baskIt case (original) (raw)

you really don’t need a crowd when you are self validated.

the energy of leading oneself is unmatched when you know spirit.

finally putting dates on things tumblr? really?

literally, i care.

feeling more motivated than evr.

iz this what normal humans experience?


send noodz

and by noodz i mean a poem you wrote on the way home from my house


and seconds after posting that, youtube recommendeds this

somtimes i get this sharp pain in my back that reminds me of what i imagine a heart attack feels like. (it prompted this post)

i used to wonder why the aesthetic gwrls hated me, then i forgot.

damn i miss my dawgs. and by dawgs i mean parents.

i kinda like this tendril, but they eat everything. and that’s, upsetting in these monkeypox strts.



ATL hoe


not unfollowing a mutual who hasnt posted in 9 months out of loyalty and love like a widow still setting a place at the dinner table for her husband who died in the war

changed name and erthang

jk lads, life is good. save this for anything opposite coming from this account.

shadow dance for yourself and watch them find you babe

strangers, remember the “don’t recommend this channel” and “not interested” buttons on youtube are your friends.

“i don’t want nobody fckin wit me in these streets, sang children.” - iconic three

“a slow connected skim into the known pressure of tension. their was no turning back. as her eyes closed and sesame opened, the memory felt familiar.” - YWJ


due to my previous inability to translate online my loved ones and i started writing letters. if ur into sealed deliveries lmk.