Jelena Nõmm | University of Tartu (original) (raw)
Papers by Jelena Nõmm
Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs, traditions wit... more Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs, traditions with that of strangers, identifying and fixing differences between the cultures of ethnic groups. Stereotypical images of different peoples exist even in the minds of those people who had no experience in communication with representatives of these ethnic groups. However, the results of the study of ethnic stereotypes of people who are in direct contact with this ethnic group and see it up close in comparison to people who evaluate it from a distance, often raises more questions than gives clear answers. The solution of these questions raises before the researcher a whole complex of methodological problems. The article will introduce a new methodological approach to reveal ethno-cultural stereotypes in the text culture and in our contemporaries’ common sense perception. To distinguish between people’s individual perception of a particular ethnos and collective stereotypes, the following qua...
Nordic and Baltic Studies Review, Dec 1, 2017
The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text an... more The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text and composing local text dictionaries of the cities of the post-Soviet cultural space. The tradition itself developed at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries. This young research tradition is analysed on the basis of materials of the two local text dictionaries: the dictionary of Omsk, a Russian regional centre, and the dictionary of provincial Ukrainian town Mogilev-Podolsky. A project of the local text dictionary of Narva, an Estonian city located on the border between Russia and the European Union, is presented.
Mäetagused, 2019
Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu k... more Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu kultuuriruumis. Antakse ülevaade selle rituaalse tava sündimisloost, tutvustatakse uurijate erinevaid versioone, kuidas kujunes nõukogulik komme külastada abielu sõlmimise päeval noorpaari ja pulmakülalistega teatud kohti. Fookuses on 1960. aastatel tekkima hakanud Narva pulma-marsruudi peatuspaigad. Sellel perioodil kinnistus pulmamarsruut-linnast eeslinna (Narva-Jõesuu). Artiklis vaadeldakse pulmamarsruudi kolme peatuspaika: Lenini monument Peetri väljakul, ringristmik linna keskel, "Šiškini mänd" (Narva-Jõesuu). Kaks viimast on säilitanud oma positsiooni ka tänapäeva pulma-marsruudis. Pulmapäeva külastuspaikade ümber kujuneb rituaalne kultuur ja kohalik folkloor. Märksõnad: pulmamarsruut Narvas, pulmapäeva peatuspaigad, tänapäeva folkloor, vene pulmakombestik Sissejuhatus Rahvalike (eelkõige külakultuuri puudutavate ja talupoeglike) pulmakommete ja rituaalide uurimine on üks vene folkloristide ja etnograafide traditsioonilisi valdkondi (Puškarjova & Šmeljova 1959; Tšistov & Berštam 1978 jt). 20. sajandi teisest poolest kuni 21. sajandi alguseni on tehtud katseid rekonstrueerida ja kirjeldada kaasaegseid pulmatavandeid linnas. Retrospektiivses ja võrdlevas võtmes on kirjeldatud küla-ja linnaelanike pulmakombeid 11.-20. sajandini (Timofejeva 2004); 16. sajandi linna pulmatavandeid (Rabinovitš 1978); kaupmeeste pulmatraditsioone Siberi linnades 18. sajandist 19. sajandi keskpaigani (Kuzmina 2010) ja pulmatavandite arengut Venemaa keskvööndi väikestes ja keskmistes linnades 19. sajandi keskelt kuni 20. sajandi 70. aastateni
Nordic and Baltic Studies Review
В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, вл... more В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, влияющие на изменение эстетических взглядов писателя, а также реконструируется целостная картина его творческой эволюции в 1880–1890-е гг. (период, вызывающий наибольшие разногласия среди исследователей). Исследование показало, что в 1880-е годы творчество Ясинского развивается по двум ведущим линиям — это линия, восходящая к идеям «чистого искусства» и линия, связанная с французским натурализмом школы Э. Золя и традициями «массовой» литературы. Соответственно Ясинский стремится занять в литературе одновременно и позицию «чистого художника», пишущего «для немногих», и положение писателя, ищущего успех у широкой читательской аудитории. Скандальные выступления Ясинского, которыми он в 1880-е гг. пытался привлечь к себе внимание широкого круга читателей, испортили его литературную репутацию, поэтому 1890-е гг. писатель активно борется за восстановление своего честного имени в литературе. В литературно-критических статьях о «новом искусстве» Ясинский определяет себя как литературного новатора и родоначальника символизма в России. Однако «программа» символизма не реализуется в художественных произведениях писателя 1890-х гг., которые создаются в традициях литературы эпигонов реализма. Ясинский представляет собой тип писателя, перешедшего в 1890-е гг. из категории литературных новаторов в категорию «массовых писателей»-эпигонов школы реализма. «Затухание» линии «чистого искусства» в творчестве Ясинского приводит к тому, что «пресимволизм» писателя 1880-х гг. не становится символизмом в 1890-е гг.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, XI/2, 2020
Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs, traditions wit... more Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs,
traditions with that of strangers, identifying and fixing differences between the cultures of ethnic
groups. Stereotypical images of different peoples exist even in the minds of those people who
had no experience in communication with representatives of these ethnic groups. However,
the results of the study of ethnic stereotypes of people who are in direct contact with this
ethnic group and see it up close in comparison to people who evaluate it from a distance, often
raises more questions than gives clear answers. The solution of these questions raises before
the researcher a whole complex of methodological problems. The article will introduce a new
methodological approach to reveal ethno-cultural stereotypes in the text culture and in our
contemporaries’ common sense perception. To distinguish between people’s individual perception
of a particular ethnos and collective stereotypes, the following qualitative and quantitative criteria
are suggested: 1) bipolar orthonormal core axes of parameter distribution; 2) the significance
of the axis; 3) the degree of consistency of parameters distributed on the axis; 4) the weighting
coefficient of testee’s reaction.
Поэтика рекламы остзейских городов-курортов XIX века, 2007
This article presents a literary analysis of the advertisements of the Baltic health resorts. The first Baltic mudbaths and water resorts were opened at the beginning of the 19th century when Russians preferred to take a cure at the Black sea or abroad. The owners of Baltic health resorts needed to influence Russian patients´ way of thinking. Having analyzed the advertising texts such as published doctors´ or travelers´ letters and memoirs, we can see a common strategy in advertisements. According to the authors, a Russian patient as a true patrioot had to undergo treatment in Russia, not in foreign countries. The authors emphasize that Baltic health resorts had some advantages over the ones at the Black sea or in the Caucasus. The first advantage was their location (not far from St. Petersburg), the second was a high, European level of medical care, and the third was low prices. In spite of this advertising policy, only Haapsalu became famous due to regular visits of the Imperial family in the 1850s.
Формирование канона русского путеводителя по Нарве в дореволюционной России, 2008
19. saj reisimeeste ja lugejate puudulikke teadmisi Narvast pidid likvideerima linna kohta kirjutatud raamatud, mis hakkasid ilmuma 1870. aastatest. Neis võis lugeja leida jutustuse linna ajaloost ja Narva vaatamisväärsustest. Kultuuriloose osa olemasolu võimaldab 19. saj teise poole väljaandeid Narva kohta läheneda reisijuhile. Esimesed venekeelsed klassikalised reisijuhid Narva kohta ilmuvad alles 20. saj alguses, kuid linnast jutustava loo kaanoni kujunemine toimub just 19. saj teise poole väljaannetes.
Revolutsioonieelsel Venemaal väljakujunenud Narva venekeelse reisijuhi kaanon teenis lugeja teadvuses linna teatud kuvandite kompleksi kinnistamise eesmärki. Ühest küljest kirjeldatakse Narvat vene linnana tema kuuluvuse tõttu impeeriumi linnade hulka. Selle põhjal vastandavad autorid vana Narvat teistele Lääne-Euroopa linnadele. Vastupidiselt iidsetele Lääne-Euroopa linnadele tunnetatakse Narvat kui oma, „lähedast“ muinsust.
Vene Narva kujund toetub käsitlevates väljaannetes eelkõige vene riigi kujunemise ajaloolisele kontseptsioonile, tema piiride „loomuliku“ laienemisega Balti mereni. Autorite jaoks on vene Narva eelkõige Peetri-aja linn. Narva reisijuhi „Peetri tekst“ kinnistab selle arusaama vene kultuuris.
Teisalt soodustab jutustus linna rollist Lääne-Euroopa riikide ajaloos reisijuhis Narva kui Euroopa linna kujundi kinnistumist. Narva muukultuursusest – tema euroopalikust osisest andsid tunnistust linna arhitektuurilised iseärasused, tema saksa- ja rootsipärane ilme. Narva oli vene autori jaoks saksa linn mitte ainult välimuse, vaid ka õhustiku poolest.
Nende linna kultuuriliste atributsioonide kõikumiste pinnal revolutsioonieelsetes reisijuhtides sünnib polükultuurse Narva kontseptsioon. Sellest andis tunnistust ka käest kätte käinud ja erinevate rahvaste kultuuride mõju talletanud linna ajalugu. Selle mõju järgi nägid Narvat käsitlevate raamatute ja reisijuhtide autorid linna ajaloomälestistes. Linna polükultuurilisus väljendus Narva elanikkonna koosseisus, kuhu kuulusid eestlased, venelased, sakslased, soomlased, juudid, mustlased jt rahvustest inimesed. sama kirju oli Narva elanikkonna koosseis usutunnistuse järgi. Linna polükultuurilist kuvandit toetas ka viide tema vahendajarollile lääne ja ida kultuurilise suhtlemise ajaloos.
Отражение взаимоотношений СССР и Эстонии на страницах советской периодики 1939–1940 годов, 2011
The period from September 1939 till June 1940 was crucial for the destiny of Independent Estonia. The author of the article attempts to reveal how the relationships between the USSR and Estonia influenced the choice of rhetoric strategies in Soviet printed media; how periodicals interpreted topical events to meet the demands of the Soviet rhetoric. In the autumn of 1939 after the signing of the treaty on mutual assistance between the USSR and Estonia the media created and promoted the image of Estonia as a friend as opposed to the clichéd in the previous years image of a hostile country. The image of Estonia as a friend is characterised by its wholeness (all leaders of the country, general public, media and Estonian people demonstrated their friendly attitude towards the Soviet Union). This wholeness is undermined at the end of May – June 1940 with the return of the war conflict rhetoric.
The wholeness of the image of Estonia as a friend was reestablished in the Soviet periodicals after the 21 of June 1940 when Uluots’s government was replaced with the loyal towards the USSR government under Vares. The key role in the process of the country unification was given by Soviet propagandists to Estonian people. The image of Estonian people was the core image of rhetoric formula in the summer of 1940. The articles of the Soviet periodicals tried to convince their readers that the people of Estonia were free to decide themselves for their own future and that of their motherland. Welcoming of the Red Army, the overthrow of the old government, elections to a new State Duma – the depiction of all these events followed the rhetoric of the description of a national holiday. The authors of publications represent the “people’s revolution” in Estonia as a national holiday of all Estonian people.
The Soviet periodicals depict the establishment of Soviet Estonia as a result of Estonian people’s free will. The Soviet power supports the rebirth of the country and its people to live a new “brighter life”. The nation is united, the enemy “disappears”, and the country and its people become truly free. Therefore, by the time Estonia joined the Union of Soviet Republics, it had already become quite a new state. Naturally, upon annexation into the USSR the Soviet periodicals reported a new wave of “rebirth” in Estonia: a turn to a happier life had been accomplished. This new happier life of Estonian people means a “new motherland” and a new place in the “friendly family” of Soviet peoples.
Perceptions of the Estonian National Character (based on Russian sources of the end of the 18th-t... more Perceptions of the Estonian National Character (based on Russian sources of the end of the 18th-the beginning of the 20th century).
The images of Estonian people at the end of the 18th until the beginning of the 20th centuries are studied in this paper. The authors analyzed more than 100 sources published in Russia. Among the texts, there are travelers’ letters and memories, historical works, and guidebooks. Analyzing the texts, Guzairov and Nõmm conclude that the Baltic Germans’ point of view on Estonians was very important for the authors and the pragmatics of their books. Most authors emphasized that negative features of Estonian people became a historical result of the German conquest and its long-lasting political, cultural, and religious influence in the Baltic region. According to the authors, only Russian “positive” influence could “improve” and develop a good nature of the Estonian character. The images of Estonian people became a factor in the political fight in the Baltic region between Russians and the Baltic Germans.
The local text is a system of firmly set perceptions of city residents about the urban mental and... more The local text is a system of firmly set perceptions of city residents about the urban mental and physical space, which unites the city residents in a single community, and which is a component of the local identity. "Wedding sights" (sculptural, architectural, and natural objects that are visited by newlyweds and their guests after a marriage registration) are the components of the local text of Narva city. The article considers the formation and development of the wedding walk in Narva in its historical perspective from its beginning in the 1960s until its modern route (the 2010s); it describes the dynamics and reasons of route changes as well as ritual and game activities at its landmarks. In the 1960s, there were three objects included in the wedding walk route: the ideological monument (the monument to Lenin), the city centre roundabout and a nature object in the city suburbs. In the 1970s, three military monuments, which were erected at that time in the city suburbs, were added to the list of the "wedding sights". In the 1980s and 1990s, the walk route was complemented by historical architectural monuments and nature objects located in the city and in its suburbs. In the 1990s, the monument to Lenin was excluded from the walk route; and in the 2000s, the war monuments were also excluded from the route. In the 2000s, a new sight was added to the wedding walk route-"The Wedding Tree", which was specially designed to create a wedding tradition for Narva residents and to connect newlyweds with the city. Thus, the modern wedding walk route includes: 1) architectural objects of historical significance which symbolize the city identity and which support the connection of young families with the city; 2) nature objects that are located in the city and in its suburbs, and which are conveniently used for photo shoots, play and rituals activities (both new and reviving fragments of archaic wedding traditions); 3) one monument of World War II (the "Tank T-34" memorial), which is a marker of the city identity.
Ieronim Yasinsky’s Journal “Ezhemesyachnye Sochineniya” as the Precursor of Modernist Periodicals of the Beginning of the XX Century , 2019
The article reviews the publishing and editorial policies of Ieronim Yasinsky who aspired to crea... more The article reviews the publishing and editorial policies of Ieronim Yasinsky who aspired to create a modernist literary journal at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. Published from 1900 until 1903, Yasinsky’s “Ezhemesyachnye Sochineniya” [Literary Works of the Month] is typologically close to the journals “Severnyi Vestnik” [The Northern Herald] and “Mir Iskusstva” [The World of Art], which are traditionally referred to as the precursors of symbolist periodicals. Symbolist writers supported Yasinsky’s ambition by their contributions to the journal. The journal “Ezhemesyachnye Sochineniya” had a short-lived existence on the publishing market but it was popular, and it prepared a large circle of readers for accepting the idea of a symbolist literary journal.
Образ иностранца в раннем творчестве А. П. Чехова (на материале рассказа «Дочь Альбиона»), 2019
The article focuses on the short story ʽДочь Альбионаʼ [The Daughter of Albion], written in 1883.... more The article focuses on the short story ʽДочь Альбионаʼ [The Daughter of Albion], written in 1883. The “complicated simplicity” of Chekhov’s text provides researchers with a possibility to address the story several times and to reveal its clear and hidden meanings. The analysis of the structure of main characters’ images (the “fish-water” and “infernal” nature of the metaphors used for the image of the English lady) and plot motifs (the landowner’s will being enslaved, landowner’s crossing the metaphysical border between the own and foreign worlds) allows to see the story developing the plot of the character being seduced by devilry. The opposition the one’s own (warm, human, Russian) world to the foreign one (cold, diabolical, foreign) is depicted in the text through the way the character (landowner Gryabov) perceives the events. In the story Chekhov uses touches of irony when describing the contradictory worldview of the landed gentry (non-acceptance of anything foreign as diabolic that is rooted in the patriarchic foundations of peasantry and recognition of the value of western enlightenment that is typical for upper-class). At the same time the writer mocks at intelligentsia’s fears of the foreign cultural influence that are reflected in texts of the literary tradition.
The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text an... more The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text and composing local text dictionaries of the cities of the post-Soviet cultural space. The tradition itself developed at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries. This young research tradition is analysed on the basis of materials of the two local text dictionaries: the dictionary of Omsk, a Russian regional centre, and the dictionary of provincial Ukrainian town Mogilev-Podolsky. A project of the local text dictionary of Narva, an Estonian city located on the border between Russia and the European Union, is presented. Ключевые слова / Keywords: Локальный текст, провинциальный город, постсоветское культурное пространство, словарь локального текста, Нарва / Local text, provincial town, post-Soviet cultural space, local text dictionary, Narva. Зародившаяся на рубеже XX-XXI вв. антропологическая традиция изучения локальных текстов малых городов на территории постсоветского пространства и опыт составления словарей локальных текстов этих городов нуждаются в осмыслении, которое позволит наметить перспективы развития этих междисциплинарных исследований городского пространства.
Pulmapäeva külastuspaigad Narvas: pulmasõidu kujunemise ajaloost, 2019
Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu k... more Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat
komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu kultuuriruumis. Antakse ülevaade selle rituaalse tava sündimisloost, tutvustatakse uurijate erinevaid versioone, kuidas kujunes nõukogulik komme külastada abielu sõlmimise päeval noorpaari ja pulmakülalistega teatud kohti. Fookuses on 1960. aastatel tekkima hakanud Narva pulma-marsruudi peatuspaigad. Sellel perioodil kinnistus pulmamarsruut – linnast eeslinna (Narva-Jõesuu). Artiklis vaadeldakse pulmamarsruudi kolme peatuspaika: Lenini monument Peetri väljakul, ringristmik linna keskel, “Šiškini mänd” (Narva-Jõesuu). Kaks viimast on säilitanud oma positsiooni ka tänapäeva pulma-marsruudis. Pulmapäeva külastuspaikade ümber kujuneb rituaalne kultuur ja kohalik folkloor.
Back to Square One: Fostering a Culture of Tolerance as a Way of Modern Society's Development, 2019
The article discusses the issues of fostering tolerance in a multicultural society. The author su... more The article discusses the issues of fostering tolerance in a multicultural society. The author suggests a hypothesis on the factors that develop tolerance in representatives of a national / linguistic minority. The study is of an interdisciplinary nature, and it integrates background knowledge and research tools of such disciplines as history, culture studies, psychology, education, sociology, intercultural communication, linguistics, etc. The study focuses on the contemporary Russian community in Estonia and its relations with the title ethnos. The implementation of the case study methodology allows to follow the history of the interconnections between the Russian and the Estonian communities, to reveal the psychological vector of their development, to define topical issues of the current situation and to map solutions to the revealed problems. As the questions of fostering a culture of tolerance is also important in other countries in the world, the results of the conducted qualitative research are believed to present both theoretical and practical interest extending beyond the context of the Estonian society.
Books by Jelena Nõmm
Literary position of Ieronim Yasinsky (1880-1890s) , 2003
В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, вл... more В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, влияющие на изменение эстетических взглядов писателя, а также реконструируется целостная картина его творческой эволюции в 1880–1890-е гг. (период, вызывающий наибольшие разногласия среди исследователей). Исследование показало, что в 1880-е годы творчество Ясинского развивается по двум ведущим линиям — это линия, восходящая к идеям «чистого искусства» и линия, связанная с французским натурализмом школы Э. Золя и традициями «массовой» литературы. Соответственно Ясинский стремится занять в литературе одновременно и позицию «чистого художника», пишущего «для немногих», и положение писателя, ищущего успех у широкой читательской аудитории.
Скандальные выступления Ясинского, которыми он в 1880-е гг. пытался привлечь к себе внимание широкого круга читателей, испортили его литературную репутацию, поэтому 1890-е гг. писатель активно борется за восстановление своего честного имени в литературе. В литературно-критических статьях о «новом искусстве» Ясинский определяет себя как литературного новатора и родоначальника символизма в России. Однако «программа» символизма не реализуется в художественных произведениях писателя 1890-х гг., которые создаются в традициях литературы эпигонов реализма. Ясинский представляет собой тип писателя, перешедшего в 1890-е гг. из категории литературных новаторов в категорию «массовых писателей»-эпигонов школы реализма. «Затухание» линии «чистого искусства» в творчестве Ясинского приводит к тому, что «пресимволизм» писателя 1880-х гг. не становится символизмом в 1890-е гг.
Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs, traditions wit... more Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs, traditions with that of strangers, identifying and fixing differences between the cultures of ethnic groups. Stereotypical images of different peoples exist even in the minds of those people who had no experience in communication with representatives of these ethnic groups. However, the results of the study of ethnic stereotypes of people who are in direct contact with this ethnic group and see it up close in comparison to people who evaluate it from a distance, often raises more questions than gives clear answers. The solution of these questions raises before the researcher a whole complex of methodological problems. The article will introduce a new methodological approach to reveal ethno-cultural stereotypes in the text culture and in our contemporaries’ common sense perception. To distinguish between people’s individual perception of a particular ethnos and collective stereotypes, the following qua...
Nordic and Baltic Studies Review, Dec 1, 2017
The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text an... more The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text and composing local text dictionaries of the cities of the post-Soviet cultural space. The tradition itself developed at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries. This young research tradition is analysed on the basis of materials of the two local text dictionaries: the dictionary of Omsk, a Russian regional centre, and the dictionary of provincial Ukrainian town Mogilev-Podolsky. A project of the local text dictionary of Narva, an Estonian city located on the border between Russia and the European Union, is presented.
Mäetagused, 2019
Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu k... more Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu kultuuriruumis. Antakse ülevaade selle rituaalse tava sündimisloost, tutvustatakse uurijate erinevaid versioone, kuidas kujunes nõukogulik komme külastada abielu sõlmimise päeval noorpaari ja pulmakülalistega teatud kohti. Fookuses on 1960. aastatel tekkima hakanud Narva pulma-marsruudi peatuspaigad. Sellel perioodil kinnistus pulmamarsruut-linnast eeslinna (Narva-Jõesuu). Artiklis vaadeldakse pulmamarsruudi kolme peatuspaika: Lenini monument Peetri väljakul, ringristmik linna keskel, "Šiškini mänd" (Narva-Jõesuu). Kaks viimast on säilitanud oma positsiooni ka tänapäeva pulma-marsruudis. Pulmapäeva külastuspaikade ümber kujuneb rituaalne kultuur ja kohalik folkloor. Märksõnad: pulmamarsruut Narvas, pulmapäeva peatuspaigad, tänapäeva folkloor, vene pulmakombestik Sissejuhatus Rahvalike (eelkõige külakultuuri puudutavate ja talupoeglike) pulmakommete ja rituaalide uurimine on üks vene folkloristide ja etnograafide traditsioonilisi valdkondi (Puškarjova & Šmeljova 1959; Tšistov & Berštam 1978 jt). 20. sajandi teisest poolest kuni 21. sajandi alguseni on tehtud katseid rekonstrueerida ja kirjeldada kaasaegseid pulmatavandeid linnas. Retrospektiivses ja võrdlevas võtmes on kirjeldatud küla-ja linnaelanike pulmakombeid 11.-20. sajandini (Timofejeva 2004); 16. sajandi linna pulmatavandeid (Rabinovitš 1978); kaupmeeste pulmatraditsioone Siberi linnades 18. sajandist 19. sajandi keskpaigani (Kuzmina 2010) ja pulmatavandite arengut Venemaa keskvööndi väikestes ja keskmistes linnades 19. sajandi keskelt kuni 20. sajandi 70. aastateni
Nordic and Baltic Studies Review
В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, вл... more В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, влияющие на изменение эстетических взглядов писателя, а также реконструируется целостная картина его творческой эволюции в 1880–1890-е гг. (период, вызывающий наибольшие разногласия среди исследователей). Исследование показало, что в 1880-е годы творчество Ясинского развивается по двум ведущим линиям — это линия, восходящая к идеям «чистого искусства» и линия, связанная с французским натурализмом школы Э. Золя и традициями «массовой» литературы. Соответственно Ясинский стремится занять в литературе одновременно и позицию «чистого художника», пишущего «для немногих», и положение писателя, ищущего успех у широкой читательской аудитории. Скандальные выступления Ясинского, которыми он в 1880-е гг. пытался привлечь к себе внимание широкого круга читателей, испортили его литературную репутацию, поэтому 1890-е гг. писатель активно борется за восстановление своего честного имени в литературе. В литературно-критических статьях о «новом искусстве» Ясинский определяет себя как литературного новатора и родоначальника символизма в России. Однако «программа» символизма не реализуется в художественных произведениях писателя 1890-х гг., которые создаются в традициях литературы эпигонов реализма. Ясинский представляет собой тип писателя, перешедшего в 1890-е гг. из категории литературных новаторов в категорию «массовых писателей»-эпигонов школы реализма. «Затухание» линии «чистого искусства» в творчестве Ясинского приводит к тому, что «пресимволизм» писателя 1880-х гг. не становится символизмом в 1890-е гг.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, XI/2, 2020
Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs, traditions wit... more Ethno-cultural stereotypes are the result of comparing one´s own culture, customs,
traditions with that of strangers, identifying and fixing differences between the cultures of ethnic
groups. Stereotypical images of different peoples exist even in the minds of those people who
had no experience in communication with representatives of these ethnic groups. However,
the results of the study of ethnic stereotypes of people who are in direct contact with this
ethnic group and see it up close in comparison to people who evaluate it from a distance, often
raises more questions than gives clear answers. The solution of these questions raises before
the researcher a whole complex of methodological problems. The article will introduce a new
methodological approach to reveal ethno-cultural stereotypes in the text culture and in our
contemporaries’ common sense perception. To distinguish between people’s individual perception
of a particular ethnos and collective stereotypes, the following qualitative and quantitative criteria
are suggested: 1) bipolar orthonormal core axes of parameter distribution; 2) the significance
of the axis; 3) the degree of consistency of parameters distributed on the axis; 4) the weighting
coefficient of testee’s reaction.
Поэтика рекламы остзейских городов-курортов XIX века, 2007
This article presents a literary analysis of the advertisements of the Baltic health resorts. The first Baltic mudbaths and water resorts were opened at the beginning of the 19th century when Russians preferred to take a cure at the Black sea or abroad. The owners of Baltic health resorts needed to influence Russian patients´ way of thinking. Having analyzed the advertising texts such as published doctors´ or travelers´ letters and memoirs, we can see a common strategy in advertisements. According to the authors, a Russian patient as a true patrioot had to undergo treatment in Russia, not in foreign countries. The authors emphasize that Baltic health resorts had some advantages over the ones at the Black sea or in the Caucasus. The first advantage was their location (not far from St. Petersburg), the second was a high, European level of medical care, and the third was low prices. In spite of this advertising policy, only Haapsalu became famous due to regular visits of the Imperial family in the 1850s.
Формирование канона русского путеводителя по Нарве в дореволюционной России, 2008
19. saj reisimeeste ja lugejate puudulikke teadmisi Narvast pidid likvideerima linna kohta kirjutatud raamatud, mis hakkasid ilmuma 1870. aastatest. Neis võis lugeja leida jutustuse linna ajaloost ja Narva vaatamisväärsustest. Kultuuriloose osa olemasolu võimaldab 19. saj teise poole väljaandeid Narva kohta läheneda reisijuhile. Esimesed venekeelsed klassikalised reisijuhid Narva kohta ilmuvad alles 20. saj alguses, kuid linnast jutustava loo kaanoni kujunemine toimub just 19. saj teise poole väljaannetes.
Revolutsioonieelsel Venemaal väljakujunenud Narva venekeelse reisijuhi kaanon teenis lugeja teadvuses linna teatud kuvandite kompleksi kinnistamise eesmärki. Ühest küljest kirjeldatakse Narvat vene linnana tema kuuluvuse tõttu impeeriumi linnade hulka. Selle põhjal vastandavad autorid vana Narvat teistele Lääne-Euroopa linnadele. Vastupidiselt iidsetele Lääne-Euroopa linnadele tunnetatakse Narvat kui oma, „lähedast“ muinsust.
Vene Narva kujund toetub käsitlevates väljaannetes eelkõige vene riigi kujunemise ajaloolisele kontseptsioonile, tema piiride „loomuliku“ laienemisega Balti mereni. Autorite jaoks on vene Narva eelkõige Peetri-aja linn. Narva reisijuhi „Peetri tekst“ kinnistab selle arusaama vene kultuuris.
Teisalt soodustab jutustus linna rollist Lääne-Euroopa riikide ajaloos reisijuhis Narva kui Euroopa linna kujundi kinnistumist. Narva muukultuursusest – tema euroopalikust osisest andsid tunnistust linna arhitektuurilised iseärasused, tema saksa- ja rootsipärane ilme. Narva oli vene autori jaoks saksa linn mitte ainult välimuse, vaid ka õhustiku poolest.
Nende linna kultuuriliste atributsioonide kõikumiste pinnal revolutsioonieelsetes reisijuhtides sünnib polükultuurse Narva kontseptsioon. Sellest andis tunnistust ka käest kätte käinud ja erinevate rahvaste kultuuride mõju talletanud linna ajalugu. Selle mõju järgi nägid Narvat käsitlevate raamatute ja reisijuhtide autorid linna ajaloomälestistes. Linna polükultuurilisus väljendus Narva elanikkonna koosseisus, kuhu kuulusid eestlased, venelased, sakslased, soomlased, juudid, mustlased jt rahvustest inimesed. sama kirju oli Narva elanikkonna koosseis usutunnistuse järgi. Linna polükultuurilist kuvandit toetas ka viide tema vahendajarollile lääne ja ida kultuurilise suhtlemise ajaloos.
Отражение взаимоотношений СССР и Эстонии на страницах советской периодики 1939–1940 годов, 2011
The period from September 1939 till June 1940 was crucial for the destiny of Independent Estonia. The author of the article attempts to reveal how the relationships between the USSR and Estonia influenced the choice of rhetoric strategies in Soviet printed media; how periodicals interpreted topical events to meet the demands of the Soviet rhetoric. In the autumn of 1939 after the signing of the treaty on mutual assistance between the USSR and Estonia the media created and promoted the image of Estonia as a friend as opposed to the clichéd in the previous years image of a hostile country. The image of Estonia as a friend is characterised by its wholeness (all leaders of the country, general public, media and Estonian people demonstrated their friendly attitude towards the Soviet Union). This wholeness is undermined at the end of May – June 1940 with the return of the war conflict rhetoric.
The wholeness of the image of Estonia as a friend was reestablished in the Soviet periodicals after the 21 of June 1940 when Uluots’s government was replaced with the loyal towards the USSR government under Vares. The key role in the process of the country unification was given by Soviet propagandists to Estonian people. The image of Estonian people was the core image of rhetoric formula in the summer of 1940. The articles of the Soviet periodicals tried to convince their readers that the people of Estonia were free to decide themselves for their own future and that of their motherland. Welcoming of the Red Army, the overthrow of the old government, elections to a new State Duma – the depiction of all these events followed the rhetoric of the description of a national holiday. The authors of publications represent the “people’s revolution” in Estonia as a national holiday of all Estonian people.
The Soviet periodicals depict the establishment of Soviet Estonia as a result of Estonian people’s free will. The Soviet power supports the rebirth of the country and its people to live a new “brighter life”. The nation is united, the enemy “disappears”, and the country and its people become truly free. Therefore, by the time Estonia joined the Union of Soviet Republics, it had already become quite a new state. Naturally, upon annexation into the USSR the Soviet periodicals reported a new wave of “rebirth” in Estonia: a turn to a happier life had been accomplished. This new happier life of Estonian people means a “new motherland” and a new place in the “friendly family” of Soviet peoples.
Perceptions of the Estonian National Character (based on Russian sources of the end of the 18th-t... more Perceptions of the Estonian National Character (based on Russian sources of the end of the 18th-the beginning of the 20th century).
The images of Estonian people at the end of the 18th until the beginning of the 20th centuries are studied in this paper. The authors analyzed more than 100 sources published in Russia. Among the texts, there are travelers’ letters and memories, historical works, and guidebooks. Analyzing the texts, Guzairov and Nõmm conclude that the Baltic Germans’ point of view on Estonians was very important for the authors and the pragmatics of their books. Most authors emphasized that negative features of Estonian people became a historical result of the German conquest and its long-lasting political, cultural, and religious influence in the Baltic region. According to the authors, only Russian “positive” influence could “improve” and develop a good nature of the Estonian character. The images of Estonian people became a factor in the political fight in the Baltic region between Russians and the Baltic Germans.
The local text is a system of firmly set perceptions of city residents about the urban mental and... more The local text is a system of firmly set perceptions of city residents about the urban mental and physical space, which unites the city residents in a single community, and which is a component of the local identity. "Wedding sights" (sculptural, architectural, and natural objects that are visited by newlyweds and their guests after a marriage registration) are the components of the local text of Narva city. The article considers the formation and development of the wedding walk in Narva in its historical perspective from its beginning in the 1960s until its modern route (the 2010s); it describes the dynamics and reasons of route changes as well as ritual and game activities at its landmarks. In the 1960s, there were three objects included in the wedding walk route: the ideological monument (the monument to Lenin), the city centre roundabout and a nature object in the city suburbs. In the 1970s, three military monuments, which were erected at that time in the city suburbs, were added to the list of the "wedding sights". In the 1980s and 1990s, the walk route was complemented by historical architectural monuments and nature objects located in the city and in its suburbs. In the 1990s, the monument to Lenin was excluded from the walk route; and in the 2000s, the war monuments were also excluded from the route. In the 2000s, a new sight was added to the wedding walk route-"The Wedding Tree", which was specially designed to create a wedding tradition for Narva residents and to connect newlyweds with the city. Thus, the modern wedding walk route includes: 1) architectural objects of historical significance which symbolize the city identity and which support the connection of young families with the city; 2) nature objects that are located in the city and in its suburbs, and which are conveniently used for photo shoots, play and rituals activities (both new and reviving fragments of archaic wedding traditions); 3) one monument of World War II (the "Tank T-34" memorial), which is a marker of the city identity.
Ieronim Yasinsky’s Journal “Ezhemesyachnye Sochineniya” as the Precursor of Modernist Periodicals of the Beginning of the XX Century , 2019
The article reviews the publishing and editorial policies of Ieronim Yasinsky who aspired to crea... more The article reviews the publishing and editorial policies of Ieronim Yasinsky who aspired to create a modernist literary journal at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. Published from 1900 until 1903, Yasinsky’s “Ezhemesyachnye Sochineniya” [Literary Works of the Month] is typologically close to the journals “Severnyi Vestnik” [The Northern Herald] and “Mir Iskusstva” [The World of Art], which are traditionally referred to as the precursors of symbolist periodicals. Symbolist writers supported Yasinsky’s ambition by their contributions to the journal. The journal “Ezhemesyachnye Sochineniya” had a short-lived existence on the publishing market but it was popular, and it prepared a large circle of readers for accepting the idea of a symbolist literary journal.
Образ иностранца в раннем творчестве А. П. Чехова (на материале рассказа «Дочь Альбиона»), 2019
The article focuses on the short story ʽДочь Альбионаʼ [The Daughter of Albion], written in 1883.... more The article focuses on the short story ʽДочь Альбионаʼ [The Daughter of Albion], written in 1883. The “complicated simplicity” of Chekhov’s text provides researchers with a possibility to address the story several times and to reveal its clear and hidden meanings. The analysis of the structure of main characters’ images (the “fish-water” and “infernal” nature of the metaphors used for the image of the English lady) and plot motifs (the landowner’s will being enslaved, landowner’s crossing the metaphysical border between the own and foreign worlds) allows to see the story developing the plot of the character being seduced by devilry. The opposition the one’s own (warm, human, Russian) world to the foreign one (cold, diabolical, foreign) is depicted in the text through the way the character (landowner Gryabov) perceives the events. In the story Chekhov uses touches of irony when describing the contradictory worldview of the landed gentry (non-acceptance of anything foreign as diabolic that is rooted in the patriarchic foundations of peasantry and recognition of the value of western enlightenment that is typical for upper-class). At the same time the writer mocks at intelligentsia’s fears of the foreign cultural influence that are reflected in texts of the literary tradition.
The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text an... more The article attempts to comprehend the tradition of anthropological studying of the local text and composing local text dictionaries of the cities of the post-Soviet cultural space. The tradition itself developed at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries. This young research tradition is analysed on the basis of materials of the two local text dictionaries: the dictionary of Omsk, a Russian regional centre, and the dictionary of provincial Ukrainian town Mogilev-Podolsky. A project of the local text dictionary of Narva, an Estonian city located on the border between Russia and the European Union, is presented. Ключевые слова / Keywords: Локальный текст, провинциальный город, постсоветское культурное пространство, словарь локального текста, Нарва / Local text, provincial town, post-Soviet cultural space, local text dictionary, Narva. Зародившаяся на рубеже XX-XXI вв. антропологическая традиция изучения локальных текстов малых городов на территории постсоветского пространства и опыт составления словарей локальных текстов этих городов нуждаются в осмыслении, которое позволит наметить перспективы развития этих междисциплинарных исследований городского пространства.
Pulmapäeva külastuspaigad Narvas: pulmasõidu kujunemise ajaloost, 2019
Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu k... more Artiklis käsitletakse pulmasõitu kui vene pulmakombestiku püsivat
komponenti nõukoguliku ajastu kultuuriruumis. Antakse ülevaade selle rituaalse tava sündimisloost, tutvustatakse uurijate erinevaid versioone, kuidas kujunes nõukogulik komme külastada abielu sõlmimise päeval noorpaari ja pulmakülalistega teatud kohti. Fookuses on 1960. aastatel tekkima hakanud Narva pulma-marsruudi peatuspaigad. Sellel perioodil kinnistus pulmamarsruut – linnast eeslinna (Narva-Jõesuu). Artiklis vaadeldakse pulmamarsruudi kolme peatuspaika: Lenini monument Peetri väljakul, ringristmik linna keskel, “Šiškini mänd” (Narva-Jõesuu). Kaks viimast on säilitanud oma positsiooni ka tänapäeva pulma-marsruudis. Pulmapäeva külastuspaikade ümber kujuneb rituaalne kultuur ja kohalik folkloor.
Back to Square One: Fostering a Culture of Tolerance as a Way of Modern Society's Development, 2019
The article discusses the issues of fostering tolerance in a multicultural society. The author su... more The article discusses the issues of fostering tolerance in a multicultural society. The author suggests a hypothesis on the factors that develop tolerance in representatives of a national / linguistic minority. The study is of an interdisciplinary nature, and it integrates background knowledge and research tools of such disciplines as history, culture studies, psychology, education, sociology, intercultural communication, linguistics, etc. The study focuses on the contemporary Russian community in Estonia and its relations with the title ethnos. The implementation of the case study methodology allows to follow the history of the interconnections between the Russian and the Estonian communities, to reveal the psychological vector of their development, to define topical issues of the current situation and to map solutions to the revealed problems. As the questions of fostering a culture of tolerance is also important in other countries in the world, the results of the conducted qualitative research are believed to present both theoretical and practical interest extending beyond the context of the Estonian society.
Literary position of Ieronim Yasinsky (1880-1890s) , 2003
В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, вл... more В диссертации дается детальное описание литературной позиции И. Ясинского, выявляются причины, влияющие на изменение эстетических взглядов писателя, а также реконструируется целостная картина его творческой эволюции в 1880–1890-е гг. (период, вызывающий наибольшие разногласия среди исследователей). Исследование показало, что в 1880-е годы творчество Ясинского развивается по двум ведущим линиям — это линия, восходящая к идеям «чистого искусства» и линия, связанная с французским натурализмом школы Э. Золя и традициями «массовой» литературы. Соответственно Ясинский стремится занять в литературе одновременно и позицию «чистого художника», пишущего «для немногих», и положение писателя, ищущего успех у широкой читательской аудитории.
Скандальные выступления Ясинского, которыми он в 1880-е гг. пытался привлечь к себе внимание широкого круга читателей, испортили его литературную репутацию, поэтому 1890-е гг. писатель активно борется за восстановление своего честного имени в литературе. В литературно-критических статьях о «новом искусстве» Ясинский определяет себя как литературного новатора и родоначальника символизма в России. Однако «программа» символизма не реализуется в художественных произведениях писателя 1890-х гг., которые создаются в традициях литературы эпигонов реализма. Ясинский представляет собой тип писателя, перешедшего в 1890-е гг. из категории литературных новаторов в категорию «массовых писателей»-эпигонов школы реализма. «Затухание» линии «чистого искусства» в творчестве Ясинского приводит к тому, что «пресимволизм» писателя 1880-х гг. не становится символизмом в 1890-е гг.