Twisted Space - Pg48 by Vederick on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Like most Deviants I follow a lot of folks on the site and several have their own comics that I like to read. Before I started my own I used to wonder why when a Deviant had such a project - that so many vistitors were interested and invested in - that they could go so long without updating it.

Don't get me wrong: I already knew and understood that sometimes things just happen or you get busy/tired or whatever; it was only when they would continue to upload other things that it would occasionally irk me, like "If you DO have time to draw then why not draw the comic I like so much?" :eager:

Now that I'm the one drawing the comics I think I finally get it, or at least a possible reason for it: you - will - get - SICK of a comic if you can't take a gosh-darned BREAK.

It is so weird: It's not that I "hate" Twisted Space (or D.W.) - not at all; the complete opposite, really...but at the same time it's sort of like your eating your favorite food: having it now and again or even on a regular basis (like you treat yourself with it every week/month, or something) is fine, but if it were your ONLY meal for breakfast/lunch/dinner every day it'd drive you INSANE. :no:

So now, as much as I'd still like to see the next pages in the stories of my favorite Deviants as soon a possible, I'm willing to be a lot more patient. :nod:

...on a completely unrelated note: Thank YOU for your patience. =D
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