Piotr Wroniecki | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)

Books by Piotr Wroniecki

Research paper thumbnail of ŹRÓDŁA ARCHEOLOGICZNE W REJONIE PARKU KULTUROWEGO WIETRZYCHOWICE, TOM II. Cmentarzyska kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Gaju, stanowisko 1. Archaeological Sources in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, Vol. II. Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture in Gaj, site 1

ŹRÓDŁA ARCHEOLOGICZNE W REJONIE PARKU KULTUROWEGO WIETRZYCHOWICE, TOM II. Cmentarzyska kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Gaju, stanowisko 1. Archaeological Sources in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, Vol. II. Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture in Gaj, site 1, 2023

‘Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture at Gaj, site 1’ is second volume of the series ‘Archaeolog... more ‘Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture at Gaj, site 1’ is second volume of the series ‘Archaeological sources in the region of the Wietrzychowice Culture Park’. This part present comprehensive study of the archaeological sources obtained during field work carried out in the years 1950 and 2014-2022. The main part of the publication are the study of materials from archaeological research of two long barrows no. 1 and 2 and their surroundings, which are supplemented by a number of analyzes and specialist opinions. Relevant section of the publication are studies of geomorphological and pedological situation of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Źródła archeologiczne w rejonie Parku Kulturowego Wietrzychowice, tom 1.  Prospekcje nieinwazyjne i abiotyczne elementy środowiska geograficznego Archaeological Remains in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, Vol. 1.  Non-invasive prospection and abiotic elements of geographical environment

Źródła archeologiczne w rejonie Parku Kulturowego Wietrzychowice Archaeological Remains in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Grodziska wczesnośredniowieczne Polski centralnej. Archeologiczne badania nieinwazyjne z lat 2013-2016 (Early medieval strongholds in Central Poland. Non-invasive research in 2013-2016))

Monograph on non-invasive research of 12 early medieval strongholds surveyed in 2013-2016: Chełmo... more Monograph on non-invasive research of 12 early medieval strongholds surveyed in 2013-2016: Chełmo, Ewinów, Krzepocinek, Mnichów, Okopy, Rękoraj, Rozprza, Spycimierz, Stare Skoszewy, Szydłów, Witów, Żarnów. With English summary and description of figures. Chapters with basic informations about excavations carried out in Żarnów (2012-2013) and Rozprza (2015-2016) added.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dzwonowo. Średniowieczne zaginione miasto, Tom I, Środowisko naturalne, zarys dziejów, badania nieinwazyjne , M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki (red.) / Dzwonowo. An Abandoned Medieval Town, Volume I, edited by M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki

Dzwonowo. Średniowieczne zaginione miasto, Tom I, Środowisko naturalne, zarys dziejów, badania nieinwazyjne , M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki (red.) / Dzwonowo. An Abandoned Medieval Town, Volume I, edited by M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki

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Research paper thumbnail of Andrzejewski A., Wroniecki P. (eds.) In Search of a Lost Town. 15 years of Research Over the Abandoned Medieval Town of Nieszawa / W poszukiwaniu zaginionego miasta: 15 lat badań średniowiecznej lokalizacji Nieszawy

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Papers by Piotr Wroniecki

Research paper thumbnail of Searching for the Missing Graves of PoWs from the Second World War-an Example of Research Conducted in the Area of Stalag VIII B (344) Lamsdorf

The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice, Poland is a complex of former prisoner of war (P... more The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice, Poland is a complex of former prisoner of war (PoW) and resettlement camps that operated near the village from the time of the Prussian-French War (1870-1871) through the First and Second World Wars, including the interwar period, until the liquidation of the labor camp established by the Polish communist authorities in 1945-1946. Since June 2022, The Central Museum of Prisoners of War has been carrying out a project, a key part of which is the integration of various archaeological research methods for mapping the material remains of the camps that have been preserved until the present day in the local, mostly forested, landscape. Among the most important research problems was the issue of unknown and unmarked PoW burial sites and mass graves. The applied research methodology allowed, among other things, the locating of 60 structures, which can currently be interpreted as the quarters of Italian PoWs interned in Stalag VIII B (344) Lamsdorf at the end of the Second World War. The excavations ended with the identification by name of the first two Italian soldiers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revealing the extent of Neolithic rondel enclosures in Lower Silesia using non-invasive prospection

Antiquity, 2023

During the early fifth millennium BC, Linearbandkeramik groups along the Danube in Central Europe... more During the early fifth millennium BC, Linearbandkeramik groups along the Danube in Central Europe constructed hundreds of circular enclosures, or 'rondels'. These monumental sites signalled major social, economic and ideological change among these early farming communities. Their absence north of the Carpathian and Sudeten Mountains has been taken to suggest that this area lay on the periphery of this Early Neolithic world. Here, the authors report on a systematic programme of non-invasive prospection, including aerial photography, in Lower Silesia. The survey has identified eight previously undocumented rondels, significantly extending their distribution. Their detection emphasises the importance of combining prospection methods, and calls for a re-evaluation of core-periphery interpretations of Early Neolithic Central Europe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Camp Archaeology at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice (Formerly Lamsdorf), Poland

Since June 2022, the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War (Poland) has been carrying out a multidis... more Since June 2022, the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War (Poland) has been carrying out a multidisciplinary research project entitled "Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice." The aim of this article is to discuss the preliminary results of selected non-invasive and invasive archaeological and ethnographic research realized during the first months of the field activities. Additionally, they show the value of so-called community archaeology in which the participation of local inhabitants in field research is an important element of applied methodology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modern research methods in medieval archaeology on the example of the Rozprza hillfort. Współczesne metody badawcze w archeologii średniowiecza na przykładzie grodziska w Rozprzy

Archeologia średniowiecza ziem polskich na początku XXI wieku, 2021

Brief summary of the modern methods used in the research of the hillfort at Rozprza (Central Pola... more Brief summary of the modern methods used in the research of the hillfort at Rozprza (Central Poland), such as: remote sensing, geophysics, GIS, photogrammetry and environmental archaeology methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of New sources about the past? Application of geophysical prospection methods in the study of the Middle Ages. Nowe źródła o przeszłości? Zastosowanie prospekcji geofizycznej w badaniach nad średniowieczem

Archeologia średniowiecza ziem polskich na początku XXI wieku Grodziska, cmentarzyska i monety w perspektywie nowych metod badawczych, 2021

Overview of archaeological geophysical methods applied to the study of medieval towns, fortificat... more Overview of archaeological geophysical methods applied to the study of medieval towns, fortifications and other settlement sites.

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive Investigation of Segment C of the Krzemionki Exploitation Field. Initial Research Results

Archeologia Polona, 2022

Non-invasive research has been undertaken in the southern arm of the archaeological area of the K... more Non-invasive research has been undertaken in the southern arm of the archaeological area of the Krzemionki exploitation field, which is one of the least excavated of its regions. Geophysical prospection covered an area of 3.5 ha, and in addition, an area of more than 5 ha was examined by surface collection. The image of the underground structures was obtained thanks to a comprehensive comparison of the results of magnetic, earth resistance and GPR measurements, as well as the distribution of archaeological finds on the ground surface. The study was supplemented with data obtained from the analysis of archival aerial photos and Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) derivatives. On the basis of these complementary data, it was possible to create a general image of the distribution of archaeological sources in the study area. When trying to determine the potential range of the exploitation field, the most legible results were obtained from earth resistance survey and magnetic gradiometry methods. In the most fully explored fragment of the area, anomalies suggesting the presence of prehistoric mining facilities are located in a strip 40-60 m wide, running in the NW-SE direction. Surface studies showed the presence of anthropogenic limestone debris in a zone of similar width (50-75 m) and the direction of its course, while the spread of flint and erratic stone finds turned out to be even greater (a belt 70-90 m wide). Geophysical surveys indicate the possibility of the existence of flint workshops and settlement facilities around the mining field. This can be confirmed in future by further systematic studies of its surroundings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nieinwazyjne badania geofizyczne. Modelowe prowadzenie i praktyczne zastosowanie w aspekcie działań konserwatorskich związanych z rozpoznaniem i ochroną dziedzictwa archeologicznego

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Research paper thumbnail of Stolzenberg/Sławoborze – zanikłe średniowieczne miasto biskupów kamieńskich (?) = wstępne wyniki badań

XXII Sesja Pomorzoznawcza. Od epoki kamienia do nowożytności, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Revealing the first location of abandoned medieval town Toruń, Poland, with the use of integrated noninvasive research

Archaeological Prospection, 2021

The article presents the latest results of the search for the first location of abandoned medieva... more The article presents the latest results of the search for the first location of abandoned medieval town Toruń (Ger. Thorn), conducted in 2017–2018 by an interdisciplinary research team. Noninvasive research, including aerial, surface and geophysical prospection and geological soil coring, was preceded by archival and library queries and analysis of historical written and cartographic sources as well as contemporary remote-sensing digital images. These all pointed clearly to an area to the west of Toruń, north of the entrance to the Wood Port on the Vistula. A systematic aerial survey led to the discovery of an extensive anthropogenic structure in this area. Magnetic gradiometry survey revealed anomalies typical of human activity that were interpreted as, among other things, the remains of moats and buildings indicating the area of the town's first location. Their physical character was confirmed through geological tests. Moreover, the existence of an embankment surrounding the town is suggested by the traces of an alluvial fan formed within the fortifications by flooding. The authors point out the limitation of the possibility to identify such sites by field walking-method within the methodology of the Polish Archaeological Record. The acquired results provide strong grounds for a continuation in the form of further interdisciplinary archaeological research.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019) Otwórz oczy i patrz! Efekty systematycznej prospekcji lotniczej na Śląsku // Open your eyes and see! Effects of systematic aerial prospection in Silesia

Pierwsi rolnicy i hodowcy na Śląsku Dialog interdyscyplinarny, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Late Medieval motte-and-bailey settlement in a lowland river valley landscape of Central Poland

Geoarchaeology, 2018

The Rozprza motte-and-bailey residence in Central Poland was inhabited from the third decade of t... more The Rozprza motte-and-bailey residence in Central Poland was inhabited from the third decade of the 14th century up to the 15th century A.D. and functioned as a seat of a noble family. It was situated in the place occupied previously by an Early Medieval open settlement and a later ring-fort. The motte was constructed on the river terrace remnant adjoining a strongly expanding flood plain in the central part of the mid-Luciąża River valley. The immediate surroundings of the stronghold were studied by means of archaeological excavations, detailed geological mapping (hand-auger transects and trenching), and large-scale aerial photography, as well as geochemical and geophys-ical (magnetic gradiometry and soil electrical resistance) prospection. All the results have been integrated within a GIS and supported by a set of 14 C dates that allow for a detailed geomorpho-logical reconstruction of the stronghold situation, including former river patterns, the local flood plain development, and the history of the Medieval fortress site with its moats. Our research provides insights into the late Holocene evolution of a small river valley and confirms the favorable conditions for the location of the motte on a terrace remnant protected by the system of moats and surrounding paleochannels and swampy areas within the valley floor.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2020) Overlooked Archaeology. An overview of prehistoric enclosures from southern Poland based on non-invasive research.

M. Dębiec / T. Saile (eds), A planitiebus usque ad montes. Studia archaeologica Andreae Pelisiak vitae anno sexagesimo quinto oblata, 2020 , 2020

This review of prehistoric enclosures from southern Poland aims to show the impact of non-invasiv... more This review of prehistoric enclosures from southern Poland aims to show the impact of non-invasive prospection on the assessment of their role in the archaeological landscape. Two regions (Silesia and Lesser Poland), characterized by a long and intensive history of settlement reaching the oldest farming communities, were taken into account. Both areas have similar research histories and are also distinguished by the presence of heterogeneous environmental conditions, associated with the existence of a mosaic of ecological and habitational zones conducive to the development of agricultural economies to varying degrees.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2020) Biskupin... i co z tego? Wiedza totalna w kontekście rozwoju prospekcji archeologicznej // Biskupin... and so what? Total knowledge in the context of the development of archaeological prospection

Studia Lednickie, 2020

Th e problem of knowledge based on one method and competing specialisations does not only apply t... more Th e problem of knowledge based on one method and competing specialisations does not only apply to archaeology. Th is phenomenon has been described by
V. Frankl, an Austrian philosopher who noticed the harmful eff ects of the fragmentary view of specialists on human nature. Frankl’s analysis translated onto archaeological
prospection has a number of implications, the main of which is the need to integrate techniques and an awareness of the cognitive limitations of the applied methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019) Pierwotna lokacja Torunia w świetle badań nieinwazyjnych i analiz GIS /// The first location of Toruń based on non-invasive research and GIS analysis

Archaeologia Historica Polona, 2019

The article presents the results of non-invasive surveys and GIS analysis carried between 2017–20... more The article presents the results of non-invasive surveys and GIS analysis carried between 2017–2018 by an interdisciplinary team which aimed at finding the first location of medieval Toruń – the first Teutonic Order town. Various methods were applied including: aerial, field-walking and geophysical prospection as well as geological mapping with the use of soil coring. The field work was preceded by a query and analysis of historical and cartographic sources as well as contemporary digital cartographic and remote sensing images. It clearly narrowed down the search area to the north of contemporary Toruń’s timber port entrance. A systematic aerial survey revealed crop marks outlining an extensive anthropogenic structure in this region. Geophysical research revealed the presence of magnetic field anomalies characteristic of relics of human activity, which were confirmed by soil samples obtained by augering and surface finds. Based on all available data the detected features have been interpreted as the remains of moats, gates and buildings that mark the area of the first location of Toruń, before its translocation. The research results so far have been preliminary and give a significant input to their continuation in the form of both further non-invasive and archaeological research

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Research paper thumbnail of 2019 Badania nieinwazyjne grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych NW części Dolnego (Non-invasive studies of early medieval strongholds of the NW part of Lower Silesia)o Śląska

Wspóøczesne metody badań grodów, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of ŹRÓDŁA ARCHEOLOGICZNE W REJONIE PARKU KULTUROWEGO WIETRZYCHOWICE, TOM II. Cmentarzyska kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Gaju, stanowisko 1. Archaeological Sources in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, Vol. II. Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture in Gaj, site 1

ŹRÓDŁA ARCHEOLOGICZNE W REJONIE PARKU KULTUROWEGO WIETRZYCHOWICE, TOM II. Cmentarzyska kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Gaju, stanowisko 1. Archaeological Sources in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, Vol. II. Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture in Gaj, site 1, 2023

‘Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture at Gaj, site 1’ is second volume of the series ‘Archaeolog... more ‘Cemetery of the Funnel Beaker culture at Gaj, site 1’ is second volume of the series ‘Archaeological sources in the region of the Wietrzychowice Culture Park’. This part present comprehensive study of the archaeological sources obtained during field work carried out in the years 1950 and 2014-2022. The main part of the publication are the study of materials from archaeological research of two long barrows no. 1 and 2 and their surroundings, which are supplemented by a number of analyzes and specialist opinions. Relevant section of the publication are studies of geomorphological and pedological situation of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Źródła archeologiczne w rejonie Parku Kulturowego Wietrzychowice, tom 1.  Prospekcje nieinwazyjne i abiotyczne elementy środowiska geograficznego Archaeological Remains in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, Vol. 1.  Non-invasive prospection and abiotic elements of geographical environment

Źródła archeologiczne w rejonie Parku Kulturowego Wietrzychowice Archaeological Remains in the Region of Wietrzychowice Culture Park, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Grodziska wczesnośredniowieczne Polski centralnej. Archeologiczne badania nieinwazyjne z lat 2013-2016 (Early medieval strongholds in Central Poland. Non-invasive research in 2013-2016))

Monograph on non-invasive research of 12 early medieval strongholds surveyed in 2013-2016: Chełmo... more Monograph on non-invasive research of 12 early medieval strongholds surveyed in 2013-2016: Chełmo, Ewinów, Krzepocinek, Mnichów, Okopy, Rękoraj, Rozprza, Spycimierz, Stare Skoszewy, Szydłów, Witów, Żarnów. With English summary and description of figures. Chapters with basic informations about excavations carried out in Żarnów (2012-2013) and Rozprza (2015-2016) added.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dzwonowo. Średniowieczne zaginione miasto, Tom I, Środowisko naturalne, zarys dziejów, badania nieinwazyjne , M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki (red.) / Dzwonowo. An Abandoned Medieval Town, Volume I, edited by M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki

Dzwonowo. Średniowieczne zaginione miasto, Tom I, Środowisko naturalne, zarys dziejów, badania nieinwazyjne , M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki (red.) / Dzwonowo. An Abandoned Medieval Town, Volume I, edited by M. Krzepkowski, M. Moeglich, P. Wroniecki

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Research paper thumbnail of Andrzejewski A., Wroniecki P. (eds.) In Search of a Lost Town. 15 years of Research Over the Abandoned Medieval Town of Nieszawa / W poszukiwaniu zaginionego miasta: 15 lat badań średniowiecznej lokalizacji Nieszawy

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Research paper thumbnail of Searching for the Missing Graves of PoWs from the Second World War-an Example of Research Conducted in the Area of Stalag VIII B (344) Lamsdorf

The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice, Poland is a complex of former prisoner of war (P... more The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice, Poland is a complex of former prisoner of war (PoW) and resettlement camps that operated near the village from the time of the Prussian-French War (1870-1871) through the First and Second World Wars, including the interwar period, until the liquidation of the labor camp established by the Polish communist authorities in 1945-1946. Since June 2022, The Central Museum of Prisoners of War has been carrying out a project, a key part of which is the integration of various archaeological research methods for mapping the material remains of the camps that have been preserved until the present day in the local, mostly forested, landscape. Among the most important research problems was the issue of unknown and unmarked PoW burial sites and mass graves. The applied research methodology allowed, among other things, the locating of 60 structures, which can currently be interpreted as the quarters of Italian PoWs interned in Stalag VIII B (344) Lamsdorf at the end of the Second World War. The excavations ended with the identification by name of the first two Italian soldiers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revealing the extent of Neolithic rondel enclosures in Lower Silesia using non-invasive prospection

Antiquity, 2023

During the early fifth millennium BC, Linearbandkeramik groups along the Danube in Central Europe... more During the early fifth millennium BC, Linearbandkeramik groups along the Danube in Central Europe constructed hundreds of circular enclosures, or 'rondels'. These monumental sites signalled major social, economic and ideological change among these early farming communities. Their absence north of the Carpathian and Sudeten Mountains has been taken to suggest that this area lay on the periphery of this Early Neolithic world. Here, the authors report on a systematic programme of non-invasive prospection, including aerial photography, in Lower Silesia. The survey has identified eight previously undocumented rondels, significantly extending their distribution. Their detection emphasises the importance of combining prospection methods, and calls for a re-evaluation of core-periphery interpretations of Early Neolithic Central Europe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Camp Archaeology at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice (Formerly Lamsdorf), Poland

Since June 2022, the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War (Poland) has been carrying out a multidis... more Since June 2022, the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War (Poland) has been carrying out a multidisciplinary research project entitled "Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice." The aim of this article is to discuss the preliminary results of selected non-invasive and invasive archaeological and ethnographic research realized during the first months of the field activities. Additionally, they show the value of so-called community archaeology in which the participation of local inhabitants in field research is an important element of applied methodology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modern research methods in medieval archaeology on the example of the Rozprza hillfort. Współczesne metody badawcze w archeologii średniowiecza na przykładzie grodziska w Rozprzy

Archeologia średniowiecza ziem polskich na początku XXI wieku, 2021

Brief summary of the modern methods used in the research of the hillfort at Rozprza (Central Pola... more Brief summary of the modern methods used in the research of the hillfort at Rozprza (Central Poland), such as: remote sensing, geophysics, GIS, photogrammetry and environmental archaeology methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of New sources about the past? Application of geophysical prospection methods in the study of the Middle Ages. Nowe źródła o przeszłości? Zastosowanie prospekcji geofizycznej w badaniach nad średniowieczem

Archeologia średniowiecza ziem polskich na początku XXI wieku Grodziska, cmentarzyska i monety w perspektywie nowych metod badawczych, 2021

Overview of archaeological geophysical methods applied to the study of medieval towns, fortificat... more Overview of archaeological geophysical methods applied to the study of medieval towns, fortifications and other settlement sites.

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive Investigation of Segment C of the Krzemionki Exploitation Field. Initial Research Results

Archeologia Polona, 2022

Non-invasive research has been undertaken in the southern arm of the archaeological area of the K... more Non-invasive research has been undertaken in the southern arm of the archaeological area of the Krzemionki exploitation field, which is one of the least excavated of its regions. Geophysical prospection covered an area of 3.5 ha, and in addition, an area of more than 5 ha was examined by surface collection. The image of the underground structures was obtained thanks to a comprehensive comparison of the results of magnetic, earth resistance and GPR measurements, as well as the distribution of archaeological finds on the ground surface. The study was supplemented with data obtained from the analysis of archival aerial photos and Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) derivatives. On the basis of these complementary data, it was possible to create a general image of the distribution of archaeological sources in the study area. When trying to determine the potential range of the exploitation field, the most legible results were obtained from earth resistance survey and magnetic gradiometry methods. In the most fully explored fragment of the area, anomalies suggesting the presence of prehistoric mining facilities are located in a strip 40-60 m wide, running in the NW-SE direction. Surface studies showed the presence of anthropogenic limestone debris in a zone of similar width (50-75 m) and the direction of its course, while the spread of flint and erratic stone finds turned out to be even greater (a belt 70-90 m wide). Geophysical surveys indicate the possibility of the existence of flint workshops and settlement facilities around the mining field. This can be confirmed in future by further systematic studies of its surroundings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nieinwazyjne badania geofizyczne. Modelowe prowadzenie i praktyczne zastosowanie w aspekcie działań konserwatorskich związanych z rozpoznaniem i ochroną dziedzictwa archeologicznego

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Research paper thumbnail of Stolzenberg/Sławoborze – zanikłe średniowieczne miasto biskupów kamieńskich (?) = wstępne wyniki badań

XXII Sesja Pomorzoznawcza. Od epoki kamienia do nowożytności, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Revealing the first location of abandoned medieval town Toruń, Poland, with the use of integrated noninvasive research

Archaeological Prospection, 2021

The article presents the latest results of the search for the first location of abandoned medieva... more The article presents the latest results of the search for the first location of abandoned medieval town Toruń (Ger. Thorn), conducted in 2017–2018 by an interdisciplinary research team. Noninvasive research, including aerial, surface and geophysical prospection and geological soil coring, was preceded by archival and library queries and analysis of historical written and cartographic sources as well as contemporary remote-sensing digital images. These all pointed clearly to an area to the west of Toruń, north of the entrance to the Wood Port on the Vistula. A systematic aerial survey led to the discovery of an extensive anthropogenic structure in this area. Magnetic gradiometry survey revealed anomalies typical of human activity that were interpreted as, among other things, the remains of moats and buildings indicating the area of the town's first location. Their physical character was confirmed through geological tests. Moreover, the existence of an embankment surrounding the town is suggested by the traces of an alluvial fan formed within the fortifications by flooding. The authors point out the limitation of the possibility to identify such sites by field walking-method within the methodology of the Polish Archaeological Record. The acquired results provide strong grounds for a continuation in the form of further interdisciplinary archaeological research.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019) Otwórz oczy i patrz! Efekty systematycznej prospekcji lotniczej na Śląsku // Open your eyes and see! Effects of systematic aerial prospection in Silesia

Pierwsi rolnicy i hodowcy na Śląsku Dialog interdyscyplinarny, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Late Medieval motte-and-bailey settlement in a lowland river valley landscape of Central Poland

Geoarchaeology, 2018

The Rozprza motte-and-bailey residence in Central Poland was inhabited from the third decade of t... more The Rozprza motte-and-bailey residence in Central Poland was inhabited from the third decade of the 14th century up to the 15th century A.D. and functioned as a seat of a noble family. It was situated in the place occupied previously by an Early Medieval open settlement and a later ring-fort. The motte was constructed on the river terrace remnant adjoining a strongly expanding flood plain in the central part of the mid-Luciąża River valley. The immediate surroundings of the stronghold were studied by means of archaeological excavations, detailed geological mapping (hand-auger transects and trenching), and large-scale aerial photography, as well as geochemical and geophys-ical (magnetic gradiometry and soil electrical resistance) prospection. All the results have been integrated within a GIS and supported by a set of 14 C dates that allow for a detailed geomorpho-logical reconstruction of the stronghold situation, including former river patterns, the local flood plain development, and the history of the Medieval fortress site with its moats. Our research provides insights into the late Holocene evolution of a small river valley and confirms the favorable conditions for the location of the motte on a terrace remnant protected by the system of moats and surrounding paleochannels and swampy areas within the valley floor.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2020) Overlooked Archaeology. An overview of prehistoric enclosures from southern Poland based on non-invasive research.

M. Dębiec / T. Saile (eds), A planitiebus usque ad montes. Studia archaeologica Andreae Pelisiak vitae anno sexagesimo quinto oblata, 2020 , 2020

This review of prehistoric enclosures from southern Poland aims to show the impact of non-invasiv... more This review of prehistoric enclosures from southern Poland aims to show the impact of non-invasive prospection on the assessment of their role in the archaeological landscape. Two regions (Silesia and Lesser Poland), characterized by a long and intensive history of settlement reaching the oldest farming communities, were taken into account. Both areas have similar research histories and are also distinguished by the presence of heterogeneous environmental conditions, associated with the existence of a mosaic of ecological and habitational zones conducive to the development of agricultural economies to varying degrees.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2020) Biskupin... i co z tego? Wiedza totalna w kontekście rozwoju prospekcji archeologicznej // Biskupin... and so what? Total knowledge in the context of the development of archaeological prospection

Studia Lednickie, 2020

Th e problem of knowledge based on one method and competing specialisations does not only apply t... more Th e problem of knowledge based on one method and competing specialisations does not only apply to archaeology. Th is phenomenon has been described by
V. Frankl, an Austrian philosopher who noticed the harmful eff ects of the fragmentary view of specialists on human nature. Frankl’s analysis translated onto archaeological
prospection has a number of implications, the main of which is the need to integrate techniques and an awareness of the cognitive limitations of the applied methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019) Pierwotna lokacja Torunia w świetle badań nieinwazyjnych i analiz GIS /// The first location of Toruń based on non-invasive research and GIS analysis

Archaeologia Historica Polona, 2019

The article presents the results of non-invasive surveys and GIS analysis carried between 2017–20... more The article presents the results of non-invasive surveys and GIS analysis carried between 2017–2018 by an interdisciplinary team which aimed at finding the first location of medieval Toruń – the first Teutonic Order town. Various methods were applied including: aerial, field-walking and geophysical prospection as well as geological mapping with the use of soil coring. The field work was preceded by a query and analysis of historical and cartographic sources as well as contemporary digital cartographic and remote sensing images. It clearly narrowed down the search area to the north of contemporary Toruń’s timber port entrance. A systematic aerial survey revealed crop marks outlining an extensive anthropogenic structure in this region. Geophysical research revealed the presence of magnetic field anomalies characteristic of relics of human activity, which were confirmed by soil samples obtained by augering and surface finds. Based on all available data the detected features have been interpreted as the remains of moats, gates and buildings that mark the area of the first location of Toruń, before its translocation. The research results so far have been preliminary and give a significant input to their continuation in the form of both further non-invasive and archaeological research

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Research paper thumbnail of 2019 Badania nieinwazyjne grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych NW części Dolnego (Non-invasive studies of early medieval strongholds of the NW part of Lower Silesia)o Śląska

Wspóøczesne metody badań grodów, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania geofizyczne na wybranych stanowiskach w rejonie Rawki i Bzury (ARCHEOLOGICZNE PRZYWRACANIE PAMIĘCI O WIELKIEJ WOJNIE W REJONIE RAWKI I BZURY (1914-1915)

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Research paper thumbnail of Zastosowanie metod geofizycznych w badaniach poszukiwawczych reliktów domniemanego średniowiecznego fortalicium w Pławniowicach, woj. śląskie

Metody geofizyczne w archeologii polskiej, 2018

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Regional and microregional survey projects have a long history in the archaeological research, wh... more Regional and microregional survey projects have a long history in the archaeological research, which aimed to gain a better understanding about a landscape's settlement network in cultural, social and economic point of views. Field-walking, geophysical prospection, aerial photography, airborne laser-scanning and GIS modelling play a key role during the identification, monitoring and evaluating archaeological resources. Non-invasive survey methods became a crucial element of these integrated researches and also applied in development-led archaeological projects during the heritage assessment and management. These projects often proved to be the starting point of novel approaches in major and minor methodological and scientific topics and created best-practices for successful fieldwork and interpretation. The recent theoretical and technical advances in non-invasive methods, which provided detailed sampling resolution and increasing daily coverage, are forcing regular checkups on our integrated survey system. Therefore, the aim of his session is to discuss the application and impact of different non-invasive methods in heritage management and regional survey strategies. We would like to focus on such topics as optimal distribution of limited resources, data integration and interpretation of large-scale datasets. We invite anyone who would be interested in sharing their thoughts on the connection between the decision-making process of the integrated survey scheme and also on their long-term impact development-led archaeological projects.

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Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2018

Castles were centres of the socio-economic life. In the last centuries castles were gradually dis... more Castles were centres of the socio-economic life. In the last centuries castles were gradually disappearing from the landscape of Central Europe. It was mostly due to changes in a social order, but also because of natural disasters which happened during that time. In few cases this happened so suddenly and fully that today we even can’t point out their approximate location. This is especially true for castles functioning between 14th and 16th century in the Zgorzelec Wilderness (south-west Poland), in places known nowadays as Prędocice, Nowoszów, Pieńsk and Piaseczna. To identify castles’ oikumenes authors decided to re-analyse known historical evidences and execute a field research. The latter one was targeted to recognize not only cultural heritage such as ruins of buildings or earthworks, but also changes in the natural environment, such as biotope’s transformations. As a result of dual humanistic-environmental studies remains of a medieval building were found in Nowoszów. They were assumed to be vestiges of the castle’s oikumene, maybe a tower house, functioning at the manmade isle on the Czerna Wielka river. The other result of the research was identifying other artificial islands, in these cases, on the Lusatian Neisse river that with a big probability contain remains of castles in Prędocice and Pieńsk. Castles in the Zgorzelec Wilderness didn’t deviate from other structures of this type and were built in naturally defensive locations. River valleys’ neckings and natural elevations within river fluvial valleys were accordingly transformed to better serve its purposes. Rivers and streams in addition were used as an economic base, for example to power hammer forges. A natural environment’s transformations caused by castles’ inhabitants were so vast, that these changes dated back to Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period to this day are clearly visible in ecosystems of the Zgorzelec Wilderness.

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Research paper thumbnail of In Search of the Millenial Mirage. New Investigation of the Stronghold in Rozprza (in Polish)

Światowit annual of the institute of archaeology of the university of warsaw vol. Xi-Xii (lii-liii, 2018

Results of the new research of the medieval stronghold in Rozprza. Results of our research from 2... more Results of the new research of the medieval stronghold in Rozprza. Results of our research from 2013-2016 show significant differences in relation to the archaeological investigations from the 1960s. The collected dataset indicates a need for a substantial correction of the chronology of the features. It also corrects a number of details relating to the construction of defensive features and the character of the structures. These discrepancies between the old and the new datasets may be due primarily to the significant technical and methodological progress that has taken place during the past 50 years and implies that it is necessary to verify the findings of older research projects, especially those related to the millennial period.

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Research paper thumbnail of CONFERENZA DI ARCHEOLOGIA 26.06.2023. Ricerche in corso dell’Istituto di Archeologia ed Etnologia dell’Accademia Polacca delle Scienze sull’archeologia del Mediterraneo medievale in Sicilia e Andalusia, Accademia Polacca delle Scienze di Roma, Vicolo Doria 2,

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Research paper thumbnail of R. Schmidt, P. Wroniecki, J. Zagórska-Telega, J. Pikulski, M. Jaworski. Remote sensing and geophysical studies for discovering and interpreting anthropogenic and natural structures. A case study from Michałowice (Nida Basin, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship,Poland)

Geoarchaeology of River Valleys

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Research paper thumbnail of Stolzenberg/Sławoborze Zanikłe średniowieczne miasto biskupów kamieńskich? Wstępne wyniki badań

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Research paper thumbnail of A Tale of Cognitive Dissonance: Some Remarks On The Archaeological Expectations of Geophysical Surveys - A Polish Perspective

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Research paper thumbnail of Hidden Landscapes of Southern Poland. The application of non-invasive methods and their role in the study of past soceities.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Bronze Age Burial Mound or a High Medieval Motte Non invasive study of the Krzczonow Earthwork in Poland

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania topograficzne w zachodniej Małopolsce. Fotografia lotnicza jako uzupełnienie AZP

2011 Sesja sprawozdawcza IAUW

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania nieinwazyjne w woj. świetokrzyskim i małopolskim. Możliwości, oczekiwania i osiągnięcia na podstawie prac w latach 2010-2012

2012, Sesja sprawozdawcza IAUW

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Research paper thumbnail of Czy wszystkie drogi prowadzą do Rzymu. Rzecz o bezdrożach interpretacji badań geofizycznych (casus Szurpiły)

Warmińsko-Mazurska Sesja Sprawozdawcza (za lata 2008-2012) poświęcona pamięci Prof. J. Okulicza-K... more Warmińsko-Mazurska Sesja Sprawozdawcza (za lata 2008-2012) poświęcona pamięci Prof. J. Okulicza-Kozaryna
Giżycko, 24-26 października 2013 r.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring free LiDAR derivatives. A user's perspective on the potential of readily available resources in Poland

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Research paper thumbnail of Early medieval ring-forts from Central Poland (Mnichów, Okopy, Witów). Non-invasive research.

Open lecture presentation with summary of non-invasive research program of early medieval ring-fo... more Open lecture presentation with summary of non-invasive research program of early medieval ring-forts from Central Poland.

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Research paper thumbnail of Early medieval settlement complex in Zarnow (Central Poland) - in Polish

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Research paper thumbnail of Early medieval settlement complex in Ostrowite in the light of researches in 2010-2012 (in Polish).

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Research paper thumbnail of Integration of remote sensing data - the case studie of cultural heritage managment

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Research paper thumbnail of Filling the gap – the change of perception on deserted villages through perspective of remote sensing   data in Poland and Czech Republic

The change from writing holistic histories to presenting micro pasts (Domańska 2005), is not a ne... more The change from writing holistic histories to presenting micro pasts (Domańska 2005), is not a new one.
In our opinion it did not change the perspective of archaeological studies. Prehistory is still written by
the winners. Although this time the winners are things not humans. Those features that seem to be not
interesting are omitted in the grand narratives of prehistories. One of the marginalized perspective of
studies are the landscape of villages and farm lives. We would like to present a brief comparison of
landscape studies on this subject from Poland and Czech Republic, focusing only on medieval and later
rural settlements. From the perspective of these is seem like we are living in a different world, were in
the Czech Republic the landscape is full of the past traces of farming activities in opposition to Polish
territory, where only few such places are currently known. Are we living in a different landscape or
perhaps it is the effect of different perspectives on landscape studies? The second topic that we would
like to stress out is how the perception of studying such places can be changed through applying remote
sensing data, especially LiDAR-derivatives.

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-destructive survey in Novae (Lower Moesia) (A. Tomas, P. Wroniecki, M. Jaworski, P. Jaworski, M. Pisz, J. Pisz, K. Misiewicz, W. Małkowski)

Proceedings of Limes Congress Ruse, Bulgaria, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Early medieval ring-forts from Central Poland. Non-invasive research (Chełmo, Ewinów, Krzepocinek, Spycimierz)

Open lecture presentation with summary of research program.

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania nieinwazyjne na terenie poszerzenia wschodniego Novae / Non-invasive survey at the eastern annexe in Novae (A. Tomas,  J. Balcerzak, M. Jaworski, P. Jaworski, W. Małkowski, K. Misiewicz, M. Pisz i P. Wroniecki)

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote sensing techniques in the study of civil settlement near Novae (A. Tomas, P. Wroniecki, M. Jaworski, M. Pisz, S. Rzeźnik)

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote sensing techniques in the study of civil settlement near Novae (Moesia inferior) (A. Tomas, K. Misiewicz, P. Wroniecki, W. Małkowski, M. Jaworski, M. Pisz, J. Pisz)

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Research paper thumbnail of Reading Landscapes - Międzynarodowe Warsztaty Badania Krajobrazu Archeologicznego (M. Jaworski, P. Dulęba, G. Mesterhazy, J. Pisz, M. Pisz, M. Krajnak, S. Rzeźnik, M. Stibranyi, A. Tomas, P. Wroniecki)

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Research paper thumbnail of R. Schmidt, P. Wroniecki, S. Domański, G, Kuś: Die Kombination von Luftbildarchäologie und geophysikalischer Prospektion - Method und interpretationsansätze - Beispiele aus dem Krakauer Lössgebiet, Polen

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania nieinwazyjne cywilnego osadnictwa w Novae (Mezja Dolna) / razem z A. Tomas, M. Jaworski, P. Jaworski, K. Misiewicz, W. Małkowski, J. Pisz, M. Pisz

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote sensing techniques in the study of civil settlement near Novae (Moesia Inferior) / with A. Tomas, J. Balcerzak, M. Jaworski, M. Pisz)

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Research paper thumbnail of Reading Landscapes. Międzynarodowe warsztaty badania krajobrazu archeologicznego (razem z M. Jaworski, P. Dulęba, G. Mesterházy, J. Pisz, M. Pisz, M. Krajńák, S. Rzeźnik, M. Stibrányi, A. Tomas)

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Research paper thumbnail of Stronghold. Landscape transformations of Nysa Łużycka estuary to Odra river in the perspective of historical and non-invasive archaeological research

presented on conference Transformations of Landscapes: the impacts and aftermaths of the Thirty Y... more presented on conference Transformations of Landscapes: the impacts and aftermaths of the Thirty Years´ War - Pilzno, Czech Rep. 10-12 XI 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of To understand an anomaly. Verification of geophysical anomalies through excavation - case study of Ostrowite (Poland)

Conference poster (in Polish).

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Research paper thumbnail of Film: Czy leci z nami archeolog / Is There an Archaeologist Onboard

“Is There An Archaeologist Onboard” is a short film introducing the viewer to one of the most imp... more “Is There An Archaeologist Onboard” is a short film introducing the viewer to one of the most important methods of discovering the past, namely aerial archaeology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nieszawa: a forgotten medieval city in Poland discovered with the use of remote sensing techniques  (with M. Jaworski, M. Pisz, S. Rzeźnik, J. Zakrzewski)

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Research paper thumbnail of Nieszawa - zaginione średniowieczne miasto 3D / Nieszawa - a lost medieval city 3D (razem z M. Jaworski, M. Pisz, S. Rzeźnik, J. Zakrzewski)

Badania przeprowadzono w Toruniu (woj. kujawsko-pomorskie) na terenie położonym na polach polder... more Badania przeprowadzono w Toruniu (woj. kujawsko-pomorskie) na terenie położonym na polach polderowych na północ od ul. Przy Grobli. Podstawowym celem prospekcji było szerokopłaszczyznowe rozpoznanie metodami geofizycznymi obszaru oraz ustalenie czy występują tam obiekty archeologiczne utożsamiane ze średniowieczną lokalizacją miasta Nieszawy. W prospekcji zastosowano metodę magnetyczną oraz elektrooporową. Przeprowadzono również rekonesans lotniczy. Badania prowadzono na zlecenie Stowarzyszenia Naukowego Archeologów Polskich Oddział w Łodzi. Projekt o nazwie Nieszawa – na tropie zaginionego średniowiecznego miasta objęty został dofinansowaniem przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego oraz Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa (zadanie nr 4098/12).

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Research paper thumbnail of Badania nieinwazyjne na grodzisku w Żmijowiskach /Non-invasive survey of the Żmijowiska hill-fort  (razem z J. Zakrzewski i S. Rzeźnik)

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Research paper thumbnail of Project Website: Non-invasive research of the abandoned medieval city of Nieszawa

Old Nieszawa existed less than 35 years. Build upon the shore of the Vistula river, on the opposi... more Old Nieszawa existed less than 35 years. Build upon the shore of the Vistula river, on the opposite bank to Toruń (Thorn), it became a potent economic organism in the safe shadow of the Dybow Castle, weakening the commercial power of the Teutonic Order.

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Research paper thumbnail of Project Website: Grody wczesnośredniowieczne w Polsce / Early medieval strongholds in central Poland

Badania są współfinansowane z programu „Dziedzictwo kulturowe”, priorytetu „Ochrona zabytków ar... more Badania są współfinansowane z programu „Dziedzictwo kulturowe”, priorytetu „Ochrona zabytków archeologicznych” z roku 2012, przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Celem projektu jest nieinwazyjne rozpoznanie zaplecza osadniczego wybranych wczesnośredniowiecznych obiektów grodowych z obszaru Polski Centralnej.

W ramach programu stawiamy sobie dwa zasadnicze cele: konserwatorski, wynikający z potrzeby zadokumentowania zachowanej formy terenowej grodziska i topografii ich zaplecza oraz lepszego rozpoznania zasobów dziedzictwa archeologicznego, i poznawczy, w wyniku którego pragniemy pełniej zrozumieć zaplecze osadnicze grodzisk niż miało to miejsce w dotychczasowych badaniach.
W naszych badaniach zastosowana zostanie szeroka gama nowoczesnych, nieinwazyjnych metod prospekcji archeologicznej: geofizyczna (metodą magnetyczną i elektrooporową), rozpoznanie lotnicze, badania powierzchniowe połączone z planigrafią zabytków, badania zawartości fosforu w gruncie oraz badania geoarcheologiczne i pomiary geodezyjne oraz kartowanie w bazie GIS.

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Research paper thumbnail of Project Website:  Workshop for Reading Past and Present Landscapes in Central Europe Hungary 2012

The idea for the project came up during after-session discussions at 2011 AARG conference held in... more The idea for the project came up during after-session discussions at 2011 AARG conference held in Poznań, Poland. There, young scientists from Central European countries discussed the differences between wide archaeological survey approaches in their countries. The idea for a workshop consisting of a discussion panel and a field survey came up in early spring 2012 and has been developed and put into full shape since then. Thanks to partial financing from the Visegrad Fund the Workshop is held in autumn 2012 in Hungary as a result of cooperation between archaeologists and scientists from Visegrad group countries, public education, science and heritage institutions and private sector archaeological companies.
General idea of the project is to create a discussion panel and workshop for exchanging ideas and experience in reading historical landscapes. Such landscapes, referred to as archaeological ones, are landscapes changed by human activity. They can be read through various methodological approaches which include field walking and on-site observation, aerial photography, aerial detection and interpretation of crop- and soilmarks, detailed GPS surveys and application of geodetic techniques, GIS, various geophysical methods (electro-resistivity, geomagnetic, GPR), historical geography, local history, ecology, geology.
Due to the number of different scientific approaches and various survey systems applied in Central European countries (e.g. Record of Archaeological Sites in Poland – Archeologiczne Zdjęcie Polski – a systematic archaeological survey project run since late 70′s of the 20th century that allowed to discover and register over 435000 sites in Poland) the project is aimed at creating a common ground for building cooperation in this field by combining modern and classic techniques. We wish to build cooperation among Central European countries and combine various ideas for discovering, reading, preserving and restoring our mutual cultural heritage on the basic level – reading history from the archaeological landscape.
The participants – experts, young scientists, students – will have a chance to learn and share experience in survey methodologies, applied on-site in the area chosen by our Hungarian partners. Workshops on reading landscapes and discussion about unification of various national systems will take place in order to come out with an idea of common archaeological survey system standards in Central Europe.
Apart from archaeologists, the Workshop is set to reach archaeologists, students of archaeology, geophysicists, representatives of national and archaeological museums, and cultural heritage preservation offices – the researchers from participating countries who wish to implement such mixed and unified techniques in their countries. In long terms, we are going to create a new and common approach for recording cultural heritage of Visegrad Group countries, and as we hope, in other Central European states and beyond.

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Research paper thumbnail of Project Website: Canabae Novae (Lower Moesia). Non-destructive surveys in the extramural area.

In autumn 2011 we made first attempts to start non-destructive surveys in the extramural area of ... more In autumn 2011 we made first attempts to start non-destructive surveys in the extramural area of Novae (Roman province Lower Moesia, now Bulgaria). The task was not easy: the site is situated in the neighbourhood of the modern town of Svishtov, but it is covered with summer houses. The landscape is also complex – the fortress is situated on a wide plateau, but hills surround it from the south and east. The Dermen river valley is deep and steep, as well as the Danubian scarp heading from the north. The canabae is situated west from the camp, where summer houses are very dense. Only some areas like the eastern and south-eastern side of the fortress, remained available for archaeologists. Some places, such as a large villa, a temple for eastern divinities or a vicus placed ca. 2.5 km east from the fortress have been surveyed or even excavated. But still, our knowledge about the civil settlement accompanying the camp was poor. Within the last 15 years the site has changed dramatically with multiplying summer houses, agricultural activities and robbery, the canabae started to disappear. We have decided to save as much as possible, though the aim seemed to be a heroic job.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers - EAA 2018 - Session #583 - Non-invasive applications in research and heritage management strategies in Central and Eastern European Archaeology

Non-invasive prospection is an indispensable element of archaeological research and is also an im... more Non-invasive prospection is an indispensable element of archaeological research and is also an important component of cultural resource management strategies. In many countries various approaches have been developed to record, monitor and evaluate archaeological resources using a wide palette of prospection techniques: field-walking, aerial photography, ALS and geophysics. Despite numerous successful applications in European research projects and heritage schemes seem to undervalue their potential. This problem is particularly evident in Central and Eastern European countries where due to different rhythm of political, historical and economic factors the application of non-invasive methods still raises questions and concerns about availability, cost or effectiveness. Their implementation into a standard practice is at best sluggish. The aim of this session is to discuss the role of non-invasive methods in recognizing and documenting archaeological sites in a Central and Eastern European background. The goal is not to present survey results but rather to be the backbone for a broader discussion on their implications and implementations. From speakers we would expect thoughts on the current status of non-invasive archeology in particular in light of heritage protection systems, analysis of the most frequently encountered problems and solutions. The geographical focus is due to different progression of non-invasive research implementation and appreciation in the former Iron Curtain divide. This session´s intention is however to be a prelude to a broad international discussion and an opportunity to exchange experiences, trends and milestones in search for support of permanent and fully recognized procedures in archaeology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Metody Geofizyczne w Archeologii Polskiej 2016 / Geophysical Methods in Polish Archaeology 2016

On behalf of the organisers we cordially invite you to the 4th biennial meeting of the Geophysica... more On behalf of the organisers we cordially invite you to the 4th biennial meeting of the Geophysical Methods in Polish Archaeology conference, which will take place between the 23th-25th of November 2016 in Wrocław. These meetings are organised in a two year cycle since 2010 as an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of experiences in the field of broadly understood non-invasive methods applied to research and protection of archaeological heritage. Previous conferences held in Warsaw, Poznań and Kraków were an opportunity to present the results of projects taking place in Poland and abroad, in which non-invasive methods were an important element of the research methodology. In the spirit of this tradition we would like to pay special attention to the role of geophysical methods in archaeological resource and heritage management. Despite their increased application in prospection projects and archaeological site diagnistics, their use in the fields of pre-investment or heritage management recognition is still limited. Can the results and gathered experiences in already implemented projects be translated onto a universal mode of operation for heritage offices? We are looking forward to presentations showing the results of current research projects, both those that ended up acheiving satisfactory results, as well as those less spectacular. Our conference may also an opportunity to discuss the role of geophysical methods in contemporary archaeological theory and also very significant issues relating to standards of non-invasive research, dissemination, interpretation and archiving of data.
Discussions during previous editions of the conference left many questions unanswered. We would like to go back to this difficult and often controversial issues, working to build mutual understanding between the difficult language of geophysics and the expectations of archaeologists, heritage managers and society in general.

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Research paper thumbnail of Powrót do Radłowic. Wstępne wyniki badań nieinwazyjnych i wykopaliskowych prowadzonych w latach 2014-2016

Rejon Radłowic (gm. Domaniów, pow. oławski, woj. dolnośląskie) od dawna zwracał uwagę archeologów... more Rejon Radłowic (gm. Domaniów, pow. oławski, woj. dolnośląskie) od dawna zwracał uwagę archeologów obecnością bogatego i zróżnicowanego osadnictwa obejmującego różne fazy pradziejów i średniowiecza. Nowych informacji dotyczących stanowiska dostarczyły ogólnodostępne zdjęcia lotnicze i zobrazowania satelitarne oraz zdjęcia lotnicze pochodzące z archiwum Centralnego Ośrodka Dokumentacji Geodezyjnej i Kartograficznej. Od 2014 r. prowadzona jest również regularna prospekcja lotnicza, które pozwoliła na lokalizację wielu wyróżników związanych z obecnością rowów oraz innych obiektów archeologicznych. Dzięki nim, jak również wykonanej prospekcji geomagnetycznej, można podjąć pierwsze próby rekonstrukcji rozplanowania ogromnego założenia składającego się systemu kilku rowów. Zewnętrzne rowy otaczają ogromną przestrzeń o długości i szerokości ok. 1 km. W ich wnętrzu znajduje się kilka mniejszych, zróżnicowanych systemów rowów, w tym w jego centrum zlokalizowane jest okrągłe założenie składające się z pojedynczego rowu. W latach 2015-2016 r. przeprowadzono ograniczone przestrzennie badania wykopaliskowe, które m.in. sugerują wielofazowość funkcjonowania tego założenia, chociaż przede wszystkim związanego ze społecznościami kultury unietyckiej. Na podstawie serii oznaczeń wieku 14C za najstarsze należy uznać centralne, koliste założenie, którego czas funkcjonowania można datować na okres od około 1880-1850 BC do około 1865-1835 BC. Drugą fazę założenia obejmującą system podwójnych, paralelnych rowów, który można datować na okres od około 1860-1750 BC do około 1850-1740 BC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers: Non-invasive archaeology: integrating satellite, UAV, and geophysics with traditional field methodologies

Submission deadline: 8 February 2024 | The archaeological workflow is being revolutionised by non... more Submission deadline: 8 February 2024 | The archaeological workflow is being revolutionised by non-invasive methods such as geophysics and remote sensing. Their application is increasingly prevalent due to their lower cost and increased ease of use. Examples include satellites and unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs) with RGB, laser, and spectral sensors; geophysical techniques such as magnetometry, GPR, and resistivity; and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for data collection and interpretation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interpretacja wyników badań georadarowych

Zamek w Sztumie. Siedziba krzyżackich wójtów, rezydencja wielkich mistrzów i polskich starostów, ed. B. Wasik, Malbork , 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Rekonstrukcja systemu fos zamku w Sztumie

Zamek w Sztumie. Siedziba krzyżackich wójtów, rezydencja wielkich mistrzów i polskich starostów, ed. B. Wasik, Malbork, 2024

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