual risk behavior in a treatment-seeking sample of men and controls. We enrolled 88 (37 [42%] gay or bisexual and 51 [58%] heterosexual) ESB outpatients and 64 controls. Assessments included the Sexual Compulsivity Scale (SCS), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and sexual risk behaviors. Compared to controls, ESB outpatients showed increased SC, anxiety, and depression, which were correlated. Regarding sex with casual partners, ESB outpatients reported more sexual intercourse, a greater number of partners, more anal intercourse, and unprotected anal intercourse. Anxiety, depression, and SC were associated with protected vaginal intercourse with a main partner, whereas they were associated with unprotected anal in...

Research paper thumbnail of Violência sexual na infância/adolescência e risco para o HIV/aids na vida adulta

A violencia sexual tem sido pouco estudada no Brasil, exceto a faixa etaria infantil e adolescent... more A violencia sexual tem sido pouco estudada no Brasil, exceto a faixa etaria infantil e adolescente. Devido a dificuldade de in queritos populacionais mais frequentes, sao utilizadas estimativas de prevalencia provenientes de dados coletados em escolas, 1 delegacias ou servicos que atendem as vitimas. 2 Define-se abuso ou violencia sexual na infância e adolescencia como a situacao em que a crianca e envolvida em atividade sexual sobre a qual, ele/ela nao tenha compreensao, seja incapaz de fornecer consentimento informado ou nao tenha desenvolvimento psicologico e intelectual suficiente para conceder tal consenti mento. O abuso sexual infantil e evidenciado pela atividade entre uma crianca e um adulto ou outra crianca que, por idade ou desenvolvimento, esta em relacao de responsabilidade, confianca ou poder para com a primeira, tendo esta atividade a intencao de gratificar ou satisfazer as necessidades sexuais da outra pessoa. 3 Ha evidencias de que criancas submetidas ao abuso sexual...

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual stigma, attachment difficulties, and emotional dysregulation among patients with severe mental illness

Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry

Research paper thumbnail of Demographic and psychiatric correlates of compulsive sexual behaviors in gambling disorder

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Background and aims Gambling disorder (GD) and compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) may commonly co-o... more Background and aims Gambling disorder (GD) and compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) may commonly co-occur. Yet, the psychiatric correlates of these co-occurring disorders are an untapped area of empirical scrutiny, limiting our understanding of appropriate treatment modalities for this dual-diagnosed population. This study examined the demographic and clinical correlates of CSB in a sample of treatment-seeking individuals with GD (N = 368) in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Psychiatrists and psychologists conducted semi-structured clinical interviews to identify rates of CSB and other comorbid psychiatric disorders. The Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire was administered to assess additional addictive behaviors. The TCI and BIS-11 were used to assess facets of personality. Demographic and gambling variables were also assessed. Results Of the total sample, 24 (6.5%) met diagnostic criteria for comorbid CSB (GD + CSB). Compared to those without compulsive sexual behaviors (GD − CSB), individuals wit...

Research paper thumbnail of Susceptibility to Hepatitis-A in Sexually Compulsive Individuals, 2010-2015, Sao Paulo-Brazil

The Journal of Sexual Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of an online course on sexuality during pregnancy for residents

Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Executive Functioning of Sexually Compulsive and Non-Sexually Compulsive Men Before and After Watching an Erotic Video

The journal of sexual medicine, 2017

Despite the serious behavioral consequences faced by individuals with sexual compulsivity, relate... more Despite the serious behavioral consequences faced by individuals with sexual compulsivity, related neuropsychological studies are sparse. To compare decision making and cognitive flexibility at baseline and after exposure to an erotic video in sexually compulsive participants and non-sexually compulsive controls. The sample consisted of 30 sexually compulsive men and 30 controls. Cognitive flexibility was investigated through the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and decision making was examined through the Iowa Gambling Task. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test categories, correct responses, and perseverative errors and Iowa Gambling Task general trends and blocks. Sexually compulsive subjects and controls performed similarly at baseline. After watching an erotic video, controls performed better in block 1 of the Iowa Gambling Task (P = .01) and had more correct responses on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (P = .01). The controls presented fewer impulsive initial choices and better cognitive fle...

Research paper thumbnail of Response and Rebuttal to Editorial Comment on "Executive Functioning of Sexually Compulsive and Non-Sexually Compulsive Men, Before and After Watching Erotic Video

The journal of sexual medicine, Mar 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual Dysfunctions

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiovascular and psychopathological factors among non-sexually compulsive, sexually compulsive, and hypersexual individuals in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Psychology, Health & Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Aids, sexualidade e a vulnerabilidade nos relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais

Diagn Tratamento, Jun 1, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo citogenético de 75 casais com abortos recorrentes

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento sexual de sujeitos com aids referida: um estudo baseado numa amostra da população brasileira

Research paper thumbnail of Personality among Sexually Compulsive Men Who Practice Intentional Unsafe Sex in São Paulo, Brazil

Journal of Sexual Medicine, Nov 20, 2014

There is evidence of an association between the practice of intentional unsafe sex among men who ... more There is evidence of an association between the practice of intentional unsafe sex among men who have sex with men (MSM) and sensation seeking and impulsivity. However, other aspects of personality have been less frequently investigated. This study aims to investigate the association between the practice of intentional unsafe sex and personality traits in individuals who sought treatment and met the criteria for compulsive sexual behavior in São Paulo, Brazil. The sample consisted of 69 sexually compulsive MSM. The participants underwent psychiatric evaluation and an interview to define intentional condomless sex and completed self-report instruments. The participants completed the following measures: the Temperament and Character Inventory and the Sexual Compulsivity Scale. Twenty-five participants (36%) reported intentional unsafe sex with casual partners, of whom 84% were gay and 16% bisexual (P<0.05). Fifteen (22%) individuals reported being HIV positive, and 11 (73%) of them practiced intentional unprotected anal intercourse (P<0.05). The mean of sexual compulsivity was associated with men who engaged in intentional unsafe sex (P=0.01). Men who reported intentional unsafe sex scored significantly higher on the novelty seeking temperament dimension (P<0.05) and scored significantly lower on the self-directedness character dimension (P<0.001). However, self-directedness predicted intentional unsafe sex in the multiple logistic regression (P=0.001). Sexually compulsive individuals who practiced intentional unsafe sex presented lower self-directedness than the group who did not engage in intentional unsafe sex, which suggests less autonomy regarding life itself. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to consider intentional unsafe sex in sexually compulsive men.

Research paper thumbnail of Symptoms of depression (not anxiety) mediate the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and compulsive sexual behaviors in men

Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, Nov 15, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cinco casos de dependência de sexo em tratamento com Psicoterapia Psicodinâmica em Grupo e de Tempo Limitado

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual Compulsivity Scale, Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory, and Hypersexual Disorder Screening Inventory: Translation, Adaptation, and Validation for Use in Brazil

Research paper thumbnail of Five cases of sexual addiction under Short-term Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy

Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Female Sexual Function of Overweight Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – A Cross-Sectional Study

Research paper thumbnail of OCD and transvestism: is there a relationship?

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2001

There have been reports of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients with comorbid paraphilias... more There have been reports of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients with comorbid paraphilias. In this paper, two cases of comorbidity between OCD and transvestism are reported with the aim of discussing possible explanations for this association. Longitudinal case studies of two patients with OCD and tranvestism according to the DSM-IV were assessed using semi-structured interviews. Both patients presented with OCD and comorbid transvestism with different clinical features and treatment response. The case whose cross-dressing was more egodystonic responded better to treatment. It is possible that some cases of transvestism are OCD-related while others are more related to a gender identity disorder. A dimensional approach focusing on common phenomenological and neurobiological substrates is suggested as particularly useful for clinical management and future research of both disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual compulsivity, anxiety, depression, and sexual risk behavior among treatment-seeking men in São Paulo, Brazil

Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999), Jan 11, 2018

There is a lack of studies on negative mood states and sexual risk behavior in men of all sexual ... more There is a lack of studies on negative mood states and sexual risk behavior in men of all sexual orientations who seek treatment for excessive sexual behavior (ESB). We aim to examine sexual compulsivity (SC), anxiety, depression, and sexual risk behavior in a treatment-seeking sample of men and controls. We enrolled 88 (37 [42%] gay or bisexual and 51 [58%] heterosexual) ESB outpatients and 64 controls. Assessments included the Sexual Compulsivity Scale (SCS), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and sexual risk behaviors. Compared to controls, ESB outpatients showed increased SC, anxiety, and depression, which were correlated. Regarding sex with casual partners, ESB outpatients reported more sexual intercourse, a greater number of partners, more anal intercourse, and unprotected anal intercourse. Anxiety, depression, and SC were associated with protected vaginal intercourse with a main partner, whereas they were associated with unprotected anal in...

Research paper thumbnail of Violência sexual na infância/adolescência e risco para o HIV/aids na vida adulta

A violencia sexual tem sido pouco estudada no Brasil, exceto a faixa etaria infantil e adolescent... more A violencia sexual tem sido pouco estudada no Brasil, exceto a faixa etaria infantil e adolescente. Devido a dificuldade de in queritos populacionais mais frequentes, sao utilizadas estimativas de prevalencia provenientes de dados coletados em escolas, 1 delegacias ou servicos que atendem as vitimas. 2 Define-se abuso ou violencia sexual na infância e adolescencia como a situacao em que a crianca e envolvida em atividade sexual sobre a qual, ele/ela nao tenha compreensao, seja incapaz de fornecer consentimento informado ou nao tenha desenvolvimento psicologico e intelectual suficiente para conceder tal consenti mento. O abuso sexual infantil e evidenciado pela atividade entre uma crianca e um adulto ou outra crianca que, por idade ou desenvolvimento, esta em relacao de responsabilidade, confianca ou poder para com a primeira, tendo esta atividade a intencao de gratificar ou satisfazer as necessidades sexuais da outra pessoa. 3 Ha evidencias de que criancas submetidas ao abuso sexual...

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual stigma, attachment difficulties, and emotional dysregulation among patients with severe mental illness

Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry

Research paper thumbnail of Demographic and psychiatric correlates of compulsive sexual behaviors in gambling disorder

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Background and aims Gambling disorder (GD) and compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) may commonly co-o... more Background and aims Gambling disorder (GD) and compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) may commonly co-occur. Yet, the psychiatric correlates of these co-occurring disorders are an untapped area of empirical scrutiny, limiting our understanding of appropriate treatment modalities for this dual-diagnosed population. This study examined the demographic and clinical correlates of CSB in a sample of treatment-seeking individuals with GD (N = 368) in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Psychiatrists and psychologists conducted semi-structured clinical interviews to identify rates of CSB and other comorbid psychiatric disorders. The Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire was administered to assess additional addictive behaviors. The TCI and BIS-11 were used to assess facets of personality. Demographic and gambling variables were also assessed. Results Of the total sample, 24 (6.5%) met diagnostic criteria for comorbid CSB (GD + CSB). Compared to those without compulsive sexual behaviors (GD − CSB), individuals wit...

Research paper thumbnail of Susceptibility to Hepatitis-A in Sexually Compulsive Individuals, 2010-2015, Sao Paulo-Brazil

The Journal of Sexual Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of an online course on sexuality during pregnancy for residents

Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Executive Functioning of Sexually Compulsive and Non-Sexually Compulsive Men Before and After Watching an Erotic Video

The journal of sexual medicine, 2017

Despite the serious behavioral consequences faced by individuals with sexual compulsivity, relate... more Despite the serious behavioral consequences faced by individuals with sexual compulsivity, related neuropsychological studies are sparse. To compare decision making and cognitive flexibility at baseline and after exposure to an erotic video in sexually compulsive participants and non-sexually compulsive controls. The sample consisted of 30 sexually compulsive men and 30 controls. Cognitive flexibility was investigated through the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and decision making was examined through the Iowa Gambling Task. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test categories, correct responses, and perseverative errors and Iowa Gambling Task general trends and blocks. Sexually compulsive subjects and controls performed similarly at baseline. After watching an erotic video, controls performed better in block 1 of the Iowa Gambling Task (P = .01) and had more correct responses on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (P = .01). The controls presented fewer impulsive initial choices and better cognitive fle...

Research paper thumbnail of Response and Rebuttal to Editorial Comment on "Executive Functioning of Sexually Compulsive and Non-Sexually Compulsive Men, Before and After Watching Erotic Video

The journal of sexual medicine, Mar 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Sexual Dysfunctions

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiovascular and psychopathological factors among non-sexually compulsive, sexually compulsive, and hypersexual individuals in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Psychology, Health & Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Aids, sexualidade e a vulnerabilidade nos relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais

Diagn Tratamento, Jun 1, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo citogenético de 75 casais com abortos recorrentes

Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento sexual de sujeitos com aids referida: um estudo baseado numa amostra da população brasileira

Research paper thumbnail of Personality among Sexually Compulsive Men Who Practice Intentional Unsafe Sex in São Paulo, Brazil

Journal of Sexual Medicine, Nov 20, 2014

There is evidence of an association between the practice of intentional unsafe sex among men who ... more There is evidence of an association between the practice of intentional unsafe sex among men who have sex with men (MSM) and sensation seeking and impulsivity. However, other aspects of personality have been less frequently investigated. This study aims to investigate the association between the practice of intentional unsafe sex and personality traits in individuals who sought treatment and met the criteria for compulsive sexual behavior in São Paulo, Brazil. The sample consisted of 69 sexually compulsive MSM. The participants underwent psychiatric evaluation and an interview to define intentional condomless sex and completed self-report instruments. The participants completed the following measures: the Temperament and Character Inventory and the Sexual Compulsivity Scale. Twenty-five participants (36%) reported intentional unsafe sex with casual partners, of whom 84% were gay and 16% bisexual (P<0.05). Fifteen (22%) individuals reported being HIV positive, and 11 (73%) of them practiced intentional unprotected anal intercourse (P<0.05). The mean of sexual compulsivity was associated with men who engaged in intentional unsafe sex (P=0.01). Men who reported intentional unsafe sex scored significantly higher on the novelty seeking temperament dimension (P<0.05) and scored significantly lower on the self-directedness character dimension (P<0.001). However, self-directedness predicted intentional unsafe sex in the multiple logistic regression (P=0.001). Sexually compulsive individuals who practiced intentional unsafe sex presented lower self-directedness than the group who did not engage in intentional unsafe sex, which suggests less autonomy regarding life itself. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to consider intentional unsafe sex in sexually compulsive men.