Kirsti Jõesalu | University of Tartu (original) (raw)

Papers by Kirsti Jõesalu

Research paper thumbnail of Kõresaar, Ene; Jõesalu, Kirsti (2021). From Museum as Memorial to Memory Museum: On the Transformation of the Estonian Museum of Occupations. In: Péter Apor; Constantin Iordachi (Ed.).  Occupation and Communism in Eastern European Museums. Re-Visualizing the Recent Past.

Péter Apor; Constantin Iordachi (Ed.). Occupation and Communism in Eastern European Museums. Re-Visualizing the Recent Past. (51−74). London: BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC., 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Diversification and Alternative Subjectivities in Estonian Museums: Memory of Soviet Collaboration and Complicity Revisited

Slavic and East European Journal 67/3, 2023

This article investigates how Estonian cultural history museums display controversies inherent in... more This article investigates how Estonian cultural history museums display controversies inherent in the communist past related to complicity and collaboration, which were avoided and externalized in post-communist nationalist visions of the past. Taking recent theorizations of reflexive and dialogic memory modes as a background, we ask about alternative subject positions in the representation of communism and complicity with the regime in recently opened history exhibitions. As a result, we argue that
the general incoherence and indecisiveness in understanding Soviet collaboration in political and cultural memory is reflected in Estonian history museums taking diverse positions when approaching subject positions related to the memory of complicity. At the same time, the availability of different, even contradictory, positions in the public sphere adds to memory culture’s democratization. The analysis shows that the ways museums deal with the issue of complicity and collaboration arise from the museums’
different definitions of their role in society. Concurrently, the museum narratives negotiate and contest each other. Museums use various methods and approaches to re-politicize Soviet complicity, with different degrees of success in acknowledging nuanced interpretations of the past and applying pluralist viewpoints.

Research paper thumbnail of Autoethnography and applied cultural analysis : interview with Billy Ehn

Research paper thumbnail of Social relations in Soviet working life: biographical research about everyday life in the E.S.S.R

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Mitigating the Difficult Past?

Friction, Fragmentation, and Diversity, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Etnograafiapärandi määratlemisest ja kogumisest Eesti muuseumides

Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat

This article examines how Estonian museums understand ethnographic heritage. More specifically, i... more This article examines how Estonian museums understand ethnographic heritage. More specifically, it is an attempt to answer the questions of how the concept of ethnographic heritage is made visible through museums’ various practices. An analysis of what criteria museums use when assigning objects to ethnographic collections is submitted as well as a description of what dilemmas they face when making a choice, and how these dilemmas are resolved in practice. It was demonstrated that assigning objects to ethnographic collections has been and continues to be a cognitive and subjective activity. What has served as the main ethnographic criteria is the object’s social origin (a farm environment, which is contrasted with the urban and manor milieu) and the method of production — manual production and the use of traditional work methods, which is contrasted with factory production and store-bought goods. Museums that focus on the way of life of an ethnic or social group rely on their own se...

Research paper thumbnail of Mitigating the Difficult Past?: On the Politics of Renaming the Estonian Museum of Occupations

Friction, Fragmentation, and Diversity, Dec 8, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Mälutööst elulooliste mälu-uuringuteni. Märkusi biograafilise kultuuriuurimise ja nõukogudejärgse Eesti mälu-uuringute seoste kohta

Acta Historica Tallinnensia, 2021

Artikkel keskendub mälu-uuringute ja eluloouurimise seostele nõukogudejärgsete mäluprotsesside dü... more Artikkel keskendub mälu-uuringute ja eluloouurimise seostele nõukogudejärgsete mäluprotsesside dünaamika ja mälestuste uurimise taustal. Näitame, et eluloouurimise perspektiivist tegid mälu-uuringud läbi muutuse mäluaktivismist mäletamise kontekstide, mäletamisprotsessides tegutsejate, võimusuhete ja vastuolude kriitilise uurimiseni. Analüüsime asjaomaste institutsioonide panust nõukogudejärgsetesse mälupööretesse. Mälu-uuringute perspektiivist anname ülevaate autobiograafilist mäleta mist käsitlevatest uurimustest, keskendudes nii nõukogude perioodi mälestuste uurimise mõjukatele teooriatele ja meetoditele kui ka panusele rahvusvahelistesse mäludebattidesse. Osutame olulistele lünkadele eluloolises mälutöös ja selle uurimises, iseäranis eestivenelaste elulugude uurimise väljajätetele ja probleemidele.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrating Surroundings and Suppression: The Role of School in Soviet Childhood Memories

European Education, 2016

The article explores how people born in Estonia in the 1970s contextualize their memories about t... more The article explores how people born in Estonia in the 1970s contextualize their memories about their Soviet childhood in the context of school. Focusing on small group of people who grew up in the Soviet Estonia, we argue that in biographical narratives, school is treated as the representative of the Soviet regime. Nostalgic reminiscences from childhood embrace both commitment and resistance to the regime. The hegemonic framework of repression discourse is often flexibly stretched, embracing sometimes ironic stories of disobedience as resistance or commitment as play. Rather than opposing the official discourse, they create playful side-meanings about the era.

Research paper thumbnail of Working through mature Socialism: private and public in the Estonians' meaning-making of the Soviet past

Research paper thumbnail of Mäletamise dünaamika ja pinged nõukogudejärgses mälukultuuris: hilise nõukogude aja tähenduse loomine Eestis

Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö analüüsib ühe ajalooperioo... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö analüüsib ühe ajalooperioodi ‒ hilise sotsialismi ‒ tähenduse kujunemist ja dünaamikat 21. sajandi alguse Eesti mälukultuuris. Hilise sotsialismi all mõistetakse perioodi 1950. aastate lõpust 1980. aastate keskpaigani. Küsisin, kuidas paigutub hilise sotsialismi tähenduse kujunemine laiemasse nõukogude ajast mäletamise kultuuri. Väitekirja lähtekohaks oli vaatepunkt, et 1990. aastate mäluprotsesside tulemusena käsitleti kogu nõukogude aja argiseid kogemusi avalikkuses hegemoonse kannatuse ja vastupanu diskursuse raames. Hilist sotsialismi ei eristatud eelnevast, stalinismi ajajärgust. 1990. aastate lõpust alates väljendati aga järjest enam rahulolematust domineeriva käsitlusega. Iseäranis tähelepanuväärne panus hilise sotsialismi aja teema, kui olulise probleemi sõnastamisel oli avalikus diskursuses elulookirjutajatel. Argieluline kogemus hilisest nõukogude perioodist tõusis esile just võrdluses keeruliste 1990-n...

Research paper thumbnail of Notes and Reviews

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, Jun 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Okupatsioonide muuseumist Vabamuks: nimetamispoliitika analüüs

Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat, 2017

From “Museum of Occupations” to “Vabamu”: Analysis of Naming Policy This article focuses on the d... more From “Museum of Occupations” to “Vabamu”: Analysis of Naming Policy This article focuses on the debate around the name Vabamu and is aimed at discussing whether and how the culture of remembering the Soviet era can change in today’s Estonia. In February 2016, the Estonian Museum of Occupations announced its plans to refresh its identity and change the name of the museum to the Museum of Freedom Vabamu. The planned name change sparked controversy in society about the meaning of the (Soviet) military occupation, the sufferings of that period and ways of commemorating them. Over 60 stories were published in the Estonian media from February to August 2016, accompanied by lively discussion on social media. Estonia’s Russian-language media did not participate in the discussion. The article analyses the Vabamu name debate in the context of naming policy and Estonian 20th century historical memory. First of all, the term of “occupation” is explained from the aspect of Estonia’s political id...

Research paper thumbnail of Privaatne ja avalik nõukogude aja mõistmises ühe keskastme juhi eluloo näitel. Private and Public in the Soviet Era: The Example of a Mid-Level Manager’s Life Story

Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Reproducing Identity through Remembering: Cultural Texts on the Late Soviet Period

Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2012

This article explores some of the ways in which memories of the Soviet past shape the identities ... more This article explores some of the ways in which memories of the Soviet past shape the identities and creative work of six Estonian intellectuals born in the 1970s. Based on analysis of the four cultural texts they have produced (an exhibition, a feature film, a novel and a documentary) and biographical interviews with them, it is argued that the authors' birth frame has had an impact on how they interpret the late Soviet period. They share discursive practices about this period: mutual interpretative principles, which validate their common experience in discourses. Their experience of living in the Soviet system is limited to their childhood years only. Sharing a kind of reflexive nostalgia about the era, they depict the late Soviet period somewhat ironically, with a touch of cynicism (in their cultural texts as well as in the interviews). Even though they do not oppose the official public discourse of the rupture of Soviet Estonia, they tend to accentuate and value everyday experience, thus contributing to 'normalisation' discourse of the Soviet period in Estonian memory landscapes. Childhood experiences of the late Soviet period constitute an integral part of these intellectuals' identities. By reproducing their identity in their cultural texts, they have a potential to deepen the memory templates already existing in public memory discourse, and also to contribute to the addition of new discourses and influencing the identity of others in society.

Research paper thumbnail of Mitigating the Difficult Past?

Friction, Fragmentation, and Diversity

Research paper thumbnail of „The Right to Happiness“ – Echoes of Soviet Ideology in Biographical Narratives

The Soviet time-of course, unaccustomed in the beginning, but as the time moved on, the more home... more The Soviet time-of course, unaccustomed in the beginning, but as the time moved on, the more homely it felt and fi nally became really own. When looking back, there was nothing wrong with my life under these conditions. I had my beloved work I was good at, had my home-our castle. I've not suff ered from an empty stomach, not being forced to tramp about, not persecuted, don't know of having any enemies."

Research paper thumbnail of We were the children of a romantic era: nostalgia and the nonideological everyday through the perspective of a ‘Silent Generation’

Baltic Socialism Remembered, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Sotsiaalsed suhted nõukogude tööelus: biograafilisi uurimusi argielust ENSV-s

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics and tensions of remembrance in post-Soviet Estonia: Late socialism in the making

The author proposed the theoretical framework, collaborated with co-author on the methodological ... more The author proposed the theoretical framework, collaborated with co-author on the methodological part, and wrote parts of the analysis. Article IV: The author proposed the theoretical approach (Assmanns, Erll) and the research design. Fieldwork was conducted and analysis was written together. Article V: This article is the outcome of common work; we suggested the research design and theoretical framework together. The analysis of biographical narratives was suggested by Ene Kõresaar, based on the method that has been described as 'biographical syncretism' (Kõresaar 2004: 22-23). Both authors conducted fieldwork and wrote parts of the analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Kõresaar, Ene; Jõesalu, Kirsti (2021). From Museum as Memorial to Memory Museum: On the Transformation of the Estonian Museum of Occupations. In: Péter Apor; Constantin Iordachi (Ed.).  Occupation and Communism in Eastern European Museums. Re-Visualizing the Recent Past.

Péter Apor; Constantin Iordachi (Ed.). Occupation and Communism in Eastern European Museums. Re-Visualizing the Recent Past. (51−74). London: BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC., 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Diversification and Alternative Subjectivities in Estonian Museums: Memory of Soviet Collaboration and Complicity Revisited

Slavic and East European Journal 67/3, 2023

This article investigates how Estonian cultural history museums display controversies inherent in... more This article investigates how Estonian cultural history museums display controversies inherent in the communist past related to complicity and collaboration, which were avoided and externalized in post-communist nationalist visions of the past. Taking recent theorizations of reflexive and dialogic memory modes as a background, we ask about alternative subject positions in the representation of communism and complicity with the regime in recently opened history exhibitions. As a result, we argue that
the general incoherence and indecisiveness in understanding Soviet collaboration in political and cultural memory is reflected in Estonian history museums taking diverse positions when approaching subject positions related to the memory of complicity. At the same time, the availability of different, even contradictory, positions in the public sphere adds to memory culture’s democratization. The analysis shows that the ways museums deal with the issue of complicity and collaboration arise from the museums’
different definitions of their role in society. Concurrently, the museum narratives negotiate and contest each other. Museums use various methods and approaches to re-politicize Soviet complicity, with different degrees of success in acknowledging nuanced interpretations of the past and applying pluralist viewpoints.

Research paper thumbnail of Autoethnography and applied cultural analysis : interview with Billy Ehn

Research paper thumbnail of Social relations in Soviet working life: biographical research about everyday life in the E.S.S.R

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Mitigating the Difficult Past?

Friction, Fragmentation, and Diversity, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Etnograafiapärandi määratlemisest ja kogumisest Eesti muuseumides

Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat

This article examines how Estonian museums understand ethnographic heritage. More specifically, i... more This article examines how Estonian museums understand ethnographic heritage. More specifically, it is an attempt to answer the questions of how the concept of ethnographic heritage is made visible through museums’ various practices. An analysis of what criteria museums use when assigning objects to ethnographic collections is submitted as well as a description of what dilemmas they face when making a choice, and how these dilemmas are resolved in practice. It was demonstrated that assigning objects to ethnographic collections has been and continues to be a cognitive and subjective activity. What has served as the main ethnographic criteria is the object’s social origin (a farm environment, which is contrasted with the urban and manor milieu) and the method of production — manual production and the use of traditional work methods, which is contrasted with factory production and store-bought goods. Museums that focus on the way of life of an ethnic or social group rely on their own se...

Research paper thumbnail of Mitigating the Difficult Past?: On the Politics of Renaming the Estonian Museum of Occupations

Friction, Fragmentation, and Diversity, Dec 8, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Mälutööst elulooliste mälu-uuringuteni. Märkusi biograafilise kultuuriuurimise ja nõukogudejärgse Eesti mälu-uuringute seoste kohta

Acta Historica Tallinnensia, 2021

Artikkel keskendub mälu-uuringute ja eluloouurimise seostele nõukogudejärgsete mäluprotsesside dü... more Artikkel keskendub mälu-uuringute ja eluloouurimise seostele nõukogudejärgsete mäluprotsesside dünaamika ja mälestuste uurimise taustal. Näitame, et eluloouurimise perspektiivist tegid mälu-uuringud läbi muutuse mäluaktivismist mäletamise kontekstide, mäletamisprotsessides tegutsejate, võimusuhete ja vastuolude kriitilise uurimiseni. Analüüsime asjaomaste institutsioonide panust nõukogudejärgsetesse mälupööretesse. Mälu-uuringute perspektiivist anname ülevaate autobiograafilist mäleta mist käsitlevatest uurimustest, keskendudes nii nõukogude perioodi mälestuste uurimise mõjukatele teooriatele ja meetoditele kui ka panusele rahvusvahelistesse mäludebattidesse. Osutame olulistele lünkadele eluloolises mälutöös ja selle uurimises, iseäranis eestivenelaste elulugude uurimise väljajätetele ja probleemidele.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrating Surroundings and Suppression: The Role of School in Soviet Childhood Memories

European Education, 2016

The article explores how people born in Estonia in the 1970s contextualize their memories about t... more The article explores how people born in Estonia in the 1970s contextualize their memories about their Soviet childhood in the context of school. Focusing on small group of people who grew up in the Soviet Estonia, we argue that in biographical narratives, school is treated as the representative of the Soviet regime. Nostalgic reminiscences from childhood embrace both commitment and resistance to the regime. The hegemonic framework of repression discourse is often flexibly stretched, embracing sometimes ironic stories of disobedience as resistance or commitment as play. Rather than opposing the official discourse, they create playful side-meanings about the era.

Research paper thumbnail of Working through mature Socialism: private and public in the Estonians' meaning-making of the Soviet past

Research paper thumbnail of Mäletamise dünaamika ja pinged nõukogudejärgses mälukultuuris: hilise nõukogude aja tähenduse loomine Eestis

Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö analüüsib ühe ajalooperioo... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö analüüsib ühe ajalooperioodi ‒ hilise sotsialismi ‒ tähenduse kujunemist ja dünaamikat 21. sajandi alguse Eesti mälukultuuris. Hilise sotsialismi all mõistetakse perioodi 1950. aastate lõpust 1980. aastate keskpaigani. Küsisin, kuidas paigutub hilise sotsialismi tähenduse kujunemine laiemasse nõukogude ajast mäletamise kultuuri. Väitekirja lähtekohaks oli vaatepunkt, et 1990. aastate mäluprotsesside tulemusena käsitleti kogu nõukogude aja argiseid kogemusi avalikkuses hegemoonse kannatuse ja vastupanu diskursuse raames. Hilist sotsialismi ei eristatud eelnevast, stalinismi ajajärgust. 1990. aastate lõpust alates väljendati aga järjest enam rahulolematust domineeriva käsitlusega. Iseäranis tähelepanuväärne panus hilise sotsialismi aja teema, kui olulise probleemi sõnastamisel oli avalikus diskursuses elulookirjutajatel. Argieluline kogemus hilisest nõukogude perioodist tõusis esile just võrdluses keeruliste 1990-n...

Research paper thumbnail of Notes and Reviews

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, Jun 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Okupatsioonide muuseumist Vabamuks: nimetamispoliitika analüüs

Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat, 2017

From “Museum of Occupations” to “Vabamu”: Analysis of Naming Policy This article focuses on the d... more From “Museum of Occupations” to “Vabamu”: Analysis of Naming Policy This article focuses on the debate around the name Vabamu and is aimed at discussing whether and how the culture of remembering the Soviet era can change in today’s Estonia. In February 2016, the Estonian Museum of Occupations announced its plans to refresh its identity and change the name of the museum to the Museum of Freedom Vabamu. The planned name change sparked controversy in society about the meaning of the (Soviet) military occupation, the sufferings of that period and ways of commemorating them. Over 60 stories were published in the Estonian media from February to August 2016, accompanied by lively discussion on social media. Estonia’s Russian-language media did not participate in the discussion. The article analyses the Vabamu name debate in the context of naming policy and Estonian 20th century historical memory. First of all, the term of “occupation” is explained from the aspect of Estonia’s political id...

Research paper thumbnail of Privaatne ja avalik nõukogude aja mõistmises ühe keskastme juhi eluloo näitel. Private and Public in the Soviet Era: The Example of a Mid-Level Manager’s Life Story

Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Reproducing Identity through Remembering: Cultural Texts on the Late Soviet Period

Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2012

This article explores some of the ways in which memories of the Soviet past shape the identities ... more This article explores some of the ways in which memories of the Soviet past shape the identities and creative work of six Estonian intellectuals born in the 1970s. Based on analysis of the four cultural texts they have produced (an exhibition, a feature film, a novel and a documentary) and biographical interviews with them, it is argued that the authors' birth frame has had an impact on how they interpret the late Soviet period. They share discursive practices about this period: mutual interpretative principles, which validate their common experience in discourses. Their experience of living in the Soviet system is limited to their childhood years only. Sharing a kind of reflexive nostalgia about the era, they depict the late Soviet period somewhat ironically, with a touch of cynicism (in their cultural texts as well as in the interviews). Even though they do not oppose the official public discourse of the rupture of Soviet Estonia, they tend to accentuate and value everyday experience, thus contributing to 'normalisation' discourse of the Soviet period in Estonian memory landscapes. Childhood experiences of the late Soviet period constitute an integral part of these intellectuals' identities. By reproducing their identity in their cultural texts, they have a potential to deepen the memory templates already existing in public memory discourse, and also to contribute to the addition of new discourses and influencing the identity of others in society.

Research paper thumbnail of Mitigating the Difficult Past?

Friction, Fragmentation, and Diversity

Research paper thumbnail of „The Right to Happiness“ – Echoes of Soviet Ideology in Biographical Narratives

The Soviet time-of course, unaccustomed in the beginning, but as the time moved on, the more home... more The Soviet time-of course, unaccustomed in the beginning, but as the time moved on, the more homely it felt and fi nally became really own. When looking back, there was nothing wrong with my life under these conditions. I had my beloved work I was good at, had my home-our castle. I've not suff ered from an empty stomach, not being forced to tramp about, not persecuted, don't know of having any enemies."

Research paper thumbnail of We were the children of a romantic era: nostalgia and the nonideological everyday through the perspective of a ‘Silent Generation’

Baltic Socialism Remembered, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Sotsiaalsed suhted nõukogude tööelus: biograafilisi uurimusi argielust ENSV-s

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics and tensions of remembrance in post-Soviet Estonia: Late socialism in the making

The author proposed the theoretical framework, collaborated with co-author on the methodological ... more The author proposed the theoretical framework, collaborated with co-author on the methodological part, and wrote parts of the analysis. Article IV: The author proposed the theoretical approach (Assmanns, Erll) and the research design. Fieldwork was conducted and analysis was written together. Article V: This article is the outcome of common work; we suggested the research design and theoretical framework together. The analysis of biographical narratives was suggested by Ene Kõresaar, based on the method that has been described as 'biographical syncretism' (Kõresaar 2004: 22-23). Both authors conducted fieldwork and wrote parts of the analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Annist, Aet; Kaaristo, Maarja, toim./eds. (2017). Sissejuhatus sotsiaal- ja kultuurantropoloogiasse.

Sissejuhatus sotsiaal- ja kultuurantropoloogiasse., 2017

Introductory textbook of social and cultural anthropology