Irena Januškaitienė | Vytautas Magnus University (original) (raw)
Papers by Irena Januškaitienė
Seed treatment with cold plasma (CP) or electromagnetic field (EMF) is a modern eco-agricultural ... more Seed treatment with cold plasma (CP) or electromagnetic field (EMF) is a modern eco-agricultural technology for stimulation of plant germination and performance. Numerous studies demonstrated the effectiveness of such treatments for enhancing germination and growth of a large variety of crops, however the molecular basis of seed response to treatments remains elusive. In order to gain an insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying effect of stressors on plant seeds, we estimated changes induced in differential protein expression of the model plant – sunflower (Helianthus annuus). We studied the effects of pre-sowing seed treatment, using vacuum (7 min), radio-frequency EMF (5-15 min) and CP (2-7 min), on germination and growth of the confectionary cultivar “Nyķrségi fekete”. The germination tests were performed both in vitro and in substrate and the obtained results indicated that the treatments with CP and EMF had no effect on germination yield while vacuum and EMF (10 and 15 ...
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-hortorum Cultus, Feb 22, 2019
Sodininkystė ir Daržininkystė, 2009
Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti 1 ir 6 mM koncentracijos kadmio poveikį sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativu... more Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti 1 ir 6 mM koncentracijos kadmio poveikį sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativum L.) fotosintezės intensyvumui ir augimui, atsižvelgiant į žirnių vystymosi tarpsnį. Sėjamieji žirniai buvo sėjami į vegetacinius indus su paruoštu neutralaus rūgštumo durpių substratu (6,0–6,5 pH), o po sudygimo praėjus 10 ir 17 dienų, t. y. lapų vystymosi ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi tarpsniais, veikti skirtingos koncentracijos kadmio tirpalais. Esant 1 mM Cd poveikiui, lapų vystymosi ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi tarpsnio žirnių vidutinis fotosintezės intensyvumo skirtumas nuo kontrolinių augalų yra atitinkamai 11,5 ir 8,2 % (p > 0,05), o esant 6 mM Cd poveikiui, – atitinkamai 29,5 ir 30,7 % (p 0.05) and 29.5 % (p 0.05) and 30.7 % (p < 0.05), respectively. When cadmium impact was strong (6 mM), dry overground biomass of leaf development stage of pea plants was nearly 2 times smaller than this during formation of lateral shoots as compared to reference treatment. Pea plants of leaf development stage were more sensitive to different cadmium impact intensity than these during formation of lateral shootsAplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Tyrimų tikslas – įvertinti įvairių žemės ūkio augalų atsaką į padidėjusius CO2 kiekį bei temperat... more Tyrimų tikslas – įvertinti įvairių žemės ūkio augalų atsaką į padidėjusius CO2 kiekį bei temperatūrą ir patikrinti hipotezę, kad atmosferoje esantis CO2 kiekis yra daugelio žemės ūkio augalų augimą ribojantis veiksnys. Tyrimai atlikti fitotrone kontroliuojamo klimato sąlygomis. Tyrimams pasirinkta septyni žemės ūkio augalai ir piktžolė baltoji balanda (Chenopodium album L.). Tyrimų pabaigoje išmatuota augalų antžeminės dalies sausa biomasė ir nustatyta fotosintetinių pigmentų koncentracija lapuose. Didėjant CO2 kiekiui, iš esmės didėjo ir visų tirtų veislių augalų sausa biomasė, intensyviausias didėjimas nustatytas CO2 esant 700–1500 ppm. Baltosios balandos biomasės pokyčiai buvo maži ir neesminiai, o tai rodo, jog CO2 kiekis atmosferoje nėra šios rūšies augalų augimą ribojantis veiksnys. Kompleksinis CO2 (700 ppm) ir temperatūros (keturiais laipsniais aukštesnė nei dabartinė) poveikis tirtiems augalams skyrėsi priklausomai nuo jų rūšies. Pomidorai bei sojos, kurie esamo klimato sąl...
Aplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta;\_2020...[ more ](;)[](; is one of the major causes for crop loss worldwide. Responses to drought are multiple and consistent. It is well established that drought stress impairs numerous metabolic and physiological processes in plants. It leads to growth reduction, reduction in the content of chlorophyll pigments and water, and changes in fluorescence parameters. The aim of this study was to investigate the response of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of lucerne (Medicago sativa) under partly regulated environment and drought stress effect. Plants were grown in pots filled with a mixture of field soil, perlite and fine sand (volume ratio 5:3:2) in the greenhouse of Vytautas Magnus university in 2020. Drought stress lasted one week, after that plants were left for one week recovery period. Under drought effect grown plants were watered only 50 % of norm during exposure time. Chloro...
Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology
Tetracycline antibiotics are one of the main groups of antibiotics widely used in medicine and a ... more Tetracycline antibiotics are one of the main groups of antibiotics widely used in medicine and a major environmental concern. However, the effects on non-target organisms are not well studied. Thalli of lichens artificially were exposed to high levels tetracycline to determine the impact on physiological parameters (integrity of cell membranes, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency) and oxidative stress response (membrane lipid peroxidation). The results of the experiment showed that exposure affected the lichen membrane damage as indicated by increase in conductivity. The potential photosystem II efficiency (Fv/Fm) was susceptible to the impact of antibiotic. The concentrations of TBARS were markedly increased with increasing concentration of tetracycline. The results of the study supplemented the knowledge on the effects of pollution on organisms, such as veterinary antibiotics, on lichens and provided a better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity.
Sodininkystė ir Daržininkystė, 2008
This study aimed to investigate the impact of different concentrations of nutrients on garden cre... more This study aimed to investigate the impact of different concentrations of nutrients on garden cress resistance to substrate acidity and heavy metal cadmium. Laboratory experiments with Lepidium sativum L. were performed at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Vytautas Magnum University. Garden cress was grown in optimal 23 ± 2 °C temperature on sterile cotton wool flooded with different concentrations of ammonium nitrate (as a fertilizer) and cadmium. There was investigated impact of ammonium nitrate on the garden cress resistance to medium acidity and cadmium. Garden cress was grown on medium with various pH values (6.0 – optimal, 3.5 – acid and 9.0 – alkaline) and with different concentrations of ammonium nitrate, also parallel with 0.05 mM concentration of cadmium. Fertilization decreases negative effect of substrate acidity. In neutral pH 6.0 medium optimal (0.1 mM) ammonium nitrate concentration stimulated seedlings growth about 5 % (p < 0.05), but the highest positive effect of 0.1 mM ammonium nitrate on seedlings growth was in acidified (pH 3.5) medium, where garden cress seedlings height increased about 242 % comparing to the control (p < 0.05). It shows that in acidified substrate fertilization optimum moved to higher concentrations. In acidified medium the effect of fertilization on garden cress resistance to cadmium was positive but statistically not significant.
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Feb 28, 2018
The aim of this work was to investigate the response of physiological parameters of winter wheat ... more The aim of this work was to investigate the response of physiological parameters of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. 'Ada') and pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. 'Early onward') to different levels of salinity stress under changing climate conditions. Experimental plants were grown in growth chambers under the conditions of current climate (400 µmol mol-1 CO 2 and day/night temperatures of 21/14 °C) and warmed climate (800 µmol mol-1 CO 2 and day/night temperatures of 25/18 °C). Under both climate conditions, plants were exposed to 100 mM and 200 mM concentrations of sodium chloride. Exposure to salinity stress was initiated when plants developed the second true leaf or their pair. After salinity treatments, which lasted 2 weeks, the response of photosynthetic and transpiration rates, intracellular content of CO 2 , water use efficiency, II photosystem quantum efficiency rate and photosynthesis performance index were measured. Physiological parameters of pea plants were mostly affected at current climate conditions. The biggest reductions were found in the photosynthetic and the transpiration rate, which decreased by 57.0% and 71.5% under 200 mM effect, respectively. Assessment of intensity of fluctuation of wheat and pea physiological parameters at current climate showed that changes were bigger in pea plants (51.3%) in comparison with wheat (29.3%). While at warmed climate conditions, the changes in physiological parameters of peas and wheat were the opposite: for wheat, they increased and became 52.6%, and for peas, they decreased to 41.1% in comparison with control plants (p < 0.05).
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Mar 16, 2017
The impact of sapropel of Lake Tarosiškis on photosynthesis parameters (content of pigments and c... more The impact of sapropel of Lake Tarosiškis on photosynthesis parameters (content of pigments and chlorophyll a fluorescence) of beans (Vicia faba L.) was investigated in this study. Plants were sown in 1 L volume pots by 5 seeds with light loamy soil and grown in growth chambers. Considering sapropel composition, 2.2, 3.1 and 4 t/ha dry sapropel concentrations were chosen for investigation. Sapropel-affected plants were compared with plants grown in unfertilised soils and soils fertilised with a synthetic fertiliser. On day 14 of the experiment, when the plants reached 2-leaves growth stage (BBCH 12), chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of the investigated plants were measured. Then the plants were grown for another 4 weeks, and at the stem elongation stage (BBCH 31), chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were measured repeatedly and the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids was investigated. The photosystem II efficiency of beans insignificantly increased (p > 0.05) by increasing sapropel concentration in the soil. Photosynthesis performance index increased (r = 0.91; p < 0.05) with increasing sapropel concentration up to 3.1 t/ha at BBCH growth stage 12. The same tendency was observed for the electron transport rate of beans (r = 0.9; p < 0.05) at this growth stage, but at a later stage (BBCH 31) it slightly lowered (r =-0.02; p > 0.05). At BBCH stage 12, the highest non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) value was measured in control beans, while at BBCH stage 31, the opposite trend was noticed (r = 0.86; p < 0.05). At BBCH growth stage 31, an increase in sapropel concentration made the bean chlorophyll content to decrease; however, this decrease was insignificant (r =-0.18, p > 0.05). The changes in the carotenoid content were similar to chlorophyll a+b.
Atliekant šį tyrimą buvo tirtas 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato (pH 4,... more Atliekant šį tyrimą buvo tirtas 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato (pH 4,8) poveikis skirtingų vystymosi tarpsnių sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativum L.) fotosintezės rodikliams. Žirniai buvo sėjami į vegetacinius indus su paruoštu neutralaus rūgštumo durpių substratu. Augalams pasiekus lapų vystymosi (BBCH 14–16) ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi tarpsnius (BBCH 21–23), stebėtas UV-B spinduliuotės ir substrato rūgštumo poveikis. Fotosintezės rodikliai matuoti fotosintezės intensyvumo matavimo įrenginiu LI-6400, o fotosintetiniai pigmentai nustatyti acetono ekstrakte spektrofotometriškai. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis BBCH 14–16 tarpsnio sėjamųjų žirnių tirtiems rodikliams buvo stipresnis nei BBCH 21–23 tarpsnio: pirmuoju atveju vidutinis visų tirtų rodiklių sumažėjimas sudarė 34,2 proc., antruoju – tik 21,8 proc., palyginti su kontrolės augalais. Vystymosi tarpsnio, kaip veiksnio, įtaka buvo statistiškai reikšminga (p 0,05). Sėjamuosius žirnius veikiant kompleksiškai – UV-B spinduliuote ir rūgštinant substratą, BBCH 14–16 tarpsnio augalų bendras tirtų rodiklių sumažėjimas sudarė 46,9 proc., o BBCH 21–23 tarpsnio – 50,9 proc., tačiau vystymosi tarpsnio, kaip veiksnio, įtaka nebuvo statistiškai reikšminga (p > 0,05). Kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis lėmė didesnius sėjamųjų žirnių pažeidimus negu pavienis, BBCH 14–16 tarpsnio žirnių tirti rodikliai sumažėjo labiau (p > 0,05)The aim of this work was to investigate the combined impact of substrate acidity (pH 4.8) and 1 and 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV–B radiation on two growth stage pea (Pisum sativum L.) photosynthetic parameters. The investigated plants were sown in vegetative pots with prepared peat substrate. When the plants were at a leaf development stage (BBCH 14–16) and the stage of formation of lateral shoots (BBCH 21–23) the impact of substrate acidity and UV-B radiation was started. Photosynthetic parameters were measured with portable photosynthesis system LI-6400 and photosynthetic pigments were analyzed in acetone extract using a spectrophotometer on the last (5th) day of the experiments. UV-B radiation effect on the investigated indicators of BBCH 14–16 stage peas were stronger than on BBCH 21–23 stage, when the average decrease of all investigated indicators was 34.2 % compared with the control plants. Meanwhile, the decrease of BBCH 21–23 stage was 21.8 %, and the effect of the growth stage, as a factor, was statistically significant (p 0.05). The combined UV-B radiation and substrate acidity affect the parameters of BBCH stage 14–16 peas decreased by 46.9 %, and those of BBCH 21–23 peas slightly more – by 50.9 %, but the growth stage, as a factor, was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). The combined UV-B radiation and substrate acidity effect resulted in higher losses on peas than single ones, and higher losses (p > 0.05) were detected for BBCH 14–16 stage peasAplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Nov 19, 2022
This study aimed to determine the photosynthetic response of spring oilseed rape to heatwave (HW)... more This study aimed to determine the photosynthetic response of spring oilseed rape to heatwave (HW), drought, nutrient deficiency (N-D) and combined stress. HW and drought acted in a different manner. Under both adequate and deprived soil nutrient conditions, in the presence of adequate water supply, HW up regulated the photosynthetic performance of rape. However, drought-induced stress was highly exacerbated under HW, leading to the incomplete recovery that was additionally impaired by nutrient deficiency.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Nov 21, 2022
Ensuring sustainable agriculture and food security is one of the biggest challenges under changin... more Ensuring sustainable agriculture and food security is one of the biggest challenges under changing climate. The frequency and severity of droughts is increasing as a result of climate change. These extreme events may lead to decreased forage crop productivity and financial incomes. Forage crop productivity strongly depends on plants nitrogen use efficiency which in turn may be affected by changed climate conditions. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of drought on the growth and nitrogen use efficiency of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and festulolium (Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P.Fourn.) at different rates of nitrogen (N) supply (background, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1). Alfalfa and festulolium, grown in a climate-controlled glasshouse, were subjected to short-term drought (7 days) under ambient CO2 (400 ppm) concentration. After the cease of stress, plants were rehydrated and left for 7 days to recover under control conditions. The growth (aboveground and belowground biomass, height), plant N content, nitrogen use efficiency (uptake (NupE), use (NUE) and utilization (NutE)) of both plant species were evaluated. Drought had an adverse effect on N accumulation and N uptake, use and utilization efficiency in alfalfa and festulolium. Additional N supply reduced efficiency of N uptake and use.
This research is funded by the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of... more This research is funded by the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities” measureIn this study there were examined the impact of heat wave (HW, 21 vs. 33 ºC) and drought both as single stressors and their combined treatment in ambient and future elevated CO2 concentrations (400 and 800 μmol mol-1, accordingly) on summer rape (Brassica napus L., var. ‘Fenja’) as well as the recovery capacity following stress and possible mitigation effect of elevated CO2. The experiment was conducted in closed-top growth chambers under controlled environment. Two thirds of pot-grown seedlings growing under two soil water conditions (i.e. well-watered and drought-stressed) were assigned to HW or HW with elevated CO2 (HWC) treatments at 13 BBCH growth stage for 7 days. All the drought-stressed seedlings were then rehydrated upon relief of HW and left for 7 days under ambient climate (AC) conditions to recover. Growth parameters: leaf area (LA), shoot and root dry weight (DW) and root to shoot DW ratio were measured after the treatments and the recovery period. Opposite than expected, HW and HWC, especially, did not reduced, but markedly increased LA shoot shoot DW, but had no impact on root DW and in turn significantly reduced root/shoot DW. Drought as single stressor had no impact on growth of summer rape under AC conditions, however significantly decreased all the measured growth parameters under HW conditions. Under the HWC conditions, seedlings also underwent a greater degree of stress than under the single drought treatment, although to a considerably lower extent. After the 7-day recovery period under AC conditions, seedlings grown under single HW and HWC treatments have had still higher LA and shoot DW, while root DW was greater only under HWC conditions. All the measured growth parameters of drought-stressed plants grown under HWC conditions did not differ significantly from that grown under AC conditions, while LA and root DW of drought-stressed plants grown under HW conditions. [...]Aplinkotyros katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Biologija, Oct 29, 2014
One of the most toxic metals is cadmium, which inputs include those from commercial fertilizers, ... more One of the most toxic metals is cadmium, which inputs include those from commercial fertilizers, sewage sludge and other wastes used as soil amendments and also atmospheric deposition. The aim of this experiment was to study the dynamics of photosynthetic parameters of bean (Phaseolus vul garis L.) and broad bean (Vicia fabo L.) under strong cadmium stress effect. Plants were sown in a neutral (pH 6.0-6.5) peat substrate, when 2nd true leaf unfolded, growth substrate was watered with 6 mM concentration CdSO 4 solution. Gas exchange parameters (photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tn), intercellular CO 2 concentration (Ci) and water use efficiency (WUE)) were measured every day with portable photosynthesis system LI-6400. Content of photosynthetic pigments was analyzed in acetone extract using a spectrophotometer on the last 5th day of the experiment. On the first day of treatment the Pn of Cd treated P. vulgaris plants decreased only by 4.3% and statistically insignificant, while Pn of V. fabo decreased by 35.9% (p < 0.05). Pn of P. vulgaris was decreasing till 3rd day after treatment, when it was 96% (p < 0.05) lower compared to reference treatment. On the contrary, the lowest Pn of Cd treated V. fabo plants was on the first day and it started to increase from the second day till the last one. WUE of Cd treated P. vulgaris was decreasing till the third day too and it improved a little on the last one, but still it was 54% (p < 0.05) lower compared to the re ference. While WUE of V. fabo increased by 23% (p < 0.05) and 16% (p > 0.05) on the first and the last day after Cd treatment, respectively compared to the reference. The changes, detected on the last day of the experiment, of chorophyll a and b ratio were different too, i. e. for P. vulgaris it decreased by 5.7% (p > 0.05), and for V. fabo-increased by 1.4% (p > 0.05) compared to the reference. Also decrease of dry biomass of P. vulgaris was greater than that of V. fabo.
Seed treatment with cold plasma (CP) or electromagnetic field (EMF) is a modern eco-agricultural ... more Seed treatment with cold plasma (CP) or electromagnetic field (EMF) is a modern eco-agricultural technology for stimulation of plant germination and performance. Numerous studies demonstrated the effectiveness of such treatments for enhancing germination and growth of a large variety of crops, however the molecular basis of seed response to treatments remains elusive. In order to gain an insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying effect of stressors on plant seeds, we estimated changes induced in differential protein expression of the model plant – sunflower (Helianthus annuus). We studied the effects of pre-sowing seed treatment, using vacuum (7 min), radio-frequency EMF (5-15 min) and CP (2-7 min), on germination and growth of the confectionary cultivar “Nyķrségi fekete”. The germination tests were performed both in vitro and in substrate and the obtained results indicated that the treatments with CP and EMF had no effect on germination yield while vacuum and EMF (10 and 15 ...
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-hortorum Cultus, Feb 22, 2019
Sodininkystė ir Daržininkystė, 2009
Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti 1 ir 6 mM koncentracijos kadmio poveikį sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativu... more Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti 1 ir 6 mM koncentracijos kadmio poveikį sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativum L.) fotosintezės intensyvumui ir augimui, atsižvelgiant į žirnių vystymosi tarpsnį. Sėjamieji žirniai buvo sėjami į vegetacinius indus su paruoštu neutralaus rūgštumo durpių substratu (6,0–6,5 pH), o po sudygimo praėjus 10 ir 17 dienų, t. y. lapų vystymosi ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi tarpsniais, veikti skirtingos koncentracijos kadmio tirpalais. Esant 1 mM Cd poveikiui, lapų vystymosi ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi tarpsnio žirnių vidutinis fotosintezės intensyvumo skirtumas nuo kontrolinių augalų yra atitinkamai 11,5 ir 8,2 % (p > 0,05), o esant 6 mM Cd poveikiui, – atitinkamai 29,5 ir 30,7 % (p 0.05) and 29.5 % (p 0.05) and 30.7 % (p < 0.05), respectively. When cadmium impact was strong (6 mM), dry overground biomass of leaf development stage of pea plants was nearly 2 times smaller than this during formation of lateral shoots as compared to reference treatment. Pea plants of leaf development stage were more sensitive to different cadmium impact intensity than these during formation of lateral shootsAplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Tyrimų tikslas – įvertinti įvairių žemės ūkio augalų atsaką į padidėjusius CO2 kiekį bei temperat... more Tyrimų tikslas – įvertinti įvairių žemės ūkio augalų atsaką į padidėjusius CO2 kiekį bei temperatūrą ir patikrinti hipotezę, kad atmosferoje esantis CO2 kiekis yra daugelio žemės ūkio augalų augimą ribojantis veiksnys. Tyrimai atlikti fitotrone kontroliuojamo klimato sąlygomis. Tyrimams pasirinkta septyni žemės ūkio augalai ir piktžolė baltoji balanda (Chenopodium album L.). Tyrimų pabaigoje išmatuota augalų antžeminės dalies sausa biomasė ir nustatyta fotosintetinių pigmentų koncentracija lapuose. Didėjant CO2 kiekiui, iš esmės didėjo ir visų tirtų veislių augalų sausa biomasė, intensyviausias didėjimas nustatytas CO2 esant 700–1500 ppm. Baltosios balandos biomasės pokyčiai buvo maži ir neesminiai, o tai rodo, jog CO2 kiekis atmosferoje nėra šios rūšies augalų augimą ribojantis veiksnys. Kompleksinis CO2 (700 ppm) ir temperatūros (keturiais laipsniais aukštesnė nei dabartinė) poveikis tirtiems augalams skyrėsi priklausomai nuo jų rūšies. Pomidorai bei sojos, kurie esamo klimato sąl...
Aplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta;\_2020...[ more ](;)[](; is one of the major causes for crop loss worldwide. Responses to drought are multiple and consistent. It is well established that drought stress impairs numerous metabolic and physiological processes in plants. It leads to growth reduction, reduction in the content of chlorophyll pigments and water, and changes in fluorescence parameters. The aim of this study was to investigate the response of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of lucerne (Medicago sativa) under partly regulated environment and drought stress effect. Plants were grown in pots filled with a mixture of field soil, perlite and fine sand (volume ratio 5:3:2) in the greenhouse of Vytautas Magnus university in 2020. Drought stress lasted one week, after that plants were left for one week recovery period. Under drought effect grown plants were watered only 50 % of norm during exposure time. Chloro...
Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology
Tetracycline antibiotics are one of the main groups of antibiotics widely used in medicine and a ... more Tetracycline antibiotics are one of the main groups of antibiotics widely used in medicine and a major environmental concern. However, the effects on non-target organisms are not well studied. Thalli of lichens artificially were exposed to high levels tetracycline to determine the impact on physiological parameters (integrity of cell membranes, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency) and oxidative stress response (membrane lipid peroxidation). The results of the experiment showed that exposure affected the lichen membrane damage as indicated by increase in conductivity. The potential photosystem II efficiency (Fv/Fm) was susceptible to the impact of antibiotic. The concentrations of TBARS were markedly increased with increasing concentration of tetracycline. The results of the study supplemented the knowledge on the effects of pollution on organisms, such as veterinary antibiotics, on lichens and provided a better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity.
Sodininkystė ir Daržininkystė, 2008
This study aimed to investigate the impact of different concentrations of nutrients on garden cre... more This study aimed to investigate the impact of different concentrations of nutrients on garden cress resistance to substrate acidity and heavy metal cadmium. Laboratory experiments with Lepidium sativum L. were performed at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Vytautas Magnum University. Garden cress was grown in optimal 23 ± 2 °C temperature on sterile cotton wool flooded with different concentrations of ammonium nitrate (as a fertilizer) and cadmium. There was investigated impact of ammonium nitrate on the garden cress resistance to medium acidity and cadmium. Garden cress was grown on medium with various pH values (6.0 – optimal, 3.5 – acid and 9.0 – alkaline) and with different concentrations of ammonium nitrate, also parallel with 0.05 mM concentration of cadmium. Fertilization decreases negative effect of substrate acidity. In neutral pH 6.0 medium optimal (0.1 mM) ammonium nitrate concentration stimulated seedlings growth about 5 % (p < 0.05), but the highest positive effect of 0.1 mM ammonium nitrate on seedlings growth was in acidified (pH 3.5) medium, where garden cress seedlings height increased about 242 % comparing to the control (p < 0.05). It shows that in acidified substrate fertilization optimum moved to higher concentrations. In acidified medium the effect of fertilization on garden cress resistance to cadmium was positive but statistically not significant.
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Feb 28, 2018
The aim of this work was to investigate the response of physiological parameters of winter wheat ... more The aim of this work was to investigate the response of physiological parameters of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. 'Ada') and pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. 'Early onward') to different levels of salinity stress under changing climate conditions. Experimental plants were grown in growth chambers under the conditions of current climate (400 µmol mol-1 CO 2 and day/night temperatures of 21/14 °C) and warmed climate (800 µmol mol-1 CO 2 and day/night temperatures of 25/18 °C). Under both climate conditions, plants were exposed to 100 mM and 200 mM concentrations of sodium chloride. Exposure to salinity stress was initiated when plants developed the second true leaf or their pair. After salinity treatments, which lasted 2 weeks, the response of photosynthetic and transpiration rates, intracellular content of CO 2 , water use efficiency, II photosystem quantum efficiency rate and photosynthesis performance index were measured. Physiological parameters of pea plants were mostly affected at current climate conditions. The biggest reductions were found in the photosynthetic and the transpiration rate, which decreased by 57.0% and 71.5% under 200 mM effect, respectively. Assessment of intensity of fluctuation of wheat and pea physiological parameters at current climate showed that changes were bigger in pea plants (51.3%) in comparison with wheat (29.3%). While at warmed climate conditions, the changes in physiological parameters of peas and wheat were the opposite: for wheat, they increased and became 52.6%, and for peas, they decreased to 41.1% in comparison with control plants (p < 0.05).
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Mar 16, 2017
The impact of sapropel of Lake Tarosiškis on photosynthesis parameters (content of pigments and c... more The impact of sapropel of Lake Tarosiškis on photosynthesis parameters (content of pigments and chlorophyll a fluorescence) of beans (Vicia faba L.) was investigated in this study. Plants were sown in 1 L volume pots by 5 seeds with light loamy soil and grown in growth chambers. Considering sapropel composition, 2.2, 3.1 and 4 t/ha dry sapropel concentrations were chosen for investigation. Sapropel-affected plants were compared with plants grown in unfertilised soils and soils fertilised with a synthetic fertiliser. On day 14 of the experiment, when the plants reached 2-leaves growth stage (BBCH 12), chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of the investigated plants were measured. Then the plants were grown for another 4 weeks, and at the stem elongation stage (BBCH 31), chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were measured repeatedly and the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids was investigated. The photosystem II efficiency of beans insignificantly increased (p > 0.05) by increasing sapropel concentration in the soil. Photosynthesis performance index increased (r = 0.91; p < 0.05) with increasing sapropel concentration up to 3.1 t/ha at BBCH growth stage 12. The same tendency was observed for the electron transport rate of beans (r = 0.9; p < 0.05) at this growth stage, but at a later stage (BBCH 31) it slightly lowered (r =-0.02; p > 0.05). At BBCH stage 12, the highest non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) value was measured in control beans, while at BBCH stage 31, the opposite trend was noticed (r = 0.86; p < 0.05). At BBCH growth stage 31, an increase in sapropel concentration made the bean chlorophyll content to decrease; however, this decrease was insignificant (r =-0.18, p > 0.05). The changes in the carotenoid content were similar to chlorophyll a+b.
Atliekant šį tyrimą buvo tirtas 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato (pH 4,... more Atliekant šį tyrimą buvo tirtas 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato (pH 4,8) poveikis skirtingų vystymosi tarpsnių sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativum L.) fotosintezės rodikliams. Žirniai buvo sėjami į vegetacinius indus su paruoštu neutralaus rūgštumo durpių substratu. Augalams pasiekus lapų vystymosi (BBCH 14–16) ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi tarpsnius (BBCH 21–23), stebėtas UV-B spinduliuotės ir substrato rūgštumo poveikis. Fotosintezės rodikliai matuoti fotosintezės intensyvumo matavimo įrenginiu LI-6400, o fotosintetiniai pigmentai nustatyti acetono ekstrakte spektrofotometriškai. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis BBCH 14–16 tarpsnio sėjamųjų žirnių tirtiems rodikliams buvo stipresnis nei BBCH 21–23 tarpsnio: pirmuoju atveju vidutinis visų tirtų rodiklių sumažėjimas sudarė 34,2 proc., antruoju – tik 21,8 proc., palyginti su kontrolės augalais. Vystymosi tarpsnio, kaip veiksnio, įtaka buvo statistiškai reikšminga (p 0,05). Sėjamuosius žirnius veikiant kompleksiškai – UV-B spinduliuote ir rūgštinant substratą, BBCH 14–16 tarpsnio augalų bendras tirtų rodiklių sumažėjimas sudarė 46,9 proc., o BBCH 21–23 tarpsnio – 50,9 proc., tačiau vystymosi tarpsnio, kaip veiksnio, įtaka nebuvo statistiškai reikšminga (p > 0,05). Kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis lėmė didesnius sėjamųjų žirnių pažeidimus negu pavienis, BBCH 14–16 tarpsnio žirnių tirti rodikliai sumažėjo labiau (p > 0,05)The aim of this work was to investigate the combined impact of substrate acidity (pH 4.8) and 1 and 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV–B radiation on two growth stage pea (Pisum sativum L.) photosynthetic parameters. The investigated plants were sown in vegetative pots with prepared peat substrate. When the plants were at a leaf development stage (BBCH 14–16) and the stage of formation of lateral shoots (BBCH 21–23) the impact of substrate acidity and UV-B radiation was started. Photosynthetic parameters were measured with portable photosynthesis system LI-6400 and photosynthetic pigments were analyzed in acetone extract using a spectrophotometer on the last (5th) day of the experiments. UV-B radiation effect on the investigated indicators of BBCH 14–16 stage peas were stronger than on BBCH 21–23 stage, when the average decrease of all investigated indicators was 34.2 % compared with the control plants. Meanwhile, the decrease of BBCH 21–23 stage was 21.8 %, and the effect of the growth stage, as a factor, was statistically significant (p 0.05). The combined UV-B radiation and substrate acidity affect the parameters of BBCH stage 14–16 peas decreased by 46.9 %, and those of BBCH 21–23 peas slightly more – by 50.9 %, but the growth stage, as a factor, was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). The combined UV-B radiation and substrate acidity effect resulted in higher losses on peas than single ones, and higher losses (p > 0.05) were detected for BBCH 14–16 stage peasAplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Nov 19, 2022
This study aimed to determine the photosynthetic response of spring oilseed rape to heatwave (HW)... more This study aimed to determine the photosynthetic response of spring oilseed rape to heatwave (HW), drought, nutrient deficiency (N-D) and combined stress. HW and drought acted in a different manner. Under both adequate and deprived soil nutrient conditions, in the presence of adequate water supply, HW up regulated the photosynthetic performance of rape. However, drought-induced stress was highly exacerbated under HW, leading to the incomplete recovery that was additionally impaired by nutrient deficiency.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Nov 21, 2022
Ensuring sustainable agriculture and food security is one of the biggest challenges under changin... more Ensuring sustainable agriculture and food security is one of the biggest challenges under changing climate. The frequency and severity of droughts is increasing as a result of climate change. These extreme events may lead to decreased forage crop productivity and financial incomes. Forage crop productivity strongly depends on plants nitrogen use efficiency which in turn may be affected by changed climate conditions. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of drought on the growth and nitrogen use efficiency of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and festulolium (Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P.Fourn.) at different rates of nitrogen (N) supply (background, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1). Alfalfa and festulolium, grown in a climate-controlled glasshouse, were subjected to short-term drought (7 days) under ambient CO2 (400 ppm) concentration. After the cease of stress, plants were rehydrated and left for 7 days to recover under control conditions. The growth (aboveground and belowground biomass, height), plant N content, nitrogen use efficiency (uptake (NupE), use (NUE) and utilization (NutE)) of both plant species were evaluated. Drought had an adverse effect on N accumulation and N uptake, use and utilization efficiency in alfalfa and festulolium. Additional N supply reduced efficiency of N uptake and use.
This research is funded by the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of... more This research is funded by the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities” measureIn this study there were examined the impact of heat wave (HW, 21 vs. 33 ºC) and drought both as single stressors and their combined treatment in ambient and future elevated CO2 concentrations (400 and 800 μmol mol-1, accordingly) on summer rape (Brassica napus L., var. ‘Fenja’) as well as the recovery capacity following stress and possible mitigation effect of elevated CO2. The experiment was conducted in closed-top growth chambers under controlled environment. Two thirds of pot-grown seedlings growing under two soil water conditions (i.e. well-watered and drought-stressed) were assigned to HW or HW with elevated CO2 (HWC) treatments at 13 BBCH growth stage for 7 days. All the drought-stressed seedlings were then rehydrated upon relief of HW and left for 7 days under ambient climate (AC) conditions to recover. Growth parameters: leaf area (LA), shoot and root dry weight (DW) and root to shoot DW ratio were measured after the treatments and the recovery period. Opposite than expected, HW and HWC, especially, did not reduced, but markedly increased LA shoot shoot DW, but had no impact on root DW and in turn significantly reduced root/shoot DW. Drought as single stressor had no impact on growth of summer rape under AC conditions, however significantly decreased all the measured growth parameters under HW conditions. Under the HWC conditions, seedlings also underwent a greater degree of stress than under the single drought treatment, although to a considerably lower extent. After the 7-day recovery period under AC conditions, seedlings grown under single HW and HWC treatments have had still higher LA and shoot DW, while root DW was greater only under HWC conditions. All the measured growth parameters of drought-stressed plants grown under HWC conditions did not differ significantly from that grown under AC conditions, while LA and root DW of drought-stressed plants grown under HW conditions. [...]Aplinkotyros katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Biologija, Oct 29, 2014
One of the most toxic metals is cadmium, which inputs include those from commercial fertilizers, ... more One of the most toxic metals is cadmium, which inputs include those from commercial fertilizers, sewage sludge and other wastes used as soil amendments and also atmospheric deposition. The aim of this experiment was to study the dynamics of photosynthetic parameters of bean (Phaseolus vul garis L.) and broad bean (Vicia fabo L.) under strong cadmium stress effect. Plants were sown in a neutral (pH 6.0-6.5) peat substrate, when 2nd true leaf unfolded, growth substrate was watered with 6 mM concentration CdSO 4 solution. Gas exchange parameters (photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tn), intercellular CO 2 concentration (Ci) and water use efficiency (WUE)) were measured every day with portable photosynthesis system LI-6400. Content of photosynthetic pigments was analyzed in acetone extract using a spectrophotometer on the last 5th day of the experiment. On the first day of treatment the Pn of Cd treated P. vulgaris plants decreased only by 4.3% and statistically insignificant, while Pn of V. fabo decreased by 35.9% (p < 0.05). Pn of P. vulgaris was decreasing till 3rd day after treatment, when it was 96% (p < 0.05) lower compared to reference treatment. On the contrary, the lowest Pn of Cd treated V. fabo plants was on the first day and it started to increase from the second day till the last one. WUE of Cd treated P. vulgaris was decreasing till the third day too and it improved a little on the last one, but still it was 54% (p < 0.05) lower compared to the re ference. While WUE of V. fabo increased by 23% (p < 0.05) and 16% (p > 0.05) on the first and the last day after Cd treatment, respectively compared to the reference. The changes, detected on the last day of the experiment, of chorophyll a and b ratio were different too, i. e. for P. vulgaris it decreased by 5.7% (p > 0.05), and for V. fabo-increased by 1.4% (p > 0.05) compared to the reference. Also decrease of dry biomass of P. vulgaris was greater than that of V. fabo.