RICARDO RESTREPO | Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación Preliminar De La Participación De Especies De Mangle en El Control De Metales Pesados en Aguas De Producción

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1996

Se sembraron tres especies de mangle en un bajo inundado con aguas de produccion, con el proposit... more Se sembraron tres especies de mangle en un bajo inundado con aguas de produccion, con el proposito de determinar la eficiencia de los manglares como filtros biologicos de control de sales y metales pesados. Los resultados mostraron que al mismo tiempo que se adaptaron facilmente a condiciones continentales, son excelentes filtros biologicos que controlan salinidad en las aguas y acumulan bario a nivel de estructuras vegetales. Este hecho permitio un repoblamiento y enriquecimiento de diversidad biologica en la zona, que favorecio la reaparicion de especies vegetales y animales que habian desaparecido del ecosistema del bajo inundado. Con base en los analisis realizados para determinar la cantidad de cloruros y metales pesados retenidos por el vegetal en cada una de sus partes, se encontro que segun la especie, la acumulacion se presenta en diferentes partes de la planta y depende de las condiciones climaticas y fisicoquimicas del agua. Por otra parte, se determino una acumulacion de...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación Ecotoxicológica De La Influencia De Los Vertimientos Del Campo De Producción La Cira-Infantas (Gco) Sobre Dos Cuerpo Receptore

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1999

Application of a methodology to determine acute toxicity and toxic charge of the six effluents of... more Application of a methodology to determine acute toxicity and toxic charge of the six effluents of Ecopetrol's production field La Cira-lnfantas, as well as to assess water quality of receptor streams (La Cira and Reposo), through toxicity test with three native organisms from the region: an algae (Scenedesmus subspicatus), a macrophite (Lemna aequinoctialis) a cladoceran (Moinodaphnia macleayi) and Daphnia pu/ex as the reference organism. The toxic potential of the effluents, by conducting additional bioassays with (BaC+2 y NaCI), was also determined since high concentrations of (Ba+2 and Cl-;) are present in the effluents. All tested organisms showed sensitivity to the reference toxicant (K2Cr2O7), and met international criteria fortheir use as bioindicators in ecotoxicology studies. The response of the bioindicators to the effluents depended on each organism; however effluents 2 and 3, the more highly contaminated, presented the highest toxicities.

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de las variables ambientales en la composición de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en bosque de piedemonte Amazónico

Research paper thumbnail of Cuatro Índices De Contaminación Para Caracterización De Aguas Continentales. Formulaciones y Aplicación

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1997

In this paper four indices of contamination, which qualify different water aspects are presented.... more In this paper four indices of contamination, which qualify different water aspects are presented. Such indices allow for an overall assessment of the enviromental status of the water bodies. These indices have been derived from acumulative experiences in hidrobiological monitoring in the Colombian Petroleum Industry for six years. Multivariable estatistics was used. The indices were developed based on legislation from several countries, in accordance with the concentration of the different parameteres and water usages. This indices of contamination (ICO) are: ICOMI (mineralization), ICOMO (organics contamination), ICOSUS (suspended solids) and ICOTRO (trophia system). The indices are easy to estimate (mathematically and/or graphically) and allow the identification the type of environmental problem, existing as demostrated with examples and the near to zero correlations found. Thanks to the minimun number of variables, the aplication of these indices also disminishes monitoring and e...

Research paper thumbnail of Índices De Contaminación Para Caracterización De Aguas Continentales y Vertimientos. Formulaciones

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1999

Como complemento a un desarrollo previo, publicado por Ramirez et al., 1997, y gracias a los anal... more Como complemento a un desarrollo previo, publicado por Ramirez et al., 1997, y gracias a los analisis de informacion recopilada en muestreos de cuerpos de aguas, se formulan nuevos indices de contaminacion (ICO) para la caracterizacion de aguas naturales y vertimientos, todos ellos independientes de otros ICO definidos con anterioridad y que brindan informacion complementaria sobre la calidad de las aguas. Se desarrolla un indice para el pH (ICOpH), que resulta complementario con aquellos durante la caracterizacion de aguas dulces naturales. Adicionalmente, se presenta un indice para la temperatura (ICOTEM), desarrollado para la evaluacion de vertimientos y se fundamenta en la diferencia de temperatura entre el vertimiento y el cuerpo receptor. Por ultimo, se formulan indices de contaminacion para hidrocarburos aromaticos y alifaticos, componentes altamente susceptibles a su acumulacion en organismos vivos. Estos indices se han desarrollado basados en aproximadamente 130 mediciones ...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of physico-chemical indexes and BMWP / Col. to establish the impact of urbanization on Río Frío (Bucaramanga, Colombia)

Universitas Scientiarum, May 4, 2018

In this study, samples from four different sites were collected from Río Frío, a stream crossing ... more In this study, samples from four different sites were collected from Río Frío, a stream crossing the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia). The course evaluated started in the suburban area and finished in the vicinity where Río Frío becomes the tributary of Río de Oro. Invertebrates were identified belonging to different phyla: Annelida, Mollusca, and Arthropoda, corresponding to five classes, 14 orders, and 51 families. Biological monitoring working party (BMWP)/Col., ICO, and ICA-CETESB (Environmental Agency of the State of São Paulo) indexes were evaluated to determine water quality and environmental impact caused by urban growth. Statistical analysis of collected data revealed progressive basin deterioration from the first site of collection to the last site. At the beginning of the evaluated course, good water quality was observed. However, after flowing through the urban area, very poor quality indexes were detected. Based on the Wenger et al. guidelines two main problems were identified: weak enforcement of environmental laws, in addition to poorly legislated environmental urban planning.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologia Para La Formacion De Estudiantes De Ingenieria Ambiental Utilizando Indices Fisicoquimicos y Biologicos Para Determinar Calidad De Agua en La Quebrada Menzuli (Santander, Colombia)

Revista Aidis De Ingenieria Y Ciencias Ambientales Investigacion Desarrollo Y Practica, Nov 8, 2013

Waste water discharges water bodies produce a steady detriment of organisms. Living organisms are... more Waste water discharges water bodies produce a steady detriment of organisms. Living organisms are indicators of pollution according with its presence or absence. The purpose of this research was to find suitable bioindicators of water pollution in Menzuli Creek (Santander, Colombia), from its source to its mouth, in order to identify critical areas with the highest pollution levels. As a starting point, secondary information of previous physical and chemical sampling campaigns was collected and analyzed to establish the most relevant sampling points. Once the sampling points were selected, a biological sampling was performed in order to gather and classify species that can be used as indicators of water pollution along the whole water body selected for this study. At the same time, water samples from the same sites were analyzed for physical and chemical characterization. Based on these analyses, the macro-invertebrate species found in this creek, and comparing with related information of water quality indexes found in scientific literature, potential bioindicators were identified. The experimental methodology applied in this study also pretends to motivate the development of skills and competences in undergraduate students that will be useful for their professional growth as environmental engineers. Furthermore, the information on potential bioindicators of water pollution gathered throughout this study provides a good basis for the development of a guide of bioindicators of water quality in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga and its surroundings.

Research paper thumbnail of Actividad larvicida de aceites esenciales y extractos de plantas colombianas frente a Culex quinquefasciatus (Díptera: Culicidae)


Los aceites esenciales y extractos de plantas,cultivadas de forma orgánica en la finca El Limonal... more Los aceites esenciales y extractos de plantas,cultivadas de forma orgánica en la finca El Limonal Piedecuesta-Santander, Colombia, obtenidos por hidrodestilación asistida por microondas y percolación, se caracterizaron por cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas. La actividad insecticida se evaluó frente a larvas en tercer instar de Culex quinquefasciatus y en la enzima acetilcolinesterasa. La toxicidad se determinó en el modelo del pez cebra (Danio rerio). De ellos, el aceite esencial de Ruta graveolens fue el que presentó la mejor actividad larvicida, con CL50 7.20±0.19 μg/mL, una moderada inhibición de la enzima con IC50 44.98±1.1 μg/mL y moderada toxicidad con CL50 13.33±0.59 mg/L.

Research paper thumbnail of Aberraciones cromosomales en bulbos de cebolla Allium cepa inducidas por moléculas híbridas 4-aminoquinolínicas

Universitas Scientiarum, 2012

Chromosomal aberrations in Allium cepa onion bulbs induced by 4-aminoquinoline hybrid molecules. ... more Chromosomal aberrations in Allium cepa onion bulbs induced by 4-aminoquinoline hybrid molecules. Abstract. The toxicological properties of three hybrid compounds, quinoline-thiazolidinone (FR-72 and FR-121) and acridin-epoxyisoindolindione (FR-154) were studied by applying named compounds to the test of the roots of Allium cepa onion bulbs. Molecules FR-72, FR-121 and FR-154 were synthesized de novo according to described synthetic protocols. Clean and healthy bulbs of Allium cepa (2n = 16), previously immersed in distilled water, were dried with paper towels and placed directly into test tubes filled with the test substance. The experiments were carried out at room temperature 20 ± 2°C and were kept in darkness. The period of exposure of bulbs was 120 hours; the roots used for the genotoxicity evaluation were on average of 2 to 2.5 cm in length. The evaluation of the effect of the three quinolinic molecules on the growth of onion roots of Allium cepa bulbs was achieved using different concentrations of the three growth parameters (EC 50 , IM, ACs) The evaluated substances performed aneugenic actions, operating at cellular and molecular structure level and preventing the fixing of mitotic spindle fibers, causing the movement of chromosomes in the anaphase or loss of chromosomes, even inducing apoptosis by exceeding the homeostatic capacity of the cell. The preliminary analysis indicated that molecule FR-121 at 10-6 M concentration and molecule FR-154 at 10-3 M concentration, proved to be potent phytotoxic agents causing various claustogenic and aneugenic aberrations.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicación del protocolo CERA-S para determinar la calidad ecológica de la microcuenca Mamarramos (cuenca Cane-Iguaque), Santuario de Fauna y Flora Iguaque (Boyacá), Colombia 

Biota Colombiana, 2018

La protección y conservación de los ríos en zonas de reserva y recarga de acuíferos en Colombia e... more La protección y conservación de los ríos en zonas de reserva y recarga de acuíferos en Colombia es de vital importancia y uno de los principales compromisos del gobierno, debido a que en estos ecosistemas se forman cuerpos hídricos, que ofrecen bienes y servicios, asociados al suministro de agua para las principales ciudades. El Santuario de Fauna y Flora Iguaque (SFFI) es un área protegida de la región andina colombiana, que presenta ecosistemas de páramo y bosque andino. Es administrado por Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (PNN) y provee de agua a comunidades urbanas y rurales en su zona de influencia. Para determinar la calidad ecológica de la microcuenca Mamarramos se realizó un monitoreo, en el que se aplicó el protocolo CERA-S (Calidad Ecológica de Ríos Andinos Simplificado); esta herramienta integra la calidad hidromorfológica y el índice biótico ABI. En este estudio se realizaron tres jornadas de muestreo en estiaje (octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2015) seleccionando 10 puntos de monitoreo sobre las quebradas Carrizal, Francos y Mamarramos. Los resultados obtenidos califican a la microcuenca en categoría excelente, proporcionando información que permite a los líderes políticos y comunitarios, tomar decisiones para acciones de conservación y prevención del deterioro del ecosistema por actividades antrópicas.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of environmental variables on the composition of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Amazonian foothills forest

Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these ... more Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these factors is important to identify the causes that structure ant communities; taking into account this situation and that in the Amazon foothills region, particularly in the Putumayo department, few studies have been carried out and there is insufficient knowledge about the ecology of many species, this research was aimed to evaluate the effect of environmental variables in the assembly of ants, evaluating the hypothesis: the assembly of forest and grassland ants reflect changes in environmental variables (ambient temperature, soil temperature and relative humidity). In the municipality of Orito, in a secondary forest of the Amazon foothills and its grassland matrix, a 100 m transect was traced, locating 10 stations 10 m apart, in these, ants were sampled with: pitfall traps, corner baits: arboreal, epigeal and hypogeal, leaf litter extraction and manual capture. With the averages of the e...

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos ecotoxicológicos de un brasinoesteroide en bioindicadores de aguas dulces

RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aument... more RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aumentar el rendimiento y la calidad de las cosechas. El Biobras-16 es un producto cubano analogo de brasinoesteroides que ha demostrado su inocuidad en mamiferos. Para la evaluacion ecotoxicologica del Biobras-16 se utilizaron bioensayos de toxicidad en peces (Oreochromis niloticus), mosquitos (Aedes aegypti) y microcrustaceos (Daphnia pulex). Los organismos exhibieron toxicidad frente a la sustancia de referencia (K2Cr2O7). La respuesta de los bioindicadores fue dependiente de la dosis y del tipo de organismo en cuestion. Sin embargo, el Biobras-16 se puede considerar como no toxico, a la concentracion de aplicacion en la agricultura, para las especies ensayadas.

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos ecotoxicológicos de un Brasinoesteroide en tres organismos productores

Page 1. Acta Farm. Bonaerense 20 (4): 281-7 (2001) Recibido el 4 de junio de 2001 Aceptado el 20 ... more Page 1. Acta Farm. Bonaerense 20 (4): 281-7 (2001) Recibido el 4 de junio de 2001 Aceptado el 20 de septiembre de 2001 Trabajos originales Efectos Ecotoxicológicos de un Brasinoesteroide en Tres Organismos Productores ...

Research paper thumbnail of Validacion De La Funcionalidad De Los Indices De Contaminacion Frente a La Dispersion De Las Comunidades Bioticas en Humedales Del Magdalena Medio

El trabajo monografico presente se basa en la informacion obtenida del "Estudio de la Dinami... more El trabajo monografico presente se basa en la informacion obtenida del "Estudio de la Dinamica Hidrica y Monitoreo de Sedimentos de los Humedales del Area de Influencia del Campo Cicuco - Boquete, Caracterizacion Ambiental", realizado en el area de la depresion momposina, con el fin de cumplir con el Auto 056 de febrero de 2000 del entonces MMA. Para el cumplimiento de esta exigencia del Ministerio se realizaron dos muestreos, en sistemas cenagosos y sistemas loticos del area de influencia del Campo Cicuco-Boquete. Se realizaron analisis fisicoquimicos y biologicos y de esta informacion compilada, se calcularon los Indices de Contaminacion (ICO), de materia organica (ICOMO), de mineralizacion (ICOMI), de solidos suspendidos (ICOSUS), trofico (ICOTRO) y del pH (ICOPH). Para el diagnostico biologico, se calculo el indice BMWP para Colombia y se compararon estos resultados. En terminos generales, los ICOs oscilan entre valores de Baja y Media contaminacion y el BMWP califica ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hormesis: Antecedentes e implicaciones en los sistemas biológicos

Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 2009

ISSN 0326-2383 PALABRAS CLAVE: Hormesis, Ley de Arndt Schulz, precondicionamiento, Umbral, Respue... more ISSN 0326-2383 PALABRAS CLAVE: Hormesis, Ley de Arndt Schulz, precondicionamiento, Umbral, Respuesta adaptativa.

Research paper thumbnail of Validacion De La Funcionalidad De Los Indices De Contaminacion Frente a La Dispersion De Las Comunidades Bioticas en Humedales Del Magdalena Medio

del Campo Cicuco-Boquete, Caracterización Ambiental", realizado en el área de la depresión mompos... more del Campo Cicuco-Boquete, Caracterización Ambiental", realizado en el área de la depresión momposina, con el fin de cumplir con el Auto 056 de febrero de 2000 del entonces MMA.

Research paper thumbnail of Empleo de las microalgas en la fijación del CO2 presente en los gases de chimenea de equipos industriales de combustión en Colombia


minimize emissions. Currently its use gives high levels of investment and maintenance of the cult... more minimize emissions. Currently its use gives high levels of investment and maintenance of the culture, due to ignorance and inexperience in the field. There must be a plan for medium and long term, keeping in mind the progress in each of the stages of process. Although the subject is recent in Colombia, the climatic conditions make it suitable for production and determine the feasibility of the process. Its application would bring economic and environmental benefits to national industries when they carry out projects of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and can be obtained microalgal culture products of high value.

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos Ecotoxicológicos de un Brasinoesteroide en Bioindicadores de Aguas Dulces

ACTA …, 2002

RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aument... more RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aumentar el rendimiento y la calidad de las cosechas. El Biobras-16 es un producto cubano análogo de brasinoesteroides que ha demostrado su inocuidad en mamíferos. Para la evaluación ecotoxicológica del Biobras-16 se utilizaron bioensayos de toxicidad en peces (Oreochromis niloticus), mosquitos (Aedes aegypti) y microcrustáceos (Daphnia pulex). Los organismos exhibieron toxicidad frente a la sustancia de referencia (K 2 Cr 2 O 7). La respuesta de los bioindicadores fue dependiente de la dosis y del tipo de organismo en cuestión. Sin embargo, el Biobras-16 se puede considerar como no tóxico, a la concentración de aplicación en la agricultura, para las especies ensayadas. SUMMARY. "Ecotoxicological Effects of a Brassinosteroid in Freshwater Animals". Brassinosteroids are naturally-occuring substances that possess the capacity to increase the yield and quality of crops. Biobras-16 is a Cuban product similar to brassinosteroids that has demonstrated its inocuity in mammals. For the ecotoxicological evaluation of Biobras-16 the internationally established methodology was used. The selected organisms were a fish (Oreochromis niloticus), mosquitos (Aedes aegypti) and a cladoceran (Daphnia pulex). All tested organisms showed sensitivity to the reference toxicant (K 2 Cr 2 O 7). The response of the bioindicators depended on each organism and the concentration at which it was applied. However, the Biobras-16 can be consider as a non ecotoxicant at the dose it will be applied in agriculture, for the assayed species.

Research paper thumbnail of Pruebas de ecotoxicidad para establecer el potencial genotóxico del hipoclorito de sodio, mediante bulbos de cebolla Allium cepa L y semillas de lechuga Lactuca sativa L como bioindicadores

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de las variables ambientales en la composición de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en bosque de piedemonte Amazónico


Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these ... more Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these factors is important to identify the causes that structure ant communities. Taking into account this situation and that in the Amazon foothills region, particularly the Putumayo department, few studies have been carried out and there is insufficient knowledge about the ecology of many species, this research aimed to evaluate the effect of environmental variables on the assembly of ants, evaluating the hypothesis that the assembly of forest and grassland ants reflect changes in environmental variables (ambient temperature, soil temperature and relative humidity). In the municipality of Orito, in a
secondary forest of the Amazonian foothills and its grassland matrix, a 100-meter transect was traced, locating 10 stations 10 meters apart, in these ants were sampled with pitfall traps, corner baits (arboreal, epigeal and hypogeal), litter extraction and manual capture. With the averages of the environmental variables in each station and the diversity and richness data per month of sampling, a Poisson regression analysis was performed and with the data of the morphospecies and the averages of the measured variables the principal component analysis was carried out. The results indicated that the ant assemblages did not reflect the changes in the variables and only some species responded to these patterns. Therefore, to understand the dynamics of the functioning of the ecosystems of the Amazon foothills, it is necessary to study the biology of each species. However, it was determined that the studied habitats share generalist species and contain exclusive species, which contribute to the diversity of ants in the Amazonian foothills, therefore the sites must be conserved.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación Preliminar De La Participación De Especies De Mangle en El Control De Metales Pesados en Aguas De Producción

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1996

Se sembraron tres especies de mangle en un bajo inundado con aguas de produccion, con el proposit... more Se sembraron tres especies de mangle en un bajo inundado con aguas de produccion, con el proposito de determinar la eficiencia de los manglares como filtros biologicos de control de sales y metales pesados. Los resultados mostraron que al mismo tiempo que se adaptaron facilmente a condiciones continentales, son excelentes filtros biologicos que controlan salinidad en las aguas y acumulan bario a nivel de estructuras vegetales. Este hecho permitio un repoblamiento y enriquecimiento de diversidad biologica en la zona, que favorecio la reaparicion de especies vegetales y animales que habian desaparecido del ecosistema del bajo inundado. Con base en los analisis realizados para determinar la cantidad de cloruros y metales pesados retenidos por el vegetal en cada una de sus partes, se encontro que segun la especie, la acumulacion se presenta en diferentes partes de la planta y depende de las condiciones climaticas y fisicoquimicas del agua. Por otra parte, se determino una acumulacion de...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación Ecotoxicológica De La Influencia De Los Vertimientos Del Campo De Producción La Cira-Infantas (Gco) Sobre Dos Cuerpo Receptore

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1999

Application of a methodology to determine acute toxicity and toxic charge of the six effluents of... more Application of a methodology to determine acute toxicity and toxic charge of the six effluents of Ecopetrol's production field La Cira-lnfantas, as well as to assess water quality of receptor streams (La Cira and Reposo), through toxicity test with three native organisms from the region: an algae (Scenedesmus subspicatus), a macrophite (Lemna aequinoctialis) a cladoceran (Moinodaphnia macleayi) and Daphnia pu/ex as the reference organism. The toxic potential of the effluents, by conducting additional bioassays with (BaC+2 y NaCI), was also determined since high concentrations of (Ba+2 and Cl-;) are present in the effluents. All tested organisms showed sensitivity to the reference toxicant (K2Cr2O7), and met international criteria fortheir use as bioindicators in ecotoxicology studies. The response of the bioindicators to the effluents depended on each organism; however effluents 2 and 3, the more highly contaminated, presented the highest toxicities.

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de las variables ambientales en la composición de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en bosque de piedemonte Amazónico

Research paper thumbnail of Cuatro Índices De Contaminación Para Caracterización De Aguas Continentales. Formulaciones y Aplicación

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1997

In this paper four indices of contamination, which qualify different water aspects are presented.... more In this paper four indices of contamination, which qualify different water aspects are presented. Such indices allow for an overall assessment of the enviromental status of the water bodies. These indices have been derived from acumulative experiences in hidrobiological monitoring in the Colombian Petroleum Industry for six years. Multivariable estatistics was used. The indices were developed based on legislation from several countries, in accordance with the concentration of the different parameteres and water usages. This indices of contamination (ICO) are: ICOMI (mineralization), ICOMO (organics contamination), ICOSUS (suspended solids) and ICOTRO (trophia system). The indices are easy to estimate (mathematically and/or graphically) and allow the identification the type of environmental problem, existing as demostrated with examples and the near to zero correlations found. Thanks to the minimun number of variables, the aplication of these indices also disminishes monitoring and e...

Research paper thumbnail of Índices De Contaminación Para Caracterización De Aguas Continentales y Vertimientos. Formulaciones

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro, 1999

Como complemento a un desarrollo previo, publicado por Ramirez et al., 1997, y gracias a los anal... more Como complemento a un desarrollo previo, publicado por Ramirez et al., 1997, y gracias a los analisis de informacion recopilada en muestreos de cuerpos de aguas, se formulan nuevos indices de contaminacion (ICO) para la caracterizacion de aguas naturales y vertimientos, todos ellos independientes de otros ICO definidos con anterioridad y que brindan informacion complementaria sobre la calidad de las aguas. Se desarrolla un indice para el pH (ICOpH), que resulta complementario con aquellos durante la caracterizacion de aguas dulces naturales. Adicionalmente, se presenta un indice para la temperatura (ICOTEM), desarrollado para la evaluacion de vertimientos y se fundamenta en la diferencia de temperatura entre el vertimiento y el cuerpo receptor. Por ultimo, se formulan indices de contaminacion para hidrocarburos aromaticos y alifaticos, componentes altamente susceptibles a su acumulacion en organismos vivos. Estos indices se han desarrollado basados en aproximadamente 130 mediciones ...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of physico-chemical indexes and BMWP / Col. to establish the impact of urbanization on Río Frío (Bucaramanga, Colombia)

Universitas Scientiarum, May 4, 2018

In this study, samples from four different sites were collected from Río Frío, a stream crossing ... more In this study, samples from four different sites were collected from Río Frío, a stream crossing the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia). The course evaluated started in the suburban area and finished in the vicinity where Río Frío becomes the tributary of Río de Oro. Invertebrates were identified belonging to different phyla: Annelida, Mollusca, and Arthropoda, corresponding to five classes, 14 orders, and 51 families. Biological monitoring working party (BMWP)/Col., ICO, and ICA-CETESB (Environmental Agency of the State of São Paulo) indexes were evaluated to determine water quality and environmental impact caused by urban growth. Statistical analysis of collected data revealed progressive basin deterioration from the first site of collection to the last site. At the beginning of the evaluated course, good water quality was observed. However, after flowing through the urban area, very poor quality indexes were detected. Based on the Wenger et al. guidelines two main problems were identified: weak enforcement of environmental laws, in addition to poorly legislated environmental urban planning.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologia Para La Formacion De Estudiantes De Ingenieria Ambiental Utilizando Indices Fisicoquimicos y Biologicos Para Determinar Calidad De Agua en La Quebrada Menzuli (Santander, Colombia)

Revista Aidis De Ingenieria Y Ciencias Ambientales Investigacion Desarrollo Y Practica, Nov 8, 2013

Waste water discharges water bodies produce a steady detriment of organisms. Living organisms are... more Waste water discharges water bodies produce a steady detriment of organisms. Living organisms are indicators of pollution according with its presence or absence. The purpose of this research was to find suitable bioindicators of water pollution in Menzuli Creek (Santander, Colombia), from its source to its mouth, in order to identify critical areas with the highest pollution levels. As a starting point, secondary information of previous physical and chemical sampling campaigns was collected and analyzed to establish the most relevant sampling points. Once the sampling points were selected, a biological sampling was performed in order to gather and classify species that can be used as indicators of water pollution along the whole water body selected for this study. At the same time, water samples from the same sites were analyzed for physical and chemical characterization. Based on these analyses, the macro-invertebrate species found in this creek, and comparing with related information of water quality indexes found in scientific literature, potential bioindicators were identified. The experimental methodology applied in this study also pretends to motivate the development of skills and competences in undergraduate students that will be useful for their professional growth as environmental engineers. Furthermore, the information on potential bioindicators of water pollution gathered throughout this study provides a good basis for the development of a guide of bioindicators of water quality in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga and its surroundings.

Research paper thumbnail of Actividad larvicida de aceites esenciales y extractos de plantas colombianas frente a Culex quinquefasciatus (Díptera: Culicidae)


Los aceites esenciales y extractos de plantas,cultivadas de forma orgánica en la finca El Limonal... more Los aceites esenciales y extractos de plantas,cultivadas de forma orgánica en la finca El Limonal Piedecuesta-Santander, Colombia, obtenidos por hidrodestilación asistida por microondas y percolación, se caracterizaron por cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas. La actividad insecticida se evaluó frente a larvas en tercer instar de Culex quinquefasciatus y en la enzima acetilcolinesterasa. La toxicidad se determinó en el modelo del pez cebra (Danio rerio). De ellos, el aceite esencial de Ruta graveolens fue el que presentó la mejor actividad larvicida, con CL50 7.20±0.19 μg/mL, una moderada inhibición de la enzima con IC50 44.98±1.1 μg/mL y moderada toxicidad con CL50 13.33±0.59 mg/L.

Research paper thumbnail of Aberraciones cromosomales en bulbos de cebolla Allium cepa inducidas por moléculas híbridas 4-aminoquinolínicas

Universitas Scientiarum, 2012

Chromosomal aberrations in Allium cepa onion bulbs induced by 4-aminoquinoline hybrid molecules. ... more Chromosomal aberrations in Allium cepa onion bulbs induced by 4-aminoquinoline hybrid molecules. Abstract. The toxicological properties of three hybrid compounds, quinoline-thiazolidinone (FR-72 and FR-121) and acridin-epoxyisoindolindione (FR-154) were studied by applying named compounds to the test of the roots of Allium cepa onion bulbs. Molecules FR-72, FR-121 and FR-154 were synthesized de novo according to described synthetic protocols. Clean and healthy bulbs of Allium cepa (2n = 16), previously immersed in distilled water, were dried with paper towels and placed directly into test tubes filled with the test substance. The experiments were carried out at room temperature 20 ± 2°C and were kept in darkness. The period of exposure of bulbs was 120 hours; the roots used for the genotoxicity evaluation were on average of 2 to 2.5 cm in length. The evaluation of the effect of the three quinolinic molecules on the growth of onion roots of Allium cepa bulbs was achieved using different concentrations of the three growth parameters (EC 50 , IM, ACs) The evaluated substances performed aneugenic actions, operating at cellular and molecular structure level and preventing the fixing of mitotic spindle fibers, causing the movement of chromosomes in the anaphase or loss of chromosomes, even inducing apoptosis by exceeding the homeostatic capacity of the cell. The preliminary analysis indicated that molecule FR-121 at 10-6 M concentration and molecule FR-154 at 10-3 M concentration, proved to be potent phytotoxic agents causing various claustogenic and aneugenic aberrations.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicación del protocolo CERA-S para determinar la calidad ecológica de la microcuenca Mamarramos (cuenca Cane-Iguaque), Santuario de Fauna y Flora Iguaque (Boyacá), Colombia 

Biota Colombiana, 2018

La protección y conservación de los ríos en zonas de reserva y recarga de acuíferos en Colombia e... more La protección y conservación de los ríos en zonas de reserva y recarga de acuíferos en Colombia es de vital importancia y uno de los principales compromisos del gobierno, debido a que en estos ecosistemas se forman cuerpos hídricos, que ofrecen bienes y servicios, asociados al suministro de agua para las principales ciudades. El Santuario de Fauna y Flora Iguaque (SFFI) es un área protegida de la región andina colombiana, que presenta ecosistemas de páramo y bosque andino. Es administrado por Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (PNN) y provee de agua a comunidades urbanas y rurales en su zona de influencia. Para determinar la calidad ecológica de la microcuenca Mamarramos se realizó un monitoreo, en el que se aplicó el protocolo CERA-S (Calidad Ecológica de Ríos Andinos Simplificado); esta herramienta integra la calidad hidromorfológica y el índice biótico ABI. En este estudio se realizaron tres jornadas de muestreo en estiaje (octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2015) seleccionando 10 puntos de monitoreo sobre las quebradas Carrizal, Francos y Mamarramos. Los resultados obtenidos califican a la microcuenca en categoría excelente, proporcionando información que permite a los líderes políticos y comunitarios, tomar decisiones para acciones de conservación y prevención del deterioro del ecosistema por actividades antrópicas.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of environmental variables on the composition of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Amazonian foothills forest

Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these ... more Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these factors is important to identify the causes that structure ant communities; taking into account this situation and that in the Amazon foothills region, particularly in the Putumayo department, few studies have been carried out and there is insufficient knowledge about the ecology of many species, this research was aimed to evaluate the effect of environmental variables in the assembly of ants, evaluating the hypothesis: the assembly of forest and grassland ants reflect changes in environmental variables (ambient temperature, soil temperature and relative humidity). In the municipality of Orito, in a secondary forest of the Amazon foothills and its grassland matrix, a 100 m transect was traced, locating 10 stations 10 m apart, in these, ants were sampled with: pitfall traps, corner baits: arboreal, epigeal and hypogeal, leaf litter extraction and manual capture. With the averages of the e...

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos ecotoxicológicos de un brasinoesteroide en bioindicadores de aguas dulces

RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aument... more RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aumentar el rendimiento y la calidad de las cosechas. El Biobras-16 es un producto cubano analogo de brasinoesteroides que ha demostrado su inocuidad en mamiferos. Para la evaluacion ecotoxicologica del Biobras-16 se utilizaron bioensayos de toxicidad en peces (Oreochromis niloticus), mosquitos (Aedes aegypti) y microcrustaceos (Daphnia pulex). Los organismos exhibieron toxicidad frente a la sustancia de referencia (K2Cr2O7). La respuesta de los bioindicadores fue dependiente de la dosis y del tipo de organismo en cuestion. Sin embargo, el Biobras-16 se puede considerar como no toxico, a la concentracion de aplicacion en la agricultura, para las especies ensayadas.

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos ecotoxicológicos de un Brasinoesteroide en tres organismos productores

Page 1. Acta Farm. Bonaerense 20 (4): 281-7 (2001) Recibido el 4 de junio de 2001 Aceptado el 20 ... more Page 1. Acta Farm. Bonaerense 20 (4): 281-7 (2001) Recibido el 4 de junio de 2001 Aceptado el 20 de septiembre de 2001 Trabajos originales Efectos Ecotoxicológicos de un Brasinoesteroide en Tres Organismos Productores ...

Research paper thumbnail of Validacion De La Funcionalidad De Los Indices De Contaminacion Frente a La Dispersion De Las Comunidades Bioticas en Humedales Del Magdalena Medio

El trabajo monografico presente se basa en la informacion obtenida del "Estudio de la Dinami... more El trabajo monografico presente se basa en la informacion obtenida del "Estudio de la Dinamica Hidrica y Monitoreo de Sedimentos de los Humedales del Area de Influencia del Campo Cicuco - Boquete, Caracterizacion Ambiental", realizado en el area de la depresion momposina, con el fin de cumplir con el Auto 056 de febrero de 2000 del entonces MMA. Para el cumplimiento de esta exigencia del Ministerio se realizaron dos muestreos, en sistemas cenagosos y sistemas loticos del area de influencia del Campo Cicuco-Boquete. Se realizaron analisis fisicoquimicos y biologicos y de esta informacion compilada, se calcularon los Indices de Contaminacion (ICO), de materia organica (ICOMO), de mineralizacion (ICOMI), de solidos suspendidos (ICOSUS), trofico (ICOTRO) y del pH (ICOPH). Para el diagnostico biologico, se calculo el indice BMWP para Colombia y se compararon estos resultados. En terminos generales, los ICOs oscilan entre valores de Baja y Media contaminacion y el BMWP califica ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hormesis: Antecedentes e implicaciones en los sistemas biológicos

Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 2009

ISSN 0326-2383 PALABRAS CLAVE: Hormesis, Ley de Arndt Schulz, precondicionamiento, Umbral, Respue... more ISSN 0326-2383 PALABRAS CLAVE: Hormesis, Ley de Arndt Schulz, precondicionamiento, Umbral, Respuesta adaptativa.

Research paper thumbnail of Validacion De La Funcionalidad De Los Indices De Contaminacion Frente a La Dispersion De Las Comunidades Bioticas en Humedales Del Magdalena Medio

del Campo Cicuco-Boquete, Caracterización Ambiental", realizado en el área de la depresión mompos... more del Campo Cicuco-Boquete, Caracterización Ambiental", realizado en el área de la depresión momposina, con el fin de cumplir con el Auto 056 de febrero de 2000 del entonces MMA.

Research paper thumbnail of Empleo de las microalgas en la fijación del CO2 presente en los gases de chimenea de equipos industriales de combustión en Colombia


minimize emissions. Currently its use gives high levels of investment and maintenance of the cult... more minimize emissions. Currently its use gives high levels of investment and maintenance of the culture, due to ignorance and inexperience in the field. There must be a plan for medium and long term, keeping in mind the progress in each of the stages of process. Although the subject is recent in Colombia, the climatic conditions make it suitable for production and determine the feasibility of the process. Its application would bring economic and environmental benefits to national industries when they carry out projects of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and can be obtained microalgal culture products of high value.

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos Ecotoxicológicos de un Brasinoesteroide en Bioindicadores de Aguas Dulces

ACTA …, 2002

RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aument... more RESUMEN. Los brasinoesteroides son sustancias de origen natural que poseen la capacidad de aumentar el rendimiento y la calidad de las cosechas. El Biobras-16 es un producto cubano análogo de brasinoesteroides que ha demostrado su inocuidad en mamíferos. Para la evaluación ecotoxicológica del Biobras-16 se utilizaron bioensayos de toxicidad en peces (Oreochromis niloticus), mosquitos (Aedes aegypti) y microcrustáceos (Daphnia pulex). Los organismos exhibieron toxicidad frente a la sustancia de referencia (K 2 Cr 2 O 7). La respuesta de los bioindicadores fue dependiente de la dosis y del tipo de organismo en cuestión. Sin embargo, el Biobras-16 se puede considerar como no tóxico, a la concentración de aplicación en la agricultura, para las especies ensayadas. SUMMARY. "Ecotoxicological Effects of a Brassinosteroid in Freshwater Animals". Brassinosteroids are naturally-occuring substances that possess the capacity to increase the yield and quality of crops. Biobras-16 is a Cuban product similar to brassinosteroids that has demonstrated its inocuity in mammals. For the ecotoxicological evaluation of Biobras-16 the internationally established methodology was used. The selected organisms were a fish (Oreochromis niloticus), mosquitos (Aedes aegypti) and a cladoceran (Daphnia pulex). All tested organisms showed sensitivity to the reference toxicant (K 2 Cr 2 O 7). The response of the bioindicators depended on each organism and the concentration at which it was applied. However, the Biobras-16 can be consider as a non ecotoxicant at the dose it will be applied in agriculture, for the assayed species.

Research paper thumbnail of Pruebas de ecotoxicidad para establecer el potencial genotóxico del hipoclorito de sodio, mediante bulbos de cebolla Allium cepa L y semillas de lechuga Lactuca sativa L como bioindicadores

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de las variables ambientales en la composición de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en bosque de piedemonte Amazónico


Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these ... more Abiotic factors can negatively or positively affect the structure of communities; studying these factors is important to identify the causes that structure ant communities. Taking into account this situation and that in the Amazon foothills region, particularly the Putumayo department, few studies have been carried out and there is insufficient knowledge about the ecology of many species, this research aimed to evaluate the effect of environmental variables on the assembly of ants, evaluating the hypothesis that the assembly of forest and grassland ants reflect changes in environmental variables (ambient temperature, soil temperature and relative humidity). In the municipality of Orito, in a
secondary forest of the Amazonian foothills and its grassland matrix, a 100-meter transect was traced, locating 10 stations 10 meters apart, in these ants were sampled with pitfall traps, corner baits (arboreal, epigeal and hypogeal), litter extraction and manual capture. With the averages of the environmental variables in each station and the diversity and richness data per month of sampling, a Poisson regression analysis was performed and with the data of the morphospecies and the averages of the measured variables the principal component analysis was carried out. The results indicated that the ant assemblages did not reflect the changes in the variables and only some species responded to these patterns. Therefore, to understand the dynamics of the functioning of the ecosystems of the Amazon foothills, it is necessary to study the biology of each species. However, it was determined that the studied habitats share generalist species and contain exclusive species, which contribute to the diversity of ants in the Amazonian foothills, therefore the sites must be conserved.