Michał Pietkiewicz | University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (original) (raw)
Papers by Michał Pietkiewicz
Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem
Celem niniejszego artykulu jest proba przyblizenia sytuacji prawnej Miedzynarodowej Stacji Kosmic... more Celem niniejszego artykulu jest proba przyblizenia sytuacji prawnej Miedzynarodowej Stacji Kosmicznej (ISS). Stanowi ona porozumienie kilkunastu panstw, w ktorych panują calkowicie odmienne systemy prawne (systemy common i civil law). Nie ulega zatem wątpliwości, iz osiągniecie kompromisu i odpowiedź na pytanie „jakie prawo nalezy stosowac?” bylo (oczywiście poza wzniesieniem stacji na orbite) jednym z najciezszych zadan dla negocjujących stron. Rownie istoty jest fakt, iz zgodnie z zasadą panstwa rejestracji kazdy modul stacji moze byc przynalezny do innego panstwa. Jest to materia wyjątkowo delikatna, albowiem poza przyjetą w prawie miedzynarodowym zasadą, iz astro-kosmo-taiko-nautow traktuje sie jako wyslannikow ludzkości, przyjąc nalezy, iz na ISS moze dojśc do roznego rodzaju incydentow (zawinionych lub niezawinionych). Juz tylko w oparciu o powyzsze przyjąc nalezy, iz uregulowanie zasad odpowiedzialności – w tym karnej – jest sprawą nader istotną.
Studia Prawnoustrojowe
Prawo do czystego środowiska w dobie XXI wieku stanowi jedno z praw człowieka. Na państwach ciąży... more Prawo do czystego środowiska w dobie XXI wieku stanowi jedno z praw człowieka. Na państwach ciąży zatem odpowiedzialność za jego ochronę, albowiem to one mają prawne możliwości ustanawiania norm prawnych, których celem jest zagwarantowanie obywatelom bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego, zarówno współczesnemu, jak i przyszłym pokoleniom – o czym stanowi chociażby Konstytucja RP. Od początku stanowienia Ius Spatiale kwestią problematyczną była (i nadal pozostaje) delimitacja przestrzeni kosmicznej i ustalenie granicy pomiędzy przestrzenią powietrzną a kosmiczną. W oparciu chociażby o treść art. IX Traktatu o przestrzeni kosmicznej, studia i badania przestrzeni kosmicznej, łącznie z Księżycem i innymi ciałami niebieskimi, winny być prowadzone w taki sposób, aby uniknąć ich szkodliwego zanieczyszczenia, jak również niekorzystnych zmian w środowisku ziemskim. Problem „kosmicznych śmieci” nie dotyczy tylko ekologii, ale w znacznym stopniu również jest zagrożeniem ekonomicznym dla podmiotów prowa...
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, 2017
In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state wa... more In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state was ascertained, and the features of the legal status of a state border were identified. The main problem of the thesis is to show the causes of conflicts in determining the borders of the Central Asian states from the perspective of Russian scholars. The main issues of regulating international relations in the sphere of the delimitation of state borders under the international law in Central Asia are out- lined.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
This article analyzes legal regulations concerning access to public waters. Public waters are sur... more This article analyzes legal regulations concerning access to public waters. Public waters are surrounded by property belonging to various owners. The legal title to property is exercised throughout that property, but certain limitations apply to properties situated in the proximity of public waters. These limitations include the right to cross the property, and public access to water. The article discusses various legal restrictions that permit third parties to use land. The presence of legal limitations in the national information system was verified. Information on restrictions in land use considerably affect the owner’s right to property, which is why owners should be able to determine whether their property is encumbered by an easement. National information systems are currently being upgraded in Poland, and the availability of information on land use restrictions was analyzed in the existing databases.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state wa... more In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state was ascertained, and the features of the legal status of a state border were identified. The main problem of the thesis is to show the causes of conflicts in determining the borders of the Central Asian states from the perspective of Russian scholars. The main issues of regulating international relations in the sphere of the delimitation of state borders under the international law in Central Asia are out- lined.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develo... more The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develop national geoportals. The aim of creating geospatial data infrastructure was to unify the exchange of data at a national level, and consequently to create the INSPIRE geoportal by the Community Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), which is to be the center of the European network of geospatial data infrastructure. New opportunities and new solutions to the problems have emerged through the use of thematic layers. The rights to the land each have potential restrictions on its use, and these rights can sometimes prevent the land from being used for its intended purpose. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the possibility of developing maps showing the utility networks and the right to the land acquired by the utility company. The authors carried out a SWOT analysis of the systemic use of cartographic documents as a way of disclosing the rights to real estate in order...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develo... more The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develop national geoportals. The aim of creating geospatial data infrastructure was to unify the exchange of data at a national level, and consequently to create the INSPIRE geoportal by the Community Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), which is to be the center of the European network of geospatial data infrastructure. New opportunities and new solutions to the problems have emerged through the use of thematic layers. The rights to the land each have potential restrictions on its use, and these rights can sometimes prevent the land from being used for its intended purpose. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the possibility of developing maps showing the utility networks and the right to the land acquired by the utility company. The authors carried out a SWOT analysis of the systemic use of cartographic documents as a way of disclosing the rights to real estate in order...
Information security as guarantee of right functioning of public administration • Director of the... more Information security as guarantee of right functioning of public administration • Director of the school as an administrator of personal data • Information dimension of anti-corruption legal regulations as a guarantee of transparency and functioning safety of local self-government constitutive • The educational institution and the protection of personal data • Management systems information security in public administration institutions using the internal audit • Selected aspects of the right to public information in self-government units Information Protection and civilization threats & ensuring the security of society and the state • Infringement secrecy of correspondence as a threat to information security • The exchange of information within the framework of the Schengen Information System and the Visa Information System guarantee of security of the Schengen area • Automatic video monitoring: security and order or permanent surveillance? • Personal data protection of the employe...
incollections by Michał Pietkiewicz
Obrót powszechny i gospodarczy Problemy cywilnoprawne, 2014
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Książka, którą nabyłeś, jest dziełem twórcy i wydawcy. Żadna jej czę... more Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Książka, którą nabyłeś, jest dziełem twórcy i wydawcy. Żadna jej część nie może być reprodukowana jakimkolwiek sposobem -mechanicznie, elektronicznie, drogą fotokopii itp. -bez pisemnego zezwolenia wydawcy. Jeśli cytujesz fragmenty tej książki, nie zmieniaj ich treści i koniecznie zaznacz, czyje to dzieło Toruń 2014 ISBN 978-83-7780-961-7 Wydawnictwo prowadzi sprzedaż wysyłkową: tel./fax 56 648 50 70,
Wymiary ochrony informacji i polityki bezpieczeństwa państwo – prawo – społeczeństwo, 2014
Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem
Celem niniejszego artykulu jest proba przyblizenia sytuacji prawnej Miedzynarodowej Stacji Kosmic... more Celem niniejszego artykulu jest proba przyblizenia sytuacji prawnej Miedzynarodowej Stacji Kosmicznej (ISS). Stanowi ona porozumienie kilkunastu panstw, w ktorych panują calkowicie odmienne systemy prawne (systemy common i civil law). Nie ulega zatem wątpliwości, iz osiągniecie kompromisu i odpowiedź na pytanie „jakie prawo nalezy stosowac?” bylo (oczywiście poza wzniesieniem stacji na orbite) jednym z najciezszych zadan dla negocjujących stron. Rownie istoty jest fakt, iz zgodnie z zasadą panstwa rejestracji kazdy modul stacji moze byc przynalezny do innego panstwa. Jest to materia wyjątkowo delikatna, albowiem poza przyjetą w prawie miedzynarodowym zasadą, iz astro-kosmo-taiko-nautow traktuje sie jako wyslannikow ludzkości, przyjąc nalezy, iz na ISS moze dojśc do roznego rodzaju incydentow (zawinionych lub niezawinionych). Juz tylko w oparciu o powyzsze przyjąc nalezy, iz uregulowanie zasad odpowiedzialności – w tym karnej – jest sprawą nader istotną.
Studia Prawnoustrojowe
Prawo do czystego środowiska w dobie XXI wieku stanowi jedno z praw człowieka. Na państwach ciąży... more Prawo do czystego środowiska w dobie XXI wieku stanowi jedno z praw człowieka. Na państwach ciąży zatem odpowiedzialność za jego ochronę, albowiem to one mają prawne możliwości ustanawiania norm prawnych, których celem jest zagwarantowanie obywatelom bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego, zarówno współczesnemu, jak i przyszłym pokoleniom – o czym stanowi chociażby Konstytucja RP. Od początku stanowienia Ius Spatiale kwestią problematyczną była (i nadal pozostaje) delimitacja przestrzeni kosmicznej i ustalenie granicy pomiędzy przestrzenią powietrzną a kosmiczną. W oparciu chociażby o treść art. IX Traktatu o przestrzeni kosmicznej, studia i badania przestrzeni kosmicznej, łącznie z Księżycem i innymi ciałami niebieskimi, winny być prowadzone w taki sposób, aby uniknąć ich szkodliwego zanieczyszczenia, jak również niekorzystnych zmian w środowisku ziemskim. Problem „kosmicznych śmieci” nie dotyczy tylko ekologii, ale w znacznym stopniu również jest zagrożeniem ekonomicznym dla podmiotów prowa...
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, 2017
In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state wa... more In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state was ascertained, and the features of the legal status of a state border were identified. The main problem of the thesis is to show the causes of conflicts in determining the borders of the Central Asian states from the perspective of Russian scholars. The main issues of regulating international relations in the sphere of the delimitation of state borders under the international law in Central Asia are out- lined.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
This article analyzes legal regulations concerning access to public waters. Public waters are sur... more This article analyzes legal regulations concerning access to public waters. Public waters are surrounded by property belonging to various owners. The legal title to property is exercised throughout that property, but certain limitations apply to properties situated in the proximity of public waters. These limitations include the right to cross the property, and public access to water. The article discusses various legal restrictions that permit third parties to use land. The presence of legal limitations in the national information system was verified. Information on restrictions in land use considerably affect the owner’s right to property, which is why owners should be able to determine whether their property is encumbered by an easement. National information systems are currently being upgraded in Poland, and the availability of information on land use restrictions was analyzed in the existing databases.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state wa... more In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state was ascertained, and the features of the legal status of a state border were identified. The main problem of the thesis is to show the causes of conflicts in determining the borders of the Central Asian states from the perspective of Russian scholars. The main issues of regulating international relations in the sphere of the delimitation of state borders under the international law in Central Asia are out- lined.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develo... more The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develop national geoportals. The aim of creating geospatial data infrastructure was to unify the exchange of data at a national level, and consequently to create the INSPIRE geoportal by the Community Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), which is to be the center of the European network of geospatial data infrastructure. New opportunities and new solutions to the problems have emerged through the use of thematic layers. The rights to the land each have potential restrictions on its use, and these rights can sometimes prevent the land from being used for its intended purpose. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the possibility of developing maps showing the utility networks and the right to the land acquired by the utility company. The authors carried out a SWOT analysis of the systemic use of cartographic documents as a way of disclosing the rights to real estate in order...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develo... more The current and planned EU regulations concerning INSPIRE have forced the Member States to develop national geoportals. The aim of creating geospatial data infrastructure was to unify the exchange of data at a national level, and consequently to create the INSPIRE geoportal by the Community Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), which is to be the center of the European network of geospatial data infrastructure. New opportunities and new solutions to the problems have emerged through the use of thematic layers. The rights to the land each have potential restrictions on its use, and these rights can sometimes prevent the land from being used for its intended purpose. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the possibility of developing maps showing the utility networks and the right to the land acquired by the utility company. The authors carried out a SWOT analysis of the systemic use of cartographic documents as a way of disclosing the rights to real estate in order...
Information security as guarantee of right functioning of public administration • Director of the... more Information security as guarantee of right functioning of public administration • Director of the school as an administrator of personal data • Information dimension of anti-corruption legal regulations as a guarantee of transparency and functioning safety of local self-government constitutive • The educational institution and the protection of personal data • Management systems information security in public administration institutions using the internal audit • Selected aspects of the right to public information in self-government units Information Protection and civilization threats & ensuring the security of society and the state • Infringement secrecy of correspondence as a threat to information security • The exchange of information within the framework of the Schengen Information System and the Visa Information System guarantee of security of the Schengen area • Automatic video monitoring: security and order or permanent surveillance? • Personal data protection of the employe...
Obrót powszechny i gospodarczy Problemy cywilnoprawne, 2014
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Książka, którą nabyłeś, jest dziełem twórcy i wydawcy. Żadna jej czę... more Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Książka, którą nabyłeś, jest dziełem twórcy i wydawcy. Żadna jej część nie może być reprodukowana jakimkolwiek sposobem -mechanicznie, elektronicznie, drogą fotokopii itp. -bez pisemnego zezwolenia wydawcy. Jeśli cytujesz fragmenty tej książki, nie zmieniaj ich treści i koniecznie zaznacz, czyje to dzieło Toruń 2014 ISBN 978-83-7780-961-7 Wydawnictwo prowadzi sprzedaż wysyłkową: tel./fax 56 648 50 70,
Wymiary ochrony informacji i polityki bezpieczeństwa państwo – prawo – społeczeństwo, 2014
Ochrona małżeństwa i rodziny w Polsce : zagadnienia prawne, 2015
Przeciwdziałanie patologiom na rynku żywności, 2015
Patologie na rynku nieruchomości. Przyczyny, przejawy, przeciwdziałanie, 2016
Patologie na rynku nieruchomo ci. Przyczyny, przejawy, przeciwdzia anie POD REDAKCJ NAUKOW Wie a ... more Patologie na rynku nieruchomo ci. Przyczyny, przejawy, przeciwdzia anie POD REDAKCJ NAUKOW Wie a a P ac e kieg R a da bka OLSZTYN 2016
Journal of Modern Science, 2018
This paper was inspired by the necessity to communicate the dire effects of classic stalking and ... more This paper was inspired by the necessity to communicate the dire effects of classic stalking and to outline the penalties enforceable under Art. 190a §1 of the Polish Criminal Code. The specifics of cyberstalking are then enumerated with emphasis on quoted social site internal rules instituted for the prevention of personal harassment.
Studia Prawnoustrojowe, 2017
Studia Prawnoustrojowe, 2019
Polish Political science Yearbook, 2018
This paper investigates Russian Military Doctrines which establish the military construction and ... more This paper investigates Russian Military Doctrines which establish the military construction and training of state armed forces and set out the forms and methods of conducting war. The main provisions of Military/Defense Doctrines have been formed and changed depending on current policy and the existent social system. This includes the level of productive forces and new scientific achievements and the nature of anticipated war. The 2014 Russian Military Doctrine defines the country as a strictly defensive entity and issues a list of provisions where Russia would be motivated to act militarily towards other countries. State policy and military doctrine are inextricably linked because the competent military policy meets all changes in international and domestic situations and successive military reforms are impossible without corresponding reflection in Military Doctrine.
Sustainability, 2019
This article analyzes legal regulations concerning access to public waters. Public waters are sur... more This article analyzes legal regulations concerning access to public waters. Public waters are surrounded by property belonging to various owners. The legal title to property is exercised throughout that property, but certain limitations apply to properties situated in the proximity of public waters. These limitations include the right to cross the property, and public access to water. The article discusses various legal restrictions that permit third parties to use land. The presence of legal limitations in the national information system was verified. Information on restrictions in land use considerably affect the owner's right to property, which is why owners should be able to determine whether their property is encumbered by an easement. National information systems are currently being upgraded in Poland, and the availability of information on land use restrictions was analyzed in the existing databases.
Инновационная наука
Д.О. Грызлова студентка 3 курса Юридический институт НИУ «БелГУ», г. Белгород, РФ ПСИХИЧЕСКОЕ СОС... more Д.О. Грызлова студентка 3 курса Юридический институт НИУ «БелГУ», г. Белгород, РФ ПСИХИЧЕСКОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ЛИЦА ВО ВРЕМЯ СОВЕРШЕНИЯ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЯ Аннотация Анализируются психическое состояние преступника с точки зрения различных международных источников в области уголовного права. В данной работе за основу было положено изучение понятия вменяемости на основании уголовного кодекса Польши, Италии, Германии, Испании, Израиля и Российской Федерации. Ключевые слова Невменяемость, исполнитель, психология, деяние, вменяемость, психическое расстройство, уголовная ответственность. Изучение личности преступника как субъекта преступного поведения является центральным. Задача его -познание той совокупности психологических свойств, которые определили субъективную необходимость и возможность совершения человеком уголовно наказуемых деяний. В этой связи работники правоохранительных органов, осуществляющие раскрытие и расследование преступлений, участвующие в судебном процессе, ставят перед собой задачу понять, что же в «психологии» личности выступило причиной совершения деяния, в силу каких индивидуальных психологических особенностей УДК 342.9.01 П.Н. Кобец Главный научный сотрудник Всероссийского научно-исследовательского института МВД России г. Москва Российская Федерация доктор юридических наук, профессор ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННО-ПРАВОВОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ, КАК ОТДЕЛЬНОГО ВИДА ПРАВОВОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Аннотация Можно сказать, что политика формирует право, которое становится инструментом реализации политики. При этом государство является единственным социальным образованием, правомочным
The trend of modern geopolitical changes suggests the emergence of several new poles of global le... more The trend of modern geopolitical changes suggests the emergence of several new poles of global leadership and a number of new global problems. In the first case, the unipolarity of the world order established after the end of the Cold War presupposed the existence of one centre of gravity for geopolitical influence. But recently, issues of confrontation between Russia, the United States, and People's Republic of China have become more and more frequent, and these are not only multi-vectored but also a have different nature in bilateral relations. Above all, the global challenges of our time include the problem of international terrorism and the growth of fundamentalism. Both are manifestations of extremely radical political views of various groups, especially religious ones, and they testify to the growing social inequality and socio-cultural deformation in the world community. Such challenges predetermine the foreign policy of many states which seek to secure their own existence and guarantee the achievement of strategic development goals. In this aspect, the emphasis in the sphere of national security is shifted from a defense system formation to the creation of a system of preventive-pre-emptive mechanisms to avert national and international security risks. The quintessence of such a geopolitical trend was the emergence of an entire direction called pre-emptive war. While this concept was initially developed in the US as part of counter-terrorism activities it was later used by other countries as a system of measures to ensure national security providing for pre-emptive strikes against the enemy.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, 2017
In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state wa... more In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state was ascertained, and the features of the legal status of a state border were identified. The main problem of the thesis is to show the causes of conflicts in determining the borders of the Central Asian states from the perspective of Russian scholars. The main issues of regulating international relations in the sphere of the delimitation of state borders under the international law in Central Asia are out- lined.