Urmas Varblane | University of Tartu (original) (raw)

Papers by Urmas Varblane

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of the Economic Convergence Process in the Transition Countries

Social Science Research Network, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Labour Productivity: Evidence from Estonia and Slovenia

Social Science Research Network, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship education in the higher education institutions (HEIs) of post‐communist European countries

Journal of enterprising communities, Aug 17, 2010

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to map the current situation of entrepreneurship education in... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to map the current situation of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions (HEIs) of 22 European transition economy countries.Design/methodology/approachThe approach taken was an internet survey and analysis covering 774 HEIs of the region.FindingsIn 332 institutions, entrepreneurship‐oriented courses, modules or curricula are offered. Croatia and Slovenia are the leading countries in terms of the coverage of teaching entrepreneurship in universities and colleges, followed by the Baltic countries and the Czech and Slovak Republics. The highest entrepreneurship orientation is found in new and private universities and colleges. In a majority of schools, the theory of entrepreneurship is taught but practice‐oriented training in entrepreneurship is rather limited. The current number of centres of entrepreneurship in the region is small, and the research‐oriented model of entrepreneurship education is used in three to five institutions only.Practical implicationsThe paper provides a useful source of information for entrepreneurship education researchers, developers and education policy makers.Originality/valueThe paper maps the HEIs entrepreneurship teaching in post‐communist European countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of FDI in Central Europe: Short-Run Effects in Manufacturing

Book Description: The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the start of an economic and political trans... more Book Description: The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the start of an economic and political transition for the countries of Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. Key to this shift is foreign direct investment (FDI), the application of which will determine a nation's success in moving from centrally-planned to market economies. Both geographic regions approach the problem differently, with China and Vietnam aiming for market-oriented socialism and the European countries becoming more democratic and privatized. Each method has had ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Benchmarking of Governmental Support Measures for University-Industry Cooperation

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Which Individual Characteristics are Associated with Academic Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Estonia

International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Apr 1, 2019

This study aims to find out how academic workers’ characteristics are associated with their owner... more This study aims to find out how academic workers’ characteristics are associated with their ownership in firms. It is based on quantitative data for the whole population of academic staff from Estonian public universities. Variables portraying age, academic field, professorship, number of publications and research grants are applied in analysing academic workers having ownership in firms. The results indicate that being a professor, having Science as the primary academic field, and a larger number of publications increase the likelihood of academic ownership while a larger number of grants decreases it. The age of academic worker is not a significant determinant of the likelihood of academic ownership.

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Research paper thumbnail of Links Between Foreign Direct Investment and Innovation Activities in Estonia

Innovation, technology and knowledge management, Nov 19, 2011

There is a growing literature focusing on analyzing the productivity gap between domestic and for... more There is a growing literature focusing on analyzing the productivity gap between domestic and foreign firms with differences in innovation indicators. In this chapter, we analyze the relationship between inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) at either company or industry level and the innovation behavior of companies in Estonia. We used company-level data from three waves of the Community Innovation Surveys, which were combined with financial data from the Estonian Business Register and FDI data from the Balance of Payments statistics. For the analysis, we used propensity score matching. Our results show that the higher innovation output of foreign-owned companies vanished after controlling for a number of company characteristics, but there were significant differences in innovation inputs, such as the higher use of knowledge sourcing and the lower importance of various impeding factors. Both domestic and foreign-owned firms with outward investments are more innovative.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sources Of Innovation In The Estonian Forest And Wood Cluster

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Flows of foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Which firms use universities as cooperation partners? - A comparative view in Europe

International Journal of Technology Management, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Outward FDI on Home-Country Employment in a Low-Cost Transition Economy

Social Science Research Network, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Eesti puidusektori konkurentsivõime arengut takistavad tegurid

University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2004

If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view i... more If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note that these files are not on the IDEAS site. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The autonomy of managers by business functions in the foreign subsidiaries from transition countries

University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Huvihariduse ja huvitegevuse pakkujad ning noorsootöötajad kohalikes omavalitsustes

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Research paper thumbnail of Eesti puidusektori konkurentsivõime

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Culture on the Perception of Product Packaging: A Multimethod Cross-Cultural Study

Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Sep 13, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Autonomy and Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Transition Countries

Social Science Research Network, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Home-Country Employment in a Low-Cost Transition Economy

Eastern European Economics, Nov 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Inward FDI in Estonia: motivational and obstacles/inhibiting factors associated with the MNC’s subsidiary export performance

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business

This study investigates the main inward FDI factors, i.e., motivational factors and obstacles/inh... more This study investigates the main inward FDI factors, i.e., motivational factors and obstacles/inhibiting factors associated with the subsidiary's export performance in the host country, Estonia. The study is based on 89 in-depth interviews with the CEOs of subsidiaries of firms in Estonia, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The study concludes that 27 independent variables are important when studying the antecedent factors of the subsidiary's export performance. The study reveals five research streams from the literature review, namely inward FDI, outward FDI, motivational factors of FDI, obstacles/inhibiting factors of FDI, and the subsidiary's export performance. The most prominent research stream is the obstacles/inhibiting factors of FDI and both outward FDI and motivational factors of FDI are also important. Additionally, the study investigates 31 factors, of which 13 are found to be important factors based on SEM fit. In particular, six motivational factors and seven obstacles/inhibiting factors significantly influence the subsidiary's export performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of ECR2 Economic Crisis: Resilience of Regions

The picture of the economic situation in Europe resulting from the crisis that began in 2008 look... more The picture of the economic situation in Europe resulting from the crisis that began in 2008 looks rather asymmetrical and diverse with regions that were not or hardly touched by the crises at all, with regions that were touched but that seem to recover rather progressively and with regions that still suffer quite a lot from the crisis. The fast and successful recovery of some particular regions strikes the eye and raises the question of what is behind this success. The economic crisis and recovery are at the core of all recent policy initiatives that set the framework for territorial development and cohesion policy. The objective of this project is to expose territorial evidence that supports policymakers at different administrative levels in making the economic structure(s) in Europe and its countries, regions and cities more resilient to economic crises and a sudden economic downturn

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of the Economic Convergence Process in the Transition Countries

Social Science Research Network, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Labour Productivity: Evidence from Estonia and Slovenia

Social Science Research Network, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship education in the higher education institutions (HEIs) of post‐communist European countries

Journal of enterprising communities, Aug 17, 2010

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to map the current situation of entrepreneurship education in... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to map the current situation of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions (HEIs) of 22 European transition economy countries.Design/methodology/approachThe approach taken was an internet survey and analysis covering 774 HEIs of the region.FindingsIn 332 institutions, entrepreneurship‐oriented courses, modules or curricula are offered. Croatia and Slovenia are the leading countries in terms of the coverage of teaching entrepreneurship in universities and colleges, followed by the Baltic countries and the Czech and Slovak Republics. The highest entrepreneurship orientation is found in new and private universities and colleges. In a majority of schools, the theory of entrepreneurship is taught but practice‐oriented training in entrepreneurship is rather limited. The current number of centres of entrepreneurship in the region is small, and the research‐oriented model of entrepreneurship education is used in three to five institutions only.Practical implicationsThe paper provides a useful source of information for entrepreneurship education researchers, developers and education policy makers.Originality/valueThe paper maps the HEIs entrepreneurship teaching in post‐communist European countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of FDI in Central Europe: Short-Run Effects in Manufacturing

Book Description: The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the start of an economic and political trans... more Book Description: The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the start of an economic and political transition for the countries of Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. Key to this shift is foreign direct investment (FDI), the application of which will determine a nation's success in moving from centrally-planned to market economies. Both geographic regions approach the problem differently, with China and Vietnam aiming for market-oriented socialism and the European countries becoming more democratic and privatized. Each method has had ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Benchmarking of Governmental Support Measures for University-Industry Cooperation

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Which Individual Characteristics are Associated with Academic Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Estonia

International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Apr 1, 2019

This study aims to find out how academic workers’ characteristics are associated with their owner... more This study aims to find out how academic workers’ characteristics are associated with their ownership in firms. It is based on quantitative data for the whole population of academic staff from Estonian public universities. Variables portraying age, academic field, professorship, number of publications and research grants are applied in analysing academic workers having ownership in firms. The results indicate that being a professor, having Science as the primary academic field, and a larger number of publications increase the likelihood of academic ownership while a larger number of grants decreases it. The age of academic worker is not a significant determinant of the likelihood of academic ownership.

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Research paper thumbnail of Links Between Foreign Direct Investment and Innovation Activities in Estonia

Innovation, technology and knowledge management, Nov 19, 2011

There is a growing literature focusing on analyzing the productivity gap between domestic and for... more There is a growing literature focusing on analyzing the productivity gap between domestic and foreign firms with differences in innovation indicators. In this chapter, we analyze the relationship between inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) at either company or industry level and the innovation behavior of companies in Estonia. We used company-level data from three waves of the Community Innovation Surveys, which were combined with financial data from the Estonian Business Register and FDI data from the Balance of Payments statistics. For the analysis, we used propensity score matching. Our results show that the higher innovation output of foreign-owned companies vanished after controlling for a number of company characteristics, but there were significant differences in innovation inputs, such as the higher use of knowledge sourcing and the lower importance of various impeding factors. Both domestic and foreign-owned firms with outward investments are more innovative.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sources Of Innovation In The Estonian Forest And Wood Cluster

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Flows of foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Which firms use universities as cooperation partners? - A comparative view in Europe

International Journal of Technology Management, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Outward FDI on Home-Country Employment in a Low-Cost Transition Economy

Social Science Research Network, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Eesti puidusektori konkurentsivõime arengut takistavad tegurid

University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2004

If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view i... more If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note that these files are not on the IDEAS site. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The autonomy of managers by business functions in the foreign subsidiaries from transition countries

University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Huvihariduse ja huvitegevuse pakkujad ning noorsootöötajad kohalikes omavalitsustes

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Research paper thumbnail of Eesti puidusektori konkurentsivõime

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Culture on the Perception of Product Packaging: A Multimethod Cross-Cultural Study

Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Sep 13, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Autonomy and Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Transition Countries

Social Science Research Network, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Home-Country Employment in a Low-Cost Transition Economy

Eastern European Economics, Nov 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Inward FDI in Estonia: motivational and obstacles/inhibiting factors associated with the MNC’s subsidiary export performance

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business

This study investigates the main inward FDI factors, i.e., motivational factors and obstacles/inh... more This study investigates the main inward FDI factors, i.e., motivational factors and obstacles/inhibiting factors associated with the subsidiary's export performance in the host country, Estonia. The study is based on 89 in-depth interviews with the CEOs of subsidiaries of firms in Estonia, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The study concludes that 27 independent variables are important when studying the antecedent factors of the subsidiary's export performance. The study reveals five research streams from the literature review, namely inward FDI, outward FDI, motivational factors of FDI, obstacles/inhibiting factors of FDI, and the subsidiary's export performance. The most prominent research stream is the obstacles/inhibiting factors of FDI and both outward FDI and motivational factors of FDI are also important. Additionally, the study investigates 31 factors, of which 13 are found to be important factors based on SEM fit. In particular, six motivational factors and seven obstacles/inhibiting factors significantly influence the subsidiary's export performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of ECR2 Economic Crisis: Resilience of Regions

The picture of the economic situation in Europe resulting from the crisis that began in 2008 look... more The picture of the economic situation in Europe resulting from the crisis that began in 2008 looks rather asymmetrical and diverse with regions that were not or hardly touched by the crises at all, with regions that were touched but that seem to recover rather progressively and with regions that still suffer quite a lot from the crisis. The fast and successful recovery of some particular regions strikes the eye and raises the question of what is behind this success. The economic crisis and recovery are at the core of all recent policy initiatives that set the framework for territorial development and cohesion policy. The objective of this project is to expose territorial evidence that supports policymakers at different administrative levels in making the economic structure(s) in Europe and its countries, regions and cities more resilient to economic crises and a sudden economic downturn

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