João Francisco Figueira | Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa (original) (raw)
Papers by João Francisco Figueira
When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen addresses his work and interests he stresses the impo... more When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen addresses his work and interests he stresses the importance of scientific imagery. Indeed, not only his work seems to be reminiscent of it but also developed complex grids crafted in the realm of mathematics. However, to me, they seemed to relate to other streams of visual culture. I therefore started to craft my own "Rissanen atlas", that, indeed, points towards the realms of textile and colour (more specifically, to aspects developed by the social history of colour), fauvism, abstraction and pop art, the realms of animation, some cartoon and psychedelic culture, among many others. Adding to these references the scientific ones that the artist mentions, we get a particular heterogeneous and anachronistic net, i.e. overdetermined, that drives his "pictures [tableaux]" and "art" into the realm of "images". The "Rissanen atlas" plays a major role in this process, an atlas that owes something to the practice and direction that Warburg gave to his famous atlas of images, that, for Didi-Huberman, constitutes a tool "of the inexhaustible openness to possibilities not yet given"; it determines the "explosion of the frame" of the "tableau", both artistic as well as scientific (2011: 13).
s e n t r y f o r K i a s ma a n d L o r d i , t h e wo r k s o f t wo o v e r -d e t e r mi n e ... more s e n t r y f o r K i a s ma a n d L o r d i , t h e wo r k s o f t wo o v e r -d e t e r mi n e d i ma g e s J o ã o F r a n c i s c o F i g u e i r a Ce n t r e f o r Ur b a n a n d Re g i o n a l S t u d i e s P u b l i c a t i o n s A 3 5 S t u d i e s i n A r c h i t e c t u r e 2 0 0 9 / 3 5
When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen develops on his work and interests he stresses the im... more When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen develops on his work and interests he stresses the importance of scientific imagery. Indeed, both his work seems to be reminiscent of it and he developed complex grids crafted in the realm of mathematics. However, to me, they seemed to relate to other streams of visual culture. I therefore started to craft my own “Rissanen atlas”, that, indeed, points towards the realms of textile and colour (more specifically, to aspects developed by the social history of colour), fauvism, abstraction and pop art, the realms of animation, some cartoon and psychedelic culture, among many others. Adding to these references the scientific ones that the artist mentions, we get a particular heterogeneous and anachronistic net, i.e. over-determined, that drives his “pictures [tableaux]” and “art” into the realm of “images”. The “Rissanen atlas” plays a major role in this process, an atlas that owes something to the practice and direction that Warburg gave to his famous atlas of images, that, for Didi-Huberman, constitutes a tool “of the inexhaustible openness to possibilities not yet given”; it determines the “explosion of the frame” of the “tableau”, both artistic as well as scientific (in Atlas, Paris, Minuit, 2011, p. 13).
LORDI oVENCEDORÉ O DIABO! JoãoFranciscoFigueira Existem 'ciênciashumanas' não onde quer que o hom... more LORDI oVENCEDORÉ O DIABO! JoãoFranciscoFigueira Existem 'ciênciashumanas' não onde quer que o homem estejaem causa, mas onde quer que seanalisem, na dimensãoprópria do inconsciente, normas, regras,conjuntos significantesque desvelemà consciência as condiçõesdassuasformas e conteúdos.Falar de (ciênciasdo homem' em qualquer outro casoé puro e simples abuso de linguagem. Michel Foucault, As Palavras e as Coisas.2 Praça juntaram-se pessoas de todas idades, famílias inteiras, pessoas que aparentavam as origens socio-culturais mais distintas. O público afluiu dos quatro cantos do país (a banda é originária do norte, da Lapónia). Até a Presidente da Finlândia apareceu. De sorriso estampado na cara, o público dançou e brindou ao ritmo do espectáculo exuberante e carnavalesco dos Lordi. Foi este o espectáculo que tocou um vasto audi-196 1 O presente ensaio constitui uma versão abreviada de um estudo mais extenso a publicar em inglês, estudo que se realiza no quadro de um doutoramento em curso no Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (YTK)e no
Dalla "Sé-cattedrale" al "Sé-Nazione". Sull'architettura della città e del territorio lusitano: c... more Dalla "Sé-cattedrale" al "Sé-Nazione". Sull'architettura della città e del territorio lusitano: chiavi di lettura storicoantropologiche / From "Sé-Cathedral" to the "Self-Nation". About the architecture of the city and the Lusitan territory: historical and anthropological clues Filippo Turchi L'ombra da nord: il progetto come esito applicativo di un percorso metodologico / The shadow from north: the project as a result of a methodological path Giovanni Allegretti, Juliana Torquato Ruiz Quando lo spazio urbano si fa metafora di un cambiamento politico: la riscossa del territorio nel Piano di Urbanizzazione Carnide/Luz a Lisbona / When urban space becomes a metaphor for political change: the reconquest of territory in the Carnide/Luz Urbanisation Plan in Lisbon Cidália Silva Beyond Buildings and Roads: An approach to the diffuse territory of Vale do Ave / Oltre Edifici e Strade: un approccio al territorio diffuso della Vale do Ave Vincenzo Riso Guimarães e la media valle dell'Ave: una città e il suo territorio visti attraverso le analisi e i progetti degli studenti della scuola di architettura che vi ha sede / Guimarães and the medium valley of the Ave river: a town and its territory as observed through the analysis and the designs of the students of the local school of architecture Sara Angelini, Paride Piccinini Riconoscimento del paesaggio e progetto dello spazio pubblico nella città-territorio. Un parco lineare per la riqualificazione della Vale do Ave / Urban conditions and public space in the territorial city. A linear park for the regeneration of Vale do Ave Daniel Monteiro Reconstruindo o sítio / Reconstructing the Site Pedro Maurício Borges Three houses in São Miguel / Tre case a São Miguel
When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen addresses his work and interests he stresses the impo... more When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen addresses his work and interests he stresses the importance of scientific imagery. Indeed, not only his work seems to be reminiscent of it but also developed complex grids crafted in the realm of mathematics. However, to me, they seemed to relate to other streams of visual culture. I therefore started to craft my own "Rissanen atlas", that, indeed, points towards the realms of textile and colour (more specifically, to aspects developed by the social history of colour), fauvism, abstraction and pop art, the realms of animation, some cartoon and psychedelic culture, among many others. Adding to these references the scientific ones that the artist mentions, we get a particular heterogeneous and anachronistic net, i.e. overdetermined, that drives his "pictures [tableaux]" and "art" into the realm of "images". The "Rissanen atlas" plays a major role in this process, an atlas that owes something to the practice and direction that Warburg gave to his famous atlas of images, that, for Didi-Huberman, constitutes a tool "of the inexhaustible openness to possibilities not yet given"; it determines the "explosion of the frame" of the "tableau", both artistic as well as scientific (2011: 13).
s e n t r y f o r K i a s ma a n d L o r d i , t h e wo r k s o f t wo o v e r -d e t e r mi n e ... more s e n t r y f o r K i a s ma a n d L o r d i , t h e wo r k s o f t wo o v e r -d e t e r mi n e d i ma g e s J o ã o F r a n c i s c o F i g u e i r a Ce n t r e f o r Ur b a n a n d Re g i o n a l S t u d i e s P u b l i c a t i o n s A 3 5 S t u d i e s i n A r c h i t e c t u r e 2 0 0 9 / 3 5
When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen develops on his work and interests he stresses the im... more When the painter and artist Markus Rissanen develops on his work and interests he stresses the importance of scientific imagery. Indeed, both his work seems to be reminiscent of it and he developed complex grids crafted in the realm of mathematics. However, to me, they seemed to relate to other streams of visual culture. I therefore started to craft my own “Rissanen atlas”, that, indeed, points towards the realms of textile and colour (more specifically, to aspects developed by the social history of colour), fauvism, abstraction and pop art, the realms of animation, some cartoon and psychedelic culture, among many others. Adding to these references the scientific ones that the artist mentions, we get a particular heterogeneous and anachronistic net, i.e. over-determined, that drives his “pictures [tableaux]” and “art” into the realm of “images”. The “Rissanen atlas” plays a major role in this process, an atlas that owes something to the practice and direction that Warburg gave to his famous atlas of images, that, for Didi-Huberman, constitutes a tool “of the inexhaustible openness to possibilities not yet given”; it determines the “explosion of the frame” of the “tableau”, both artistic as well as scientific (in Atlas, Paris, Minuit, 2011, p. 13).
LORDI oVENCEDORÉ O DIABO! JoãoFranciscoFigueira Existem 'ciênciashumanas' não onde quer que o hom... more LORDI oVENCEDORÉ O DIABO! JoãoFranciscoFigueira Existem 'ciênciashumanas' não onde quer que o homem estejaem causa, mas onde quer que seanalisem, na dimensãoprópria do inconsciente, normas, regras,conjuntos significantesque desvelemà consciência as condiçõesdassuasformas e conteúdos.Falar de (ciênciasdo homem' em qualquer outro casoé puro e simples abuso de linguagem. Michel Foucault, As Palavras e as Coisas.2 Praça juntaram-se pessoas de todas idades, famílias inteiras, pessoas que aparentavam as origens socio-culturais mais distintas. O público afluiu dos quatro cantos do país (a banda é originária do norte, da Lapónia). Até a Presidente da Finlândia apareceu. De sorriso estampado na cara, o público dançou e brindou ao ritmo do espectáculo exuberante e carnavalesco dos Lordi. Foi este o espectáculo que tocou um vasto audi-196 1 O presente ensaio constitui uma versão abreviada de um estudo mais extenso a publicar em inglês, estudo que se realiza no quadro de um doutoramento em curso no Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (YTK)e no
Dalla "Sé-cattedrale" al "Sé-Nazione". Sull'architettura della città e del territorio lusitano: c... more Dalla "Sé-cattedrale" al "Sé-Nazione". Sull'architettura della città e del territorio lusitano: chiavi di lettura storicoantropologiche / From "Sé-Cathedral" to the "Self-Nation". About the architecture of the city and the Lusitan territory: historical and anthropological clues Filippo Turchi L'ombra da nord: il progetto come esito applicativo di un percorso metodologico / The shadow from north: the project as a result of a methodological path Giovanni Allegretti, Juliana Torquato Ruiz Quando lo spazio urbano si fa metafora di un cambiamento politico: la riscossa del territorio nel Piano di Urbanizzazione Carnide/Luz a Lisbona / When urban space becomes a metaphor for political change: the reconquest of territory in the Carnide/Luz Urbanisation Plan in Lisbon Cidália Silva Beyond Buildings and Roads: An approach to the diffuse territory of Vale do Ave / Oltre Edifici e Strade: un approccio al territorio diffuso della Vale do Ave Vincenzo Riso Guimarães e la media valle dell'Ave: una città e il suo territorio visti attraverso le analisi e i progetti degli studenti della scuola di architettura che vi ha sede / Guimarães and the medium valley of the Ave river: a town and its territory as observed through the analysis and the designs of the students of the local school of architecture Sara Angelini, Paride Piccinini Riconoscimento del paesaggio e progetto dello spazio pubblico nella città-territorio. Un parco lineare per la riqualificazione della Vale do Ave / Urban conditions and public space in the territorial city. A linear park for the regeneration of Vale do Ave Daniel Monteiro Reconstruindo o sítio / Reconstructing the Site Pedro Maurício Borges Three houses in São Miguel / Tre case a São Miguel