Behshad Jodeiri Shokri | University of Southern Queensland (original) (raw)

Papers by Behshad Jodeiri Shokri

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Acid Mine Drainage Generation Potential of A Copper Mine Tailings Using Gene Expression Programming-A Case Study

Journal of Mining and Environment, Oct 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Blast-Induced Ground Vibration Using Gene Expression Programming (GEP), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), and Linear Multivariate Regression (LMR)

Archives of Mining Sciences, Jul 24, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Geohydrology

Encyclopedia of earth sciences, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Probabilistic Prediction of Acid Mine Drainage Generation Risk Based on Pyrite Oxidation Process in Coal Washery Rejects-A Case Study

Journal of Mining and Environment, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Shear Behaviour of Fibreglass Rock Bolts for Various Pretension Loads

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

In this paper, after determining an appropriate experimental design and testing scheme to test th... more In this paper, after determining an appropriate experimental design and testing scheme to test the shear performance suitably, the impacts of pretension and shear interfaces on fibreglass rock bolts were investigated. For this purpose, at the first stage, the double shear testing apparatus was modified to address the issues and shortcomings of the established testing methodology. Then, 20-tonne and 30-tonne rock bolts were tested with pretension loads of 0 kN, 10 kN, 15 kN, and 20 kN for each test scheme. For this, a 40 MPa small aggregate concrete was used for all samples to simulate the host rock. The grout used to anchor the rock bolts was mixed to the product’s recommended guidelines to ensure close resemblance to field mixtures. To maintain consistency, all samples were manufactured with the same concrete and grout recipes. The results of double shear tests revealed that increasing the pretension also increased the confining pressures at the shear interfaces for clean joints. T...

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of mechanical and bonding properties of anchoring resins under elevated temperature

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating shear behaviour of fibreglass rock bolts reinforcing infilled discontinuities for various pretension loads

Canadian Geotechnical Journal

In this paper, eight shear tests were carried out utilising a double shear with infilled shear in... more In this paper, eight shear tests were carried out utilising a double shear with infilled shear interfaces after determining an appropriate experimental design and modified testing scheme. For this, two rock bolts, 20-tonne and 30-tonne, were tested with modified double shear testing apparatus at different pretension loads. The infilled test scheme was conducted with 5mm thick sandy clay infilled shear interfaces. A 40MPa small aggregate concrete was used for all samples to simulate the host rock. Based on the shear profiles, it was found that all samples followed a three-part failure profile consisting of elastic, strain softening and failure regions. The results of double shear tests revealed that the 20-tonne rock bolt saw a significant overall decrease of approximately 30% in its failure displacement response as opposed to the 30-tonne samples’ which saw a 6% increase. Also, it was concluded that the 30-tonne samples outperformed the 20-tonne rock bolts by up to 30%, irrespective...

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of time-lapse 2D and 3D geoelectrical inverse models for monitoring acid mine drainage -a case study

Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Problems Related to Pyrite Oxidation from an Active Coal Washing Plant, Alborz Sharghi, Iran

The low grade wastes produced by coal washing plant often contain pyrite which may be oxidised an... more The low grade wastes produced by coal washing plant often contain pyrite which may be oxidised and produce acid mine drainage (AMD) if it is exposed to the atmosphere. AMD is characterised by high concentrations of iron, high sulphate and low pH and it is ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Computational Fluid Dynamic Model for Prediction of Organic Dyes Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions

Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2012

ABSTRACT Modelling of the removal of synthetic dyes from aqueous solutions by adsorbents is impor... more ABSTRACT Modelling of the removal of synthetic dyes from aqueous solutions by adsorbents is important to develop an appropriate treatment plan using adsorption process. This paper presents a computational fluid dynamic model incorporating the Langmuir isotherm scheme and second-order kinetic expression to describe the adsorption process. The governing equation of the model was numerically solved using PHOENICS software to simulate synthetic dyes adsorption from the aqueous system. The experimental results presented in this study and taken from the literature for the removal of synthetic dyes were compared with those results predicted by the numerical model. The predicted outputs of the model match the experimental measurements satisfactory. A sensitivity analysis of the major parameters that influence the percent of dye removal from solution phase has been carried out. Three of the main parameters taken into account were the kinetic rate constant, amount of dye adsorbed at equilibrium and the Langmuir isotherm constant. It was found that the model is most sensitive to the amount of dye adsorbed at equilibrium. This effect is most obvious at the early stages of the adsorption process when the rate of dye removal is very fast. Quantification of the reaction mechanism allows developing an appropriate remediation strategy based on the adsorption process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predicting pyrite oxidation and multi-component reactive transport processes from an abandoned coal waste pile by comparing 2D numerical modeling and 3D geo-electrical inversion

International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016

Abstract In this paper, pyrite oxidation process resulted from an abandoned coal waste pile in no... more Abstract In this paper, pyrite oxidation process resulted from an abandoned coal waste pile in northeastern Iran was evaluated by a combination of three-dimensional (3D) geo-electrical data inversion and two-dimensional (2D) numerical modeling of long-term pyrite oxidation and multi-component reactive transportation of the oxidation products. To achieve the goal, 42 solid samples were obtained from different depths of two trenches excavated over the pile. The samples were analyzed for the fraction of pyrite remaining within the waste particles. Besides, the mole fraction of oxygen at various depths of the pile was measured in situ. The results reveal that pyrite oxidized considerably at the shallower depths where oxygen diffused. Simultaneously, 2D geo-electrical surveys were conducted on four parallel profiles over the waste pile. Afterward, the measured apparent resistivity values were assembled into a 3D data set and further modeled by inverting these data. The results show that, horizontal slices of the 3D resistivity model almost correspond with the geochemical data. Besides, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software called PHOENICS was modified to numerically solve the governing equations of oxygen diffusion, pyrite oxidation and solute transport applying a finite volume technique and considering all sources and sinks related to the chemical reactions. The results show that the oxidation occurred in the upper layers of the pile which almost correspond with the geo-electrical data interpretation. Moreover, the predicted results show that further pyrite oxidation would generate more products that reach the pile base in the future. Eventually, a reclamation scenario was suggested by covering an impermeable cap on the pile surface. The results reveal that this process would prevent oxygen diffusion to the pile which in turn limit pyrite oxidation process and acid mine drainage generation, in the waste particles and it would lead to termination of the transportation of oxidation products within the pile by surface recharge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of seismic structural interpretation of Zagros fold-thrust belt by dip scanning in common diffraction surface imaging method

Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Petrophysical Modeling for a Strongly Heterogeneous and Fractured Reservoir, Sarvak Formation, SW Iran

Natural Resources Research, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Intrinsic geological model generation for chromite pods in the Sabzevar ophiolite complex, NE Iran

Ore Geology Reviews, 2016

Abstract The Sabzevar ophiolite, with its colored melange zone, is a highly disintegrated ophioli... more Abstract The Sabzevar ophiolite, with its colored melange zone, is a highly disintegrated ophiolite complex located at the northern boundary of the central Iranian microcontinent. A large number of chromite pods occur in this area, which needs to be explored. In this study, a mathematical – geological genetic model is advanced as an exploratory tool that provides information for further exploration activity. A petrogenetic model of chromite ore was established on the basis of a geodata information database. This database consists of information from similar chromite mines from around the world. A detailed investigation of the geological, mineralogical and petrological characteristics of chromite pods in the Sabzevar region was conducted along with detailed petrological samplings, thin section studies and mineralogical analysis. In the next step, we developed a conceptual genetic model that defines areas with a high probability of the existence of chromite pods. The model was later refined using such parameters as a critical genetic factor (CGF) and critical reconnaissance criteria (CRC). Next, a linear function, which is a combination of these factors, provided promising regions as intrinsic geological units (IGU). Finally, a 3D model of lithological units depicting the IGU for chromite pods exploration is proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the flow pathways and contaminants transportation around a coal washing plant using the VLF-EM, Geo-electrical and IP techniques—A case study, NE Iran

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015

Abstract Coal washing operation is now being carried out in the Alborz-Sharghi plant, located in ... more Abstract Coal washing operation is now being carried out in the Alborz-Sharghi plant, located in northeast of Iran. This can in effect create a number of environmental problems. In this research, different geophysical surveys were conducted to investigate the leachate flow pathways and time-dependent transportation of contaminants in downstream of the plant which is situated between a coal waste pile and tailings impoundments. The very low frequency survey identified the most likely contamination zones and flow pathways. Furthermore, two-dimensional resistivity models obtained by the inversion of geoelectrical data (measured with the use of a dipole–dipole array incorporating a time-laps technique) showed the contaminated plumes with low resistivity values (<1 Ω m). To carry out a time-laps technique, 2-D geoelectrical surveys were repeated at same profiles by a time interval of 6 months. The results distinguished a time-dependent movement of the plume in a lateral and longitudinal form as well as its further extension to the deeper layers towards the groundwater table. This was also verified by the results obtained by the induced polarization measurements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Geochemistry and Acid Mine Drainage Evaluation of an Abandoned Coal Waste Pile at the Alborz-Sharghi Coal Washing Plant, NE Iran

Natural Resources Research, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Defining chromite ore production trend by CCD method to reach sustainable development goals in mining sector, Iran

Mineral Economics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Geochemical characterisation of a pyrite containing coal washing refuse pile produced by the Anjir Tangeh coal washing plant in Zirab, Mazandaran province, Northern Iran

Over the past 22 years, coal washing operation in the Anjir Tangeh plant, in Zirab, northern Iran... more Over the past 22 years, coal washing operation in the Anjir Tangeh plant, in Zirab, northern Iran has produced large piles of refuse materials containing pyrite. This paper presents the geochemical characterisation of these refuse materials to evaluate pyrite oxidation. Three trenches were made at about 4 m depth on a specific part of the refuse pile surface. Altogether, 25 solid samples were taken in 0.5 m intervals and geochemically analysed. Results show pyrite oxidation at low depths and subsequent leaching of the oxidation products. Presence of carbonate rocks raised pH of the drainages arising from refuse pile.

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D static reservoir modeling by geostatistical techniques used for reservoir characterization and data integration

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of pyrite oxidation and acid mine drainage characterization associated with Razi active coal mine and coal washing waste dumps in the Azad shahr-Ramian region, northeast Iran

Acid mine drainage (AMD) pollution is considered to be the most serious water pollution problem i... more Acid mine drainage (AMD) pollution is considered to be the most serious water pollution problem in mining areas. AMD containing iron sulfates and other components can affect the receiving water bodies. Pyrite oxidation and AMD generation can be considered as important processes that may take place in the wastes produced by coal mining and coal washing operations in the Golestan

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Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Acid Mine Drainage Generation Potential of A Copper Mine Tailings Using Gene Expression Programming-A Case Study

Journal of Mining and Environment, Oct 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Blast-Induced Ground Vibration Using Gene Expression Programming (GEP), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), and Linear Multivariate Regression (LMR)

Archives of Mining Sciences, Jul 24, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Geohydrology

Encyclopedia of earth sciences, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Probabilistic Prediction of Acid Mine Drainage Generation Risk Based on Pyrite Oxidation Process in Coal Washery Rejects-A Case Study

Journal of Mining and Environment, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Shear Behaviour of Fibreglass Rock Bolts for Various Pretension Loads

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

In this paper, after determining an appropriate experimental design and testing scheme to test th... more In this paper, after determining an appropriate experimental design and testing scheme to test the shear performance suitably, the impacts of pretension and shear interfaces on fibreglass rock bolts were investigated. For this purpose, at the first stage, the double shear testing apparatus was modified to address the issues and shortcomings of the established testing methodology. Then, 20-tonne and 30-tonne rock bolts were tested with pretension loads of 0 kN, 10 kN, 15 kN, and 20 kN for each test scheme. For this, a 40 MPa small aggregate concrete was used for all samples to simulate the host rock. The grout used to anchor the rock bolts was mixed to the product’s recommended guidelines to ensure close resemblance to field mixtures. To maintain consistency, all samples were manufactured with the same concrete and grout recipes. The results of double shear tests revealed that increasing the pretension also increased the confining pressures at the shear interfaces for clean joints. T...

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of mechanical and bonding properties of anchoring resins under elevated temperature

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating shear behaviour of fibreglass rock bolts reinforcing infilled discontinuities for various pretension loads

Canadian Geotechnical Journal

In this paper, eight shear tests were carried out utilising a double shear with infilled shear in... more In this paper, eight shear tests were carried out utilising a double shear with infilled shear interfaces after determining an appropriate experimental design and modified testing scheme. For this, two rock bolts, 20-tonne and 30-tonne, were tested with modified double shear testing apparatus at different pretension loads. The infilled test scheme was conducted with 5mm thick sandy clay infilled shear interfaces. A 40MPa small aggregate concrete was used for all samples to simulate the host rock. Based on the shear profiles, it was found that all samples followed a three-part failure profile consisting of elastic, strain softening and failure regions. The results of double shear tests revealed that the 20-tonne rock bolt saw a significant overall decrease of approximately 30% in its failure displacement response as opposed to the 30-tonne samples’ which saw a 6% increase. Also, it was concluded that the 30-tonne samples outperformed the 20-tonne rock bolts by up to 30%, irrespective...

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of time-lapse 2D and 3D geoelectrical inverse models for monitoring acid mine drainage -a case study

Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Problems Related to Pyrite Oxidation from an Active Coal Washing Plant, Alborz Sharghi, Iran

The low grade wastes produced by coal washing plant often contain pyrite which may be oxidised an... more The low grade wastes produced by coal washing plant often contain pyrite which may be oxidised and produce acid mine drainage (AMD) if it is exposed to the atmosphere. AMD is characterised by high concentrations of iron, high sulphate and low pH and it is ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Computational Fluid Dynamic Model for Prediction of Organic Dyes Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions

Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2012

ABSTRACT Modelling of the removal of synthetic dyes from aqueous solutions by adsorbents is impor... more ABSTRACT Modelling of the removal of synthetic dyes from aqueous solutions by adsorbents is important to develop an appropriate treatment plan using adsorption process. This paper presents a computational fluid dynamic model incorporating the Langmuir isotherm scheme and second-order kinetic expression to describe the adsorption process. The governing equation of the model was numerically solved using PHOENICS software to simulate synthetic dyes adsorption from the aqueous system. The experimental results presented in this study and taken from the literature for the removal of synthetic dyes were compared with those results predicted by the numerical model. The predicted outputs of the model match the experimental measurements satisfactory. A sensitivity analysis of the major parameters that influence the percent of dye removal from solution phase has been carried out. Three of the main parameters taken into account were the kinetic rate constant, amount of dye adsorbed at equilibrium and the Langmuir isotherm constant. It was found that the model is most sensitive to the amount of dye adsorbed at equilibrium. This effect is most obvious at the early stages of the adsorption process when the rate of dye removal is very fast. Quantification of the reaction mechanism allows developing an appropriate remediation strategy based on the adsorption process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predicting pyrite oxidation and multi-component reactive transport processes from an abandoned coal waste pile by comparing 2D numerical modeling and 3D geo-electrical inversion

International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016

Abstract In this paper, pyrite oxidation process resulted from an abandoned coal waste pile in no... more Abstract In this paper, pyrite oxidation process resulted from an abandoned coal waste pile in northeastern Iran was evaluated by a combination of three-dimensional (3D) geo-electrical data inversion and two-dimensional (2D) numerical modeling of long-term pyrite oxidation and multi-component reactive transportation of the oxidation products. To achieve the goal, 42 solid samples were obtained from different depths of two trenches excavated over the pile. The samples were analyzed for the fraction of pyrite remaining within the waste particles. Besides, the mole fraction of oxygen at various depths of the pile was measured in situ. The results reveal that pyrite oxidized considerably at the shallower depths where oxygen diffused. Simultaneously, 2D geo-electrical surveys were conducted on four parallel profiles over the waste pile. Afterward, the measured apparent resistivity values were assembled into a 3D data set and further modeled by inverting these data. The results show that, horizontal slices of the 3D resistivity model almost correspond with the geochemical data. Besides, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software called PHOENICS was modified to numerically solve the governing equations of oxygen diffusion, pyrite oxidation and solute transport applying a finite volume technique and considering all sources and sinks related to the chemical reactions. The results show that the oxidation occurred in the upper layers of the pile which almost correspond with the geo-electrical data interpretation. Moreover, the predicted results show that further pyrite oxidation would generate more products that reach the pile base in the future. Eventually, a reclamation scenario was suggested by covering an impermeable cap on the pile surface. The results reveal that this process would prevent oxygen diffusion to the pile which in turn limit pyrite oxidation process and acid mine drainage generation, in the waste particles and it would lead to termination of the transportation of oxidation products within the pile by surface recharge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of seismic structural interpretation of Zagros fold-thrust belt by dip scanning in common diffraction surface imaging method

Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Petrophysical Modeling for a Strongly Heterogeneous and Fractured Reservoir, Sarvak Formation, SW Iran

Natural Resources Research, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Intrinsic geological model generation for chromite pods in the Sabzevar ophiolite complex, NE Iran

Ore Geology Reviews, 2016

Abstract The Sabzevar ophiolite, with its colored melange zone, is a highly disintegrated ophioli... more Abstract The Sabzevar ophiolite, with its colored melange zone, is a highly disintegrated ophiolite complex located at the northern boundary of the central Iranian microcontinent. A large number of chromite pods occur in this area, which needs to be explored. In this study, a mathematical – geological genetic model is advanced as an exploratory tool that provides information for further exploration activity. A petrogenetic model of chromite ore was established on the basis of a geodata information database. This database consists of information from similar chromite mines from around the world. A detailed investigation of the geological, mineralogical and petrological characteristics of chromite pods in the Sabzevar region was conducted along with detailed petrological samplings, thin section studies and mineralogical analysis. In the next step, we developed a conceptual genetic model that defines areas with a high probability of the existence of chromite pods. The model was later refined using such parameters as a critical genetic factor (CGF) and critical reconnaissance criteria (CRC). Next, a linear function, which is a combination of these factors, provided promising regions as intrinsic geological units (IGU). Finally, a 3D model of lithological units depicting the IGU for chromite pods exploration is proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the flow pathways and contaminants transportation around a coal washing plant using the VLF-EM, Geo-electrical and IP techniques—A case study, NE Iran

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015

Abstract Coal washing operation is now being carried out in the Alborz-Sharghi plant, located in ... more Abstract Coal washing operation is now being carried out in the Alborz-Sharghi plant, located in northeast of Iran. This can in effect create a number of environmental problems. In this research, different geophysical surveys were conducted to investigate the leachate flow pathways and time-dependent transportation of contaminants in downstream of the plant which is situated between a coal waste pile and tailings impoundments. The very low frequency survey identified the most likely contamination zones and flow pathways. Furthermore, two-dimensional resistivity models obtained by the inversion of geoelectrical data (measured with the use of a dipole–dipole array incorporating a time-laps technique) showed the contaminated plumes with low resistivity values (<1 Ω m). To carry out a time-laps technique, 2-D geoelectrical surveys were repeated at same profiles by a time interval of 6 months. The results distinguished a time-dependent movement of the plume in a lateral and longitudinal form as well as its further extension to the deeper layers towards the groundwater table. This was also verified by the results obtained by the induced polarization measurements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Geochemistry and Acid Mine Drainage Evaluation of an Abandoned Coal Waste Pile at the Alborz-Sharghi Coal Washing Plant, NE Iran

Natural Resources Research, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Defining chromite ore production trend by CCD method to reach sustainable development goals in mining sector, Iran

Mineral Economics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Geochemical characterisation of a pyrite containing coal washing refuse pile produced by the Anjir Tangeh coal washing plant in Zirab, Mazandaran province, Northern Iran

Over the past 22 years, coal washing operation in the Anjir Tangeh plant, in Zirab, northern Iran... more Over the past 22 years, coal washing operation in the Anjir Tangeh plant, in Zirab, northern Iran has produced large piles of refuse materials containing pyrite. This paper presents the geochemical characterisation of these refuse materials to evaluate pyrite oxidation. Three trenches were made at about 4 m depth on a specific part of the refuse pile surface. Altogether, 25 solid samples were taken in 0.5 m intervals and geochemically analysed. Results show pyrite oxidation at low depths and subsequent leaching of the oxidation products. Presence of carbonate rocks raised pH of the drainages arising from refuse pile.

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D static reservoir modeling by geostatistical techniques used for reservoir characterization and data integration

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of pyrite oxidation and acid mine drainage characterization associated with Razi active coal mine and coal washing waste dumps in the Azad shahr-Ramian region, northeast Iran

Acid mine drainage (AMD) pollution is considered to be the most serious water pollution problem i... more Acid mine drainage (AMD) pollution is considered to be the most serious water pollution problem in mining areas. AMD containing iron sulfates and other components can affect the receiving water bodies. Pyrite oxidation and AMD generation can be considered as important processes that may take place in the wastes produced by coal mining and coal washing operations in the Golestan

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