Ulla Kinnunen | Tampere University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ulla Kinnunen

Research paper thumbnail of Leader motivation as a building block for sustainable leader careers: The relationship between leadership motivation profiles and leader and follower outcomes

Journal of Vocational Behavior, Aug 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Family-Supportive Organization Perceptions, Multiple Dimensions of Work–Family Conflict, and Employee Satisfaction

Palgrave Macmillan eBooks, Aug 19, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Work-family balance and its relations to job and personal characteristics and wellbeing: A person-oriented approach

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Family-Supportive Organization Perceptions, Multiple Dimensions of Work-Family Conflict, and Employee Satisfaction: A Test of Model across Five Samples

Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Työstressi ja siitä palautuminen : Katsaus alan tutkimuksen kehitykseen

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Research paper thumbnail of Työelämä muuttuu – muuttuuko työntekijän psykologisen sopimuksen sisältö? Katsaus viimeaikaiseen tutkimukseen

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of School Psychologists’ Ethical Strain and Rumination: Individual Profiles and Their Associations with Weekly Well-Being

Psychology in the Schools, Dec 26, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The person-oriented approach to burnout: A systematic review

Burnout Research, Mar 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Job characteristics and recovery experiences: testing causal relationships across one year

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Nais- ja miesjohtajat työn ja perheen yhteen sovittajina: voimia esimiestuesta

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformational leadership and depressive symptoms among employees: mediating factors

Leadership & organization development journal, May 27, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Does aging make employees more resilient to job stress? Age as a moderator in the job stressor–well-being relationship in three Finnish occupational samples

Aging & Mental Health, May 1, 2013

This study examined whether an employee&a... more This study examined whether an employee's age moderates the relationships between job stressors (i.e. job insecurity, workload, work-family conflict) and self-rated well-being (i.e. work-family enrichment, life satisfaction, job satisfaction, vigor at work). Analysis of covariance and moderated hierarchical regression analysis were used to examine the cross-sectional Finnish data collected among service sector employees (N = 1037), nurses (N = 1719), and academic employees (N = 945). In a situation of high job insecurity, the younger nurses reported higher work-family enrichment, job satisfaction, and vigor compared to their older colleagues. A similar result was also found among the service sector workers in relation to vigor at work. Thus, young age buffered against negative outcomes related to job insecurity. Moreover, older age buffered against the negative effect of high workload on job satisfaction among the service sector and against high work-family conflict on life satisfaction among the academic employees. More attention should be paid to the ability of younger employees to manage problems related to work-family imbalance and high workload, and to older employees' ability to cope with job insecurity. The findings of this study recommend different stress management interventions for older and younger employees.

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Research paper thumbnail of Need Satisfaction and Optimal Functioning at Leisure and Work: A Longitudinal Validation Study of the DRAMMA Model

Journal of Happiness Studies, Mar 26, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of International business travelers’ psychological well-being: the role of supportive HR practices

International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jun 16, 2016

This study examines the effects of the job demands typical of international business travel (i.e.... more This study examines the effects of the job demands typical of international business travel (i.e., workload, pressure, and risks associated with destinations) and those of supportive HR practices applied as a job resource on psychological well-being (job exhaustion, vigor and satisfaction with work-related travel) among international business travelers (IBTs). The study is theoretically based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model and both health impairment and motivational processes were examined alongside the interaction effects of job demands and job resources. The study was conducted among 232 Finnish IBTs. Path analysis based on structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that, of the job demands, workload and pressure experienced in work demanding international business travel predicted job exhaustion, but risks related to travel destinations did not. Viewed as job resources, supportive HR practices for traveling predicted vigor and satisfaction with traveling work. They also provided a buffer agai...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Interplay between Work-Family Conflict and Enrichment in a Three-Wave Study

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Research paper thumbnail of Work-family balance and its correlates among Finnish academic professionals : profiling the experiences of work-family conflict and enrichment

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Research paper thumbnail of Parental Work and Children's Behavior: The Mediator Roles of Partner Relationship and Parenthood

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jul 3, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Work stress, poor recovery and burnout in teachers

WOS, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Work-related ill- and well-being among Finnish sport coaches: Exploring the relationships between job demands, job resources, burnout and work engagement

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, Oct 25, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Profiles of Mental Well- and Ill-Being Among Elite Athletes: Associations With Sport-Related Demands and Resources

Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology

The aim of the present study was to identify profiles of elite athlete mental well- and ill-being... more The aim of the present study was to identify profiles of elite athlete mental well- and ill-being and study how the profiles (i.e., subgroups of athletes) differed in sport-related demands and resources. A total of 259 Finnish elite athletes (n = 170 active and n = 89 retired) completed quantitative self-report inventories. Through cluster analysis, four profiles of mental well- and ill-being were identified. Profile 1 was overrepresented by retired, older, and male athletes, and characterized by good mental well-being. Profile 2 consisted mainly of active athletes who reported mild risk for alcohol abuse. Profile 3 consisted mainly of women who displayed possible presence of an eating disorder. Profile 4 was typical of young athletes with mental ill-being. The balance between sport-related demands and resources appeared to be the healthiest in Profile 1 and worst in Profile 4. The present findings are beneficial for those who work with and/or provide psychological support to athletes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leader motivation as a building block for sustainable leader careers: The relationship between leadership motivation profiles and leader and follower outcomes

Journal of Vocational Behavior, Aug 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Family-Supportive Organization Perceptions, Multiple Dimensions of Work–Family Conflict, and Employee Satisfaction

Palgrave Macmillan eBooks, Aug 19, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Work-family balance and its relations to job and personal characteristics and wellbeing: A person-oriented approach

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Family-Supportive Organization Perceptions, Multiple Dimensions of Work-Family Conflict, and Employee Satisfaction: A Test of Model across Five Samples

Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Työstressi ja siitä palautuminen : Katsaus alan tutkimuksen kehitykseen

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Research paper thumbnail of Työelämä muuttuu – muuttuuko työntekijän psykologisen sopimuksen sisältö? Katsaus viimeaikaiseen tutkimukseen

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of School Psychologists’ Ethical Strain and Rumination: Individual Profiles and Their Associations with Weekly Well-Being

Psychology in the Schools, Dec 26, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The person-oriented approach to burnout: A systematic review

Burnout Research, Mar 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Job characteristics and recovery experiences: testing causal relationships across one year

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Nais- ja miesjohtajat työn ja perheen yhteen sovittajina: voimia esimiestuesta

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformational leadership and depressive symptoms among employees: mediating factors

Leadership & organization development journal, May 27, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Does aging make employees more resilient to job stress? Age as a moderator in the job stressor–well-being relationship in three Finnish occupational samples

Aging & Mental Health, May 1, 2013

This study examined whether an employee&a... more This study examined whether an employee's age moderates the relationships between job stressors (i.e. job insecurity, workload, work-family conflict) and self-rated well-being (i.e. work-family enrichment, life satisfaction, job satisfaction, vigor at work). Analysis of covariance and moderated hierarchical regression analysis were used to examine the cross-sectional Finnish data collected among service sector employees (N = 1037), nurses (N = 1719), and academic employees (N = 945). In a situation of high job insecurity, the younger nurses reported higher work-family enrichment, job satisfaction, and vigor compared to their older colleagues. A similar result was also found among the service sector workers in relation to vigor at work. Thus, young age buffered against negative outcomes related to job insecurity. Moreover, older age buffered against the negative effect of high workload on job satisfaction among the service sector and against high work-family conflict on life satisfaction among the academic employees. More attention should be paid to the ability of younger employees to manage problems related to work-family imbalance and high workload, and to older employees' ability to cope with job insecurity. The findings of this study recommend different stress management interventions for older and younger employees.

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Research paper thumbnail of Need Satisfaction and Optimal Functioning at Leisure and Work: A Longitudinal Validation Study of the DRAMMA Model

Journal of Happiness Studies, Mar 26, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of International business travelers’ psychological well-being: the role of supportive HR practices

International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jun 16, 2016

This study examines the effects of the job demands typical of international business travel (i.e.... more This study examines the effects of the job demands typical of international business travel (i.e., workload, pressure, and risks associated with destinations) and those of supportive HR practices applied as a job resource on psychological well-being (job exhaustion, vigor and satisfaction with work-related travel) among international business travelers (IBTs). The study is theoretically based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model and both health impairment and motivational processes were examined alongside the interaction effects of job demands and job resources. The study was conducted among 232 Finnish IBTs. Path analysis based on structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that, of the job demands, workload and pressure experienced in work demanding international business travel predicted job exhaustion, but risks related to travel destinations did not. Viewed as job resources, supportive HR practices for traveling predicted vigor and satisfaction with traveling work. They also provided a buffer agai...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Interplay between Work-Family Conflict and Enrichment in a Three-Wave Study

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Research paper thumbnail of Work-family balance and its correlates among Finnish academic professionals : profiling the experiences of work-family conflict and enrichment

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Research paper thumbnail of Parental Work and Children's Behavior: The Mediator Roles of Partner Relationship and Parenthood

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jul 3, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Work stress, poor recovery and burnout in teachers

WOS, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Work-related ill- and well-being among Finnish sport coaches: Exploring the relationships between job demands, job resources, burnout and work engagement

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, Oct 25, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Profiles of Mental Well- and Ill-Being Among Elite Athletes: Associations With Sport-Related Demands and Resources

Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology

The aim of the present study was to identify profiles of elite athlete mental well- and ill-being... more The aim of the present study was to identify profiles of elite athlete mental well- and ill-being and study how the profiles (i.e., subgroups of athletes) differed in sport-related demands and resources. A total of 259 Finnish elite athletes (n = 170 active and n = 89 retired) completed quantitative self-report inventories. Through cluster analysis, four profiles of mental well- and ill-being were identified. Profile 1 was overrepresented by retired, older, and male athletes, and characterized by good mental well-being. Profile 2 consisted mainly of active athletes who reported mild risk for alcohol abuse. Profile 3 consisted mainly of women who displayed possible presence of an eating disorder. Profile 4 was typical of young athletes with mental ill-being. The balance between sport-related demands and resources appeared to be the healthiest in Profile 1 and worst in Profile 4. The present findings are beneficial for those who work with and/or provide psychological support to athletes.

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