They could be brave and die ... (original) (raw)

Vaysh Swiftstorm

Browsing is open at fandomtrumpshate.

I am offering this Auction:

Vaysh Auction #1

Organizations this auction benefits: Spread the Vote, VoteRiders, Environmental Org: Deploy/Us * (See full list. * denotes an organization that accepts international donations.), Maneo (a German LGTBQ+ organization, fighting against hate crimes against all queer people).

Type of fanwork: Written fanwork
Subtype(s): fan fiction (new)
Fandom(s): Marvel: Captain America, The Murderbot Diaries, Harry Potter: Original Series
Highest rating: M
Length/scope: 5 -10k words.
Minimum Bid: $5

Especially interested in: Steve/Bucky, Draco/Harry, SecUnit (Murderbot), angst with happy ending, progressive politics

Unwilling to address: will not create romantic and/or sexual content for The Murderbot Diaries

Other notes: I am happy to write from an initial prompt by the bidder, which can be quite specific, but love adding a bit of my own ideas.

Special interests: Ambiguous endings

I'd love to write a Stucky, Drarry or Murderbot fic for you. :)

If so inclined, check out my auction: HERE.

Biding opens March 5th!

Vaysh Swiftstorm

01 December 2022 @ 06:23 pm

*dusts off Livejournal*
*oh, new posting thingie*

It's an annual ritual to change my LJ icon to the wintery Draco one for the holiday season. :)

Today is December 1, which means today is the day that H/D Owlpost starts posting.

We post here on LJ at H/D Owlpost, on tumblr at @hdowlpost, and on the Owlpost Discord. Comment if you want an invite to the Discord. It's owlishly fun.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

17 January 2022 @ 09:24 pm

I'm doing Snowflake completely out of order this year, and mostly in February because January is *nuts*. This is my first Snowflake Post because I just couldn't resist this one.

What are your top five fandoms for 2021 based on the amount of time you interacted with them?
1. Harry Potter
2. Captain America
3. Murderbot
4. Falcon and Winter Soldier
5. Hawkeye

What are your top five fandom spaces in terms of time spent? (AO3, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Dreamwidth, and others)
1. tumblr
2. Discord
3. Livejournal (Owlpost!)
4. AO3
5. Disney+

What are the top five ways you interacted in these fandoms? (Reading fanfic, writing, commenting, watching videos, chatting with friends, making art, or anything else you can think of).
1. reblogging on tumblr :)
2. writing, on my own and in collabs (Harry Potter)
3. chatting on Discord (Murderbot)
4. listening to podfics (Captain America)
5. reading fanfic (Captain America, Murderbot)

What are the top five things you did to contribute to fandom in terms of time? Did you write? Comment? Send positive energy into the universe? Create art?
1. hanging on tumblr
2. modding Owlpost Fest (Harry Potter
3. translating (Captain America, Murderbot)
4. researching (Murderbot)
5. writing fic (Captain America, Harry Potter, Murderbot)

What things did you create that took the most time?
1. translating 4 Minute Window into German: Ein Zeitfenster von vier Minuten
2. researching all the Murderbot translations (one write-up is still not posted)

Have a Top 5 List you'd like to share?
Locations/Settings I used in fics this year:
1. The Moon: Moon Stuff
2. Bound Skerry (a Faroe island): The Blue Wave
3. Preservation Aux: A Charmed Encounter
4. The Atrium Bar in the Ministry of Magic: One Lucky New Year (collab)

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

25 December 2021 @ 07:26 pm


Nach einigen Jahren (!) habe ich 2021 meine Übersetzung von Speranzas 4 Minute Window fertiggestellt und konnte sie Speranza endlich zu Weihnachten schenken. Falls ihr die Fanfic nicht kennt, sie ist ein Klassiker im Stucky-Fandom, ein hoffnungsvoller, anderer Verlauf der Geschichte nach Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Unbedingt empfehlenswert. Oder vielleicht mögt ihr „4 Minute Window“ einfach mal auf Deutsch lesen. :)

Titel | Read on AO3: Ein Zeitfenster von vier Minuten

Autorin: [[personal profile] ]([**cesperanza**](
Übersetzerin: [[personal profile] ]([**vaysh**](

„Wenn sie mich kriegen“, sagte Bucky leise, „dann bringen sie mich um oder sie stecken mich in eine Zelle mit einem winzigen Fenster und – Steve, das halt ich nicht aus.“

Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Rating: NC-17
Länge: 28544 Worte
Beta: [[personal profile] ]([**dornfelder**](
Note: Schöne Weihnachten oder einfach ein schönes Winter-Wochenende wünsch ich euch allen!

And if you don’t speak German, do check out [[personal profile] ]([**alby\_mangroves**]( portrait of Steve, standing in line to get coffee.

Coffee by [[personal profile] ]([**alby\_mangroves**](

Clever, dachte Natasha. Die ganze Sache mit dem Kaffee war clever ausgedacht: das etablierte Ritual, das Warten in der Schlange. Sie beobachtete Steve, wie er da stand, sich vorwärtsbewegte, wieder stand, und wer immer sich vergewissern wollte, wo er gerade war, konnte es tun: Er war in der Schlange und holte sich seinen Kaffee. Sie spürte selbst, wie ihr Körper sich entspannen wollte, obwohl sie es besser wusste – Barnes (denn kein anderer als Barnes hatte sich das ausgedacht, es war der Plan eines Menschen, der die Psychologie des Wartens verstand) hatte erreicht, dass sie die Schlange als einen Zeitmesser lasen. Das Gehirn kalkulierte unwillkürlich die Zeit – mindestens noch sechs Minuten, bis er vorn war, bestellte und bezahlte – und man konnte die Aufmerksamkeit ein wenig schleifen lassen, mit den Augen blinzeln, den Bericht schreiben: SGR in Schlange bei Whole Bean Coffee. Sie hätte gerne einen Blick auf ihre Uhr geworfen, tat es aber nicht … und obwohl sie ihn keinen Moment aus den Augen ließ, hätte sie es beinahe verpasst, weil es so schnell ging und er sich so leichtfüßig bewegte: Er trat einfach aus der Schlange und verschwand hinter dem Tresen.

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

19 December 2021 @ 03:32 pm

It's a well-loved annual fandom ritual to start the New Year with the

Snowflake Challenge promotional banner with image of ice crystals formed on a dead flower on a bright blue background. Text: Snowflake Challenge January 1-31.

Snowflake Challenges are posted every second day all through January 2022. :)

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

18 December 2021 @ 12:07 pm

In these time of lies, fake news, an ever-mutating virus, the rise of the fascist right and personal tragedy wherever one looks there sometimes comes alongAn Amazing Piece of Fannish Art!
Don't miss it - click the banner

Have a happy, healthy and relaxing weekend!

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

03 December 2021 @ 10:58 am

hd_owlpost is posting!

Banner art by [[ profile] ]([**whileatwiltshire**](

Join us on Livejournal: hd_owlpost

Join us on tumblr: [[ profile] ]([**hdowlpost**](

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

01 October 2021 @ 11:40 pm

Sign-ups for [[community profile] ]([hp\_halloween]( are open! Write a 200 word drabble and get spooked all day and night on October 31st!

The mods

♥ are running [[community profile] ]([**hp\_halloween**]( through AO3 this year, and this is the first time I am doing a fest through the AO3 fest system. (I tried Yuletide and totally failed). I just spent an hour thinking about the Harry Potter characters, and which 6 I should request and which 6 (I ended up offering 7) I should offer. :) I am very excited about who I get randomly assigned. :D

Halloween would not be the same without [[community profile] ]([hp\_halloween](! Sign-ups end on October 5

How it works | HP Halloween 2021 on AO3

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

30 August 2021 @ 04:32 pm

You have two more days to sign up for this year's hd_owlpost Winter Gift Giving fest. ♥

Right now, we've had 33 people sign up, which means we will make at least three gift posts once a day all through December. Participants are a lovely mix of oldtimers and people new to Owlpost Fest.

Since last year, Owlpost also is on Discord. Let me know if you'd like an invite, and I'll send you one. :)

Sign-ups are open for the 2021 hd_owlpost Winter Gift Giving Fest

art by whileatwiltshire

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.

Vaysh Swiftstorm

06 August 2021 @ 11:35 pm

It's the middle of summer, more or less (what even is summer these days?).

But we've got such a pretty banner, courtesy of [[ profile] ]([**whileatwiltshire**]( (formerly Legendrarry):

You may remember their beautiful owl gift from last year's Owlpost Fest: Home This Christmas (Drarry | G)

So we decided to open Sign-ups early this year – you all can sign-up for hd_owlpost until August 31.

Grab the code for your Wishlist here: Choose Your Owl

Post it as a comment to the Sign-up post here: 2021 H/D Owlpost Sign-up

Voilá, you are all signed up and will receive your assignment from us no later than September 8. :)

xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.