Bryan Roberts | The University of Texas at Austin (original) (raw)

Papers by Bryan Roberts

Research paper thumbnail of 9. The Evolution of Pastoral Villages and the Significance of Agrarian Reform in the Highlands of Central Peru

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction and Overview: Marginality Then and Now

Abstract: This paper derives from a LARR-sponsored forum at the LASA 2003 Congress held in Dallas... more Abstract: This paper derives from a LARR-sponsored forum at the LASA 2003 Congress held in Dallas in March 2003. Targeted at younger scholars, a panel of leading researchers whose early work was shaped by marginality and dependency thinking of the 1960s were invited to reflect cross-generationally about how para-digms analyzing poverty in Latin American cities have shifted from that time to the present. Specifically, each of the authors compares “marginality ” as it was construed more than three decades ago with contemporary constructions of pov-erty and social organization arising from their more recent research. While there are important continuities, the authors concur that the so-called “new poverty” today is very different, being more structural, more segmented and, perhaps para-doxically, more exclusionary than before. Moreover, the shift from a largely patrimonialist and undemocratic state towards one that, while more democratic, is also slimmer and downsized, thereby shiftin...

Research paper thumbnail of Urbanization, migration, and development

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms

Research paper thumbnail of The New Social Policies in Latin America and the Development of Citizenship: An Interface Perspective

Social Policy in Latin America is at a crucial juncture as it decentralizes, becomes more flexibl... more Social Policy in Latin America is at a crucial juncture as it decentralizes, becomes more flexible in its administration and includes actors other than central government in its implementation. An important means of understanding the significance of these

Research paper thumbnail of Committee

May 2005This dissertation is dedicated to my best friend and life partner, Andy, who has always s... more May 2005This dissertation is dedicated to my best friend and life partner, Andy, who has always supported me, guided me, and inspired me. To my parents, Nan and Ralph, and sister, Melissa, for always encouraging me to reach for the stars. And to B.E.L. who motivated me to the very end. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I owe my gratitude to so many people along the way who helped me pass this milestone and great accomplishment. I thank the wonderful teachers and mentors at Bucknell University who embraced my vision of combining academic research and enrichment with hands-on experiences. It was their faith in my abilities as a Sociologist that led me to the University of Texas. I am grateful to the Andrew Mellon Foundation for the study of Latin American Sociology who has funded my graduate career in its entirety. Peter Ward was always willing to provide me with the financial backing necessary to carry out my Master’s, pre-dissertation, and dissertation fieldwork. Without his support, this research m...

Research paper thumbnail of Female-Headed Households, Living Arrangements, and Poverty in Mexico Committee

I wish to thank many people who have contributed greatly to the completion of this dissertation. ... more I wish to thank many people who have contributed greatly to the completion of this dissertation. First of all, this dissertation would not have been possible without my two excellent supervisors. Professor Bryan Roberts led me to the research of Latin America, and his brilliant ideas always stimulated my academic creativity. Professor Andrés Villarreal has played a central role in the development of my intellectual and scholarly interest. I would like to show my sincere gratitude to them for their constant supports and guidance. Susan Roberts was a hidden supervisor of my dissertation. Her warmness and sense of humor provided me with great relaxations in every stressful time, and her love for human society always inspired me. I extend my special thanks to Professor Thomas Pullum, who was my first year mentor and a committee member. His willingness to listen to me and provide helpful advices was motivating force in my academic life. Other members of my dissertation committee, Profess...

Research paper thumbnail of Migration and the Agrarian Structure

Research paper thumbnail of Urbanization and Underdevelopment Before the Modern Period

Research paper thumbnail of El protestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala

... El protestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala. Título del libro, "Elprotestan... more ... El protestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala. Título del libro, "Elprotestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala". Autor del libro, Roberts, Bryan Vielman, Julio. trad. Colección, Estudios centroamericanos, 2. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Poverty, the Household and Coping with Urban Life

Research paper thumbnail of 1. Introduction

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of 11. Peasant Cooperation and Underdevelopment in Central Peru

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of 9. The Evolution of Pastoral Villages and the Significance of Agrarian Reform in the Highlands of Central Peru

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of 5. The Bases of Industrial Cooperation in Huancayo

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of Sobrino, Jaime (2010), Migración interna en México durante el siglo XX, México, Consejo Nacional de Población

Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos

Research paper thumbnail of Residential Segregation and Governance in the Americas: An Overview

Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas, 2009

... 1990), Wayne Cornelius (1975), and Larissa Lomnitz (1977); Bogota by Alan Gilbert and Peter W... more ... 1990), Wayne Cornelius (1975), and Larissa Lomnitz (1977); Bogota by Alan Gilbert and Peter Ward (1985); Lima by Henry Dietz (1980) and David Collier (1976); Santiago by Manuel Castells (1983); Buenos Aires by James Scobie (1971). ... Brent Hall, G. and Peters, P.(2003). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Differentiation, Inequality, and Urban Policy: The Findings

Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of La informalidad urbana en años de expansión, crisis y restructuración económica

Estudios Sociologicos, 1993

1 Los países incluidos en los cuadros estadísticos son: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Co-lombia, Méxi... more 1 Los países incluidos en los cuadros estadísticos son: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Co-lombia, México y Perú. Además utilizamos resultados de investigaciones referentes a México, y en ocasiones a Brasil y Perú, para ilustrar situaciones particulares. 2 Este enfoque es frecuentemente ...

Research paper thumbnail of Surveys as Instruments of ModernizationThe Case of Mexico

Amer Behav Sci, 1998

Survey research in Mexico has flourished as an instrument in the country's modern... more Survey research in Mexico has flourished as an instrument in the country's modernization, particularly since the 1970s. It has profited from a close association with government. This association has, at times, led to an uneasy relationship with academics, but in recent years, the increasing availability of official survey data has permitted independent critiques of the government's own analysis of surveys

Research paper thumbnail of Migración urbana y cambio en la organización provincial en la sierra central de Perú

Ethnica Revista De Antropologia, 1973

Research paper thumbnail of 9. The Evolution of Pastoral Villages and the Significance of Agrarian Reform in the Highlands of Central Peru

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction and Overview: Marginality Then and Now

Abstract: This paper derives from a LARR-sponsored forum at the LASA 2003 Congress held in Dallas... more Abstract: This paper derives from a LARR-sponsored forum at the LASA 2003 Congress held in Dallas in March 2003. Targeted at younger scholars, a panel of leading researchers whose early work was shaped by marginality and dependency thinking of the 1960s were invited to reflect cross-generationally about how para-digms analyzing poverty in Latin American cities have shifted from that time to the present. Specifically, each of the authors compares “marginality ” as it was construed more than three decades ago with contemporary constructions of pov-erty and social organization arising from their more recent research. While there are important continuities, the authors concur that the so-called “new poverty” today is very different, being more structural, more segmented and, perhaps para-doxically, more exclusionary than before. Moreover, the shift from a largely patrimonialist and undemocratic state towards one that, while more democratic, is also slimmer and downsized, thereby shiftin...

Research paper thumbnail of Urbanization, migration, and development

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms

Research paper thumbnail of The New Social Policies in Latin America and the Development of Citizenship: An Interface Perspective

Social Policy in Latin America is at a crucial juncture as it decentralizes, becomes more flexibl... more Social Policy in Latin America is at a crucial juncture as it decentralizes, becomes more flexible in its administration and includes actors other than central government in its implementation. An important means of understanding the significance of these

Research paper thumbnail of Committee

May 2005This dissertation is dedicated to my best friend and life partner, Andy, who has always s... more May 2005This dissertation is dedicated to my best friend and life partner, Andy, who has always supported me, guided me, and inspired me. To my parents, Nan and Ralph, and sister, Melissa, for always encouraging me to reach for the stars. And to B.E.L. who motivated me to the very end. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I owe my gratitude to so many people along the way who helped me pass this milestone and great accomplishment. I thank the wonderful teachers and mentors at Bucknell University who embraced my vision of combining academic research and enrichment with hands-on experiences. It was their faith in my abilities as a Sociologist that led me to the University of Texas. I am grateful to the Andrew Mellon Foundation for the study of Latin American Sociology who has funded my graduate career in its entirety. Peter Ward was always willing to provide me with the financial backing necessary to carry out my Master’s, pre-dissertation, and dissertation fieldwork. Without his support, this research m...

Research paper thumbnail of Female-Headed Households, Living Arrangements, and Poverty in Mexico Committee

I wish to thank many people who have contributed greatly to the completion of this dissertation. ... more I wish to thank many people who have contributed greatly to the completion of this dissertation. First of all, this dissertation would not have been possible without my two excellent supervisors. Professor Bryan Roberts led me to the research of Latin America, and his brilliant ideas always stimulated my academic creativity. Professor Andrés Villarreal has played a central role in the development of my intellectual and scholarly interest. I would like to show my sincere gratitude to them for their constant supports and guidance. Susan Roberts was a hidden supervisor of my dissertation. Her warmness and sense of humor provided me with great relaxations in every stressful time, and her love for human society always inspired me. I extend my special thanks to Professor Thomas Pullum, who was my first year mentor and a committee member. His willingness to listen to me and provide helpful advices was motivating force in my academic life. Other members of my dissertation committee, Profess...

Research paper thumbnail of Migration and the Agrarian Structure

Research paper thumbnail of Urbanization and Underdevelopment Before the Modern Period

Research paper thumbnail of El protestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala

... El protestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala. Título del libro, "Elprotestan... more ... El protestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala. Título del libro, "Elprotestantismo en dos barrios marginales de Guatemala". Autor del libro, Roberts, Bryan Vielman, Julio. trad. Colección, Estudios centroamericanos, 2. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Poverty, the Household and Coping with Urban Life

Research paper thumbnail of 1. Introduction

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of 11. Peasant Cooperation and Underdevelopment in Central Peru

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of 9. The Evolution of Pastoral Villages and the Significance of Agrarian Reform in the Highlands of Central Peru

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of 5. The Bases of Industrial Cooperation in Huancayo

Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru

Research paper thumbnail of Sobrino, Jaime (2010), Migración interna en México durante el siglo XX, México, Consejo Nacional de Población

Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos

Research paper thumbnail of Residential Segregation and Governance in the Americas: An Overview

Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas, 2009

... 1990), Wayne Cornelius (1975), and Larissa Lomnitz (1977); Bogota by Alan Gilbert and Peter W... more ... 1990), Wayne Cornelius (1975), and Larissa Lomnitz (1977); Bogota by Alan Gilbert and Peter Ward (1985); Lima by Henry Dietz (1980) and David Collier (1976); Santiago by Manuel Castells (1983); Buenos Aires by James Scobie (1971). ... Brent Hall, G. and Peters, P.(2003). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Differentiation, Inequality, and Urban Policy: The Findings

Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of La informalidad urbana en años de expansión, crisis y restructuración económica

Estudios Sociologicos, 1993

1 Los países incluidos en los cuadros estadísticos son: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Co-lombia, Méxi... more 1 Los países incluidos en los cuadros estadísticos son: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Co-lombia, México y Perú. Además utilizamos resultados de investigaciones referentes a México, y en ocasiones a Brasil y Perú, para ilustrar situaciones particulares. 2 Este enfoque es frecuentemente ...

Research paper thumbnail of Surveys as Instruments of ModernizationThe Case of Mexico

Amer Behav Sci, 1998

Survey research in Mexico has flourished as an instrument in the country's modern... more Survey research in Mexico has flourished as an instrument in the country's modernization, particularly since the 1970s. It has profited from a close association with government. This association has, at times, led to an uneasy relationship with academics, but in recent years, the increasing availability of official survey data has permitted independent critiques of the government's own analysis of surveys

Research paper thumbnail of Migración urbana y cambio en la organización provincial en la sierra central de Perú

Ethnica Revista De Antropologia, 1973