Tomasz Nowakiewicz | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)


Books by Tomasz Nowakiewicz

Research paper thumbnail of BEZŁAWKI ocalić od zniszczenia Wyniki prac interdyscyplinarnych  prowadzonych w latach 2008–2011.

Gdańskie Studia Archeologiczne. Seria Monografie. Nr 3, 2013

The present publication, Bezławki – rescue from de struction is the outcome of five seasons of ex... more The present publication, Bezławki – rescue from de struction is the outcome of five seasons of excavations started in 2008 and carried out by the Gdańsk Univer sity’s Institute of Archaeology. A good opportunity to excavate first sondages was the conservation work the renovation of the St. John the Baptist Filial Church tower co-funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The aim of the archaeological excavations was to evaluate the character and condition of the oc cupation strata within the church courtyard. The first live inspection of the castle took place in spring with the lilacs in blossom. It was difficult to resist the charm of the place to which most visitors give in. In his album of watercolours of the castles of Pomerania, Warmia and Mazuria, Zbigniew Szczepanek, a Gdańsk art ist, wrote ‘Out of all the castles presented in this album, the Bezławki castle is probably the most idyllic one. Sur rounded with trees, high bushes and floral lawns, the cas tle bewitches one with its silence and beauty.’ This idyll is, however, spoilt by the increasing devastation, per haps not of the building itself, but of its surroundings. The monument that dates back to the end of the 14th century survived almost unchanged until the second half of the 20th century. It became part of the canon of castelology thanks to a Conrad Steinbrecht’s drawing that usually illustrates the tiniest ‘type’ of a Teutonic castle. The conversion of the castle into a church in the 16th century resulted in the building being perma nently looked after. It was not wars, natural disasters or renovations that had the most destructive effects on the structure but its abandoning by the original owner, namely the protestant community. Left on its own, the building soon became an object of regular plundering, and more often of common devastation. The greatest damage was caused to the old graveyard from which all metal objects, including crucifixes, plaques and plot fences, were taken. Andrzej Rzempołuch, an art historian from Olsztyn, called for help for Bezławki as early as at the beginning of the 1980’s. In a series of articles an titled heritage and life published in the newspaper „Gazeta Olsztyńska”, he turned to the lo cal authorities, among others, for help to be given to the abandoned sacred buildings. He regretted that the only thing he could see was a vandalized interior and not remembered the furnishings of the shrine. In 1998, he still wrote about a ‘beautifully shaded grave yard with gravestones and a figure of a copper-plated an gel with spread wings.’ 30 years later, we were not given a chance to see that. There are no gravestones, the last metal elements in the graveyard were vandalized in 2011, the angel and his wings are gone. However, the beauty of Bezławki and its history do not stop enchanting. Without this selfless fascination, all these actions, financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in the last season, could not be pursued, and this publication would not see the light of day. First of all, it is the archaeology students from the University of Gdańsk that must be thanked. For most of them Bezławki was the place where they started their adventure with archaeology. The survey, initially planned for one season of excava tion practice, soon became an multidisciplinary pro ject. Students of archaeology were joined by students of landscape surveying from the University of Warmia and Mazuria in Olsztyn. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Reverend Janusz Rybczyński, the parish priest from Wilkowo, for his assistance in the organisation of the survey and to Mr Jarosław Charkot, the Head of the Primary School in Wilkowo, and all the residents for the hospi tality they offered to the expedition and for their toler ance for ‘students’ life’. Another important part of the project was to carry out a comprehensive 3D scanning of the whole estab lishment. The survey conducted mostly in the castle and church remains (site II) extended also to the me dieval burial ground located in the centre of the village (site XV). As a result, we provide readers with the results of archaeological, historical, architectural and numis matic research on the whole complex supplemented with anthropological analyses of skeletal remains as well as C14 and dendrochronological dating reports. The results obtained from landscape surveying and 3D scanning allowed the current condition of the mo ment to be recorded, and computer visualisation and reconstruction of subsequent phases of conversion of the castle to be produced. The first part of the book – Studies, consist of 11 chapters. Team of authors presents the following ar eas of knowledge: archeology, physical anthropology, geodesy, geology, history, history of architecture, art history, numismatics. The second part contains the results of research, measuremants and specialized analyses. The whole publication is closes with the re print of Otto Zander’s manuscript. He was a German architect who was born and lived in Bezławki before World War II. It is his own paper about history of a village, castle and church with handmade drawings. It is usually impossible to say the last word in science and this is also the case here. This paper must be con sidered a presentation of recovered sources and materi als, and a point of departure for further research. Let us hope that at least in this way we will manage to rescue Bezławki from oblivion and further devastation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wczesnośredniowieczne znaleziska wodne i bagienne z ziem pruskich na tle porównawczym

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Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Grosspolen

Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen Inventar. I. Grosspolen , 2017

Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Band I für Grosspolen. 954 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 287 verzeichnete Funde, die 88.415 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 126 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: ( oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)

Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Wielkopolski. Na 954 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 287 znalezisk, zawierających 88 415 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 126 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4

The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Greater Poland. At 954 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 287 registered finds, containing 88 415 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 126 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)

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Research paper thumbnail of Baltic communities present in today's Polish territory between 700 and 1000 AD

P. Urbańczyk, M. Trzeciecki (eds), "The Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the early middle ages", vol. 5: 500 AD - 1000 AD, 169-221. Warsaw 2016, The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences., 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w jeziorze w Lubanowie (d. Herrn-See) na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Ancient Sacrificial Place in the Lake in Lubanowo (former Herrn-See) in West Pomerania

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Research paper thumbnail of Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w dawnym jeziorze Nidajno na Mazurach. Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych wybranych zabytków. Ancient Sacrificial Place in Former Lake Nidajno in Masuria. Results of Laboratory Analyses of Selected Finds.

series: Depozyty ofiarne z polskich bagien i jezior. The offerings once made in Poland's bogs and lakes, vol. 2, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen. Inventar III. Masowien Podlachien Mittelpolen, red. M. Bogucki, P. Ilisch, S. Suchodolski i inni, Warszawa 2015, (opracowanie skarbu z Zakrzewa II, z innymi autorami) s. 497-510.

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Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen Inventar. Pommern

Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Als erstes erschienen ist der Band II für Pommern. 817 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 291 verzeichnete Funde, die 65.404 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 109 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: ( oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher: ISBN: 978-83-63760-84-7 PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)

Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Pomorza. Na 817 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 291 znalezisk, zawierających 65 404 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 109 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN

The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Pomerania. At 817 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 291 registered finds, containing 65 404 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 109 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lake Nidajno near Czaszkowo in Masuria: a unique sacrificial site from Late Antiquity, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Warszawa 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Antiquities of Mrągowo Lake District. An Archaeological Guide, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Mrągowo 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Starożytności Pojezierza Mrągowskiego. Przewodnik archeologiczny, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Mrągowo 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Jezioro Nidajno koło Czaszkowa na Mazurach: niezwykłe miejsce kultu z okresu późnej starożytności. Lake Nidajno near Czaszkowo in Masuria: a unique sacrificial site from Late Antiquity, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Warszawa 2012

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Papers by Tomasz Nowakiewicz

Research paper thumbnail of The Turning Point: Preliminary Results of Underwater Research of the Former Herrn-See at the Village of Lubanowo (Western Pomerania, Poland)

Archaeologia BALTICA, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Lasowiec (d. Sternwalde), woj. warmińsko-mazurskie : badania w roku 2010 : co zostało z "dużej" nekropoli? / Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Aleksandra Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz

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Research paper thumbnail of Nowe odkrycia zausznic typu Borszczewka / Tomasz Nowakiewicz

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Research paper thumbnail of Brakteaty krzyżackie z grodziska w Bezławkach : przyczynek do znajomości pruskich systemów osadniczych w Państwie Zakonnym / Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Marcin Rudnicki

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Research paper thumbnail of Czaszkowo, woj. warmińsko-mazurskie : badania w roku 2010 : depozyt jeziorny czy miejsce kultu? / Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Aleksandra Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz

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Research paper thumbnail of Una posible espada de periodo romano de Grzybowo (Grzybowen), Masuria, NE. de Polonia. Contexto arqueológico y tecnológico

Gladius, 2016

En este trabajo se analiza el fragmento de una espada con posible sello de Masuria hallada en el ... more En este trabajo se analiza el fragmento de una espada con posible sello de Masuria hallada en el NE de Polonia. Fue encontrada cerca de una necrópolis romana de la Cultura Bogaczewo. Tipológicamente es una espada romana. Sin embargo, los resultados de los análisis metalográficos sugieren que fue fabricada o bien con un limpio hierro forjado (o hipotéticamente con hierro fundido) o con acero preindustrial (Bessemer, Thomas, Siemens-Martin, etc.). Por otro lado, la composición química de la misma implicaría el empleo de acero pre-industrial. Para concluir, se sugiere, con cautela, que la espada puede ser una espada antigua, pero esta conclusión solo puede verificarse si aparecen hallazgos similares del periodo romano.

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Research paper thumbnail of Średniowieczny topór z Nidajna: przypadek czy świadome nawiązanie do dawnego sacrum?

Animos labor nutrit Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Buko w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Uwagi na temat technologii wykonania i konserwacji zabytków z Czaszkowa 		Warszawa, s. 82-89.

T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Jezioro Nidajno koło Czaszkowa na Mazurach: niezwykłe miejsce kultu z okresu późnej starożytności, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of BEZŁAWKI ocalić od zniszczenia Wyniki prac interdyscyplinarnych  prowadzonych w latach 2008–2011.

Gdańskie Studia Archeologiczne. Seria Monografie. Nr 3, 2013

The present publication, Bezławki – rescue from de struction is the outcome of five seasons of ex... more The present publication, Bezławki – rescue from de struction is the outcome of five seasons of excavations started in 2008 and carried out by the Gdańsk Univer sity’s Institute of Archaeology. A good opportunity to excavate first sondages was the conservation work the renovation of the St. John the Baptist Filial Church tower co-funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The aim of the archaeological excavations was to evaluate the character and condition of the oc cupation strata within the church courtyard. The first live inspection of the castle took place in spring with the lilacs in blossom. It was difficult to resist the charm of the place to which most visitors give in. In his album of watercolours of the castles of Pomerania, Warmia and Mazuria, Zbigniew Szczepanek, a Gdańsk art ist, wrote ‘Out of all the castles presented in this album, the Bezławki castle is probably the most idyllic one. Sur rounded with trees, high bushes and floral lawns, the cas tle bewitches one with its silence and beauty.’ This idyll is, however, spoilt by the increasing devastation, per haps not of the building itself, but of its surroundings. The monument that dates back to the end of the 14th century survived almost unchanged until the second half of the 20th century. It became part of the canon of castelology thanks to a Conrad Steinbrecht’s drawing that usually illustrates the tiniest ‘type’ of a Teutonic castle. The conversion of the castle into a church in the 16th century resulted in the building being perma nently looked after. It was not wars, natural disasters or renovations that had the most destructive effects on the structure but its abandoning by the original owner, namely the protestant community. Left on its own, the building soon became an object of regular plundering, and more often of common devastation. The greatest damage was caused to the old graveyard from which all metal objects, including crucifixes, plaques and plot fences, were taken. Andrzej Rzempołuch, an art historian from Olsztyn, called for help for Bezławki as early as at the beginning of the 1980’s. In a series of articles an titled heritage and life published in the newspaper „Gazeta Olsztyńska”, he turned to the lo cal authorities, among others, for help to be given to the abandoned sacred buildings. He regretted that the only thing he could see was a vandalized interior and not remembered the furnishings of the shrine. In 1998, he still wrote about a ‘beautifully shaded grave yard with gravestones and a figure of a copper-plated an gel with spread wings.’ 30 years later, we were not given a chance to see that. There are no gravestones, the last metal elements in the graveyard were vandalized in 2011, the angel and his wings are gone. However, the beauty of Bezławki and its history do not stop enchanting. Without this selfless fascination, all these actions, financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in the last season, could not be pursued, and this publication would not see the light of day. First of all, it is the archaeology students from the University of Gdańsk that must be thanked. For most of them Bezławki was the place where they started their adventure with archaeology. The survey, initially planned for one season of excava tion practice, soon became an multidisciplinary pro ject. Students of archaeology were joined by students of landscape surveying from the University of Warmia and Mazuria in Olsztyn. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Reverend Janusz Rybczyński, the parish priest from Wilkowo, for his assistance in the organisation of the survey and to Mr Jarosław Charkot, the Head of the Primary School in Wilkowo, and all the residents for the hospi tality they offered to the expedition and for their toler ance for ‘students’ life’. Another important part of the project was to carry out a comprehensive 3D scanning of the whole estab lishment. The survey conducted mostly in the castle and church remains (site II) extended also to the me dieval burial ground located in the centre of the village (site XV). As a result, we provide readers with the results of archaeological, historical, architectural and numis matic research on the whole complex supplemented with anthropological analyses of skeletal remains as well as C14 and dendrochronological dating reports. The results obtained from landscape surveying and 3D scanning allowed the current condition of the mo ment to be recorded, and computer visualisation and reconstruction of subsequent phases of conversion of the castle to be produced. The first part of the book – Studies, consist of 11 chapters. Team of authors presents the following ar eas of knowledge: archeology, physical anthropology, geodesy, geology, history, history of architecture, art history, numismatics. The second part contains the results of research, measuremants and specialized analyses. The whole publication is closes with the re print of Otto Zander’s manuscript. He was a German architect who was born and lived in Bezławki before World War II. It is his own paper about history of a village, castle and church with handmade drawings. It is usually impossible to say the last word in science and this is also the case here. This paper must be con sidered a presentation of recovered sources and materi als, and a point of departure for further research. Let us hope that at least in this way we will manage to rescue Bezławki from oblivion and further devastation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wczesnośredniowieczne znaleziska wodne i bagienne z ziem pruskich na tle porównawczym

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Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Grosspolen

Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen Inventar. I. Grosspolen , 2017

Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Band I für Grosspolen. 954 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 287 verzeichnete Funde, die 88.415 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 126 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: ( oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)

Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Wielkopolski. Na 954 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 287 znalezisk, zawierających 88 415 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 126 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4

The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Greater Poland. At 954 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 287 registered finds, containing 88 415 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 126 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)

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Research paper thumbnail of Baltic communities present in today's Polish territory between 700 and 1000 AD

P. Urbańczyk, M. Trzeciecki (eds), "The Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the early middle ages", vol. 5: 500 AD - 1000 AD, 169-221. Warsaw 2016, The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences., 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w jeziorze w Lubanowie (d. Herrn-See) na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Ancient Sacrificial Place in the Lake in Lubanowo (former Herrn-See) in West Pomerania

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Research paper thumbnail of Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w dawnym jeziorze Nidajno na Mazurach. Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych wybranych zabytków. Ancient Sacrificial Place in Former Lake Nidajno in Masuria. Results of Laboratory Analyses of Selected Finds.

series: Depozyty ofiarne z polskich bagien i jezior. The offerings once made in Poland's bogs and lakes, vol. 2, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen. Inventar III. Masowien Podlachien Mittelpolen, red. M. Bogucki, P. Ilisch, S. Suchodolski i inni, Warszawa 2015, (opracowanie skarbu z Zakrzewa II, z innymi autorami) s. 497-510.

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Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen Inventar. Pommern

Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Als erstes erschienen ist der Band II für Pommern. 817 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 291 verzeichnete Funde, die 65.404 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 109 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: ( oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher: ISBN: 978-83-63760-84-7 PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)

Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Pomorza. Na 817 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 291 znalezisk, zawierających 65 404 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 109 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN

The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Pomerania. At 817 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 291 registered finds, containing 65 404 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 109 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lake Nidajno near Czaszkowo in Masuria: a unique sacrificial site from Late Antiquity, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Warszawa 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Antiquities of Mrągowo Lake District. An Archaeological Guide, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Mrągowo 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Starożytności Pojezierza Mrągowskiego. Przewodnik archeologiczny, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Mrągowo 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Jezioro Nidajno koło Czaszkowa na Mazurach: niezwykłe miejsce kultu z okresu późnej starożytności. Lake Nidajno near Czaszkowo in Masuria: a unique sacrificial site from Late Antiquity, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Warszawa 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The Turning Point: Preliminary Results of Underwater Research of the Former Herrn-See at the Village of Lubanowo (Western Pomerania, Poland)

Archaeologia BALTICA, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Lasowiec (d. Sternwalde), woj. warmińsko-mazurskie : badania w roku 2010 : co zostało z "dużej" nekropoli? / Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Aleksandra Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz

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Research paper thumbnail of Nowe odkrycia zausznic typu Borszczewka / Tomasz Nowakiewicz

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Research paper thumbnail of Brakteaty krzyżackie z grodziska w Bezławkach : przyczynek do znajomości pruskich systemów osadniczych w Państwie Zakonnym / Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Marcin Rudnicki

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Research paper thumbnail of Czaszkowo, woj. warmińsko-mazurskie : badania w roku 2010 : depozyt jeziorny czy miejsce kultu? / Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Aleksandra Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz

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Research paper thumbnail of Una posible espada de periodo romano de Grzybowo (Grzybowen), Masuria, NE. de Polonia. Contexto arqueológico y tecnológico

Gladius, 2016

En este trabajo se analiza el fragmento de una espada con posible sello de Masuria hallada en el ... more En este trabajo se analiza el fragmento de una espada con posible sello de Masuria hallada en el NE de Polonia. Fue encontrada cerca de una necrópolis romana de la Cultura Bogaczewo. Tipológicamente es una espada romana. Sin embargo, los resultados de los análisis metalográficos sugieren que fue fabricada o bien con un limpio hierro forjado (o hipotéticamente con hierro fundido) o con acero preindustrial (Bessemer, Thomas, Siemens-Martin, etc.). Por otro lado, la composición química de la misma implicaría el empleo de acero pre-industrial. Para concluir, se sugiere, con cautela, que la espada puede ser una espada antigua, pero esta conclusión solo puede verificarse si aparecen hallazgos similares del periodo romano.

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Research paper thumbnail of Średniowieczny topór z Nidajna: przypadek czy świadome nawiązanie do dawnego sacrum?

Animos labor nutrit Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Buko w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Uwagi na temat technologii wykonania i konserwacji zabytków z Czaszkowa 		Warszawa, s. 82-89.

T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz, Jezioro Nidajno koło Czaszkowa na Mazurach: niezwykłe miejsce kultu z okresu późnej starożytności, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Opferfundstelle im ehemaligen See Nidajno: Stand der Erforschung und Umfang der vorgenommenen Laborarbeiten

Interacting Barbarians Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millennium AD, Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 9, 2019

in: Interacting Barbarians Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millennium AD, A. Cieśl... more in: Interacting Barbarians Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millennium AD, A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (eds), Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 9, 309-319,
ISBN 978-83-66210-06-6

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza archeologiczna znalezisk z lubanowskiego jeziora. An Archaeological Analysis of the Finds from the Lake in Lubanowo

Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w jeziorze w Lubanowie (d. Herrn-See) na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Ancient Sacrificial Place in the Lake in Lubanowo (former Herrn-See) in West Pomerania, 2016

in Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w jeziorze w Lubanowie (d. Herrn-See) na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Ancien... more in Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w jeziorze w Lubanowie (d. Herrn-See) na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Ancient Sacrificial Place in the Lake in Lubanowo (former Herrn-See) in West Pomerania, ed. Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Warszawa 2016. Fundacja Przyjaciół Instytutu Archeologii UW, Instytut Archeologii UW

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Research paper thumbnail of Zarys archeologicznej historii regionu. The Outline of the Archaeological History of the Region

Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w jeziorze w Lubanowie (d. Herrn-See) na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Ancient Sacrificial Place in the Lake in Lubanowo (former Herrn-See) in West Pomerania, 2016

Zarys archeologicznej historii regionu. The Outline of the Archaeological History of the Region, ... more Zarys archeologicznej historii regionu. The Outline of the Archaeological History of the Region, in Starożytne miejsce ofiarne w jeziorze w Lubanowie (d. Herrn-See) na Pomorzu Zachodnim.Ancient Sacrificial Place in the Lake in Lubanowo (former Herrn-See) in West Pomerania , ed. Tomasz Nowakiewicz, Warszawa 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Sword from Grzybowo

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Research paper thumbnail of A possible Roman Period sword from Grzybowo (Grzybowen), Masuria, NE Poland. The archaeological and technological context, „Gladius” XXXVI (2016), 97–139

The paper discusses a recent stray find of a sword fragment with a possible stamp from Masuria in... more The paper discusses a recent stray find of a sword fragment with a possible stamp from Masuria in NE Poland. It was found close to a Roman Period cemetery of the Bogaczewo Culture. On typological grounds, the sword can be classified as a Roman Period weapon. However, the results of metallographic examinations suggest that the find may have been made either from very clean bloomery steel (or hypoeutectoid crucible steel) or from mass-made Industrial Age steel (Bessemer, Thomas, Siemens-Martin, etc.). On the other hand, the chemical composition of the sword would rather imply a pre-Industrial Period steel. In conclusion, it is carefully suggested that the weapon may be a genuine Ancient sword, although its final recognition as a Roman Period weapon could only be verified by finds made from similar metal in undoubted Roman Period contexts. En este trabajo se analiza el fragmento de una espada con posible sello de Masuria hallada en el NE de Polonia. Fue encontrada cerca de una necrópolis romana de la Cultura Bogaczewo. Tipológicamente es una espada romana. Sin embargo, los resultados de los análisis metalográficos sugieren que fue fabricada o bien con un limpio hierro forjado (o hipotéticamente con hierro fundido) o con acero preindustrial (Bessemer, Thomas, Siemens-Martin, etc.). Por otro lado, la composición química de la misma implicaría el empleo de acero pre-industrial. Para concluir, se sugiere, con cautela, que la espada puede ser una espada antigua, pero esta conclusión solo puede verificarse si aparecen hallazgos similares del periodo romano.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Possible Roman Period Sword from Grzybowo (Grzybowen), Masuria, NE Poland. The Archaeological and Technological Context, Gladius XXXVI (2016)

The paper discusses a recent stray find of a sword fragment with a possible stamp from Masuria in... more The paper discusses a recent stray find of a sword fragment with a possible stamp from Masuria in NE Poland. It was found close to a Roman Period cemetery of the Bogaczewo Culture. On typological grounds, the sword can be classified as a Roman Period weapon. However, the results of metallographic examinations suggest that the find may have been made either from very clean bloomery steel (or hypoeutectoid crucible steel) or from mass-made Industrial Age steel (Bessemer, Thomas, Siemens-Martin, etc.). On the other hand, the chemical composition of the sword would rather imply a pre-Industrial Period steel. In conclusion, it is carefully suggested that the weapon may be a genuine Ancient sword, although its final recognition as a Roman Period weapon could only be verified by finds made from similar metal in undoubted Roman Period contexts

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Research paper thumbnail of The Turning Point: preliminary results of underwater research of the former Herrn-See at the vilage of Lubanowo (Western Pomerania, Poland)

In October 2014 and June 2015, a team of scholars and students from the Institute of Archaeology,... more In October 2014 and June 2015, a team of scholars and students from the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw featuring
the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, made an underwater survey in the unnamed
lake (formerly Herrn-See) in the village of Lubanowo (formerly Liebenow) in Western Pomerania. During the underwater
research, weapons, tools and horse harness parts (including chain reins) were found. They are dated mainly to the Roman
Period, but also to the Middle Ages. Some items bear traces of ritual destruction. Parallels may be pointed out with weapons
in Przeworsk culture, and to some extent also in Scandinavia. The site should be attributed to sacrificial military deposits. Its
extraordinary character lies in the fact that so far it is the only site of its type which is still in its ‘lake stage’, i.e. not a marsh
or bog. Most probably it was used by local inhabitants, the people of the Lubusz group.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Turning Point: Preliminary Results of Underwater Research of the Former Herrn-See at the Village of Lubanowo (Western Pomerania, Poland)

In October 2014 and June 2015, a team of scholars and students from the Institute of Archaeology,... more In October 2014 and June 2015, a team of scholars and students from the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw featuring the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, made an underwater survey in the unnamed lake (formerly Herrn-See) in the village of Lubanowo (formerly Liebenow) in Western Pomerania. During the underwater
research, weapons, tools and horse harness parts (including chain reins) were found. They are dated mainly to the Roman Period, but also to the Middle Ages. Some items bear traces of ritual destruction. Parallels may be pointed out with weapons in Przeworsk culture, and to some extent also in Scandinavia. The site should be attributed to sacrificial military deposits. Its extraordinary character lies in the fact that so far it is the only site of its type which is still in its ‘lake stage’, i.e. not a marsh or bog. Most probably it was used by local inhabitants, the people of the Lubusz group.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bagienne stanowisko ofiarne w dawnym jeziorze Nidajno (Czaszkowo, Mazury): zarys problematyki badawczej, uwarunkowania terenowe i zagadnienia metodyczne / The sacrificial bog site at former Lake Nidajno (Czaszkowo, Masuria): overview of research problems, site conditions  and outline of methodology

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Research paper thumbnail of Wokół Piecek i Mrągowa: srebro Cesarstwa, złoto barbarzyńców i 1000 lat dziejów plemiennej Galindii

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Research paper thumbnail of Niemonetarna część skarbu z Mózgowa / The non-monetary part of the hoard from Mózgowo / Nichtmünzenteils vom Hortfund aus Mózgowo

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Research paper thumbnail of Złoto, błoto i uczeni - czyli o międzynarodowej konferencji w Mrągowie i Pieckach (Sacrificial Lake in Czaszkowo, Masuria. Traces of Unknown Cults and Interregional Contacts of Balts i Late Antiquity, 10 - 13 czerwca 2012 r.), T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz

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Research paper thumbnail of Terra desolata. Wczesnośredniowieczna Galindia w świetle  badań mikroregionu Jeziora Salęt

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