Ach! "Oh! (my)" (original) (raw)

In genuine patriotic spirit, I tuned into four AM talk shows today, but in banal conservative rhetoric, I heard the same Obamacare paranoia script from each show. The order of memorization by repetition was:

By the time Mark's show aired, there were odd 'deja vu' phrases coming out of the radio. Now there's only so many news items in any given day, but this isn't CNN Headline news so I'd expect some variety. Instead, each show spent an hour repeating the previous show's sound bites. The most repeated stereotype was:

  1. Obamacare kills with death panels
  2. Obamacare penalizes providers
  3. Obamacare drives out private insurers

The problem with hearing the same thing for four hours by four different sources is it a) gets boring and b) becomes conspicuous. I started wondering if News Corp owned every radio station that broadcasts talk radio on AM channels from WV to IL. That seemed unlikely but the conspicuous repitition made the shows sound like the very kind of State Media that Limbaugh claims NPR spouts out.

By the fourth hour, I had gotten tired of being treated like a listener with amnesia, switched to music, and hoped on a plane. I decided to finally read last Friday's copy of the

Wall Street Journal

that the Hyatt had slipped under my door, and in the Opinion section I started reading the very sound bites that all these shows had airedle. That article was quoting the same sound bites that all four shows had aired today and the same talking points about single-payer but it was doing it via a paper that had been printed three days before the shows aired. It was like reading a script for each of these shows.

The article was Obama and Permanent Campaign, by Karl Rove. Please, Republicans; be more original. Originality is memorable too. And Rove's political strategies lost your majority.