The University of Texas at Austin's Pagan Student Alliance! (original) (raw)

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

9:19PM - PSA Meeting

The Pagan Student Alliance at UT meets Wednesdays at 7pm in GEA 114 (UT campus Gearing building, on 24th Street directly north of the tower). This is geared towards college-age folks but is not necessarily limited to UT students. Last semester was the first semester to be re-formed, and we had guest speakers on Zen, Ceremonial Magick, Brighid and Celtic beliefs, Coven Participation and Leadership; discussions about the Wiccan Rede and Paganism/Wicca in the Media; discussions about Sabbats and crafts to go along with them; rituals and reiki and more! We have an exciting year planned, so come join us! (Or if you're interested in speaking or leading a workshop, please let me know!)


Sunday, March 21, 2010

9:47PM - UT PSA Meeting Monday!

UT PSA meeting tomorrow at our new day and location! Monday at 7pm in the Sanchez Building (SZB) room 296.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

9:06PM - UT PSA Meeting Wednesday!

This Wednesday at 7pm we will be in our new home in the SZB (Sanchez Building - on the MLK side of campus, near Players) room 296. We will have a guest speaker about Buddhism. See you there!

Monday, February 22, 2010

9:28PM - UT PSA Meeting Wednesday!

We will be discussing the Wiccan Rede of "harm none" versus personal responsibility. See you there!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


UT Pagan Student Alliance meeting this Wednesday, February 17th at 7pm in the courtyard between the FAC and the Union. See you there!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Meeting this Wednesday at 7pm in the courtyard between the Union and the FAC. We have a guest speaker to talk about Imbolc and Brighid!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The first meeting went great! We had 8 people total (6 real, actual students! + me and northwall, despite the rain and cold, so that makes me very happy. Everyone seemed enthusiastic and open and ready to jump in. I am so excited! We'll sign official paperwork next week and then secure a permanent location. I am already coming up with ideas for future meetings, because I obviously wasn't quite prepared enough for this one. But hopefully people come back anyway!

Once we set the permanent location I will print up new fliers (they informed me my old ones were very confusing, because there is no UGL anymore - DOH! - apparently it's the FAC now), so any help posting up the new fliers will be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The first new UT Pagan Student Alliance meeting will be this Wednesday, February 3rd at 7pm in the courtyard between the UGL and the Union. See you there!

Friday, January 22, 2010


I'm happy to report that things are coming along nicely. I'm getting offers of help from unexpected friends and kudos and offers of help from strangers. Lots of people have added the facebook and one of them is an actual, real student! She saw one of my fliers! Hurray! There are also lots of people on the LJ community, but I'm not sure how many of those were already on there. Someone from the Austin Pagan Events Yahoo group has offered to pass the word along to the Pagan Examiner. So it's good; I'm excited about it... and I think we might be able to make into an official student org very soon! That will really help out a lot.

Thanks so much to everyone that has helped out or voiced your support. I hope to see you at the first meeting and keep spreading the word!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Just kidding, the website should be (caps not necessary, simply emphasizing for my own benefit). Sorry for the confusion (blaming it on sleep deprivation).

Saturday, January 16, 2010


On Monday about 2:00pm I will be on campus to start fliering! If you'd like to help out you can meet me in the West Campus courtyard by the fountain. There will also be a website, Yahoo group, myspace, and facebook by then hopefully as well.

I want to give plenty of notice before the first meeting, so what do you think about Wednesday, February 3rd at 7pm? Is that too much notice?

For the initial meeting place, until we can get an official spot, I'm leaning towards the courtyard between the UGL and the Union. To me this seems like an easy place to find and somewhere we have indoor options nearby if it's nasty outside. Thoughts?

Thank you to everyone that's been giving me opinions, offering to help, and lending support!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So for the PSA fliers I'm going to come up with a website and I need a meeting place/time to get people together and see if we can organize something for real. I emailed a professor that used to be associated with the club (faculty advisor?) as suggested by another old member, so we'll see if he's interested in lending some official credentials to this project. Since it isn't an official student organization yet I can't request a classroom for a meeting... does anyone have any suggestions for a place? It would need to be easy to find and conducive to socializing. I'm considering the Union Underground, although from what I remember it could get noisy and crowded... maybe not so much on a weekday evening? Not sure; haven't been there in a while. I was also thinking of an outdoor location, like in one of the library courtyards, by a fountain or the turtle pond, etc., but if the weather is bad then that wouldn't work out so well. Any ideas?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


The new semester at UT starts January 19th; would anyone be interested in helping me post fliers for PSA the Sunday or Monday before? Even if you think there isn't much interest anymore, think of the possibilities if there really is... giving people access to resources, mentors, and community... and introducing some fresh blood into groups like Pallas and CMA. The youth are our future!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I created a new email address so people can easily contact us. It is utpaganstudentalliance AT gmail DOT com. When I'm not at work (where fun websites are blocked), I'll look into whether there's an existing myspace and facebook account. The old web address listed here was no longer functioning (and I'm sure hasn't been in some time), so I will look into getting a new domain and creating a new one. If you can do artwork/graphics, that would be super helpful! I vaguely remember on the old page a pentacle design with some symbols, but it's been a while.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

9:18AM - Zombie PSA

Hello! For those that aren't on my personal LJ, I want to try and bring the old PSA back from the dead! This is hampered by the fact that I'm not a student anymore, however... we need three UT students to form an official student organization, and while I'm happy to organize, plan, and badger people into speaking or volunteering, I cannot be an "authorized representative". If you or someone you know may be interested in helping out, please let me know! The PSA was the only thing I enjoyed about college and it opened a lot of doors to me that I didn't even realize were there. I would love for current students to have that resource and sense of community.


Anyone still on here?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

8:58PM - So...

Do we still exist?

Monday, December 4, 2006

11:33AM - Nature Based Christian Church Needs Sunday School Teachers

Trinity is a Reconciling congregation who welcomes and affirms all people. Trinity's clergy support Creation Spirituality, a movement that draws on ancient spiritual traditions and contemporary science to awaken authentic mysticism, revitalize Christianity and Western culture, and promote social and ecological justice. Creation Spirituality teaches that God permeates all things and that humanity is created blessed, not tainted by original sin. For more information please visit
The Children's Program utilizes traditional Bible stories as well as secular stories to teach moral lessons such as being a good friend, telling the truth and embracing diversity. Children learn through games, arts and crafts and other fun hands on activities.
Hours are Sunday mornings from 8:45-12:45. Occasional extra hours are available Wed or Fri evenings or for special events. Compensation is $9 per hour. Please email with any questions

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