Adela Kobelska | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)
Books by Adela Kobelska
Albert Michalski Projekt okładki i stron tytułowych -opracowanie własne na podstawie materiałów a... more Albert Michalski Projekt okładki i stron tytułowych -opracowanie własne na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych [Poznań, okres międzywojenny] Zbigniew Karaszewski Dołączona mapa Poznań polonistów prezentuje Poznań z lat trzydziestych dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Powstała na podstawie planu pochodzącego ze zbiorów Archiwum Państwowego w Poznaniu (Sygn.: CYRYL_15_0_1_3_0008). Skład i łamanie Dariusz Dejnarowicz
Papers by Adela Kobelska
Piotr Sidorowicz-W sprawie rozprawy tendencyjnej. O nadczynności Stefana Żółkiewskiego w Sporze o... more Piotr Sidorowicz-W sprawie rozprawy tendencyjnej. O nadczynności Stefana Żółkiewskiego w Sporze o Mickiewicza. .. . Aleksandra Ziobro-(Bez)czynność interpretacji na przykładzie Odyseusza przy maszcie Marcii Sá Cavalcante Schuback. . .
Autobiografia, 2022
Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstaw... more Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstawania faktów naukowych i proponuje metodę ich (auto)biograficznego umiejscawiania jako możliwą strategię badania historii nauki ujmowanej kulturowo. Jako przykładowy przedmiot tak zaprojektowanej analizy prezentuje działające w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku Koło Polonistów Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego.
Autobiografia. Literatura. Kultura. Media , 2022
Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstaw... more Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstawania faktów naukowych i proponuje metodę ich (auto)biograficznego umiejscawiania jako możliwą strategię badania historii nauki ujmowanej kulturowo. Jako przykładowy przedmiot tak zaprojektowanej analizy prezentuje działające w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku Koło Polonistów Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego.
Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki, 2017
One of the current recurring themes and terms of literary studies is the "regional". It indicates... more One of the current recurring themes and terms of literary studies is the "regional". It indicates a whole discursive fi eld combining not only such topics as centre and periphery or locality and globality (as well as glocality as a new concept undermining and transforming old dualistic oppositions), but somehow encompassing also phenomenological and poststructuralist studies of space as a dimension of personal and cultural imagination and memory, as well as outcomes of spatial analyses of cultural semiotics. Focusing on individual or collective experience embedded in particular places draws attention to their specifi cities and therefore sheds some light on regions as accurately scaled entities-or better-communities. Th is perspective changes the way of understanding cultural and biographical experience. Seen as place-less, it seemed to be the same or very similar for diff erent people in distant places (therefore for many years we were, for example, talking about one modernism instead of many of them located in diff erent places etc.). Experience, which has been seen as the same one shared by many, now multiples, being examined as rooted in specifi c geographical areas. Each of its local variations turns out to be unique and exceeding a simplistic universal vision derived from the meaning coined in the infl uential cultural centre. It changes the ways of understanding representations of experience. And that is the reason why contemporary ⃰ Th is publication has been prepared as part of the following NCN (National Science Centre) research grant: NCN 2014/13/B/HS2/00310 "Wiek teorii. Sto lat polskiej myśli teoretycznoliterackiej" [Th e Age of Th eory: A Century of Polish Th eoretical Literary Studies].
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
The article recalls the tradition of the 19th-century Polish philology in Poznań, which, although... more The article recalls the tradition of the 19th-century Polish philology in Poznań, which, although informal for the lack university structure, engaged literary scholars associated with Poznań. The original placement and local constraints – resulting mainly from the lack of university and the struggle to establish it – entailed a number of pragmatic transformations: geographical (study and work at German universities), institutional (non-academic employment of the philologists), as well as disciplinary (between classical, Slavic and Polish philology). The study case discussed in the article is the story of Hipolit Cegielski, a philologist turned into an engineer and industrialist. To define the nature of this transformation, the author proposes the category of locomobility (a forced change of location). The text argues that locomobility is a figure of fate of the nineteenth-century Poznan philologists. Thus, it also is a determining factor of pre-university literary studies in Poznań.
The author proposes to create a map of the city of Poznań which could present the milieu of life ... more The author proposes to create a map of the city of Poznań which could present the milieu of life activities and practices of Konstanty Troczyński (1906–1942), who was a Polish literary scholar from Poznań. The university is considered as a very important place on this map and remains the main subject of the text. It is seen from a historical and cultural perspective. The author’s attitude is based on the assumption that investigation of modern Polish literary studies history requires both exploring biographies of particular scholars as well as places where new ideas were born
This article presents three literary works describing the city of Poznań and constituting a kind ... more This article presents three literary works describing the city of Poznań and constituting a kind of a series: Przechadzki po mieście (1888–1891) by Marceli Motty, Z moich wspomnień. Przechadzki po mieście [Poznaniu] (published 1997 but written in the fifties) by Paulina Cegielska and Ulicami mojego Poznania. Przechadzki z lat 1918–39 (1974) by Zbigniew Zakrzewski. The texts are linked not only by their common topic, but also by the same genre denotation indicated by their titles – przechadzki (“walks”), as well as by the fact that there is an intertextual connection between the last two books and the first one – which therefore should be treated as a prototype. This article tries to present “walks” as a specific urban genre which could be fully understood only in the frame of Poznań’s culture. When put in this context they appear to be topographic memoirs whose purpose is to reaffirm their authors’ belonging to Poznań’s local community of petit bourgeois intellectuals
The paper is an attempt to examine background of modern regionalism in Polish literery studies. T... more The paper is an attempt to examine background of modern regionalism in Polish literery studies. The author poses also a question on the broader cultural context of the focus on ‘regional’. She starts from Sentimental and Romantic interests in local spatial issues. Then she goes through various ways of collecting and examining regional folklore in the second half of 19 th and the begining of 20 th century. And finally she presents interwar theoretical works in which regionalism was appearing as a term and as a method, as a paradigm of a holistic approach towards literature.
Przestrzenie Teorii, 2015
... Michał Sobeski (dzie-kan wydziału; filozof estetyk; poznaniak, studiował w Niemczech, Szwaj-c... more ... Michał Sobeski (dzie-kan wydziału; filozof estetyk; poznaniak, studiował w Niemczech, Szwaj-carii i Włoszech, habilitował się w Krakowie), Adam Żółtowski (filozof; poznaniak, studiował w Niemczech, habilitował się w Krakowie), Florian Znaniecki, dojeżdżający z Warszawy ...
Albert Michalski Projekt okładki i stron tytułowych -opracowanie własne na podstawie materiałów a... more Albert Michalski Projekt okładki i stron tytułowych -opracowanie własne na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych [Poznań, okres międzywojenny] Zbigniew Karaszewski Dołączona mapa Poznań polonistów prezentuje Poznań z lat trzydziestych dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Powstała na podstawie planu pochodzącego ze zbiorów Archiwum Państwowego w Poznaniu (Sygn.: CYRYL_15_0_1_3_0008). Skład i łamanie Dariusz Dejnarowicz
Piotr Sidorowicz-W sprawie rozprawy tendencyjnej. O nadczynności Stefana Żółkiewskiego w Sporze o... more Piotr Sidorowicz-W sprawie rozprawy tendencyjnej. O nadczynności Stefana Żółkiewskiego w Sporze o Mickiewicza. .. . Aleksandra Ziobro-(Bez)czynność interpretacji na przykładzie Odyseusza przy maszcie Marcii Sá Cavalcante Schuback. . .
Autobiografia, 2022
Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstaw... more Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstawania faktów naukowych i proponuje metodę ich (auto)biograficznego umiejscawiania jako możliwą strategię badania historii nauki ujmowanej kulturowo. Jako przykładowy przedmiot tak zaprojektowanej analizy prezentuje działające w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku Koło Polonistów Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego.
Autobiografia. Literatura. Kultura. Media , 2022
Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstaw... more Streszczenie Autorka wskazuje na niewyzyskany potencjał badawczy geograficznego kontekstu powstawania faktów naukowych i proponuje metodę ich (auto)biograficznego umiejscawiania jako możliwą strategię badania historii nauki ujmowanej kulturowo. Jako przykładowy przedmiot tak zaprojektowanej analizy prezentuje działające w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku Koło Polonistów Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego.
Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki, 2017
One of the current recurring themes and terms of literary studies is the "regional". It indicates... more One of the current recurring themes and terms of literary studies is the "regional". It indicates a whole discursive fi eld combining not only such topics as centre and periphery or locality and globality (as well as glocality as a new concept undermining and transforming old dualistic oppositions), but somehow encompassing also phenomenological and poststructuralist studies of space as a dimension of personal and cultural imagination and memory, as well as outcomes of spatial analyses of cultural semiotics. Focusing on individual or collective experience embedded in particular places draws attention to their specifi cities and therefore sheds some light on regions as accurately scaled entities-or better-communities. Th is perspective changes the way of understanding cultural and biographical experience. Seen as place-less, it seemed to be the same or very similar for diff erent people in distant places (therefore for many years we were, for example, talking about one modernism instead of many of them located in diff erent places etc.). Experience, which has been seen as the same one shared by many, now multiples, being examined as rooted in specifi c geographical areas. Each of its local variations turns out to be unique and exceeding a simplistic universal vision derived from the meaning coined in the infl uential cultural centre. It changes the ways of understanding representations of experience. And that is the reason why contemporary ⃰ Th is publication has been prepared as part of the following NCN (National Science Centre) research grant: NCN 2014/13/B/HS2/00310 "Wiek teorii. Sto lat polskiej myśli teoretycznoliterackiej" [Th e Age of Th eory: A Century of Polish Th eoretical Literary Studies].
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
The article recalls the tradition of the 19th-century Polish philology in Poznań, which, although... more The article recalls the tradition of the 19th-century Polish philology in Poznań, which, although informal for the lack university structure, engaged literary scholars associated with Poznań. The original placement and local constraints – resulting mainly from the lack of university and the struggle to establish it – entailed a number of pragmatic transformations: geographical (study and work at German universities), institutional (non-academic employment of the philologists), as well as disciplinary (between classical, Slavic and Polish philology). The study case discussed in the article is the story of Hipolit Cegielski, a philologist turned into an engineer and industrialist. To define the nature of this transformation, the author proposes the category of locomobility (a forced change of location). The text argues that locomobility is a figure of fate of the nineteenth-century Poznan philologists. Thus, it also is a determining factor of pre-university literary studies in Poznań.
The author proposes to create a map of the city of Poznań which could present the milieu of life ... more The author proposes to create a map of the city of Poznań which could present the milieu of life activities and practices of Konstanty Troczyński (1906–1942), who was a Polish literary scholar from Poznań. The university is considered as a very important place on this map and remains the main subject of the text. It is seen from a historical and cultural perspective. The author’s attitude is based on the assumption that investigation of modern Polish literary studies history requires both exploring biographies of particular scholars as well as places where new ideas were born
This article presents three literary works describing the city of Poznań and constituting a kind ... more This article presents three literary works describing the city of Poznań and constituting a kind of a series: Przechadzki po mieście (1888–1891) by Marceli Motty, Z moich wspomnień. Przechadzki po mieście [Poznaniu] (published 1997 but written in the fifties) by Paulina Cegielska and Ulicami mojego Poznania. Przechadzki z lat 1918–39 (1974) by Zbigniew Zakrzewski. The texts are linked not only by their common topic, but also by the same genre denotation indicated by their titles – przechadzki (“walks”), as well as by the fact that there is an intertextual connection between the last two books and the first one – which therefore should be treated as a prototype. This article tries to present “walks” as a specific urban genre which could be fully understood only in the frame of Poznań’s culture. When put in this context they appear to be topographic memoirs whose purpose is to reaffirm their authors’ belonging to Poznań’s local community of petit bourgeois intellectuals
The paper is an attempt to examine background of modern regionalism in Polish literery studies. T... more The paper is an attempt to examine background of modern regionalism in Polish literery studies. The author poses also a question on the broader cultural context of the focus on ‘regional’. She starts from Sentimental and Romantic interests in local spatial issues. Then she goes through various ways of collecting and examining regional folklore in the second half of 19 th and the begining of 20 th century. And finally she presents interwar theoretical works in which regionalism was appearing as a term and as a method, as a paradigm of a holistic approach towards literature.
Przestrzenie Teorii, 2015
... Michał Sobeski (dzie-kan wydziału; filozof estetyk; poznaniak, studiował w Niemczech, Szwaj-c... more ... Michał Sobeski (dzie-kan wydziału; filozof estetyk; poznaniak, studiował w Niemczech, Szwaj-carii i Włoszech, habilitował się w Krakowie), Adam Żółtowski (filozof; poznaniak, studiował w Niemczech, habilitował się w Krakowie), Florian Znaniecki, dojeżdżający z Warszawy ...