Jorge Arede | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) (original) (raw)

Papers by Jorge Arede

Research paper thumbnail of Space occupation near the basket shapes collective behaviours in youth basketball

This study aimed to analyse how youth basketball players explored numerical overloads during shot... more This study aimed to analyse how youth basketball players explored numerical overloads during shot attempts by measuring their space occupation across specific court areas. Four process-tracing variables measured how the number of attackers (NA), number of defenders (ND), interpersonal distance between attacker and the closest defender (ID) and distance between attacker and the basket (DBkt) impacted on the performance outcome (converted shot; missed shot; ball possession lost). Ten competitive games involving 13 U14 teams were video recorded and players' displacements were digitised. The associations between performance outcomes and the process-tracing measures were assessed using standardised mean differences and a cross-correlation function. A multinomial logistic regression was used to calculate the odds ratio (OR) for each of the three possible outcomes. Results revealed that when shot attempts occurred at larger ID and at smaller DBkt, the possibilities to obtain a converted shot increased. The numerical overload of defenders near the scoring target was predominantly associated with offensive success. Also, the possibility of attackers to lead the spatial relation of movements with the defenders, near the scoring target, appeared as a prominent strategy to succeed. In sum, basketball teams that exhibit potential to adapt their collective behaviours to local changes in the environment might be closer to achieving successful outcomes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring collective spatial distribution in basketball

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Research paper thumbnail of O Desporto é uma Escola de Vida? Relação entre as Atitudes no Desporto e a Qualidade de Vida (Dados Preliminares)

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Research paper thumbnail of Tactical analysis of elite football teams – a mixed method aproach

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Research paper thumbnail of Níveis de stress e rendimento escolar em alunos de Desporto e Atividade Física

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Research paper thumbnail of Revista nº 5 Sociedade Científica de Pedagogia do Desporto

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Research paper thumbnail of Treinadores de Excelência: Características  Diferenciadoras

In the current context the coaches have to be knowledgeable, competent and qualified to meet the... more In the current context the coaches have to be knowledgeable, competent and
qualified to meet the demands’ athletes (International Council for Excellence
& Coaching Association of Summer Olympic International Federations,
2012) and the study of coaches’ excellence can provide us a guide to improve
coaches’ performance (Schempp, Webster, McCullick, Busch, & Mason,
2007). This study aimed to assess which features are presented by the expert
coaches. Between March and April 2014, occurred a search in B-on database
and ResearchGate scientific network, which resulted in 11 registers and were
added more two articles provided directly by the authors, all published in the
last five years in Portuguese and English languages. The documents’ analysis
showed the absence of a unanimous expert coach’ profile, although the
features found may be framed in different components of the coaching
effectiveness (Côté & Gilbert, 2009). However, we highlight characteristics
such as knowledge, search for continuous improvement, dedication, passion,
adaptability and effective communication that reinforce pursuit for
systematic performance improvement and continuous learning throughout
life as essential prerequisites for the development of excellence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Relação entre variáveis cinemáticas e economia de corrida em alunos universitários

O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a existência de relação entre variáveis cinemát... more O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a existência de relação entre variáveis cinemáticas da
fase de contacto da corrida e também com variáveis fisiológicas ligadas à economia de
corrida, em alunos universitários.
Dois alunos realizaram 10 séries de 400 metros, com registo vídeo do exercício e
monitorização da frequência cardíaca, responderam ainda a uma escala de perceção subjetiva
de esforço (Foster, 1998).
Os dados foram analisados através dos softwares Kinovea 0.8.15 e IBM SPSS Statistics 19,
com um Alpha de Cronbach superior a .726. O ângulo do joelho no toe-off apresentou-se
como um indicador da técnica e economia de corrida, em exercícios com intensidade
submáxima, que justifica o treino da força dos membros inferiores e a sua monitorização com
recurso a tecnologias da informação e comunicação.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leisure -time physical activity of disabled people – what constraints?

This study aimed to assess how literature described the barriers and constraints that prevent/ c... more This study aimed to assess how literature described the barriers and constraints that prevent/
constrain the participation in leisure -time physical activity for disabled people. For this review, B -on,
Scielo and Google Scholar databases were used to search bibliographic sources, resulting in different
types of articles with relief (n = 5), supplemented by other sources presented in articles’ bibliography
(n= 6). The sources, were later grouped and presented in various types of disabilities, physical disability, mental disability and hearing impairment.
Documents analysis showed that disabled people were constrained by: i) structural barriers, at
transcontinental level and independently of its type of disability; ii) economic reasons, especially the
subjects with physical disabilities; iii) social issues, in particular the attitude that society has towards
people with disabilities, that constrains its practice of leisure -time physical activity. A systematic review
showed that the emerging paradigm of an inclusive recreational sport and leisure-time physical activity presents weaknesses because disabled people were faced with a diverse set of barriers/constraints
(intrapersonal, interpersonal and structural) in order to access to leisure -time physical activity, which
should be removed together with the promotion of stimuli, increasing the opportunities for practice
and consequently the levels of leisure-time physical activity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Space occupation near the basket shapes collective behaviours in youth basketball

This study aimed to analyse how youth basketball players explored numerical overloads during shot... more This study aimed to analyse how youth basketball players explored numerical overloads during shot attempts by measuring their space occupation across specific court areas. Four process-tracing variables measured how the number of attackers (NA), number of defenders (ND), interpersonal distance between attacker and the closest defender (ID) and distance between attacker and the basket (DBkt) impacted on the performance outcome (converted shot; missed shot; ball possession lost). Ten competitive games involving 13 U14 teams were video recorded and players' displacements were digitised. The associations between performance outcomes and the process-tracing measures were assessed using standardised mean differences and a cross-correlation function. A multinomial logistic regression was used to calculate the odds ratio (OR) for each of the three possible outcomes. Results revealed that when shot attempts occurred at larger ID and at smaller DBkt, the possibilities to obtain a converted shot increased. The numerical overload of defenders near the scoring target was predominantly associated with offensive success. Also, the possibility of attackers to lead the spatial relation of movements with the defenders, near the scoring target, appeared as a prominent strategy to succeed. In sum, basketball teams that exhibit potential to adapt their collective behaviours to local changes in the environment might be closer to achieving successful outcomes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring collective spatial distribution in basketball

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Research paper thumbnail of O Desporto é uma Escola de Vida? Relação entre as Atitudes no Desporto e a Qualidade de Vida (Dados Preliminares)

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Research paper thumbnail of Tactical analysis of elite football teams – a mixed method aproach

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Research paper thumbnail of Níveis de stress e rendimento escolar em alunos de Desporto e Atividade Física

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Research paper thumbnail of Revista nº 5 Sociedade Científica de Pedagogia do Desporto

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Research paper thumbnail of Treinadores de Excelência: Características  Diferenciadoras

In the current context the coaches have to be knowledgeable, competent and qualified to meet the... more In the current context the coaches have to be knowledgeable, competent and
qualified to meet the demands’ athletes (International Council for Excellence
& Coaching Association of Summer Olympic International Federations,
2012) and the study of coaches’ excellence can provide us a guide to improve
coaches’ performance (Schempp, Webster, McCullick, Busch, & Mason,
2007). This study aimed to assess which features are presented by the expert
coaches. Between March and April 2014, occurred a search in B-on database
and ResearchGate scientific network, which resulted in 11 registers and were
added more two articles provided directly by the authors, all published in the
last five years in Portuguese and English languages. The documents’ analysis
showed the absence of a unanimous expert coach’ profile, although the
features found may be framed in different components of the coaching
effectiveness (Côté & Gilbert, 2009). However, we highlight characteristics
such as knowledge, search for continuous improvement, dedication, passion,
adaptability and effective communication that reinforce pursuit for
systematic performance improvement and continuous learning throughout
life as essential prerequisites for the development of excellence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Relação entre variáveis cinemáticas e economia de corrida em alunos universitários

O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a existência de relação entre variáveis cinemát... more O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a existência de relação entre variáveis cinemáticas da
fase de contacto da corrida e também com variáveis fisiológicas ligadas à economia de
corrida, em alunos universitários.
Dois alunos realizaram 10 séries de 400 metros, com registo vídeo do exercício e
monitorização da frequência cardíaca, responderam ainda a uma escala de perceção subjetiva
de esforço (Foster, 1998).
Os dados foram analisados através dos softwares Kinovea 0.8.15 e IBM SPSS Statistics 19,
com um Alpha de Cronbach superior a .726. O ângulo do joelho no toe-off apresentou-se
como um indicador da técnica e economia de corrida, em exercícios com intensidade
submáxima, que justifica o treino da força dos membros inferiores e a sua monitorização com
recurso a tecnologias da informação e comunicação.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leisure -time physical activity of disabled people – what constraints?

This study aimed to assess how literature described the barriers and constraints that prevent/ c... more This study aimed to assess how literature described the barriers and constraints that prevent/
constrain the participation in leisure -time physical activity for disabled people. For this review, B -on,
Scielo and Google Scholar databases were used to search bibliographic sources, resulting in different
types of articles with relief (n = 5), supplemented by other sources presented in articles’ bibliography
(n= 6). The sources, were later grouped and presented in various types of disabilities, physical disability, mental disability and hearing impairment.
Documents analysis showed that disabled people were constrained by: i) structural barriers, at
transcontinental level and independently of its type of disability; ii) economic reasons, especially the
subjects with physical disabilities; iii) social issues, in particular the attitude that society has towards
people with disabilities, that constrains its practice of leisure -time physical activity. A systematic review
showed that the emerging paradigm of an inclusive recreational sport and leisure-time physical activity presents weaknesses because disabled people were faced with a diverse set of barriers/constraints
(intrapersonal, interpersonal and structural) in order to access to leisure -time physical activity, which
should be removed together with the promotion of stimuli, increasing the opportunities for practice
and consequently the levels of leisure-time physical activity.

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