Gregory Kaplan | University of Tennessee Knoxville (original) (raw)
Papers by Gregory Kaplan
Education Research International, 2023
Collaboration among students working in groups to master new material has been defined as "studen... more Collaboration among students working in groups to master new material has been defined as "student team learning." While past research has focused on student team learning in the classroom, this study presents evidence of student team learning by students working in groups online in a flipped learning environment. An online group activity conducted during a classroom offering of an upper-level university course in the fall of 2019 is compared with the same group activity conducted during an asynchronous offering of the same course in the spring of 2021. On both occasions, groups used Google Docs, and screenshots reveal that student team learning occurred similarly within groups working online in the classroom and in an asynchronous course. The evidence provided is particularly relevant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the development at universities worldwide of simultaneous classroom and asynchronous offerings of courses.
The modern appreciation for democratic values is often assumed to have its roots in Classical tho... more The modern appreciation for democratic values is often assumed to have its roots in Classical thought. However, democracy has taken various forms in its progression to the governance many countries now employ. Working in seventeenth-century Amsterdam, in dialog with Protestants, Jewish thinkers voiced the first Modern appeal for the reestablishment of a Jewish polity in the Holy Land. This appeal was grounded in a vision of a Jewish state governed by individual liberty and popular consent, which could be defined as a democratic Zionism. This book is the first to link the modern appreciation for democratic freedom directly to this moment in Jewish political thought. The book focuses on influential rabbi Saul Levi Morteira, as well as two of the most renowned members of his congregation, Baruch Spinoza and Miguel de Barrios. Unlike contemporary Catholic and Protestant thinkers, these three intellectuals found democratic values in an Old Testament polity that came to be revered as the Hebrew Republic. The book explores the trajectory by which this democratization of the Hebrew Republic evolved in the writings of Morteira as an alternative to divine-right rule. It then shows that, in spite of their divergent views toward practicing Judaism, Spinoza and Barrios disseminated Morteira’s democratic ideas and promoted the Hebrew Republic as a model polity for a post-medieval political order. This book will be of great use to scholars of Judaism and Jewish philosophy in the modern era, medieval and early modern Spanish literature, as well as religious, political and intellectual history.
In this episode, "La Cantabria medieval," which aired on Spanish TVE 2 on August 18, 20... more In this episode, "La Cantabria medieval," which aired on Spanish TVE 2 on August 18, 2014, I discuss my theory regarding the formation of the Spanish language in southern Cantabria from Late Antiquity through the early Middle Ages.
Anales de Literatura Española, 1992
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 2011
ABSTRACT The publication of The Song of the Cid, a new translation by Burton Raffel (with an intr... more ABSTRACT The publication of The Song of the Cid, a new translation by Burton Raffel (with an introduction and notes by María Rosa Menocal) of Spain's only surviving, nearly complete epic poem, invites a comparison with previous renditions, in particular The Poem of the Cid, its predecessor in the Penguin Classics series, which includes a translation by Rita Hamilton and Janet Perry and an introduction and notes by Ian Michael. This comparison raises the obvious question of whether a new translation is necessary. The answer to this question is affirmative inasmuch as there is a niche for such a translation in courses in areas other than medieval Spanish literature, for which instructors require an edition designed for nonspecialist readers with an English rendition that preserves the spirit of the original work. Michael's highly annotated introduction in The Poem of the Cid is intended for those who seek a thorough overview of the major features of the poem and issues related to its structure, versification, and theories regarding its composition; these readers are likely to consult the wide range of studies that Michael identifies in his notes. In The Song of the Cid Menocal offers a more concisely written introduction that makes the epic poem accessible to readers with limited background knowledge. Menocal does an excellent job covering the most important aspects of the work, in particular the historical facts concerning Rodrigo Díaz's life, and includes a concise description of suggested further readings. On several occasions, she centers her discussion on concepts that the epic poem is purported to communicate and those that are actually expressed in the text; for example, she explains that the theme of Christian reconquest is much less important than the theme of exile and that the work itself is not "openly anti-Muslim". Without going into great detail, Menocal points out important facts related to the original manuscript, including the 1779 edition by Tomas Antonio S´anchez, the reference to Per Abbat in the explicit, and the lacuna at the beginning of the manuscript; she also mentions other medieval works that deal with the Cid. In addition, Menocal briefly touches upon the theories concerning the possible oral or learned composition of The Song of the Cid and discusses the modern critics that assessed it against the backdrop of Francisco Franco's regime. Like the original Penguin volume, the English translation in The Song of the Cid is accompanied by a parallel Old Spanish text that appears to be identical to the Spanish text in The Poem of the Cid. One unfortunate omission of the Spanish text in The Song of the Cid is that it does not, unlike the older Penguin edition, include verse numbers or folio numbers that correspond to the surviving manuscript, which are very helpful when comparing the text with paleographic or facsimile editions. Raffel's translation is based on Colin Smith's 1985 edition of the Poema de Mio Cid, although, as his "Note on the Translation", explains, "I have occasionally not followed Smith, particularly with regard to line sequence and the correct placement of the arabic numerals indicating a new section (laisse)". A major difference between the old and new Penguin editions is the form into which the translation has been rendered; whereas Hamilton and Perry provide a prose translation of the work, Raffel follows the original text with a verse translation. The process of completing a translation inevitably involves choices. In general Raffel's rendition is a pleasure to read, and he successfully preserves the lively tone of the original text, as is evident in the following passages: After three weeks, as the fourth began, My Cid thought it was best to confer with his men: "They've blocked our water supply; soon we'll be out of bread. We can't sneak out at night; They're terribly strong for us to fight them. Tell me what you wish, my worthy knights". Brave Minaya was the first to speak: "We've left sweet Castile behind us. If we don't fight the Moors, they surely won't feed us. We are six hundred strong, and maybe more: In the name of God, our only choice...
La corónica A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages Literatures and Cultures
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Con la publicación de Cantar de M... more In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Con la publicación de Cantar de Mio Cid, Juan Carlos Bayo e Ian Michael han producido una valiosa y versátil edición de una de las obras claves de la literatura medieval española. Merece señalar que Cantar de Mio Cid no reemplaza Poema de Mio Cid, la anterior edición hecha por Michael para la serie Clásicos Castalia, cuyo aparato crítico la hace adecuada para inclusión en cursos de nivel de doctorado y como fuente para la realización de estudios críticos sobre el gran poema épico. A la misma vez, la realización de Cantar de Mio Cid es importante porque en esta nueva edición los editores mantienen la base erudita de Poema de Mio Cid y la elaboran de una manera que el nuevo volumen puede utilizarse tanto en clases avanzadas de nivel de pregrado como en clases de nivel graduado. Cantar de Mio Cid se abre con una introducción que, aunque más concisa que la que compuso Michael para Poema de Mio Cid, cubre adecuadamente una v...
Enarratio: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest, 2019
h.htm#link182HCH0001): "The Jews had for a great while had three sects of philosophy peculiar to ... more h.htm#link182HCH0001): "The Jews had for a great while had three sects of philosophy peculiar to themselves; the sect of the Essens, and the sect of the Sadducees, and the third sort of opinions was that of those called Pharisees" (book 18, chapter 1, paragraph 2).
La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Riv... more La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Rivas, “La lengua de las mariposas”, “Un saxo en la niebla”, y “Carmiña”. Aunque no hay vínculos directos entre estos cuentos en el volumen en el que fueron publicados, ¿Qué me quieres, amor? (el cual es una traducción al castellano del original gallego titulado ¿Qué me queres, amor?), en el presente estudio ofrezco un análisis de los enlaces establecidos entre las historias para crear una trama fílmica unida. En particular, identifico una trayectoria narrativa que comparten los tres cuentos, según la cual el protagonista de cada uno sufre de un miedo que empieza a superar por medio de una relación con otro individuo. Aunque el protagonista comienza una transformación emocional, este proceso es finalmente obstaculizado, dejando al protagonista en un estado reprimido. Explicaré cómo la fusión de los tres cuentos en la película se lleva a cabo en torno a los paralelos entre ellos, resultando ...
Literatura Espanola Y Cine 2002 Isbn 84 7491 681 X Pags 27 42, 2002
Información del artículo Una revisitación franquista del "Lazarillo de Tormes".
La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Riv... more La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Rivas, "La lengua de las mariposas", "Un saxo en la niebla", y "Carmiña". Aunque no hay vínculos directos entre estos cuentos en el volumen en el que fueron publicados, ¿Qué me quieres, amor? (el cual es una traducción al castellano del original gallego titulado ¿Qué me queres, amor?), en el presente estudio ofrezco un análisis de los enlaces establecidos entre las historias para crear una trama fílmica unida. En particular, identifico una trayectoria narrativa que comparten los tres cuentos, según la cual el protagonista de cada uno sufre de un miedo que empieza a superar por medio de una relación con otro individuo. Aunque el protagonista comienza una transformación emocional, este proceso es finalmente obstaculizado, dejando al protagonista en un estado reprimido. Explicaré cómo la fusión de los tres cuentos en la película se lleva a cabo en torno a los paralelos entre ellos, resultando así en la creación de un vehículo visual que comunica el tema socio-político que informa el cuento que da el título y la historia principal a la película. En mi estudio pondré de relieve los elementos de cada cuento que se explotan en la película para amplificar este tema socio-político, esto es, la crítica del sistema educativo de los nacionales y, por extensión, de la represión franquista.
This is the first book to offer a translation into English-as well as a critical study-of a Spani... more This is the first book to offer a translation into English-as well as a critical study-of a Spanish treatise written around 1650 by Rabbi Saul Levi Morteira, whose most renowned congregant was Baruch Spinoza. Aimed at encouraging the practice of halachic Judaism among the Amsterdam-based descendants of conversos, Spanish and Portuguese Sephardic Jews who had been forced to convert to Christianity, the book stages a dialogue between two conversos that ultimately leads to a vision of a Jewish homeland-an outcome that Morteira thought was only possible through his program for rejudaisation.
Hispanofila Literatura Ensayos, 2002
Información del artículo The (Columbian) Myth of Syphilis: a Textual Perspective.
Cuaderno Internacional De Estudios Humanisticos, 2008
Información del artículo Jewish Tendencies in Converso Humor: a Psychoanalytical Approach.
Hispanofila Literatura Ensayos, 1998
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Revista De Estudios Hispanicos, 2007
En el presente articulo idenTifico Ia presencia de algunos rasgos LingiifsTicos en Ia Toponimia c... more En el presente articulo idenTifico Ia presencia de algunos rasgos LingiifsTicos en Ia Toponimia canTabra COil elfin de proponer que Ia aparente irradiacion de estos rasgos desde Valderredible (una region de wzos 300 km 2 ubicada en e/ extremo sur de Ia Comunidad Autonoma de Cantabria, EspGiia), y por extension La irradiacion de Ia naciente lengua espwiola, fue el resultado de haberse esTablecido a/If w1 imporTante foco de peregrinaje. Este foco de peregrinaje empezo a prosperar en e/ siglo VI tras instalarse en una de las iglesias rupestres de Valderredible wz ermitaiio //amado Emiliano (n. 474-m. 574 }, mejor conocido como San Millan, cuyo culto de devocion fue ampliado durante los siguientes siglos por una comunidad de anacoretas. Explico que el prestigio asociado con el culto a Millan en Valderredible habrla sido un aspecto fundamental en Ia diseminaci6n de tendencias lingiifsticas arcaizantes que habrfan contribuido a La formacion del caracter arcaizante del espwiol.
Tropelias Revista De Teoria De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, 2001
Información del artículo An overlooked source of Galdos' Marianela: Pepita Jiménez.
Mitos Actas Del Vii Congreso Internacional De La Asociacion Espanola De Semiotica Celebrado En La Universidad De Zaragoza Del 4 Al 9 De Noviembre De 1996 Vol 2 1998 Isbn 84 922916 4 8 Pags 703 710, 1998
Información del artículo Hacia una desmitificación del "mito" propagado por Américo Cas... more Información del artículo Hacia una desmitificación del "mito" propagado por Américo Castro: el caso de Juan Poeta.
Cuaderno Internacional De Estudios Humanisticos, 2009
Información del artículo La Cantabria rupestre: un análisis de la Peña Horacada (Valderredible, E... more Información del artículo La Cantabria rupestre: un análisis de la Peña Horacada (Valderredible, España).
Education Research International, 2023
Collaboration among students working in groups to master new material has been defined as "studen... more Collaboration among students working in groups to master new material has been defined as "student team learning." While past research has focused on student team learning in the classroom, this study presents evidence of student team learning by students working in groups online in a flipped learning environment. An online group activity conducted during a classroom offering of an upper-level university course in the fall of 2019 is compared with the same group activity conducted during an asynchronous offering of the same course in the spring of 2021. On both occasions, groups used Google Docs, and screenshots reveal that student team learning occurred similarly within groups working online in the classroom and in an asynchronous course. The evidence provided is particularly relevant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the development at universities worldwide of simultaneous classroom and asynchronous offerings of courses.
The modern appreciation for democratic values is often assumed to have its roots in Classical tho... more The modern appreciation for democratic values is often assumed to have its roots in Classical thought. However, democracy has taken various forms in its progression to the governance many countries now employ. Working in seventeenth-century Amsterdam, in dialog with Protestants, Jewish thinkers voiced the first Modern appeal for the reestablishment of a Jewish polity in the Holy Land. This appeal was grounded in a vision of a Jewish state governed by individual liberty and popular consent, which could be defined as a democratic Zionism. This book is the first to link the modern appreciation for democratic freedom directly to this moment in Jewish political thought. The book focuses on influential rabbi Saul Levi Morteira, as well as two of the most renowned members of his congregation, Baruch Spinoza and Miguel de Barrios. Unlike contemporary Catholic and Protestant thinkers, these three intellectuals found democratic values in an Old Testament polity that came to be revered as the Hebrew Republic. The book explores the trajectory by which this democratization of the Hebrew Republic evolved in the writings of Morteira as an alternative to divine-right rule. It then shows that, in spite of their divergent views toward practicing Judaism, Spinoza and Barrios disseminated Morteira’s democratic ideas and promoted the Hebrew Republic as a model polity for a post-medieval political order. This book will be of great use to scholars of Judaism and Jewish philosophy in the modern era, medieval and early modern Spanish literature, as well as religious, political and intellectual history.
In this episode, "La Cantabria medieval," which aired on Spanish TVE 2 on August 18, 20... more In this episode, "La Cantabria medieval," which aired on Spanish TVE 2 on August 18, 2014, I discuss my theory regarding the formation of the Spanish language in southern Cantabria from Late Antiquity through the early Middle Ages.
Anales de Literatura Española, 1992
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 2011
ABSTRACT The publication of The Song of the Cid, a new translation by Burton Raffel (with an intr... more ABSTRACT The publication of The Song of the Cid, a new translation by Burton Raffel (with an introduction and notes by María Rosa Menocal) of Spain's only surviving, nearly complete epic poem, invites a comparison with previous renditions, in particular The Poem of the Cid, its predecessor in the Penguin Classics series, which includes a translation by Rita Hamilton and Janet Perry and an introduction and notes by Ian Michael. This comparison raises the obvious question of whether a new translation is necessary. The answer to this question is affirmative inasmuch as there is a niche for such a translation in courses in areas other than medieval Spanish literature, for which instructors require an edition designed for nonspecialist readers with an English rendition that preserves the spirit of the original work. Michael's highly annotated introduction in The Poem of the Cid is intended for those who seek a thorough overview of the major features of the poem and issues related to its structure, versification, and theories regarding its composition; these readers are likely to consult the wide range of studies that Michael identifies in his notes. In The Song of the Cid Menocal offers a more concisely written introduction that makes the epic poem accessible to readers with limited background knowledge. Menocal does an excellent job covering the most important aspects of the work, in particular the historical facts concerning Rodrigo Díaz's life, and includes a concise description of suggested further readings. On several occasions, she centers her discussion on concepts that the epic poem is purported to communicate and those that are actually expressed in the text; for example, she explains that the theme of Christian reconquest is much less important than the theme of exile and that the work itself is not "openly anti-Muslim". Without going into great detail, Menocal points out important facts related to the original manuscript, including the 1779 edition by Tomas Antonio S´anchez, the reference to Per Abbat in the explicit, and the lacuna at the beginning of the manuscript; she also mentions other medieval works that deal with the Cid. In addition, Menocal briefly touches upon the theories concerning the possible oral or learned composition of The Song of the Cid and discusses the modern critics that assessed it against the backdrop of Francisco Franco's regime. Like the original Penguin volume, the English translation in The Song of the Cid is accompanied by a parallel Old Spanish text that appears to be identical to the Spanish text in The Poem of the Cid. One unfortunate omission of the Spanish text in The Song of the Cid is that it does not, unlike the older Penguin edition, include verse numbers or folio numbers that correspond to the surviving manuscript, which are very helpful when comparing the text with paleographic or facsimile editions. Raffel's translation is based on Colin Smith's 1985 edition of the Poema de Mio Cid, although, as his "Note on the Translation", explains, "I have occasionally not followed Smith, particularly with regard to line sequence and the correct placement of the arabic numerals indicating a new section (laisse)". A major difference between the old and new Penguin editions is the form into which the translation has been rendered; whereas Hamilton and Perry provide a prose translation of the work, Raffel follows the original text with a verse translation. The process of completing a translation inevitably involves choices. In general Raffel's rendition is a pleasure to read, and he successfully preserves the lively tone of the original text, as is evident in the following passages: After three weeks, as the fourth began, My Cid thought it was best to confer with his men: "They've blocked our water supply; soon we'll be out of bread. We can't sneak out at night; They're terribly strong for us to fight them. Tell me what you wish, my worthy knights". Brave Minaya was the first to speak: "We've left sweet Castile behind us. If we don't fight the Moors, they surely won't feed us. We are six hundred strong, and maybe more: In the name of God, our only choice...
La corónica A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages Literatures and Cultures
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Con la publicación de Cantar de M... more In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Con la publicación de Cantar de Mio Cid, Juan Carlos Bayo e Ian Michael han producido una valiosa y versátil edición de una de las obras claves de la literatura medieval española. Merece señalar que Cantar de Mio Cid no reemplaza Poema de Mio Cid, la anterior edición hecha por Michael para la serie Clásicos Castalia, cuyo aparato crítico la hace adecuada para inclusión en cursos de nivel de doctorado y como fuente para la realización de estudios críticos sobre el gran poema épico. A la misma vez, la realización de Cantar de Mio Cid es importante porque en esta nueva edición los editores mantienen la base erudita de Poema de Mio Cid y la elaboran de una manera que el nuevo volumen puede utilizarse tanto en clases avanzadas de nivel de pregrado como en clases de nivel graduado. Cantar de Mio Cid se abre con una introducción que, aunque más concisa que la que compuso Michael para Poema de Mio Cid, cubre adecuadamente una v...
Enarratio: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest, 2019
h.htm#link182HCH0001): "The Jews had for a great while had three sects of philosophy peculiar to ... more h.htm#link182HCH0001): "The Jews had for a great while had three sects of philosophy peculiar to themselves; the sect of the Essens, and the sect of the Sadducees, and the third sort of opinions was that of those called Pharisees" (book 18, chapter 1, paragraph 2).
La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Riv... more La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Rivas, “La lengua de las mariposas”, “Un saxo en la niebla”, y “Carmiña”. Aunque no hay vínculos directos entre estos cuentos en el volumen en el que fueron publicados, ¿Qué me quieres, amor? (el cual es una traducción al castellano del original gallego titulado ¿Qué me queres, amor?), en el presente estudio ofrezco un análisis de los enlaces establecidos entre las historias para crear una trama fílmica unida. En particular, identifico una trayectoria narrativa que comparten los tres cuentos, según la cual el protagonista de cada uno sufre de un miedo que empieza a superar por medio de una relación con otro individuo. Aunque el protagonista comienza una transformación emocional, este proceso es finalmente obstaculizado, dejando al protagonista en un estado reprimido. Explicaré cómo la fusión de los tres cuentos en la película se lleva a cabo en torno a los paralelos entre ellos, resultando ...
Literatura Espanola Y Cine 2002 Isbn 84 7491 681 X Pags 27 42, 2002
Información del artículo Una revisitación franquista del "Lazarillo de Tormes".
La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Riv... more La lengua de las mariposas es una película basada en tres cuentos del escritor gallego Manuel Rivas, "La lengua de las mariposas", "Un saxo en la niebla", y "Carmiña". Aunque no hay vínculos directos entre estos cuentos en el volumen en el que fueron publicados, ¿Qué me quieres, amor? (el cual es una traducción al castellano del original gallego titulado ¿Qué me queres, amor?), en el presente estudio ofrezco un análisis de los enlaces establecidos entre las historias para crear una trama fílmica unida. En particular, identifico una trayectoria narrativa que comparten los tres cuentos, según la cual el protagonista de cada uno sufre de un miedo que empieza a superar por medio de una relación con otro individuo. Aunque el protagonista comienza una transformación emocional, este proceso es finalmente obstaculizado, dejando al protagonista en un estado reprimido. Explicaré cómo la fusión de los tres cuentos en la película se lleva a cabo en torno a los paralelos entre ellos, resultando así en la creación de un vehículo visual que comunica el tema socio-político que informa el cuento que da el título y la historia principal a la película. En mi estudio pondré de relieve los elementos de cada cuento que se explotan en la película para amplificar este tema socio-político, esto es, la crítica del sistema educativo de los nacionales y, por extensión, de la represión franquista.
This is the first book to offer a translation into English-as well as a critical study-of a Spani... more This is the first book to offer a translation into English-as well as a critical study-of a Spanish treatise written around 1650 by Rabbi Saul Levi Morteira, whose most renowned congregant was Baruch Spinoza. Aimed at encouraging the practice of halachic Judaism among the Amsterdam-based descendants of conversos, Spanish and Portuguese Sephardic Jews who had been forced to convert to Christianity, the book stages a dialogue between two conversos that ultimately leads to a vision of a Jewish homeland-an outcome that Morteira thought was only possible through his program for rejudaisation.
Hispanofila Literatura Ensayos, 2002
Información del artículo The (Columbian) Myth of Syphilis: a Textual Perspective.
Cuaderno Internacional De Estudios Humanisticos, 2008
Información del artículo Jewish Tendencies in Converso Humor: a Psychoanalytical Approach.
Hispanofila Literatura Ensayos, 1998
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Revista De Estudios Hispanicos, 2007
En el presente articulo idenTifico Ia presencia de algunos rasgos LingiifsTicos en Ia Toponimia c... more En el presente articulo idenTifico Ia presencia de algunos rasgos LingiifsTicos en Ia Toponimia canTabra COil elfin de proponer que Ia aparente irradiacion de estos rasgos desde Valderredible (una region de wzos 300 km 2 ubicada en e/ extremo sur de Ia Comunidad Autonoma de Cantabria, EspGiia), y por extension La irradiacion de Ia naciente lengua espwiola, fue el resultado de haberse esTablecido a/If w1 imporTante foco de peregrinaje. Este foco de peregrinaje empezo a prosperar en e/ siglo VI tras instalarse en una de las iglesias rupestres de Valderredible wz ermitaiio //amado Emiliano (n. 474-m. 574 }, mejor conocido como San Millan, cuyo culto de devocion fue ampliado durante los siguientes siglos por una comunidad de anacoretas. Explico que el prestigio asociado con el culto a Millan en Valderredible habrla sido un aspecto fundamental en Ia diseminaci6n de tendencias lingiifsticas arcaizantes que habrfan contribuido a La formacion del caracter arcaizante del espwiol.
Tropelias Revista De Teoria De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, 2001
Información del artículo An overlooked source of Galdos' Marianela: Pepita Jiménez.
Mitos Actas Del Vii Congreso Internacional De La Asociacion Espanola De Semiotica Celebrado En La Universidad De Zaragoza Del 4 Al 9 De Noviembre De 1996 Vol 2 1998 Isbn 84 922916 4 8 Pags 703 710, 1998
Información del artículo Hacia una desmitificación del "mito" propagado por Américo Cas... more Información del artículo Hacia una desmitificación del "mito" propagado por Américo Castro: el caso de Juan Poeta.
Cuaderno Internacional De Estudios Humanisticos, 2009
Información del artículo La Cantabria rupestre: un análisis de la Peña Horacada (Valderredible, E... more Información del artículo La Cantabria rupestre: un análisis de la Peña Horacada (Valderredible, España).
In this 20-minute talk, presented at "The Cleric's Craft" conference held at the University of Te... more In this 20-minute talk, presented at "The Cleric's Craft" conference held at the University of Texas at El Paso from October 21-25,, 2015, I explore the incorporation and diffusion of Sephardic sectarian ideas in Proverbios morales, the only work composed in Castilian cuaderna vía by Sem Tob de Carrión, the pseudonym of Rabbi Sem Tov Ibn Ardutiel ben Isaac (b.c. 1290-d.c. 1369). Proverbios morales was an important bridge through which both Rabbinism and Jewish sectarian ideas reached Spanish Jews during the late Middle Ages and Jews in the Sephardic diaspora after the expulsion from Spain in 1492. In particular, I will focus on the dissemination via Proverbios morales of sectarianism that began to evolve in Al-Andalus in the wake of the eighth-century Islamic conquest of Christian Iberia, which exposed Jewish theologians to currents of thought that fueled the flames of a polemic among Rabbanites and anti-Rabbanites that had persisted since Biblical times. The medieval Sephardic contribution to both sides of this polemic was woven into the fabric of Proverbios morales and perpetuated through the memorization and repetition of the poem in exile, which ultimately contributed to shaping some of the most radical concepts to emanate from the Sephardic diaspora.
Valderredible, a valley of some 300 km2 in the northern Spanish province of Cantabria, is a speci... more Valderredible, a valley of some 300 km2 in the northern Spanish province of Cantabria, is a special place for its artistic heritage, which provides a vision of why the Spanish language, or Castilian, was born in the region. Monuments that testify to this phenomenon include a unique nucleus of cave (or rock-cut) churches from the seventh century AD. A series of fascinating images will accompany Kaplan's narration of a story that began upon the arrival of Latin to Cantabria in the third century BC. The native Cantabrian language survived long enough to impact spoken Latin, and Spanish took on a new form. After the sojourn and death in the Valley of Saint Millán (474--574 AD), the speech of Millán's cult followers acquired the prestige to propel the dissemination of Spanish as the language of Castile.
In this episode, "La Cantabria medieval," which aired on Spanish TVE 2 on August 18, 2014, I disc... more In this episode, "La Cantabria medieval," which aired on Spanish TVE 2 on August 18, 2014, I discuss my theory regarding the formation of the Spanish language in southern Cantabria from Late Antiquity through the early Middle Ages.
In this episode, "Nueva cultura, nueva religión," I identify the cave churches of Valderredible, ... more In this episode, "Nueva cultura, nueva religión," I identify the cave churches of Valderredible, Cantabria (Spain), as Visigothic sanctuaries carved by the followers of St. Millán (b. 474-d. 574), after Millán had spent the last 30 years in his oratory, within one of the seven cave churches. I also discuss the role of pilgrimage to Valderredible to venerate the relics of Millán in the formation of a pilgrimage route that would ultimately become known as the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) (30 minutes)
Valderredible sacudió los cimientos de la comunidad científica y abrió ampollas purulentas en La ... more Valderredible sacudió los cimientos de la comunidad científica y abrió ampollas purulentas en La Rioja. El castellano, afirmaba el investigador y profesor de la Universidad norteamericana de Tennessee Gregory Kaplan, nació en Valderredible. Hoy sigue manteniendo con más fuerza si cabe su tesis después de multitud de visitas sobre el terreno y viajes en verano y navidades a Cantabria. Pero ha llegado el momento de ir un paso más allá. El catedrático cree poder acreditar sus postulados, confirmación que se hallaría en el interior e inmediaciones de diversas minas de la Comunidad situadas en Comillas, Udías y Cartes.
Jewish Poetry and Cultural Coexistence in Late Medieval Spain, 2019
This book offers a groundbreaking perspective on Judeo-Christian coexistence in medieval Spain, i... more This book offers a groundbreaking perspective on Judeo-Christian coexistence in medieval Spain, in particular on the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James), one of the most important pilgrimage routes in Europe. The author uncovers new evidence of Judeo-Christian cooperation in Castilian monasteries on the Camino. It reveals that a collaborative climate endured in these monasteries as demonstrated by the transmission of cuaderna vía poetry from Christians to Jews. The research focuses on poems written by Jews in Castilian (Spanish) during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries that illustrate a progressive mastery of cuaderna vía poetry, which is the product of interaction in monastic schools between Jews and Christian clerics who created and cultivated this Castilian poetic form.
The modern appreciation for democratic values is often assumed to have its roots in Classical tho... more The modern appreciation for democratic values is often assumed to have its roots in Classical thought. However, democracy has taken various forms in its progression to the governance many countries now employ. Working in seventeenth-century Amsterdam, in dialog with Protestants, Jewish thinkers voiced the first Modern appeal for the reestablishment of a Jewish polity in the Holy Land. This appeal was grounded in a vision of a Jewish state governed by individual liberty and popular consent, which could be defined as a democratic Zionism. This book is the first to link the modern appreciation for democratic freedom directly to this moment in Jewish political thought.
The book focuses on influential rabbi Saul Levi Morteira, as well as two of the most renowned members of his congregation, Baruch Spinoza and Miguel de Barrios. Unlike contemporary Catholic and Protestant thinkers, these three intellectuals found democratic values in an Old Testament polity that came to be revered as the Hebrew Republic. The book explores the trajectory by which this democratization of the Hebrew Republic evolved in the writings of Morteira as an alternative to divine-right rule. It then shows that, in spite of their divergent views toward practicing Judaism, Spinoza and Barrios disseminated Morteira’s democratic ideas and promoted the Hebrew Republic as a model polity for a post-medieval political order.
This book will be of great use to scholars of Judaism and Jewish philosophy in the modern era, medieval and early modern Spanish literature, as well as religious, political and intellectual history.
Remapping Travel Narratives, 1000-1700: To the East and Back Again Edited by Montserrat Piera Pu... more Remapping Travel Narratives, 1000-1700: To the East and Back Again
Edited by Montserrat Piera
Publisher: Arc Humanities Press
Series: Connected Histories in the Early Modern World,
Series editors: Christina Lee, Princeton University, and Julia Schleck, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
With a specific focus on travel narratives, this collection looks at how Islamic and eastern cultural threads were weaved, through travel and trading networks, into Western European/ Christian visual culture and discourse and, ultimately, into the artistic explosion which has been labeled the " Renaissance. " Scholars from across humanities disciplines examine Islamic, Jewish, Spanish, Italian, and English works from a truly comparative and non-parochial perspective, to explore the transfer through travel of cultural and religious values and artistic and scientific practices, from the eleventh to the seventeenth centuries. During this period travel, military conquest and trade through the Mediterranean placed Western European citizens and merchants in contact with Islamic and eastern technology and culture, and travel narratives illustrate the converging and pragmatic dynamics of cultural acceptance. Perhaps the spread of " Renaissance " values and beliefs might have followed a trajectory the reverse of what is generally assumed, and that salient aspects of Renaissance culture traveled from the fringes of Islamic and eastern cultures to the midst of hegemonically Christian polities.