Yorghos Remvikos | Université Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (original) (raw)
Papers by Yorghos Remvikos
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Dec 31, 2023
Environnement risques & santé, Oct 1, 2020
Environnement Risques & Sante, Sep 1, 2018
PubMed, May 28, 1994
Progress in detecting genetic anomalies with proven prognostic value in colorectal cancers offers... more Progress in detecting genetic anomalies with proven prognostic value in colorectal cancers offers a means of selecting adjuvant therapy with the best probability of success. Several methods are currently used. With flow cytometry, a significant correlation between primary tumour ploidy and hepatic metastasis has been demonstrated. Caryotypes of tumour cells provides a means of exposing segmental or total chromosome loss and subsequent classification leads to a better understanding of tumour heterogeneity. New techniques in molecular biology are used to describe mutations. Monoclonal antibodies can then be developed against the epitopes involved. Based on these different methods clinicians and fundamentalists can analyse treatment results with more precision and thus adopt the most effective treatment protocol.
PubMed, Sep 1, 1991
There are many genetic abnormalities in colorectal cancers, and they can schematically be studied... more There are many genetic abnormalities in colorectal cancers, and they can schematically be studied according to 3 approaches. 1. The quantitative abnormalities of the DNA content of the nucleus and the cell cycle are studied with flow cytometry. 2. Karyotypic abnormalities relating to the loss and/or gain of chromosomes or structural abnormalities are studied by cytogenetics. 3. Oncogene or anti-oncogene mutations carried out by these chromosomal segments are studied by molecular biology. When compared to the clinical data, some of these abnormalities have a prognostic value. They allow an insight into the fundamental mechanisms of colorectal carcinogenesis. Finally, they may allow predicting and assessing the efficacy of some adjunctive therapies, especially that of medication.
Environnement Risques & Sante, May 1, 2020
European Journal of Cancer, 1993
Breast cancer cells from 92 patients were obtained by repeated fine needle sampling and analysed ... more Breast cancer cells from 92 patients were obtained by repeated fine needle sampling and analysed by flow cytometry for cell cycle modifications during neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Modifications of the histograms were observed for 47 of the 71 informative cases (66%), the most frequent concerning S-phase (increase or decrease) and G2M accumulation. These modifications correlated well with the efficacy of cytotoxic chemotherapy (P < 0.0001). A significant relationship between clinical regression and pretreatment proliferative activity was also observed, with 31/35 (89%) responders in the high proliferation group (S-phase fraction > 5% or BrdU labelling index > 3.3%) compared to 20/36 (56%) in the low proliferation group (P < 0.002). For patients undergoing chemotherapy including doxorubicin, a high incidence of G2M accumulation was observed (33%), a modification which was rare (4.5%) for a regimen with no anthracycline, for which S-phase was the most frequently modified cell cycle compartment (64%). The measurement of the pretreatment tumour proliferative activity as well as the early kinetic modifications, as indicators of response, may prove interesting parameters for the future management of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
Une conjugaison de politiques de deplacement de populations du centre-ville de Dakar, Senegal, ve... more Une conjugaison de politiques de deplacement de populations du centre-ville de Dakar, Senegal, vers la peripherie – de la secheresse prononcee des annees 1970 ayant occasionne un exode rural massif et l’installation non maitrisee de populations, puis du retour des pluies a partir des annees 2000 – a genere une situation inextricable pour les communautes pauvres, qui subissent des inondations annee apres annee. Avant de concevoir des actions d’accompagnement des communautes qui essayent de lutter contre les inondations, nous avons voulu d’abord analyser les facteurs, internes et externes, qui favorisent ou empechent leur mobilisation et leur capacite a agir en autonomie, donnees que nous avons essaye d’obtenir au travers d’une enquete exploratoire, qualitative. La pertinence du capital social a ete analysee et confirmee en etudiant les relations et reseaux existants (intra- et intercommunautaires), et leur influence sur la capacite d’appropriation de l’espace public et d’agir. Des categories telles que l’entraide, le controle social informel, en tant que dimensions (non exhaustives) du capital social, ainsi que la gouvernance (confiance, engagement) et la composition des groupes ont ete renseignees puis rapprochees des differentes realisations. La mobilisation d’un cadre theorique base sur le capital social offre des possibilites pour aborder la capacite a agir des organisations, ouvrant sur des pistes pour tout travail d’accompagnement des communautes, dans le sens de leur empowerment, en particulier dans le contexte du Sud.
Environnement risques & santé, Apr 1, 2023
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021
Environnement risques & santé, Jun 1, 2021
Environnement risques & santé, Aug 1, 2020
Presses universitaires de Rennes eBooks, 2015
Quelques rappels historiques La littérature sur les impacts sanitaires de l’exposition au bruit e... more Quelques rappels historiques La littérature sur les impacts sanitaires de l’exposition au bruit environnemental remonte à bien avant les années 1960. Nous retrouvons le terme d’annoyance, traduit par « gêne » en français, de connotation minorante, dans des publications et rapports dès 1929-1930. Il correspond à la reconnaissance de composantes d’abord psychologiques plus que physiques du bruit, étendues à des aspects sociaux dans la construction de la réaction face au bruit d’individus ou de ..
VertigO, May 25, 2017
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 1991
ABSTRACT The clonogenic cell survival to gamma-rays was determined in a human mammary epithelial ... more ABSTRACT The clonogenic cell survival to gamma-rays was determined in a human mammary epithelial cell line transfected by an activated ras oncogene in comparison to either the host untransfected cell line or the same cell line transfected by the neo gene. In contrast to previous observation of fibroblasts derived from a murine cellular system (NIH 3T3), the analysis of survival curves did not demonstrate an acquired radioresistance in the human ras transfected cells as opposed to the two other cell lines. In other words, the appearance of resistance to ionizing radiation does not seem to be a feature which can be generalized to all situations associated to activation of a specific oncogene (ras).
British Journal of Cancer, Sep 1, 1991
Cell kinetics have been shown to be an important predictor of clinical evolution of operated brea... more Cell kinetics have been shown to be an important predictor of clinical evolution of operated breast cancer. We established a method for the estimation of the proliferative activity of tumour cells obtained by fine needle sampling without aspiration (FNS), using simultaneously S-phase fractions (SPF) measured on DNA histograms and 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling index (BLI) measured by flow cytometry. Biparametric BrdU/DNA flow cytometry could be performed in 122 of 189 (65%) consecutive patients. The mean BLI of the cytologically malignant FNS (118) was of 3.0 and the median of 2.2%. One hundred and forty-eight DNA histograms (78%) were suitable for SPF analysis, of which 141 presented-malignant cells, showing a mean of 4.5 and a median of 3.5%, comparable to BLIs. These results were obtained from fluorescence peak area histograms with doublet discrimination and background subtraction allowing the measurements of SPFs as low as 0.4%. An excellent correlation was thus observed between-BLIs and SPFs, for the 94 cases for which both results were available (r = 0.85). Infrequent discordances (9%) were noted with SPFs considerably higher than BLIs. Seven patients had three consecutive FNS of their tumour at weekly intervals before treatment. Some variability in the proportions of multiple subpopulations of tumour cells was observed on the DNA histograms. In contrast, proliferation indices (SPF or BLI) were reproducible, suggesting homogeneous growth rates. We conclude that an estimation of the proliferative activity of breast tumours at any stage of the disease is possible routinely by SPF and/or BLI analysis of FNS. At least one quantitative proliferation index could be obtained for 91% of patients.
2014 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 18, 2014
Springer eBooks, 1990
The site distribution of colorectal carcinoma along the colorectum in Adenomatous Polyposis Coli ... more The site distribution of colorectal carcinoma along the colorectum in Adenomatous Polyposis Coli syndrome differs from that observed in Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer syndromes (Lynch syndromes). In the latter case most tumors appear in proximal colon and are not usually preceded by the development of polyps. A study of a set of acquired genetic alterations performed in more than one hundred sporadic colorectal adenocarcinomas has shown a nonrandom association of deletions and mitotic abnormalities by site, with both types of alterations occuring significantly more frequently in distal tumors. In contrast, the frequency of c-Ki-ras mutations and the Dukes’stage did not differ significantly between proximal and distal cancers. In accord with the study of familial predispositions to colorectal cancer, these data provide support to the hypothesis that proximal and distal colon carcinomas might differ in the genetic mechanisms involved in their initiation and/or progression.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Dec 31, 2023
Environnement risques & santé, Oct 1, 2020
Environnement Risques & Sante, Sep 1, 2018
PubMed, May 28, 1994
Progress in detecting genetic anomalies with proven prognostic value in colorectal cancers offers... more Progress in detecting genetic anomalies with proven prognostic value in colorectal cancers offers a means of selecting adjuvant therapy with the best probability of success. Several methods are currently used. With flow cytometry, a significant correlation between primary tumour ploidy and hepatic metastasis has been demonstrated. Caryotypes of tumour cells provides a means of exposing segmental or total chromosome loss and subsequent classification leads to a better understanding of tumour heterogeneity. New techniques in molecular biology are used to describe mutations. Monoclonal antibodies can then be developed against the epitopes involved. Based on these different methods clinicians and fundamentalists can analyse treatment results with more precision and thus adopt the most effective treatment protocol.
PubMed, Sep 1, 1991
There are many genetic abnormalities in colorectal cancers, and they can schematically be studied... more There are many genetic abnormalities in colorectal cancers, and they can schematically be studied according to 3 approaches. 1. The quantitative abnormalities of the DNA content of the nucleus and the cell cycle are studied with flow cytometry. 2. Karyotypic abnormalities relating to the loss and/or gain of chromosomes or structural abnormalities are studied by cytogenetics. 3. Oncogene or anti-oncogene mutations carried out by these chromosomal segments are studied by molecular biology. When compared to the clinical data, some of these abnormalities have a prognostic value. They allow an insight into the fundamental mechanisms of colorectal carcinogenesis. Finally, they may allow predicting and assessing the efficacy of some adjunctive therapies, especially that of medication.
Environnement Risques & Sante, May 1, 2020
European Journal of Cancer, 1993
Breast cancer cells from 92 patients were obtained by repeated fine needle sampling and analysed ... more Breast cancer cells from 92 patients were obtained by repeated fine needle sampling and analysed by flow cytometry for cell cycle modifications during neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Modifications of the histograms were observed for 47 of the 71 informative cases (66%), the most frequent concerning S-phase (increase or decrease) and G2M accumulation. These modifications correlated well with the efficacy of cytotoxic chemotherapy (P < 0.0001). A significant relationship between clinical regression and pretreatment proliferative activity was also observed, with 31/35 (89%) responders in the high proliferation group (S-phase fraction > 5% or BrdU labelling index > 3.3%) compared to 20/36 (56%) in the low proliferation group (P < 0.002). For patients undergoing chemotherapy including doxorubicin, a high incidence of G2M accumulation was observed (33%), a modification which was rare (4.5%) for a regimen with no anthracycline, for which S-phase was the most frequently modified cell cycle compartment (64%). The measurement of the pretreatment tumour proliferative activity as well as the early kinetic modifications, as indicators of response, may prove interesting parameters for the future management of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
Une conjugaison de politiques de deplacement de populations du centre-ville de Dakar, Senegal, ve... more Une conjugaison de politiques de deplacement de populations du centre-ville de Dakar, Senegal, vers la peripherie – de la secheresse prononcee des annees 1970 ayant occasionne un exode rural massif et l’installation non maitrisee de populations, puis du retour des pluies a partir des annees 2000 – a genere une situation inextricable pour les communautes pauvres, qui subissent des inondations annee apres annee. Avant de concevoir des actions d’accompagnement des communautes qui essayent de lutter contre les inondations, nous avons voulu d’abord analyser les facteurs, internes et externes, qui favorisent ou empechent leur mobilisation et leur capacite a agir en autonomie, donnees que nous avons essaye d’obtenir au travers d’une enquete exploratoire, qualitative. La pertinence du capital social a ete analysee et confirmee en etudiant les relations et reseaux existants (intra- et intercommunautaires), et leur influence sur la capacite d’appropriation de l’espace public et d’agir. Des categories telles que l’entraide, le controle social informel, en tant que dimensions (non exhaustives) du capital social, ainsi que la gouvernance (confiance, engagement) et la composition des groupes ont ete renseignees puis rapprochees des differentes realisations. La mobilisation d’un cadre theorique base sur le capital social offre des possibilites pour aborder la capacite a agir des organisations, ouvrant sur des pistes pour tout travail d’accompagnement des communautes, dans le sens de leur empowerment, en particulier dans le contexte du Sud.
Environnement risques & santé, Apr 1, 2023
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021
Environnement risques & santé, Jun 1, 2021
Environnement risques & santé, Aug 1, 2020
Presses universitaires de Rennes eBooks, 2015
Quelques rappels historiques La littérature sur les impacts sanitaires de l’exposition au bruit e... more Quelques rappels historiques La littérature sur les impacts sanitaires de l’exposition au bruit environnemental remonte à bien avant les années 1960. Nous retrouvons le terme d’annoyance, traduit par « gêne » en français, de connotation minorante, dans des publications et rapports dès 1929-1930. Il correspond à la reconnaissance de composantes d’abord psychologiques plus que physiques du bruit, étendues à des aspects sociaux dans la construction de la réaction face au bruit d’individus ou de ..
VertigO, May 25, 2017
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 1991
ABSTRACT The clonogenic cell survival to gamma-rays was determined in a human mammary epithelial ... more ABSTRACT The clonogenic cell survival to gamma-rays was determined in a human mammary epithelial cell line transfected by an activated ras oncogene in comparison to either the host untransfected cell line or the same cell line transfected by the neo gene. In contrast to previous observation of fibroblasts derived from a murine cellular system (NIH 3T3), the analysis of survival curves did not demonstrate an acquired radioresistance in the human ras transfected cells as opposed to the two other cell lines. In other words, the appearance of resistance to ionizing radiation does not seem to be a feature which can be generalized to all situations associated to activation of a specific oncogene (ras).
British Journal of Cancer, Sep 1, 1991
Cell kinetics have been shown to be an important predictor of clinical evolution of operated brea... more Cell kinetics have been shown to be an important predictor of clinical evolution of operated breast cancer. We established a method for the estimation of the proliferative activity of tumour cells obtained by fine needle sampling without aspiration (FNS), using simultaneously S-phase fractions (SPF) measured on DNA histograms and 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling index (BLI) measured by flow cytometry. Biparametric BrdU/DNA flow cytometry could be performed in 122 of 189 (65%) consecutive patients. The mean BLI of the cytologically malignant FNS (118) was of 3.0 and the median of 2.2%. One hundred and forty-eight DNA histograms (78%) were suitable for SPF analysis, of which 141 presented-malignant cells, showing a mean of 4.5 and a median of 3.5%, comparable to BLIs. These results were obtained from fluorescence peak area histograms with doublet discrimination and background subtraction allowing the measurements of SPFs as low as 0.4%. An excellent correlation was thus observed between-BLIs and SPFs, for the 94 cases for which both results were available (r = 0.85). Infrequent discordances (9%) were noted with SPFs considerably higher than BLIs. Seven patients had three consecutive FNS of their tumour at weekly intervals before treatment. Some variability in the proportions of multiple subpopulations of tumour cells was observed on the DNA histograms. In contrast, proliferation indices (SPF or BLI) were reproducible, suggesting homogeneous growth rates. We conclude that an estimation of the proliferative activity of breast tumours at any stage of the disease is possible routinely by SPF and/or BLI analysis of FNS. At least one quantitative proliferation index could be obtained for 91% of patients.
2014 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 18, 2014
Springer eBooks, 1990
The site distribution of colorectal carcinoma along the colorectum in Adenomatous Polyposis Coli ... more The site distribution of colorectal carcinoma along the colorectum in Adenomatous Polyposis Coli syndrome differs from that observed in Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer syndromes (Lynch syndromes). In the latter case most tumors appear in proximal colon and are not usually preceded by the development of polyps. A study of a set of acquired genetic alterations performed in more than one hundred sporadic colorectal adenocarcinomas has shown a nonrandom association of deletions and mitotic abnormalities by site, with both types of alterations occuring significantly more frequently in distal tumors. In contrast, the frequency of c-Ki-ras mutations and the Dukes’stage did not differ significantly between proximal and distal cancers. In accord with the study of familial predispositions to colorectal cancer, these data provide support to the hypothesis that proximal and distal colon carcinomas might differ in the genetic mechanisms involved in their initiation and/or progression.