Marysia Carlo | Universidade de São Paulo (original) (raw)
Papers by Marysia Carlo
Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional, 2012
The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the pa... more The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the patientand family. This study analyses the changes occurred in the occupational roles of patients that have undergonetransplants, in the late stage, assisted in a considerable university hospital located in the interior of the State ofSao Paulo. It is a quantitative research based on the use of an international protocol validated in Brazil: TheOccupational Role Checklist. The survey consists of 52 subjects: 26 of the experimental group and 26 of the controlgroup. Through the comparative analysis between the groups, statistically significant differences were observedbetween the occupational roles of workers, volunteers, friends and participants in organizations. It was possibleto conclude that, after the critic stage right after transplant, although they have experienced some losses, the bonemarrow transplanted subjects changed their occupational lives, having resumed or changed their occup...
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2010
The objective was to conduct a retrospective and comparative study of the requests for consultati... more The objective was to conduct a retrospective and comparative study of the requests for consultation-liaison (RCLs), during a period of six years, sent to the Occupational Therapy (OT) team that acts as the Consultation-liaison Service in Mental Health. During the studied period 709 RCLs were made and 633 patients received OT consultations. The comparison group was extended to 1 129 consecutive referrals to the psychiatric CL service, within the same period and that were also retrospectively reviewed. Regarding to RCLs to the OT team, most of the subjects were women with incomplete elementary schooling, with a mean age of 39.2 years, and were self-employed or retired. Internal Medicine was responsible for most of the RCLs. The mean length of hospitalization was 51 days and the mean rate of referral was 0.5%, with the most frequent reason for the request being related to the emotional aspects and the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis was mood disorder. It is concluded that there is a clear demand for the development of consultation-liaison in OT, particularly with regard to the promotion of mental health in general hospitals.
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2012
The use of scales that have been validated and standardized for different cultures is very useful... more The use of scales that have been validated and standardized for different cultures is very useful for identifying demands in the field of Palliative Care and implementing the most appropriate care. This integrative literature review focuses on instruments assessing the Quality of Life of patients under Palliative Care through a journal search in electronic databases. The study consisted of 49 papers identified in Medline/PubMed, of which 18 met the inclusion criteria previously defined. Information concerning the selected studies is presented and later categorized, with a greater emphasis on the analysis of the psychometric properties of validations of the Palliative Outcome Scale, conducted in three countries. This review enabled the identification of instruments already developed and validated for different cultures, increasing the possibility of knowledge in the field.
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto)
INTRODUÇÃO: A COVID-19 é uma doença altamente contagiosa, de apresentação recente, causada pelo ... more INTRODUÇÃO: A COVID-19 é uma doença altamente contagiosa, de apresentação recente, causada pelo novo coronavírus, denominado SARS-CoV-2 por ser da família SARS (Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave). São necessárias diretrizes cientificamente fundamentadas sobre as intervenções dos terapeutas ocupacionais no cuidado de pessoas com a COVID-19 e sobre as perspectivas de atenção pós-pandemia. OBJETIVO: Apresentar diretrizes e recomendações aos terapeutas ocupacionais sobre o manejo clínico de pacientes com COVID-19 em diferentes níveis de atenção à saúde, para favorecer a assistência segura e com qualidade técnico-científica. MÉTODO: Dez terapeutas ocupacionais de diferentes estados brasileiros, experts em suas áreas de atuação, reuniram-se, por meio de web conferências, para desenvolver diretrizes para a atuação do terapeuta ocupacional na pandemia da COVID-19. O público-alvo destas diretrizes é composto por terapeutas ocupacionais, gestores e outros profissionais interessados no conhe...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
Introduction: Communication and information technologies in the health context allow optimizing i... more Introduction: Communication and information technologies in the health context allow optimizing inter-institutional activities in continuing education.Objectives: To describe the activities performed by of the Special interest group on Occupational Therapy in hospital contexts and palliative care and to discuss the importance of videoconferencing in the continuing education process of Occupational Therapy students and health professionals in this field.Materials and methods: A documentary, retrospective, and descriptive study was conducted. The special interest group was created through the Telemedicine University Network, which is a high-speed network connecting university hospitals and health teaching centers in Brazil. There are 34 operating centers from 15 Brazilian states and one Chilean university registered in the group.Results: 36 videoconferences were made between August 2013 and December 2017, where relevant topics for the practice of occupational therapists in hospital co...
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto. Online)
Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultado... more Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e publicações relacionados ao uso de tecnologias de comunicação alternativa por pessoas com restrições de sua capacidade de comunicação, particularmente daquelas laringectomizadas por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Método: estudo baseado em levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO e CINAHL, através do uso dos descritores: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” e “Communication”, seus correspondentes em português e seus cruzamentos. Resultados: Foram selecionados 14 artigos, publicados no período de 2004 à 2014, categorizados em duas unidades de análise: I: Impacto do adoecimento e do tratamento na qualidade de vida e aspectos físicos, funcionais e sintomas (N=5), II: Aspectos psicossociais relacionados ao tratamento de câncer de cabeça e pescoço (N=9). Os artigos indicaram que o adoecimento e o tratamento ...
Supportive Care in Cancer, 2017
Chemotherapy is indicated for patients with metastatic malignancy in order to improve quality of ... more Chemotherapy is indicated for patients with metastatic malignancy in order to improve quality of life and in some cases to increase survival. However, the greatest difficulty regarding the choice of treatment is to evaluate the clinical benefit and intrinsic toxicity of each procedure. The best strategy is the integration between oncology and palliative care, which is still mostly insufficient. The main objective of this study was to assess time to palliative care referral for cancer patients with advanced local or metastatic disease and to investigate the impact of covariates on this relationship. A retrospective, cross-sectional, observational pilot study was conducted on 286 patients divided into two groups, one consisting of metastatic patients and the other of non-metastatic patients at diagnosis. Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS), setting, and survival time were evaluated. One hundred eighteen patients (41.25%) were metastatic and 168 (58.74%) had locally advanced malignant disease. The median time of metastatic patient referral to the group of palliative care (GPC) was 5.3 months, with 39.8% referred earlier and 60.2% referred late (≥3 months). 60.2% of metastatic patients were referred to the GPC with a KPS <70% and 56% of non-metastatic patients were referred earlier and 44% after 3 months. There was improved survival only in metastatic patients referred to the GPC with a KPS ≥70% (p = 0.02). Many oncology patients were referred late to the GPC. A higher KPS was a risk factor for late referral because only severe patients were referred earlier. Metastatic patients referred with a KPS ≥70% had a longer survival.
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto. Online), 2016
Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultado... more Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e analisar criticamente as evidências científicas relativas ao tema da sobrecarga de cuidadores de pessoas em Cuidados Paliativos. Método: Busca bibliográfica nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL e na biblioteca virtual SciELO, com os cruzamentos entre os descritores: “Caregivers”, “Palliative Care”, “Terminal Care”, “Hospice Care”, e as palavras-chave “Burden”, “Supportive Care”. Resultados: Foram selecionados 23 artigos publicados em periódicos internacionais, no período de janeiro de 2004 a junho de 2014. Foram categorizados em três unidades de análise: a tarefa de cuidar e as consequências para a vida do cuidador (N=7); a sobrecarga do cuidador diante da proximidade da morte (N=8); programas e serviços de apoio aos cuidadores (N=8). Os artigos indicaram que a sobrecarga do cuidador varia de acordo com sua vivência da tarefa de cuidar e a evolução da doença da pes...
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2016
Objective: to identify and evaluate the evidence found in the international scientific literature... more Objective: to identify and evaluate the evidence found in the international scientific literature on the application of the Palliative Outcome Scale (POS) in clinical practice and research in Palliative Care (PC). Method: integrative literature review, through the search of publications in journals indexed in PubMed / MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO and CINAHL databases, between the years 1999 and 2014. Results: the final sample consisted of 11 articles. In the data analysis, the articles were classified into 2 units of analysis (studies using the POS as a resource in research and studies using the POS in clinical practice), in which the information was presented in the form of sub-themes related to publications of the selected studies, highlighting the synthesis of the results. Conclusion: POS emerged as an important tool for measuring outcomes to assess the quality of life of patients and families, of the quality of care provided and the PC service organization. The international scientif...
Interface Comunicacao Saude Educacao, Apr 1, 2009
A formação profissional do terapeuta ocupacional para o planejamento e gerenciamento de serviços ... more A formação profissional do terapeuta ocupacional para o planejamento e gerenciamento de serviços A formação profissional está diretamente relacionada a determinadas formas de se conceberem as profissões e seus campos de trabalho (Drummond, 2000), como também ao perfil dos profissionais que se quer formar, respondendo ou não às demandas do mercado de trabalho. O perfil do profissional refere-se a um conjunto de traços caracterizadores e diferenciadores da profissão, e está vinculado àquilo que é delineado pelos agentes da formação-docentes, profissionais, associações e outras instâncias organizativas e/ou representativas destes profissionais-num determinado recorte histórico e cultural. Esboçar um perfil profissional que se quer formar, num curso de graduação, faz parte da tarefa educacional e está, necessariamente, vinculado à delimitação de fronteiras, convergência de áreas e de conhecimentos, hierarquias constituídas na produção de saberes, e à legitimação de práticas. Portanto, o perfil está relacionado à história de como se institui um conhecimento e o poder dos agentes no processo de demarcação de seu território. Para a consolidação do seu corpo de conhecimentos e reconhecimento de seu papel em diferentes campos de práticas (de saúde, educação e no campo social), os terapeutas ocupacionais (T.Os.) centraram esforços no desenvolvimento técnico-científico da profissão, mais especificamente ligados à qualificação para as práticas assistenciais. Entretanto, as demandas populacionais e institucionais foram se transformando historicamente, e os T.Os. passaram a se confrontar com situações que lhes exigem novos tipos de habilidades e competências para o exercício profissional. No passado, era pequena e pouco valorizada a participação de T.Os. na gestão pública, na elaboração e implementação de políticas de saúde e no gerenciamento de equipes e de serviços, sejam eles públicos ou privados; estas eram funções exercidas quase que exclusivamente por profissionais médicos. Entretanto, na realidade atual do mercado de trabalho, o terapeuta ocupacional tem assumido papéis participativos e ativos no seio das instituições em que se encontra inserido e, portanto, conhecimentos e competências profissionais, nas áreas de gestão e gerenciamento de serviços, se tornaram cada vez mais necessários.
The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the pa... more The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the patient and family. This study analyses the changes occurred in the occupational roles of patients that have undergone transplants, in the late stage, assisted in a considerable university hospital located in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. It is a quantitative research based on the use of an international protocol validated in Brazil: The Occupational Role Checklist. The survey consists of 52 subjects: 26 of the experimental group and 26 of the control group. Through the comparative analysis between the groups, statistically significant differences were observed between the occupational roles of workers, volunteers, friends and participants in organizations. It was possible to conclude that, after the critic stage right after transplant, although they have experienced some losses, the bone marrow transplanted subjects changed their occupational lives, having resumed or changed their occupational roles.
The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the pa... more The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the patient and family. This study analyses the changes occurred in the occupational roles of patients that have undergone transplants, in the late stage, assisted in a considerable university hospital located in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. It is a quantitative research based on the use of an international protocol validated in Brazil: The Occupational Role Checklist. The survey consists of 52 subjects: 26 of the experimental group and 26 of the control group. Through the comparative analysis between the groups, statistically significant differences were observed between the occupational roles of workers, volunteers, friends and participants in organizations. It was possible to conclude that, after the critic stage right after transplant, although they have experienced some losses, the bone marrow transplanted subjects changed their occupational lives, having resumed or changed their occupational roles.
Trabalho, Educação e Saúde, 2009
Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo, 2015
Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De Sao Paulo, Dec 19, 2014
Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional, 2012
The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the pa... more The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the patientand family. This study analyses the changes occurred in the occupational roles of patients that have undergonetransplants, in the late stage, assisted in a considerable university hospital located in the interior of the State ofSao Paulo. It is a quantitative research based on the use of an international protocol validated in Brazil: TheOccupational Role Checklist. The survey consists of 52 subjects: 26 of the experimental group and 26 of the controlgroup. Through the comparative analysis between the groups, statistically significant differences were observedbetween the occupational roles of workers, volunteers, friends and participants in organizations. It was possibleto conclude that, after the critic stage right after transplant, although they have experienced some losses, the bonemarrow transplanted subjects changed their occupational lives, having resumed or changed their occup...
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2010
The objective was to conduct a retrospective and comparative study of the requests for consultati... more The objective was to conduct a retrospective and comparative study of the requests for consultation-liaison (RCLs), during a period of six years, sent to the Occupational Therapy (OT) team that acts as the Consultation-liaison Service in Mental Health. During the studied period 709 RCLs were made and 633 patients received OT consultations. The comparison group was extended to 1 129 consecutive referrals to the psychiatric CL service, within the same period and that were also retrospectively reviewed. Regarding to RCLs to the OT team, most of the subjects were women with incomplete elementary schooling, with a mean age of 39.2 years, and were self-employed or retired. Internal Medicine was responsible for most of the RCLs. The mean length of hospitalization was 51 days and the mean rate of referral was 0.5%, with the most frequent reason for the request being related to the emotional aspects and the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis was mood disorder. It is concluded that there is a clear demand for the development of consultation-liaison in OT, particularly with regard to the promotion of mental health in general hospitals.
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2012
The use of scales that have been validated and standardized for different cultures is very useful... more The use of scales that have been validated and standardized for different cultures is very useful for identifying demands in the field of Palliative Care and implementing the most appropriate care. This integrative literature review focuses on instruments assessing the Quality of Life of patients under Palliative Care through a journal search in electronic databases. The study consisted of 49 papers identified in Medline/PubMed, of which 18 met the inclusion criteria previously defined. Information concerning the selected studies is presented and later categorized, with a greater emphasis on the analysis of the psychometric properties of validations of the Palliative Outcome Scale, conducted in three countries. This review enabled the identification of instruments already developed and validated for different cultures, increasing the possibility of knowledge in the field.
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto)
INTRODUÇÃO: A COVID-19 é uma doença altamente contagiosa, de apresentação recente, causada pelo ... more INTRODUÇÃO: A COVID-19 é uma doença altamente contagiosa, de apresentação recente, causada pelo novo coronavírus, denominado SARS-CoV-2 por ser da família SARS (Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave). São necessárias diretrizes cientificamente fundamentadas sobre as intervenções dos terapeutas ocupacionais no cuidado de pessoas com a COVID-19 e sobre as perspectivas de atenção pós-pandemia. OBJETIVO: Apresentar diretrizes e recomendações aos terapeutas ocupacionais sobre o manejo clínico de pacientes com COVID-19 em diferentes níveis de atenção à saúde, para favorecer a assistência segura e com qualidade técnico-científica. MÉTODO: Dez terapeutas ocupacionais de diferentes estados brasileiros, experts em suas áreas de atuação, reuniram-se, por meio de web conferências, para desenvolver diretrizes para a atuação do terapeuta ocupacional na pandemia da COVID-19. O público-alvo destas diretrizes é composto por terapeutas ocupacionais, gestores e outros profissionais interessados no conhe...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
Introduction: Communication and information technologies in the health context allow optimizing i... more Introduction: Communication and information technologies in the health context allow optimizing inter-institutional activities in continuing education.Objectives: To describe the activities performed by of the Special interest group on Occupational Therapy in hospital contexts and palliative care and to discuss the importance of videoconferencing in the continuing education process of Occupational Therapy students and health professionals in this field.Materials and methods: A documentary, retrospective, and descriptive study was conducted. The special interest group was created through the Telemedicine University Network, which is a high-speed network connecting university hospitals and health teaching centers in Brazil. There are 34 operating centers from 15 Brazilian states and one Chilean university registered in the group.Results: 36 videoconferences were made between August 2013 and December 2017, where relevant topics for the practice of occupational therapists in hospital co...
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto. Online)
Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultado... more Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e publicações relacionados ao uso de tecnologias de comunicação alternativa por pessoas com restrições de sua capacidade de comunicação, particularmente daquelas laringectomizadas por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Método: estudo baseado em levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO e CINAHL, através do uso dos descritores: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” e “Communication”, seus correspondentes em português e seus cruzamentos. Resultados: Foram selecionados 14 artigos, publicados no período de 2004 à 2014, categorizados em duas unidades de análise: I: Impacto do adoecimento e do tratamento na qualidade de vida e aspectos físicos, funcionais e sintomas (N=5), II: Aspectos psicossociais relacionados ao tratamento de câncer de cabeça e pescoço (N=9). Os artigos indicaram que o adoecimento e o tratamento ...
Supportive Care in Cancer, 2017
Chemotherapy is indicated for patients with metastatic malignancy in order to improve quality of ... more Chemotherapy is indicated for patients with metastatic malignancy in order to improve quality of life and in some cases to increase survival. However, the greatest difficulty regarding the choice of treatment is to evaluate the clinical benefit and intrinsic toxicity of each procedure. The best strategy is the integration between oncology and palliative care, which is still mostly insufficient. The main objective of this study was to assess time to palliative care referral for cancer patients with advanced local or metastatic disease and to investigate the impact of covariates on this relationship. A retrospective, cross-sectional, observational pilot study was conducted on 286 patients divided into two groups, one consisting of metastatic patients and the other of non-metastatic patients at diagnosis. Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS), setting, and survival time were evaluated. One hundred eighteen patients (41.25%) were metastatic and 168 (58.74%) had locally advanced malignant disease. The median time of metastatic patient referral to the group of palliative care (GPC) was 5.3 months, with 39.8% referred earlier and 60.2% referred late (≥3 months). 60.2% of metastatic patients were referred to the GPC with a KPS <70% and 56% of non-metastatic patients were referred earlier and 44% after 3 months. There was improved survival only in metastatic patients referred to the GPC with a KPS ≥70% (p = 0.02). Many oncology patients were referred late to the GPC. A higher KPS was a risk factor for late referral because only severe patients were referred earlier. Metastatic patients referred with a KPS ≥70% had a longer survival.
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto. Online), 2016
Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultado... more Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e analisar criticamente as evidências científicas relativas ao tema da sobrecarga de cuidadores de pessoas em Cuidados Paliativos. Método: Busca bibliográfica nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL e na biblioteca virtual SciELO, com os cruzamentos entre os descritores: “Caregivers”, “Palliative Care”, “Terminal Care”, “Hospice Care”, e as palavras-chave “Burden”, “Supportive Care”. Resultados: Foram selecionados 23 artigos publicados em periódicos internacionais, no período de janeiro de 2004 a junho de 2014. Foram categorizados em três unidades de análise: a tarefa de cuidar e as consequências para a vida do cuidador (N=7); a sobrecarga do cuidador diante da proximidade da morte (N=8); programas e serviços de apoio aos cuidadores (N=8). Os artigos indicaram que a sobrecarga do cuidador varia de acordo com sua vivência da tarefa de cuidar e a evolução da doença da pes...
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2016
Objective: to identify and evaluate the evidence found in the international scientific literature... more Objective: to identify and evaluate the evidence found in the international scientific literature on the application of the Palliative Outcome Scale (POS) in clinical practice and research in Palliative Care (PC). Method: integrative literature review, through the search of publications in journals indexed in PubMed / MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO and CINAHL databases, between the years 1999 and 2014. Results: the final sample consisted of 11 articles. In the data analysis, the articles were classified into 2 units of analysis (studies using the POS as a resource in research and studies using the POS in clinical practice), in which the information was presented in the form of sub-themes related to publications of the selected studies, highlighting the synthesis of the results. Conclusion: POS emerged as an important tool for measuring outcomes to assess the quality of life of patients and families, of the quality of care provided and the PC service organization. The international scientif...
Interface Comunicacao Saude Educacao, Apr 1, 2009
A formação profissional do terapeuta ocupacional para o planejamento e gerenciamento de serviços ... more A formação profissional do terapeuta ocupacional para o planejamento e gerenciamento de serviços A formação profissional está diretamente relacionada a determinadas formas de se conceberem as profissões e seus campos de trabalho (Drummond, 2000), como também ao perfil dos profissionais que se quer formar, respondendo ou não às demandas do mercado de trabalho. O perfil do profissional refere-se a um conjunto de traços caracterizadores e diferenciadores da profissão, e está vinculado àquilo que é delineado pelos agentes da formação-docentes, profissionais, associações e outras instâncias organizativas e/ou representativas destes profissionais-num determinado recorte histórico e cultural. Esboçar um perfil profissional que se quer formar, num curso de graduação, faz parte da tarefa educacional e está, necessariamente, vinculado à delimitação de fronteiras, convergência de áreas e de conhecimentos, hierarquias constituídas na produção de saberes, e à legitimação de práticas. Portanto, o perfil está relacionado à história de como se institui um conhecimento e o poder dos agentes no processo de demarcação de seu território. Para a consolidação do seu corpo de conhecimentos e reconhecimento de seu papel em diferentes campos de práticas (de saúde, educação e no campo social), os terapeutas ocupacionais (T.Os.) centraram esforços no desenvolvimento técnico-científico da profissão, mais especificamente ligados à qualificação para as práticas assistenciais. Entretanto, as demandas populacionais e institucionais foram se transformando historicamente, e os T.Os. passaram a se confrontar com situações que lhes exigem novos tipos de habilidades e competências para o exercício profissional. No passado, era pequena e pouco valorizada a participação de T.Os. na gestão pública, na elaboração e implementação de políticas de saúde e no gerenciamento de equipes e de serviços, sejam eles públicos ou privados; estas eram funções exercidas quase que exclusivamente por profissionais médicos. Entretanto, na realidade atual do mercado de trabalho, o terapeuta ocupacional tem assumido papéis participativos e ativos no seio das instituições em que se encontra inserido e, portanto, conhecimentos e competências profissionais, nas áreas de gestão e gerenciamento de serviços, se tornaram cada vez mais necessários.
The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the pa... more The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the patient and family. This study analyses the changes occurred in the occupational roles of patients that have undergone transplants, in the late stage, assisted in a considerable university hospital located in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. It is a quantitative research based on the use of an international protocol validated in Brazil: The Occupational Role Checklist. The survey consists of 52 subjects: 26 of the experimental group and 26 of the control group. Through the comparative analysis between the groups, statistically significant differences were observed between the occupational roles of workers, volunteers, friends and participants in organizations. It was possible to conclude that, after the critic stage right after transplant, although they have experienced some losses, the bone marrow transplanted subjects changed their occupational lives, having resumed or changed their occupational roles.
The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the pa... more The transplant of hematopoietic stem-cells is a procedure that causes a lot of distress to the patient and family. This study analyses the changes occurred in the occupational roles of patients that have undergone transplants, in the late stage, assisted in a considerable university hospital located in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. It is a quantitative research based on the use of an international protocol validated in Brazil: The Occupational Role Checklist. The survey consists of 52 subjects: 26 of the experimental group and 26 of the control group. Through the comparative analysis between the groups, statistically significant differences were observed between the occupational roles of workers, volunteers, friends and participants in organizations. It was possible to conclude that, after the critic stage right after transplant, although they have experienced some losses, the bone marrow transplanted subjects changed their occupational lives, having resumed or changed their occupational roles.
Trabalho, Educação e Saúde, 2009
Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo, 2015
Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De Sao Paulo, Dec 19, 2014