Mylene Jankowski - (original) (raw)

Mylene Jankowski


Papers by Mylene Jankowski

Research paper thumbnail of Representing the Nation. An Examination of the Cultural Policy and Practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York City

The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part o... more The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part of the global political relations and the international cultural policy (ICP) of a country. One of the central themes within the field of cultural policy is the relation of policy to practice. In this thesis that theme is examined within a specific case: the translation of Dutch governmental cultural policy into the practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York (CGNY). This diplomatic post reflects an ambiguous relationship between the policies and practices: on the one hand, the ICP as formulated by the Dutch government and the strategic plan for the diplomatic post, and on the other hand the practices of CGNY. This study provides an analysis of the practices of CGNY.

Research paper thumbnail of Representing the Nation. An Examination of the Cultural Policy and Practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York City

The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part o... more The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part of the global political relations and the international cultural policy (ICP) of a country. One of the central themes within the field of cultural policy is the relation of policy to practice. In this thesis that theme is examined within a specific case: the translation of Dutch governmental cultural policy into the practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York (CGNY). This diplomatic post reflects an ambiguous relationship between the policies and practices: on the one hand, the ICP as formulated by the Dutch government and the strategic plan for the diplomatic post, and on the other hand the practices of CGNY. This study provides an analysis of the practices of CGNY.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Is Afraid of Black, Brown and White? A Film Analysis of "Wit is ook een kleur"

Research paper thumbnail of Creative Europe Programme and Audience Development: Possibilities of a Socio- Cognitive Approach

Research paper thumbnail of James Turrell: The level of illumination. Appreciating art and nature

Master thesis on James Turrell's light art for art history at the University of Amsterdam.

Research paper thumbnail of Martyrs: vanuit apocalyptisch perspectief

Bill Viola wordt beschouwd als een van de leidende videokunstenaars in het internationale veld. V... more Bill Viola wordt beschouwd als een van de leidende videokunstenaars in het internationale veld. Viola's video-installaties – omgevingen met zowel beeld als geluid die de kijker totaal in beslag nemen – zijn ontwikkeld aan de hand van de nieuwste technologieën. Zijn werken richten zich op universele menselijke ervaringen en vinden hun oorsprong in zowel Oosterse en Westerse kunst als spirituele tradities. Hij beeldt scènes af die veelal refereren aan Bijbelse, godsdienstige verhalen en spirituele bronnen. Het hedendaagse videokunstwerk Martyrs (2014) van Bill Viola is speciaal in opdracht gemaakt voor de eeuwenoude St. Paul's Cathedral in Londen en zal dienen als mijn case-study. In relatie tot het martelaarschap, verwijzend naar de titel van het werk, en de locatie van het werk, die christelijk is, vraag ik mij af wat het oplevert als ik dit werk lees door een apocalyptische bril. Om die reden wordt de volgende onderzoeksvraag gesteld: In hoeverre kan Bill Viola's hedendaagse videokunstwerk Martyrs als een apocalyptische lezing worden beschouwd?

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Strategies: The Passive and Active Role of the Viewer

Museums and galleries are reinventing themselves as they develop relevant identities for the comp... more Museums and galleries are reinventing themselves as they develop relevant identities for the complex present day and the future. I want to research what tools can be used by the institution or the artist to create an 'active', participating audience and what are the different ways institutions use to let people perceive art. Taking in account that participatory art is not necessarily educational in nature. The following research question is posed in this essay: What are different strategies or tools that can be applied to the arts and can be employed by institutions and artists to stimulate education and the role of the viewer? In this paper I will explore three key roles that the public can play in relation to the exhibition setting: first, explaining the passive role of the viewer versus the museum as a storyteller. Second, an equal role for the museum and the public is investigated, which are in dialogue. And third, I explore an active part for the visitor as an artist. I will put various 'educational stimuli' forward in a museum setting, arguing for a more substantial role for the public, that stimulates creativity.

Research paper thumbnail of Blue Sweets and De-skilled Aesthetics

Research paper thumbnail of Rafael Rozendaal: Dematerialization of Art

Immaterial Art: Internet Born Art

Research paper thumbnail of Turrell: Perceptie en mystificatie

James Turrell en twee ervaringskunstwerken.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Is Feeling Red, Yellow and Blue? Rothko and Color Perception

This paper explores the emotional experience of viewers of color-field paintings by Mark Rothko i... more This paper explores the emotional experience of viewers of color-field paintings by Mark Rothko in a museum setting. Drawing on a range of artwork theories, especially Immanual Kant and Aloïs Riegl, the paper examines Rothko’s particular approach to art and literature related to neuroaesthetics. This exploration culminates in a pilot survey among visitors to a recent overview exhibition of Rothko’s work, conducted at the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague. The results from the survey suggest there is much reason to extend this empirical exploration in order to elaborate further on the relation between emotive experience and artistic intent.

Research paper thumbnail of Emancipated Free and the Colorful Spectrum of the Unforeseen

Research paper thumbnail of ‘The Divine Comedy’ Comes to Life in Art

Research paper thumbnail of Constant en het canoniseringsproces in het Stedelijk Museum

Research paper thumbnail of  Rauwe werkelijkheid, waarheid en identiteit: Diane Arbus voorhoedefiguur in één nieuwe beweging in de fotografie en twee tentoonstellingen in New York, toen en nu

Research paper thumbnail of Digitale Kunstgeschiedenis? De mogelijkheden en tekortkomingen van digitale gereedschappen binnen het eigen vakgebied

Research paper thumbnail of David Haines: Hedendaagse Aziatische (teken)kunst en een internationale kunstbeurs in opmars

Research paper thumbnail of Art and Neuroscience: the Perception of the Subject and Experience of Emotions

Humanities combined with neuroscience on the aspect of art.

Research paper thumbnail of Color analysis Impressionism paintings Rijksmuseum, with digital methods

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis film Gangs of New York, Summer School NYU

Research paper thumbnail of Representing the Nation. An Examination of the Cultural Policy and Practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York City

The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part o... more The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part of the global political relations and the international cultural policy (ICP) of a country. One of the central themes within the field of cultural policy is the relation of policy to practice. In this thesis that theme is examined within a specific case: the translation of Dutch governmental cultural policy into the practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York (CGNY). This diplomatic post reflects an ambiguous relationship between the policies and practices: on the one hand, the ICP as formulated by the Dutch government and the strategic plan for the diplomatic post, and on the other hand the practices of CGNY. This study provides an analysis of the practices of CGNY.

Research paper thumbnail of Representing the Nation. An Examination of the Cultural Policy and Practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York City

The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part o... more The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part of the global political relations and the international cultural policy (ICP) of a country. One of the central themes within the field of cultural policy is the relation of policy to practice. In this thesis that theme is examined within a specific case: the translation of Dutch governmental cultural policy into the practices of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York (CGNY). This diplomatic post reflects an ambiguous relationship between the policies and practices: on the one hand, the ICP as formulated by the Dutch government and the strategic plan for the diplomatic post, and on the other hand the practices of CGNY. This study provides an analysis of the practices of CGNY.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Is Afraid of Black, Brown and White? A Film Analysis of "Wit is ook een kleur"

Research paper thumbnail of Creative Europe Programme and Audience Development: Possibilities of a Socio- Cognitive Approach

Research paper thumbnail of James Turrell: The level of illumination. Appreciating art and nature

Master thesis on James Turrell's light art for art history at the University of Amsterdam.

Research paper thumbnail of Martyrs: vanuit apocalyptisch perspectief

Bill Viola wordt beschouwd als een van de leidende videokunstenaars in het internationale veld. V... more Bill Viola wordt beschouwd als een van de leidende videokunstenaars in het internationale veld. Viola's video-installaties – omgevingen met zowel beeld als geluid die de kijker totaal in beslag nemen – zijn ontwikkeld aan de hand van de nieuwste technologieën. Zijn werken richten zich op universele menselijke ervaringen en vinden hun oorsprong in zowel Oosterse en Westerse kunst als spirituele tradities. Hij beeldt scènes af die veelal refereren aan Bijbelse, godsdienstige verhalen en spirituele bronnen. Het hedendaagse videokunstwerk Martyrs (2014) van Bill Viola is speciaal in opdracht gemaakt voor de eeuwenoude St. Paul's Cathedral in Londen en zal dienen als mijn case-study. In relatie tot het martelaarschap, verwijzend naar de titel van het werk, en de locatie van het werk, die christelijk is, vraag ik mij af wat het oplevert als ik dit werk lees door een apocalyptische bril. Om die reden wordt de volgende onderzoeksvraag gesteld: In hoeverre kan Bill Viola's hedendaagse videokunstwerk Martyrs als een apocalyptische lezing worden beschouwd?

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Strategies: The Passive and Active Role of the Viewer

Museums and galleries are reinventing themselves as they develop relevant identities for the comp... more Museums and galleries are reinventing themselves as they develop relevant identities for the complex present day and the future. I want to research what tools can be used by the institution or the artist to create an 'active', participating audience and what are the different ways institutions use to let people perceive art. Taking in account that participatory art is not necessarily educational in nature. The following research question is posed in this essay: What are different strategies or tools that can be applied to the arts and can be employed by institutions and artists to stimulate education and the role of the viewer? In this paper I will explore three key roles that the public can play in relation to the exhibition setting: first, explaining the passive role of the viewer versus the museum as a storyteller. Second, an equal role for the museum and the public is investigated, which are in dialogue. And third, I explore an active part for the visitor as an artist. I will put various 'educational stimuli' forward in a museum setting, arguing for a more substantial role for the public, that stimulates creativity.

Research paper thumbnail of Blue Sweets and De-skilled Aesthetics

Research paper thumbnail of Rafael Rozendaal: Dematerialization of Art

Immaterial Art: Internet Born Art

Research paper thumbnail of Turrell: Perceptie en mystificatie

James Turrell en twee ervaringskunstwerken.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Is Feeling Red, Yellow and Blue? Rothko and Color Perception

This paper explores the emotional experience of viewers of color-field paintings by Mark Rothko i... more This paper explores the emotional experience of viewers of color-field paintings by Mark Rothko in a museum setting. Drawing on a range of artwork theories, especially Immanual Kant and Aloïs Riegl, the paper examines Rothko’s particular approach to art and literature related to neuroaesthetics. This exploration culminates in a pilot survey among visitors to a recent overview exhibition of Rothko’s work, conducted at the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague. The results from the survey suggest there is much reason to extend this empirical exploration in order to elaborate further on the relation between emotive experience and artistic intent.

Research paper thumbnail of Emancipated Free and the Colorful Spectrum of the Unforeseen

Research paper thumbnail of ‘The Divine Comedy’ Comes to Life in Art

Research paper thumbnail of Constant en het canoniseringsproces in het Stedelijk Museum

Research paper thumbnail of  Rauwe werkelijkheid, waarheid en identiteit: Diane Arbus voorhoedefiguur in één nieuwe beweging in de fotografie en twee tentoonstellingen in New York, toen en nu

Research paper thumbnail of Digitale Kunstgeschiedenis? De mogelijkheden en tekortkomingen van digitale gereedschappen binnen het eigen vakgebied

Research paper thumbnail of David Haines: Hedendaagse Aziatische (teken)kunst en een internationale kunstbeurs in opmars

Research paper thumbnail of Art and Neuroscience: the Perception of the Subject and Experience of Emotions

Humanities combined with neuroscience on the aspect of art.

Research paper thumbnail of Color analysis Impressionism paintings Rijksmuseum, with digital methods

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis film Gangs of New York, Summer School NYU

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