Rabun Taylor | The University of Texas at Austin (original) (raw)

Papers by Rabun Taylor

Research paper thumbnail of Bread and Water: Septimius Severus and the Rise of the Curator Aquarum Et Miniciae


Until a few decades ago, it was generally believed that the celebrated aqueduct-powered flour mil... more Until a few decades ago, it was generally believed that the celebrated aqueduct-powered flour mills on the Janiculum Hill in ancient Rome were an invention of the late third or the fourth century AD2 Their importance in the late-antique city can be ... 1 Acknowledgments. The ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Pantheon

Research paper thumbnail of Daughters of Mnemosyne: Architecture, Distributed Cognition, and the Helleno-Roman Theater

Research paper thumbnail of Georgia A. Aristodemou, Theodosios P. Tassios (Edd.): Great Waterworks in Roman Greece. Aqueducts and Monumental Fountain Structures. Function in Context

Research paper thumbnail of Wheels, Keels, and Coins: Aquae Apollinares (Vicarello, Lazio) and Patterns of Pilgrimage in 3rd-Century Italy

Research paper thumbnail of The Pantheon: From Antiquity to the Present, edited by Tod A. Marder and Mark Wilson Jones

American Journal of Archaeology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Roman Oscilla: An Assessment

Res: Anthropology and aesthetics, 2005

... Rosanna Mazzacane (1980) sees two conflated rituals here: that of suspension, which represent... more ... Rosanna Mazzacane (1980) sees two conflated rituals here: that of suspension, which represents the status of souls hovering between the earthly and heavenly realms; and that of oscillation ... Figure 7. Long Meg and her Daughters, a stone circle near Penrith, Cumbria (UK). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Building the Image of the "Urbs" in Antiquity: Response

Proceedings of the Xvith Intrnational Congress of Classical Arachaeology Common Ground Archaeology Art Science and Humanities 2006 Isbn 1842171836 Pags 205 207, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Reading’ space in the houses of Pompeii's Regio VI. Mark Grahame, READING SPACE: SOCIAL INTERACTION AND IDENTITY IN THE HOUSES OF ROMAN POMPEII (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 886; Archaeopress, Oxford 2000). Pp. viii + 205, figs., tables. ISBN 1-84171-086-5

Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of River Raptures: Containment And Control Of Water In Greek And Roman Constructions Of Identity

The Nature and Function of Water, Baths, Bathing and Hygiene from Antiquity through the Renaissance

Like all important natural phenomena, local waters in the Greco- Roman world were given individua... more Like all important natural phenomena, local waters in the Greco- Roman world were given individualized identities as nymphs or gods. This practice merged traditions of anthropomorphism with specific, localized properties. This chapter investigates two common types of water personalities in myth. First, there is the tendency of a water God, to be a reincarnation of a person who drowned in the water or died nearby. Second, there is a folkloric pattern in Greek culture of a hybrid water god who, when wrestled into submission, yields secret knowledge to his opponent. The symbolism of water has always been laden with intimations of danger and mortality. Acheloos appears in Greek myth as a shape-shifter who alternates among the forms of a man, a bull, and a serpent. The bull-man, a wild thing half-tamed, must often have served as a multivalent symbol and a tool of colonial hegemony. Keywords: bull-man; Greco- Roman world; water God

Research paper thumbnail of The Temple of the Dioscuri and the Mythic Origins of Neapolis

Remembering Parthenope, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Torrent or Trickle? The Aqua Alsietina, the Naumachia Augusti, and the Transtiberim

American Journal of Archaeology, 1997

... INTRODUCTION AND PRIMARY SOURCES The Aqua Alsietina (fig. 1), sometimes calledAqua Augusta, a... more ... INTRODUCTION AND PRIMARY SOURCES The Aqua Alsietina (fig. 1), sometimes calledAqua Augusta, and its initial raison d'etre, the Naumachia Augusti, are in many ways the most mysterious of all Rome's major waterworks. We owe what little we ...

Research paper thumbnail of Labor Force and Execution

Ulrich/A Companion to Roman Architecture, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Temples and Terracottas at Cosa

American Journal of Archaeology, 2002

Abstract The architectural terracottas of Cosa, found in great quantities around the town&amp... more Abstract The architectural terracottas of Cosa, found in great quantities around the town's temples, were sorted into an elaborate morphology in the 1950s. This morphology is often cited as a basis for the chronologies and histories of the temples and as a model by which to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rabun Taylor. Review of "The Ancient Middle Classes: Urban Life and Aesthetics in the Roman Empire, 100 BCE–250 CE" by Emanuel Mayer

Research paper thumbnail of A Citeriobe Ripa Aquae: Aqueduct River Crossings in the Ancient City of Rome

Within the ancient city of Rome, six aqueducts are known to have crossed the river Tiber. Five of... more Within the ancient city of Rome, six aqueducts are known to have crossed the river Tiber. Five of the crossings may be deduced from Frontinus's ancient treatise De aquaeductu, written early in Trajan's principate, and yet until recent times topographers of the city, lacking any ...

Research paper thumbnail of Two Pathic Subcultures in Ancient Rome

SINCE KJ D 0 V ER' S pathbreaking study of Greek homosexuality in 1978, students of antiquit... more SINCE KJ D 0 V ER' S pathbreaking study of Greek homosexuality in 1978, students of antiquity have slowly but surely recognized that the Roman world, though owing much to Greece, has its own distinct sexual history.' In the Roman sources we see a social model of male ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Cult of Sirens and Greek Colonial Identity in Southern Italy

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2010

Abstract The southern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy was the locus of the only known cults of the Sire... more Abstract The southern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy was the locus of the only known cults of the Sirens in antiquity. While a famous sanctuary of the Sirens was situated on the Sorrentine Peninsula at the southern end of the Bay of Naples, the cities of Neapolis and Terina seem to have ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rabun Taylor. Review of "Imperium and Cosmos: Augustus in the Northern Campus Martius" by Paul Rehak and John G. Younger

Research paper thumbnail of Hadrian's Serapeum in Rome

American Journal of Archaeology, 2004

Page 1. American Journal of Archaeology 108 (2004)223–66 223 Hadrian's Serapeum in R... more Page 1. American Journal of Archaeology 108 (2004)223–66 223 Hadrian's Serapeum in Rome RABUN TAYLOR Abstract Doubts persist about the identity and origins of the colossal temple on the Quirinal Hill in Rome, of which only small fragments remain. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Bread and Water: Septimius Severus and the Rise of the Curator Aquarum Et Miniciae


Until a few decades ago, it was generally believed that the celebrated aqueduct-powered flour mil... more Until a few decades ago, it was generally believed that the celebrated aqueduct-powered flour mills on the Janiculum Hill in ancient Rome were an invention of the late third or the fourth century AD2 Their importance in the late-antique city can be ... 1 Acknowledgments. The ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Pantheon

Research paper thumbnail of Daughters of Mnemosyne: Architecture, Distributed Cognition, and the Helleno-Roman Theater

Research paper thumbnail of Georgia A. Aristodemou, Theodosios P. Tassios (Edd.): Great Waterworks in Roman Greece. Aqueducts and Monumental Fountain Structures. Function in Context

Research paper thumbnail of Wheels, Keels, and Coins: Aquae Apollinares (Vicarello, Lazio) and Patterns of Pilgrimage in 3rd-Century Italy

Research paper thumbnail of The Pantheon: From Antiquity to the Present, edited by Tod A. Marder and Mark Wilson Jones

American Journal of Archaeology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Roman Oscilla: An Assessment

Res: Anthropology and aesthetics, 2005

... Rosanna Mazzacane (1980) sees two conflated rituals here: that of suspension, which represent... more ... Rosanna Mazzacane (1980) sees two conflated rituals here: that of suspension, which represents the status of souls hovering between the earthly and heavenly realms; and that of oscillation ... Figure 7. Long Meg and her Daughters, a stone circle near Penrith, Cumbria (UK). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Building the Image of the "Urbs" in Antiquity: Response

Proceedings of the Xvith Intrnational Congress of Classical Arachaeology Common Ground Archaeology Art Science and Humanities 2006 Isbn 1842171836 Pags 205 207, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Reading’ space in the houses of Pompeii's Regio VI. Mark Grahame, READING SPACE: SOCIAL INTERACTION AND IDENTITY IN THE HOUSES OF ROMAN POMPEII (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 886; Archaeopress, Oxford 2000). Pp. viii + 205, figs., tables. ISBN 1-84171-086-5

Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of River Raptures: Containment And Control Of Water In Greek And Roman Constructions Of Identity

The Nature and Function of Water, Baths, Bathing and Hygiene from Antiquity through the Renaissance

Like all important natural phenomena, local waters in the Greco- Roman world were given individua... more Like all important natural phenomena, local waters in the Greco- Roman world were given individualized identities as nymphs or gods. This practice merged traditions of anthropomorphism with specific, localized properties. This chapter investigates two common types of water personalities in myth. First, there is the tendency of a water God, to be a reincarnation of a person who drowned in the water or died nearby. Second, there is a folkloric pattern in Greek culture of a hybrid water god who, when wrestled into submission, yields secret knowledge to his opponent. The symbolism of water has always been laden with intimations of danger and mortality. Acheloos appears in Greek myth as a shape-shifter who alternates among the forms of a man, a bull, and a serpent. The bull-man, a wild thing half-tamed, must often have served as a multivalent symbol and a tool of colonial hegemony. Keywords: bull-man; Greco- Roman world; water God

Research paper thumbnail of The Temple of the Dioscuri and the Mythic Origins of Neapolis

Remembering Parthenope, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Torrent or Trickle? The Aqua Alsietina, the Naumachia Augusti, and the Transtiberim

American Journal of Archaeology, 1997

... INTRODUCTION AND PRIMARY SOURCES The Aqua Alsietina (fig. 1), sometimes calledAqua Augusta, a... more ... INTRODUCTION AND PRIMARY SOURCES The Aqua Alsietina (fig. 1), sometimes calledAqua Augusta, and its initial raison d'etre, the Naumachia Augusti, are in many ways the most mysterious of all Rome's major waterworks. We owe what little we ...

Research paper thumbnail of Labor Force and Execution

Ulrich/A Companion to Roman Architecture, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Temples and Terracottas at Cosa

American Journal of Archaeology, 2002

Abstract The architectural terracottas of Cosa, found in great quantities around the town&amp... more Abstract The architectural terracottas of Cosa, found in great quantities around the town's temples, were sorted into an elaborate morphology in the 1950s. This morphology is often cited as a basis for the chronologies and histories of the temples and as a model by which to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rabun Taylor. Review of "The Ancient Middle Classes: Urban Life and Aesthetics in the Roman Empire, 100 BCE–250 CE" by Emanuel Mayer

Research paper thumbnail of A Citeriobe Ripa Aquae: Aqueduct River Crossings in the Ancient City of Rome

Within the ancient city of Rome, six aqueducts are known to have crossed the river Tiber. Five of... more Within the ancient city of Rome, six aqueducts are known to have crossed the river Tiber. Five of the crossings may be deduced from Frontinus's ancient treatise De aquaeductu, written early in Trajan's principate, and yet until recent times topographers of the city, lacking any ...

Research paper thumbnail of Two Pathic Subcultures in Ancient Rome

SINCE KJ D 0 V ER' S pathbreaking study of Greek homosexuality in 1978, students of antiquit... more SINCE KJ D 0 V ER' S pathbreaking study of Greek homosexuality in 1978, students of antiquity have slowly but surely recognized that the Roman world, though owing much to Greece, has its own distinct sexual history.' In the Roman sources we see a social model of male ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Cult of Sirens and Greek Colonial Identity in Southern Italy

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2010

Abstract The southern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy was the locus of the only known cults of the Sire... more Abstract The southern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy was the locus of the only known cults of the Sirens in antiquity. While a famous sanctuary of the Sirens was situated on the Sorrentine Peninsula at the southern end of the Bay of Naples, the cities of Neapolis and Terina seem to have ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rabun Taylor. Review of "Imperium and Cosmos: Augustus in the Northern Campus Martius" by Paul Rehak and John G. Younger

Research paper thumbnail of Hadrian's Serapeum in Rome

American Journal of Archaeology, 2004

Page 1. American Journal of Archaeology 108 (2004)223–66 223 Hadrian's Serapeum in R... more Page 1. American Journal of Archaeology 108 (2004)223–66 223 Hadrian's Serapeum in Rome RABUN TAYLOR Abstract Doubts persist about the identity and origins of the colossal temple on the Quirinal Hill in Rome, of which only small fragments remain. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rome: an Urban History from Antiquity to the Present, by Rabun Taylor, Katherine Rinne, and Spiro Kostof (d), (Cambridge University Press:  September 2016).

Spanning the entire history of the city of Rome from Iron Age village to modern metropolis,... more Spanning the entire history of the city of Rome from Iron Age village to modern metropolis, this is the first book to take the long view of the Eternal City as an urban organism. Three thousand years old and counting, Rome has thrived almost from the start on self-reference, supplementing the everyday concerns of urban management and planning by projecting its own past onto the city of the moment. This is a study of the urban processes by which Rome's people and leaders, both as custodians of its illustrious past and as agents of its expansive power, have shaped and conditioned its urban fabric by manipulating geography and organizing space; planning infrastructure; designing and presiding over mythmaking, ritual, and stagecraft; controlling resident and transient populations; and exploiting Rome's standing as a seat of global power and a religious capital.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Event, 31 January 2017. Rome: an Urban History from Antiquity to the Present

UC Berkeley, College of Environmental Design: Book Event to celebrate publication of "Rome: an Ur... more UC Berkeley, College of Environmental Design:
Book Event to celebrate publication of "Rome: an Urban History from Antiquity to the Present" by Rabun Taylor, Katherine Rinne, and Spiro Kostof. The event will also honor the legacy of Prof. Spiro Kostof who taught at UC Berkeley from 1965 until his death in 1991. His former students, friends, and colleagues are especially welcome. We look forward to seeing you.