Paweł Bącal | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)

Papers by Paweł Bącal


Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, 2024

The aim of the paper is to analyse the involvement of the local and regional authorities within t... more The aim of the paper is to analyse the involvement of the local and regional authorities within the Conference on the Future of Europe. The former, being closer to the citizens, could play important role in reaching “every corner of the European Union” and helping the citizens to articulate their ideas about the European integration. Therefore, the activity of the subnational level could contribute to the final success of the Conference (or failure – in case of lack of any actions). The analysis is based on the author’s own empirical study conducted among the Polish territorial self-government units after the closure of the Conference. The local and regional authorities were asked if they informed the citizens about the Conference, organised events regarding this enterprise or took part in the events organised by other entities. The results show very low level of the activity, even among the territorial self-government units that are present at the European level. The conclusions regard both to the Polish circumstances as well as to the general performance of the Conference. In the first case, they unveil the unwritten practice among the Polish territorial self-government units on their involvement in the European affairs. Regarding the second point, the results indicate that the Conference did not manage to exceed the “European bubble”.

[Research paper thumbnail of Prawne bariery rozwoju partycypacji społecznej w samorządzie terytorialnym / Legal barriers to the development of public participation in local government [PL]](

Przegląd Prawa Publicznego, 2022

Społeczeństwo obywatelskie podlega ciągłej ewolucji, z czym wiąże się artykulacja coraz to nowych... more Społeczeństwo obywatelskie podlega ciągłej ewolucji, z czym wiąże się artykulacja coraz to nowych propozycji oraz poszukiwanie dróg udziału w procesie decyzyjnym. W związku z tym aktualny w danym czasie stan prawny nie zawsze może odpowiadać społecznym potrzebom. Widoczne jest to na poziomie samorządu terytorialnego, gdzie w celu spełniania postulatów obywatelskich tworzone są kolejne prawne formy partycypacji społecznej. Choć ich funkcjonowanie nie może zostać uznane za zgodne z prawem ze względu na nieprawidłowe podstawy prawne, to wzrost ich liczby prowadzi w końcu do podjęcia działań przez ustawodawcę. Nie kończy to jednak problemu, gdyż status poprzednio istniejących podmiotów pozostaje w dalszym ciągu nieuregulowany. Ma to swoje zasadnicze konsekwencje dla rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. W artykule poddano analizie paradoks funkcjonowania prawnych form partycypacji społecznych w samorządzie terytorialnym. Przedstawiono ogólny schemat omawianego zagadnienia, konkretne przykłady, jak również jego konsekwencje. W końcowej części tekstu zaprezentowano koncepcje rozwiązania wskazanego problemu. /The civil society is constantly evolving, and therefore formulating new proposals and looking for new ways of engagement in the decision-making process. As the result, current legal situation may not be in compliance with the society’s needs. This problem can be seen at the self-government level, where several new forms of civic engagement are created in order to fulfil the demands of the citizens. Although the functioning of these forms cannot be described as legal – because of the improper legal basis – the rise of their popularity forces the lawmaker to take some actions. However, it doesn’t mean the end of the problem, because the legal status of the previously existing bodies remains unregulated. Such situation has its repercussions when it comes to the development of the civil society. The analysis undertaken in the article concerns the paradox of the legal forms of civic engagement’s functioning. Issue’s general scheme, concrete examples, as well as consequences were presented. In the last part of the paper, the Author introduces two ideas for solving described problem.

Research paper thumbnail of The state of the judicial dialogue after the PSPP judgement

Przegląd Konstytucyjny, 2022

The issue of the relations between the European Court of Justice and the constitutional courts of... more The issue of the relations between the European Court of Justice and the constitutional courts of the Member States is a topic of great importance. The latest proof of that is the PSPP judgement of the German Constitutional Court. It has also shown what might happen if judicial dialogue is abandoned. The aim of the paper is to consider the consequences of the PSPP judgement as well as to analyse the conditions for the restoration and development of trust between the courts. The author presents the concept of ultra vires which has been used by the German Constitutional Court. In subsequent parts of the paper, the discussion focuses on the PSPP judgement and the surrounding scholarly debate and points out the consequences for both sides of the dispute. In the author’s opinion, the PSPP saga may, under some conditions, have positive implications for judicial dialogue.

Research paper thumbnail of Local and Regional Politics at the EU level: who is actually represented in the Committee of the Regions

Politics in Central Europe, 2022

One of the main reasons for the establishment of the Committee of the Regions was to provide the ... more One of the main reasons for the establishment of the Committee of the Regions was to provide the subnational level with the representation within the institutional system of the European Union. As the body advising the EU institutions, the Committee can influence the decision-making process. Since it consists of members of the local and regional authorities, one may ask if it does offer the opportunity for the peculiar territorial self-government units to be represented at the EU level. And in the broader terms-what does the relation between the general and particular interests look like in that regard? The article tries to determine if the Committee of the Regions is a suitable place for the individual territorial self-government unit to promote its interests. The findings of the paper are based on the author's own empirical research conducted among the Polish members of the Committee. The results entitle the author to state that the territorial self-government units are represented in the Committee of the Regions and they have some benefits from being represented within this body.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Committee of the Regions: on the Mission to Reinforce the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union [ENG]](

On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe, 2022

The Committee of the Regions was established to reinforce the democratic legitimacy of the Europe... more The Committee of the Regions was established to reinforce the democratic legitimacy of the European Union. All of the members and alternates of the Committee have to hold the democratic mandate at the regional or local level. At first sight, these two factors may lead to the conclusion that the Committee of the Regions offers the citizens the opportunity to be a part of the European decision-making process. That should specifically include the involvement of the citizens and taking their opinions into account during the later stages of the process. Such a situation would also lead to the reduction of the democratic deficit in the European Union. However, a closer look might prove otherwise. The article’s aim is to evaluate if the Committee of the Regions does fulfil its mission. The concepts that serve as the theoretical foundation for the examination are participatory democracy, the input and output types of legitimacy as well as the democratic deficit. The main findings are based on the Author’s own empirical research, conducted among the Polish members of the Committee of the Regions. The analysis contains also the explanation for current state of affairs as well as points out at the possible scenarios for the Committee’s future.

[Research paper thumbnail of Glosa aprobująca do wyroku Wojewódzkiego Sądu  Administracyjnego w Gliwicach z 25 sierpnia 2020 r.  (III SA/Gl 407/20) / Approving commentary on the judgment  of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Gliwice of 25 August 2020 (III SA/Gl 407/20) [PL]](

Orzecznictwo w Sprawach Samorządowych, 2022

W wyroku z 25.08.2020 r. (III SA/Gl 407/20) Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Gliwicach potwierdzi... more W wyroku z 25.08.2020 r. (III SA/Gl 407/20) Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Gliwicach potwierdził, że radzie gminy – ustanawiającej statut młodzieżowej rady gminy – przysługuje prawo do powołania opiekuna tego gremium. Jest to pogląd odmienny od linii zarysowującej się w rozstrzygnięciach nadzorczych, opartej na wąskim ujęciu materii statutowej młodzieżowych rad gmin. Glosowany wyrok zasługuje na aprobatę. Sąd trafnie podkreślił konieczność wyposażenia młodzieżowej rady gminy w narzędzia pozwalające jej na realizację przypisanych zadań, tj. promowanie idei samorządowej. Słusznie podkreślono także, że zasada samodzielności samorządu i działanie jego organów w granicach ustaw powodują, że posiadają one pewną swobodę decyzyjną. Pogląd ten można odnieść zarówno do gminnych rad seniorów, jak i do nowych ram funkcjonowania młodzieżowych rad na wszystkich szczeblach samorządu terytorialnego. / In the judgment of 25 August 2020 (III SA/Gl 407/20), the Voivodship Administrative Court in Gliwice confirmed that when laying down the statutes for a municipal youth council, a municipal council has the right to appoint a supervisor for this body. This view differs from the line drawn in supervisory decisions based on a narrow view of the statutory subject matter of municipal youth councils. The judgment in question deserves approval. The court rightly emphasized the need to equip the municipal youth council with tools enabling it to perform the tasks assigned to it, namely promoting the idea of self-government. It also rightly emphasized that the principle of independence of the self-government and the operation of its bodies within the limits of the acts of law give them a certain amount of decision-making freedom. This view can be applied both to municipal councils of senior citizens and to the new framework for the functioning of youth
councils at all levels of territorial self-government.

[Research paper thumbnail of Status prawny młodzieżowych sejmików województw / Legal status of youth voivodship assemblies [PL]](

Samorząd Terytorialny 11/2021, Nov 2021

Zmiany w ustawie o samorządzie województwa, które weszły w życie 23.06.2021 r., dotyczyły uregulo... more Zmiany w ustawie o samorządzie województwa, które weszły w życie 23.06.2021 r., dotyczyły uregulowania na poziomie ustawowym statusu prawnego młodzieżowych sejmików województw. Jest to zinstytucjonalizowana forma partycypacji młodzieży na poziomie regionalnym, odpowiadająca młodzieżowym radom gmin. Potrzeba uchwalenia nowelizacji wynikła z faktu już wcześniejszego istnienia takich podmiotów. Jednak ich ówczesne działanie, przede wszystkim ze względu na podstawy prawne, mogło budzić wątpliwości. Celem artykułu jest analiza funkcjonowania
młodzieżowych sejmików województw w okresie przed zmianami prawnymi, a także omówienie skutków nowelizacji dla ich dalszej działalności. W tekście przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące młodzieżowych sejmików województw. Omówiono także dotychczasowe procedury i podstawy prawne ich powoływania oraz poddano je ocenie. Przedstawiono także nowe ramy prawne działania tych podmiotów, analizując w szczególności problem wcześniej istniejących
młodzieżowych sejmików województw. Rozważania prowadzą do sformułowania postulatu de lege ferenda odnoszącego się do funkcjonowania prawnych form partycypacji społecznej w samorządzie terytorialnym. / The amendments to the Act on the Voivodship Self-Government, which entered into force on 23 June 2021, applied to the regulations at the statutory level on the legal status of youth voivodship assemblies. This is an institutionalized form of youth participation at regional level,
corresponding to youth municipal councils. The need to adopt the amendment arose from the fact that such entities had already existed. However, their operation at that time could give rise to doubts, primarily because of legal grounds. The objective of the article is to analyse the functioning of youth voivodship assemblies before the legal changes, as well as to discuss the effects of the amendments on their further activity. The text presents basic information about the youth voivodship assemblies. It also discusses and evaluates the procedures to date and the legal grounds for their establishment. It additionally presents a new legal framework for the operation of these entities, in particular analysing the problem of the previously existing youth
voivodship assemblies. The considerations lead to the formulation of a de lege ferenda postulate regarding the functioning of legal forms of social participation in territorial self-government.


Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, 2024

The aim of the paper is to analyse the involvement of the local and regional authorities within t... more The aim of the paper is to analyse the involvement of the local and regional authorities within the Conference on the Future of Europe. The former, being closer to the citizens, could play important role in reaching “every corner of the European Union” and helping the citizens to articulate their ideas about the European integration. Therefore, the activity of the subnational level could contribute to the final success of the Conference (or failure – in case of lack of any actions). The analysis is based on the author’s own empirical study conducted among the Polish territorial self-government units after the closure of the Conference. The local and regional authorities were asked if they informed the citizens about the Conference, organised events regarding this enterprise or took part in the events organised by other entities. The results show very low level of the activity, even among the territorial self-government units that are present at the European level. The conclusions regard both to the Polish circumstances as well as to the general performance of the Conference. In the first case, they unveil the unwritten practice among the Polish territorial self-government units on their involvement in the European affairs. Regarding the second point, the results indicate that the Conference did not manage to exceed the “European bubble”.

[Research paper thumbnail of Prawne bariery rozwoju partycypacji społecznej w samorządzie terytorialnym / Legal barriers to the development of public participation in local government [PL]](

Przegląd Prawa Publicznego, 2022

Społeczeństwo obywatelskie podlega ciągłej ewolucji, z czym wiąże się artykulacja coraz to nowych... more Społeczeństwo obywatelskie podlega ciągłej ewolucji, z czym wiąże się artykulacja coraz to nowych propozycji oraz poszukiwanie dróg udziału w procesie decyzyjnym. W związku z tym aktualny w danym czasie stan prawny nie zawsze może odpowiadać społecznym potrzebom. Widoczne jest to na poziomie samorządu terytorialnego, gdzie w celu spełniania postulatów obywatelskich tworzone są kolejne prawne formy partycypacji społecznej. Choć ich funkcjonowanie nie może zostać uznane za zgodne z prawem ze względu na nieprawidłowe podstawy prawne, to wzrost ich liczby prowadzi w końcu do podjęcia działań przez ustawodawcę. Nie kończy to jednak problemu, gdyż status poprzednio istniejących podmiotów pozostaje w dalszym ciągu nieuregulowany. Ma to swoje zasadnicze konsekwencje dla rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. W artykule poddano analizie paradoks funkcjonowania prawnych form partycypacji społecznych w samorządzie terytorialnym. Przedstawiono ogólny schemat omawianego zagadnienia, konkretne przykłady, jak również jego konsekwencje. W końcowej części tekstu zaprezentowano koncepcje rozwiązania wskazanego problemu. /The civil society is constantly evolving, and therefore formulating new proposals and looking for new ways of engagement in the decision-making process. As the result, current legal situation may not be in compliance with the society’s needs. This problem can be seen at the self-government level, where several new forms of civic engagement are created in order to fulfil the demands of the citizens. Although the functioning of these forms cannot be described as legal – because of the improper legal basis – the rise of their popularity forces the lawmaker to take some actions. However, it doesn’t mean the end of the problem, because the legal status of the previously existing bodies remains unregulated. Such situation has its repercussions when it comes to the development of the civil society. The analysis undertaken in the article concerns the paradox of the legal forms of civic engagement’s functioning. Issue’s general scheme, concrete examples, as well as consequences were presented. In the last part of the paper, the Author introduces two ideas for solving described problem.

Research paper thumbnail of The state of the judicial dialogue after the PSPP judgement

Przegląd Konstytucyjny, 2022

The issue of the relations between the European Court of Justice and the constitutional courts of... more The issue of the relations between the European Court of Justice and the constitutional courts of the Member States is a topic of great importance. The latest proof of that is the PSPP judgement of the German Constitutional Court. It has also shown what might happen if judicial dialogue is abandoned. The aim of the paper is to consider the consequences of the PSPP judgement as well as to analyse the conditions for the restoration and development of trust between the courts. The author presents the concept of ultra vires which has been used by the German Constitutional Court. In subsequent parts of the paper, the discussion focuses on the PSPP judgement and the surrounding scholarly debate and points out the consequences for both sides of the dispute. In the author’s opinion, the PSPP saga may, under some conditions, have positive implications for judicial dialogue.

Research paper thumbnail of Local and Regional Politics at the EU level: who is actually represented in the Committee of the Regions

Politics in Central Europe, 2022

One of the main reasons for the establishment of the Committee of the Regions was to provide the ... more One of the main reasons for the establishment of the Committee of the Regions was to provide the subnational level with the representation within the institutional system of the European Union. As the body advising the EU institutions, the Committee can influence the decision-making process. Since it consists of members of the local and regional authorities, one may ask if it does offer the opportunity for the peculiar territorial self-government units to be represented at the EU level. And in the broader terms-what does the relation between the general and particular interests look like in that regard? The article tries to determine if the Committee of the Regions is a suitable place for the individual territorial self-government unit to promote its interests. The findings of the paper are based on the author's own empirical research conducted among the Polish members of the Committee. The results entitle the author to state that the territorial self-government units are represented in the Committee of the Regions and they have some benefits from being represented within this body.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Committee of the Regions: on the Mission to Reinforce the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union [ENG]](

On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe, 2022

The Committee of the Regions was established to reinforce the democratic legitimacy of the Europe... more The Committee of the Regions was established to reinforce the democratic legitimacy of the European Union. All of the members and alternates of the Committee have to hold the democratic mandate at the regional or local level. At first sight, these two factors may lead to the conclusion that the Committee of the Regions offers the citizens the opportunity to be a part of the European decision-making process. That should specifically include the involvement of the citizens and taking their opinions into account during the later stages of the process. Such a situation would also lead to the reduction of the democratic deficit in the European Union. However, a closer look might prove otherwise. The article’s aim is to evaluate if the Committee of the Regions does fulfil its mission. The concepts that serve as the theoretical foundation for the examination are participatory democracy, the input and output types of legitimacy as well as the democratic deficit. The main findings are based on the Author’s own empirical research, conducted among the Polish members of the Committee of the Regions. The analysis contains also the explanation for current state of affairs as well as points out at the possible scenarios for the Committee’s future.

[Research paper thumbnail of Glosa aprobująca do wyroku Wojewódzkiego Sądu  Administracyjnego w Gliwicach z 25 sierpnia 2020 r.  (III SA/Gl 407/20) / Approving commentary on the judgment  of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Gliwice of 25 August 2020 (III SA/Gl 407/20) [PL]](

Orzecznictwo w Sprawach Samorządowych, 2022

W wyroku z 25.08.2020 r. (III SA/Gl 407/20) Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Gliwicach potwierdzi... more W wyroku z 25.08.2020 r. (III SA/Gl 407/20) Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Gliwicach potwierdził, że radzie gminy – ustanawiającej statut młodzieżowej rady gminy – przysługuje prawo do powołania opiekuna tego gremium. Jest to pogląd odmienny od linii zarysowującej się w rozstrzygnięciach nadzorczych, opartej na wąskim ujęciu materii statutowej młodzieżowych rad gmin. Glosowany wyrok zasługuje na aprobatę. Sąd trafnie podkreślił konieczność wyposażenia młodzieżowej rady gminy w narzędzia pozwalające jej na realizację przypisanych zadań, tj. promowanie idei samorządowej. Słusznie podkreślono także, że zasada samodzielności samorządu i działanie jego organów w granicach ustaw powodują, że posiadają one pewną swobodę decyzyjną. Pogląd ten można odnieść zarówno do gminnych rad seniorów, jak i do nowych ram funkcjonowania młodzieżowych rad na wszystkich szczeblach samorządu terytorialnego. / In the judgment of 25 August 2020 (III SA/Gl 407/20), the Voivodship Administrative Court in Gliwice confirmed that when laying down the statutes for a municipal youth council, a municipal council has the right to appoint a supervisor for this body. This view differs from the line drawn in supervisory decisions based on a narrow view of the statutory subject matter of municipal youth councils. The judgment in question deserves approval. The court rightly emphasized the need to equip the municipal youth council with tools enabling it to perform the tasks assigned to it, namely promoting the idea of self-government. It also rightly emphasized that the principle of independence of the self-government and the operation of its bodies within the limits of the acts of law give them a certain amount of decision-making freedom. This view can be applied both to municipal councils of senior citizens and to the new framework for the functioning of youth
councils at all levels of territorial self-government.

[Research paper thumbnail of Status prawny młodzieżowych sejmików województw / Legal status of youth voivodship assemblies [PL]](

Samorząd Terytorialny 11/2021, Nov 2021

Zmiany w ustawie o samorządzie województwa, które weszły w życie 23.06.2021 r., dotyczyły uregulo... more Zmiany w ustawie o samorządzie województwa, które weszły w życie 23.06.2021 r., dotyczyły uregulowania na poziomie ustawowym statusu prawnego młodzieżowych sejmików województw. Jest to zinstytucjonalizowana forma partycypacji młodzieży na poziomie regionalnym, odpowiadająca młodzieżowym radom gmin. Potrzeba uchwalenia nowelizacji wynikła z faktu już wcześniejszego istnienia takich podmiotów. Jednak ich ówczesne działanie, przede wszystkim ze względu na podstawy prawne, mogło budzić wątpliwości. Celem artykułu jest analiza funkcjonowania
młodzieżowych sejmików województw w okresie przed zmianami prawnymi, a także omówienie skutków nowelizacji dla ich dalszej działalności. W tekście przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące młodzieżowych sejmików województw. Omówiono także dotychczasowe procedury i podstawy prawne ich powoływania oraz poddano je ocenie. Przedstawiono także nowe ramy prawne działania tych podmiotów, analizując w szczególności problem wcześniej istniejących
młodzieżowych sejmików województw. Rozważania prowadzą do sformułowania postulatu de lege ferenda odnoszącego się do funkcjonowania prawnych form partycypacji społecznej w samorządzie terytorialnym. / The amendments to the Act on the Voivodship Self-Government, which entered into force on 23 June 2021, applied to the regulations at the statutory level on the legal status of youth voivodship assemblies. This is an institutionalized form of youth participation at regional level,
corresponding to youth municipal councils. The need to adopt the amendment arose from the fact that such entities had already existed. However, their operation at that time could give rise to doubts, primarily because of legal grounds. The objective of the article is to analyse the functioning of youth voivodship assemblies before the legal changes, as well as to discuss the effects of the amendments on their further activity. The text presents basic information about the youth voivodship assemblies. It also discusses and evaluates the procedures to date and the legal grounds for their establishment. It additionally presents a new legal framework for the operation of these entities, in particular analysing the problem of the previously existing youth
voivodship assemblies. The considerations lead to the formulation of a de lege ferenda postulate regarding the functioning of legal forms of social participation in territorial self-government.