UT Austin Portugal Program 2019 Annual Conference - Poster Exhibition - UT Austin Portugal (original) (raw)

Below is a list of the exhibited posters at the 2019 Annual Conference, approved for online publication by the authors.

Advanced Computing

  1. Rare Event Detection in High Energy Physics
    Submitted by Tiago Dias do Vale
    Affiliation: LIP
    Contact: tiago.vale@cern.ch
  2. HPC method for steady state 2D convection-diffusion equation on complex geometries
    Submitted by Diogo Lopes
    Affiliation: ALGORITMI Centre, UMinho
  3. Multi-physics simulations in astronomy
    Submitted by Tjarda C. N. Boekholt
    Affiliation: Instituito de Telecomunicações (IT)
    Contact: tjardaboekholt@gmail.com
  4. SKA Science Data Challenges (SDCs)
    Submitted by Bruno Coelho
    Affiliation: Instituito de Telecomunicações (IT)
    Contact: brunodfcoelho@av.it.pt

Medical Physics

  1. _Optimization meets Medical Physics for improved Arc-Therapy treatments delivery_Submitted by Humberto Rocha
    Affiliation: University of Coimbra
    Contact: hrocha@mat.uc.pt
  2. SyncRGB-FLIM: Synchronous fluorescence imaging of Red, Green and Blue dyes enabled by ultra-broadband few-cycle laser excitation and fluorescence lifetime detection
    Submitted by Christian Maibohm
    Affiliation: INL
    Contact: christian.maibohm@inl.int


  1. _An interdigital electrode based triboelectric nanogenerator for blue energy harvesting_Submitted by Cátia Rodrigues
    Affiliation: IFIMUP & FCUP
    Contact: catia.rodrigues@fc.up.pt
  2. High Performance Asymmetrical Supercapacitors Based on Bi-Metallic Transition Metal Phosphide Nanocrystals
    Submitted by Nan Zhang
    Affiliation: INL
    Contact: nan.zhang@inl.int
  3. Growth of 2D chalcogenide heterostructures (InSe, In2Se3 and GaSe) and applications
    Submitted by Marcel Claro
    Affiliation: INL
    Contact: marcel.claro@inl.int
  4. _Targeted and externally controlled nanotheranotics of triple-negative-breast-cancer _Submitted by Manuel Bañobre-López
    Affiliation: INL
    Contact: manuel.banobre@inl.int
  5. Electrowave – ELECTROWetting heat pipes for cooling Applications in electric Vehicles
    Submitted by Ana MoitaAffiliation: IN+
    Contact: anamoita@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
  6. Optical Sensors and Photoactive Molecules for new Materials
    Submitted by Ana Silva
    Affiliation: LAQV/ REQUIMTE, FCUP
    Contact: ana.silva@fc.up.pt
  7. Graphene-based materials for photothermal therapy of skin cancer
    Submitted by Raquel Costa-Almeida
    Affiliation: i3S, INEB
    Contact: rcalmeida@i3s.up.pt
  8. N-type thermoelectric fabrics based on vapor grown carbon nanofibers
    Submitted by António Paleo
    Affiliation: University of Minho
    Contact: ajpaleovieito@2c2t.uminho.pt
  9. Non-equilibrium heat and charge transport in nanocrystal superlatticies: in silico study
    Submitted by Sergey V. Pyrlin
    Affiliation: Center of Physics of the University of of Minho and University of Porto
    Contact: pyrlinsv@fisica.uminho.pt
  10. Phase and Composition Mapping of Polycrystalline Li-ion NCM Cathodes
    Submitted by Cristiana Alves
    Affiliation: INL
    Contact: cristiana.alves@inl.int
  11. In-Situ Aberration-Corrected TEM Nanoindentation of Silver Nanoparticles
    Submitted by Fátima ZorroAffiliation: INL, ISP
    Contact: fatima.zorro@inl.int
  12. Self-organised binary nanocrystal superlattices for next generation thermoelectrics
    Submitted by Nagendra Singh ChauhanAffiliation: INL
    Contact: nagendra.chauhan@inl.int
  13. Influence of Ag content on the high temperature tribological behavior of TiSiN(Ag) films deposited by HiPIMS
    Submitted by Filipe Daniel FernandesAffiliation: University of Coimbra, Czech Technical University in Prague
    Contact: filipe.fernandes@dem.uc.pt

Space-Earth Interactions

  1. Atmosphere-ocean interactions in the North Atlantic Ocean through the relation between SLA and teleconnection patterns
    Submitted by Clara Lázaro and Isabel Iglesias
    Affiliation: FCUP, CIIMAR
    Contact: clazaro@fc.up.pt
  2. GPD+: a methodology for the computation of the wet Tropospheric Correction for coastal Satellite Altimetry
    Submitted by Clara Lázaro Affiliation: FCUP, CIIMAR
    Contact: clazaro@fc.up.pt
  3. I SEA – Virtual reality to evaluate audience attitudes about science communication
    Submitted by António Fernando Coelho
    Affiliation: FEUP, INESC TEC
    Contact: acoelho@fe.up.pt
  4. Development of a new multipurpose wave energy converter – REEFS (Renewable Electric Energy From Sea)
    Submitted by José Lopes de Almeida
    Affiliation: MARE, University of Coimbra
    Contact: jppgla@dec.uc.pt
  5. Gamma radiation monitoring at the Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) station (Azores)
    Submitted by Susana Barbosa
    Affiliation: INESC TEC
    Contact: susana.a.barbosa@inesctec.pt
  6. UAV-based imagery for intertidal zone mapping: potential synergy between local high-resolution information and lower-resolution satellite EO data
    Submitted by Ana Bio
    Affiliation: CIIMAR
    Contact: anabio@ciimar.up.pt

Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  1. Understanding Bio Health Technologies Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: An Intellectual Capital Approach
    Submitted by Dina Pereira
    Affiliation: UBI, NECE, CEG-IST
    Contact: dina@ubi.pt
  2. Caracterizing technological incubators as ‘’Innovation Reefs’’: A Social Innovation Approach
    Submitted by Carlo Castellanelli
    Affiliation: Ku Leuven, University of Aveiro
    Contact: carlo.castellanelli@ua.pt