Ibrahim Almoamir | University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (original) (raw)

Papers by Ibrahim Almoamir

Research paper thumbnail of Behavioural Economics

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart Leadership

Praise for Smart Leadership "Smart Leadership is packed with wisdom and practicality, seasoned wi... more Praise for Smart Leadership "Smart Leadership is packed with wisdom and practicality, seasoned with real-world experience. Leaders who want to be more effective, add more value, and scale their impact now have the guide they have been searching for. Read this book, make these simple, smart choices and take your leadership to the next level."-Jon Gordon, best-selling author of The Power of Positive Leadership

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Research paper thumbnail of The Myth of Artificial Intelligence

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart Growth - Whitney Johnson

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Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentals of Finance

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Research paper thumbnail of Competing on Thought Leadership - Robert Buday

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Transformation and Human Behavior Innovation for People and Organis

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Research paper thumbnail of Monetary Policy in Times of Crisis A Tale of Two Decades of the European Ce

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Research paper thumbnail of A Random Walk Down Wall Street (12th) - Burton G. Malkiel(retail)

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Research paper thumbnail of Beaumont P.H. Financial engineering principles (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471463582)(318s) FA

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The article explores the structure of corporate ownership in banking sector in Ukraine during ana... more The article explores the structure of corporate ownership in banking sector in Ukraine during anafter-privatization period of time from 1998 to 2003. It was concluded that the share of insiders1inthe structure of corporate ownership in banking sector in Ukraine remarkably increased. The shareof outsiders almost did not change. Thus, privatization has led to transferring the corporate ownershipfrom the State to insiders. Development of the process of concentration of corporate ownershipstructure in banks in Ukraine is controlled by two groups of investors. These are management(executives) of the banks and institutional investors. Major objective of purchasing shares bymanagement is obtaining a total control over the compensation policy. Role of minority shareholdersis very weak and there rights are not protected enough to let them participate actively in corporategovernance.
: corporate ownership, executives, institutional investors, privatization

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Governance and Banking Performance: a Comparative Study between Private and State Banking Sector in Sri Lanka

The main objectives of this study are to find out the relationship between corporate governance a... more The main objectives of this study are to find out the relationship between corporate governance and banking performance and also find out the impact of corporate governance on banking performance. This study focused on four aspects of corporate governance namely; Board Size (BS), Board Diversity (BD), Outside Directors Percentage (OSDP) & Board Meeting Frequency (BMF). Banking performance has been measured through Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA). The results revealed that all variables of corporate governance are positively correlated with ROE in state banks as well as, in private banks except BD and BMF other variables have strong negative relation with ROE, which is significant at 5percent level of significance. Similarly, except BMF other variables have negative relationship with ROA in state banks. Private Banks also show same relation except the variable BD. BD have strong negative relationship with ROA in state banks which is significant at 5 percent level of significance, but in private banks; positive relationship is denoted by BD which is not significant. Further corporate governance has a moderate impact on performance of both private and state banks. INTRODUCTION Corporate governance can be defined as the relationship among shareholders, board of directors and the top management in determining the direction and performance of the corporation (Wheelen and Hunger 2006). It also includes the relationship among the many players involved (the stakeholders) and the goals for which the corporation is governed. The principal players are the shareholders, management and the board of directors. Other stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, banks and other lenders, regulators, the environment and the community at large (http://en.wikipedia.org). Ruin (2001) stated that corporate governance as a group of people getting together as one united body with task and responsibility to direct, control and rule with authority. On a collective effort, this body is empowered to regulate, determine, restrain, curb and exercise the authority given to it. However, corporate governance describes the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled (http://en.wikipedia.org). Shleifer and Vishny (1997) argued that corporate governance is the way in which suppliers of finance to corporation ensure themselves of getting a return on their investments. Nonetheless, Melvin and Hirt (2005) described the concept of corporate governance as referring to corporate decision-making and control, particularly the structure of the board and its working procedures. It is also sometimes used very widely, embracing a company's relations with a wide range of stakeholders or very narrowly referring to a company's compliance with the provisions of best practice codes. In addition, Thomas (2002) described corporate governance in the ways and means by which the government of a company (the directors) is responsible to its electorate (the shareholders).Corporate governance can also be stated as the set of rules and procedures that ensure that managers do indeed employ the principles of value based management (Brigham & Ehrhardt ,2005). On the other hand, Low (2003) viewed as corporate governance as dealing with mechanisms by which stakeholders of a corporate exercise control over corporate insiders and management in such a way that their interests are protected. Nevertheless, corporate governance comprises a country's private and public institutions, both formal and informal, which together govern the relationship between the people who manage corporations (corporate insiders) and all others who invest resources incorporations in the county (Oman, Charles, Fries, Steven & Buiter, & Willem, 2003). Researcher focus is on the relationship between governance and performance. There are several reasons to expect that better governed banks may have more efficient operations and better performance. First, governance may reduce the incidence and amounts of related parties' transactions and other " self-dealing " practices. Since such transactions are usually sub-optimal from the efficiency point of view, the reduction in such transactions should translate into improved performance. Second, better governed banks may have lower cost of capital, especially if they employ subordinated debt financing. Third, better governance may translate into more efficient and streamlined operations, as the supervisory board and management functions are separated and modernized. Corporate governance initiatives in Sri Lanka commenced in 1997 with the introduction of a voluntary code of best practice on matters relating to the financial aspects of corporate governance. Voluntary codes of best

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Research paper thumbnail of RISK ANALYSIS FOR Islamic BANKs

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Research paper thumbnail of أبو بكر الصديق

يكتب علي الطنطاوي عن سيرة أول خليفة في الإسلام أبوبكر الصديق رضي الله عنه

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Research paper thumbnail of ديوان الأصمعي

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk Analysis for Islamic Banks

Islamic finance is a rapidly growing part of the financial sector in the world. Indeed, it is not... more Islamic finance is a rapidly growing part of the financial sector in the
world. Indeed, it is not restricted to Islamic countries and is spreading
wherever there is a sizable Muslim community. More recently, it has
caught the attention of conventional financial markets as well. According
to some estimates, more than 250 financial institutions in over 45 countries
practice some form of Islamic finance, and the industry has been growing
at a rate of more than 15 percent annually for the past five years. The
market’s current annual turnover is estimated to be $350 billion, compared
with a mere $5 billion in 1985.
An institutional infrastructure to support development of the Islamic
financial sector has been evolving since 1975, with the establishment of the
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) as a regional development institution
to promote economic development in Muslim countries and the Islamic
Financial Services Board (IFSB) in 2002, with a mandate to promote
regulatory standards, corporate governance, and capital markets. In addition,
other bodies such as AAOIFI have made significant contributions to
developing accounting standards for Islamic financial institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of  An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age

I began my study of Gog and Magog more than fifteen years ago in the early 90’s while resident in... more I began my study of Gog and Magog more than fifteen years ago in
the early 90’s while resident in New York. My subsequent public lectures
on the subject never failed to provoke keen interest from my Muslim
audiences in several parts of the world. The evidence and arguments
presented in the chapter on Gog and Magog in my book, ‘Jerusalem in
the Qur’an’, succeeded in convincing many who read the book that we
now live in a world dominated by Gog and Magog. They were easily
convinced that the ‘town’ mentioned in the Qur’ān in Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’
(21:95-6) was Jerusalem and hence, that Gog and Magog (and Dajjāl)
explained the ominously unfolding ‘war on Islam’ with slaughter and
destruction of Muslims in so many parts of the world. As a consequence,
such readers also understood Israel’s mysterious imperial agenda, and
many have been making efforts to extricate themselves and their families
from the embrace of Gog and Magog – an embrace that will take 999 out
of every 1000 of mankind into the hellfire.
Despite my best efforts, however, I failed miserably, again and
again, to convince my learned peers, the scholars of Islam, that Gog and
Magog were even released into the world. I earnestly hope and pray that
this book might make a difference Insha’ Allah.

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Research paper thumbnail of TREACHEROUS ALLIANCE

Israeli-Iranian relations remain a mystery to most analysts in spite of the profound impact that ... more Israeli-Iranian relations remain a mystery to most analysts in spite of the
profound impact that these countries’ tensions have had on the Middle East
and on U.S. national security. The political sensitivity of the issue has
prompted most U.S. experts to refrain from studying the subject in detail.
Instead, the poor state of relations between these two former allies has been
treated either as an inexplicable phenomenon or as purely the result of
deep-seated ideological antagonism. All the while, its impact on U.S. foreign
policy has been conveniently ignored at a great cost to U.S. national interests.
While it is widely believed that the key to peace in the Middle East is
the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, little attention has been
given to the key geopolitical rivalry between Israel and Iran, which has had
a decisive influence on this and other regional conflicts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Devil's Deceptions

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Research paper thumbnail of Behavioural Economics

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart Leadership

Praise for Smart Leadership "Smart Leadership is packed with wisdom and practicality, seasoned wi... more Praise for Smart Leadership "Smart Leadership is packed with wisdom and practicality, seasoned with real-world experience. Leaders who want to be more effective, add more value, and scale their impact now have the guide they have been searching for. Read this book, make these simple, smart choices and take your leadership to the next level."-Jon Gordon, best-selling author of The Power of Positive Leadership

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Research paper thumbnail of The Myth of Artificial Intelligence

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart Growth - Whitney Johnson

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Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentals of Finance

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Research paper thumbnail of Competing on Thought Leadership - Robert Buday

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Transformation and Human Behavior Innovation for People and Organis

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Research paper thumbnail of Monetary Policy in Times of Crisis A Tale of Two Decades of the European Ce

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Research paper thumbnail of A Random Walk Down Wall Street (12th) - Burton G. Malkiel(retail)

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Research paper thumbnail of Beaumont P.H. Financial engineering principles (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471463582)(318s) FA

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The article explores the structure of corporate ownership in banking sector in Ukraine during ana... more The article explores the structure of corporate ownership in banking sector in Ukraine during anafter-privatization period of time from 1998 to 2003. It was concluded that the share of insiders1inthe structure of corporate ownership in banking sector in Ukraine remarkably increased. The shareof outsiders almost did not change. Thus, privatization has led to transferring the corporate ownershipfrom the State to insiders. Development of the process of concentration of corporate ownershipstructure in banks in Ukraine is controlled by two groups of investors. These are management(executives) of the banks and institutional investors. Major objective of purchasing shares bymanagement is obtaining a total control over the compensation policy. Role of minority shareholdersis very weak and there rights are not protected enough to let them participate actively in corporategovernance.
: corporate ownership, executives, institutional investors, privatization

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Governance and Banking Performance: a Comparative Study between Private and State Banking Sector in Sri Lanka

The main objectives of this study are to find out the relationship between corporate governance a... more The main objectives of this study are to find out the relationship between corporate governance and banking performance and also find out the impact of corporate governance on banking performance. This study focused on four aspects of corporate governance namely; Board Size (BS), Board Diversity (BD), Outside Directors Percentage (OSDP) & Board Meeting Frequency (BMF). Banking performance has been measured through Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA). The results revealed that all variables of corporate governance are positively correlated with ROE in state banks as well as, in private banks except BD and BMF other variables have strong negative relation with ROE, which is significant at 5percent level of significance. Similarly, except BMF other variables have negative relationship with ROA in state banks. Private Banks also show same relation except the variable BD. BD have strong negative relationship with ROA in state banks which is significant at 5 percent level of significance, but in private banks; positive relationship is denoted by BD which is not significant. Further corporate governance has a moderate impact on performance of both private and state banks. INTRODUCTION Corporate governance can be defined as the relationship among shareholders, board of directors and the top management in determining the direction and performance of the corporation (Wheelen and Hunger 2006). It also includes the relationship among the many players involved (the stakeholders) and the goals for which the corporation is governed. The principal players are the shareholders, management and the board of directors. Other stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, banks and other lenders, regulators, the environment and the community at large (http://en.wikipedia.org). Ruin (2001) stated that corporate governance as a group of people getting together as one united body with task and responsibility to direct, control and rule with authority. On a collective effort, this body is empowered to regulate, determine, restrain, curb and exercise the authority given to it. However, corporate governance describes the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled (http://en.wikipedia.org). Shleifer and Vishny (1997) argued that corporate governance is the way in which suppliers of finance to corporation ensure themselves of getting a return on their investments. Nonetheless, Melvin and Hirt (2005) described the concept of corporate governance as referring to corporate decision-making and control, particularly the structure of the board and its working procedures. It is also sometimes used very widely, embracing a company's relations with a wide range of stakeholders or very narrowly referring to a company's compliance with the provisions of best practice codes. In addition, Thomas (2002) described corporate governance in the ways and means by which the government of a company (the directors) is responsible to its electorate (the shareholders).Corporate governance can also be stated as the set of rules and procedures that ensure that managers do indeed employ the principles of value based management (Brigham & Ehrhardt ,2005). On the other hand, Low (2003) viewed as corporate governance as dealing with mechanisms by which stakeholders of a corporate exercise control over corporate insiders and management in such a way that their interests are protected. Nevertheless, corporate governance comprises a country's private and public institutions, both formal and informal, which together govern the relationship between the people who manage corporations (corporate insiders) and all others who invest resources incorporations in the county (Oman, Charles, Fries, Steven & Buiter, & Willem, 2003). Researcher focus is on the relationship between governance and performance. There are several reasons to expect that better governed banks may have more efficient operations and better performance. First, governance may reduce the incidence and amounts of related parties' transactions and other " self-dealing " practices. Since such transactions are usually sub-optimal from the efficiency point of view, the reduction in such transactions should translate into improved performance. Second, better governed banks may have lower cost of capital, especially if they employ subordinated debt financing. Third, better governance may translate into more efficient and streamlined operations, as the supervisory board and management functions are separated and modernized. Corporate governance initiatives in Sri Lanka commenced in 1997 with the introduction of a voluntary code of best practice on matters relating to the financial aspects of corporate governance. Voluntary codes of best

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Research paper thumbnail of RISK ANALYSIS FOR Islamic BANKs

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Research paper thumbnail of أبو بكر الصديق

يكتب علي الطنطاوي عن سيرة أول خليفة في الإسلام أبوبكر الصديق رضي الله عنه

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Research paper thumbnail of ديوان الأصمعي

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk Analysis for Islamic Banks

Islamic finance is a rapidly growing part of the financial sector in the world. Indeed, it is not... more Islamic finance is a rapidly growing part of the financial sector in the
world. Indeed, it is not restricted to Islamic countries and is spreading
wherever there is a sizable Muslim community. More recently, it has
caught the attention of conventional financial markets as well. According
to some estimates, more than 250 financial institutions in over 45 countries
practice some form of Islamic finance, and the industry has been growing
at a rate of more than 15 percent annually for the past five years. The
market’s current annual turnover is estimated to be $350 billion, compared
with a mere $5 billion in 1985.
An institutional infrastructure to support development of the Islamic
financial sector has been evolving since 1975, with the establishment of the
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) as a regional development institution
to promote economic development in Muslim countries and the Islamic
Financial Services Board (IFSB) in 2002, with a mandate to promote
regulatory standards, corporate governance, and capital markets. In addition,
other bodies such as AAOIFI have made significant contributions to
developing accounting standards for Islamic financial institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of  An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age

I began my study of Gog and Magog more than fifteen years ago in the early 90’s while resident in... more I began my study of Gog and Magog more than fifteen years ago in
the early 90’s while resident in New York. My subsequent public lectures
on the subject never failed to provoke keen interest from my Muslim
audiences in several parts of the world. The evidence and arguments
presented in the chapter on Gog and Magog in my book, ‘Jerusalem in
the Qur’an’, succeeded in convincing many who read the book that we
now live in a world dominated by Gog and Magog. They were easily
convinced that the ‘town’ mentioned in the Qur’ān in Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’
(21:95-6) was Jerusalem and hence, that Gog and Magog (and Dajjāl)
explained the ominously unfolding ‘war on Islam’ with slaughter and
destruction of Muslims in so many parts of the world. As a consequence,
such readers also understood Israel’s mysterious imperial agenda, and
many have been making efforts to extricate themselves and their families
from the embrace of Gog and Magog – an embrace that will take 999 out
of every 1000 of mankind into the hellfire.
Despite my best efforts, however, I failed miserably, again and
again, to convince my learned peers, the scholars of Islam, that Gog and
Magog were even released into the world. I earnestly hope and pray that
this book might make a difference Insha’ Allah.

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Research paper thumbnail of TREACHEROUS ALLIANCE

Israeli-Iranian relations remain a mystery to most analysts in spite of the profound impact that ... more Israeli-Iranian relations remain a mystery to most analysts in spite of the
profound impact that these countries’ tensions have had on the Middle East
and on U.S. national security. The political sensitivity of the issue has
prompted most U.S. experts to refrain from studying the subject in detail.
Instead, the poor state of relations between these two former allies has been
treated either as an inexplicable phenomenon or as purely the result of
deep-seated ideological antagonism. All the while, its impact on U.S. foreign
policy has been conveniently ignored at a great cost to U.S. national interests.
While it is widely believed that the key to peace in the Middle East is
the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, little attention has been
given to the key geopolitical rivalry between Israel and Iran, which has had
a decisive influence on this and other regional conflicts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Devil's Deceptions

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent Econometric Techniques for Macroeconomic and Financial Data by Gille

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Research paper thumbnail of From MTV to Makkah

This book recalls the journey of a woman, Kristiane Backer, who encountered Islam when she was a ... more This book recalls the journey of a woman, Kristiane Backer, who encountered Islam when she was a
presenter with MTV. Hers was a world that had no association with religion, was disconnected from
Christianity and Islam, far from any kind of spirituality. A world of entertainment, music and pop
videos, acting as distraction in our lives, sometimes making us forget the true meaning of life. Whilst
Kristiane was working at MTV she began a personal quest, which she describes in her book: how
during her travels across the globe, she came across different people who believed in God, and it is
through these conversations and experiences that her own spiritual journey towards God gradually
began to unfold.

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